~ Meeting of July 23, 2015
Blevins............................... Present
Hall .................................... Present
McMahon ......................... Present
Weekes .............................. Present
Burke ............................
LaBaff ...........................
Staples ...........................
Others Present: SLCIDA Staff (Patrick Kelly, Thomas Plastino, Richard Williams, and Natalie Sweatland). Andrew
W. Silver, Esq., Counsel.
DETERMINATION OF QUORUM and CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Staples announces that the requirements
for a quorum have been met, and calls the meeting to order at 8:33 AM at the IDA office, Ernest J. LaBaff Industrial
Building, Canton.
PUBLIC NOTICE: Public notifications sent July 15, 2015 to, at a minimum: newspapers designated for the
publication of local laws and other matters required by law to be published; additional local media sources and
PUBLIC COMMENT: Bill Wilmott and Chris Stone from the Northern Regional Council of Carpenters. Mr. Stone
asked if IDA projects were required to use local labor? He noted success with other IDAs and the City of Syracuse
to include language within their project documents requiring use of local labor, if that expertise is available locally.
Chairman Staples noted that the IDA reviews projects and encourages the use of local labor, but does not make it a
requirement. Mr. Kelly notes that the Board’s award process includes an analysis of costs versus benefits of the
project, and the construction firm’s location and use of local labor, while not a specific requirement, is encouraged
and is part of the evaluation process. Mr. LaBaff notes that the Trades Council is very active in this area. Mr. Stone
provides Mr. Kelly with a copy of language currently used by the City of Syracuse IDA in their contracts and RFPs,
and thanks the Board members for their time and consideration of local labor.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to accept the minutes of the June 25, 2015 meeting by Mr. LaBaff, seconded
by Mr. Weekes. Carried unanimously.
FINANCIAL REPORTS: Mr. Plastino presents the Financial Reports for June 2015. He explains that the SLCIDA
received the rail rehab reimbursement from New York State in July, after the end of the June 2015 report. Mr. Blevins
asks why rail rehab monies were not booked as an accounts receivable? Chairman Staples notes that Mr. Plastino’s
report is based on cash flow. LaBaff/Weekes motion to accept Mr. Plastino’s report. Carried unanimously.
REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: Mr. Kelly notes that the Audit and Finance Committee will meet after the conclusion
of this meeting, and will be reviewing the Audit Services RFP scheduled to be released by the end of July.
STAFF REPORT: Mr. Kelly reports on the following:
Ethics Training. Mr. Kelly notes that board members and officers will watch the County’s Ethics Training video
at the end of this meeting.
Hoosier Magnetics. Mr. Kelly notes that the loan closing is drawing near. Also, the SLCIDA is assisting the
Company with a Consolidated Funding Application (“CFA”).
Hozmerica, LLC. Mr. Kelly reports that this loan closed on July 21.
Curran Renewable Energy. Mr. Kelly explains that the property swap between the Company and CSX is needed
to provide the rail siding. Mr. McMahon asks if the project is being delayed by the “swap,” to which Mr. Kelly
responds that it involves a paper transaction and the two partial release of mortgaged premises (IDALDC and
GMEDF) documents have been filed with the County Clerk. Mr. Silver continues to work with the project’s
Bond Counsel (Harris Beach) regarding the release by the Bank of New York. He goes on to note that the rail
bed is in place, the rail is in place. Mr. Williams notes that the spur should be operational in approximately one
Canton Park Road. We continue to awaiting reimbursement from New York State of approximately $470,000.
Mr. Williams reports that on July 1, one of the transformers feeding this building was struck by lightning. We are
working through some issues, including: (i) loss of some battery backup devices, surge protectors, a phone, a
motherboard, and (ii) issues with electronics (door access, water heater, etc.). Losses are estimated, to date, at
between $2,000 and $3,000. Chairman Staples asks if the fixes include repair or replacement. Mr. Williams noted
that we are repairing when practicable and replacing when necessary. The insurance claim requires that the
electronics must be left on site for inspection by the adjuster.
