2016 SPRING NARRATIVE ulm.edu General Information 2016 Spring Registration Dates & Calendar ........................................... 3 Campus Directory/Where to Go for Help................................................. 9 Directory of Academic Offices ............................................................... 10 Family Educational Privacy Act ............................................................. 12 Course Load.......................................................................................... 12 Changing Catalogs................................................................................ 13 Resigning from the University ............................................................... 13 Special-Needs Students Registration.................................................... 13 Admissions Registration Requirements .................................................................... 14 Undergraduate Admissions Requirements............................................ 14 Graduate Admissions Requirements..................................................... 17 Applying for Admission Online .............................................................. 17 Programs for High School Students ...................................................... 18 Collegiate Program Dual Enrollment Program Student’s Academic Responsibility ....................................................... 19 Undeclared Majors ................................................................................ 19 Out-of-State Fee Waivers or Louisiana Residency ............................... 20 Web Registration Web Access on Campus..............................................................30 Registration and Course Information Course Auditing ...........................................................................30 Obtaining Unlisted Call Numbers .................................................30 Placement Test Information for Development Courses ............................................................30 Guide to Building Abbreviations ...................................................32 Exam Schedule 2015 Wintersession Final Exams .................................................33 2016 Spring Final Exams .............................................................34 Graduation Information Applying for Graduation ...............................................................35 University Services Career Connections .....................................................................35 Motor Vehicle Registration ...........................................................35 Special Needs Parking Procedure ...............................................36 ULM ID Cards ..............................................................................36 Tuition, Fees & Financial Aid Information Student Fees/Tuition ............................................................................. 20 ULM Warhawk Express ...............................................................36 University Bookstore ....................................................................37 including related refund policy Special Notes to Students Regarding Fee Bills ..................................... 21 Fees: 2016 Spring Fees ............................................................................. 22 Course Listings eULM Fees ...................................................................................... 23 Searchable Course Offerings .......................................................37 Other Fees ....................................................................................... 24 Billing and Payment Information............................................................ 24 Related Links Residential Life Information ................................................................... 25 About this Publication ..................................................................37 Living on Campus Contact Information......................................................................37 Special Needs Housing Procedure ....................................................... 25 Meal Plans/Campus Dining Services .................................................... 26 Aramark – www.ulmdining.com Financial Aid.......................................................................................... 27 including related refund information Refund Authorization Agreement Form for Automatic Deposit ............................................................................ 28 Online/Deferred Payment Plan.............................................................. 29 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 2 REGISTRATION DATES AND CALENDAR 2 0 1 6 S P RI NG N AR R AT I V E 2016 SPRING REGISTRATION DATES AND CALENDAR 2016 SPRING REGISTRATION SEQUENCE Special Groups Graduates, Seniors and Professional Pharmacy Freshmen Sophomores and Juniors All eligible students Wednesday, November 11 – Thursday, November 12 Monday, November 16 Tuesday, November 17 Wednesday, November 18 Thursday, November 19 – Monday, January 11 Tuesday, January 12 ends at 3:30 p.m. NOTE: The following students must submit a new application for admission and pay an application fee: 1. Students who have graduated and plan to re-enroll. 2. A student’s application and fee are valid for only the term selected on the application or the following semester when a term request for is submitted (www.ulm.edu/admissions/ - attending or enrolling in one or both summer sessions is considered participation in a term. 3. Any student attending another institution since their last ULM enrollment. ***Regular Wintersession Registration ends December 7*** SPRING PART-OF-TERM DATES DEFINED: 1 DS F P S W Full Term Dual Enrollment First Half Term Pharmacy Rotation Second Half Term Wintersession January 19 – May 13 January 19 – May 31 January 19 – March 11 November 2 – April 29 March 14 – May 13 December 14 – January 15 NOVEMBER - 2015 11 Monday 13 Friday Final date for making application for comprehensive examinations and application for degree for May Commencement. 13 Friday Financial Aid priority deadline for Spring 2016: In order for your Spring fee bill to be paid on time, ALL requested information must be SUBMITTED and PROCESSED by the Financial Aid Office. Please Note: Processing can take up to 2 weeks. 13 Friday All completed financial aid appeals must be received in order to be awarded by January 12th. Incomplete appeals will not be reviewed. Any appeals submitted after this date will need to make alternate payment arrangements for Spring 2016. 25 Wednesday SUB, C-store close at 2:00 p.m.; Schulze closes at 5:00 p.m. 30 Monday Fall Textbook Buyback begins November 30 – December 11. Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Saturday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Closed on Sunday. All campus dining facilities open regular hours. 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE Spring registration begins at 6:00 a.m. according to student academic classification and continues through 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, January 12. (https://banner.ulm.edu). PAGE 3 NOVEMBER – 2015 26-28 Thursday-Saturday All food services closed 29 Sunday Schulze open from 2:00p.m. – 7:00 p.m. 29 Sunday First-Time Freshmen, Transfers and International Transfers: Priority deadline for applying for the Spring semester. Submit applications and credentials (application fee, test scores and transcripts) by this date. If the application or any of the credentials is received after this date, an admissions decision is not guaranteed before the start of the semester, and the student may be subject to late registration, late fees, and may be denied financial aid and/or scholarships for that semester. 7 Monday Purchase of Wintersession textbooks begins at University Bookstore (https://ulmbookstore.com). Warhawk Express not available for Wintersession. 7 Monday Wintersession BANNER registration closes at 3:30 p.m. If you wait to register on the last day of Web registration, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to register in your required/preferred classes. A $100 late fee will be charged to students who register during the Late Registration period. 8 Tuesday Deadline to pay tuition and fees for Wintersession registration. Students who pay tuition and fees on or before the December 8 deadline at 3:30 p.m. will avoid a non-refundable late fee of $50. DECEMBER – 2015 OPTIONS FOR MAKING PAYMENT FOR REGULAR REGISTRATION: Students must obtain bill on BANNER under Account Summary (https://banner.ulm.edu). Payment (cash, check or money order) at La Capitol Federal Credit Union on Northeast Drive or payment (web check or credit card) on BANNER under Account Summary by 3:30 p.m. 8-15 Tuesday - Tuesday Wintersession Late Registration and Add/Drop of classes on BANNER ends on December 15 at 3:30 p.m. A non-refundable fee of $100 will be assessed to students who register during the Late Registration period. The payment deadline is on December 15 before 3:30 p.m. at La Capitol Federal Credit Union on Northeast Drive or on BANNER (https://banner.ulm.edu) under Account Summary. Students who pay tuition and fees on or before the December 15 deadline at 3:30 p.m. will avoid their classes being dropped for non-payment. 11 Friday Last Day for Textbook Buyback. 11 Friday SUB and Schulze open 7:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 12 Saturday 12-13 Saturday – Sunday 13 Sunday Residence halls close at 12:00 noon for the for graduating students. 14 Monday Residence halls open at 11:00 a.m. for paid Wintersession students. Students must register for classes and pay all fees before checking into a residence hall. 14 Monday Wintersession classes begin. 14-18 Monday - Friday 15 Tuesday Residence halls close at 12:00 noon for the Winter Break for non-graduating students. Students approved to stay during the Winter Break must be registered with Residential Life. Campus dining closed. SUB open for Wintersession - limited menu from 7:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Last day to add a Wintersession course. NOTE: If course load is reduced after this date, a refund is not applicable. A partial refund applies only for resignation. A “W” grade will be issued for courses dropped after this date, and course(s) will remain on the student’s schedule for fee calculation purposes. 15 Tuesday Deadline to pay tuition and fees for Wintersession registration. Students who pay tuition and fees on or before the December 15 deadline at 3:30 p.m. will avoid their classes being dropped for non-payment. OPTIONS FOR MAKING PAYMENT FOR REGULAR REGISTRATION: Students must obtain bill on BANNER under Account Summary (https://banner.ulm.edu). Payment (cash, check or money order) at La Capitol Federal Credit Union on Northeast Drive or payment (web check or credit card) on BANNER under Account Summary by 3:30 p.m. 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 4 DECEMBER – 2015 18 Friday Last date for full refund on Wintersession textbooks. 21 - Jan. 1 Monday-Friday 23 Wednesday 24 – Jan.1 Thursday-Friday 4 Monday Wintersession classes resume. 4 Monday All University offices open at 7:30 a.m. 4-15 Monday - Friday 4 Tuesday Final date for dropping courses or resigning from the University for Wintersession; a “W” grade will be issued. 4 Monday Readmits, Visiting and SNAP Students: Priority application deadline for Spring semester. Submit application and credentials (application fee, tests scores and transcripts) by this date. If the application or any of the credentials is received after this date, an admissions decision is not guaranteed before the start of the semester, and the student may be subject to late registration, late fees, and may be denied financial aid and/or scholarships. 8 Friday Spring textbooks available (www.ulmstore.com). Warhawk Express not available for use until January 14. 10 Sunday Last date to add vehicle registration and Warhawk Express online to student account through https://banner.ulm.edu. 11-15 Monday-Friday 12 Tuesday Spring BANNER registration closes at 3:30 p.m. If you wait to register on the last day of Web registration, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to register in your required/preferred classes. A $100 late fee will be charged to students who register during the Late Registration period. 12 Tuesday Deadline to pay tuition and fees for Spring regular registration. Students who pay tuition and fees on or before the January 12 deadline at 3:30 p.m. will avoid their classes being dropped for non-payment. University offices closed. SUB closes at 2:00 p.m. and will reopen January 2. Wintersession classes dismissed for holiday. Campus dining services will be closed. JANUARY – 2016 SUB open for Wintersession – limited menu, 7:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Faculty Development activities. OPTIONS FOR MAKING PAYMENT FOR REGULAR REGISTRATION: Students must obtain bill on BANNER under Account Summary (https://banner.ulm.edu). 