Annual Report on Giving 2007

Annual Report on Giving 2007
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Saskatchewan’s founders understood and clearly expected education and research to be a vital part of this province.
What was true 100 years ago remains true today. A century ago the College of Agriculture was one of the first colleges
established at the University of Saskatchewan, and was designed and built to support our primary industry. Today, our
numerous colleges and facilities have transformed to reflect our economy's tremendous diversity.
The University of Saskatchewan continues to serve the province both as a champion of the business community and as
a high profile economic contributor in its own right. Our graduates are integral to literally every profession in the province
and carry Saskatchewan’s colours in their work across Canada and around the world.
The University of Saskatchewan is in the midst of a campus renewal totaling investments of more than half a billion
dollars, and it is within that context that we launched the most ambitious fundraising campaign in our University’s
history, with a goal of raising at least $100 Million dollars in philanthropic support. We titled this campaign
Thinking the World of Our Future, for two reasons: first, to reflect the vision we have for our University as we
embark upon our second century. And second, because the University of Saskatchewan truly has a global
reach, and we are proud of that. We’ve been honoured throughout this campaign by the support we’ve
received for this vision, and I am confident that as we continue to work together, we are building a
University of Saskatchewan for the next 100 years of which we can all be proud.
Heather Magotiaux
Vice-President, University Advancement
November 30th, 2007
Through their support, our alumni, friends and partners have shown they believe in the University of Saskatchewan. Our donors’
contributions serve to turn good experiences into truly exceptional experiences. They invest because they want others to have
the same great experiences they had in University; to support an area of study or research they feel is important; and
because, knowing the sacrifices of University life, they want to ease some of the challenges students may face. Each
donor is motivated to help our students achieve their goals and dreams through higher education. For their generosity,
we are sincerely grateful.
There are many, many emotional stories behind the generous donations that are made to the University of Saskatchewan.
In my position as Director of Development, it has been my privilege to serve as a middleman between donors and students.
I have seen how these gifts have created tremendous opportunities for students and faculty and I extend the University’s
sincere gratitude to all our donors for their investment in this institution.
Longtime readers will note we have listed fewer donors on the following pages. This year, thanks to
widespread Internet availability, we can make the best use of our resources by publishing the donor roll
online, with the names of every donor. You find it at We encourage you to
visit the web site for a listing of the individuals and corporations who believe so much in the students, faculty
and researchers at the University of Saskatchewan and support us so generously.
Doug Clark
Director of Development, University Advancement
November 30th, 2007
Scholarship Sets the Pace
Matt Scobie can’t pin down the precise moment when he realized he needed to somehow
acknowledge the University of Saskatchewan’s influence on his life. In the stands at a track meet,
his face painted green as he cheered on his friends and teammates? As he accepted the John
Konihowski Award as the Huskie Track and Field Male Athlete of the Year? When he accepted his
first job after graduating as a two-time Huskie First Team All-Academic?
Everyone who passes through the University’s doors comes to an understanding, sooner or later,
of how their experiences at the University of Saskatchewan changed and shaped their lives. Matt
acted on his awareness by establishing a Cross Country Scholarship soon after graduating in 2006.
“I loved the U of S,” Matt says. “We had a really good group of guys [on the track team]. In truth,
everywhere we went people knew that the U of S team was one of the top teams in the country.”
A dual sport athlete who competed both for the Huskie Cross Country and Track and Field teams
as a member of the 2005 CIS championship team, Matt believes his contribution will set an
example for other alumni.
“I just hope the scholarship helps cover the cost and offset some of the bills that accumulate while
you’re at University,” Matt says. “It would be great if it recruited more runners and helped assemble
a strong Cross Country team.”
Heartfelt gifts enhance College of Law
Prairie Garden Sprouts Pride
Children visiting the new Prairie Habitat Garden just east of the College of
Education building really only see the pretty flowers and the butterflies. They
don’t recognize the exceptional learning opportunities, or understand the
significance of the First Nations design elements, or see how the garden is
ensuring the ecological integrity of our natural and working lands.
Yet the garden is all that and more, says Dr. Janet McVittie, Professor of
Curriculum Studies at the College of Education. It’s also an example of how
sponsors and administrators can work together to create a garden that evokes
pride in the University and stimulates discussion of our natural world.
