ENVS813 Numerical Modelling for Environmental Scientists and Engineers

ENVS813 Numerical Modelling for
Environmental Scientists and Engineers
Instructor: Andrew Ireson, andrew.ireson@usask.ca
Purpose: Mathematical models provide us with a systematic way
to interpret observations, test hypotheses and make predictions
about how the natural environment will respond to change. This
practical course provide graduate students with a set of
modelling skills that can be readily adapted to problems they
may face in their research and careers in general.
What we do: Models are developed in MATLAB and applied to a
range of hydrological and hydrogeological problems. We perform
lab experiments and try to simulate the results using models
We talk about the realities of field observations, subject to high
levels of uncertainty. We cover numerical methods in an applied
intuitive way.
Prerequisites: Students are welcomed onto this course from a
range of backgrounds. You should primarily be interested in
modelling. You should have a reasonably strong math and
computing background. You should have experience with and
understanding of hydrological/hydrogeological processes.