13-22 Wednesday-Friday Payment (cash, check or money order) at La Capitol Federal Credit Union on Northeast Drive or payment (web check or credit card) on BANNER under Account Summary by 3:30 p.m. Spring Late Registration and Add/Drop of classes on BANNER ends on January 22 at 11:30 a.m. A nonrefundable fee of $100 will be assessed to students who register during the Late Registration period. The payment deadline is on January 22 before 3:30 p.m. at La Capitol Federal Credit Union on Northeast Drive or on BANNER (https://banner.ulm.edu) under Account Summary. Students who pay tuition and fees on or before the January 22 deadline at 3:30 p.m. will avoid their classes being dropped for non-payment. 14 Thursday Warhawk Express available for Spring textbooks. University Bookstore Hours 7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. 14 Thursday Scholarship appeal application deadline. 15 15-16 Friday Friday-Saturday 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE Final exam date for Wintersession courses. Residence Halls open. All students must be registered for classes and all fees must be paid before checking into a residence hall. Check-in is from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Friday and Saturday. Check-in will be in the Residence Life Office on both days. PAGE 5 JANUARY - 2016 15-17 Friday - Sunday SUB open 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. 16-17 Saturday-Sunday University Bookstore opens (Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.; and Sunday, 12:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m.). SUB open 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. 18 Monday Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday. All University offices and food services closed. 19 Tuesday Spring full-term and 1st 8-week classes begin. 19 Tuesday All University food services open regular hours. University offices reopen at 7:30 a.m. 19-22 Tuesday-Friday 19 Monday 20 Wednesday University Bookstore is open Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Final grades for Wintersession courses due online before 3:00 p.m. Last date to add a 1st 8-week course NOTE: If course load is reduced after this date, a refund is not applicable. A partial refund applies only for resignation. “W” grade will be issued for courses dropped after this date and course(s) will remain on the student’s schedule for fee calculation purposes. 22 Friday Last date to make meal plan changes at the WIDS (Warhawk ID Services) Office. 22 Friday Last date to add a Spring full-term course (ends at 11:30 a.m.) NOTE: If course load is reduced after this date, a refund is not applicable. A partial refund applies only for resignation. “W” grade will be issued for courses dropped after this date and course(s) will remain on the student’s schedule for fee calculation purposes. 22 Friday Deadline to pay tuition and fees for Spring Full-Term registration. Fee payment deadline also for students who made schedule changes, added housing or meals or any other additions that resulted in an increase in tuition and/or fees. Students who pay tuition and fees on or before the January 22 deadline at 3:30 p.m. will avoid having their classes dropped for non-payment. OPTIONS FOR MAKING PAYMENT FOR REGULAR REGISTRATION: Students must obtain bill on BANNER under Account Summary https://banner.ulm.edu. Payment (cash, check or money order) at La Capitol Federal Credit Union on Northeast Drive or payment (web check or credit card) on BANNER under Account Summary by 3:30 p.m. No course changes (add/drops) will be available on BANNER or through the Registrar’s Office on Friday, January 22 after 11:30 a.m. until financial aid processing is completed. The drop function will be available Saturday, January 23. 22 Friday 27 Wednesday 29 Friday Refunds available through HigherOne. NOTE: To receive Pell, a student must be enrolled in one (1) hour. To receive loans, a student must be enrolled in six (6) hours. 5 Friday Final date for resigning with a partial refund upon resignation. 5 Friday Deadline for submitting financial aid appeals for 2016 Spring. 5 Friday SUB closes at 2:00 p.m. and Schulze closes at 5:00 p.m. 6-9 8-9 Saturday-Tuesday Monday-Tuesday Last date for textbook refunds. FEBRUARY - 2016 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE Mardi Gras Holiday: campus dining services closed. All University offices closed for Mardi Gras Holiday. University offices re-open at 7:30 a.m. on Wednesday, February 10. PAGE 6 FEBRUARY - 2016 8-10 Monday-Wednesday Mardi Gras Holidays for students. 10 Wednesday Schulze open 2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. 11 Thursday 15-17 Monday-Wednesday 17 Friday Final date for removing “I” grades. 19 Friday Final date for dropping courses or resigning from the University for 1st 8-week session; a “W” grade will be issued. 2-11 Wednesday-Friday 11 Friday Final exams for 1st 8-week courses. 11 Friday Final date for filing field study, thesis, or dissertation with Graduate Advisory Committee. 14 Monday 14-18 Monday-Friday 14 Monday Final grades for 1st 8-week courses due online before 3:00 p.m. 15 Tuesday Last date to add a 2nd 8-week course (ends at 3:30 p.m.) Classes resume, 8:00 a.m. – all University offices open. All food services open regular hours. Mid-Term grading for 1st 8-week courses; grading ends on Wednesday, February 17, at 3:00 p.m. MARCH - 2016 Mid-Term grading for Spring full-term classes. Grading ends at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, March 11. Classes begin for 2nd 8-week session. Preliminary examinations for doctoral students. NOTE: If course load is reduced after this date, a refund is not applicable. A partial refund applies only for resignation. “W” grade will be issued for courses dropped after this date and course(s) will remain on the student’s schedule for fee calculation purposes. 15 Tuesday Deadline to pay tuition and fees for 2nd 8-week registration. Fee payment deadline also for students who made schedule changes, added housing or meals or any other additions that resulted in an increase in tuition and/or fees. Students who pay tuition and fees on or before the March 15 deadline at 3:30 p.m. will avoid having their classes dropped for non-payment. OPTIONS FOR MAKING PAYMENT FOR REGULAR REGISTRATION: Students must obtain bill on BANNER under Account Summary https://banner.ulm.edu. Payment (cash, check or money order) at La Capitol Federal Credit Union on Northeast Drive or payment (web check or credit card) on BANNER under Account Summary by 3:30 p.m. 16 Wednesday Financial Aid adjusted based on new enrollment status for students who have added/dropped courses. 24 Thursday 24- April 2 Thursday–Saturday 25-28 Friday-Monday 25-April 1 Friday-Friday 29 Tuesday 3 Sunday Schulze open 2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. 4 Monday Classes resume, 8:00 a.m. – all University offices open. All food services open regular hours. Final date for filing field study, thesis, or dissertation with Graduate School. SUB closes at 2:00 p.m. and Schulze closes at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 24 for spring holidays and will stay closed until Saturday, April 2. All University offices closed for spring holidays. Spring Holiday All University offices re-open at 7:30 a.m. APRIL - 2016 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 7 APRIL - 2016 4-8 Monday - Friday Comprehensive examinations for graduate students. 5 Monday 11-13 Monday-Wednesday 15 Friday Final date for making application for comprehensive examination and application for August 2016 degree conferral. 22 Friday Final date for dropping courses or resigning from the University for 2nd 8-week session; a “W” grade will be issued. 2 Monday 2-5 Monday-Friday 9 Monday 9,10 Monday, Tuesday 11 Wednesday 12,13 Thursday, Friday 13 Friday SUB and Schulze close at 2:00 p.m. 13 Friday Final examination for 2nd 8-week courses. 13 Friday Spring textbook buyback ends 14 Saturday Students must check-out of residence halls by 12:00 p.m. 14 Saturday Commencement, 10:00 a.m. 15 Sunday Graduating students must check-out of residence halls by 12:00 p.m. 16 Monday Grades must be entered online by faculty before 3:00 p.m. Final date for dropping a Spring full-term course or resigning from the University - "W" grades issued. Drop dates for short-courses may vary. First day Warhawk Express may be refunded. Mid-term grading for 2nd 8-week courses; Grading ends at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 13. MAY - 2016 NOTE: Textbook buyback begins. Monday through Friday - 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Saturday – 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Sunday – Closed Final exams for graduating students Graduating student’s grades due online before 3:00 p.m. for full semester and 2nd 8-week classes Final examinations Student Study Day – no examinations scheduled. Final examinations Either some or all dining and residence halls may be closed during holiday periods when classes are not in session. Schedules will be published in advance of each holiday period. 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 8 Admissions/Readmissions (Undergraduate Students) – University Library 202 ...................................... 342-5430 or 1-800-372-5127 Beginning Freshmen: Pre-Registration Auxiliary Enterprises – Student Center 255 ............................................................................................................................... 342-5242 Career Connections & Experiential Education (ULM Graduates) – University Library 314..................................................... 342-5338 Clarke M. Williams Student Success Center............................................................................................................................. 342-3667 Counseling Center ...................................................................................................................................................................... 342-5220 Personal, Vocational and Academic Counseling Students with Special Needs Extended Learning/Quality Enhancement – University Library 109 .......................................................................................... 342-1030 Continuing Education Direct Deposit – Coenen Hall 102 ............................................................................................................................................... 342-5116 Financial Aid - University Library 228 .......................................................................................................................................... 342-5320 Grants Loans Student Employment Graduate School – Hanna Hall 241 ............................................................................................................................................. 342-5257 International Student Advisor – University Library 201-D ......................................................................................................... 342-5225 La Capital Federal Credit Union – University Commons II ......................................................................................................... 342-5136 Long Distance Calling (from residence hall) – Telephone Operator ........................................................................................ 342-5555 La Capitol Federal Credit Union – University Commons II ................................................................................................................. 3425136 .......................................................................................................................................................................................Pay fees/fines Pay Fees/Fines Warhawk Express: to add money to your account via cash/credit card Placement Exams ........................................................................................................................................................................ 342-5430 P.O. Boxes – Post Office, Student Union Building 115 ................................................................................................................ 342-5005 Registrar’s Office – University Library 302 .................................................................................................................................. 