10523HB_Contact:News 6/4/13 1:57 PM Page 1 Contact Contact St.Andrew’s College Volume 22, Number 2, Spring 2013 Convocation Celebration St. Andrew’s College conferred various degrees at the twelfth joint convocation of the Saskatoon Theological Union on Friday, May 10th. The service was held at Zion Lutheran Church in Saskatoon. During the celebration 16 students received earned degrees from the three colleges (St. Andrew’s College, the Lutheran Theological Seminary and The College of Emmanuel & St. Chad). St. Andrew’s College awarded the Master of Divinity Degree to Michele Rowe and Ursula Wiig, and the Master of Theological Studies Degree to Sun-Do Hyun. Rev. Bernice Saulteaux and Rev. Patricia Wotton were the recipients of an Honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree. Bernice was honoured for her pastoral ministry at Carry The Kettle First Nation as well as for her work with the College. Patricia was honoured for her years of pastoral ministry as well as for her dedicated work in the writing and publishing of the biography of Rev. Dr. Lydia Gruchy. The convocation address was given by Rev. Brian Walton, Spiritual Care Educator at St. Paul’s Hospital in Saskatoon. Our Second Century Begins... In This Issue Principal’s Ponderings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Alum News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Special MTS Degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Integration Seminar and River Bend Presbytery Integrated Community Ministries (ICM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 CONTACT! with Ministry Residents . . . . . . . . .6 I’ve Been Wondering... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 The Changing Face of Church and Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 A Farewell to Jack Carr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 St. Andrew’s College Donors Reaccreditation Self-Study Update www.standrews.ca . . . . . . . . .4 . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-10 St. Andrew’s Second Century Fund . . . . . . . . .11 St. Andrew’s College Second Century Fund Donations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 St. Andrew’s People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-13 WZION Radio Show/Fundraiser Gala Dinners . . . . . . . . . . . .13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Staff Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Garden of Eaten’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 From the Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Mark Your Calendars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 1 10523HB_Contact:News 6/4/13 1:57 PM Page 2 St.Andrew’s College Principal’s Ponderings Lorne Calvert To paraphrase Shakespeare, “There is a tide in the affairs of the church, Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures.” (Julius Caesar Act 4, scene 3, 218-224) Three significant discussions occurring within The United Church of Canada present a tide of potential change and faithful response to God’s leading in our time. Each will have impact on the fortunes of our College, theological education and preparation for ministry. The welcomed Comprehensive Review Task Force, established by the last General Council of the United Church, will make ground-breaking recommendations for change and for the future of our entire Church. The “Joint Ministry Working Group” of the General Council is proposing a reformation of ministry in the United Church toward a concept of “One Order of Ministry” through which ordained ministers, designated lay ministers and diaconal ministers would be considered one order of ministry with several paths of educational preparation under the goal of “educational equivalency”. Near the end of June 2013 a national gathering is being held to bring together representatives of all of our United Church theological centres to discuss the future of theological education in the United Church. Each of these discussions has the real potential to effect progressive change and response to the leading of the Holy in our midst. There is a tide of opportunity for our College and Church in these events. St. Andrew’s seeks to be part of these discussions, informed by their outcomes and engaged in the results of God’s leading. As a College that boldly sought the integration of theological education and the life of our community by establishing on the campus of the University of Saskatchewan a century ago; as a College that celebrated the graduation of Lydia Gruchy in 1923 and fought for her ordination until 1936; as a College that ambitiously built in the 1950’s and 1960’s to meet the leadership needs of the time; as a College that has been a ready partner in ecumenical education, a ready partner in rural ministry, a ready partner with justice seeking communities; as a College that sought early on among theological institutions to become an Affirming Ministry; as a College that in recent times has offered program for the entire Church that deeply maintains the integration of study and experience in theological education; St. Andrew’s College has stood ready and willing to be at the cutting-edge of progressive and faithful change. Today, St. Andrew’s students, faculty, Board and Committees, and community remain ready to move as God would have us move. Such a period of opportunity may not come again for many years. Shakespeare had it right, “We must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.” Alum News Star City United Church supports a half-time minister within the town of Star City, which has 450 people. During the Easter Sunday worship service we joyfully celebrated the baptisms of 4 adults, 3 children and one teen, 8 baptisms in all. Let us celebrate the vital importance of each and every small rural congregation and the New Life sustained ! Rev. Carole Beal McKenzie 2 St. Andrew’s College principal Lorne Calvert accepts a cheque from Doug Barss, Chair of the Trustees of Rosemont United Church in Regina. Rosemont closed last year and from the proceeds of the sale of the building they donated $24,420 to St. Andrew’s College for capital improvements. www.standrews.ca 10523HB_Contact:News 6/4/13 1:57 PM Page 3 St.Andrew’s College I’ve Been Wondering... Here on the prairies many congregations have been celebrating 100 year anniversaries, including St. Andrew’s College last summer. While a hundred years of active ministry is something to truly celebrate, challenges continue for many rural and city congregations and for St. A’s. Today many churches have been trying to figure out how to carry on their ministries and mission. There seems to be a common refrain: the need for more money and more volunteers/theological students. St. Andrew’s College has been working diligently to have St. A’s first and foremost in the minds of congregations in the prairie provinces. Intentionally perspective theological students are being sought resulting in a welcomed increased enrolment in the 2012-2013 year with expectations that next year will have increased numbers too. The financial reality is being tackled on different fronts by the College as it meets the challenges of increasing costs and in some areas decreasing income. A couple of examples include fewer United Church Women’s (UCW) groups resulting in decreased donations to the College. The grant to St. A’s from the General Council will be decreased in 2014 as it too tries to make ends meet. So I’ve been wondering... We know that a community of faith needs a firm foundation. Well, St. Andrew’s College is built of stone and I suppose it sits on a solid base - or after 100 years it would have sunk out of sight by now. But I am really thinking about a different kind of foundation besides rock and mortar. I am thinking about us. How can we support St. Andrew’s College? Some of us can do little but offer prayer and that is important. But many more of us, no matter where we live, can give from our financial resources which, when our offering is pooled with others, will provide solid support to the College. It has been my personal experience that I am able to live up