Gwenna Moss Resource Material Available For Loan – Alphabetical List

Gwenna Moss Resource Material Available For Loan – Alphabetical List
Last updated: November 29, 2011
The resource material is shelved by subject in the following arrangement. The
abbreviation for the subject (e.g. TSI) appears with the title in the alphabetical list
Strategies &
Inspiration, Poetry
& Fiction (TIPF)
Teaching Large
Scholarship &
Thinking &
Philosophy &
Prior Learning
Higher Education
for Researchers
and Administrators
Resources For
Your Students
Alternate Teaching
(includes single issues of journals shelved in subject section – see Journals for current
5 Interesting Things To Do In Your Seminars and Tutorials. 1988)
Sue Habeshaw, Trevor Habeshaw, Graham Gibbs (TSI)
5 Interesting Ways Of Helping Your Students To Study. (1989)
Sue Habeshaw, Trevor Habeshaw, Graham Gibbs (TSI)
5 Interesting Ways to Assess Your Students. (1988).
Graham Gibbs, Sue Habeshaw, Trevor Habeshaw (ST.ASSES.)
5 Interesting Ways To Appraise Your Teaching. (1989)
Sue Habeshaw, Trevor Habeshaw, Graham Gibbs (TSI)
53 Interesting Things To Do in Your Lectures. ( )
Graham Gibbs, Sue Habeshaw & Trevor Habeshaw (TSI)
53 Interesting Things To Do in Your Seminars & Tutorials. (missing April 2005)
Sue Habeshaw, Trevor Habeshaw & Graham Gibbs (TSI)
53 Interesting Ways of Helping Your Students To Study. (1987).
Trevor Habeshaw, Sue Habeshaw & Graham Gibbs (TSI)
147 Practical Tips for Teaching Diversity. (2005).
William M. Timpson, Raymond Yang, Evelinn Borrayo & Silvia Sara Canetto. (DIV)
147 Practical Tips for Teaching Online Groups: Essentials of Web-Based Education. (2000)
Donald E. Hanna, Michelle Glowacki-Dudka & Simone Conceição-Runlee. (TEL)
147 Practical Tips for Teaching Professors. (1990). (3) (1 missing April 2005)
Bob Magnan, Editor (TSI)
147 Practical Tips for Teaching Sustainability: Connecting the Environment, the Economy, and Society.
William M. Timpson, Brian Dunbar, Cailmarie Kimmel, Brett Bruyere, Peter Newman, and
Hillary Mizia (TSI)
147 Practical Tips for Using Icebreakers with College Students .(2005).
Robert Magnan (TSI)
253 Ideas for Your Teaching. (1988).
Graham Gibbs, Trevor Habeshaw (TSI)
Aboriginal Education : Fulfilling the Promise. (2000).
Edited by Marlene Brant Castellano, Lynne Davis, and Louise Lahache. (DIV)
The Academic Portfolio: A Practical Guide to Documenting Teaching, Research, and Service. (2009).
Peter Seldin, J. Elizabeth Miller. (SCHOL & PORT)
Academic writing retreats: A facilitator’s guide. (2008).
Barbara M. Grant. (SCHOL & PORT)
Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses. (2011).
Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa. (HERA)
Active Learning. (1999).
Beverly J. Cameron. (TSI)
The Adjunct Faculty Handbook: Second Edition. (2011).
Lorri Cooper, Bryan Booth, Editors. (TSI)
Advances in Physiology Education (journal)
[vol.1 no. 1, vol. 4 no. 1, vol. 5 no. 1, vol. 6 no. 1 – shelved with (SCI ED)
Advice for New Faculty Members (2000). (2)
Robert Boice (FAC DEV)
Alternatives to the Lecture in Chemistry. (1974).
L.J. Haynes (ed.). (SCI ED)
America’s Academic Future. (1992).
A Report of the Presidential Young Investigator Colloquium on U.S. Engineering, Mathematics,
and Science Education for the Year 2010 and Beyond. (SCI ED)
Anatomy of a Scientific Discovery. (1988).
Jeff Goldberg. (SCI ED)
Applying the Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education. (1991).
Arthur W. Chickering, Zelda F. Gamson Editors (TSI)
New Directions for Teaching and Learning Number 47 (2nd copy in Journals)
Approaches to Research on the Improvement of Postsecondary Teaching and Learning: a Working Paper.
Patricia J. Green, Joan S. Stark. (FAC DEV)
The Art of Changing The Brain: Enriching the Practice of Teaching by Exploring the Biology of Learning.
James E. Zull. (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
The Art of Teaching. (1950, 1977).
Gilbert Highet. (TSI)
ASHE Handbook on Teaching and Instructional Resources: an Instructional Resource Handbook for
Courses in the Field of Higher Education. (1987).
John J. Gardiner (ed.) (FAC DEV)
Assessing Critical Skills. (2009).
John Mueller (ST. ASSESS)
Assessing and Developing Faculty Performance: Principles and Models.(1977).
Anthony F. Grasha (SCHOL & PORT)
Assessment and Recognition of Experiential Learning in Higher Education: Impact of Government Policy,
Institutional Innovation, and Information Technology. (2000).
Sabbatical Research Project, University of Saskatchewan, Angelina T. Wong (PLAR)
An Assessment of Faculty Needs for Instructional Development at Queen’s University Faculty of
Medicine. (1995).
Jarold L. Cosby [M.A. thesis University of Saskatchewan] (FAC DEV)
Attaching Faulty Reasoning: Second Edition. (1987).
T. Edward Damer (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
Australian Journal of Educational Technology: Volume 19, Number 1. (2003).
Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education and the Australian Society for
Educational Technology (TEL)
Basic Teachings of the Great Philosophers. (1989).
S.E. Frost, Jr. PhD. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Being an Academic. (2012).
Joelle Fangheanel (FAC DEV)
Best Practice Guidelines for Internationalizing the Curriculum. (1997) (3 copies)
Tom Whalley, Lin Langley, Linda Villarreal, Douglas College. (CD)
The Betrayal of Intellect in Higher Education. (1997).