Massena Industrial Building (4th MIB). The SLCIDA has paid off the GMEDF for the building, and the GMEDF
has executed an Assignment of Mortgage.
Gouverneur Industrial Park. We continue to work on updating the Park sign.
Potsdam Commerce Park Building. United Parcel Service is again leasing parking space at the building.
Newton Falls Rail. The project is moving forward. We have executed the contract with DANC and are holding
calls with potential rail users. As noted earlier, the SLCIDA received the Phase I reimbursement from New York
State. Mr. Staples also inquires as to the status of the PILOTs with Jefferson and Lewis counties. Mr. Kelly notes
the process is ongoing, and explains the concerns with certain rail crossings. DANC is working to help unlock
funding for the rail crossings, and is optimistic that the concerns will be alleviated.
J&L. We continue to work with the County on this project.
2016 Budget. The draft budget must be in place in September, and a final budget approved in October.
Reappointment. Joe Weekes’ was reappointed at the Legislature’s July 6 meeting.
McKinsey Study. We continue to work with the group on an economic development study, and then transitioning
that information into a CEDS for review/approval by the Workforce Development Board and then the County
Governance Committee. A meeting of the Governance Committee in the near future to discuss revised bylaws
and a revised Mileage and Travel Reimbursement policy.
NYS Accountability and Efficiency Laws. The laws will assist IDAs in, among other things, standardizing review
of IDA projects, measure project performance, and address clawback requirements.
St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Dissolution. As discussed earlier in the year, the intent of
the SLCLDC is to dissolve and transfer its assets and liabilities to the SLCIDA-LDC. One delay in the process
had been issues with an outstanding grant from the OCR. The issues have been resolved and the grant has been
closed. The plan is now to dissolve the SLCLDC by 12/31/2015, the end of the SLCLDC’s fiscal and reporting
USDA Audit. The USDA recently conducted a Civil Rights Compliance audit. There were no findings and the
SLCIDA is in compliance with Civil Rights regulations.
Consolidated Funding Applications. The SLCIDA is working with approximately 12 companies on CFAs.
SLCIDA’s level of involvement with each company varies by application. In response to a question from Mr.
Hall relative to the Upstate Revitalization Initiative (“URI”), Mr. Kelly notes that the deadline for URI application
is October 5. A discussion ensues regarding conflicting messages regarding simultaneous participation in both
CFA and URI initiatives. Mr. Plastino provides a brief history of the URI, and will get clarification on the issue
at an upcoming meeting.
Resolution IDA-15-07-18: Authorizing Modifications to the SLCIDA FY2015 Budget. Mr. Kelly explains that the
modifications are mostly minor. One of the larger items includes costs associated with the Canton building parking
lot: sealing, resealing, and striping. The Massena Lot 17 building costs are associated with normal wear and tear
(heating units, doors replacement). Motion to approve Resolution IDA-15-07-18 by Mr. LaBaff, seconded by Mr.
Blevins. The motion is approved by unanimous vote.
Resolution LDC-15-07-16: Extending Revolving Bridge Loan of $300,000 to Slic Network Solutions, Inc. Mr. Kelly
provides a brief history, noting that Slic received a $30 Million RUS grant for broadband buildout, and the SLCIDALDC was assisting with a line of credit to offset cash flow problems while the Company awaited reimbursement on
its project-related expenditures. This resolution will extend that line of credit through to September 1, 2015, as the
project is coming to a close. SLCIDA-LDC noted that it has experienced no problems with the Company’s adherence
to the terms of the revolving bridge loan. Motion to approve Resolution LDC-15-07-16 by Mr. LaBaff, seconded by
Mr. Weekes. The motion is approved by unanimous vote.
RECESS: The Board takes a 5-minute recess, and reconvenes at 9:08 AM.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: Hall/LaBaff motion for Executive Session at 9:08 AM to discuss the financial and credit
history of a particular corporation. The Board returns to Regular Session at 9:55 AM.
TRAINING: The Board members and officers participate in the County’s Ethics Training program.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourns at 10:20 AM by unanimous consent.
(Mr.) Ernest LaBaff, Vice-Chairman