to my intentions of donating money when I am able to give on a regular basis. To make it really easy, I con- tribute monthly through PAR (Pre Authorized Remittance). At St. Andrew’s I have given written instructions to the Chief Administrative Officer, Leslee Harden, along with a voided personal cheque to designate a certain amount of money to be withdrawn from my bank account each month. This way I don’t forget to give a donation. If personal income increases or decreases and you wish to change your monthly giving, just write to Leslee at leslee.harden@usask.ca or to her c/o St. Andrew’s College. I have seen how PAR has financially stabilized congregations as they know what income to expect each month. You would be surprised how happy faith communities are to receive a steady monthly income. We can make St. A’s happy too if a majority of Alumni/ae and friends of the College were to give through PAR. More importantly we can help provide needed financial stability to the College while contributing to its firm foundation. Faye Ford A Farewell to Jack Carr After almost a decade of serving the community of St. Andrew’s as Pastor in Residence, the Rev. Dr. Jack Carr is retiring his role at the College. Following his years of pastoral ministry in United Church congregations on the prairies, Jack offered his pastoral gifts to the students and faculty of St. Andrew’s. As Pastor in Residence Jack has met regularly with St. Andrew’s students, often bi-weekly over lunch, to share their journey in preparation for ministry and theological education. He has counselled, encouraged, inspired and listened to a generation of students at St. Andrew’s as mentor and friend. www.standrews.ca And, in his role as Pastor in Residence, Jack Carr has been a member of the faculty, sharing student concerns in faculty discussions, and offering the wisdom of his experience in guiding the academic life of the College. At the year-end banquet this year the students, faculty and staff of St. Andrew’s presented Jack with a ‘key to the College’ in the sincere hope that he often returns and, as the College’s longest serving Pastor in Residence, the St. Andrew’s Board awarded Jack the office of Pastor in Residence Emeritus at this spring’s convocation lunch. The entire St. Andrew’s community offers prayerful thanks for Jack Carr’s ministry and extends best wishes to Jack and Eloise in the years ahead. 3 10523HB_Contact:News 6/4/13 1:57 PM Page 4 St.Andrew’s College Reaccreditation Self-Study Update The College community is now well into the self-study process for reaccreditation. The Steering Committee and subcommittees have met. The members of the subcommittees are working both individually and in their subcommittees on an indepth examination of all aspects of the College’s life and work. Students, recent graduates, staff, faculty, board members and others have been surveyed; policies and documents are being examined. All of this data will be analyzed by the subcommittees in order to ascertain what the College is doing well, and where we need to change. The Steering Committee will make recommendations to the Board and faculty in the fall. After we submit our completed selfstudy at the end of 2013, we will be visited by a team appointed by the Board of Commissioners of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada. That visit has been set, and will occur March 17-20, 2014. At that time the visiting team will meet with students, alumni/ae, faculty, staff and Board members, as well as any other people the team might wish to talk to. Any person interested in making a submission for consideration by the self- study Steering Committee and/or one of the subcommittees should contact Dr. Christine Mitchell, Director of the SelfStudy, at 306-966-8985 or by email at christine.mitchell@usask.ca. The final draft of the self-study will be available early in 2014 on the College website. Any person who wishes to make a written submission directly to or speak with the visiting team should also contact Dr. Mitchell. All written submissions addressed directly to the visiting team will be given to the team upon its arrival. Christine Mitchell Special MTS Degrees While gathering information on our graduates for the 100th Anniversary celebrations last summer a curious anomaly was discovered. Following World War II, the church needed to get ministers into congregations so many students opted out of writing a thesis and completing the Bachelor of Divinity degree and instead were ordained and went directly into ministry. In October 2012, in an effort to recog- nize the St. Andrew’s graduates who never received a degree, the Academic Committee passed a motion to grant a Master of Theological Studies degree in recognition of their course of study. Letters were mailed to the 31 surviving graduates and 21 people responded that they would like to receive the degree. Degrees were awarded to: Wes Ashwin, Ray Brandon, Harvey Clarke, D. Dale Cuming, Gerrit de Vries, William Dearborn, Leslie Edmonds, Maurice Gardner, Barry Godley, Don Leitch, Doug McMurtry, Ross McMurtry, Don Milne, Jack Oglesby, Eduard Prinselaar, C. Barry Roberts, John Spencley, Harry Steele, Glen Thompson, George Ward and Howard Watson. A special service was held in December to recognize those graduates who were able to attend. (Back row): Vic Wiebe, Don Schweitzer, HyeRan Kim-Cragg, Lynn Caldwell, Lorne Calvert, Nettie Wiebe, Christine Mitchell, Sandra Beardsall. (Front Row): Ross McMurtry, Harvey Clarke, Wes Ashwin, William Steele, Jack Oglesby. 4 www.standrews.ca 10523HB_Contact:News 6/4/13 1:57 PM Page 5 St.Andrew’s College Integration Seminar and River Bend Presbytery Integrated Community Ministries (ICM) Integration Seminar at St. Andrew’s College is a required course in the MDiv program and is also often taken as an elective by students in other programs of study at St. Andrew’s. In recent years, this has included several visiting exchange students from our partner institution at Hanshin University in Seoul, South Korea. The course involves a field placement in which students volunteer for 3 hours a week with various community organizations. Seminar sessions each week focus on learnings that emerge from field placements, and on developing skills for socially-engaged theological reflection. Organizations involved as placements in recent years have included the Saskatoon Food Bank and Learning Centre, AIDS Saskatoon, the Friendship Inn, Boys and Girls Clubs, Sherbrooke Community Centre, the Core Neighbourhood Youth Co-op, CHEP Good Food Inc., Interval House, Oliver Lodge, Micah Mission, Communities of Support and Accountability, the Mennonite Central Committee, and River Bend Presbytery Integrated Community Ministries (ICM). ICM is the community outreach ministry of River Bend Presbytery. As well as sometimes serving as a placement site, ICM staff and programs are a strong resource and support to the overall learning for students in Integration Seminar each year. ICM is uniquely situated as such a learning resource, as the ministry works to create ways for people to build relationships across diverse experiences – particularly to connect those with the lived experience of poverty, and those who do not know that experience. Becoming allies for social change across such difficult differences and integrating this into practices of ministry is a key part of the learning in Integration Seminar. The seminar was particularly enriched this past term by conversations with ICM’s community minister Janet Clarke, ICM’s administrative staff support Gina Zeegers, Integration students Deanna Cox, Seo Young Kim, with two ICM staff, Janet Clarke and Gina Zeegers at the ICM office, April 2013 www.standrews.ca and by visits to the ICM space at KAP House (Kinsmen Activity Place). ICM has ongoing initiatives to bring people together in conversation about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) process, organizes a community art show, hosts coffee time conversations with neighbours, and offers an ‘Essential Voices’ program that provides employment to and opportunities for people with the lived experience