Mohammed Mujeeb Rahman. (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
Better Teaching, More Learning Strategies for Success in Postsecondary Settings. (1993)
James R. Davis (TSI)
Beyond the Ivory Tower: Social Responsibilities of the Modern University. (1982)
Derek Bok (ED PHIL & THEO)
Biochemical Education. (1981).
Charles F. A. Bryce. (SCI ED)
The Brainbooster: Your Guide to Rapid Learning & Remembering. (1983).
Robert W. Finkel (TSI)
Bridging Cultures: Indigenous and Scientific Ways of Knowing Nature. (2011).
Glen Aitkenhead, Herman Michell (DIV)
Bringing Learning to Life: The Learning Revolution, the Economy and the Individual. (1995).
Edited by David C.A. Bradshaw. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Building a Diverse Faculty. (1993).
Joanne Gainen, Robert Boice Editors (DIV)
New Directions for Teaching and Learning Number 53 (2nd copy in Journals)
Building Capacity for PLAR in Saskatchewan, Symposium. Friday October 29 & 30th (1999)
Centennial Auditorium, presented by the University of Regina & Saskatchewan, 2 binders of
information (PLAR)
Building Learning Teams: The Key to Harnessing The Power of Small Groups in Higher Education.
Larry K. Michaelsen, Robert H. Black (TSI)
Campus Use of the Teaching Portfolio: Twenty-Five Profiles. (1993).
Erin Anderson, Editor. (SCHOL & PORT)
The Canadian Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 27, Nos. 2-3 (1997) (TSI)
Career Development of the Effective College Teacher. (1971).
Kenneth E. Eble and The Conference on Career Development. (FAC DEV)
A Case Study of Student LED Online Discussions in a Graduate Level Course (2003)
Mary Elizabeth Dykes (TEL)
Case Studies on Teaching in Higher Education. (1993).
Perry Schwartz, Graham Webb (TSI)
Centre for Higher Education, Research and Development: Effective Teaching in the College Classroom :
Current Perspectives and Future Directions. Occasional Papers Number 4. (1993).
C. Ward Struthers, Raymond Perry (TSI)
The Changing Face of College Teaching (1990).
Marilla D. Svinicki, Editor
(New Directions for Teaching and Learning: No. 42) (EVAL)
Charting Your Course: How to Prepare to Teach More Effectively. (1994).
Richard Pregent (TSI)
Chemical Education in the Seventies. (1980). (1st ed.).
A. Kornhauser, C.N.R. Rao, D.J. Waddington (eds.). (SCI ED)
Chemical Eduction Research and Its Implications for Teaching. (1982).
Proceedings of a symposium at the University of Aston in Birmingham on 31 March-1 April,
1982. (SCI ED)]
China’s Changing Environment for Science. (1985).
Report of a trip by members of the AAAS Board of Directors 31 August-16 September, 1985.
Citizenship Across the Curriculum. (2010)
Edited by Michael B. Smith, Rebecca S. Nowacek, and Jeffrey L. Bernstein (ATE)
Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers. (1993). (2nd ed.)
Classroom Assessment Techniques: a Handbook for Faculty. (1988).
K. Patricia Cross, Thomas A. Angelo. (ST. ASSESS)
Classroom Communication: Collected Readings for Effective Discussion and Questioning. (1989). (5)
Rose A. Neff & Maryellen Weimer, Editors (TSI)
Classroom Research: Early Lessons from Success. (1991).
Thomas A. Angelo Editor (SCHOL & PORT)
New Directions for Teaching and Learning Number 46 (2nd copy in Journals)
Classroom Research: Implementing the Scholarship of Teaching. (1996).
K. Patricia Cross, Mimi Harris Steadman. (SCHOL & PORT)
Clear Language for the Saskatchewan Government: Clear language is the bridge that connects people and
Saskatchewan Government (TSI)
The Closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the
Souls of Today’s Students. (1987).
Allan Bloom. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Cognitive Process Instruction: Research on Teaching Thinking Skills. (1979).
Jack Lochhead, John Clement. (ED PHIL & THEO)
College Teaching: From Theory to Practice. (1991)
Robert J. Menges, Marilla D. Svinicki Editors (SCHOL & PORT)
New Directions for Teaching and Learning Number 45 (2nd copy in Journals)
Complete Thinker: a Handbook of Techniques for Creative and Critical Problem Solving. (1980).
Barry F. Anderson. (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
The Connoisseur’s Guide to the Mind: How We Think, How We Learn & What It Means To Be
Intelligent. (1991).
Roger C. Schank. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Contemporary Social Research Methods: A Text Using MicroCase. (2002) Third Edition
Rodney Stark, Lynne Roberts (SCHOL & PORT)
Contemporary Theories of Learning: Learning theorists . . . in their own words. (2009).
Edited by Knud Illeris (ED PHIL & THEO)
The Continuing Crisis in Science Education: the AAAS Responds. (1986).
A Report to the Board of Directors of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Continuing Higher Education Review [vol. 61 spring, 1997 (ED PHIL & THEO) ]
Cooperative Learning for Higher Education Faculty. (1998).
Barbara J. Millis, Philip G. Cottell, Jr. (TSI)
The Courage To Teach: Exploring The Inner landscape of a Teacher’s Life. (1998) 2 copies
Parker J. Palmer (ED PHIL & THEO)
The Courage to Teach Guide for Reflection & Renewal: 10th Anniversary Edition . (2007)
Parker J. Palmer with Megan Scribner (ED PHIL & THEO)
The Craft of Teaching. (1988). (2nd ed.).
Kenneth E. Eble (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
Creative Problem Solving: Green Guide No 7. (2006). (2 copies)
Daryl Caswell (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
Cultural Diversity and Inclusive Teaching: Green Guide No 8. (2007). (2 copies)
Shibao Guo, Zenobia Jamal (DIV)
Cultural Teachings First Nations Protocols and Methodologies. (2009).
Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Centre (DIV)
Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and
Development in Student Affairs. (2009).
Marilee J. Bresciani, Megan Moore Gardner, and Jessica Hickmott (ST. ASSESS)
Designing and Assessing Courses and Curricula: A Practical Guide. Third Edition. (2008)
Robert M. Diamond. (CD) (2 copies)
Designing Teaching Improvement Programs. (1979).
