C IV IC DEV EL OP ME NT CO R PO RAT I ON MINUTES OF ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING May 12, 2010 at McCarthy’s Restaurant, State Route 11, Canton NY Present: Absent: Call To Order: Review of Organizational Documents Appointment Of Temporary Chairman: Appointment Of Temporary Secretary: Adoption of Initial Resolution: Organizational Resolution Adoption of Initial Resolution: Policy Resolution Adoption of Initial Resolution: Public Authority Law Resolution Election Of Officers: Brian Staples, Ernest LaBaff, Lynn Blevins, Andrew McMahon, Mark Hall, R. Joseph Weekes, Jr., Kimberly Gilbert, Raymond Fountain, Patrick Kelly, Natalie Sweatland, Brian Norton, Richard Williams, William R. Small, Esq. and Edmund J. Russell, III, Esq., None The meeting was convened at 8:45 AM noting that notifications of the meeting had been sent on May 4, 2010 to, at a minimum, St. Lawrence County’s newspapers designated for the publication of local laws and other matters required by law to be published; additional local media sources and websites. Mr. Russell noted that the documents had been created similar to those of the IDA and IDALDC to ensure seamless administration. On a motion by Mr. LaBaff, seconded by Mssrs. Hall and McMahon, Brian Staples was appointed by acclamation temporary chairman. On a motion by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Hall, Lynn Blevins was appointed by acclamation temporary secretary. Mr. Russell was instructed to ensure the Corporation files the application for tax exempt status. Mr. Weekes moved, adoption of the resolution, seconded by Mr. McMahon. The resolution was adopted by all members present voting “aye.”. Mr. Weekes moved, adoption of the resolution, seconded by Mr. McMahon. The resolution was adopted by all members present voting “aye Mr. Weekes moved, adoption of the resolution, seconded by Mr. McMahon. The resolution was adopted by all members present voting “aye For the Office of Chairman Mr. LaBaff placed the name of Brian Staples in nomination for Chairman. The nomination was seconded by Mr. Hall. There being no other names placed in nomination, Mr. Staples was elected Chairman with all members present voting “yea.” For the Office of Vice-Chairman Mr. Weekes placed the name of Ernest LaBaff in nomination for Vice-Chairman. The nomination was seconded by Mr. Blevins. There being no other names placed in nomination, Mr. LaBaff was elected Vice-Chairman with all the members present voting “yea.” For the Office of Secretary Mr. LaBaff placed the name of Lynn Blevins in nomination for Secretary. The nomination was seconded by Mr. McMahon. There being no other names place din nomination, Mr. Blevins was elected Secretary with all members present voting “yea.” Appointment of Counsel Appointment of Officers: Officer Resolution Discussion of Committee Appointments Other Business: Initial Resolution – EJ Noble Project Adjournment Upon a motion by Mr. Weekes, seconded by Mr. Hall, William R. Small, Esq. of Ogdensburg, New York was appointed as Counsel to the IDACDC to serve at the pleasures of the Corporation. Mr. McMahon moved adoption of the resolution appointing Raymond Fountain, Chief Executive Officer; Kimberly Gilbert, Chief Financial Officer and Raymond Fountain, Compliance Officer, seconded by Mr. Weekes. The resolution was adopted by all members present voting “aye.”. Reference Public Authority Law Resolution. Mr. Kelly provided a brief history of the project. Mr. Russell noted that a public hearing will be required. Upon a motion by Mr. Weekes, seconded by Mr. Hall, the resolution was adopted by all members present voting “aye.” The meeting adjourned at 9:05 AM by unanimous consent. /s/ Mr. Lynn Blevins, Secretary