of poverty to contribute to the ministry. ICM is a strong model for being allies in our communities, and for developing socially-engaged practices in pastoral ministry. The connections between ICM and Integration Seminar are a key contribution to integrative learning at St. Andrew’s College and we are grateful to River Bend Presbytery ICM for these opportunities to work together. Submitted by Lynn Caldwell, Integration Seminar Faculty Coordinator 2012-13 Integration Seminar faculty and students: San Woo Jeon, Deanna Cox, Lynn Caldwell and Seo Young Kim 5 10523HB_Contact:News 6/4/13 1:57 PM Page 6 St.Andrew’s College CONTACT! with Ministry Residents In 2012 – 2013, four student ministers are in the field ministering to their congregations. • On 30 April Michele Rowe will have completed her twenty month Ministry Residency with Knox United Church in Langham, Saskatchewan. • On 15 May, Ursula Wiig will complete her twelve month Internship with the Loreburn – Hawarden Pastoral Charge in Saskatchewan. • On 30 June, Kathleen Anderson will have completed the first ten months of her Ministry Residency with St. Paul’s United Church in Kelowna, British Columbia. • On 30 June, Taylor Croissant will be also be halfway through his Ministry Residency with the Two Hills – Myrnam Pastoral Charge in Alberta Northwest Conference. Michele Rowe reflects on her Ministry Residency: “My Residency has been an amazing opportunity that has affirmed my call to Ministry and deepened my love for the church and its people in surprising ways. My previous experience church experience had been at St. Thomas Wesley, an Affirming urban congregation actively engaged in social justice focused ministry. I ‘grew up’ as a Christian there, nurtured by the love and passion of the people who work with some of the city’s most marginalized citizens. It is a particular kind of church and, as people often reminded me as I prepared to leave there for my Residency placement, other churches would not be like that one. My Residency, now drawing to a close, is at Knox United in Langham, a short ten minute drive away from my home in Dalmeny. I have experienced ministry in new ways in this ‘rurban’ context where much of our interaction with each other involves food: growing it, preparing it and sharing it. Outreach happens here in an informal and organic way as someone sees a need and seeks to meet it, often quietly and without public recognition. While ours 6 is not yet an Affirming church, I have experienced it as a welcoming one that provides a safe place for all of God’s Beloved Ones to gather. Here at Knox United in Langham, I have continued to ‘grow up’ in the faith, journeying from ‘baptized’ to ‘baptizer’ and ‘congregant’ to ‘celebrant’ in twenty short months. Soon I will graduate and be ordained and, God willing, live and work in the midst of United Church people who continue to do justice and love kindness and walk humbly with their God no matter where their church is located.” Ursula Wiig writes: “Prior to my appointment as intern last May, the Pastoral Charge had been without a minister for several years, so I was blessed with experienced lay leadership and warmly welcomed by the congregation. On a practical level, given that it was one of the worst winters in memory, I had to quickly learn about winter driving on rural roads. It was also my first experience of living in a village, albeit part-time, without even a small grocery store! Through it all, I felt very much supported by the Pastoral Charge and St Andrew’s College, and in the process gained more confidence in my pastoral role both in the church and in the community. The bulk of my learning came from weekly worship leadership through all the seasons of the church year and regular pastoral services in two long-term care facilities. Due to the shortage of ministry personnel in the Central Butte area, the Pastoral Charge’s recommitment to this ministry was very much welcomed by the residents and staff. Congregants also strongly supported and encouraged my involvement in the wider community, whether in a leadership capacity, such as on Remembrance Day, or as a member of the community choir. Even in such a short time I witnessed some significant changes in the community. Continuing a trend that has been going on for a while, four of our most active, older couples have bought or rented condos in the city to be nearer their families and health facilities in the winter. Sadly, the younger generations are sparsely represented in our churches, as is the case in the wider community, so the church faces considerable challenges ahead. Nevertheless, I am delighted that I can continue to walk on this journey with the community in the capacity of candidate supply. With the Spirit’s guidance and wisdom, I look forward to building on the work we began together on my internship.” This is an exciting time for Kathleen Anderson to be in ministry with St. Paul’s United Church in Kelowna. Here’s what she shared: “With Holy Week behind us, the congregation of St. Paul’s United Church in Kelowna is getting ready to unveil its redevelopment plans to city council and potential investors. The new project website is up and running (www.sanctuarykelowna.com), and our board recently met with colleagues at another church in town to finalize our lease agreement with them. We will be worshiping out of the local Seventh Day Adventist church for the year or so while the new buildings are under construction. With all of this change, the ministry team here has been focusing on pastoral care, communications, and working out various ways to make the transition time as painless as possible for the congregation. I have been involved in all aspects of this work, with a particular focus on communications and transition rituals - ways of making our worship on Sundays reflect and ease the concerns of the congregation. Aside from the project work, it is business as usual for me. I have had opportunities to work with the youth all the way up to some of our oldest congregants (centenarians are almost commonplace here!), and I have enjoyed it all. In addition, I have chosen to volunteer as an on-call chaplain at the hospital in town, which consistently challenges me in unexpected ways. I con- www.standrews.ca 10523HB_Contact:News 6/4/13 1:57 PM Page 7 tinue to learn from the congregation here, and feel incredibly blessed to be working in this incredible and remarkably energetic environment.” Taylor Croissant outlined his work with the Two Hills-Myrnam Pastoral Charge: “I began my twenty month residency in September, after a bout of food poisoning on moving day, in the Two HillsMyrnam pastoral charge in AlbertaNorthwest Conference. The town of Two Hills is mostly of Ukrainian ancestry and the church also possesses this identity, certainly unique within the United Church of Canada. The pastoral charge has seen a great deal of growth lately, especially in our Sunday School. As a result we have been running a very successful monthly Bible school afternoon programme, coinciding with the school’s professional development days. I have made myself at home in the community by playing old-timer’s hockey, joining the local golf course and taking up curling. Two Hills was struck by two tragic fires during the winter. The first was the home of the church’s treasurer, a beautiful log house she and her husband had lived in for sixty years, built from timber from their own property. The church’s financial records were also destroyed in the fire, which has presented an interesting learning experience in residency. The town poured out an overwhelming amount of support for them to help them recover from that terrible loss. Barely a month later, the curling rink in Two Hills was also lost to fire, just two weeks after renovation plans had been approved for the building. During my stay I have acquired a great love for Ukrainian food, which I am treated to on a regular basis in the pastoral charge. My supervision sessions with the Rev. Carolyn Woodall have been very nourishing and have kept me on the right track for convocation and ordination in the spring of 