Jack Lindquist (Editor). (TSI)
Developing New and Junior Faculty. (1992).
Mary Deane Sorcinelli, Ann E. Austin Editors (FAC DEV)
New Directions for Teaching and Learning Number 50 (2nd copy in Journals)
Developing Practitioners: A Handbook for Contextual Supervision. (1998). 2 copies
Edwin G. Ralph. (FAC DEV)
Developing Senior Faculty as Teachers. (1993).
Martin J. Finkelstein, Mark W. LaCelle-Peterson Editors (FAC DEV)
New Directions for Teaching and Learning Number 55 (2nd copy in Journals)
Developing and Using Tests Effectively: A Guide for Faculty. (1992).
Lucy Cheser Jocobs & Clinton I. Chase. (ST. ASSESS)
Disciplinary Styles in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Exploring Common Ground. (2002).
Mary Taylor Huber and Sherwyn P. Morelle, Editors. (SCHOL & PORT)
Distance Education: Adapting Your Course. (June 2000)
Educational Technology Professional Development Program. (CD)
Diversity & the College Experience. (2009)
Aaron Thompson, Joseph B. Cuseo. (DIV)
Diversity and Complexity in the Classroom: Considerations of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender. (2000?)
Barbara Gross Davis (avail.: http :// (DIV)
Dollars, Distance, and Online Education: The New Economics of College Teaching and Learning. (2000)
Martin J. Finkelstein, Carol Frances, Frank I. Jewett, and Bernard W. Scholz. (TEL)
Dossier for Mary Jane Petrowski, sent to Eileen Herteis in 2002 (SCHOL & PORT)
Driving Change Through Diversity and Globalization: Transformative Leadership in the Academy.
James A. Anderson. (DIV)
Educating the Inquiring Mind: the Challenge for School Science. (1991).
Guy Claxton. (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
Educating Professionals: Responding to New Expectations for Competence and Accountability. (1993).
Lynn Currey, Jon F. Wergin. & Associates. (FAC DEV)
Educating the Reflective Practitioner. (1987).
Donald A. Schön (FAC DEV)
Education Without Compromise: from Chaos to Coherence in Higher Education. (1990).
William D. Schaefer. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Educational Research. (2011).
James Schreiber, Kimberly Asner-Self . (EVAL)
Effective College Teaching: Fresh Insights and Exemplary Practices. (2003).
Edwin G. Ralph (Editor). (TSI)
Effective Grading: a Tool for Learning and Assessment. (1998).
Barbara E. Walvoord, Virginia Johnson Anderson. (ST. ASSESS)
Effective Practices for Improving Teaching. (1991).
Michael Theall, Jennifer Franklin). (TSI)
New Directions for Teaching and Learning Number 48 (2nd copy in Journals)
Employment Opportunity: Outlook, Reason, and Reality. (2000).
Alan L. Moss, Donald G. Yale (HERA)
Engaging Ideas: The Professor’s Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in
the Classroom. (2001)
John C. Bean (TSI)
Engaging Large Classes: Strategies and Techniques for College Faculty. (2002).
Christine A. Stanley, M. Erin Porter Editors. (LGE.CLSES
Engaging the Six Cultures of the Academy: Revised and Expanded Edition of The Four Cultures of the
Academy. (2008).
William H. Berquist, Kenneth Pawlak . (ED PHIL & THEO)
Engaging Students in Interactive Lectures. (1984?).
R. V. (Ray) Rasmussen (seminar notes). (TSI)
An Engineer’s View of Science Education. (1981).
Donald A. George. (SCI ED)
L’Enseignement Superieur et le Developpement du Systeme d’Enseignement dans son Ensemble. (1997).
(Enseignement superieur en Europe. V. 22 no. 3). (FAC DEV)
E-Portfolios: Implications for University Learning and Teaching. (2004).
Angelina T. Wong. (SCHOL & PORT)
Essays on Teaching and Research. (1987).
John M. Hayes. (SCHOL & PORT)
The Essential College Professor: A Practical Guide to an Academic Career. (2010).
Jeffrey L. Buller (FAC DEV)
Essential Elements: Prepare, Design, and Teach Your Online Course. (2002).
Bonnie Welbaum, Cynthia McIntyre, Alese Smith (TEL)
Essentials Calculus I: Quick Access to the Important Facts and Concepts. (2000).
Staff of Research and Education Association, Dr. M. Fogiel, Director (TSI)
Essentials of College and University Teaching – A Practical Guide (2003).
Eleanor Boyle & Harley Rothstein. (TSI)
Essentials of College and University Teaching – A Practical Guide (2008).
Eleanor Boyle & Harley Rothstein. (TSI)
Essentials of Problem-Based Learning. (1989).
H.J. Walton, M.B. Matthews. (SCI ED)
Ethical Principles in University Teaching. (1996).
Harry Murray, Eilen Gillese, Madeline Lennon, Paul Mercer, Marilyn Robinson, all 3M Fellows.
Ethics of Teaching and Scientific Research. (1977).
Sidney Hook, Paul Kurtz, Miro Todorovich (eds.). (SCI ED)
Evaluating Medical School Courses: a User-Centered Handbook. (1984).
Neal A. Whitman, Thomas W. Cockayne. (EVAL)
Evaluating Teaching Effectiveness: A Practical Guide . (1984).
Larry A. Braskamp, Dale C. Brandenburg, John C. Ory (EVAL)
Evaluating Teaching Improvement Programs. (1978).
William R. O’Connell, Jr., and L. Richard Meeth (EVAL)
Evaluating Teaching Performance: When Will We Ever Learn to Use What We Know? (Conference
sponsored by Virginia Tidewater Consortium for Higher Education, November 14, 1997). (EVAL)
(missing April 2005)
Every Day Anti Racism: Getting Real About Race in School. (2008)
Edited by Mica Pollock (DIV)
Excellent Teaching in a Changing Academy: Essays in Honor of Kenneth Eble. (1990)
Feroza Jussawall Editor (EVAL)
New Directions for Teaching and Learning Number 44 (2nd copy in Journals)
Exploring Signature Pedagogies: Approaches to Teaching Disciplinary Habits of Mind. (2009).
