Program Handbook Human Services Foundation Program-1053 Academic Year 2015/2016

Program Handbook
Human Services Foundation Program-1053
Doon Campus
School of Health & Life Sciences and Community Services
Conestoga College
Academic Year 2015/2016
This is a companion document to the current Conestoga Student Guide
This document can be found on the program shell of eConestoga and the program specific page
Revised on July 6th, 2015
Table of Contents
PROGRAM HANDBOOK................................................................................................................... I
PROGRAM HANDBOOK GUIDELINES .............................................................................................. V
WELCOME .................................................................................................................................... VI
TOP FIVE EXPECTATIONS OF YOU ................................................................................................. VII
1. USE MYCONESTOGA TO CONNECT TO: ..................................................................................................... VII
2. KNOW AND PLAN AROUND YOUR ACADEMIC SCHEDULE WITH YOUR FAMILY .................................................. VII
3. BE THE PROFESSIONAL YOU WISH TO BECOME - FROM DAY ONE................................................................. VIII
4. ATTEND TO ENHANCE SUCCESS .............................................................................................................. VIII
5. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACADEMIC STATUS .................................................................................. VIII
TOP FIVE RESOURCES FOR YOU..................................................................................................... IX
1. YOUR TEACHING TEAM ........................................................................................................................... IX
2. COUNSELLING AND SERVICES FOR PERSONAL NEEDS ..................................................................................... IX
3. ACCESSIBILITY SERVICES ........................................................................................................................... X
4. STUDENT STUDY SPACES AND GENERAL SUPPORTS ....................................................................................... X
5. SERVICES FOR STUDENTS ......................................................................................................................... XI
LETTER TO STUDENTS .................................................................................................................... 1
1. PROGRAM OVERVIEW............................................................................................................ 2
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION HUMAN SERVICES FOUNDATION ................................................................................. 2
PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES................................................................................................................. 2
ACADEMIC CURRICULUM ............................................................................................................................ 3
PROGRAM DESIGN FOR YOUR COHORT .......................................................................................................... 5
PATHWAYS AND FURTHER POST-SECONDARY EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES ........................................................... 5
GRADUATION OPPORTUNITIES ..................................................................................................................... 6
RELATIONSHIPS...................................................................................................................... 8
COMMUNICATION AND CONTACT INFORMATION ............................................................................................. 8
Professors/Instructors/Teachers ..................................................................................................... 8
Core Faculty ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Coordinator ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Chair, Community Services .............................................................................................................. 9
Professional Memberships .............................................................................................................. 9
Office Hours ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Student Email ................................................................................................................................. 10
Posted Information for Students ................................................................................................... 10
STUDENT ENGAGEMENT ........................................................................................................................... 11
Student Concerns/Issues ............................................................................................................... 11
Student Representation ................................................................................................................. 11
WIHSC (Waterloo Inter-professional Health & Community Student Collaborative)..................... 11
STUDENT FEEDBACK................................................................................................................................. 12
Key Performance Indicators........................................................................................................... 12
Student Appraisal of Teaching ....................................................................................................... 12
CLASS CANCELLATIONS ............................................................................................................................. 13
Class Cancellations Due to Faculty Absence .................................................................................. 13
Inclement Weather Procedure ...................................................................................................... 13
Personal Notifications of Class Cancellations ................................................................................ 13
STANDARDS OF CONDUCT AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE ....................................................14
PROGRAM STANDARDS FOR PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE .................................................................................... 14
PROFESSIONAL EXPECTATIONS ................................................................................................................... 14
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY AND PLAGIARISM ....................................................................................................... 16
COPYRIGHT – WHAT STUDENTS NEED TO KNOW........................................................................................... 17
Cumulative Copying ....................................................................................................................... 17
SAFE PRACTICE ....................................................................................................................................... 18
STUDENT PROTECTION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT................................................................................................ 19
PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT - USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND CELL PHONES ............................................................... 20
Social Media Policy ........................................................................................................................ 20
Cell Phone Policy ............................................................................................................................ 21
COWAN HEALTH SCIENCES CENTRE POLICIES ................................................................................................ 22
Clinical Lab Dress Code .................................................................................................................. 22
4 ATTENDANCE & SUCCESS STRATEGIES........................................................................................23
ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY ................................................................................................................ 23
YOUR SUCCESS IN HSF ............................................................................................................................. 23
ATTENDANCE FOR EVALUATIONS ................................................................................................................ 24
Notification for Absence from Evaluations.................................................................................... 25
Notification procedure................................................................................................................... 25
Follow-up after Reporting Your Absence from an Evaluation ....................................................... 25
RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS ............................................................................................................................... 26
DOCUMENTATION TO SUBSTANTIATE YOUR REPORTED ABSENCE ...................................................................... 26
Evaluations worth less than 20% ................................................................................................... 26
Evaluations worth 20% or more .................................................................................................... 26
USE OF TIME BETWEEN CLASSES................................................................................................................. 27
TEST PROCEDURES .................................................................................................................................. 27
Importance of Test and Presentation Dates .................................................................................. 27
Tests and Exams ............................................................................................................................. 27
ASSIGNMENTS AND GROUP WORK ............................................................................................................. 28
Papers and Assignments ................................................................................................................ 28
5 ACADEMIC PROGRESS THROUGH THE PROGRAM ......................................................................30
ACADEMIC STANDING AND PROMOTION ...................................................................................................... 30
Achievement .................................................................................................................................. 30
Course Add/Drop ........................................................................................................................... 30
Special Timetables/Adding Dropped or Failed Courses ................................................................ 31
Supplemental Assignments............................................................................................................ 31
Academic Probation ....................................................................................................................... 31
Discontinuance............................................................................................................................... 31
Withdrawal .................................................................................................................................... 32
Program Transfer ........................................................................................................................... 32
Applying to Other Programs upon Completion of HSF .................................................................. 32
Appeal ............................................................................................................................................ 32
Clearance of Academic Deficiency ................................................................................................. 32
Readmission to a Program ............................................................................................................. 33
Process for Resolution of Student Concerns ................................................................................. 33
MAINTAINING STUDENT FILES ................................................................................................................... 34
SERVICE LEARNING AND MORE INFORMATION.....................................................................36
VOLUNTEER WORK.................................................................................................................................. 36
SERVICES LEARNING ................................................................................................................................. 36
REFERENCES FROM FACULTY...................................................................................................................... 36
STUDENT AWARDS ..............................................................................................................37
AWARDS AVAILABLE FOR HSF STUDENTS 2015-16....................................................................................... 37
PROGRAM REVISION LOG .............................................................................................................38
Program Handbook Guidelines
The purpose of this handbook is to provide students with program specific details and other
important information. The material in this handbook is accurate at the date of posting, and is
applicable for the current academic year. Students will be informed of handbook changes that occur,
if any, through college email. Program handbooks are updated yearly and students must check their
program handbook for the current edition.
To the School of Health & Life Sciences and Community Services
Your Bridge to Practice
What Can This Mean For You?
The opportunity to begin, today, to become the professional you aspire to be.
The opportunity to learn in real-life settings and with real-life scenarios, rehearsing for the
day when you will be in these real-life situations.
A unique inter-professional opportunity, given the number of different disciplines in the
school. You will learn with, about and from your future colleagues.
An opportunity to take advantage of the state-of-the-art facilities, social and study spaces in
our Cowan Health Sciences Centre, as well as other unique learning resources such as the
Motz Emergency Service Bays in the WREMS Station and the Child Development Centre on the
Doon Campus
Your goal of being viewed by employers as a “preferred graduate” is up to you; your
professors, technologists, administrative staff and college services look forward to supporting
you as you journey from day one to your graduation.
Top Five Expectations of You
1. Use MyConestoga to Connect To:
Your Conestoga Email: (e.g. John Smith, Student Number 1234567,
• This is the official communication vehicle regarding your academic requirements. Check it
regularly and respond as requested.
eConestoga: (Desire to Learn)
• This is your resource for all course-based program information and course-based
communication with your faculty.
• Make eConestoga your partner in learning; this is your guide to all course activity.
Student Portal:
• Find your grade information, college tuition invoices, class schedules and absence reporting.
Practicum Health Requirements: (Go to “Services” and find “Practicum Services Link”)
• Keep track of your requirements; know that they are complete to allow you to go on your
2. Know and Plan Around Your Academic Schedule With Your
Course Schedule:
• Your schedule has been planned with many people and multiple considerations in mind.
• Classes can be scheduled from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (note, times for practicums follow work
place schedules).
• Changes may be considered but only for extenuating reasons (Please discuss with your
Program Coordinator).
