Attachment Two: A Selected List of Major Surveys Conducted at the University of Saskatchewan: 1994-2007 Survey Name Aboriginal Student Survey Alumni Survey Alumni Surveys for SPR Areas of Preeminence Survey Scope Interinstitutional Employee Opinion Survey (EOS) Purpose/Focus 2007 ??? Aboriginal Students ??? Student perceptions of selves. To learn more about what matters to alumni and the types of services and programs Last time alumni that appeal to alumni views on the role of was surveyed the Alumni Association, volunteerism, was 1997 communication, publications, and general alumni services. All alumni College Ongoing throughout SPR process Department or College Past graduates If at all, once every SPR cycle Alumni views on quality of academic program. Institutional ??? VPR ??? ??? ??? Arts & Science Graduates of the College of Arts & Science (with target years 1975–2006) One-time To gather information on the professional/work experiences of alumni following graduation and uncover trends in the types of employment Arts and Science graduates are obtaining. Graduate Students Conducted for first time in 2007 Information from graduate students about their activities and what they feel they are gaining from their university experiences overall. Yearly To gain a better understanding of students regarding the quality of education they received, how it contributed to their growth and development, their reasons for attending university, what they think about services on campus, how they pay for their education, their debt levels and their plans for further study and employment. InterInstitutional Donor Relations Survey Frequency Alumni Association & Advancement Canadian Graduate and Professional Student Survey (GPSS) College Outcomes Surveys (Nursing, Agriculture, Commerce) Population November 2005 College College Dining Survey Sponsors Institutional Arts & Science Career/Major Choice Survey Canadian Undergraduate Survey Consortium (CUSC) Year(s) Conducted Spring 2007 Winter 2007 CGSR Interinstitutional 2001-2007 IPO Direct-entry undergraduate students (first-year, all undergraduate, and graduating students) in successive years over a 3-year cycle ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? College Various Individual colleges Varies Varies Varies ??? April 2005 Advancement All donors with current e-mail addresses ??? Review the donor relations practices at the University of Saskatchewan concentrating on acknowledgment and accountability. Institutional 2005/2006 HR All employees Yearly Work environment issues Survey Name Scope Year(s) Conducted Sponsors Population Frequency Purpose/Focus Program issues, service by CGSR, etc. Exit Surveys of Graduate Students Institutional Ongoing (inception 1994) CGSR Graduate students who have completed their program At the end of each student’s program From Learning to Work Survey InterInstitutional 2007 SECC All students registered in 2006/2007 and in SECC's job posting subscription list ??? Student interests and attitudes regarding their careers and employers. Yearly Online university search tool that gives students the ability to search for Canadian universities on their terms. The Navigator lets students generate their own personal ranking by deciding how important they consider certain indicators to be to their studies. ??? To assist CGSR & DSS in developing policies and procedures around accommodations provided to graduate students with disabilities. Globe and Mail University Report Card Navigator Graduate Students with Disabilities Survey InterInstitutional Institutional 2006 Globe & Mail Undergraduate students August 2005 CGSR's Employment & Equity Committee & DSS International students ??? All graduate students To assess the degree of awareness, usage, and satisfaction with services, programs, events/activities and publications of the ISO. Assess current access and faculty, students and staff needs. Basis for future planning. International Students' Opinions and Expectations Survey Institutional 2004 International Student Office (ISO) IT Needs Assessment Institutional 1999 ??? Faculty, undergraduate & graduate students, staff One-time February 2007 University Library Students, faculty, and staff ??? Perceptions of library services on campus. 2004/2006 Maclean's Recent graduates Non-annual Measures graduate satisfaction at the institutional level. Maclean's High school principals, guidance counsellors, university officials, heads of organizations, corporate CEOs and recruitment officers Yearly Survey addresses institutional reputation based on 4 areas: quality, innovation, leadership and best overall. Regularly To collect information on students' habits, behaviours, and perceptions on the most prevalent health topics and factors impacting academic performance, retention and campus life. ??? Assesses student participation in programs and activities that institutions provide for their learning and personal development. Estimates how undergraduates spend their time and what they gain from university. LibQUAL+ Canada Maclean's Recent Graduate Survey Interinstitutional Interinstitutional InterMaclean's Reputation Survey institutional National College Health Assessment National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) Interinstitutional Interinstitutional Yearly 2006 March 2006 SESD VPA ??? First and final year undergraduate students Survey Name Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI) Nursing Education Program of Saskatchewan (NEPS): 5-Year Follow-up Survey (2000 Graduates) Scope Interinstitutional College Year(s) Conducted Sponsors Population Undergraduate students taking at least one class on campus Frequency Purpose/Focus One-time Measures both student satisfaction and the importance of campus issues to students on a wide variety of items. Pinpoints an institution’s strengths and areas in need of improvement. Yearly Examines employment outcomes, further education, goals, and satisfaction of graduates who have been out of the program for 5 years. 