“Some people look at it a little sideways at first because it doesn’t really
conform to the artificial spaces we’re so used to seeing. But they do become
very excited about it when they know what it’s all about,” Dr. McVittie says of
the garden that is home to more than 3,000 native plants.
A coordinated effort was needed to put the garden in the ground. Initial
concepts and planning came from undergraduate students in the College of
Education and the project has found champions across campus, from the
Dean’s office to Facilities Management to the Department of Horticulture.
Dr. McVittie sends a special thank-you to the Native Plant Society of
Saskatchewan for help with hard-to-locate native plants.
“The students were thinking about endangered spaces and about species that
are disappearing because their habitat has been destroyed,” Dr. McVittie
says. The garden now serves as a teaching tool for visiting elementary classes.
“It really is beautiful when everything is in bloom,” she adds. “The students
love it. They develop quite an attachment to the insects in the garden.”
Ultimately, it seems, the children are right. It is all about the pretty flowers
and the butterflies.
“I know they had to dig really deep,” Harry Dahlem says of the lawyers
who donated to the College of Law’s capital campaign. “This was no
small sum of money for them. They wanted to make a dream come true
and create a first-class facility, and they did it. That is the true spirit of
a graduate of the University of Saskatchewan.”
The expansion now underway at the college will indeed result in a firstclass facility and will contribute to an enhanced atmosphere for
student learning and growth. Students will benefit greatly from new and
modernized classrooms, expanded study space, offices for student
organizations and an improved student lounge.
“Harry’s efforts have been tireless and his ideas and enthusiasm have
helped to ensure the success of our capital campaign,” says Brent
Cotter, Dean of the College of Law. “He is truly an exemplary volunteer.”
A Saskatoon lawyer, Harry says he’s been around so long that everyone
in the province’s relatively intimate legal community knew him when he
came calling.
“The reception I got was greater than anything I ever expected,” Harry
says, adding that he was most impressed by the generosity of people
working with a limited budget for such endeavors.
“The average giver really put their hearts into whatever they gave,” he
says. “They came across with big money, and when we went back to
them again to finish the campaign they came across again.”
Members of the Law Foundation of Saskatchewan initially contributed
$2.5 million in 2004 to the $16.5 million capital campaign, followed
by an increase of $725,000 in early 2007. Harry is proud of his
association with alumni of such high professional caliber.
“When you approach someone with a campaign such as this, it’s not
about what you expect but about what the people are prepared to
give,” Harry believes. “Then you be thankful for what they give, and we
are very thankful. The successes we’ve had are all due to them – they
are the true heroes of the campaign.”
$25,000.00 TO $49,999.99
Mr. Croft Axsen ≈ His Honour The Honourable Gordon & Her Honour Mrs. Naomi
Barnhart ≈ Mr. Brian Beresh ≈ Borden Ladner Gervais LLP ≈ Isabel Brown ≈ The
Canadian Wheat Board ≈ Central Laboratory for Veterinarians Ltd. ≈ Estate of Mr. Israel
Chertkow ≈ Estate of Mr. Victor Colleaux ≈ Colt Engineering Corporation ≈ Mrs. Florence
Cowan ≈ Mr. Casey Davis ≈ Dynaventure Corporation ≈ Mr. Don Engle ≈ Ensign Energy
Services Inc. ≈ Mr. Edwin Everitt ≈ Mr. Russell Fisher ≈ Golden Suppository Golf Classic,
Pharmacy & Nutrition ≈ Government of Saskatchewan, Department of Finance ≈ John L M
Hampton ≈ Jim Hay ≈ Ludwig, Olga and Constance Kaye ≈ Mr. Don & Ms. Marjorie Lenz ≈
McKercher McKercher & Whitmore LLP ≈ Gibson Energy Ltd. ≈ Dr. Ole Nielsen ≈ Estate of
Dr. Jerzy Olszewski ≈ PCL Construction Group Inc. ≈ Estate of Dr. Beate Salz ≈
Saskatchewan Pulse Growers ≈ Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Inc. ≈ SaskEnergy ≈ Drs. Morris
& Jacqui Shumiatcher ≈ Roger Stone ≈ Mr. Robert Stromberg ≈ Estate of Mr. Cyril Tobias
≈ Dr. Harold Toop ≈ W. Brett Wilson Family Foundation ≈ Mrs. Gail Zink
$10,000.00 TO $24,999.99
Engineering Award Promotes Excellence
Russ Haid always wanted to be an engineer and attending the
University of Saskatchewan was a logical choice for the
Saskatchewan boy. It just took some time to reach a logical
conclusion: Russ was 50 years old when he graduated with his
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering in 1963.