The Academic Year has critical dates: Please plan around these dates to ensure you are here when
you need to be--including the potential need to be present for the two weeks after the semester
ends if you might need to complete supplemental work to allow you to continue to the next
semester. Program start and end dates, holidays and deadlines for course add/drop and withdrawal,
are located in the Student Guide. Course changes (add/dropping) may also be made through the
Student Portal under the “My Courses” tab.
Fall 2015
Winter 2016
Fall Orientation Week
Fall Semester Classes
Last Week of Semester
Intersession (no classes)
Aug 31 – Sept 4
September 8
December 14-18
Dec. 21-Jan 1/16
Winter Orientation
Winter Semester Classes
Study Week
Last Week of Semester
Intersession (no classes)
January 4
January 5
February 15-19
April 18-April 22
April 25 – May 6
Top Five Expectations of You
3. Be the Professional You Wish To Become - From Day One
Civility, respect and professional behaviors will be key in the quality of your learning experience—
and a future employer's first and lasting impression.
Professional Dress & Conduct: See section three of the Handbook for professionalism expectations
for your program. The college’s Student Guide sets out Student Code of Conduct for our community
at Conestoga.
Pre-practicum Health Requirements Complete as required; without these, you will not be able to
progress to your practicum and your program completion will be in jeopardy (per your information
in the Student Portal)
Social Media: Use responsibly –don’t blow your future on ill-advised communication with the e-tools
that we use so freely (see section three of the Handbook)
4. Attend To Enhance Success
Please Review Attendance Expectations in Section four of the Handbook: Attendance for class, labs
and practicum underpins student learning and your experience as a future professional.
Absence from Evaluations: Must be reported in the Student Portal before your absence to be eligible
for a repeated evaluation.
Request for Accommodation for Religious Holidays: Must be requested to your Program
Coordinator in the first three weeks of each semester.
5. Take Responsibility for Your Academic Status
Student Records if you have questions about your student record, academic status and or program
withdrawals, go to the Registrar’s Office and speak to your Program Coordinator.
Fee Payments: Payment is required to attend classes. Check your Student Portal for invoices.
Credit Transfer/Exemptions: Conestoga supports the transferability of academic credits between
programs and educational institutions through recognized transfer pathways, articulation
agreements and course-to-course equivalences. Please refer to the Student Guide for more
Student Forms: To access forms go to the Student Forms page.
Academic Policies & Procedures: May be found under Policies and Procedures.
Student Affairs Polices & Procedures: May be found at the Student Affairs page.
Top Five Resources for You
1. Your Teaching Team
Contact Information: Is posted in eConestoga and in your Program Handbook (Section two in the
Appointments: Making appointments (in person, by phone, email) helps to ensure your desired
resource is available.
Email Inquiries: will be answered within two business days.
Urgent Need for Help: Program Assistants are available to help you reach one of the Teaching Team
(contact information in Section two of the Handbook)
2. Counselling and Services for Personal Needs
College Counselling: Professionally-trained counsellors can help you achieve your educational
goals—for such common support as stress management, anxiety, depression, transition issues,
family issues, etc. Counselling is free, voluntary and confidential. Arrange to see a Counsellor quickly
if academic or personal problems stand in the way of your college success. To make an appointment,
visit or call Doon--Room 1A101, 519-748-5220, ext. 3360, Monday to Friday, 8:30 to 4:30. Check the
counselling services website for more information.
Good2Talk: Confidential 24-hour phone line for stresses big and small 1-866-925-5454
Conestoga Security: Provides a safe and secure work and learning environment. 519-748-5220 ext.
3357. Refer to the Student Guide for Conestoga’s Safety and Security Services and procedures.
Student Financial Services: Student Financial Services can help you by providing you with options to
finance your post-secondary education.
CSI Food Bank: The CSI Food Bank is an emergency food relief program for current Conestoga
Health Services: Your family doctor on campus. Check out the services that they offer on their
website or call 519-748-5220 ext. 3679. Services available Monday to Friday, 8:30 to 4:30. Some
same day appointments may be available by walk-in. A full-time health nurse is on site.
Facility Information: Refer to the Student Guide for information on after-hours parking, classroom
and computer labs.
Top Five Resources for You
3. Accessibility Services
Students with Documented Disabilities are encouraged to book an appointment with Accessibility
Services to access accommodations –EARLY in your program. Disability-related documentation will
be required to book an appointment. Go to the Accessibility Services webpage for more information.
Adaptive Technology Aids and Special Facilities:
Adaptive Aids are arranged through Accessibility Services; handicapped –accessible washrooms are
located throughout the campus. Contact the Adaptive Technology Lab for more information on
adaptive technology aids.
4. Student Study Spaces and General Supports
Cowan Health Sciences Centre (F-wing)
Student Lounge Space –Enjoy seats on each of the three floors. Plugs for laptops and charging
stations are located throughout these areas.
Student Meeting Room Space—Book through the Customer Service Desk for general access to 1F18
and 1F20 and spaces designated for degree programs.
General Access Computers and printers are located in two areas:
• 1st Floor –in the student lounge area with photocopier
• 2nd Floor—at the Customer Service Desk and kiosk area
Open Access Lab –2nd Floor, 2F18.
This is available on a come and go basis for health & pre-health programs practicing key skills. It is
open from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day. Book with an Open Access Nurse Technologist.
Lockers—are available with your tuition; important to store your extra clothes and books, etc. so
that you can be at your professional best in the lab. To learn how to obtain a locker, please click
Information Technology-- New ITS HELP DESK—1st Floor Ewing (provides supports & general
assistance with college-related needs such as Email, Network accounts, connectivity & wireless
printing. Go to the Web IT Service Desk for more information.
Top Five Resources for You
5. Services for Students
Library Resource Centre: Located on 2nd Floor B Wing; Go to the Library Resource Centre page for
more information.
International Education Office: Check out the International Education Office for services available to
Learning Commons: Your one-stop resource for academic services and resources, such as Math,
Writing Skills, Peer Tutors and resources for APA. Check out their website or Access through
Student Life: Get involved and shape your experience. Visit the Student Life page or Connect to
MyConestoga for your Co-Curricular Record.
Student Financial Services: Your one-stop resource to apply for student awards and bursaries apply
early to increase your chances.
Bookstore: Your location to buy books (check out their options including used books), clothing for
your program and general supplies. Find it in the A wing, just inside Door 1.
Co-op and Career Advising: Your resource for Co-op Placements (if you are in a degree); your source
of help to look for summer jobs or future careers and gain help preparing your resume. Check out
the Co-op and Career Services site for more information.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
Letter to Students
Dear Human Services Foundation Student,
This handbook has been prepared to provide further information about academic standards,
guidelines and processes specific to the Human Services Foundation (HSF) Program. Reading,
understanding and following the information in this handbook is an important first step in your
continued success in this program and your chosen profession. The handbook has been compiled
with careful consideration for your personal and professional growth during your year at the
college. If you do not understand any of the information in this handbook, please ask the faculty
or Chair for an explanation.
Use the index in this handbook as your guide and the contents as your continuous reference as
you proceed through the program. The Human Services Foundation Program faculty will refer to
the handbook often, but the responsibility for knowing the program standards is ultimately yours.
In addition to the Human Services Foundation Program Standards Handbook, the Conestoga
Student Guide outlines important policies and procedures for you to follow. The Human Services
Foundation Program Standards Handbook is a supplement to, but not a replacement for, the
Conestoga Student Guide.
We are here to help you have a successful year. Should you experience difficulty or need
assistance in any area of your studies, please talk to your faculty, or come to my office to seek
direction to ensure your success in the program.
All the very best to you in your studies.
Marlene Raasok (Executive Dean, Health & Life Sciences and Community Services),
Goranka Vukelich (Chair, Community Services) & HSF Coordinator and Faculty
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
1. Program Overview
Program Description Human Services Foundation
This one-year certificate program is designed to prepare students to enter a variety of career-based
academic programs in the community service professions. As a preparatory program, particular
emphasis will be placed on the further development of self-awareness, personal growth and maturity,
personal and professional responsibility as well as personal suitability related to the career program of
choice. Students who are eligible to continue in second semester will be asked to select program
electives that will assist them in preparing for application to further diploma or degree level programs.
Our students have interests in careers related to programs such as Recreation & Leisure, Social
Services, Early Childhood Education and Police Foundations, Protection, Security and Investigation,
community and criminal justice, Child & Youth Care and leadership position in early learning. In
addition, many students have an interest in the health domains such as Nursing and Personal Support
Worker and a few even determine that a career in business or administrative work might be of
Completion of the HSF Certificate is potentially, a stepping stone. During this program, students then
apply for admission into other educational programs (diploma or potential degree level) that will give
them specific training, knowledge and skills for their desired occupation in the human services field.