Edited by Regan A.R. Gurung, Nancy L. Chick, and Aeron Haynie. (FAC DEV)6
Facilitating Online Learning: Effective Strategies for Moderators. (2000)
George Collison, Bonnie Elbaum, Sarah Haavind, Robert Tinker (TSI)
Faculty as a Key Resource: a Review of the Research Literature. (1986).
Robert T. Blackburn, (FAC DEV)
Faculty Evaluation: The use of Explicit Criteria for Promotion, Retention, and Tenure
(AAHE-ERIC/Higher Education Research Report No. 2) . (1982).
Neal Whitman, Elaine Weiss (SCHOL & PORT)
Faculty Inventory: Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education. (1989).
The Johnson Foundation (TSI)
Faculty Recruitment, Retention, and Fair Employment: Obligations and Opportunities. (1983)
John S. Waggaman. (FAC DEV)
Faculty Vitality and Institutional Productivity. (1985)
Shirley M. Clark, Darrell R. Lewis (Editors). (FAC DEV)
Feedback: Key to Learning (STLHE Guide No. 4). (2003).
Sergio Piccinin (TSI)
First Day to Final Grade: A Graduate Student’s Guide to Teaching. (2006). 2nd
Anne Curzan and Lisa Damour (TAs)
First Day to Final Grade: A Graduate Student’s Guide to Teaching. (2006).
Anne Curzan and Lisa Damour (TAs)
Flexner: 75 Years Later: a Current Commentary on Medical Education. (1987).
Charles Vevier (ed.). (SCI ED)
The Fourth Revolution: Instructional Technology in Higher Education. (1972).
A Report and Recommendations by The Carnegie Commission on Higher Education.
Freedom to Learn. (1969).
Carl R. Rogers. (ED PHIL & THEO)
From Best Intentions to Best Practices: The First-Year Experience in Canadian Postsecondary Education
Sid Gilbert, Judy Chapman, Peter Dietsche, Paul Grayson & John N. Gardner (TSI)
The Future of Service-Learning: New Solutions for Sustaining and Improving Practice. (2009).
Edited by Jean R. Strait and Marybeth Lima (ATE)
Future Work: Faculty Time in the 21st Century. (1994).
William M. Plater [keynote address : Professional and Organization Development Network in
Higher Education, Portland, Oregon, October 21, 1994]. (FAC DEV)
Gender and University Teaching: A Negotiated Difference. (1991).
Anne Statham, Laurel Richardson, Judith A. Cook. (DIV)
Genetically-Based Biologic Technologies. (1984).
William V. Mayer, Joseph D. McInerney. (SCI ED)
Getting Culture: Incorporating Diversity Across the Curriculum. (2009).
Edited by Regan A.R. Gurung and Loreto R. Prieto. (DIV)
Global Citizenship in Teaching and Learning. (2011).
Yael Harlap and Margo Fryer (DIV)
Good Practice in Postgraduate Supervision. (1999). (2)
Gina Wisker & Nick Sutcliffe. (TAs)
Good Practice in Postgraduate Supervision: Staff and Educational Development Association. (1999).
Edited by Gina Wisker and Nick Sutcliffe. (FAC DEV)
The Good Supervisor: Supervising Postgraduate and Undergraduate Research for Doctoral Theses and
Dissertations. (2005).
Gina Wisker. (TAs)
GSR 989 Introduction to University Teaching. (2007-2008).
Edited by Kim West and Tereigh Ewert-Bauer (TAs)
The Graduate Assistant Handbook. (1993/94).
University of Southern California. (TAs)
The Great Brain Robbery: Canada’s Universities on the Road to Ruin. (1984).
David J. Bercuson, Robert Bothwell, J. L. Granatstein. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Great Quotes to Inspire Great Teachers. (2002)
Noah benShea (TIPF)
Great Session Openers, Closers, and Energizers: Quick Activities for Warming Up Your Audience and
Ending on A High Note. (1998).
Marlene Caroselli (TSI)
A Guide for Planning & Implementing Instruction for Adults. (1997).
John M. Dirkx, Suzanne M. Prenger (TSI)
Guide to the Development of Skills in Problem Based Learning and Clinical (Diagnostic) Reasoning.
H.S. Barrows, R.M. Tamblyn. (SCI ED)
Guide to Effective Teaching for Teachers and Instructors (n.d.)
Edited by Teacher Training Section Dronten College of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture &
Fisheries Agriculture Education Division (TSI)
Guide to Enhancing Employability Through Transferable Skills. (1999)
The Dalhousie Career Portfolio (PLAR)
A Guide to Faculty Development. (2010). Second Edition
Kay J. Gillespie, Douglas L. Robertson, and Associates (FAC DEV)
Guide to Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition at SIAST. (2000).
SIAST Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Committee (PLAR)
Guide to Service-Learning Colleges and Universities. (2009).
Kendall Hunt Professionals. (ATE)
Guidelines for the Effective Provision of Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities.
Disability Services for Students. (EVAL)
Habits of Mind: an Introduction to the Philosophy of Education. (1989). (1st ed.).
Antonio T. de Nicolas. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Handbook for Associate Instructors. (1990?).
Office of the College of Arts and Sciences and Office of the Dean of the Faculties, Indiana
University, Bloomington. (FAC DEV)
Handbook of College Science Teaching. (2006).
Joel J. Mintzes and William H. Leonard, Editors
Handbook for College Teaching. (1997).
W. R. Miller, Marie F. Miller (TSI)
A Handbook for Deterring Plagiarism in Higher Education. (2002).
Jude Carroll (ST. ASSESS) & (TSI)
Handbook for Developing a Comprehensive Faculty Evaluation System: including Steps in Developing a
Comprehensive Faculty Evaluation System by Raoul A. Arreola Student Rating Selection and
Development Kit by Lawrence M. Aleamoni and Raoul A. Arreola. (1988). (EVAL)
A Handbook for Faculty Development. (1977-1981). (vol. 2-3).