After working for years in his chosen profession, Russ passed
away in 2005 at the age of 91. On behalf of the Russell and
Mildred Haid estate, Russ’ sister Mabel Marshall established the
Russell (Russ) William Haid Memorial Awards to serve future
Engineering students.
“He wanted it to go to a worthy cause, to help out deserving
students,” Mabel says. “The U of S always had a high level
of excellence and it was Russ’ suggestion that the estate go
to the university.”
A handcrafted model of an 18th century carriage, built by Russ
at age 18 and presented to the College upon his convocation, is
on display at the College. The award in Russ’ name assisted
more than 30 students last year.
“The College of Engineering is offering one of the best established
and most comprehensive Engineering curricula in the country,”
says Janusz Kozinski, Dean of the College of Engineering. “Russ’s
gift will help enhance the students’ experience and help us to
focus on excellence across the board.”
It took Mabel two years to finalize her brother’s estate and
deliver on his wish of donating $1.6 million to the College of
Engineering. She didn’t mind the work one bit, knowing what the
University of Saskatchewan meant to her brother and how the
gift would assist other students pursuing the same dream.
“We finished it on June 5, 2007 and on that same day our
sister’s grandson was graduating from Engineering,” Mabel says.
“It turned out to be a very nice affair, with all of our family there.”
Mrs. Marge Adams ≈ Alcon Canada ≈ AMEC Americas Limited ≈ Mr. Donald Anderson ≈
ARAMARK Canada Ltd. ≈ ARC Energy Trust ≈ Association of Professional Engineers &
Geoscientists of Saskatchewan ≈ AstraZeneca Canada Inc. ≈ Professor Chris Axworthy ≈
Mr. Richard Baillie ≈ The Honourable Mr. Justice Dennis Ball ≈ Mr. Gordon Balon ≈
BJ Services Company Canada ≈ Mr. Merrill Black ≈ Blake Cassels & Graydon LLP ≈ The
Honourable Allan Blakeney ≈ Mr. Douglas Bradley ≈ Dr. Murray Bremner ≈ Mr. Jordan
Broadworth ≈ Dr. Lenora Brockman ≈ Mr. Ross Brown ≈ Canadian Cancer Society Saskatchewan Division ≈ Canadian Medical Association ≈ Dr. Harry & Mrs. Fran Clarke ≈
Ms. Tammy Coates ≈ College of Dentistry ≈ The Co-operators ≈ Data-Line Realty Ltd. ≈
Estate of Ms. Adelaide Dodds ≈ Donald R. Seaman Foundation ≈ Mr. Mark & Ms. Patricia
Du Mont ≈ Professor Emerita Sylvia Fedoruk ≈ Fluor Canada Ltd. ≈
The Honourable Peter Foley ≈ Football Saskatchewan ≈ Professor Emeritus Larry Fowke
≈ Ms. April Grosse ≈ Mr. Gord & Ms. Maureen Haddock ≈ Mr. Silas Halyk ≈ Horse
Racing Alberta ≈ Mrs. Jean Jacek ≈ Georgina Jackson ≈ Dr. Ivan Jen & Dr. Suzanne
Yip ≈ Dr. Robert Jickling ≈ Dr. Rudolf Kaul ≈ Kinsmen Club of Saskatoon ≈ Mr. Henry
& Ms. Cheryl Kloppenburg ≈ The KPMG Foundation ≈ Kramer Ltd. ≈ Mr. George La
Borde ≈ Lifelong Learning in Pharmacy 2005 ≈ Lloyd Carr-Harris Foundation ≈
Dr. Taher Lookmanjee ≈ McCarthy Tetrault Foundation ≈ Mr. Scott & Ms. Grit McCreath
≈ R. Scott McCreath ≈ Merial Canada Inc. ≈ Merial Limited ≈ Monsanto Canada Inc.