Please note that completing this certificate does NOT guarantee admission into any program. Students
are required to fulfill admission requirements as listed by those programs. However, Conestoga
College will most definitely consider the achievement of students who have completed the HSF
certificate as they apply to other programs. Students who successfully compete the HSF program may
be eligible for bonus marks toward application into other human services diploma programs. Please
consult admission requirements of other programs for details.
This Program Standards Handbook is intended to provide a general guide. It is a complement to the
Conestoga Student Guide. Please consult both.
Program Learning Outcomes
Recognizing that HSF is a foundations program, there are several goals that the program endeavours to
reach. In addition, the purpose of the HSF program is to introduce the student to the various careers
that make a difference in others’ lives, in order to facilitate the student’s further academic and career
planning for a potential career in the human services field.
In this regard, the program will help students to address the following areas:
1. Acquire basic literacy skills, both written and oral.
2. Demonstrate appropriate study habits.
3. Develop a basic knowledge and understanding of a variety of helping careers.
4. Incorporate into one’s knowledge base an understanding of the key practice issues in the helping
5. Practice and apply the basic value sets and ethical standards inherent in all helping professions in a
classroom setting.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
6. Identify and utilize a variety of community resources as needed.
7. Internalize an understanding of the use of self in all personal and professional relationships.
8. Learn and utilize appropriately the key skills and abilities required to become an effective helper.
Our students come from many paths. Some have spent some years in the work force and are looking
for a career change. Some may want to give back to their community. Others may wish to embark
upon a career where they can tap into what they believe to be their inherent “people skills”. Some
have come directly from high school. Our age range is particularly diverse and we aim to create a
learning experience that is useful to everyone. The program helps students to explore their motives for
wanting to work with others, what their career interests might be and then, to help students direct
their plans to a future course of study. Another, more professional rationale, comes from an
underpinning belief common to all helping professions, which can be encapsulated in the statement:
“Helper, know thyself” (Corey and Corey 2011)
There is an inherent belief in all human service professions that any kind of professional contact with
people requires the professional to be very aware of what they contribute to the process. As such, this
program has a particular emphasis towards students getting to know themselves, their values,
strengths, attitudes, behaviours, biases, prejudices and areas for growth.
Academic Curriculum
The HSF program is represented in the following curriculum:
First Semester Courses for ALL students:
Course Name
English I for Health Sciences and Community
Essential Mathematics
Psychology: Basic Processes of Behaviour
Preparing for College and Exploring Helping
Social Issues and Community Services
Human Services I
In the second semester, all students will take four common courses and you will have the option of
taking a degree-stream or a diploma stream. Decisions for which stream you wish to pursue need to
be made in the first term and you will need to fulfill prerequisite requirements as necessary.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
Second Semester Courses for ALL students:
Course Name
Human Services II
Group Dynamics and Conflict Management
Psychology: Dynamics of Human Behaviour
Cultural Diversity and Human Service
Diploma Stream Students:
Course Name
Applied Communications
Sociology and Canadian Society
Degree Stream Students:
COMM 1800
MAT 1005
Course Name
English 2- Workplace Writing & Presentation
Math for Data Management
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
Program Design for Your Cohort
Students can find their program design on the student Portal by following the steps below:
1. Log in to Student Portal
2. Click on ‘My Courses’ tab
3. Select ‘View Progress Report’ button
Courses are listed by level/semester. Students can also view courses for the most current program
design for this academic year on the Conestoga College website. To find these courses, students need
to scroll down the page to the ‘Program Courses’.
Pathways and Further Post-secondary Education Opportunities
Conestoga pathways enable students to build on their academic achievements in order to earn a
degree or additional credential. Pathways are formed through agreements between Conestoga
programs or partner institutions. View the transfer agreement opportunities for this program.
There are a number of different opportunities available to students who want to continue studying at
Conestoga. Whether you wish to transfer to another program or apply to a new program after
graduation, Conestoga has established pathways to help you meet your goals. Conestoga Pathways
information is available on Conestoga’s website.
The HSF program is designed to support and assist students as they consider their career path. The
courses and overall program orientation are directed to guide students at each step of their career
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
“I want to make
a difference in
the lives of
others; I think I
have what it
How do I
apply to
related to
“What kinds of
careers are
“Do I still want
to pursue this
“What does it
take to help
people in an
effective way?”
“What are some
of issues that I
would deal
procedures while
in HSF for next
Finish the
and move
on to
career path
program if
“Who do I
need to
talk with
about my
while in HSF
for next
with HSF
services for
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
Graduation opportunities
Graduates are prepared to enter a variety of career-based programs with the prerequisite skills and
knowledge to enhance their level of achievement in the career program of their choice. A five-mark (5)
bonus will be granted to any applicant who has successfully completed Conestoga's Human Services
Foundation program and who is applying to any of the following Conestoga diploma programs: Early
Childhood Education; Recreation and Leisure Services; Social Services Worker; and Protection, Security
and Investigation.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
2. Relationships
College staff encourages students to take full responsibility for their education. Staff (professors,
counsellors, administration) at the college want students to succeed and are very willing to facilitate
student growth. However, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure their own success. Students have
a variety of resources to which they have access. These include Student Services, Peer Services,
Disability Services, Conestoga Students Inc., etc. Please consult the Student Procedures Guide for
further details or consult with the HSF faculty.
Communication and Contact Information
Below, is a list of current faculty and administration staff. Specific teaching assignments will not be
released until the beginning of each semester.
Marlene Raasok
Goranka Vukelich
Jaymie Wilson-Neil
Executive Dean, School of Health
& Life Sciences and Community
Chair, Community Services
Program Assistant
Office Assistant
519-748 5220 x 3435
519-748-5220 x 3393
519-748-5220 x 3765
519-748-5220 x 3182
Michael Mainland
Faculty and Program Coordinator
519-748 5220 x 3965
Debashis Dutta
519-748 5220 x 3935
During the school year, students will be taught by a number of faculty members. Any questions or
concerns that relate to the course should be directed to the instructor of the course. Examples would
include readings, tests, assignments due dates, need for greater clarity on class discussions, etc.
Core Faculty
There are two core faculty members who are associated with our program (Debashis Dutta and
Michael Mainland). Both can be accessed for issues pertaining to academic achievement, and overall
guidance with career and other support. These faculty members will also link the student to other
appropriate and necessary services. The core faculty will be most readily available to support the
student as well as to help with problem-solving and redirection.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
The Coordinator of the HSF program (Michael Mainland) is responsible for overall program
development and assessment. The Coordinator ensures that the HSF program’s standards are set and
maintained according to those set by the College. The Coordinator liaises with other members of the
College community to alter the program from time to time to ensure its currency, its synchronicity
with other programs and its value for the student. If there are overall program concerns, questions or
needs for clarification, please refer to the HSF Coordinator.
Chair, Community Services
The Chair of the department, Goranka Vukelich, provides academic leadership to our program and
oversees its operations. In addition to our program, the Chair provides leadership to a number of other
community services programs. These other programs have similarity with our program and are
connected to the interests of our students. The Chair provides opportunities for Coordinators, faculty
and students to connect their interests for the purpose of supporting student success. In addition, the
Chair is a member of our team dedicated to student success. As such, the Chair is involved in our
program and is available to student comments, questions and concerns.
Professional Memberships
Michael Mainland, B.A., B.S.W., M.A., Ph.D. (candidate)
Debashis Dutta, B.A., B.S.W., M.S.W. (R.S.W.) Ph.D. (candidate)
Debashis has been a certified/registered social worker for many years and worked in children’s mental
health, Aboriginal social work, family preservation, foster care & adoption, and individual counselling.
Mike has unique educational qualifications that include degrees in social work and recreation &
leisure. Mike’s experiences include family support work in mental health and developmental
disabilities, group facilitation skills and a significant interest in positive psychology and mind-body
interactions. Both Debashis and Mike are about to complete a PhDs, and both have taught at
Conestoga and University of Waterloo.
Office Hours
Most professors will outline their office hours in the first class. These times may also be posted for
students to consult with their professors about any academic issues or to receive assistance related to
coursework. If students anticipate a need for additional time, they are asked to make an appointment.
In general, faculty members are very accommodating and are very willing to spend time to address
student concerns.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
Student Email
Conestoga College will provide the student with a Conestoga email account that will serve as your
email for use between yourself and faculty during your time in HSF. Please use the Conestoga email
account assigned to you in communicating with us rather than any personal emails such as Hotmail,
Yahoo, Gmail, etc. We cannot guarantee that we will respond to emails other than ones sent through
the college accounts while you are enrolled in the program. At the end of the year, you can provide
your permanent/personal e-mail if you wish for the purposes of continued contact. Students are
strongly advised to make phone calls to professors in addition to sending emails.