2014.” Respectfully submitted, Lynn Bayne Ministry Residency Coordinator THE CHANGING FACE OF CHURCH AND MINISTRY I have the privilege of being a member of the Comprehensive Review Task Group established by the United Church at its meeting in Ottawa last August. The Task Group has been asked to review all of the Vic Wiebe operations of the Board Chair United Church and to recommend to the next General Council meeting in 2015 how the church can be revitalized to meet the needs of people in the 21st century and what structure or organization would be needed to support such a church. A consultation with all congregations has just been launched and similar consultations will be occurring with other parts of the church. The colleges, education centres and other groups within the United Church with an interest in theological education have been invited to a major national consultation in June. It is clear that ministerial leadership www.standrews.ca will be a key to any changes that will be made. In anticipation of this, the Moderator this summer is leading a pilgrimage of 100 church leaders to the Greenbelt Festival in the United Kingdom. This is a gathering of some 20,000 people to explore and experience innovative and leading edge practices in church renewal from around the world. God is already moving in new ways in the world and we need to discern what those ways are and how we can become part of them. I believe St. Andrews College is ideally positioned to play a lead role in preparing students for these changing times. We are still firmly rooted in an educational process that closely integrates the academic and practical skill requirements for ministry. Undoubtedly, we will need to adjust the content of the teaching that we do, but the integration of theory and practice will always be important. The on-going major challenge for us will be to change and enhance our education programs in the face of decreasing financial resources from the national church and increasing competition for students from other colleges and programs. We are well positioned by experience and by location to innovate and to find efficiencies through collaboration with other denominations and with other programs within the United Church umbrella. We also have a solid base of independent financial support from the churches, UCW’s and other groups within our region and from many, many alumni, former residents, and other individuals who appreciate the value of the work that we do. We will need to build on these strengths to insure that we can continue to offer a strong “justice driven theological education for Christian leadership” that is as relevant in the 21st century as it has been for the last 100 years. As I complete my time as Chair of the Board, I want to say how much I have enjoyed the privilege of serving in this way. I am confident that you will to continue to provide the same level of support and encouragement to the Board and to the incoming Chair, Dawn Ballantine-Dickson, as you so generously have shared with me. A big thank you to all with whom I have had the opportunity to share my passion for the work of this College. 7 10523HB_Contact:News 6/4/13 1:57 PM Page 8 St.Andrew’s College St. Andrew’s College Donors November 3, 2012 – May 27, 2013 THANK YOU TO ALBERTA AND NORTHWEST Pastoral Charges Grace United Church; Lloydminster McQueen Memorial United Church; Mannville Ohaton United Church; Ohaton Olds United Church; Olds Rolling Hills United Church; Rolling Hills Southern Alberta Japanese United Church; Lethbridge St. Paul's United Church; Milk River St. Paul's United Church; Peace River Sundre United Church; Sundre Westminster United Church; Medicine Hat Other Donors Estate of Roger Kett; Calgary UCW’s Airdrie UCW Nellie Pole Unit; Airdrie Barrhead UCW; Barrhead Bowden General UCW; Bowden Brooks UCW; Brooks Carstairs UCW; Carstairs Castor UCW; Castor Cereal UCW; Cereal Coronado UCW; Sturgeon County Ebenezer UCW; Edmonton Fifth Avenue Memorial UCW; Medicine Hat Fort Saskatchewan UCW Agnes Forbes Unit; Fort Saskatchewan Gaetz Memorial UCW WilsonGardiner Unit; Red Deer High River UCW; High River Hightlands UCW; Edmonton Holden UCW; Holden Innisfail UCW; Innisfail Knox UCW; Taber Lamont UCW; Lamont Lloydminster UCW; Lloydminster McClure General UCW; Edmonton Morrin UCW; Morrin Olds UCW; Olds Pincher Creek UCW; Pincher Creek Ponoka UCW; Ponoka Provost UCW; Provost Robertson Wesley UCW; Edmonton Southminster UCW; Lethbridge St. John's UCW; Hines Creek St. Paul's UCW; Grande Prairie St. Paul's UCW; Trochu Strathearn UCW; Edmonton Strathmore UCW; Strathmore Trinity UCW; Cold Lake Two Hills UCW; Two Hills Vermilion UCW; Vermilion Viking UCW; Viking Wainwright UCW; Wainwright Westminster UCW; Medicine Hat Individuals Baldwin, Betty; Milk River Belanger, L & C; Coalhurst Bessey, Stanley; Calgary Bruggeman, Viola; Edmonton Conley, Larry; Lethbridge Cook Barbara; Raymond Crittenden, Joyce; Lethbridge Croskery, Robret and Joan; Lethbridge Currie, Lloyd; Lethbridge Darby, Dennis & Alice; Lethbridge DeVries, Jerry; Edmonton Dodic, Rajko; Lethbridge Doidge, Gertrude; Fort Saskatchewan Drysdale, Keith; Medicine Hat Dyck, Geraldine; Coaldale Edey, Elaine; Sundre Ellithorpe, Deb; Sundre Fennell, Austin & Jean; Lethbridge Ferguson, K.; Taber Flaman, Keith; Coaldale Gibson, Laurie; Lethbridge Gillies, Steven & Marilyn; Lethbridge Godley, Barry; Medicine Hat Grozell, Barb; Medicine Hat Hann, S.; Lethbridge Hanzel, Ron & Janet; Lethbridge Harrison, Bertha; Medicine Hat Henderson, Delmond & Gwennieth; Medicine Hat WE HOPE THAT YOU WILL BE ABLE TO USE THIS MONEY TOWARDS ONE OF YOUR MANY PROJECTS THROUGHOUT THIS COMING YEAR 8 DONORS TO THE College We are pleased to list the people and groups who have sent donations to St. Andrew’s College during the above mentioned time period. We greatly appreciate the continuing support we receive from you. Hiller, Frieda; Medicine Hat Houston, Clinton; Medicine Hat Hummel, Gail; Milk River Ishida, Mitzi & Kerry; Taber Jahnke, Cheri; Sundre Johnson, Frank; Sundre Kennedy, Catherine & Gerald; Camrose Loewen, Carol; Edmonton Lovatt, Lloyd; Edmonton MacLellan, Jean; Camrose McCann, Marlene; Coaldale McKay, Aldeen; Lethbridge McLeod, Sheila; Bow Island McNeely, Gail; Bow Island Mears, Marilyn & Charles; Lethbridge Mentanko, Carol; Lethbridge Minion, Cecilia; Warner Montgomery, Barbara; Lethbridge Morgan, John H.; Pincher Creek Olson, Allan; Medicine Hat Otsuka, Ayako, Lethbridge Potvin, Ellen; Fort Macleod Radway, Ruth; Strathmore Redel, Doris; Lethbridge Reitsma, Clazina; Coleman Robin, Jean; Lethbridge Roe, Margaret; Lethbridge Saruwatar, Mary; Taber Schmitt, Gordon; Milk River Scott, Gerald; Cardston Senft, Elpha & Ron; Stettler Shillington, Terry & Mary; Lethbridge Smith, Doreen; Lethbridge Smith, Margaret; Medicine Hat Sproul, Beth; Lethbridge Wartman, Frances; Edmonton Wicks, Joyce; Sundre Wutzke, Louise; Bow Island Wyatt, Harold; Calgary SASKATCHEWAN Pastoral Charges Bridging Waters; Nipawin Brora United Church; Regina Calvary United Church; Loon Lake Calvary United Church; Prince Albert ST. ANDREW’S COLLEGE RECEIVES SUPPORT FROM DONATIONS TO THE MISSION AND SERVICE FUND OF THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA. Creelman United Church; Creelman Cupar United Church; Cupar Cut Knife Pastoral Charge; Cut Knife Davidson United Church; Davidson Delisle United Church; Delisle Elrose United Church; Elrose First United Church; Swift Current Goose Lake Pastoral Charge; Harris Grace United Church; Fillmore Grace United Church; Swift Current Grace United Church; Weyburn Grosvenor Park United Church; Saskatoon Knox United Church; Saskatoon Lancer Trinity United Church; Portreeve Neilburg United Church; Neilburg New Venture Pastoral Charge; Aneroid Nipawin United Church; Nipawin Quill Plains Pastoral Charge; Watson Rosemont United Church; Regina Semans United Church; Semans Southey United Church; Southey St. Andrew`s United Church; Kinistino St. Andrew`s United Church; Lumsden St. Andrew`s United Church; Yorkton St. David`s Trinity United Church; Saskatoon St. James United Church; Regina St. James United