William H. Bergquist, Steven R. Phillips. (FAC DEV)
A Handbook for Group Discussion Leaders: Alternatives to Lecturing Medical Students to Death. (1983).
Neal A. Whitman, Thomas L. Schwenk. (SCI ED)
A Handbook for New Practitioners: Professional & Organizational Development in Higher Education.
Emily C. Wadsworth, editor (TSI)
Handbook for Teaching Assistants. (1995).
The Teaching Development Centre, University of Regina. (TAs)
A Handbook for Teaching & Learning in Higher Education: Enhancing Academic Practice. (2000). 2
Heather Fry, Steve Ketteridge, Stephanie Marshall (TSI)
A Handbook for Teaching & Learning in Higher Education: Enhancing Academic Practice. (2009)
Heather Fry, Steve Ketteridge, Stephanie Marshall (TSI)
A Handbook for Teachers in Universities & Colleges: A Guide to Improving Teaching Methods. (1989).
David Newble, Robert Cannon (TSI)
Heading a Department: Green Guide No. 09. (1989).
Ingrid Moses, Ernest Roe (HERA)
Health Professions Education for the Future: Schools in Service to the Nation. (1993).
Pew Health Professions Commission. (SCI ED)
The Heart of Higher Education: A Call to Renewal Transforming The Academy through Collegial
Conversations. (2010).
Parker J. Palmer & Arthur Zajonc (TIPF)
Helping Students Learn. (1991).
George Brown. (TSI)
Helping Students with Learning Difficulties in Medical and Health-Care Education. (1990).
C. R. Cole. (DIV)
High-Impact Educational Practices: What They Are, Who Has Access to Them, and Why They Matter.
George D. Kuh, Association of American Colleges and Universities. (TSI)
Higher Education Research & Development. Volume 16 Number 2 (June 1997)
Elaine Martin and Peter King, Editors (ED PHIL & THEO)
Higher Learning. (1986).
Derek Bok. (ED PHIL & THEO)
History of the USSU: 100 Years of Activism, Debate, and Snake Dances. (2007).
Robert Morley and Robert Martz (HERA)
How Am I Teaching: Forms and Activities for Acquiring Instructional Input. (1988).
Maryellen Weimer, Joan L. Parrett & Mary-Margaret Kerns. (EVAL)
How Administrators Can Improve Teaching. (1990).
Peter Seldin and Associates (HERA)
How Children Fail. (1964).
John Holt. (ED PHIL & THEO)
How to Design a Problem-Based Curriculum for the Preclinical Years. (1985).
Howard S. Barrows. (SCI ED)
How to Get a Ph.D. (1987).
Estelle M. Phillips, D.S. Pugh. (TAs)
How to Learn and Teach in Medical School : a Learner-Centered Approach. (1994).
Mark E. Quirk. (SCI ED)
How to Study in College. (1974). (2nd ed.)
Walter Pauk. (ED PHIL & THEO)
How to Study in College. (1974). (3rd ed.)
Walter Pauk. (ED PHIL & THEO)
How to Succeed as a New Teacher: A Handbook for Teaching Assistants . (1978).
Change Magazine Press (TAs)
How to Succeed in Academics. (2010). Second Edition
Linda L. McCabe & Edward R.B. McCabe (FAC DEV)
How We Learn. (1975).
Lee Edson. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Humanism Betrayed: Theory, Ideology, and Culture in the Contemporary University. (2001).
Graham Good. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Humor as an Instructional Defibrillator: Evidence-Based Techniques in Teaching and Assessment. (2002).
Ronald A. Berk. (TSI)
The Idea of the University: a Reexamination. (1992).
Jaroslav Pelikan. (ED PHIL & THEO)
If Teaching is Important: The Evaluation of Instruction in Higher Education. (1977). (1 copy missing
April 2005)
Christopher K. Knapper, George L. Geis, Charles E. Pascal, Bruce M. Shore (Editors). (EVAL)
I’m the Teacher, You’re the Student: A Semester in the University Classroom. (2005).
Patrick Allit. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Improving a College/University Teaching Evaluation System: a Comprehensive, Developmental
Curriculum for Faculty & Administrators. (1995). (EVAL)
Laurie Richlin, Brenda Manning. (TSI) (FAC DEV)
Improving College Teaching: Strategies for developing instructional effectiveness. (1991). 2 copies
Maryellen Weimer. (TSI)
Improving Instruction: Issues and Alternatives for Higher Education. (1982).
Charles C. Cole. (TSI)
Improving Teaching and Courses: A Guide to Evaluation . (1989).
Paul Ramsden and Agnes Dodds (EVAL)
Improving Undergraduate Education in Large Universities. (1989).
Carol H. Pazandak (New Directions for Higher Education; no. 66). (TSI)
Improving Undergraduate Education Through Faculty Development: an Analysis of Effective Programs
and Practices. (1985).
Kenneth E. Eble, Wilbert J. McKeachie. (TSI) (FAC DEV)
Improving Your Classroom Teaching (1993)
Maryellen Weimer (TSI)
Improving Your Reasoning. (1970).
Alex C. Michalos. (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
In Celebration of Teaching: Reflections of University of Hawaii Professors. (1991).
Center for Teaching Excellence, Office of Faculty Development and Academic Support,
University of Hawaii at Manao. (FAC DEV)
Incentives for Faculty Vitality. New Directions for Higher Education, no.51. (1985).
Roger J. Baldwin. (Editor) (FAC DEV)
Increasing the Emphasis on Teaching in Ontario Universities. (1994).
Christopher Knapper, Pat Rogers [ paper presented at the Task Force on Resource Allocation,
Ontario Council on University Affairs, Toronto] (FAC DEV)
Increasing Students’ Learning: A Faculty Guide to Reducing Stress among Students . (ASHE-ERIC
Higher Education Report No. 4). (1986).
Neal A. Whitman, David C. Spendlove, Claire H. Clark (ST. ASSESS)
Indigenizing the Academy: Transforming Scholarship and Empowering Communities. (2004).
Edited by Devon Abbot Mihesuah and Angela Cavender Wilson (DIV)
Indigenous Methodologies: Characteristics, Conversations, and Contexts. (2009)
Margaret Kovach (DIV)
Information Anxiety. (1989). (1st ed.).