342-5262 Banner Questions Registration Student Records Transcripts Veterans Affairs ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3425223 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Residential Life (housing) – University Commons II .................................................................................................................. 342-5240 Scholarships/TOPS – University Library 201-D........................................................................................................................... 342-5321 Student Account Services – Coenen Hall 102 ........................................................................................................................... 342-5116 Billing Information Warhawk Express: to add money to your account via financial aid Student Health Services – 1140 University Avenue ................................................................................................................... 342-1651 Student Insurance – Student Center 239 .................................................................................................................................... 342-5230 Student Life and Leadership – Student Union Building 145 ....................................................................................................... 342-5287 University Bookstore – Hanna Hall, 1st floor .......................................................................................................... 342-1992 or 342-1982 University Computing Center Helpdesk .................................................................................................................................... 342-3333 Warhawk ID Services – University Commons II .......................................................................................................................... 342-5002 Clickers Meal Plans Student ID’s Voter Registration Warhawk Express 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 9 College of Arts, Education and Sciences, Dean, Walker Hall 1-45 ................................................................................342-1235 College of Arts, Education and Sciences, Associate Dean, Walker Hall 1-64 ..............................................................342-1242 School of Education, Director, Walker Hall 2-37 .........................................................................................................342-1266 Assessment and Accreditation, Walker Hall 1-45 ........................................................................................................342-1257 Curriculum and Instruction, Walker Hall 2-37 ..............................................................................................................342-1266 eTeach/Teacher Initiatives, Walker Hall 2-33 ..............................................................................................................342-1250 Teacher Certification, Walker Hall 1-64 .......................................................................................................................342-1260 School of Humanities, Director, Walker Hall 3-125 .....................................................................................................342-1485 Communications, Walker Hall 2-112 ...........................................................................................................................342-1165 English, Walker Hall 3-125 ..........................................................................................................................................342-1485 Write Place Center, Walker Hall 3-87 .....................................................................................................................342-1485 History, Walker Hall 2-66 .............................................................................................................................................342-1542 Military Science, Brown Stadium .................................................................................................................................342-1553 World Languages, Walker Hall 3-125 ..........................................................................................................................342-1525 School of Sciences, Director, Chemistry & Natural Science Bldg. 310 .....................................................................342-1766 Atmospheric Sciences, Chemistry & Natural Science Bldg. 310 .................................................................................342-1766 Biology, Chemistry & Natural Science Bldg. 310 .........................................................................................................342-1766 Chemistry, Chemistry & Natural Science Bldg. 310.....................................................................................................342-1766 Geography, Chemistry & Natural Science Bldg. 310 ...................................................................................................342-1766 Geology, Chemistry & Natural Science Bldg. 310 .......................................................................................................342-1766 Mathematics, Chemistry & Natural Science Bldg. 310 ................................................................................................342-1766 Physics, Chemistry & Natural Science Bldg. 310 ........................................................................................................342-1766 School of Visual and Performing Arts, Director, Biedenharn Hall 105 ......................................................................342-3811 Art, Bry Hall 113 ..........................................................................................................................................................342-1376 Dance, Brown Annex 116 ............................................................................................................................................342-1312 Music, Biedenharn Hall 105 .........................................................................................................................................342-3811 College of Business and Social Sciences, Dean, Hemphill Hall 101 .............................................................................342-1100 School of Accounting, Financial and Information Services, Director, Hemphill Hall 305 .......................................342-1111 Accounting, Hemphill Hall 305 .....................................................................................................................................342-1111 Computer Information Systems, Hemphill Hall 347 .....................................................................................................342-1146 Computer Science, Hemphill Hall 345 .........................................................................................................................342-1855 Finance, Hemphill Hall 151 ..........................................................................................................................................342-1167 School of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Director, Stubbs Hall 123 ......................................................................342-1551 Criminal Justice, Strauss Hall 208 ...............................................................................................................................342-1440 Political Science and Sociology, Strauss Hall 208 .......................................................................................................342-1551 Psychology, Strauss Hall 307 ......................................................................................................................................342-1345 Social Work, Strauss Hall 208 .....................................................................................................................................342-1551 School of Management, Director, Hemphill Hall 305 ..................................................................................................342-1154 Agribusiness, Hemphill Hall 157 ..................................................................................................................................342-1768 Aviation, Hemphill Hall 142 ..........................................................................................................................................342-1784 Construction Management, Construction Building 115 ................................................................................................342-1871 Organizational Leadership, Hemphill Hall 100 .............................................................................................................342-1100 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 10 General Business, Hemphill Hall 305 ..........................................................................................................................342-1154 Management, Hemphill Hall 158..................................................................................................................................342-1117 Marketing, Hemphill Hall 305 .......................................................................................................................................342-1154 Risk Management and Insurance, Hemphill Hall 309 ..................................................................................................342-1157 College of Health and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dean, Pharmacy Bienville 102 ........................................................342-1600 College of Health and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Dean, Sugar Hall 151 .....................................................342-1655 School of Health Professions, Director, Brown Hall 102 ............................................................................................342-1306 Counseling, Strauss Hall 362 ......................................................................................................................................342-1246 Dental Hygiene, Caldwell Hall 210 ..............................................................................................................................342-1621 Gerontology, Stubbs Hall 102 ......................................................................................................................................342-1465 Health Studies, Sugar Hall 156....................................................................................................................................342-1622 Kinesiology, Brown Hall 102 ........................................................................................................................................342-1306 Human Performance Laboratory, Brown Hall 137 ..................................................................................................342-1310 Marriage and Family Therapy, Strauss Hall 306..........................................................................................................342-1246 Medical Laboratory Science, Kitty Degree Hall 321D .................................................................................................342-1633 Occupational Therapy, Caldwell Hall 111 ....................................................................................................................342-1610 Radiologic Technology, Kitty Degree Hall 321E ..........................................................................................................342-1628 Speech-Language Pathology, Sugar Hall 152 .............................................................................................................342-1392 School of Nursing, Director, Kitty Degree Hall 124 .....................................................................................................342-1640 School of Pharmacy, Director, Pharmacy Bienville 102 .............................................................................................342-1600 Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacy Bienville 354 ...........................................................................................342-1690 Clinical and Administrative Sciences, Pharmacy Bienville 223 ....................................................................................342-1712 Office of Student and Professional Affairs, Pharmacy Bienville 176 ............................................................................342-3800 Toxicology, Sugar Hall 256 ..........................................................................................................................................342-1695 eULM, Director, Walker Hall 1-34 ......................................................................................................................................342-3501 