Posted Information for Students
Marks are obtained through the Student Portal on the College’s Website. The Student Portal is also the
site where students can obtain their timetable and other college-wide notices. eConestoga is the
online educational complementary forum through which Conestoga offers online courses, hybrid
courses and course-related information. As such, for some courses, you can obtain assignments,
lecture notes, links, etc. as they pertain to your course. The eConestoga site will also have a bulletin
board where students can post topics and issues of interest so long as this is done respectfully and
does not violate the Student Guide.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
Student Engagement
Student Concerns/Issues
We appreciate that concerns/issues may arise during the learning experience. Our goal is to
collaborate – students with faculty and staff —to resolve situations of concerns quickly and to learn
and improve from these situations.
To achieve this goal, we need an effective problem-solving environment. This means:
When a situation of concern arises, it needs to be raised immediately and discussed by the individuals
involved. This is the most important area for effective problem solving.
**Problem-solving closest to the individual associated with the learning is the place to start.
Please see the “Student Concerns/Issues” section in the Student Rights and Responsibilities chapter of
the college Student Guide for further details to be followed for the informal and formal procedures for
the resolution of concerns and issues.
Student Representation
CSI and Conestoga agree that a student has the right to invite a member of CSI to a student/faculty
meeting, provided that 24 hours advance notice is given to faculty. This advance notice will ensure that
all parties will have an opportunity to adequately prepare for the meeting.
WIHSC (Waterloo Inter-professional Health & Community Student Collaborative)
Conestoga College offers many unique and exciting opportunities for personal and professional
growth. One of the things that contribute to the excellence of this college is the host of exciting
extracurricular opportunities that add to the culture of this fine institution. WIHSC (Waterloo Interprofessional Health & Community Student Collaborative) is one such club whose members strive to
‘learn with, from, and about’ each other.
Membership of this active group is comprised of students enrolled in health, community, and social
sciences programs at the Doon campus. Some of the most popular initiatives that this group regularly
engages in are interactive simulation exercises, peer-mentoring, guest speakers, paper case studies
and monthly meetings. To find out more about this exciting opportunity, please visit the WIHSC
website. The website includes information on past events (pictures and videos) as well as how to get
involved. Get involved, have fun, and learn more about the team members you will work with upon
graduation! For more information, please contact your Program Coordinator.
PAC (Program Advisory Committee)
Each program at Conestoga has a Program Advisory Committee (PAC), which is made up of industry
and academic representatives, as well as current students. They meet several times a year to discuss
the direction in which that industry is heading and any improvements that can be made to keep the
program current. This helps to ensure that students are learning material that is relevant to their
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
At the beginning of each year, the coordinator of the program will ask for student volunteers. The
coordinator will decide which students will represent years one and two. The student representatives
are expected to attend the meetings. Students must prepare and submit a report based on guidelines
provided by the Program Chair/Coordinator which will be presented at the meeting. Students are
expected to be professional, dress in business attire and engage in discussions.
Student Feedback
Student feedback is an essential component of our continuous improvement process. Our
opportunities for student feedback include:
Key Performance Indicators
All college programs in the province are evaluated using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) through the
Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. This survey is conducted each academic year. Strategic
goals to improve the programs are developed from these results. This data and other data specific to
the campus and the program/school are collected so that Conestoga College can continually improve
Student Appraisal of Teaching
The Student Appraisal of Teaching (SAT) allows direct feedback from students on teaching for a
particular course. Completion of the SAT form gives teachers and academic managers valuable
information, to use for improving teaching at Conestoga.
The SAT process occurs at semester-end. One quarter of the faculty is appraised per term, and each
has two courses selected by their academic managers for appraisal. All teachers have a SAT review at
least once every two years. Students complete either an electronic or paper copy of the SAT. A
summary of results is prepared by Institutional Research.
The report is sent to the Academic Manager who shares the report with the faculty member AFTER all
marks for the semester have been collected. Continuing Education students may have an opportunity
to complete a SAT form at the conclusion of each Continuing Education course.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
Class Cancellations
Class Cancellations Due to Faculty Absence
All class cancellations due to faculty absences will be posted in the Student Portal on the left hand side
of first page which a student sees after logging in. These notices in the Student Portal will be the only
general notifications of class cancellations due to faculty absences.
Faculty who will be absent will not be informing students of class cancellations through eConestoga.
Inclement Weather Procedure
When it appears that classes may be cancelled due to inclement weather, students are advised to
check one of the local radio stations listed below and/or Conestoga’s website .The decision regarding
college closure is made fairly early in the morning (by 6:30 a.m.).
In the event of inclement weather, local radio stations will announce if Continuing Education classes
are cancelled. These stations are:
Conestoga’s own FM station
CIZN FM (92.9)
CJIQ (88.3)
CJOY (1460)
CHYM (96.7) and CKKW (1090)
CJCS (1240)
CKNX (920)
Personal Notifications of Class Cancellations
Students have the option of receiving special emails or SMS text messages notifying them of class
cancellations due to faculty absences. To receive such personal notifications students must subscribe
to this special service.
To subscribe:
- Log in to the Student Portal
- Select Notifications under the Profile tab
- Select the method by which you would like to be notified
- Click Update.
Note: To change the email address to which these notifications will be sent, select My Addresses under
the Profile Tab, and change the default email address.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
3. Standards of Conduct and Professional Practice
Program Standards for Professional Practice
As a student of Conestoga College you are a member of the college community and as such you have
received a Conestoga Student Guide that includes Student Rights, Student Responsibilities, and Student
Code of Conduct. The Student Responsibilities section includes detailed information regarding plagiarism,
cheating, and academic dishonesty. It is essential that you review this section and familiarize yourself with
these Responsibilities. It is expected that your conduct as a student will be reflective of the responsibilities
listed. If you have any questions regarding any of them, please contact your Program Coordinator.
The HSF program subscribes to overall College statements on rights and responsibilities for students
and staff. In addition, to complement or to specify overarching organizational procedures, the
following pages spell out forms and statements which make explicit behavioural, academic and
professional expectations as they pertain to the student’s tenure while in the HSF program and at
Conestoga College. Please consult with faculty if there are any questions about the information listed
Professional Expectations
I, the student in the Human Services Foundation Program, agree to abide by the criteria stated:
I will demonstrate Positive and Effective Interpersonal Skills by:
• using self-disclosure appropriately
• actively demonstrating positive regard for others
• demonstrating positive regard for others
• demonstrating empathy
• constructively attempting to resolve conflict with others
• demonstrating consistency in verbal and non-verbal communication
• demonstrating the ability to work as a team member
• respecting the rights of others
• respecting the confidentiality of others
• demonstrating sensitivity and consideration of others
I will demonstrate Commitment, Reliability and Integrity in Relation to My Academic and
Professional Performance by:
• attending classes and other scheduled learning activities
• being punctual
• meeting stated or agreed upon deadlines for each course, professor and other
• maintaining confidentiality
• demonstrating honesty in all academic and learning settings
• seeking appropriate assistance and supervision
• attending appointments as designated by college staff
• following college policies and procedures
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
I will demonstrate Socially Acceptable Behaviour by:
engaging in behaviour that would increase one’s confidence in my ability to respect and
care for others and/or be an effective change agent
accepting feedback from others and modifying behaviour, if indicated
maintaining appropriate standard of dress and personal hygiene
demonstrating respect and professionalism for all faculty, staff and fellow learners by
not engaging in aggressive, threatening and/or aversive behaviour
being drug and/or alcohol free while engaging in classroom program or college related
I understand that failure to adhere to the above guidelines may result in contributing to difficulty in
my success as a Conestoga student in both meeting my academic goals and in following the
procedures set out in the Conestoga Student Guide.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism
Academic honesty is expected and required of all Conestoga students. In order to maximize your
success as a student, it is critical that you familiarize yourself with the Academic Integrity Policy found
in the Conestoga Student Guide. This guide has been provided to you during orientation and is
available on the college website. The Academic Integrity Policy provides a detailed description of the
• Scope of academic integrity,
• What academic integrity means,
• What types of behaviours constitute a breach of academic integrity,
• The penalties associated with breaching academic integrity.
After reading this information, if you do not fully understand what is meant by academic integrity, and
what is required of you to maintain academic integrity, please speak with a faculty member or your
program coordinator. Please note that maintaining academic integrity is very serious, and that it is
your responsibility as a Conestoga student to know the Academic Integrity Policy and to initiate help if
you do not fully understand it.
Below are a few hints to help you avoid breaching academic integrity.
Make sure that you recognize information that requires referencing.
Required Referencing
Milk is good for you.
General information in the public domain.
Does not require referencing.
“According to Health Canada milk beverages
Direct quote right from a published
provide the nutrients needed for healthy bones
source. Requires a reference.
and optimal health”.