Richard Saul Wurman. (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
Inside Teaching: Exploring Teaching Styles. (1990).
Center for Teaching Effectiveness, University of Delaware (program designer’s manual, overhead
masters). (TSI)
Institutional Racism in Higher Education. (2004).
Edited by Ian Law, Deborah Phillips and Laura Turney. (DIV)
Insult to Intelligence : the Bureaucratic Invasion of Our Classrooms. (1986).
Frank Smith. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Integrity in the College Curriculum: a Report to the Academic Community. (1985).
The Findings and Recommendations of the Project on Redefining the Meaning and Purpose of
Baccalaureat Degrees, Association of American Colleges. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Interdisciplinary Studies Today. (1994). (missing April 2005)
Julie Thompson Klein, William G. Doty Editors (EVAL)
New Directions for Teaching and Learning Number 58(2nd copy in Journals)
Introduction to College Teaching. (1991).
John Ramage (TSI)
Irving M. Copi, Carl Cohen (TSI)
Introduction to Rubrics : An Assessment Tool to Save Grading Time, Convey Effective Feedback and
Promote Student Learning. (2005).
Danelle D. Stevens and Antonia J. Levi. (ST. ASSESS)
Investigating the Life Sciences : an Introduction to the Philosophy of Science. (1986). (1st ed.).
G.M.N. Verschuuren. (SCI ED)
Involvement in Learning : Realizing the Potential of American Higher Education. (1984).
Final Report of the Study Group on the Conditions of Excellence in American Higher Education.
It Works for Me as a Scholar-Teacher: Shared Tips for the Classroom. (2008).
Hal Blythe & Charlie Sweet. (TSI)
It Works for Us, Collaboratively!: Shared Tips for Effective Collaboration. (2006).
Hal Blythe & Charlie Sweet. (TSI)
Journal of Distance Education, Canadian Association for Distance Education
Vol. 17, No 1 (Spring 2002). (TEL)
The Journal of Faculty Development: Volume 22, Number 3, September 2008.
The Journal of Faculty Development: Volume 23, Number 1, January 2009.
The Journal of Faculty Development: Volume 23, Number 2, May 2009.
The Journal of Faculty Development: Volume 23, Number 3, September 2009.
The Journal of Faculty Development: Volune 24, Number 1, January 2010.
Journal Keeping: How to Use Reflective Writing for Learning, Teaching, Professional Insight, and
Positive Change. (2009).
Dannelle D. Stevens and Joanne E. Cooper. (TSI)
The Joy of Teaching. (2005). 2 copies
Peter Filene (TSI)
The Kindly Dr. Guillotin: and Other Essays on Science and Life. (1997).
Harold J. Morowitz. (Sci Ed)
Laugh, Learn, Think : Volume 2.
Ed Marken (TIPF)
Leaner-Centered Assessment on College Teaching: Shifting the Focus from Teaching to Learning. (2000).
Mary E. Huba, Jann E. Freed (ST. ASSESS)
Learner-Centered Teaching: Five Key Changes to Practice . (2002).
Maryellen Weimer (TSI)
Learner-Centered Teaching: Putting the Research on Learning Into Practice. (2011).
Terry Doyle (TSI)
Leadership and Institutional Renewal : New Directions for Higher Education, No. 49. (1985).
Ralph M. Davis (Editor). (FAC DEV)
Learning, Creating, and Using Knowledge : Concept Maps as Facilitative Tools in Schools and
Corporations. (1998).
Joseph D. Novak (TSI)
Learning for Tomorrow : the Role of the Future in Education. (1974). 2 copies
Alvin Toffler (ed.). (ED PHIL & THEO)
Learning Has No Boundaries. . . PLAR as a Tool for Transition. (1999)
Third National Forum on Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition. (PLAR)
Learning How to Learn. (1984).
Joseph D. Novak, D. Bob Gowin. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Learning in Adulthood. (1991).
Sharan B. Merriam, Rosemary S. Caffarella. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Learning with Cases, fourth edition. (1997).
Louise A. Mauffette-Leenders, James A. Erskine, Michiel R. Leenders. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Learning Styles : Implications for Improving Educational Practices. (1987).
Charles S. Claxton, Patricia H. Murrell. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Learning : Systems, Models, and Theories. (1976). (2nd ed.).
William S. Sahakian. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Learning Through Writing : A Compendium of Assignments and Techniques. 4 copies
Editors : W. Alan Wright, Eileen M. Herteis, Brad Abernethy. (TSI)
Learning to Listen, Learning to Teach : The Power of Dialogue in Educating Adults. (1994).
Jane Vella. (TSI)
Learning to Solve Problems : An Instructional Design Group. (2004).
David H. Jonassen. (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
Learning To Teach in Higher Education. (1992). 2 copies
Paul Ramsden (TSI)
Learning To Teach in Higher Education. (2003)
Paul Ramsden (TSI)
Learning to Think : Thinking to Learn. (1991). (1st ed.).
Stuart Maclure, Peter Davies (eds.). (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
Lessons from the Cyberspace Classroom : The Realities of Online Teaching. (2001).
Rena M. Palloff, Keith Pratt (TSI)
Lives of Moral Leadership: Men and Women Who Have Made a Difference. (2001).
Robert Coles. (TIPF)
Living in a Learning Society : Life-Histories, Identities and Education. (1996).
Ari Antikainen, (ED PHIL & THEO)
Logical Self-Defense: Second Edition. (1983).
R.H. Johnson, J.A. Blair. (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
Love the Questions: University Education and Enlightenment. (2009).
Ian Angus. (ED PHIL & THEO)
The Lover’s Progress : Poems After William Hogarth. (2001).
David Solway (TIPF)
Macroscole : a Holistic Approach to Science Teaching. (1982).
Marcel Risi. (SCI ED)
Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. (2008)
Chip Heath & Dan Heath. (TSI)
Making a Difference: A Celebration of the 3M Teaching Fellowship. (2005). 4 copies
Edited by Marilyn Lerch (TIPF)
Making the Case for Professional Service. (1995).