≈ Mr. Cameron Peacock ≈ R. Jack Pirie ≈ Mrs. Mirka Pollak ≈ Mr. Jack Poole ≈
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP ≈ Mr. James Putnam ≈ A H Rajput ≈ Prof. Emeritus Ali
& Ms. Karla Rajput ≈ Estate of Mr. Frederick Reid ≈ Associate Professor Emerita
Maureen Rever-DuWors ≈ The Honourable Mr. Justice Noel Sandomirsky ≈ Sask
Sport Inc. ≈ Saskatchewan Athletics ≈ Saskatchewan Chicken Industry
Development Fund ≈ Saskatchewan Hockey Association ≈ Saskatchewan Liquor &
Gaming Authority ≈ Saskatchewan Medical Association ≈ SaskPower ≈
Saskatchewan Veterinary Medical Association ≈ Saskatoon Airport Authority ≈ Mr.
Phillip Scheibel ≈ Mr. Al Schreiner ≈ Wayne Sharp ≈ Mr. Dan & Ms. Karen
Silvester ≈ The Honourable Judge Barry Singer ≈ Prof. Emeritus George & Mrs.
Kathryn Sofko ≈ St. Paul's Hospital Foundation Inc. ≈ Dr. Denis St-Onge ≈ Mr.
Gordon Tarnowsky & Ms. Tracy McKim ≈ Mr. Gerald Tegart & The Honourable
Madam Justice Georgina Jackson ≈ University of Toronto ≈ Vetoquinol Canada
Inc. ≈ Ms. Monika Visvanatha ≈ Dr. Bill Waiser ≈ Mr. Tom Wakeling ≈ Dr. Jack
& Mrs. Mendy Woodley ≈ WorleyParsons Komex ≈ The Honourable Mr.
Justice David and Ms. Lynette Wright ≈ Ms. Donna-Rae Zadvorny
We wish to extend special Thanks to these friends who established
deferred gifts during 2006 and 2007.
Vic Huard & Kathy Sutherland ≈ Perry & Elaine Kon ≈ Muriel McMillan
≈ Judy Schreiner ≈ Heather Scott-Ventresca ≈ John & Ann Stewart
Innovative minds focus on Horse Health
Exciting new initiatives in veterinary research and education have been
created by the Heather Ryan and L. David Dubé Foundation’s generous
contribution to the Western College of Veterinary Medicine’s equine and
companion animal health programs.
“Heather and David’s gift provides our College even more opportunities
to make a real difference in the fields of equine and companion animal
health,” said WCVM Dean Dr. Charles Rhodes during the foundation’s
announcement of the $1.07-million contribution in August 2006. “Their
timing is perfect. This five-year commitment - combined with a major,
$57-million expansion and renovation of WCVM’s clinical, research,
diagnostic and teaching facilities - gives us the resources we need to
continue pushing the boundaries of research, animal health care and
veterinary education.”
One initiative is the L. David Dubé and Heather Ryan Equine Health and
Research Fund that has awarded $410,000 to WCVM researchers for
three major investigations of critical issues in horse health. Another is a
matching gift incentive program that gives WCVM the potential to raise
an additional $1 million for its equine research program by 2011.
Thanks to the foundation’s contribution, WCVM has two new annual
scholarships for fourth-year students who provide exceptional care and
compassion for their small animal and equine patients. The foundation
has also invested $250,000 into research and training programs that
are supported by the college’s equine health and companion animal
health research funds.
“Our belief is that if we fund world-class research right here in Western
Canada, we will help to retain and attract some of the most innovative
minds in veterinary medicine,” explained Dubé, who graduated from the
University in 1985. “We want our donations to work as leveraging tools
for attracting additional funds from other organizations and individuals,
and for establishing collaborative relationships with other scientists and
research institutions.”
$1,000,000 AND OVER
Ron & Jane Graham ≈ Heather Ryan & L. David Dubé Foundation Inc.
≈ The Krembil Foundation ≈ PotashCorp ≈ Mr. Brett Wilson ≈ Estate
of Mr. Adam Winisky
$500,000.00 TO $999,999.99
CN ≈ Law Foundation of Saskatchewan ≈ Mr. Torvald & Mrs. J Tollefson
$250,000.00 TO $499,999.99
Mr. Merlis Belsher ≈ Cameco Corporation ≈ Ms. Mary Edney ≈ Estate of
Russell and Mildred Haid ≈ Mrs. Loverna Hiebert ≈ Merck Frosst Canada Ltd.
≈ Shell Canada Limited ≈ Talisman Energy Inc.