Church; Wolseley St. Paul`s - International Pastoral Charge; Estevan St. Paul`s United Church; Kindersley St. Thomas Wesley United Church; Saskatoon Star City Pastoral Charge; Star City Third Avenue United Church; North Battleford Vanscoy United Church; Vanscoy Wesley United Church; Regina Zion United Church; Regina UCW’s Admiral UCW; Admiral Atwater UCW; Bangor Avonlea UCW; Avonlea Bethune UCW; Bethune Broadview UCW; Broadview Cabri UCW; Cabri Calvary UCW; Prince Albert Canora UCW; Canora Carievale UCW; Carievale Carlyle UCW; Carlyle Carnduff UCW; Carnduff Central Butte UCW; Central Butte Codette UCW; Codette Creelman UCW; Creelman Eatonia UCW; Eatonia First UCW; Swift Current Frontier UCW; Frontier Glad Hearts UCW; Webb Grace UCW; Macklin Grace Westminster UCW; Saskatoon Grenfell UCW; Grenfell Kamsack UCW; Kamsack Kinistino UCW; Kinistino Knox UCW; North Portal Knox UCW; Shellbrook Lakeside UCW; Ituna Lanigan UCW; Lanigan www.standrews.ca 10523HB_Contact:News 6/4/13 1:57 PM Page 9 St.Andrew’s College Limerick UCW; Limerick Mary McLenaghan UCW; Hudson Bay Mayfair UC ; Saskatoon Melfort UCW; Melfort Melville UCW; Melville Milden UCW; Milden Mount Royal Emmanuel UCW; Saskatoon Northminster UCW; Creighton Paradise Hill UCW; Paradise Hill Partners in Worship Women's Auxiliary; Shell Lake Perdue UCW; Perdue Pierceland UCW; Pierceland Quill Lake UCW; Quill Lake Richard UCW; Richard St. Andrew's UCW; Esterhazy St. Andrew's UCW; Fort Qu'Appelle St. Andrew's UCW; Indian Head St. Andrew's UCW; Moose Jaw St. Andrew's UCW; Yorkton St. Martin's UCW; Saskatoon St. Paul's UCW; Assiniboia St. Paul's UCW; Oxbow St. Paul's UCW; Tisdale Sunset UCW Fellowship Group; Regina Trinity UCW; Preeceville Vanscoy UCW; Vanscoy Westview UCW; Yorkton Wolseley UCW; Wolseley Zion Jubilee UCW; Moose Jaw Other Donors Alexander`s Restaurant and Bar; Saskatoon Burnett`s Key Shop; Saskatoon Clearlite Glass Ltd.; Saskatoon Martens Warman Funeral Home Inc.; Saskatoon Park Funeral Chapel; Saskatoon Pitchgreen Communications Ltd.; Regina Prairie Pine Presbytery; Kindersley Saskatoon Funeral Home; Saskatoon Saskatoon Scottish Country Dancers; Saskatoon Scott Enterprises (1983) Ltd.; Saskatoon St. Andrew`s College Faculty Fund; Saskatoon St. Andrew`s Outreach Fund; Eston Individuals Adamson, Bill; Saskatoon Adrian, Lietta; Prince Albert Allan, Nancy; Saskatoon Anslow, Shirley-Anne; Creelman Arnold, Sharon; Moose Jaw Atkinson, Catherine; Prince Albert Bailey, W. Allan; Prince Albert Baker, Helen; Saskatoon Baker, Rita; Saskatoon Balas, Laura & Don; Aneroid Ballantyne, Mary; Saskatoon Barber Rob & Judith; Moose Jaw Barss, Don and Donna; Saskatoon Bartusek, Marilyn & Ron; Moose Jaw Beardsall, Sandra; Saskatoon Bembridge, Allan; Martensville Bembridge, Martin; Dalmeny Bender, Millie; Pierceland Bishop, B & G; Lanigan PLEASE ACCEPT THIS DONATION IN GRATITUDE FOR THE WORK YOU CONTINUE TO DO. Bodnarchuk, John & Marj; Prince Albert Bodner, Merv & Marilyn; Lanigan Borgeson, Nora; North Battleford Boulton, Emily; Pierceland Bowman, Evelyn; Saskatoon Boyd, Jean; Kinistino Bradshaw, Beverley; Regina Bray, John & Elaine; Regina Brinkworth, Roy; Estevan Buhler, Jake; Saskatoon Burke, Judy; Gainsborough Butters, M. Isabelle; Weyburn Caldwell, Beverley; Saskatoon Caldwell, Janet & Bill; Meadow Lake Caldwell, Margaret; Saskatoon Calvert, Betty; Saskatoon Campbell, Irene Thiessen; Unity Carman, Kenneth; Saskatoon Carment, Laura; Prince Albert Carr, Jack & Louise; Saskatoon Caughlin, Marilyn; Regina Cawood, Diane; North Battleford Clarke, Harvey; Saskatoon Clarke, Janet; Saskatoon Cleghorn, Doug & Bernice; Prince Albert Cline, Eric; Saskatoon Cook, James; Saskatoon Craig, Donna; Prince Albert Crawford, John & Margaret; Saskatoon Cross, Art & Marjorie; Yorkton Cuming, Elizabeth; Saskatoon Cumming, G. Ray; Unity Davidson, Dorothy; Lanigan Dodds, Shirley; Regina Dow, Jeannette; Moose Jaw Dryden, Keith; Saskatoon Dunham, Robert & Barbara; Lanigan Durant, Peggy; Saskatoon Durie, Ruth; Moose Jaw Edwards, Janice; Nokomis Ellis, Ken & Joyce; Regina Findlay, Doug & Elaine; Saskatoon Forbes, David; Saskatoon Fowke, Larry; Saskatoon WE WISH YOU WELL IN YOUR MOST ESSENTIAL WORK OF PROVIDING THEOLOGICAL TRAINING. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT THE UNITED CHURCH PROVIDE THIS MUCH NEEDED TRAINING. Fraser, Murray; Regina Fredeen, Margaret; Saskatoon Gardiner, Laura; Unity Gardner, Maurice; Moose Jaw Gattinger, Fred & Irene; Moose Jaw Gibson, Jean; Saskatoon Gifco, Alice; Moose Jaw Gittings, Patsy & Fred; Grandora Glover, Ken; Saskatoon Gottschalk, John; Unity Graham, Stewart & Gilda Treleaven Graham; Regina Graham, Walter & Florence; Saskatoon Grass, Kelly; Moose Jaw Griffiths, Ruth; Prince Albert Grimes, Aurelia; Saskatoon Guenther, Bud; Lanigan Hall, Donna; St. Walburg Harding, Ilene; Nokomis Harley, Judith; Nokomis Harper, Mildred; Regina Hart, Sheila & Bill; Meadow Lake Hayden, Ellen; Prince Albert Helgason, Audrey; Foam Lake Henderson, Toliver; Saskatoon Henry, Edwin & Sarah; Moose Jaw Hicks, Faye; Moose Jaw Hood, Jean & Don; Esterhazy Hoppe, Cindy; Biggar Hughes, Addie; Moose Jaw Hurd, Linsell; Manitou Beach Hyun, Sun-Do; Saskatoon Iknesky, Hilda & Walter; Pierceland Ingham, Tessie; Lanigan Ivanochko, Robert; Regina Iverson, Marilee; Meota Iwai, Hiraku & Michiru; Saskatoon Jackson, Frances; Swift Current James-Cavan, Kathleen; Saskatoon Johnson, Dennis & Beth; Saskatoon Kearns, Colleen; Foam Lake Kernen, Willa; Christopher Lake Kim-Cragg, HyeRan; Saskatoon Knouse, Wayne; Saskatoon Kullman, Ruby; Saskatoon Kunda, Snake; Saskatoon Kyler, Doris; Birch Hills Lachapelle, Connie; Saskatoon LaRose, Vickie; Prince Albert Leland, Joan; Kinistino LeTourneau, Jean; Moose Jaw LeVesconte, Norma; Lanigan Liberty-Duns, Jeanette; Saskatoon Lloyd, John; Prince Albert MacKinnon, Terrence; Lanigan Major, Marilyn; Martensville Mansell, Lorna; Nokomis Marshall, Bill; Prince Albert Martinoski, Leonard; Swift Current Martyn, Mike; Prince Albert McBain, Dale & Marlene; Moose Jaw McEwen, Donald & Barbara; Saskatoon McFarlage, Aliec; Moosomin McKague, Terry; Regina McLeod, Neil & Joy; Prince Albert McLeod-Pitre, Chelsea; Saskatoon McQuarrie, Arlis; Saskatoon Meisner, Emil & Gwen; Lanigan Mierau, Annie; Langham Mikuliak, Brian & Shauna; Moose Jaw Mikuliak, Orris; Moose Jaw How to Donate You may send a cheque or donate by credit card. Please make cheques payable to St. Andrew’s College. To donate by credit card please call 1-877-644-8970. Donations may be sent to: St. Andrew’s College, 1121 College Drive, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 0W3 Please indicate clearly any direction for use of your donation. We encourage you to donate without restrictions. Please consider a bequest to St. Andrew’s College in your Will or Planned Giving through insurance policies. If you have bequeathed money to the College in your Will we would like to know about it so that we are able to acknowledge this in the next issue of Contact. www.standrews.ca 9 10523HB_Contact:News 6/4/13 1:57 PM Page 10 St.Andrew’s College St. Andrew’s College Donors - con’t Miller, Charlotte; Regina Mills, Isabelle; Saskatoon Minogue, Diane; Swift Current Mitchell, Kathleen; Lafleche Molyneux, Eva; Swift Current Morrison, Dale & Mildred; Saskatoon Murch, Hewitt; Swift Current Nagle, C. L.; Saskatoon Nightingale, Jeremy; Meadow Lake Olubobokun, John & Simbo; Saskatoon Orr, Doreen; Swift Current Oussoren, John; Sturgis Owen, Wendell & Ruth; Saskatoon Owens, Kathleen; Moose Jaw Panko, Lucie; Saskatoon Parker, Joan & Stanley; Prince Albert Person, Betty-Anne; Saskatoon Person, Karma; Saskatoon Petrie, Dave & Marilyn; Saskatoon Phillips, Lyle; Moose Jaw Playford, Joyce; Moose Jaw Potter, Joyce & Norman; Unity Powell, Joyce & Roy; Guernsey Power, Ken; Moose Jaw Powers, Ken; Regina Pritchard, Bev; Regina Pullam, Eric; Estevan Quick, Willian; Regina Reid, Bonnie; Saskatoon Reynolds, Ross; Lanigan Richards, Bill; Saskatoon Roadhouse, Ferne; Evesham Robson, Louise; Unity Rogers, Lorelie; Limerick Rooke, W. Rangall; Saskatoon Ross, Jack; Moose Jaw Ryan, Carol; Unity Salin, Eleanor; Saskatoon Sampson, April; Weyburn Sargeant, James & Pauline; Moose Jaw Saunderson, Dorothy; Vanguard Schmidt, Tannis & Kevin; Saskatoon Scott, Margaret; Saskatoon Shank, Bill; Saskatoon Shead, Joan; Unity Shepherd, Heather & Douglas; Moose Jaw Shewchuk, Joan; Lanigan Sibbald, Jean; Saskatoon Smith, Dennis; Creelman Smith, Gayle; Clavet Smith, Janet & Roy; Saskatoon Smith, Winifred; Ponteix Spence, C. Isobel; Lafleche Sproule, David; Moose Jaw Stanzel, Erwin; Saskatoon Stevens, Wendell; Saskatoon Stevenson, Chester & Annette; Moose Jaw Stockton, Donald & Shirley; Moose Jaw Stoesz, Anne; Saskatoon Strong, E. Grace; Drake Sudom-Young, K.; Moose Jaw Taylor, Annette; Fort Qu'Appelle Tempel, Erin; Warman Thingvold, John & Charlotte; Cadillac Thomas, Jean; Regina Thomas, Pamela; Regina Thompson, G. Wayne; Regina Thompson, Tony; Prince Albert Thomson, Judy; Saskatoon Thomson, Laura; Regina Thue, E. Jean; Regina Thurlow, Diane; Meadow Lake Toles, Ron & Carole; Swift Current Torgersen, Maxine; Pierceland Trembley, James & Noreen; Melfort Turner, Gayleen; Swift Current Vonhagen, Yvonne; Weyburn Ward, George & Rosalis; Unity Watson, Rod; Weyburn Weber, Dawn; Saskatoon Weiss, Janet; Langham Wenzel, Rubena; Prince Albert Wessel, Wilma; Regina West, Alison; Watrous Wettergreen, Ilene; North Battleford Widenmaier, Lloyd & Shirley; Clavet Wiebe, Maxine; Guernsey Wiebe, Vic & Bunny; Weyburn Wiig, Ursula; Saskatoon Wilson, Donna; Saskatoon Wilson, W. D.; Watrous Worrell, James & Peggy; Swift Current Wright, Thelma; Balgonie Wyand, Donald & Marilyn; Langenburg Yurkoski, Kathleen; Regina Zalinko, Barbara; Regina Zimmerman, Verna; Moose Jaw MANITOBA AND NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO Pastoral Charges Binscarth Knox United Church; Binscarth Brookdale United Church; Brookdale Calvin United Church; Rahtwell Carberry United Church; Carberry Killarney United Church; Killarney MacGregor United Church; MacGregor Minto United Church; Minto Pilot Mound Pastoral Charge; Pilot Mound Pine River United Church; Pine River Selkirk United Church; Selkirk Shoal Lake Decker Pastoral Charge; Shoal Lake St. Andrew's United Church; Keewatin St. Paul's United Church; Gilbert Plains Stonewall United Church; Stonewall Windsor Park United Church; Winnipeg Winnipeg Beach United Church; Gimli UCW’s First United Church UCW; Dryden Fort Frances UCW; Fort Frances Griswold UCW; Griswold Kildonan UCW; Winnipeg Killarney UCW; Killarney La Riviere UCW; La Riviere Lyleton UCW; Lyleton Manitou UCW; Manitou Meadowood UCW; Winnipeg Miami UCW; Miami Miniota UCW; Miniota Neepawa UCW; Neepawa North Kildonan UCW; Winnipeg Oak River UCW; Oak River Oakville UCW; Oakeville Plumas UCW; Plumas Rathwell UCW; Rathwell Rivers UCW; Rivers Silverton UCW; Russell St. Andrew`s UCW; Sioux Lookout St. Andrew`s UCW; Swan River St. Paul`s UCW; Souris Strathclaire UCW; Strathclair Transcona Memorial UCW; Winnipeg Trinity UCW; Brandon Trinity UCW; Portage La Prairie Whitemouth UCW; Whitemouth Individuals Ballantine-Dickson, Dawn & Jack; Winnipeg Campbell, Paul; Winnipeg Compton, Adel; Winnipeg Dillon, Helene; Hamiota Henderson, Lionel & Laura; Minitonas Kalberg, Ronald & Mary; Bagot Kristjansson, Margret; Wawanesa Lea, John; Gladstone Lowe, Roger & Norma; Brandon Mayer, Leona; Thompson McIntyre, Donald; Winnipeg Oliver, Geertrui; Winnipeg Riddell, Betty; Swan River Stevens, Lynn; Winnipeg Thompson, Glen & Jesmondine; Gimli Tjaden, William & Isabell; Sperling Wenstob, Murray & Joy; Swan River Other Conferences Allan, Gail; Toronto, ON Hagerman, Isabelle; Thornbury, ON Hummel, Ellie & Heather McClure; Point-Claire, QC Jones, Teresa; North Bay, ON Laing, Don; Toronto, ON Lobaugh, Bruce & Charlotte; Omaha, NE Manning, Harry; Niagra On The Lake, ON McMurtry, Elizabeth; Delta, BC McMurtry, Joan; White Rock, BC Rowe, Dwayne; Sidney, BC Webb, Paul; Guelph, ON Other Donors Northland Presbytery; The Pas Would you like the convenience of making pre-authorized monthly donations to the college? We would need you to fill out our preauthorized payment form and send it to us along with a “VOID” cheque. To obtain this form please contact the college or check the web site www.standrews.ca Our current monthly donors give amounts from $10 to more than $100. All amounts are greatly appreciated. 10 www.standrews.ca 10523HB_Contact:News 6/4/13 1:57 PM Page 11 St.Andrew’s College The St. Andrew’s Second Century Fund Having now entered a second century as a theological college serving the leadership and theological needs of the United Church, and the ninetieth year of occupancy in the College building on the University of Saskatchewan campus, St. Andrew’s is making ready for a major launch of new fund to sustain the building well into the future. The Second Century Fund has now been established to take the place of the Accessibility Fund that completed the installation of the elevator and accessible washroom. With the generous support the College received for the Accessibility Fund, the elevator and washroom have been completely paid for with some funds in excess. With the permission of the donors those funds have made the first contributions to the Second Century Fund. St. Andrew’s House has provided a welcome home for theological students and faculty, a residence home on campus for generations of students, a place of worship on campus, a home for the extensive library collection held by the College, and a place of gathering for the community. Through lease arrangements a significant source of annual income is earned by the building to support the educational program. And the building serves a centre for a United Church of Canada presence in the heartland of Canada. To ensure the future of the College building and its potential to serve well into the future, a long term maintenance and renewal plan is being established for the building. The Second Century Fund, to be fully launched in the fall, will seek to provide the resources that will be necessary over the next ten to twenty years to support the College’s stewardship of its home. St. Andrew’s College Second Century Fund Donations November 3, 2012 – May 27, 2013 THANK YOU TO SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA St Andrew's United Church; Bow Island Bolstad, Tammy; Lethbridge Brazier, Doreen; Lethbridge Doughty, Jeanette; Lethbridge Graham, Kenneth; Lethbridge Iwanicki, Lillian; Medicine Hat Kersell, Brenda; Lethbridge Koenen, Marilyn; Picture Butte Kostelansky, Alice; Lethbridge McLeod, Sheila; Bow Island Perron, Marilyn; Lethbridge Robertson, David & Elinor; Bow Island Rogers, Ken & Christine; Lethbridge Romeril, Candy; Lethbridge Smith, Harold & Joan; Lethbridge Yamashita, Kathryn; Lethbridge www.standrews.ca Ashwin, Wes; Saskatoon Goldie, Jean & Hugh; Saskatoon Thomas, Bruce & Elaine; Saskatoon Thompson, G. Wayne; Regina MANITOBA Wotton, Patricia; Winnipeg OTHER Did You Know?? You are now able to submit donations online by clicking on the CanadaHelps.org link found on our website. This secure online donation site allows you to quickly and easily donate money in a secure fashion. McLellan, Jonelle; Brentwood, BC Mitchell, Jo-Ann & Richard; Chester Basin, NS 11 10523HB_Contact:News 6/4/13 1:57 PM Page 12 St.Andrew’s College St. Andrew’s People Don Schweitzer In January of this year I traveled to India. I was at Bishop’s College in Kolkata from January 13-20. Here I worked with the second year Bachelor of Divinity (BD II) students on modern Western Christologies, focusing on those of Schleiermacher, Barth, Bultmann, Tillich and Pannenberg. In the Protestant seminary system in India, all the Protestant schools are under the academic auspices of the College of Serampore. This College sets the curriculum. Students write exams on the topics set for the curriculum. Their exams are marked by faculty at an institution other than their own. Schleiermacher et al. are the theologians that they must study for the section entitled Modern Western Christologies. It was a great time. When we discussed Karl Barth’s argument that in light of Jesus Christ, probably all will be saved, students asked what was the point of preaching Christ. I answered that we do this so that others