MPA Student Code of Ethics

MPA Student Code of Ethics
The MPA Program at UNCW strives to foster professional, ethical, and knowledgeable
public administrators. Towards this goal the program has adopted an ethical code as a
foundation for all students:
Strive for Academic Excellence
„ Commit to putting forth your best effort that reflects honesty, integrity, and
„ Work to generate original thoughts and ideas.
„ Contribute to the learning environment by bringing in relevant professional
and life experiences.
„ Seek meaningful interactions with faculty and other students outside of the
„ Make attendance and participation a top priority, reflecting your commitment
to the MPA learning experience.
„ Act in accordance with the UNCW Student Academic Honor Code.*
Practice Fairness and Equal Treatment of Others
„ Recognize and encourage others for their contributions to the MPA program.
„ Demonstrate inclusiveness and responsibility in the context of team projects.
„ Show respect for faculty, students, staff, public servants, and all citizens
consistent with the Seahawk Respect Compact.*
Foster a Culture of Professionalism
„ Seek and develop networking opportunities.
„ Adhere to appropriate workplace standards in all internship and community
project experiences.
„ Become familiar with and refer to codes of ethics from appropriate
professional organizations (e.g., ASPA, ICMA, AICP, Nonprofit).*
Demonstrate Personal Accountability and Integrity
„ Accept responsibility for your own actions, both personal and professional.
„ Speak out against all forms of injustice.
„ Be mindful that your personal conduct may be a reflection of the quality and
stature of the MPA program.
*See MPA website for links to full documents (