Health Canada. (2008). Canada’s food guide:
Milk and alternatives. Retrieved May 17, 2011
Consuming milk every day provides the nutrients Information that has been put into your
that you need for healthy bones and optimal
own words, but offers information outside
of public domain related with specialized
Health Canada. (2008). Canada’s food guide:
knowledge. Requires a reference.
Milk and alternatives. Retrieved May 17, 2011
• Whenever you refer to material from another source, whether book, journal article, video,
newspaper, or electronic publications, you must acknowledge your source using proper
citations and references. The APA style is the format most often used in the health and social
sciences. Please visit the Conestoga Learning Commons for assistance with the APA format, or
visit their website for help.
If you work collaboratively with others on an assignment, including in class assignments that
expect independent submission, make sure that you do not copy words or ideas from others
intentionally or by accident.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
Make sure that you read the Academic Integrity Policy located in the Conestoga Student Guide,
and that you fully understand it. The policy describes additional behaviours that represent a
breach of academic integrity.
Copyright – What Students Need to Know
Photocopying and scanning at Conestoga are governed by the Copyright Act, an agreement with
Access Copyright, and the Association of Canadian Community Colleges’ Fair Dealing Policy.
Under the terms of our Access Copyright license which gives the broadest permission:
You can photocopy or scan the following:
• Up to 10% of most published works
• One chapter that is greater than 10%, but no more than 20% of the book
• One article, short story, play, poem or essay from a book, magazine or journal issue containing
other works
• One newspaper article or page
• One entry from an encyclopedia, dictionary, annotated bibliography or similar reference work
• One drawing, sculpture, painting, print, architectural work of art or work of artistic
craftsmanship from a larger volume containing other works.
Cumulative Copying
If you copy 10% of a book today, 10% next week, 10% the week after that, and so on, this is called
cumulative copying and it is not allowed. The copy limits apply to an entire academic year, so once you
reach the limit for an item, you can’t copy more until the next academic year.
You cannot copy or scan the following:
• Workbooks or study guides that are intended for one-time use
• Instruction manuals
• Sheet music and original artistic works including photographs or prints
• Advertisements
• Business cases
• Any of the items on the Access Copyright Exclusions list
You can find all of this information and more on the Copyright for Students web page.
If you have any questions about copyright or the limits of copying on campus, contact Tessa Dueck,
Copyright Technician, at or 519-748-5220 ext. 3604.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
Safe Practice
Safe practice is part of professional practice. It is an expectation of everyone who is or wants to be a
There are a number of policies and procedures associated with practical training in your program that
have been developed to ensure your safety and the safety (physical and emotional) of those around
you. These will be reviewed with you during your program.
The following basic procedures are outlined for your attention and follow-through:
1. Your personal safety begins with the use of professional attire and foot wear and with your
attention to the health and safety expectations that may be identified throughout the College.
2. Help us have a safe and pleasant environment by wiping up spills, by ensuring lap top cords do
not snake across walking areas and by reporting equipment or facility problems when you see
a. Concerns such as these in the Cowan Health Sciences Center may be reported to the
Customer Service Desk in the Cowan Health Sciences Center.
3. Specific dress codes, personal protective equipment and specific codes of behavioural conduct
may apply to certain programs; failure to follow these may result in your inability to participate
in a lab, class or experiential learning activity.
4. Safe work practices are to be followed during all training; follow the direction of your
instructors. If you have a practicum, your Placement supervisor will ensure that you are aware
of safe practices and safety precautions and procedures. This includes problem-solving by the
Responsible Faculty and Program Coordinator with the College’s Occupational Health & Safety
Department as required. For example, should outside temperatures during the summer
become unusually hot, very high temperatures may occur in some workplaces; this could
require that specific steps be taken to ensure a safe working environment.
5. All safety-related accidents, incidents, and near misses must be reported to the Instructor-inCharge immediately. This is an opportunity to problem-solve about how to avoid these areas of
concern for the future.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
Student Protection Acknowledgement
A Student Protection Acknowledge confirmation pop-up will appear once an applicant/student logs
into the Student Portal. A PDF directs students to policies and procedures relevant to their academic
responsibilities. Policies and procedures are searchable on Conestoga’s website. Students are advised
to review and comply with all policies and procedures including the following:
Academic Dispute and Resolution Policy/Procedure
Academic Integrity Policy
Academic Recognition Policy
Academic Credential Procedure
Clearance of Academic Deficiency Policy/Procedure
Co-operative Education Policy
Discontinuance Policy/Procedure
Eligibility to Participate in Co-op Work Terms Policy/Procedure
Evaluation of Student Learning Policy/Procedure
Grading Procedure
Graduation Requirements and Convocation Procedure
Honours Policy/Procedure
Program/Course (Cohort) Withdrawal Procedure
Student Concerns and Issues/Procedure
Student Fees Policy
Student Feedback Policy
Violation of Academic Integrity Procedure
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
Professional Conduct - Use of Social Media and Cell Phones
To ensure a quality and respectful learning environment both in the classroom and in field placement,
the use of cell phones and laptop computers for social networking can only be used during break
times, before/after class and outside of children’s play areas (indoors/outdoors) in field placement.
Laptops and other forms of technology can be used in the classroom when the use pertains to the
content and processes of learning facilitated by the professor. Faculty reserve the right to remove and
hold any technology device that is a disruption to the class until the end of class.
Social Media Policy
Social media has many advantages for a professional. It can be used to network, to resource
information and keep current
As a student and future professional, it is essential to maintain professional boundaries in all
communication, including social media.
• “Electronic messages are not anonymous. They can be tracked, misdirected, manipulated and
live forever on the internet. Social media sites create and archive copies of every piece of
content posted, even when deleted from online profiles. Once information is digitalized, the
author relinquishes all control.”
“Online identities and actions are visible to the public and can result in serious repercussions or
embarrassment. As the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Ontario notes, users may intend to share
their online existence solely within their own network, but in theory anyone can access the user’s
musings, photos and information. Further, the words can be altered, forwarded and misquoted.1
Ensure that your posts reflect you as the professional you are and wish to become – if a potential
employer were to see your posts.
1. Many types of social media encourage instantaneous, casual dialogue. It is important to
remember that even an innocent comment may be easily misunderstood
2. Assume that information you post or send can be accessed or altered by anyone.
3. Consider whether any posting may reflect poorly on you, your school, or your profession.
4. Avoid online criticism about other students, colleagues, professors or field placements.
5. Avoid impulsive, inappropriate or heated comments.
6. Pictures should not be taken, posted to social media sites or shared without the express
permission of all individuals involved.
7. Remember that online sites you visit are not anonymous.
8. Make sure your online name and email reflect professionalism.
9. Ensure that your postings will not be considered harassment or defamation of a peer,
colleague, faculty or others.
Maintain privacy of all care and service activities when in practical work experiences:
1Professional Advisory. 2011. Use of Electronic Communication and Social Media. The Council of the Ontario College of Teachers.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
1. Do not take or post any pictures while on placement or involved in lab activities
2. Maintain client-provider relationships and boundaries. The addition of a client to a ‘friendship”
status online is unacceptable.
Please respect the fact that your faculty and staff will not invite you to their personal web pages
when you are a current student (Keep faculty and staff as resources to connect with after you have
graduated or after you have left the college)
Cell Phone Policy
Students should respect their professors and other instructors by following program policy and not use
their cell phones for personal use during class time. This is representative of the professional manner
in which you are expected to act as you prepare to enter the workforce.
Students should refrain from bringing their cell phone into a test or examination. Phones should be left
in your locker or left in your bag at the front of the classroom. In the event of an urgent need to keep
your cell phone with you during a test (parents with young children, students experiencing a family
emergency, etc.) please speak to your professor as soon as you enter the examination room. Those
who have been permitted to bring a phone into the classroom will likely be asked to either leave the
phone with the professor, or they may be permitted to leave their phone out on their desk where it is
visible to the professor and proctors. In any case, students are not permitted to touch or answer the
phone without raising their hand to ask for the professor/proctor’s permission. If you are found to
have a cell phone in your possession during an examination that has not been declared, you will be
asked to leave the examination room, and will be given a zero on the assessment.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
Cowan Health Sciences Centre Policies
Clinical Lab Dress Code
The Clinical Lab areas of the Cowan Health Sciences Centre (CHSC) are comprised of clinical bed labs,
the Cross Centre for the Advancement of Patient Care Simulation and the Open Access Lab. In order to
maintain these as safe professional spaces, appropriate dress must be worn. The purpose of this dress
code is to insure the safety of the student, faculty and staff and also to prepare them for the clinical
environment. The dress code is designed to comply with infection control procedures, workplace
health and safety considerations and professional safety.