may have the joy of knowing Christ and participating in his work, and so that the gospel can help unmask the evils of today. Few accepted this. Some were also dubious about Paul Tillich’s notion that there is a social dimension to Jesus as the Christ, that Jesus would not be the Christ without those who believe in him. However, a student from Nagaland spoke up that this was the way his people understood everyone. There is a social dimension to all our identities, and so there would be to Jesus as well. In addition to this, I worked on hermeneutical philosophy with the Masters of Theology (M.Th) students. We studied the hermeneutical theories of Schleiermacher, Dilthey, Husserl, Heidegger, Gadamer and Riceour. In addition to this, I presented a paper to the seminary community entitled “George SoaresPrabhu’s approach to inculturating the gospel in India.” On January 20 I flew to Bangalore and visited United Theological Seminary there for a week. Here I taught the M. Th students the same material on philosophical 12 hermeneutics. I also taught two classes on Jesus’ resurrection, two classes on public theology, and gave my paper on SoaresPrabhu to the seminary community. In the 1980s, Soares-Prabhu used to come and give papers here himself. Students here were very concerned about Hindu communalism. I was surprised by this, as four years ago when I visited, shortly after the communal violence in the state of Odisha (Orissa), none of the students seemed worried about this. I also visited another seminary in Bangalore, where I made a presentation to faculty and students on the sociality of Jesus Christ. Most were dubious about this idea. On January 25 I flew home. In addition to teaching and other duties, I also published two articles. One, jointly written with Christian Eberhart, is published online. It is entitled “Did Paul See the Saving Significance of Jesus’ Death as Resulting from Divine Violence? Dialogical Reflections on Romans 3:25,” and can be found in Consensus 34/1 (2012), at http://www.consensusjournal.ca/studobsv34-1.html. Another is “Two Theological Movements in India that complicate Western Reformed Identities,” Toronto Journal of Theology 28/2 (fall 2012), 217-233. Christine Mitchell Christine Mitchell gave two papers at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature in Chicago in November, one on Levites in 2 Chronicles 29, and the other on the scholarly myth of the benevolent Persians. She is working on a paper on Malachi for the Canadian Society of Biblical Studies annual meeting in June, and two papers on Zechariah for the international meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature in Scotland in July. Then her writing will switch to a different focus: the completion of the reaccreditation selfstudy, which she’s directing. She’s also been teaching the introduc- tory Hebrew Bible course both on-campus and on-line this winter semester. Sandra Beardsall The academic year has once more sped by! In January I spent four days meeting with the Anglican-United Church Dialogue group in Vancouver. This is a nationallyappointed group, consisting of six Anglican and six United Church representatives, plus an ecumenical partner. The goal of the dialogue is to help our churches name more clearly our common theological ground, to help us work and live together more effectively. Realizing our history of “failure” in union discussions, we have chosen to proceed carefully, unpacking the many layers of theology and church culture that underpin our communities. At this meeting we discussed the role of creeds in our two churches. This February I worked with a wonderful student committee to host Winter Refresher, with our fine speaker, Christopher Evans, of Boston University School of Theology. An expert on the history of the Social Gospel movement, Chris engaged us with the history of this important movement, and its relevance for current church life and practice. Other activities for me this year included serving on the board of the Ecumenical Chaplaincy at the University of Saskatchewan, where we support our fine chaplain, Emily Carr, who is a deacon in the Anglican Church and a student in the Saskatoon Theological Union. I am also on the PhD committee of a university student who is writing a dissertation on Canadian women leaders in the early years of the Baha’i Faith. I preached on behalf of the College at St. Martin’s United Church, Saskatoon, and prepared articles for the United Church Observer and These Days, a devotional publication of the Presbyterian Church USA. I look forward to teaching this July in the summer program of Sorrento Centre, an Anglican retreat and educational centre on Shuswap Lake, B.C. www.standrews.ca 10523HB_Contact:News 6/4/13 1:57 PM Page 13 St.Andrew’s College HyeRan Kim-Cragg This winter has been full of traveling, teaching, and lecturing. In January, I was invited to teach a course at Hanshin Graduate School of Theology with whom our college has a partnership. The course was on the topic of “ecumenical liturgy and education.” It was taught in English for 10 prominent students across Asia. Upon my return from Korea, I had my biggest class ever for the preaching course. In April, I was invited to give a lecture at Emmanuel College, Toronto, with the theme, “What happens to Practical Theology when we take Migration seriously?” This was followed by my participation in the International Academy of Practical Theology with the theme, “Complex Identities in a Shifting World” where I with my colleague from the USA presented a paper, “Conversion to the ‘Other’: Interdenominational, Interethnic, Interreligious, Transnational Activism and the New Ecclesia.” In May, I traveled to the University of Alberta, Edmonton, to be the keynote speaker for the Canadian Theological Students Conference, with the theme, “Doing Theology in an Intercultural World.” On the publication and research side, I was extremely grateful for the launch of my book, Story and Song: A Postcolonial Interplay between Christian Education and Worship, which the college organized on the first day of the Winter Refresher in February. In January, my co-authored book in Korean, Re-reading the Bible in light of Migration, was published. I was blessed with the launch of this book in Toronto in April while at the International Academy of Practical Theology. My Hanshin Alumni association and the Korean United Church Association East region graciously organized this event. I am working on writing the final report for the McGeachy research grant this summer as well as a few articles including “a Theology of Baptism as Crossing beyond Belonging” and “Idle No More: Four Canadian Women’s Gesture in Solidarity for Social Change.” Lynn Caldwell I continue to combine my half-time work as faculty at St. Andrew’s College with teaching contracts in Educational Foundations and in Sociology at the University of Saskatchewan and St. Thomas More College. I am a co-editor of a new publication released by Fernwood Publishing in April 2013, titled Critical Inquiries: A Reader in Studies of Canada; and, along with the other two editors and the book’s contributors I will be promoting this as a resource for teaching and learning about the contested meanings given to Canada as a nation. Along with other contributors, I’ll be participating in a Roundtable discussion about the book and related studies, at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, in Victoria this June. Also later in June I will be presenting a paper on similar themes, at the Centre for Education for Racial Equality (CERES) in Scotland. These are projects that very much inform and are informed by my teaching and learning with students at St. Andrew’s as together we take up questions about social identity and difference “in a prairie context.” In other news, I have recently completed a very engaging and full three year term as a Board member with River Bend Presbytery Integrated Community Ministries (ICM) and look forward to continuing as a volunteer and participant in their projects and events. On campus, I continue to serve as co-chair of the Provost’s