Tourism in South Africa Summer I 2013 ation Abroad — c u d Unive E rsity of Nor th Carolina Wilmington Program Overview This 19 day program integrates popular sites and activities in and around Southern South Africa. While the program will have its base out of Cape Town, activities include climbing Table Mountain and sand-boarding, volunteering at a local primary school, and visiting Robben Island (where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 18 years), it will also include some overnight trips rafting up the Orange River, a Garden Route tour that will feature caving, ostrich racing, a visit to Addo Elephant National Park, and whale watching. Program Facts Location(s): Cape Town, South Africa Tentative Program Dates: Summer I session: May 22 to June 16, 2013 Program Leader(s): Academics REC 494-805: Adventure Tourism in South Africa. This course is an analysis of adventure tourism industry in South Africa. Comparison and evaluation to ecological tourism and economic and environmental impacts in the region. 3 credit hours REC 494-806: Tourism: A Catalyst for Change. This course is designed as an overview of tourism development in South Africa. It highlights how tourism can be used as a mechanism to create economic opportunities, and enhance the quality of life of local residents. 3 credit hours Dr. Nancy Hritz Application Deadline: [Enter Date Here] • Applications are available through the program leader, the Office of International Programs and online at: • Program Activities and Features Students will learn about adventure tourism, its connections to the physical environment and career paths within. Participants will also receive instruction on the impacts of tourism from both a participant and destination perspective. This program is bound to provide a once in a lifetime experience to one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations! Dr. Alexia Franzidis franzidisa@uncw.ed A $225 non-refundable deposit is due at time of application. Eligibility Students are eligible to apply for this program if they meet the following eligibility criteria: • Degree-seeking student • At least Sophomore standing at time of participation • Good judicial standing • 2.5 GPA at time of application Sandboarding at Table Mountain Learn more at Open up yo ur w orld - Go Abroad! Cost Estimated Program Fee: $2700 Program Fee Includes: Ostrich races Location Cape Town and its surrounds have countless places of interest with some attractions being more well-known and some slightly off the beaten track. South Africa enjoyed a big share of the 2012 World Travel Awards for Africa, winning 32 of the awards. (These awards are known as the "Oscars" of the travel industry). Therefore, the location is ideal for our examination of the industry. • Medical insurance • shared room in hotels or lodges, incl. Breakfast • Welcome and farewell dinners • Excursions to Orange River Garden Route Tour, Cape Town township, Robben Island, Table Mountain, Cape Point Nature Preserve, Green Point Stadium, Betty's Bay Transportation during the program Most meals (see itinerary) Additional Costs: (not included in program fee) In general, class will be in lecture style format most mornings with activities in the afternoons. We will also have multiple day excursions with a Garden Route Orange River tours. There will be one weekend in which students will have the entire weekend to explore on their own. Students will have housing, but can travel to the surrounding areas as they wish. • Round Trip Flight: $1900 • Some Meals: $300 • UNCW Tuition: for 6 credits (students must be enrolled in both courses) Souvenirs/shopping: $ own habits ($1 US dollar = 8.5 ZAR) Map & Images Financial Aid & Scholarships Federal and state financial aid may be applied toward this program. Even if you are normally ineligible for financial aid, you should submit a financial aid application (FAFSA). You may find that you are eligible for additional funding. UNCW students may also apply for a UNCW Summer Education Abroad Grant and additional study abroad scholarships. Grant applications and additional information are available a Hiking near the Orange River Web Sites Map of Southern South Africa O ff f Int ice o ernatio White water rafting n a l P r o g r a m s • 11 8 F r i d a y A n n e x • UNC W ilming ton • 601 S o uth C • • • o ll e g e Road UNCW is committed to and will provide equal educational and employment opportunity. Questions regarding program access may be directed to the Compliance Officer, UNCW Chancellor’s Office, 910.962.3088, Fax 910.962.3483. xx,xxx copies of this public document were printed at a cost of $x,xxx.xx or $.xx per copy (G.S. 143-170.1). • Wil ming ton, N C 284 03-59 6 5 • 910.962.3685 • studyabroad@unc