All lab areas are covered by this policy for all programs in the School of Health, Life Sciences and
Community Services. Non-compliance with this dress code will result in the person being asked to
leave the lab area. (If during scheduled lab time, this may result in a missed lab)
Dress Requirements
Lab coat, scrubs or clinical dress as set forth by the program (should be neat and clean)
Note: the Centre for Advanced Patient Care Simulation requires full clinical uniform to be worn. I.e.
Family of Nursing/RT: scrubs, Paramedic/Pre-Service Fire: uniform
Closed toe, closed heel shoes
Hair tied back, if hair is long, then it must be up
No rings, necklaces or dangling earrings
 A pair of studs may be worn; one in each ear
 A plain wedding band may be worn
Nails should be kept neat and short; artificial nails and nail polish are not allowed
No hats to be worn (exceptions related to the Human Rights Code)
No denim or sweat pants
Nametags must be worn
Please be reminded that the labs are a clinical setting and, as such, the requirement for proper hand
washing/hygiene is in effect.
Clinical Lab Areas: 1F26, 2F06, 2F10, 3F35, 3F36, 3F38, 3F40, 3F45, 3F46
Open Access Lab: 2F18
Centre for Advanced Patient Care Simulation: 2F30, 2F50, 2F34, 2F46
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
4. Attendance & Success Strategies
Attendance and Punctuality
Coming to school is the equivalent of a full-time job. So, all other commitments must be balanced with
academic demands. The nature of the Human Services Foundation Program makes it absolutely critical
that students attend classes. Specific courses have an interactive or group work component to them.
As well, some will have an experiential learning component to them. Through role plays, guest
presenters, experiential exercises and class discussion, students’ learning experiences are enriched.
In order to maintain a respectful learning environment for all, students are required to turn off cell
phones, personal pagers and other distracting items such as laptops, and other devices. Students are
not permitted to use social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc.) or emails during class
time as this is distracting to others and disrespectful to faculty and peers. Classroom chattering is also
highly distracting and disrespectful. Students who engage in any of these behaviours will be spoken to
by faculty members. It is expected that these behaviours will then stop. If students continue to repeat
these behaviours, they may be asked to leave the classroom and will be required to meet outside of
class time to discuss additional consequences as required.
Classes are intended to be dynamic and fun. Therefore, students should come prepared. Students
should read ahead and be prepared to contribute thoughts, ideas, opinions, learning, and experiences.
Students in HSF will become an intimate group during the next eight months. They will attend a
variety of classes together and share in the same joys and stresses of learning. The nature of the HSF
program is such that students will learn a great deal about who and what they are as they consider
options in the human services field. This reflective and introspective process will be drawn out for
others to learn from as well. It is in the sharing that all participants have the potential to grow.
Consequently, there will be differences in opinion, attitude, belief systems and perspective. It is
important to realize that the expression of ideas must be conducted in a professional and respectful
manner. Any behaviours in class which violate the Student Code of Conduct and/or this Program
Standards Handbook will be addressed according to the procedures outlined.
Your Success in HSF
You are signing up for a potentially incredible year. You will come across teachers with experience,
knowledge and skill who are here to introduce you to a variety of professions and post-secondary
learning. You will share classes with peers who are here to learn and to succeed, just like you. You will
be engaged in a process of study and academic achievement, which will give you an exceptionally solid
foundation for your future studies. You will be increasingly aware of yourself and the impact you have
on others. You will learn about the fit between you and possible professions and what areas you will
need to improve upon as you enter this field of work.
Most people, who enter this program, do so, with some reservation at the beginning of the school
year. They wonder about the investment they put into this one-year certificate, knowing that there is
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
no guarantee to get into anything else. When they leave this program, most students simply marvel at
their own growth.
The professors in this program have high expectations of you. We work hard and expect the same
from you. We demand the best from you and push you to best of your ability. And we are there for
you. We walk you through our expectations. We nurture your growth and we challenge you. We
celebrate your achievements and are very, very accessible and approachable.
Your success this year depends on you. The program, the professors, the various college services and
student organizations are there for you. Make use of them to make your college experience
worthwhile. Your willingness to be challenged, your willingness to learn and your willingness to work
hard will be your greatest strengths towards success in the program. We have faith in your abilities
and in your potential. Now, it is time for you to demonstrate those abilities and work toward and
beyond your potential.
Attendance for Evaluations
An evaluation is defined as a test, exam, presentation or any other formal assessment that requires
your presence in a class or lab. Evaluations are critical components of each course and overall success
for you in your Program.
The school’s approach to requirements for attendance at evaluations reflects the expectation that as
emerging professionals, students must demonstrate a professional attitude and attention to
evaluations, in the same manner that expectations for future work as professional will require
attention to workplace procedures. Consequences for missed evaluations are balanced against
reasonable support where it is warranted.
In order to support student success:
• Evaluation and presentation dates are scheduled and communicated at the beginning of each
• Unplanned extenuating circumstances involving the college, the program or the faculty that
may require changes to the course schedule will be communicated to students.
In support of the development of professionalism, students are required to take all evaluations at the
scheduled times.
• Students who make personal commitments that conflict with the evaluation dates or
assignment deadlines do so at their own risk.
• There will be no special arrangements made for students with personal conflicts (e.g. work,
family commitments or vacation plans).
• Students who wish to reschedule an evaluation or a presentation due to a religious holiday are
required to discuss the situation with faculty within the first two weeks of the semester.
• Academic accommodations are provided to students with documented disabilities through the
Accessibility Office.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
Notification for Absence from Evaluations
Students are required to notify the program of absence from any evaluation for any reason.
• Notification must be received prior to the start of the evaluation.
• Failure to do so will result in a mark of zero being assigned.
Notification procedure
Log into the student portal and click on the Absence tab and indicate that you will be absent from class
on a day that has an evaluation. You will receive a confirmation email that you have recorded your
absence for that day.
• Your professor will be aware of your absence from an evaluation by your lack of attendance
and because you have entered your absence using the online Absence Recording System on the
Student Portal.
The Absence Recording System shows you as being absent for the day, starting from the time
that you record your absence. (For example if you record your absence for that day at 11:00
a.m. the system will show you as being absent for all classes starting after 11:00 a.m. that day.)
If you are then going to be present again for some later class, you will need to bring your
presence to the attention of your professor in that later class.)
The earliest that you may record your absence for a particular day is after 8:00 p.m. on the
preceding day.
Follow-up after Reporting Your Absence from an Evaluation
You must make contact immediately with faculty to explain the reasons for your absence and
to arrange a meeting.
If there is a concerning pattern of absence you will be asked to meet with the program
coordinator. This may result in the need for you to provide documentation verifying the reason
for your absence, in accordance with the requirements specified in sections below titled
“Evaluations worth 20% or more” and “Evaluations worth less than 20%”
Faculty will then make alternative evaluation arrangements as appropriate and you will
complete any necessary forms.
Students are required to complete the alternative evaluation as scheduled.
If the evaluation is to be conducted in the testing centre, you will be asked to show your
student card before you are permitted to write the test.
Tests will be made up In the College Testing Centre in the following week, or by individual
arrangements with program faculty.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
Religious Holidays
Students are permitted by Conestoga policy to be absent from class to observe a recognized religious
holiday. Any student who is unable to attend classes or participate in an examination, study, or work
requirement on some particular day or days because of religious beliefs will be given the opportunity
to make up the work that was missed or do alternate work/examinations subject to timely notification.
Conestoga recognizes all religious holidays as defined by the College Employer Council.
It is the responsibility of the student to:
a. Plan ahead and be aware of the dates of all examinations and other course obligations;
b. Advise the faculty member that he/she will be seeking accommodation to observe a recognized
religious holiday and make a request in writing to your Program Coordinator within the first
three weeks of the semester and prior to the date of assessment that falls on the religious
holiday. Exceptions based on extenuating circumstances must be approved by the Chair.
Documentation to Substantiate Your Reported Absence
Evaluations worth less than 20%
Missed evaluations worth less than 20% of the student’s final grade will be rescheduled once per
program semester subject to proper communication described above.
Once per program semester means that only one absence for an evaluation will be accepted across all
courses in a program for a semester. Implications of major illnesses or personal circumstances
impacting several course evaluations at one time will require discussion with the program coordinator
prior to faculty arranging alternative evaluations.
If an evaluation cannot be rescheduled (for example an experiential activity or participation in a group
presentation) reallocation of marks will be determined by faculty. This will be documented on an
interview record and signed off by both faculty and student.
If more than one evaluation that is worth less than 20% is missed, documentation requirements for
evaluations worth 20% or more apply.
Evaluations worth 20% or more
Any student who misses an evaluation worth 20% or more will receive a mark of zero unless the
reason for missing the evaluation and the accompanying documentation verifying the reason for the
absence are deemed acceptable by the program. Examples of reasons deemed acceptable include
incapacitating illness, death of a close family member, and required court appearance.