Ernest A. Lynton. (SCHOL & PORT)
Making Sense of Adult Learning. (2004).
Dorothy MacKeracher. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Making Sense of Teaching. (1993).
Sally Brown, Donald McIntyre. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Making The Transition to E-Learning: Strategies and Issues. (2007).
Mark Bullen & Diane P. Janes (ATE)
Making Their Own Way: Narratives for Transforming Higher Education to Promote Self-Development.
Marcia B. Baxter Magolda. (FAC DEV)
Managing Student Teams. (HERDSA Guide). (2006)
Donella Caspersz, Judy Skene, Madeline Wu. (TSI)
Meaningful Learning With Technology. (2008, 2003, 1999).
David Jonassen, Jane Howland, Rose M. Marra, David Crismond. (TEL)
The Medical School’s Mission and the Population’s Health. (1992).
Kerr L. White, Julia E. Connelly, editors. (SCI ED)
The Medical Teacher. (1982).
Kenneth R. Cox, Christine E. Ewan. (SCI ED)
Meeting at the Crossroads, Ascilite 2001, Conference Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the
Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education. (2001).
Editors : Gregor Kennedy, Mike Keppell, Carmel McNaught, Tom Petrovic (TEL)
Mentor : a Handbook for New Teaching Assistants. (1992). (5th ed.).
Maren Halvorsen (Graduate School and Center for Instructional Development and Research,
University of Washington). (TAs)
Mentor in a Manual: climbing the academic ladder to tenure. (2004).
A. Clay Schoenfeld and Robert Magnan Third Edition. (EVAL)
Mentoring Revisited : Making an Impact on Individuals and Institutions. (1994).
Marie A. Wunsch Editor (EVAL)
New Directions for Teaching and Learning Number 57(2nd copy in Journals)
A MicroCaseWorkbook for Social Research. (2002). Third Edition
Michael Corbett, Lynne Roberts (SCHOL & PORT)
The Missing Professor: An Academic Mystery. (2006).
Thomas B. Jones (TIPF)
The Moral Collapse of the University : Professionalism, Purity, and Alienation. (1990). 2 copies
Bruce Wilshire. (ED PHIL & THEO)
More Quick Hits : Successful Strategies by Award-Winning Teachers. (1998).
Edited by S. Holly Stocking, Eileen T. Bender, Claude H. Cookman, J. Vincent Peterson &
Robert B. Votaw (TSI)
Motivating Teaching in Higher Education : A Manual for Faculty Development. (1998). 3 copies
Edwin Ralph (FAC DEV)
Narratives on Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Perspective. (2009).
Edited by Andrea M.A. Mattos (FAC DEV)
National Academy for Integration of Research & Teaching & Learning: Annual Report 2007. (2008).
National Academy for Integration of Research & Teaching & Learning (HERA)
National Academy for Integration of Research & Teaching & Learning Bologna: Qualification
Recognition and Staff Mobility. (2009).
Editied by Dr. Norma Ryan and Jennifer Murphy (HERA)
National Academy for Integration of Research & Teaching & Learning: Emerging Issues II: The
Changing Roles and Identities of Teachers and Learners in Higher Education. (2008).
Edited by Bettie Higgs and Marian McCarthy (HERA)
The New Buffalo: The Struggle for Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education in Canada. (2006)
Blair Stonechild (DIV)
New Faculty Professional Development: Planning an Ideal Program. (2004).
Henryk Marcinkiewicz & Terrence Doyle (FAC DEV)
New Paradigms for College Teaching
William E. Campbell & Karl A. Smith, Editors
The New Professor’s Handbook : A Guide to Teaching and Research in Engineering and Science. (1994).
Cliff I. Davidson, Susan A. Ambrose (ST. ASSESS)
No Place to Learn : Why Universities Aren’t Working. 2002).
Tom Pocklington and Allan Tupper (ED PHIL & THEO)
Now What? Readings on Surviving (and even enjoying) Your First Experience at College Teaching.
(1988). (2nd ed.).
Joseph Janes, Diane Hauer. (TSI)
On the Internet : Thinking in Action. (2001).
Hubert L. Dreyfus. (TEL)
On Speaking Well: How to Give a Speech with Style, Substance, and Clarity. (1991).
Peggy Noonan (TSI)
On Teaching. (1976).
Herbert R. Kohl. (ED PHIL & THEO)
On Teaching. (1987).
Mary Ann Shea, editor (FAC DEV)
Open to Question : The Art of Teaching and Learning by Inquiry. (1990)
Walter L. Bateman. (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
The Organizational Context for Teaching and Learning : a Review of the Research Literature. (1986).
Marvin W. Peterson, (FAC DEV)
Oversold & Overused : Computers in the Classroom. (2001).
Larry Cuban. (TEL)
Parkinson’s Law : or the Pursuit of Progress. (1957).
C. Northcote Parkinson. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Peak Learning : a Master Course in Learning How to Learn. (1991).
Ronald Gross. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Peer Observation Partnerships in Higher Education. (HERDSA Guide). 2005)
Maureen Bell . (EVAL)
Peer Review of Teaching : a sourcebook. (1999). 1 copy in (EVAL)
Nancy Van Note Chism. (TSI)
Peer Teaching : To Teach is To Learn Twice. (1988).
Neal A. Whitman. (TSI)
The Ph.D. Trap. (1987).
Wilfred Cude. (TAs)
Phenomenology in Higher Education. (1997).
Special Issue Higher Education Research & Development v. 16 no. 2. (ED PHIL & THEO)
The Plagiarism Handbook : Strategies for Preventing, Detecting, and Dealing with Plagiarism. (2001).
Robert A. Harris (TSI)
Planning a Professional Curriculum : A Guide to Understanding Programme Design. (1989).
Lawrence A. Fisher, Cyril Levene (TSI)
PLAR : Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (2)
University of Saskatchewan (PLAR)
Portfolio Design : The Basics. (1999)
The Dalhousie Career Portfolio. (SCHOL & PORT)
Postgraduate Study in the Biological Sciences : A Researcher’s Companion. (1993).