Extended Learning/Quality Enhancement, Director, University Library 109 ................................................................342-1030 Graduate School, Director, Hanna Hall 241 .....................................................................................................................342-1036 Student Success Center, Director, Clarke M. Williams Student Success Center .........................................................342-3667 Academic Advisors, Clarke M. Williams Student Success Center ............................................................................342-3667 Advising, Clarke M. Williams Student Success Center ..............................................................................................342-3667 College of Health and Pharmaceutical Sciences majors (pre-professional) Education majors (freshmen and sophomores) General Studies Undeclared majors All eULM undergraduate majors 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 11 The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, includes various provisions for the protection and privacy of students and parents. Among these provisions is the requirement that educational institutions permit currently-enrolled students to restrict the release of directory information. The University of Louisiana at Monroe defines directory information as the following facts about a student: name, address, telephone number, awards and scholarships received, date and place of birth, dates of attendance, degrees and dates received, current class schedule (released to ULM, local, state and federal law enforcement agencies only), classification, college and curriculum, e-mail address, full- and part-time status, President’s and other honors lists, most recent previously-attended educational agency or institution (including high school), participation in recognized activities and sports, photographs (released to ULM, local, state and federal law enforcement agencies only), and weight and height of members of athletic teams. Directory information may be released by the University unless the student officially notifies the university that such items should not be released. Students should be aware that their names, classifications, and colleges are listed on the Internet by The University of Louisiana at Monroe. If a student wishes to request that directory information not be released, listed on the Internet, or published in The University of Louisiana at Monroe Directory, he or she must complete a “Withholding of Directory Information” form in the Office of the Registrar. This form must be completed no later than the second week of classes. Once requested, this restriction will remain in effect until the student requests that it be removed. Only currently-enrolled students may place a hold on the release of directory information. For further information, contact the Office of the Registrar located in University Library 302 or call (318) 342-5262. UNDERGRADUATE COURSE LOAD ULM schedules courses in three terms during the academic year: fall (16 weeks), spring (16 weeks), and summer (ten weeks). Each term may include course offerings within shorter parts of terms, including first eight-week sessions, second eight-week sessions, intersessions (three weeks), Summer I sessions (four weeks), and Summer II sessions (four weeks). Students are not normally allowed to take more than 18 semester hours during a term or more than six semester hours in any part-of term less than ten weeks. Under special circumstances, students with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.25 may request an extension of this limit to 21 semester hours through the Registrar’s Office. Other students with special circumstances may request a similar extension through their dean’s office. Undergraduate students registered for six or more hours of student teaching are limited to 15 semester hours in a term except as approved by the Dean of the College of Arts, Education and Sciences. Undergraduate students who schedule 12 or more semester hours for credit during a term are considered full-time students. Audited courses are excluded from these totals. Because other agencies may define full-time status differently, students who receive any type of financial aid (including aid awarded by the Veterans Administration or other agencies) are encouraged to contact the respective agency to determine the number of semester hours required to receive that aid. GRADUATE COURSE LOAD A full-time graduate student may schedule from nine to eighteen semester hours during a regular semester. A full-time graduate student in the College of Health and Pharmaceutical Sciences may schedule from 12 to 18 semester hours during a regular semester. A part-time student may schedule limited course work depending upon the time which can be devoted to graduate study. A graduate student who has a graduate assistantship or a graduate work-study position must have the approval of the major professor and be enrolled in a minimum of nine credit hours towards degree completion. The Director of the Graduate School must approve a student’s request to allow them to enroll in a course load exceeding 12 semester hours during a regular semester. The maximum course load for a student registered for graduate study during any single summer session is seven semester hours; the minimum for a full-time student is three semester hours. 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 12 YOU MUST CHANGE CATALOGS WHEN YOU: 1. Change your major 2. Apply for admission or readmission 3. Gain admittance to a professional program After enrolling in classes on the Web, a student who wants to resign from the University must take the following action: Drop to “0” hours on-line on the dates and times specified in the Registration Schedule calendar or notify the Registrar’s Office: Location: ULIB 302, University Library Phone Number: 318-342-5262 Fax: 318-342-5274 PLEASE NOTE: If you received financial aid and are resigning from the University, it is important that you contact your financial aid counselor to discuss how this resignation will affect your current and future financial aid. For more information about the withdrawal policy, please review the following web address: http://finaid.ulm.edu/studentinfo.html TO CANCEL HOUSING, CONTACT OFFICE OF RESIDENTIAL LIFE: Location: University Commons II Phone Number: 318-342-5240 Website: http://ulm.edu/reslife/ Fax: 318-342-3507 (Fax must include student’s signature, CWID and phone number) TO CANCEL MEAL PLANS, CONTACT WARHAWK ID SERVICES: Location: University Commons II Phone Number: 318-342-5002 Website: http://ulm.edu/warhawkcard/ Email: idcard@ulm.edu PLEASE NOTE: Discontinuing class attendance is not considered to be a formal resignation from the university. Students who discontinue class attendance and who fail to follow the established resignation procedure will be held responsible for all tuition and fees and will be graded at the end of the semester. The University of Louisiana at Monroe seeks to follow guidelines set forth in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Section 504 and the ADA help to guarantee non-discriminatory practices for those individuals who qualify as having special needs. Those who anticipate difficulty with the registration process outlined in this notice should seek assistance through the Counseling Center at 342-5220. Students with qualified special needs who anticipate requesting reasonable accommodations are recommended to notify the Counseling Center (342-5220) of their disability preferably before the beginning of the academic term, or no later than the third day of classes for that semester. If a disability develops during the academic term for which the accommodations are requested, the student is recommended to notify the Counseling Center as soon as they become aware of the disability. The Counseling Center will provide coordination with all divisions of the University in responding to these requests. 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 13 A student can register if he or she has: a ULM attendance record from the previous term and has not graduated OR been admitted to ULM for the current semester or summer term AND has satisfied campus housing requirements, and cleared all prior indebtedness to the University, and satisfied the pre-registration advisement requirements, which includes all graduate and undergraduate students (All students with undeclared majors (LUIO) must report to the Student Success Center Office Clarke M. Williams Student Success Center), and satisfied state immunization compliance law (two MMR, Meningococcal, and a Tetanus/Diphtheria shot within last 10 years or sign exemption statement); required of new ULM students born after 1956. *A “term” is defined as either a semester or two summer sessions. Attending or applying for one of both summer sessions is considered participation in a term. FIRST-TIME FRESHMAN REQUIREMENTS To be eligible for immediate admission, a first-time freshman student must: Complete the Regents Core: 19 units (from Core 4 Curriculum). Those courses in the English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Foreign Language and Arts* categories in the Core 4 Curriculum listed in the Department of Education Bulletins 741 (http://bese.louisiana.gov/documents-resources/policies-bulletins) , (Louisiana Handbook for School Administrators, Section 2318: Louisiana Handbook for Nonpublic School Administrators, Section 2109) AND Earn a 2.35 minimum overall high school GPA AND Require no more than one developments course: o Minimum ACT English ≥ 18/Mathematics ≥ 19 (SAT English ≥450/Math ≥ 460) (If one ACT/SAT subscore is met, the other subscore can be no more than two (2) points below the minimum ACT/SAT requirement; example: English subscore is 18 or higher, the math subscore could be a 17 or 18 for the student to be considered for admissibility, if all other requirements are met) AND meet ONE of the following requirements: 2.00 minimum CORE GPA OR 21 minimum ACT composite score * Universities may admit 2012 high school graduates who have not met the Arts category of Core 4, but otherwise meet minimum admission standards. 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 14 TRANSFER ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS To be eligible for immediate admission, a transfer student must have earned: An associate degree from a community/junior college; (i.e., a transferable degree [AA or AS]) OR A minimum of 18 college-level academic hours with: o 2.00 minimum GPA, AND o Completed a college-level English AND a college-level mathematics course designed to fulfill general educational requirements A student desiring to transfer who has earned fewer than 18 college-level hours must have a minimum 2.0 GPA AND meet First-Time Freshman requirements. INTERNATIONAL FIRST-TIME FRESHMAN REQUIREMENTS To be eligible for immediate admission, an International First-Time Freshman must: Be admissible to a university in your country Completed a secondary program comparable to US high school graduation, with a minimum 2.5 GPA Require no more than one developmental course: o Minimum ACT English ≥ 18/Math ≥ 19 (SAT English ≥450/Math ≥ 460) (If one ACT/SAT subscore is met, the other subscore can be no more than two (2) points below the minimum ACT/SAT requirement; example: English subscore is 18 or higher, the math subscore could be a 17 or 18 for the student to be considered for admissibility, if all other requirements are met; example: SAT English subscore is 450 or higher, the SAT math subscore could be 400 – 450.) o Minimum SAT 980 (Critical Thinking + Math) if GPA ≥ 2.5 o Successful Compass score (administered by ULM for students from countries that do not offer the ACT/SAT, or for conditionally admitted international students) Submit the following: o Official high school transcript (translated into English) o Original high school graduation certificate examination results o Statement of Financial Backing and Understanding (ulm.edu/enroll/FinaBack.pdf) Copy of sponsor’s bank statement showing sufficient funds o Official IELTS or TOEFL score (ULM TOEFL code: 6482) o Official ACT/SAT scores (ULM ACT code: 1598; ULM SAT code: 6482) Demonstrate English proficiency: o Student’s language of instruction is English OR o Minimum score of 5.5 in IELTS or 61 Internet/173 computer/500 paper on TOEFL o Minimum score of 100/250/600 TOEFL score of IELTS score of 7 or above exempt international students from taking English as a Second Language (ESL). International students whose language of instruction is English or whose scores are below the minimum (61-99, TOELF or 5.5-6.5, IELTS) will be required to take a placement test. The results will determine the need to enroll in ESL courses. o 4.5-5.4, IELTS or 15-45 on writing portion of the IBT for TOEFL allows international students to be admitted conditionally for summer only. The student is required to successfully complete the ULM Summer ESL Program and enroll in ESL 1003 during the fall semester. 