2003 SESD 2005-2006 U of S, SIAST, CofN, and FNUC 2002 to 2004 Graduates Yearly Examines graduates' employment in the first year after graduation and current employment. Also provides reactions and advice of graduates to the program. 2000 and 2001 Graduates Nursing Education Program of Saskatchewan (NEPS): 2-Year Follow-up Survey (2003 Graduates) College 2002-2006 U of S, SIAST, CofN, and FNUC Nursing Education Program of Saskatchewan (NEPS): Exit Survey: Graduates of the 2004-2005 Year College 2003-2006 U of S, SIAST, CofN, and FNUC 2003-2006 Graduates Yearly Examines anticipated employment and graduate expectations at program completion. President's Office Diversity Committee Institutional Spring 2006 President's Office Employees of the President's Office ??? Climate Survey Research Administration Client Satisfaction Survey Institutional November 2006 Audit Services, Research Services Research Services Clients ??? Satisfaction with Research Services Residence Research Project Institutional November 2004 SESD Current students prospective students, & parents of prospective students One-time The survey included questions related to room design, academic/social space, pricing, amenities, etc. Review of SPR Survey Institutional July 2004 SPR Office Department heads and self study contacts across campus One-time To obtain feedback about the SPR process, for use in Self Study. Saskatchewan Advanced Education and Employment: Graduate Outcomes of 20042005 Class Interinstitutional (in SK) November 2006 February 2007 SK Advanced Education and Employment 2004 Graduates ??? Information about how post-secondary education and training programs and services in SK can be improved. Focuses on graduates’ satisfaction with the program, experiences during program and employment outcomes since graduation. Social Norms Survey Interinstitutional 2003-2006 Canadian Centre for Social Norms Research Students from a number of colleges across campus 3 year study To better understand student experiences and perceptions regarding alcohol and alcohol consumption. ??? Examined several broad areas including health stress and mental health, alcohol and drug use, sexual health, sexual assault, nutrition and physical fitness, and health service utilization. Student Health Needs Assessment Survey Institutional 2002 SESD Full-time undergraduate students Survey Name Student Retention Study (Quantitative Phase) Student Retention Study (Qualitative Phase) Study Abroad Survey Survey for Grad Student Programming Scope Institutional Institutional Year(s) Conducted 2005-2007 Sponsors SESD, IA, ITS, IPO Population Undergraduate students in the 5 direct entry Colleges. Student-based studies (phone survey of early leavers, focus groups with current students, and January - April 2006 SESD, IA, ITS, IPO interviews with former RTD students now succeeding in their studies) Frequency Purpose/Focus One-time Cohort-based study of retention, attrition, and degree completion rates over the past few years (10 cohorts dating back as far as the 1993/94 cohort). One-time To discover underlying reasons for student attrition at the U of S and approaches that promote student success, persistence and degree completion. ??? ??? College of Arts & Science ??? ??? ??? Institutional Ongoing GMTLC Graduate student teachers ??? To assist in planning future workshops. One-time Students' evaluation of their educational experience and on how their education has contributed to their occupational success. Institutional Report in 1999 Planning Committee 1994 graduates surveyed five years out (in 1999) - included undergraduate and graduate students Institutional November 2003 Internal review committee All faculty and graduate students that had training and/or expertise in Microbiology One-time To find out what the themes of Microbiology instruction on campus are/were. ??? March 2004 Communications, Advancement Sample of Saskatchewan residents One-time Obtain public opinion regarding perceptions of the University, funding issues, role in the province, tuition fees. Survey to Research Centres ??? Fall 2006 Review of Centres Task Force ??? ??? ??? Teaching Evaluation Survey Institutional September 2004 & Summer 2005 IDCC Colleges/Departments One-time University Life 101 Institutional Yearly SESD Direct entry first-year undergraduates Yearly Survey of 1994 Graduates (Student Outcomes Survey) Survey of Proposed Core and Research Themes Leading to a B.Sc. in Microbiology Survey of Saskatchewan Residents Regarding Strategic Directions To determine what current practices are on campus re: teaching evaluations (student & peer) Outcomes of in-class evaluation, comparison group survey, and grade and retention comparison data.