$100,000.00 TO $249,999.99
3M Company ≈ AREVA Resources Canada Inc. ≈ Balfour Moss LLP ≈
BMO Financial Group ≈ Canadian Dairy Commission ≈ CIBC ≈
Cavendish Investing Ltd ≈ Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP ≈ Government of
Saskatchewan, Department of Justice ≈ Estate of Mrs. Alice Harper ≈
Heart and Stroke Foundation ≈ Sophie Katarynych ≈ Dr. Walter & Mrs.
Ruth Leverton ≈ Ms. Margaret MacKay ≈ Manulife Financial ≈ Estate of
Mr. Murray Matheson ≈ Mr. Bob & Chancellor Emerita Peggy
McKercher ≈ Estate of Mr. Ronald Oliver ≈ Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt
LLP ≈ Rawlco Radio Ltd. ≈ RBC Foundation ≈ Robertson Stromberg
Pedersen LLP ≈ Mrs. Cathy Roozen ≈ Royal University Hospital
Foundation Inc. ≈ Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation ≈
Saskatoon Health Region ≈ Dr. Doc Seaman ≈ Shoppers Drug Mart
Inc. ≈ UPE Group of Companies ≈ Westgen, Western Canada's
Genetic Centre ≈ Dr. Barrie & Mrs. Deedee Wigmore ≈ Mr. Victor
$50,000.00 TO $99,999.99
Alberta Veterinary Medical Association ≈ Mr. James Anderson ≈
Dr. James Anthony ≈ Balnald Investments Ltd ≈ Canadian Bar
Association - Saskatchewan Branch ≈ Canadian Society for Civil
Engineering - Saskatoon Section ≈ Alberta Chartered
Accountants Education Foundation ≈ Radio CJVR Ltd. ≈ Dow
Chemical Company ≈ Farm Credit Canada ≈ David W
McClement ≈ Flint Energy Services ≈ Mr. Dallas & Ms. Sandra
Howe ≈ Ms. Doreen Janzen ≈ The Julia & Seymour Gross
Foundation, Inc. ≈ Katz Group Canada Ltd. ≈ MacPherson
Leslie & Tyerman LLP ≈ Estate of Mrs. Marilyn McClinton ≈
Mr. Dan McDonald ≈ McDougall Gauley LLP ≈ Monsanto
Company ≈ Nexen Inc. ≈ Olive Waller Zinkhan & Waller LLP
≈ Peak Energy Services Trust ≈ Pfizer Canada Inc. ≈
Procter & Gamble Inc. ≈ PW Classic for Parkinson's ≈
Regina Qu'Apelle Health Region and Hospitals of
Regina Foundation ≈ Saskatchewan Cancer Agency ≈
SGI ≈ Saskatchewan Lotteries ≈ Scotiabank ≈
Stevenson Hood Thornton Beaubier LLP ≈ Estate of
Ms. Adrey Isabelle Thackar ≈ TD Bank Financial
Group ≈ Mr. Russell Walker
Gifts to the University of Saskatchewan 2006-2007
Total donations to Thinking the World of Our Future* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$130,483,788.41
Total number of donors to Thinking the World of Our Future* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11,810
Campaign dollars raised between May 1, 2006 and April 30, 2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$27,486,649.41
* At April 30th, 2007
and Businesses
BC and Manitoba
Eastern and
Northern Canada
Campaign Projects
Discretionary 10%
Libraries and
and Bursaries
Thank you!
The names listed in this year’s Annual Report on Giving
include those who have given gifts and pledges of $10,000
or more between May 1, 2006 and April 30, 2007 to the
University of Saskatchewan including, St. Thomas More
College. Donors are listed alphabetically by giving level.
Those donors who have requested anonymity have not been
included in this publication, although we wish to extend our
heartfelt thanks to them.
A complete list of all 2006-07 donors
can be found at
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this
report, but we acknowledge that errors may occur. If your
name has been omitted or listed incorrectly, please accept
our sincere apology and forward any corrections to
University Advancement. Call toll free 1-800-699-1907 or
966-5186 in the Saskatoon area. Email us at
For more information on Thinking the World of Our Future
and other alumni initiatives and programs, visit
For more information please contact:
University Advancement
University of Saskatchewan
Room 223 Kirk Hall, 117 Science Pl
Saskatoon, SK Canada S7N 5C8
Telephone: 306-966-5186
Toll free: 1-800-699-1907
Annual Report on Giving 2007
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Printed in Canada