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 15 CONDITIONAL ADMISSION may be granted to international students who meet admission requirements but need further English language improvement. Students needing such improvement can only be admitted conditionally for the fall semester and must attend an intensive, intermediate language program on the ULM campus in June and/or July, depending on test scores. INTERNATIONAL TRANSFER STUDENT REQUIREMENTS To be eligible for immediate admission, an international transfer student must have earned: An associate degree from a community/junior college; (i.e., a transferable degree [AA or AS]) OR A minimum of 18 college-level academic hours with: o 2.00 minimum GPA, AND o Completed a college-level math AND be eligible to enroll in a college-level English course (ESL 1003 or ENGL 1001) The international transfer student must demonstrate English proficiency: Student’s language of instruction is English OR Minimum score of 5.5 in IELTS or 61 Internet/173 computer/500 paper on TOEFL Minimum score of 100/250/600 TOEFL score of IELTS score of 7 or above exempt international students from taking English as a Second Language (ESL). International students whose language of instruction is English or whose scores are below the minimum (61-99, TOELF or 5.5-6.5, IELTS) will be required to take a placement test. The results will determine the need to enroll in ESL courses. 4.5-5.4, IELTS or 15-45 on writing portion of the IBT for TOEFL allows international students to be admitted conditionally for summer only. The student is required to successfully complete the ULM Summer ESL Program and enroll in ESL 1003 during the fall semester. CONDITIONAL ADMISSION may be granted to international students who meet admission requirements but need further English language improvement. Students needing such improvement can only be admitted conditionally for the fall semester and must attend an intensive, intermediate language program on the ULM campus in June and/or July, depending on test scores. The international UNDERGRADUATE transfer student must submit the following: Statement of Financial Backing and Understanding (ulm.edu/enroll/FinaBack.pdf) Copy of sponsor’s bank statement showing sufficient funds Official IELTS or TOEFL score (ULM TOEFL code: 6482), if previous university is outside the US Official transcripts from each university attended: If university is outside the US, submit a credit evaluation by World Education Services (WES.org) or other accredited evaluation service. 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 16 PROVISIONAL STATUS Provisional status is given to applicants who are in the process of obtaining official transcripts or GRE/GMAT scores. The minimum requirement for taking graduate courses in provisional status is a cumulative undergraduate GPA of 2.5 (based on a 4.0 scale). No more than six hours can be taken in provisional status. NON-DEGREE STATUS Graduates of accredited colleges and universities, who wish to enroll in selected course offerings of the ULM Graduate School but not pursue a formal degree program, may be considered for admission as non-degree students. The minimum requirement for taking graduate courses in non-degree status is a cumulative undergraduate GPA of 2.5 (based on a 4.0 scale). Some colleges/programs have higher requirements for taking courses in non-degree status. Students in non-degree status who apply to the Office of Admissions for admission to the ULM Graduate School in regular or conditional status must meet the same GPA and GRE/GMAT requirements stated for an application seeking initial entry to the graduate program. CREDIT EARNED IN NON-DEGREE OR PROVISIONAL ADMISSION STATUS A maximum of six semester hours of graduate credit earned in non-degree or provisional admission status, including credit earned at ULM and approvable transfer credit, may be counted toward a master’s, specialist or doctoral degree. INTERNATIONAL GRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS To be eligible for immediate admission, an international graduate student must: Meet the requirements for international undergraduate admissions Submit the following: o GRE/GMAT scores o Statement of purpose o Letters of recommendation o Certificate of degree o Graduate assistantship application, if applicable International students admitted as non-degree status, cannot be given an I-20 to enter the US. ulm.edu/apply 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 17 COLLEGIATE PROGRAM available year-round, including summer sessions The Collegiate Admissions Program provides an opportunity for exceptional high school juniors and seniors to earn college credit. Students participating in the Collegiate Program are limited to a maximum of 9 hours per semester for a total of 6 semesters, exclusive of summer sessions. Courses are taught on the ULM campus. REQUIREMENTS Completion of the sophomore (10th grade) year Students must be addressing the Regents Core Curriculum Minimum ACT English ≥ 18/Mathematics ≥ 19* o If one ACT/SAT subscore is met, the other subscore can be no more than two (2) points below the minimum ACT/SAT requirement Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0* o Students with a cumulative GPA of 2.5-2.9 AND ACT composite ≥ 23 can be considered for admission. All course prerequisites must be met Students must submit the following documentation: o Collegiate Application Applications are available through high school guidance counselors, the ULM Office of Admissions or online at http://www.ulm.edu/dualenrollment o Recommendation from high school principal Principal’s original signature required o ULM Immunization Form o Class selection form Guidance counselor’s original signature required o ACT scores Scores must be sent electronically from ACT to ULM; paper copies will not be accepted o Copy of Social Security card o High School Transcript o Transcript Request Form Submit the transcript request form to request your transcript be sent to your high school upon completing your coursework. *Online courses may have higher ACT and GPA requirements. STUDENT EXPENSES $20 Application fee Tuition – Students will pay $150 per 3-hour course. o Additional fees may apply for labs and online courses ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The high school principal determines high school credit. If high school credit is awarded, three hours of college credit equals one high school Carnegie Unit. Students who have earned below a “C” in a high school course may not take the correspondent ULM course as a Collegiate student. *Students participating in the Collegiate Program are not allowed to receive talent grants, academic scholarships or dependent fee waivers. 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 18 DUAL ENROLLMENT PROGRAM available at participating high schools, not including summer sessions The Dual Enrollment program allows selected high school students the opportunity to earn college credit while enrolled in a class taught at their respective high school or online taught by ULM faculty. REQUIREMENTS High School sophomores, juniors, or seniors are eligible. Students must be addressing the Louisiana Core 4 curriculum ACT composite of 18 ACT English sub-score of 18 to enroll in English courses ACT mathematics sub-score of 19 to enroll in mathematics and/or chemistry courses 2.5 GPA All course prerequisites must be met Students must submit the following documentation: o Dual Enrollment Application Available online at http://www.ulm.edu/dualenrollment o ULM Online Application (New students only) o ACT scores Scores must be sent electronically from ACT to ULM; paper copies will not be accepted STUDENT EXPENSES Application fee – Students are required to pay a one-time $20 application fee Tuition – Students will pay reduced tuition for Dual Enrollment courses Textbooks/Software – ULM textbook/software is required for online courses. Textbook/software can be purchased at the ULM Bookstore. Students participating in the Dual Enrollment Program are not allowed to receive talent grants, academic scholarships or dependent fee waivers. For more information, contact Mary Elizabeth Bridges, 318-342-1032, or bridges@ulm.edu A student is personally responsible for completing all requirements established for a degree by the University and its colleges and departments. A student’s advisor may not assume these responsibilities and may not substitute, waive or exempt any established requirement or academic standard. Students should see faculty advisors prior to registration. Faculty advisors are available to help students with course selection and course load. A student who does not have a faculty advisor should contact the academic department or college of the intended major. Students who do not consult their advisors before registering may prolong their programs of study and fail to meet University requirements. Courses should be selected in accordance with prerequisites and with attention to advancing sequences. Students who register for classes for which they lack prerequisites or for courses taken out of required sequence can be dropped from those courses. Returning students and freshmen with undeclared/undecided majors are required to meet with an Academic Advisor in the Student Success Center, located in Clarke M. Williams Student Success Center. 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 19 (*Waivers MAY be awarded as funds are available) Warhawk Out-of-State Fee Waiver* Domestic non-resident students who meet the following minimum requirements qualify for the non-resident fee credit (2014-2015 value of $12,157/year): -- a minimum ACT composite of 21/SAT 980 and a 3.2 cumulative high school GPA, OR -- a minimum ACT composite of 22/SAT 1020 and a 2.8 cumulative high school GPA, OR -- a minimum ACT composite of 23/SAT 1060 and a 2.5 cumulative high school GPA, AND -- a minimum score of ACT English 18/SAT Critical Reading 450 and ACT Math 19/SAT Math 460. Undergraduate Out-of-State Fee Waivers for Transfer Students* Students who have completed at least 18 college-level hours of coursework and who meet the following minimum requirements will be considered for an out-of-state fee waiver: -- cumulative 2.5 GPA on all college-level work, AND -- no remedial requirements, AND -- eligible to return to prior institution. *Students may also qualify for Freshmen, Transfer, and Foundation scholarships in addition to the Out of State Waiver. NOTE: If the student is a pre-pharmacy major, this offer is only valid for the pre-pharmacy program. Once admitted to the professional pharmacy program, this waiver is no longer available. To inquire about out-of-state fee waivers or establishing Louisiana residency for tuition purposes, please contact ACE’S PLACE in the Office of Recruitment and Admissions at (318) 342-7777 or 1-800-372-5127 or e-mail http://ulm.edu/askace. New undergraduate students who have questions or need assistance should contact ACE’S PLACE at the Office of Recruitment and Admissions at (318) 342-7777 or 1-800-372-5127. New graduate students should contact Graduate Admissions at (318) 342-3032. TUITION AND FEE INFORMATION ULM students pay tuition per the number of semester hours scheduled, including courses taken for audit. Additional charges, such as laboratory, technology and activity fees, housing, meals and vehicle registration, will appear on the fee statement, if applicable. Any credits, such as scholarships and other types of financial aid, as well as prior tuition and fee payments, will also appear on the fee statement, ending with a net balance due. Payments may be made on the web through Banner (http://banner.ulm.edu/), or at La Capitol Federal Credit Union (http://ulm.edu/controller/lacap.html). Types of payments accepted at La Capitol Federal Credit Union are cash, money order and check. NOTE: Credit card payments for current tuition and fees will no longer be accepted over the phone or at La Capitol Federal Credit Union. Please log on to your Banner account to pay online with a credit card. 