Requirements for a Minor in Community Health Education 24 hours: HEA 105, HEA 207, HEA 234, HEA 245, HEA 301, HEA 452, and six additional HEA hours: 3 hrs at the 200 level, and 3 hrs at the 300 level or above. In selecting courses to fulfill the six elective credits, students are strongly encouraged to consult with the faculty in health education. An overall 2.00 grade point average is required in courses counted toward the minor. *HEA 105. Individual Well-Being (3) Topical areas and issues in health explored within the physical, emotional, social, environmental, intellectual and spiritual dimensions of personal wellness. HEA 201. First Aid, Safety, and CPR (2) A course for certification by the American Red Cross in first aid, safety and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Requires fees for American Red Cross processing and a personal basic first aid kit. One lecture and one lab hour each week. HEA 205. Reproduction and Sexuality (3) Prerequisite: HEA 105. Emphasizes the anatomy and physiology of reproduction, conception, prenatal growth and parturition; relevant issues pertaining to human sexuality, childbearing and sexual diseases. *HEA 207. Nutrition and Behavior (3) Application of the principles of nutrition as related to health; various levels of wellness; and practices of health care. Emphasis on basics of sound nutrition, requirements of various food elements, diet planning, diet patterns for specific age groups, nutritional fads and weight control. *HEA 234. Principles of Health Education (3) An introduction to health education program planning, implementation and evaluation in various health promotion settings. Focuses on responsibilities and strategies of entry-level health educators. HEA 240. Current Topics in Health (3) Survey of health topics including a historical overview, trends in disease and prevention efforts in the United States, culture and the impact of advertising and marketing efforts, and ethical considerations. Topics will vary and will focus on the health education model for disease prevention. *HEA 245. Consumer Health (3) Survey of consumer health topics such as the purchase of health-care products and services, choosing quality health care, and how to identify and use reliable sources of information. HEA 266. (PED 266) Applications of Computers in Physical Education and Health (3) Introduction to technology for students in physical education and health. Topics include microcomputer operations, computer software applications, the Internet, distance learning technologies and ethics of computer use. Open to declared physical and health education majors only or by consent of instructor. *HEA 301. Introduction to Community Health (3) Overview of social, health and medical problems of modern society, with special emphasis on community programs for solving them. Study of programs of official and voluntary health agencies, designed to promote and protect the health of citizens, observed through field trips, discussed by guest lecturers and studied through other forms of enrichment. HEA 304. Comprehensive School Health Education, Grades K-12 (3) An overview of the school health education program. Emphasis on methods and materials for health instruction in grades K-12. HEA 305. Health Intervention Strategies (3) Information and skills health educators need to implement efficient and effective intervention strategies in public, private, professional and governmental health agencies. HEA 320. HIV/AIDS, Issues and Choices (3) Prerequisite: HEA 105. An in-depth look at HIV infection and AIDS from a variety of perspectives with special emphasis on prevention. Focus on the development of personal behaviors that reduce the risk of HIV transmission. Addresses in detail the effects of AIDS nationally and globally, modes of exposure, vaccines, economic liabilities, prejudices, current epidemiology and future trends. HEA 325. Health and Aging (3) Prerequisite: GRN 101. An introduction to health characteristics of the aging population. Topics include biomedical changes of various body systems and lifestyle factors such as nutrition, stress, drugs, exercise and sexuality. HEA 347. Practicum in Health Education (3) Supervised practicum in health education. Relates theory to practical application in the field. Requires a minimum of 60 hours of fieldwork. Majors only or permission of instructor. HEA 351. Health Communications (3) Introduction to formulation of effective health communication strategies, including retrieval, management and utilization of new technologies; basic health communication literacy; theory utilization; presentation skills; multimedia and other media technological applications ethical; legal and academic issues in health communications. HEA 355. Measurement and Evaluation in Health Education (3) Principles of measurement and evaluation including instrument construction, and an examination of concepts and strategies involved with measurement and evaluation in health education. HEA 359. (PED 359) Research and Evaluation in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (3) Prerequisite: HEA 355. Methods of research in the fields of health, physical education and recreation. Identification of problems, sampling methods, data analysis and interpretation, and planning of evaluation studies. HEA 435. Organization and Administration in Health Education (3) Administration of health education in a variety of settings. Content includes program planning, implementation, and evaluation, budgets and the role of government and private agencies for leadership in health education. Majors only or permission of instructor. HEA 440. Advanced Topics in Health (3) Prerequisite: HEA 240. Examination of selected current and emerging health topics including cardiovascular diseases, cancer, HIV/AIDS, and death and dying. *HEA 452. Concepts of Human Disease (3) Study of the distribution and determinants of disease from a global perspective with emphasis on biological, psychological and cultural applications to health education; epidemiology, public health, and disease prevention. Junior status, majors only, or permission of instructor. HEA 465. Exercise, Performance and Nutrition (3) Prerequisite: PED 216, PED 217 and junior status. Relationship of exercise, physical activity and performance to human nutrition. In depth information on human energy systems, weight control and proper dieting. Intermediate and cellular metabolism in relation to nutrition and overall health. HEA 491. Directed Individual Study (1-3) Prerequisite: Overall GPA of at least 2.00, junior standing, and consent of instructor, department chair and dean. Involves investigation under faculty supervision beyond what is offered in existing courses. For further information, consult the Directed Individual Studies section in this catalogue. * Required Course