NEWSLETTER Published by the Midwest Area Chapter Serving Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri & Nebraska Chapter Manager: Chris Clarke Phone: 1.816.741.9484 E-mail: January 2012 • Number 1 MIDWEST CHAPTER dinner events & plant tour chesterfield, mo, dinner • 16 feb 2012 & ames, ia, dinner & plant tour • 8 mar 2012 Chesterfield, MO February 16, 2012 Dinner Master Planning for the Pharmaceutical and Biotech Industry The first Midwest Chapter Event of the year will be a dinner event at the Doubletree Hotel & Conference Center in Chesterfield MO. The event begins with a happy hour at five o’clock followed by the presentation at six o’clock. An Italian “Hill Buffet” will follow the presentation. The presentations will be delivered by Eric Danielson of Treanor Architects and Jeff Rozelle of CRB Engineers. Eric Danielson is the Director of Business Development for Treanor Architects. He works with their Science & Technology division as a planner and manages pre-design activities. He is a graduate of the University of San Diego and the secretary of the Board of Directors of the ISPE Midwest Chapter. Jeff Rozelle is the Biotech Core Team Leader for CRB Consulting Engineers in Kansas City. His diversified experience ranges from conceptual design through construction focusing on process and utilities engineering, project management, facility start-up and validation. His education includes degrees in Chemical Engineering and MBA from the University of Kansas. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of the ISPE Midwest Chapter. Unless you have a crystal ball in your back pocket, planning for the future of your operations can be a daunting task. A master plan, however, can be the tool that provides a roadmap towards a successful future, but only if it takes comprehensive view across the entire spectrum of your business. Through our experience working with the pharmaceutical and biotech industry, we have developed a process that identifies the availability of existing assets and the forecast for product manufacturing. Once you know this information, a master plan is a tool to make informed projections about how your company can get its products in the hands of its consumers. To register, fill out the registration form in the newsletter and fax it with your credit card information to Chris Clarke at (816) 746-1989. Continued on page three Board of Directors Brian Beck President Pfizer 402-441-2636 Kevin Haugh Vice-President CRB 816-891-3704 Gregg Stapleton Treasurer Control Service Company 816-600-5804 Eric Danielson Secretary Treanor Architects 785-843-5554 Message from the President Brian Beck I am writing this article amidst a wonderful stretch of weather here in the Midwest. Although this winter has not been particularly harsh so far, I am still anxiously looking forward to Spring. In particular I am very excited about the upcoming events that the ISPE Midwest Chapter Board has planned. Two dinner events are being planned in February and March for the Midwest Chapter. In February we have an excellent event planned in Chesterfield, MO, and in March we are developing an event that will include a tour of the APHIS facility in Ames, IA. Both events are sure to be well attended, so please sign up soon so we can accommodate as many people as possible. Jason Robertson Looking further ahead to May, our Extended Education day this year will be in St. Louis, and a number of informative tracks are being planned, including Project Management, Tech Transfer, Quality, and Operational Excellence. More information on upcoming events can be seen in the Vice President's message in this newsletter. Board members I encourage all Chapter members to attend one or more events to take advantage of the excellent programming that’s planned. I also again extend an invitation to all to provide ideas for future events or for feedback on recent events. If you have any comments, please send them to Chris Clarke at ispemw@aol. com. Past President CRB Engineers & Builders 816-880-9800 Tim Alsin QSPEC Solutions 913-403-0988 Thanks to all for your continued support of the Chapter, and I sincerely hope to see you soon. Best Regards, Brian Beck President Beth Brock Eli Lilly 913-310-7912 Jim Kolbet ProPharma Group 913-661-1662 x105 Bryan Neisen Upsher-Smith Laboratories 612-490-2132 Jeff Rozelle CRB 816-880-9800 Greg Spanel ProPharma Group 913-661-1662 x109 Gary Westhoff Steris—Retired 2 Midwest Chapter Programs Kevin Haugh MW DINNERS & PLANT TOUR To identify the availability of existing assets, our master planning team takes an in-depth look at the workforce, existing sites & facilities, manufacturing process, production forecasts and product development cycle in which it all occurs. To do so, we set up a series of site visits and interviews with groups and individuals in the various functional units of your workforce. Engaging in personnel interviews at the sites, we question, listen, and verify the information we receive during tours and meetings. We gain insight into the manufactured products, as well as understand the logistics chain associated with raw material, in-process products, and finished goods. A large volume of data is gathered during this phase: equipment sizes, capacities and utilization rates, square footages of Continued from front page manufacturing and support space, adjacencies of the existing operation, utility infrastructure, and site data, such as land area, utility service, parking, and vehicular and pedestrian circulation. The interviews cover short and long term sales goals, and the amount and type of products which need to be sold to achieve them. While these goals may already exist our team will lead the team through a strategic visioning session to better understand and document your client base and the sales opportunities associated with it. Once we obtain, verify, and understand this information that forms the foundation for the master planning effort, only then can solutions begin to take form. The master plan is a visual expres- Continued on page four 3 MW DINNERS & PLANT TOUR Continued from page three Ames, IA March 8, 2012 Plant Tour & Dinner sion of these solutions; it is where the