If an evaluation is missed due to illness, the health care professional attesting to the illness must have
firsthand knowledge of the situation and direct involvement with the treatment / management of the
condition. For example, a note from a clinic provided by a physician seeing the student for the first
time, after the illness has resolved, is unlikely to meet the program standard for documentation.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
Use of Time between Classes
Students are encouraged to use breaks between classes for personal needs (food, washroom, phone
calls, emails etc.) but also for group work, studying, connecting with faculty, field placement
supervisors, etc.
Test Procedures
Once a test begins, students may not leave the test room for 30 minutes. If they finish a test
before that time, they may review their answers but are expected to sit QUIETLY and not
disturb others. Once students leave the room they may only re-enter when invited back by
Any student found cheating during the course of an examination/test will be addressed
according to procedures found in the Conestoga Student Guide.
Faculty are responsible to advise as to the material permitted in the testing room. Personal
items and learning materials will be left in an area identified by the faculty.
Faculty will advise as to the seating arrangements of students.
During open book tests, students must bring their own course materials (books, notes, Learning
Packages etc.) for individual use only. Students may not share any of these materials. Electronic
devices, such as, iPod, text messaging, cell phones, translators, will not be permitted.
Importance of Test and Presentation Dates
Test and assignment dates are scheduled at the beginning of each semester. Unplanned extenuating
circumstances involving the college, the program, or the faculty may require changes to the course
schedule. If this occurs, students will be notified.
Students are required to write all tests during the scheduled in-class test times. Students who make
personal commitments that conflict with meeting test and assignment deadlines do so at their own
risk. There will be no special arrangements made for students with personal conflicts (e.g. work, family
commitments or vacation plans). Students who wish to reschedule a test or presentation because of a
religious holiday are required to discuss the situation with faculty at the beginning of the semester.
Academic accommodations are provided to students with documented disabilities through the
Accessibility Services Office.
Tests and Exams
Tests and exams could be in-class, take-home, group exams, or open-book, depending on the
professor’s criteria. Students will be given the time and place of when these are to take place and it is
the student’s responsibility to ensure that they attend the test/exam, prepared and ready. The
professor will advise whether or not materials such as dictionaries, class notes, etc. are allowed in the
test room. Students will bring one or two pens and their student identification card to exams. Most
professors will prefer blue or black ink. There might be a preferred seating arrangement or even a
different room for the exam.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
Students must not bring anything else into the exams expect for their writing tools (pens, pencils, etc.).
ANY personal belongings should either not be brought in, or be left at the front of the class, including
cell phones. Cell Phones MUST be left at the front of the class and must be turned off during tests and
exams. A cell phone or other such device that interrupts a test may result in serious consequences
including a ZERO for that exam/test.
You are expected to behave as a professional during the writing of tests. Please refrain from talking
and ensure that you are not late for the test. If these behaviours occur, students may be asked to leave
the test situation.
Assignments and Group Work
Assignments can include any number of things: Small group work, debates, class discussions,
experiential exercises, presentations, field trips. Some assignments will count for marks; others are
intended to enhance learning or to make a concept more clear and applicable. Students are
encouraged to participate and to aim to learn.
Assignments are often done in a collaborative capacity, that is, students will likely be working as part of
a small group. This can be frustrating for some people, because they like working independently. For
others, it is way to tap into some leadership skills. Sometimes, there are groups where one member
does not contribute to their share of the work. Or, there may be the student who procrastinates.
Groups can be fun and interesting, or frustrating and annoying. Tensions can arise if any one member
does not perform adequately. Regardless of the group or the grade earned, students are encouraged
to take advantage of the learning, because working in groups is a reality in the workplace. Students
are therefore encouraged to develop a clear group contract for use in their group work.
Papers and Assignments
In general, academic writing requires students to write in APA (American Psychological Association)
format. In addition, each teacher may have additional expectations which differ from course to
course. Overall, they will outline their expectations for papers to students. However, if there is any
doubt, question or concern, students must clarify expectations with the professor concerned. In all
cases, students must take responsibility to seek clarity from each teacher about APA expectations. If
there is any question, students should consult with the professor of the course and possibly bring in a
sample of what they will be submitting for further guidance and direction. APA guidelines will be
taught as part of coursework and students will have every opportunity to consult with professors.
For the most part, assignments cannot be handed in on computer disk or through e-mail, unless the
professor allows for this. Furthermore, they must be handed in at the BEGINNING of the class on
which they are due, unless the professor states otherwise. In addition, submission of an assignment
for one course does not, in any circumstance, warrant absence from another course. Sometimes,
assignments will be provided on eConestoga (web-based course supplement); other times, they will be
delivered to students in class. eConestoga may also be a forum through which students are asked to
submit short assignments.
Students are expected to hand in all assignments on the day they are due. If students do not submit
assignments on the date they are due and do not communicate with faculty prior to any due dates,
they may receive a mark of 0.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
Please note that, in general, seeking extensions for assignments is not encouraged. Your due dates are
provided early in the semester, and it is part of your journey as a responsible student to meet these
due dates. If something does come up however, please speak with faculty as soon as possible so that
they can guide you through this process. Deadlines exist to provide balance in everyone’s workload, to
ensure that everyone has had ample time to do the work and to demonstrate a sense of
professionalism. Please be respectful to those deadlines.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
5. Academic Progress through the Program
Academic Standing and Promotion
The Conestoga Student Guide is your first source for information concerning academic regulations,
policies and procedures. The Conestoga Student Guide is available on the college website and by
visiting the “Student Guide” tab in your Student Portal.
Post-secondary education (especially at the College level) is oriented toward two general goals. One is
to give students the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to achieve success in the workplace. The
other is to stimulate a work ethic that promotes responsibility, respect and routine. Both of these
purposes are directed at helping students to become competent professionals in their respective
fields. In this regard, students are required to meet many expectations.
Although each professor will have guidelines for tests, assignments and papers, the following provides
some general guidelines. Students are strongly encouraged to consult with individual professors for
any variation from these overall guidelines.
The HSF Program has a number of core courses, specific to the certificate and a few Liberal
Studies/General Education courses which complement students’ overall learning. The courses are
specifically designed to introduce students to the helping professions and to provide the basics for
what students will need as they proceed with further study. Although some students will find some
courses more interesting than others, ALL have a correlation, which when combined, will give the
student a solid grounding as they apply for further education.
A final grade of 55 % in the Liberal Studies/General Education Courses is a PASS. Any mark below 55 %
for Liberal Arts/General Education courses is a “Fail”. A final grade of 60 % in the core HSF courses is
considered a PASS. Any mark below 60 % for Core courses is considered a “Fail”.
Students must attain a minimum passing grade in all courses as per the course outline.
Students who have met all course requirements will be promoted to the following level or graduation.
Course Add/Drop
You can add, change and drop courses from your portal depending on the dates and which program
you are in:
1. Log in to the Student Portal
2. Click on the “My Courses” tab
3. Scroll over the icons to the right of individual course listings. It is strongly recommended that
students consult their program coordinator/academic advisor prior to dropping a course.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
Special Timetables/Adding Dropped or Failed Courses
Please note that when students are not taking the program in the prescribed sequence, they will be on
“special timetables”. Prior to the beginning of the semester, students should attempt to add missed
courses from a previous semester by logging in to the Student Portal and following the instructions to
register for courses. If students are not able to add courses on their own (because of a timetable
conflict or full course section) they must seek assistance from their Program Coordinator during the
“Special Timetable Registration” initiated by the college. Dates, times and locations of Special
Timetable Registration periods are posted in the student portal in advance of the beginning of each
semester. Students must attend this meeting where they will receive further guidance regarding this
academic status from their Program Coordinator.
Students who take longer than the designed program length of time to complete their studies are
accountable for completing any new or additional courses that may result due to changes in the
program of study. Unless otherwise stated, students registered in non-cohort delivered programs must
complete the program of study within seven years of being admitted to the program.
Supplemental Assignments
The College recognizes that due to certain circumstances, a student’s performance in a course may be
compromised. As such, the college policy allows the student to take supplemental work or
assignments to clear an academic deficiency. For further elaboration, please see the College policy
regarding academic deficiency and supplemental available online. Note that there are strict
procedures and timelines for supplementals and the student is well advised to seek out this
information from the Student Guide.
In general, a student who fails a course by 10% will be given the opportunity to pass the course by
completing a supplemental. A student in HSF will have the opportunity for TWO (2) supplementals
during the course of the year.