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 20 Go to http://ulm.edu/controller/sas/ for the following information: Payment Plan Information Student Refund Distribution Policy Payment Tutorial Tuition and Fee Appeal Procedure Form 1098T and Related Information ULM Collection Policy for Returned Checks and Electronic Payments Tuition and Fees Refund Policy Late Payment Fee Policy WINTERSESSION 2015 & SPRING 2016 FEE STATEMENTS available on web as you register beginning: November 11, 2014 Visit the Web: https://Banner.ulm.edu [follow Student Services link to "Account Summary"] Call Student Account Services Office: (318) 342-5116 Pick-up a statement from the Student Account Services Office: Coenen Hall, Room 102 Note: Fee statements will not be mailed. PAYMENTS for the following terms must be received no later than 3:30 p.m. Wintersession 2015: Tuesday, December 8, 2015 for regular registration Tuesday, December 15, 2015 for late registration and Add/Drop Spring 2016: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 for regular registration Friday, January 22, 2016 for late registration and Add/Drop e-Cashier Available (Payment Plan) November 11, 2015. Last day to enroll with no down payment is December 31, 2015 and the last day to enroll (34% down payment) is February 3, 2016. All payments will be processed on the 5th of each month and will continue until balance is paid in full. The $40 enrollment fee will be processed immediately. PAYMENT METHODS: By check or credit card via the Web: https://Banner.ulm.edu In person at La Capitol Federal Credit Union By mail: (Allow 10 days for delivery and processing) ULM Controller’s Office 700 University Avenue Monroe, LA 71209 IF THE “AMOUNT DUE” IS ZERO ON YOUR FEE STATEMENT, your registration is complete and classes are confirmed. If you do not plan to attend, you MUST drop classes via Banner or notify the Registrar’s Office to cancel classes prior to the Fee payment deadline. 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 21 2016 SPRING SEMESTER FEES - UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS Residents 12 hours 11 hours 10 hours 9 hours 8 hours 7 hours 6 hours 5 hours 4 hours 3 hours 2 hours 1 hour AND ABOVE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Nonresidents Tuition & Tuition & Nonresident Required Fees Required Fees Fee 3,829.00 3,583.20 3,337.30 3,090.40 2,841.40 2,594.90 2,348.80 2,103.60 1,856.40 1,159.40 842.60 613.40 Pharmacy Professional Doctorate (PHARM D) 12 hours $ 11,134.14 AND ABOVE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,829.00 3,583.20 3,337.30 3,090.40 2,841.40 2,594.90 2,348.80 2,103.60 1,856.40 1,159.40 842.60 613.40 $ 11,134.14 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,050.00 5,553.00 5,047.00 4,544.00 4,038.00 3,532.00 - $ 10,128.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total 9,879.00 9,136.20 8,384.30 7,634.40 6,879.40 6,126.90 2,348.80 2,103.60 1, 856.40 1,159.40 842.60 613.40 $21,262.14 Includes $5017 Professional Fee 2016 SPRING SEMESTER FEES - GRADUATE STUDENTS Residents 12 hours 11 hours 10 hours 9 hours 8 hours 7 hours 6 hours 5 hours 4 hours 3 hours 2 hours 1 hour AND ABOVE MBA Professional Program 9 hours and above Nonresidents Tuition & Tuition & Nonresident Required Fees Required Fees Fee $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,140.14 4,094.20 4,048.30 4,002.40 3,646.40 3,298.90 2,953.80 2,604.60 2,257.40 1,456.40 1,045.60 719.40 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,140.14 4,094.20 4,048.30 4,002.40 3,646.40 3,298.90 2,953.80 2,604.60 2,257.40 1,456.40 1,045.60 719.40 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,050.00 6,050.00 6,050.00 6,050.00 5,389.00 4,715.00 4,042.00 3,367.00 2,693.00 - Total $10,190.14 $10,144.20 $10,098.30 $10,052.40 $ 9,035.40 $ 8,013.90 $ 6,995.80 $ 5,971.60 $ 4,950.40 $ 1,456.40 $ 1,045.60 $ 719.40 $ 4,732.40 $ 4,732.40 $ 6,050.00 $10,782.40 includes 730.00 Professional fee. Other fees apply through 12 hours. The University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors may adjust tuition, fees and costs for dining plans and housing at any time without providing notice to students. 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 22 2016 eULM FEES - UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 12 hours 11 hours 10 hours 9 hours 8 hours 7 hours 6 hours 5 hours 4 hours 3 hours 2 hours 1 hour $4,500.00 $4,125.00 $3,750.00 $3,375.00 $3,000.00 $2,625.00 $2,250.00 $1,875.00 $1,500.00 $1,125.00 $ 750.00 $ 375.00 (The $375.00/credit hour rate will continue after 12 hrs.) 2016 eULM FEES - GRADUATE STUDENTS 12 hours 11 hours 10 hours 9 hours 8 hours 7 hours 6 hours 5 hours 4 hours 3 hours 2 hours 1 hour $5,700.00 $5,225.00 $4,750.00 $4,275.00 $3,800.00 $3,325.00 $2,850.00 $2,375.00 $1,900.00 $1,425.00 $ 950.00 $ 475.00 (The $475.00/credit hour rate will continue after 12 hrs.) The eULM fees are calculated by Major. For these rate, you must be registered in the eULM program. In addition to the fees above, all professional and program fees will be assessed at their current rate. The University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors may adjust tuition, fees and costs for dining plans and housing at any time without providing notice to students. 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 23 Professional Fees Clinical Laboratory Sciences ........................................................ $250.00 Speech-Language Pathology ....................................................... $250.00 Dental Hygiene ............................................................................. $250.00 Nursing ......................................................................................... $250.00 Occupational Therapy .................................................................. $250.00 Radiologic Technology ................................................................. $250.00 Marriage and Family Therapy ....................................................... $250.00 Toxicology .................................................................................... $250.00 Pharmaceutical Sciences ............................................................. $100.00 Pharmacy Doctorate .................................................................. $5,017.00 MBA Professional Fee $81.11 per hour........................................ $730.00 International Students Insurance ........................................................................... $630.00 Service Fee ........................................................................ $200.00 Vehicle Registration ......................................................... $100.00 Additional Course Fees A small number of courses require the payment of additional fees which are indicated below the applicable course in the ALPHABETICAL LIST OF COURSE OFFERINGS section of the class schedule. Online Only Degree Program Fee Undergraduate per hour + Professional fees only ........................ $375.00 Graduate per hour + Professional fees only ................................. $475.00 The University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors may adjust tuition, fees and costs for dining plans and housing at any time without providing notice to students. BILLING AND PAYMENT INFORMATION Student Account Services: 318-342-5116 Billing questions Warhawk Express Card Online Payment Plans Direct Deposit Activation La Capitol Federal Credit Union: 318-342-5133 (Located on Northeast Drive in University Commons II) Make Payments (cash or check only) PAYMENT METHODS http://banner.ulm.edu Credit Card or Check and Payment through E-cashier Mail: ULM Controller’s Office, 700 University Ave., Monroe, LA 71209 In person: La Capitol Federal Credit Union (cash or check only), Northeast Drive, University Commons II 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 24 Living on Campus Enjoy campus living at the University of Louisiana Monroe in a scenic, vibrant community designed around the university lifestyle. ULM campus housing offers a blend of housing options including apartments, suites, and traditional residence halls. Additionally, the allinclusive room (electric, water, cable TV, high speed internet, and Wi-Fi service) package plus the convenience of living on campus allows you to focus on what is important . . . being part of a great university! Campus residences vary in cost, amenities and location. Bayou Village Apartments are available to upper-class students and academic scholars. Bayou Suites, University Commons I and University Commons II, Ouachita, Masur and Madison Halls are available to all residential students. ULM has minimum GPA requirements for students to live on campus. Bayou Suites is a designated Scholars Hall. The minimum grade requirement to live in Bayou Suites is a 3.5 cumulative GPA for first time freshmen and a 3.3 cumulative GPA for current students. Beginning freshmen will be evaluated based upon their high school GPA and their housing application date. The Bayou Village Apartments have two separate GPA requirements. Building five is designated for scholars with a required minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 for first time freshmen and 3.3 for current students. Buildings six and seven are open to all students who have the required cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better. University Commons I and University Commons II have a 2.3 minimum cumulative GPA of 2.3 Madison Hall, Masur Hall and Ouachita Hall have a 2.0 minimum cumulative GPA Customer service and a positive on-campus living experience is our goal. Every residence hall is staffed with student leaders – whose sole purpose is to develop a positive living environment in every building. Please note: all students must pay their student account in full or have signed up for the payment plan prior to moving in their residence hall or apartment. Meal plans are required for all students living in the residence halls and the on-campus apartments. For more complete information, visit http://ulm.edu/reslife/, email us at reslife@ulm.edu. Students with special needs who require accessible housing should contact Residential Life by phone at (318) 342-5240. 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 25 Meal Plans Diversity. It’s one of the greatest things about the university experience. It’s one of the things we offer with your dining membership. Our memberships bring you two features: Weekly Meal Allowance A variety of meal plans are offered to meet the needs of residents and commuters throughout the academic year. The meal allowance gives you the opportunity to enjoy all-you-care-to-eat dining for breakfast, lunch and dinner in our resident dining locations. You receive a specified number of guaranteed meals per week each semester, based on the plan you select. Each time you eat at Schulze Cafeteria, one meal is subtracted from your weekly meal balance. You may select the number of meals based on your unique tastes, preferences, dining habits and academic schedule. Flex Dollars All of the dining plans offer Flex Dollars which are accepted like cash in all of our dining locations. When using Flex Dollars you can eat Schulze, the SUB, Starbucks or even the Hawksnest convenient store and you don’t pay taxes. It works on the same principle as a stored value or declining balance account. You can draw from your FLEX account for beverages, snacks or full meals for you and your friends at any time. Whenever you buy a meal on campus, the total amount of your purchase is subtracted from your meal plan dollars, and you can add additional FLEX Dollars to your card at any time at the Aramark Office in the Student Union Building. Commuter Meals Plans ULM offers dining memberships for students who do not live on campus, too! Between commuting, classes, studying, and working, who has time to put together a decent meal? Relax; enjoy our hospitality. We’ve got what you need. Using your student ID card, simply open a meal plan account with as little as $25. Our commuter dining plans offer Block Meals (all-youcare-to-eat meals at Schulze Cafeteria), Flex Dollars, or the combination of both! Meal plans are required for all residents. For more complete information and cost of Meal Plans, visit ARAMARK’s website: http://www.campusdish.com/en-US/cssw/univlamonroe 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 26 ELIGIBILITY You can review your application status and complete all financial aid requirements on BANNER. If you need assistance, please visit www.ulm.edu/howto to watch the appropriate video to help you navigate BANNER. You must respond to our notifications and requests for action, on BANNER and through your ULM email account, so the Financial Aid Office can continue to process your aid. If you register for classes and apply for financial aid, and then decide NOT to attend ULM, you must notify the ULM Financial Aid Office, in writing, that you want your aid cancelled. Failure to notify the Financial Aid Office may delay your aid being processed at another institution. ULM AID INFORMATION The ULM Financial Aid Office participates in the William D. Ford Direct Loan program, Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, and Federal Work Study. The Federal funds for student and parent borrowers are received directly from the U.S. Department of Education. Please go to our website at http://www.ulm.edu/financialaid/ for more information. The office also manages the Louisiana Go Grant and the alternative loan process. SPRING 2016 DATES TO KNOW November 13, 2015 Priority Deadline for Spring 2016: In order for your aid to be applied to your Spring fee, ALL requested information must be SUBMITTED to and PROCESSED by the FAO. Processing may take up to 2 weeks. November 13, 2015 All completed financial aid appeals must be received in order to be reviewed for Spring 2016. Incomplete appeals will not be received or reviewed. Any appeal submitted after this date will need to make alternate payment arrangements for Spring 2016. January 22, 2016 Last day for DROP/ADD for Springl full-term and 1st 8-week courses. 