STUDY ABROAD in AUSTRALIA!!!!! SUMMER SESSION I 2013 ation Abroad — c u d Unive E rsity of Nor th Carolina Wilmington Program Overview EXPLORE THE NATURAL BEAUTY AND WONDERS OF AUSTRALIA!!!!! This unique program will explore through classroom activities, half-day field trips, full-day field trips and overnight excursions the natural beauty and wonders of Australian natural resources and tourist attractions. The focus will be a comparative analysis of Australian and American natural resource, recreational, tourism, ecological, natural heritage, protected land and environmental management techniques and processes through guided, hands-on and self-directed experiences and opportunities! Location(s): Program begins in Sydney, Australia and includes stops in Brisbane, Cairns and the Great Barrier Reef! Tentative Program Dates: Program leaves LA, CA on May 24, 2013 for Sydney and ends in Cairns, Australia on June 14, 2013 Program Leader(s): Academics REC 494-801/EVS 431-801/EVS 592-801--Natural Resource, Environmental, Tourism and Natural Heritage Management in Australia (3 Credit Hours) Undergraduate and Graduate Student Course REC 494-802/EVS 485-801/EVS 592-802--Special Topics in Natural Resource, Environmental, Tourism and Natural Heritage Mgt in Australia (3 Credit Hours) Undergraduate and Graduate Student Course Program Activities and Features This program has been coordinated through GlobalLinks and includes an exciting diversity of opportunities and experiences in Sydney, Brisbane, Cairns, the Blue Mountains, the Kuranda Rainforest National Park, Lamington National Park and snorkeling and scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park just to name a few!!!!! You will meet Australian Aboriginal people and share their culture and food as well!!! Program Facts Dr. Jim Herstine 910.962.3283 Dr. Bob Buerger 910.962.3259 Application Deadline: MARCH 15, 2013 • Applications are available through the program leader, the Office of International Programs and online at: • A $225 non-refundable deposit is due at time of application. There are only 20 available spots in the program so submit your application and deposit early!!!!! Eligibility Students are eligible to apply for this program if they meet the following eligibility criteria: Aboriginal culture • Degree-seeking student • At least Sophomore standing at time of participation • Good judicial standing • 2.5 GPA at time of application • Open to any and all undergraduate and graduate student majors!!!!! No prerequisites!!!!! Learn more at Open up yo ur w orld - Go Abroad! Cost Estimated Program Fee: Only $4,600 based on 18 participants! Aerial view of the Great Barrier Reef Location Program participants will have the unique and special opportunity to explore in-depth and up-close and personal the natural resources, beauty, wonders and culture of Australia and to meet and talk to the managers of unbelievable natural resource, environmental, tourism and natural heritage sites and facilities. Australia is well known for its varied landscapes, tourism and protected land management systems from the red deserts of the Outback, to the Great Barrier Reef, to the white sand beaches that surround nearly the entire continent. With their proximity to many natural and cultural attractions, Sydney, Brisbane and Cairns are ideally located for historical, cultural, environmental, tourism and professional natural resource and protected land management studies. Program Fee Includes: ALL scheduled field trip and activity fees • Medical insurance • ALL lodging accommodations • 20 breakfast, 7 lunch and 9 dinner meals • Excursions to o Sydney and the Blue Mountains o Brisbane and Lamington National Park o Cairns and the Great Barrier Reef Additional Costs: (not included in program fee) We will fly over as a group! • Round Trip Flight/LAX to Sydney to Brisbane to Cairns: $1,970 • Some Meals: $400 • UNCW Tuition and Fees: 6 credits • Round Trip Flight to LAX: $400 Expenses for "side excursions" during free time Map & Images Financial Aid & Scholarships Federal and state financial aid may be applied toward this program. Even if you are normally ineligible for financial aid, you should submit a financial aid application (FAFSA). You may find that you are eligible for additional funding. UNCW students may also apply for a UNCW Summer Education Abroad Grant and additional study abroad scholarships. Grant applications and additional information are available a Aerial view of Sydney TUITION/FEES ELIGIBLE FOR FINANCIAL AID!!!!! Web Sites Koala O ff f Int ice o ernatio n a l P r o g r a m s • 11 8 F r i d a y A n n e x • UNC W ilming ton • 601 S o uth C o ll e g e Road UNCW is committed to and will provide equal educational and employment opportunity. Questions regarding program access may be directed to the Compliance Officer, UNCW Chancellor’s Office, 910.962.3088, Fax 910.962.3483. xx,xxx copies of this public document were printed at a cost of $x,xxx.xx or $.xx per copy (G.S. 143-170.1). • Wil ming ton, N C 284 03-59 6 5 • 910.962.3685 • studyabroad@unc