Advisory Committee on Gender and Sexual Diversity (PACGSD). In some of my professional development activities, I recently completed a six-week introductory course in Teaching Online, offered through the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning at the University of Saskatchewan; and over the course of the past academic year participated in several workshops through a pilot project at the Gwenna Moss Centre, focused on integrating Indigenous Education at the University. The most recent of those workshops was focused on “community-engaged learning,” which opened up a lot of good questions and ideas related to my support for field-based learning through our Integration Seminar. I look forward to integrating my own learning from that experience. I also very much look forward to my involvement, over the next months, in preparing for Winter Refresher 2014 and am thrilled that Andrea Smith has agreed to join us as the speaker! WZION Radio Show/Fundraiser The congregation of Zion United Church in Moose Jaw Saskatchewan combined their culinary and creative performing skills in a delightful fundraising event for the students at St. Andrew’s. Following a pot-luck banquet, the social hall of Zion Church was transformed into a radio broadcast venue with a live studio audience. The program hosts introduced a local Celtic band, a community choir, and musicians from the Zion congregation interspersed with conversations and interviews on the arts, sport and political scene in Moose Jaw. The current coach of the Moose Jaw Miller Express baseball team and a former Premier of Saskatchewan both found themselves on the interviewer’s ‘hot seat’. The evening was great fun and raised over $1,200 for St. Andrew’s. www.standrews.ca 13 10523HB_Contact:News 6/4/13 1:57 PM Page 14 St.Andrew’s College Recently Spotted at the College! Gala Dinners St. Andrew’s College hosted two successful dinners this spring. The first dinner was held in Regina on April 17th. The second dinner was held in Saskatoon on May 1st. The Regina dinner was held at the Royal United Services Institute with Dr. Shauneen Pete from the University of 14 Regina as the keynote speaker and Belle Plaine provided musical entertainment. The Saskatoon dinner was held at the Western Development Museum. The Kids of Note, an integrated choir for children and youth, with and without disabilities, provided entertainment with a country and western theme. A successful silent auc- tion was also held. Both evenings were filled with laughter, music and good food. Thank you to our event sponsor, Guardian Capital and our gold sponsors, MNP and Mulberry’s Bakery and Café. www.standrews.ca 10523HB_Contact:News 6/4/13 1:58 PM Page 15 St.Andrew’s College Staff Update The College said farewell to Moe Roberts, part of the Building Management Team, at the end of May to become a fulltime nanny to her granddaughter. Moe has been a member of the staff for 13 years. Sarah Benson, Head Librarian for the Saskatoon Theological Union, will be leaving the College at the end of July. She is moving to Toronto, with her partner, Walter Hannam. Sarah has been the Librarian for 4 years. Moe and Sarah will be greatly missed at the College. Garden of Eatin’ For the second year the College Council of St. Andrew’s is sharing some of the College owned land around the building for community gardening. The garden plots were prepared by Jake Buhler last spring and this year are being utilized by the University of Saskatchewan Aboriginal Students Association in co-operation with the community based organization CHEP (the Child Hunger and Education Program) based in Station 20 West Saskatoon. From the Library This will be my final missive to you as the Saskatoon Theological Union’s Head Librarian. It sounds terribly dramatic, but the fact is, in July we’ll be moving to Toronto – Big Smoke, T-O, Centre of the Universe, etc. I am very torn about this, as I have loved my work at the Saskatoon Theological Union, we’ve made very close friends here, and Saskatchewan is where I grew up. However, as many of you will know, my husband is a professor at Emmanuel & St Chad, and their suspen- www.standrews.ca sion of operations has meant we’ve had to consider our options, and – well, the short version is, Toronto called and we felt we couldn’t say no. I lived in Boston for a few years, so the Big City doesn’t scare me (honest!), but I admit I’m a little nervous. New adventures are wonderful but a bit nerve-wracking. Just getting there will be a big enough deal – we’re driving, with three cats! Toronto is new for me, though, so if anyone has any restaurant recommendations, places to visit, etc – please send them my way! There have been a lot of changes in the library in the past few years, which I hope I’ve chronicled for you in a useful way. I have been touched by the support we’ve received from our extended community, and remain grateful for it. The library is in excellent hands. Mallory Wiebe, our library technician, is knowledgeable, generous, and right out of library tech school she accepted a position which was basically a trial by fire. She handles all the day-to-day running of the library, most of the time on her own. She’s a trooper and a champ. A new librarian will be here for the new students in the autumn, and he or she will bring new perspective and new ideas, which is always a good thing. I have wonderful memories of my time here, and will treasure them always. And yes, sorry, but we’re taking the MG. Questions, comments, just want to complain about the potholes? Please give us a shout! Our number is 306-966-8983. Email: standrews.libary@usask.ca. Or stop by. All the very best to you all. Very sincerely, Sarah Benson STU Head Librarian (well, until the end of July) 15 10523HB_Contact:News 6/4/13 1:58 PM Page 16 Mark Your Calendars! St. Andrew’s College Contact This publication is free of charge. If you would like to add someone’s name to the mailing list, please contact us. Winter WinterRefresher Refresher Thursday, February 27th 2014 to Saturday, March 1st, 2014 Thursday 27 February, to Saturday 1 March Saskatoon, SK Confronting Racism with Solidarity ~~ UntanglingConfronting Colonial Webs andwith Creating New Contexts Racism Solidarity: EDITORIAL BOARD Lynn Caldwell Lorne Calvert Melanie Schwanbeck ST. ANDREW’S COLLEGE 1121 College Drive Saskatoon SK S7N 0W3 Telephone: 1-877-644-8970 or 306-966-8970 Fax 306-966-8981 email: standrews.college@usask.ca Web Site: www.standrews.ca Contact is printed and mailed by Houghton Boston, Saskatoon Publications Mailing Agreement # 40022272 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: St. Andrew’s College 1121 College Drive Saskatoon, SK S7N 0W3 Untangling ColonialTheme Webs Speaker: and Creating New Contexts ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Andrea Smith Theme Speaker: Native American (Cherokee) anti-violence activist and scholar; co-founder of the Boarding School Andrea Smith Healing Project and of INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence Native American (Cherokee) anti-violence activist and scholar; co-founder of the Boarding School Healing Project and of INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence St. Andrew’s Honorary Degree Nominations Nominations are invited for the degree of Doctor of Divinity, honoris causa, in preparation for St. Andrew’s Convocation 2014. The degree is conferred upon persons for distinguished service in ministry, especially pastoral or missionary services, theological scholarship, church leadership, and community responsibility and concern. Nomination forms are available by calling or writing the College. Nomination deadline is September 15, 2013. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED MORE THAN ONE CONTACT, PLEASE LEAVE A COPY AT YOUR LOCAL HOSPITAL, NURSING HOME OR WITH A FRIEND WHO MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN OUR COLLEGE. THANK YOU! Did you know that this issue of Contact is available to read on our website www.standrews.ca If you would like to receive Contact by e-mail instead of paper copy please e-mail melanie.schwanbeck@usask.ca