St. Lawrence County Industrial Development Agency


St. Lawrence County Industrial Development Agency

Ernest J. LaBaff Industrial Building ~ 19 Commerce Lane, Suite 1 ~ Canton, New York 13617

Phone: (315) 379-9806 ~ Fax: (315) 386-2573

Patrick J. Kelly

Chief Executive Officer



Project Address:

Application Date:

Community Development and Environmental Improvement Program

Various in St. Lawrence County

Deadline for Applications was March 31, 2015

Board Approval Date: June 11, 2015

Assistance Date: Varies

Project Overview:

The St. Lawrence River Valley Redevelopment Agency set aside 5% of its unrestricted cash assets for Community

Development and Environmental Improvement Projects. The funds are intended to assist communities, not-for-profit organizations, institutions and other incorporated entities that are planning to undertake a project that will provide a clear and demonstrable community benefit.

Actions Taken:


North Country Children’s Museum

Norwood Village Green Concert Series

St. Lawrence Power & Equipment


St. Lawrence County Chamber of


Town of Louisville

Town of Massena

United Helpers Mosaic

Village of Canton

Village of Heuvelton

Village of Waddington

Project Description

Support of capital interior costs including design, equipment & installation of technology components for the Regional Arts &

Interactive Learning (RAIL) Revitalization project.

Purchase and install 6 Altman LED Spectra Par 100 instruments to complete the new lighting system for the band shell.

Construct an equine pavilion on the Museum grounds located in

Madrid, NY

Purchase and installation of 93 NYSDOT-compliant signs for the

St. Lawrence County Wine Trail.

Interior and exterior work to the buildings and grounds at the

Louisville Community Park.

Grant Award

G - $

G - $

G - $

G - $

G - $






Replacement of the failing portion of the Town’s water distribution system.

Final phase of the Mosaic Complex renovation. Funds used to leverage NYSERDA program funding for similar energy improvements in the remainder of the building, and to add a solar energy component to the project, further reducing energy costs.

Infrastructure investment that will enable boring under Route 11 that would connect new main line infrastructure on the west side of Route 11 to Community Bank’s property on the east side of

Route 11, thus allowing the Company access to municipal water.

G - $

L - $ 102,304

G - $



A partnership with the towns of Oswegatchie, Canton, DeKalb and Fine, and villages of Rensselaer Falls and Gouverneur, as well as City of Ogdensburg and St. Lawrence County to develop an Oswegatchie River “Blueway Trail.” The grant will be used to develop a localized marketing plan for the blueway trail that identifies and recommends economic development opportunities.

G - $ 15,000

Bass 2015 Elite Tournament G - $ 60,000