Academic Probation
Students who have been unsuccessful in their field experience, have failed two or more academic
courses, and/or have required considerable testing/assignment variances may be recommended for
Academic Probation. Academic probation allows students to be promoted to the next level with a
special timetable or with academic conditions. Special timetables and academic conditions are
designed as part of written learning contract that the student and program coordinator create
together. The goal of these measures is to allow students to continue in the program accompanied by
a supportive plan for success.
Students who have not successfully participated in the requirements of their academic probation, who
have failed to meet the standards set out in the Conestoga Student Guide and/or the Program
Handbook involving academic dishonesty, student responsibilities, or unacceptable behaviour, attitude
or conduct or have failed 60% or more of their academic courses and field experiences may be
discontinued from the Program. Students who have been discontinued from the Program will not be
considered for re-entry to the program for a minimum of one semester and/or until they have worked
with the program coordinator to develop a written learning contract to support their academic and
non-academic success.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
Students not planning to return to the HSF Program the following semester are expected to complete a
Withdrawal Form available from the program coordinators, the Registrar’s Office, or on the college
Program Transfer
Prior to transferring to another program, it is recommended that the student meet with the Program
Coordinator or Academic Advisor. Students who decide to change programs may do so by completing
and submitting a program application form to the Registrar’s Office. If considering transferring to a
program outside the school in which they are currently enrolled in, students may want to discuss
options with a career advisor. When a student moves from one Conestoga program to another and
where courses numbers/codes are identical or equivalent, automatic credit is given if passing grades
are met.
Applying to Other Programs upon Completion of HSF
The HSF certificate is a stepping stone as has been mentioned previously. This program is intended to
provide knowledge about a variety of different helping careers, so that students can make a clearer
decision about how they want to proceed with their professional career preparation. In early
December and early February of each year, applications are due to the Ontario College Application
System (OCAS). For further information and application processes, students are referred to the OCAS
Students will apply to career programs such as Recreation and Leisure, Social Services, Police
Foundations, Early Childhood Education, etc. In addition to Conestoga, students may wish to apply to
other Colleges. The marks for courses taken in the first semester will be forwarded by OCAS to the
colleges and programs to which the student applies.
HSF graduates will be considered amongst a pool of applicants for the relevant program(s). For
Conestoga College programs, students’ accomplishment in the HSF program will also be considered,
but will not provide a guarantee for admission.
Students have the right to appeal any academic decisions as set out in the Conestoga Student Guide. It
is recommended that students begin this appeal process by first meeting with the faculty and/or
program coordinator and/or program chair.
Clearance of Academic Deficiency
Please refer to Conestoga Student Guide for the procedure and criteria regarding Clearance of
Academic Deficiency. Please note that following the end of semester, contact with any student eligible
to write a supplemental will be made either by phone or email. A specific date, time and room number
will be given to each student. If a student does not respond to this contact, the student forfeits the
opportunity to write a supplemental test. The maximum number of supplemental opportunities during
the program is two per student.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
1. Promotions Committee grants or denies permission for supplemental work.
2. Program Coordinator contacts student and sets up a time to meet and fill out the Supplemental
Request Form.
3. Student brings form and pays additional fee for supplemental work at the Registrar’s office.
4. Student receives supplemental work from Program.
5. Student completes supplemental work (test or assignment) in accordance with the times and
dates given by the Program.
6. Supplemental work is assessed and the Registrar’s Office is contacted with the result.
Readmission to a Program
Students are required to apply for readmission when they have been absent from their program for
one semester or longer unless an Intention Form has been completed (returning students only), or
when the student has withdrawn or been discontinued. Upon readmission, students are placed into
the current program of study which determines graduation requirements. Students are subject to the
college and program policies and procedures in place at the time of readmission.
Students applying for readmission to Level/Semester one must do so through Ontario Colleges.
Students applying for readmission to a level beyond Level/Semester one must do so using a Conestoga
College Program Application Form. Applicable fees will be charged.
The application for readmission will be reviewed based on the student's academic eligibility, program
readmission requirements, and space availability. The student will be informed in writing of the
For additional information, refer to the Academic Administration page for more information on the
readmission procedure.
Process for Resolution of Student Concerns
In order to resolve any concerns which may arise during a course, field placement or relating to the
program overall, students are encouraged to resolve issues or concerns informally at the program
level prior to proceeding to a formal appeal.
If attempts have been made, and a successful resolution has not been reached, students are
encouraged to refer to their Conestoga Student Guide, and to follow the procedures outlined under
the “Academic Dispute Resolution and Appeal Procedure” section.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
Maintaining Student Files
1. Official records of each student’s education are maintained electronically by the Registrar.
Academic records are also maintained by the college regarding Course Outlines to support the
level of achievement in a particular course.
2. Administrative records related to your experience in the Program are maintained to
demonstrate compliance with external and college requirements. This information is as follows:
Student Information
File Location and Student Access
Pre-Practicum Health
• per copies of information
received from students
Acknowledgement of WSIB
• signed by each student
prior to the first
practicum placements
In H.S Trax, by individual student
**accessed through My Conestoga
Each student has his/her own
information on the Health
Passport for provision to
practicum agencies as required.
• For the duration of a
student’s time in
the Program
• By the Program, by the Program
Assistant responsible for
• For the duration of a
student’s time in
the Program
• In Program File with Program
• For the duration of a
student’s time in the
Student Consents Signed on
Admission (per Student
• Student Consent for
Release of Information
• Student Understanding of
Professional Standards
• Student Understanding of
Safety Requirements
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
3. Academic Files are set up as required for a student to document important matters relevant to
a student’s progress or to document and monitor resolution of concerns.
Student Information
A. Documents related to academic
• Correspondence regarding
course equivalencies
• Correspondence regarding
supplementary examinations
• Learning Contracts
• Disabilities Information & plans
B. Records of Competency
C. Documents related to areas of
• Interview Records, with
supporting email
documentation as appropriate
• Student Code of Conduct
• Incident Reports
• Letters/emails of significant
concern and replies
• Appeals
File Location and Student
• In Student File,
maintained by the
Program Coordinator,
initially, and then filed
for safe-keeping during
the student’s time in
the Program –
maintained by the
Program Assistant
For one year following
As above
As above
As above
As above
4. Students may review the contents of your Academic file by:
• Requesting this in writing to the Program Coordinator
• Reviewing the file in the presence of the Coordinator
5. At the end of one year, the contents of your file will be destroyed through the college’s process
for purging confidential documents.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
6. Service Learning and More Information
Volunteer Work
Though not a requirement of the HSF program, students are encouraged to seek out volunteer
opportunities as they may assist in clarifying their next step of their academic journey.
In the Kitchener Waterloo area, a general resource to seek information and referrals for volunteering is
the Volunteer Action Centre. Students are welcome to volunteer on their own time, as they see fit.
Services Learning
HSF recognizes the importance of Service Learning and as such, will provide one or more opportunities
for students to participate in projects where they can develop skills and contribute to citizenship and
community service as they pursue their education. Usually, service learning will be embedded as part
of a course and will be assigned a weighted component of a final mark for that course.
Students might be able to consult with core faculty if they have an idea for service learning that is
somewhat different from what is offered by the program.
References from Faculty
As students proceed in working toward their career goals, they may be looking for people who will
provide them with letters of reference.
In terms of applying to academic programs within Conestoga College after HSF, it is not appropriate for
HSF staff to provide you with this reference. For academic programs outside of Conestoga, this may or
may not be the case. Please check with the Program Co-ordinator if you need guidance.
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
7. Student Awards
Conestoga has more than 400 awards, bursaries, scholarships and academic grants available to
Conestoga students. These funds are made available to our students through the partnerships we have
established with local business and industry leaders. To be considered for an award, complete the
General Application available through your Student Portal. Notifications and instructions to complete
the application are sent to all full-time students’ email accounts in the fall semester (Deadline: First
Friday in October) and winter semester (Deadline: First Friday in February). Visit the Student Financial
Services on Conestoga’s website.
Awards Available for HSF Students 2015-16
The following awards* are available to the students of HSF Program. Students who have questions
about any of these awards should speak with their Program Coordinator. Please watch your college
email for information from the Financial Aid office concerning application deadlines, processes and
eligibility. You may obtain information about other school wide awards and scholarships from Financial
Aid. You can find the General Awards Application by clicking here.
* Note: All awards are current at time of print, subject to change.
Award Name
Year or
# of
Amber Pelzer
Memorial Award
$50 to $100
Year 1
Excellence in
Practice & Team
Year 1
Presented At:
Completion of all
courses in the HSF
program with an 'A' coordinator
average N
Student who exhibit End of Year Nominated
practice and team
work in their final
Human Services Foundation Program 2015-2016
Program Revision Log
Last Revised
June 16, 2015
July 6th, 2015
July 6th, 2015
By Whom
Jillian Grant
Goranka Vukelich
Jillian Grant