existing and potentially expanded operational infrastructure is in alignment with the vision for the future. This infrastructure is defined as the workforce, equipment, utilities, and building space needed for the product development cycle. The first recommendation we make is regarding any deficiency we identify where the projected manufacturing capacity cannot keep up with the projected demand. Moving forward into the future, we will make comprehensive recommendations on what improvements/expansion is necessary to the existing infrastructure in order to achieve those predetermined long and short term goals. Phasing of functional spaces is a key consideration as existing operations can often be limited in expandability and swing space required to achieve efficient and effective implementation of the master plan. USDA NADC Facility The ISPE Midwest Chapter is home to a significant number of animal health companies. Many of these companies house animal test facilities for R&D, as well as product testing. In recognition of this, the chapter has selected the USDA NADC facility at Ames, Iowa as the location of our next tour, on March 8, 2012. NADC is the National Animal Disease Center, and is focused on research to solve animal health and food safety problems faced by livestock producers and the public. Following the tour, we will have a social hour, and then a dinner presentation at Hickory Park's Hickory Event Hall. The speaker will be Dr Christian Newcomer, Executive Director of AAALAC , the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care. AAALAC is an international, non-profit organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals in science through voluntary accreditation and assessment programs. AAALAC's voluntary accreditation process allows research programs to demonstrate that they meet the minimum standards required by law, and are also going the extra step to achieve excellence in animal care and use. We hope you will join us for the tour, presentation, and some delicious food at Hickory Park! Master planning for the pharmaceutical and biotech market is essential to ensure your products can always be in the hands of your consumers when they need them. Without appropriate and flexible planning, your company may not be able to keep up with the demands of a dynamic marketplace. With a master plan in hand, you have the data, solutions, and confidence about achieving the goals you are making for the future. The registration form is posted at the end of this newsletter and also on the Midwest Chapter website. There are several sponsorships available to include dinner, happy hour and vendor tabletop displays. Feel free to call the Chapter Manager, Chris Clarke to discuss sponsorships. Image of USDA Facility at Ames: 4 MIDWEST CHAPTER EVENTS february 16 Dinner Event Chesterfield, MO MARCH 8 Plant Tour & Dinner Event Ames, IA COMPLIANCE SERVICES May 16 & 17 Education & Vendor Day & Golf Outing St. Louis, MO AUTOMATION VALIDATION PROGRAM/PROJECT MANAGEMENT SEPTEMBER 24 & 25 Golf Outing & Training Event Springfield, MO 5 ispe international Events 27-28 February 2012 Lessons from 483s: Enhancing Efficiency, Quality, and cGMP Compliance Tampa, Florida 29 February-1 March 2012 Aseptic Conference, Tampa, Florida 1-3 May 2012 INTERPHEX New York, NY, NY 6 scenes from the minneapolis, mn, dinner Len Powell, Jason Duncan and Ken Blankenship Social Hour Social Hour Evening's Speaker, Mike Valentine of Minntech 7 ISPE’s Midwest Chapter Dinner event Chesterfield MO, february 16, 2012 Doubletree Hotel & Conference Center 16625 Swingley Ridge Road, Chesterfield, MO 63017 (636) 532-5000 Fax (636) 530-1149 The theme is Master Planning, presented by Eric Danielson, Director of Business Development, Life Sciences, at Treanor Architects in Lawrence KS and Jeff Rozelle, Biotech Core Team Leader for CRB Consulting Engineers in Kansas City, MO. Proactive planning for the future is critical for the success of any business, but especially in the pharma and biotech market. The creation of a Master Plan for your business is an all encompassing process that considers manufacturing capacity, sales forecast, logistics for raw and finished goods and infrastructure demands. The master planning process dives deep into your business process and acknowledges the inter-dependence of the different units that make up your enterprise. Once complete, this living document can serve as a road map that will guide you toward your successful future. Registration ISPE Membership #________________________________ Name____________________________________________ Schedule of Events 5:00 PM Happy Hour 7:00 PM Dinner 6:00 PM Presentation Registration Fees PriceQuantity Total Members $60 x______ = $______ Non-Members $85 x______ Address__________________________________________ Join ISPE* $300 x______ = $______ City/State/Zip______________________________________ Students $10 x______ = $______ Phone___________________________________________ Social Hour Sponsor $500 x______ = $______ Fax______________________________________________ Dinner Sponsor $250 x______ = $______ E-mail___________________________________________ VendorTable $600 x______ = $______ Company_________________________________________ *Attend the event and join ISPE Additional Attendees Name = $______ Total Amount ISPE # $_____________ Payment Method 1.______________________ _____________ ❒ Check enclosed—payable to ISPE Midwest Chapter 2.______________________ _____________ ❒ Bill my Credit Card—Circle Type: VISA M/C AMEX Mail or Fax Your Registration with Payment by February 2, 2012 to: Name____________________________________________ Card #___________________________________________ Chris Clarke, Midwest Chapter Manager 8601 NW Overland Dr. • Kansas City, MO 64154 Expiration Date____________________________________ FAX: (816) 746-1989 Phone: (816) 741-9484 E-mail: Signature_________________________________________ 8 Everything looked good except I noticed one thing on the registration form. In the first paragraph it lists Jeff Rozelle as the Biocore Team Leader instead of the Biotech Core Team Leader. Just a small change but other than that all the writing looks really good!