Teaching Innovation Projects (TIPS) FAQS  Where can I see sample TIPS manuscripts?

Teaching Innovation Projects (TIPS) FAQS Where can I see sample TIPS manuscripts?
To review successfully published pieces, please see http://ir.lib.uwo.ca/tips How do I submit my paper?
You submit your paper to the TIPS LEAD at your home institution. Who do I contact with questions?
Contact the TIPS LEAD at your home institution. If, however, they cannot respond to the question, they will in turn contact Nadine LeGros at nlegros2@uwo.ca. What does the review process look like?
Manuscripts will originally be reviewed at your home institution by the TIPS LEAD. The TIPS LEAD may reject some manuscripts outright. The TIPS LEAD will then send a select number of papers to the TIPS editorial team. Detailed feedback will be offered to authors whose papers have been forwarded to TIPS by the editorial team. The TIPS editors may reject the paper outright or request minor or major revisions, and final acceptance will be contingent upon compliance with the requested revisions. Can I get an extension on the submission date?
Contact the TIPS LEAD at your institution. They may give extensions for the internal institutional deadline depending on their schedule; however, the final deadline for TIPS LEADs to send documents to the TIPS editorial team cannot be extended. When will I find out whether my paper has been accepted?
You will be informed of the initial decision regarding your manuscript by no later than December 21st, 2012. At this point, the TIPS LEAD at your home institution will inform you whether your piece has been rejected or forwarded on to the TIPS editorial team for peer review. Initial feedback from the TIPS editorial team will be sent directly to authors via email by mid‐February, 2013. Requests for any required revisions will accompany this feedback. Authors will then have approximately four weeks (by approximately March 15th, 2013) to submit their revised documents. The TIPS editorial team will inform the authors of the final decision regarding acceptance by March 31st, 2013. What happens if I choose not to make revisions?
If the editors have requested submissions, the revisions are considered central to meeting the mission and vision of the Journal. If an author opts not to make a particular change, they must articulate in writing their rationale for this decision. TIPS editors retain the right to make final decisions regarding acceptance of any manuscript. How many pages can the article be?
As TIPS is available online, no limit exists regarding maximum numbers of pages, however specific limits have been set for various sections of the manuscript. Please see the TIPS Submission & Style Guide for requirements and limits. Are all components necessary?
Yes. If your paper is missing any of the components stipulated in the TIPS Submission & Style Guide, it will not be considered for publication. Who is the audience of TIPS?
Graduate students, faculty members, and university staff interested in discussing and identifying concrete strategies to enhance or innovate post‐secondary instruction. Innovations – does my idea have to be 100% original?
You are creating a workshop to address a gap or challenge in post‐secondary education within your discipline. This problem and strategies to resolve it may have been previously identified in the literature, however the workshop that you are creating is a unique approach to introducing the literature and any proposed solutions to a group of graduate students/post‐doctoral fellows. The topic you choose should address a contemporary and pressing educational topic. What literature do I need to include?
The literature can address the gap in pedagogy about which you will be writing. The literature which you reference must inform your session. It could offer a theoretical foundation to your ideas, it might focus on the difficulty that students experience learning a particular aspect of your discipline, or it may identify potential routes to resolving educational challenges. Format
See the TIPS Submission & Style Guide. Thank you for your interest in TIPS.