1st census date for financial aid. NOTE: Financial aid for classes added after this day may not be included until the 2nd census date. January 29, 2016 Refunds available through HigherOne. NOTE: To receive Pell, a student must be enrolled in one (1) hour. To receive loans, a student must be enrolled in six (6) hours. February 5, 2016 DEADLINE to submit a Fall Appeal for Financial Aid. March 15, 2016 Last day for DROP/ADD 2nd 8-week courses. 2nd census date for financial aid. NOTE: Financial aid will be adjusted to include classes added/dropped as of this date. March 22, 2016 Refunds for 2nd 8-week courses available through HigherOne. NOTE: To receive Pell, a student must be enrolled in one (1) hour. To receive loans, a student must be enrolled in six (6) hours. OTHER IMPORTANT FACTS If your financial aid award(s) does not show on your fee statement OR it does not cover the total balance due on your fee statement, you are responsible for payment of those fees by the fee payment deadline. If a student completely withdraws from the University and stops attending classes, their professors will be contacted to verify your last date of class attendance. Any student who is withdrawn from the University will have their tuition and aid recalculated according to the Federal policy. The student will be financially responsible to pay back any aid that remains unearned. To review this policy click here: STUDENT REFUNDS Student refunds are issued by Student Account Services and disbursed by HigherOne. HigherOne will mail enrollment information to each student enrolled. Students will be able to choose to have their refund delivered through HigherOne by direct deposit, paper check mail or HigherOne Account. Delays in receipt of refunds may be experienced if a student does not have current deposit information on file. WORK STUDY If you choose to have your Campus Work-Study paycheck direct deposited, you must submit the authorization form to payroll. FOR MORE COMPLETE INFORMATION, VISIT WWW.ULM.EDU/FINANCIALAID/ 318-342-5320 * finaid@ulm.edu * University Library 228 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 27 UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA MONROE AUTHORIZATION FOR “ELECTRONIC DEPOSIT” New Application for Electronic Deposit Change of Account Number, same Bank Change of Bank I, ________________________, hereby authorize the University of Louisiana at Monroe to “Electronically Deposit” my funds on a date specified by the University to the bank of my choice. (Please circle applicable relationship to the university.) It is also understood that it is my sole responsibility to notify the University of my bank account information as well as any changes made to my bank account. In the event of an error in the credit entry, the correction of which requires that a reversing (debit) entry is made, I hereby authorize the Depository Institution to initiate such a debit entry in the amount of the error to my account. Student, Faculty, or Staff Member Signature: _____________________ Date: ___ /___ /___ If a student, check if form is for _____ Payroll or _____ Student Refunds Campus-Wide ID Number (CWID): ____________________________ Campus Extension or Other Contact Number: ____________________ Attach Voided Check to Verify Bank Information and Complete the Following Financial Institution Name: ______________________________ Financial Institution ABA (Routing) Number: ______________________________ Account Number: Checking ______________________________ Savings Is this a second direct deposit account? Yes No If yes, specify amount to be deposited to this account per pay period: __________________ ***IMPORTANT*** After the authorization of direct deposit is returned to Payroll, one payroll cycle will be required for your information to be verified by your financial institution. YOU WILL RECEIVE ONE MORE PAPER CHECK DURING THIS PROCESS. Your payroll stub will have the amount deposited into your account listed as a deduction. After the authorization of direct deposit is returned to Student Accounts, two refund cycles will be required for your information to be verified by your financial institution. You may receive one paper check during this process. The amount deposited into your account will be listed on your student account (access through Banner). 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 28 Payment Methods Automatic bank payment (ACH) Credit card/debit card Payments are processed on the 5th of each month and will continue until the balance is paid in full, if a credit/debit card is used, a 2.75% convenience fee in addition to the enrollment fee will be assessed. Cost to Participate $40 enrollment fee per semester (ACH & credit/debit card) $15 of the enrollment fee will be shared with your institution $30 returned payment fee if a payment is returned Please Note: All payments and fees are attempted automatically from your bank account or credit/debit card used to set up the plan. Do Not make payments on your school account through Banner. Simple Steps to Enroll Go to https://banner.ulm.edu Login with Student ID and Pin Select Student Account Select Account Summary by Term Click on e-Cashier logo Target Dates to Enroll By: Spring 2016 Last day to enroll online Dec 31 Feb 3 e-Cashier available on November 11, 2015 Required down payment none 34% Number of payments 3 2 Months of payments Jan-Mar Feb & Mar NOTE: All enrollment fees will be processed immediately! All down payments, Jan 4 – Jan 29, will be processed immediately as well. Please remember your account balance with the University must be paid in full to avoid your classes from being dropped, housing being cancelled and to register for future terms. Termination of agreement, NSF or incorrect payment information may result in classes being dropped. 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 29 Open Access & Dorm Computer Labs on Campus Other curriculum specific computers/labs, in addition to the labs listed below, may also be available within various departments. Open Access Computer Labs These labs are maintained by various departments on campus. You must check with individual labs for schedule and usage policy. This list does not contain residence hall labs. For a complete list, visit: http://www.ulm.edu/computingcenter/content/campus-labs Dorm Computer Labs This list does not include labs in academic buildings. For a complete list, visit: http://www.ulm.edu/computingcenter/content/campus-labs To audit a class, complete an Add/Drop/Overload form (must be approved by instructor’s dean). The completed form, with dean’s signature, should be submitted to the Registrar’s Office during the first three days of classes. Audit hours are considered part of enrollment hours for tuition purposes only, and any adjustment in tuition must be paid when the audit form is processed. To register for honors courses, applied music, directed study, thesis, problems, research, practicum and seminar courses not listed in the schedule, call numbers and other instructions are obtained from the department offering the courses. (See Directory of Academic Offices for room and phone number information.) Scheduling a Placement Test Placement tests are administered by appointment through ULM Admissions and are scheduled online at http://ulm.edu/testing Admission Requirements A current driver’s license is required for admission to the test. University Testing Policy ULM testing policy prohibits cell phones, PDAs, audio and photographic devices, digital or beeping watches, large purses or bags, food, or drink at test administrations. 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 30 Eligibility ACT/SAT scores are used to determine placement in English and math courses at ULM as indicated below. Individuals scoring within the eligibility range for the co-requisite course may take the placement test or take the appropriate co-requisite course with the college-level course. Individuals scoring below the required score to be eligible to take the appropriate co-requisite can take the placement exam. The placement exam may be taken a maximum of two times in each subject. Adult learners are automatically eligible to take the math and/or English placement exam. ACT Math SAT Math 19 or above 460 or above 18 Compass Algebra Course/Test Out Eligibility 40 Math 1009 or MATH 1011 430-450 28-39 Math 1009 with Math 1000 17 400-420 28-39 Math 1009 with Math 1000 16 380-390 NA Placement Exam 15 350-370 NA Placement Exam 14 or below 340 or below NA Not Eligible ACT English SAT Verbal Compass Writing Skills 76 Course/Test Out Eligibility 18 or above 450 or above English 1001 17 430-440 63-75 English 1001 with English 1000 16 410-420 63-75 English 1001 with English 1000 15 390-400 NA Placement Exam 14 or below 380 or below NA Not Eligible Content and Review ULM uses a computerized exam for placement in math and English courses. The math exam addresses beginning algebra concepts, and the English exam covers sentence skills. The Compass Algebra exam includes basic operations with fractions, basic operations with integers, percentages, basic operations with decimals, exponents, square roots, and scientific notation, averages (means, medians, and modes), ratios and proportions, multiples and factors of integers, absolute values of numbers, counting problems and simple probability, range, linear equations in one variable, substituting values into algebraic equations, setting up equations for given situations, basic operations with polynomials, factoring of polynomials, exponents and radicals, solving polynomial equations by factoring, formula manipulation and field axioms, linear inequalities in one variables. Sample questions for the exam are available at http://act.org/compass/sample/prealg.html and http://act.org/compass/sample/algebra.html. The Compass Writing Skills exam measures your understanding of sentence structure, how sentences are put together, and what makes a sentence complete and clear. You will be asked to correct sentences and to find the most effective way to combine sentences. Clarity is a key issue. Be aware of grammatical errors and wordiness. Preparation should include a review of the following: sentence combining, comma rules, parallelisms, and subordination. Any handbook (Bedford, Harbrace, Beacon, Wadsworth…) or high school English textbook will be useful for your review. Sample test questions can be found at the following links: http://act.org/compass/sample/pdf/writing.pdf and http:/act.org/compass/sample/write-s.html. 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 31 The building abbreviation codes listed below are used in the Schedule of Classes to indicate location of classes. BAND .................................... Sound of Today Band Bldg. HMPH ............................................................ Hemphill Hall BIED ......................................................... Biedenharn Hall LSUM.................................................. LSU Medical Center BRAN ........................................................... Brown Annex MAST........................................................ Malone Stadium BRGY .............................................................. Brown Gym MFTC ........................... Marriage & Family Therapy Clinic BRST ......................................................... Brown Stadium NURS....................................................... Kitty Degree Hall BRWN ............................................................... Brown Hall PHAR...................................................Pharmacy Bienville BRYH ..................................................................... Bry Hall SAND................................................................ Sandel Hall BTCX .......................................... Brown Theatre Complex SFMC....................................... St. Francis Medical Center CALD............................................................. Caldwell Hall SHOP........................................... Shop, Agriculture Dept. CNSB ........................ Chemistry & Natural Science Bldg. SPYK ......................................................... Spyker Theatre COLM .............................................. Fant-Ewing Coliseum STBS ................................................................ Stubbs Hall CONS .................................................. Construction Bldg. STRS ............................................................... Strauss Hall FILH................................................................... Filhiol Hall SUGR .................................................................Sugar Hall GARR ............................................................... Garrett Hall ULIB ...................................................... University Library GLWD....................... Glenwood Regional Medical Center WALK .............................................. George T Walker Hall HANN ................................................................ Hanna Hall Abbreviation of Days M = Monday T = Tuesday W = Wednesday R = Thursday F = Friday S = Saturday U = Sunday 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 32 Wintersession Exams – Friday, January 15 (Note: Wintersession final exams will be administered the last class meeting, Friday, January 15.) CLASS TIME EXAMINATION TIME 7:30 AM 7:30 AM - 9:20 AM 9:45 AM 9:30 AM - 11:20 AM 12:00 PM 11:30 AM - 1:20 PM 2:15 PM 1:30 PM - 3:20 PM 4:30 PM 3:30 – 5:20 PM FINAL EXAMINATION INFORMATION Examinations for one-hour classes, night classes, and classes meeting at an hour not listed above will be given during the last class meeting of the course. The final examination period will be counted as a full class meeting. If an additional class meeting is required, the instructor will schedule the time and place of the meeting. REPORTING OF GRADES Wintersession grades must be entered online by faculty before 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 19. ULM students may view their semester grades on https://banner.ulm.edu Grades are posted no later than the end of the third working day after grades are due. 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 33 CLASS 7:30 AM MWF 8:00 AM – MWF, MTWTh, & MW 1:00 PM - MWF AND MW 3:00 PM - MWF AND MW 11:00 AM - TTH DATE Monday, May 9 Monday, May 9 Monday, May 9 Monday, May 9 Monday, May 9 TIME OF EXAMINATION 8:00 AM - 9:50 AM 8:00 AM - 9:50 AM 10:00 AM - 11:50 AM 1:00 PM - 2:50 PM 3:00 PM - 4:50 PM 12:00 PM - MWF AND MW 12:30 PM - MW 2:00 PM - MWF AND MW 9:30 AM - TTH 3:30 PM - TTH Tuesday, May 10 Tuesday, May 10 Tuesday, May 10 Tuesday, May 10 Tuesday, May 10 1:00 PM - 2:50 PM 1:00 PM - 2:50 PM 3:00 PM - 4:50 PM 10:00 AM - 11:50 AM 8:00 AM - 9:50 AM NO EXAMINATIONS GIVEN - - WEDNESDAY, MAY 11 - - STUDENT STUDY DAY 9:00 AM - MWF AND MW 9:30 AM – MTWTh and MW 10:00 AM - MWF AND MW 4:00 PM - MWF AND MW 12:30 PM - TTH 1:00 PM - TTH 11:00 AM – MWF, MTWTh, & MW 11:30 AM – MWF 8:00 AM - TTH 2:00 PM - TTH Thursday, May 12 Thursday, May 12 Thursday, May 12 Thursday, May 12 Thursday, May 12 Thursday, May 12 Friday, May 13 Friday, May 13 Friday, May 13 Friday, May 13 FINAL EXAMINATION INFORMATION 1:00 PM - 2:50 PM 1:00 PM - 2:50 PM 8:00 AM - 9:50 AM 3:00 PM - 4:50 PM 10:00 AM - 11:50 AM 10:00 AM - 11:50 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 1:00 PM - 9:50 AM 9:50 AM 11:50 AM 2:50 PM 1. Examinations dates for Seniors, special (e.g., short courses) classes, and one-hour classes will be assigned by the instructor. 2. Except for Wednesday night classes, night class examinations will be given according to the Final Examination Week Schedule listed above. Since no final examinations are given on the Student Study Day, Wednesday night final examinations will be given on May 4. 3. The University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors requires that a class strives to meet a minimum of 750 minutes for each credit hour earned. To comply with this requirement, three-semester-hour classes must strive to meet a minimum of 2,250 minutes each semester; a final examination period may be counted as a full class meeting. If an additional class meeting is required, the instructor will schedule the time and place of the meeting. REPORTING OF GRADES Grades for all sections taught must be entered online by the respective faculty member before 3:00 p.m., Monday, May 16. (Senior Grade Deadline – May 9 by 3:00 p.m.) ULM students may view their semester grades on https://banner.ulm.edu Grades are posted no later than the end of the third working day after grades are due. 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 34 Students who plan to complete graduation requirements at the end of the semester should check with their respective department and/or dean’s office to file an Application for Degree for each degree to be awarded. Any student who submitted an application for degree last semester, but did not graduate, must file a new application if he or she plans to complete degree requirements during a current enrollment period. Graduating students who plan to return to the University of Louisiana at Monroe for additional course work must complete and submit an Application for Admission to the Office of Recruitment/Admissions for undergraduate credit or Graduate Admissions for graduate credit. May Commencement Application for Degree Deadline Friday, November 13, 2015. Final date for graduate students to make application to the Graduate School (HANN 241) for comprehensive examination and application for graduation in May Commencement. Final date for undergraduate students to make application for degree for May Commencement – check with respective deans. The University of Louisiana at Monroe Career Connection & Experiential Education resources are provided free of charge to employers and to student job seekers. For more information, visit: http://ulm.edu/careerconnections/ Students who plan to operate a motor vehicle on campus must do so by visiting banner.ulm.edu and logging into their account. Once there click: Student, Parking permits/ tickets, Permit Menu, fill out the disclaimer and vehicle registration information, and come to the University Police Department located at 3811 Desiard St. (Filhiol Hall) to receive their decal. The vehicle registration fee will be added to your Banner fee statement only if you choose to “Reserve to Banner fees”. You may pay for the decal online by selecting the other option of “Pay for decal now”. Decal distribution will be as follows: Student decals are valid for the full academic year (August 15, 2015 – August 15, 2016) Wintersession/Spring – Students who have paid all fees and have not already received a decal for the academic year may report to the University Police Department located at 3811 Desiard St. (Filhiol Hall) after registering their vehicles online. All students registering a vehicle must bring the vehicle registration certificate and driver’s license. All vehicles operated on campus are subject to parking rules and regulations located at www.ulm.edu/police/parking. 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 35 Students with special needs are to obtain an Application for Special Needs Parking at the University Police Department or on-line at http://ulm.edu/police/parking/parkindex.htm. Once the application is completed and signed by a physician, bring the application to the University Police Department. The parking pass-type and tag period will be determined by the University Police Department. Students who have been granted a Special Needs Parking Tag will return the parking tag to the University Police Department upon expiration. Students with permanent disabilities will need to apply only once during their academic career for a Special needs Parking Pass. For more information concerning this procedure contact the ULM Police Department at (318) 342-5350. Your ULM ID Card is the official University of Louisiana at Monroe identification card for students, faculty, staff and affiliates. It is also a meal card, an activities and events card and a stored-value gift card. Once issued, the card remains active as long as you are enrolled or employed at ULM. The two declining balance accounts associated with your ULM ID Card are Warhawk Express and Flex Dollars. Warhawk Express works like a gift card. Depending on your needs, you deposit an amount of money into your account. Every time you make a purchase, the purchase amount is automatically deducted from your account. Your remaining balance will be displayed to let you know how much you have left in your account. Flex Dollars are declining balance accounts tied to your meal plan available for use at all on-campus dining facilities and off campus at Papa John's. Warhawk Express is automatically activated when you add money to your Warhawk Express account. You may deposit money to it via banner before the Fee payment deadline or anytime by contacting Student Account Services, Warhawk ID Services, or LA Capitol Federal Credit Union. Warhawk Express funds roll from semester to semester as long as you are enrolled and accounts are refundable, for a $10.00 processing fee at the end of any semester upon official withdrawal or when a cardholder severs their relationship with the University. WARHAWK EXPRESS is the convenient way ULM students pay for purchases on- and off-campus. It works like a gift card. Depending on your needs, you select a sum of money, from financial aid credit or by cash deposit, to activate your account and the amount will appear on your fee/bill. Every time you make a purchase, you give your WARHAWK EXPRESS CARD to the cashier. Your card is passed through the register and the amount of purchase is electronically deducted from your pre-deposited account via the secure, encrypted magnetic stripe on the back of the card. Each time you make a purchase with your WARHAWK EXPRESS card, the remaining balance will be displayed at the register so you'll always know how much you have left in your account. It's simple, instead of charging purchases and receiving monthly bills, you electronically debit against the stored value in your account. China Cafe CVS Pharmacy Daily Harvest Daily Press El Chile Verde Jimmy John’s Monago Fieldhouse Grill Newk’s Eatery Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt Papa John’s Portico Quizno’s TRI Textbook of Monroe University U-Pak-It Warhawk Books Waterfront Grill Wendy’s Wingstop For more details and a full list of Warhawk Express merchants, visit: www.ulm.edu/warhawkcard/express-card.html 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 36 The ULM Bookstore is your one-stop destination for University of Louisiana Monroe textbooks, supplies and Warhawk Spirit gear: • Huge inventory of new and used textbooks • Rental available on all textbook titles at up to 50% off the purchase price • Textbook buyback • Study guides and reference books to help you succeed • Full line of school supplies • Computers, tablets, software, and accessories • Fax and copy service • Largest selection of Warhawk merchandise in town • Graduation gowns, invitations and diploma frames • 24-hour per day online shopping at www.ulmbookstore.com powered by Neebo® We accept Cash, Checks, Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Discover, and Warhawk Express Visit the ULM Bookstore to get everything you need to make the most of your college experience. STORE HOURS: Wintersession: Spring Semester: Monday – Thursday Friday Monday – Thursday Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm 8:00am – Noon 7:30am – 6:00pm 7:30am – Noon Extended weekend and evening hours during back to school rush and finals. Visit: http://ulm.edu/schedule/ Copyright and Disclaimer The University of Louisiana at Monroe’s website provides a wide variety of information about the University. While every effort is made to maintain complete, up-to-date, and accurate information, the site should not be considered the official source of information about the University, its programs, costs or policies, which are subject to change without notice by the appropriate University official. No responsibility is assumed for editorial, clerical or printing errors which inadvertently occurred either during the composition or printing of this Narrative. Copyright The University of Louisiana at Monroe 2015. All rights reserved. For questions regarding Registration, this Narrative or the Schedule of Classes, please contact the Registrar’s Office: sjohnston@ulm.edu, malta@ulm.edu, or crowley@ulm.edu. 2016 SPRING NARRATIVE PAGE 37