Robert J. Beynon (HERA)
A Potpourri of Physics Teaching Ideas. (1986?).
Donna A. Berry (ed.). (SCI ED)
The Power of Concentration. (1981).
Walter G. Oleksy(TSI)
PowerPoint 2000 Introduction Windows Student Manual (2000) (4 copies) (1 in reference)
Michael Hazard, Lori J. Minnehan (TEL)
Practical Biochemistry in the Medical Course. (1969).
E.D. Wills (ed.). (SCI ED)
A Practical Handbook for Educators: Designing Learning Opportunities. (1966). One copy in Library
Liesel Knaack (CD)
Practically Speaking : A Sourcebook for Instructional Consultants in Higher Education. (1997).
Edited by Kathleen T. Brinko & Robert J. Menges (FAC DEV)
Practice-Based Learning : Problem-Based Learning Applied to Medical Education. (1994)
Howard S. Barrows, M.D. (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
The Practitioner-Researcher : Developing Theory from Practice. (1999).
Peter Jarvis (HERA)
Preparing a Teaching Dossier (1998). 2 copies
Christopher Knapper, Susan Wilcox (SCHOL & PORT)
Preparing Faculty for the New Conceptions of Scholarship. (1993).
A National Program of the Association of American Colleges and Universities and The Council of
Graduate Schools, Fall 1994. (TAs)
New Directions for Teaching and Learning Number 54 (2nd copy in Journals
Preparing Future Faculty. (1994).
Preparing the Professoriate of tomorrow to Teach: selected readings in TA training. (1991).
Edited by Jody D. Nyquist, Robert D. Abbott, Donald H. Wulff, Jo Spraque. (TAs)
Preparing for Promotion, Tenure, and Annual Review: A Faculty Guide. (2004).
Robert M. Diamond. (FAC DEV)
Prescribing the Life of the Mind : an Essay on the Purpose of the University and the Aims of Liberal
Education, the Competence of Citizens, and the Cultivation of Practical Reason. (1993).
Charles W. Anderson. (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
Presenting Numbers, Tables, and Charts : One Step Ahead. (2003).
Sally Bigwood and Melissa Spore (TSI)
Prior Learning Assessment Recognition (1999)
Angie Wong (PLAR)
Prior Learning Assessment : A Guide for University Faculty and Administrators. (1996).
Angelina Wong (PLAR)
Problem-Based Learning in Health Sciences Education. (1979).
Howard S. Barrows, Robyn M. Tamblyn. (SCI ED)
Problem Solving and Comprehension : a Short Course in Analytic Reasoning. (1979).
Arthur Whimbey, Jack Lochhead. (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
Professors Are From Mars, Students Are From Snickers : How to Write and Deliver Humor in the
Classroom and in Professional Presentations. (1998).
Ronald A. Berk (TSI)
Profile of Aboriginal Women in Saskatchewan. (1999).
Saskatchewan Women’s Secretariat. (DIV)
Promoting Active Learning : Strategies for the College Classroom. (1993).
Chet Meyers & Thomas B. Jones. (TSI)
Promoting Diversity in College Classrooms : Innovative Responses for the Curriculum, Faculty, and
Institutions. (1992).
Maurianne Adams Editor (DIV)
New Directions for Teaching and Learning Number 52 (2nd copy in Journals)
The Public Understanding of Science. (1985).
Report of a Royal Society ad hoc Group endorsed by the Council of the Royal Society. (SCI ED)
Publication Manual of the Americal Psychological Association. (2001) Fifth Edition
American Psychological Association (SCHOL & PORT)
Pursuing Instructional Effectiveness in Higher Education : It’s About Time! 2004).
Edwin G. Ralph (TSI)
Racism in the Canadian University: Demanding Social Justice, Inclusion, and Equity. (2009).
Edited by Frances Henry and Carol Tator (DIV)
Random Thoughts : the Humanity of Teaching. (1995).
Louis Schmier. (TSI)
Reading, Writing and Reasoning : a Guide for Students. (1991).
Gavin J. Fairbairn, Christopher Winch. (TSI)
Readings for Technical Communication. (2008).
Jennifer MacLennan. (TSI)
Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision. (2009).
Edited by Marie Battiste (DIV)
Recording Teaching Accomplishments : A Dalhousie Guide to the Teaching Dossier. (1995). (5th ed.) (6 )
Carol O'Neil & Alan Wright. (SCHOL & PORT)
Reflective Faculty Evaluation : Enhancing Teaching and Determining Faculty Effectiveness. (1993). (1st
John A. Centra. (EVAL)
The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action. (1991).
Donald A. Schön. (FAC DEV)
Regulation of Recombinant DNA Research : a Trinational Study. (1983).
Howard Eddy. (SCI ED)
Regulations Governing Graduate Assistantships. (1992).
University of Alberta. (TAs)
Regulations on Student Academic Misconduct (Blue Binder)
Renewal of the Teacher Scholar. (1981).
William C. Nelson (SCHOL & PORT)
The research matrix: An approach to supervision of higher degree research. (HERDSA Guide). 2008)
Robyn Smyth & T.W. Maxwell (HERA)
The Research Methods Knowledge Base: Second Edition (2001).
William M.K. Trochim (EVAL)
Research Monographs in Higher Education Series. Number 3 : The Canadian University in the TwentyFirst Century. (1996).
Rodney A. Clifton, Alexander D. Gregor, and Lance W. Roberts. (SCI ED)
Research Perspectives in Adult Education. (1994).
Edited by Randy Garrison (FAC DEV)
Reshaping Faculty Careers . (1981).
W. Todd Furness. (FAC DEV)
Reshaping the University: Responsibility, Indigenous Epistemes, and the Logic of the Gift. (2007).
Rauna Kuokkanen (DIV)
Resource Guide for Teaching and Marking Assistants in History. (1992). 3 copies
Published by the Graduate Students’ Committee of the Canadian Historical Association (TAs)
Resource Manual for Graduate Teaching Assistants at the University of Victoria. (n.d.).
Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Victoria. (TAs)
Rethinking Teaching in Higher Education: From a Course Design Workshop to a Faculty Development
Framework. (2004).
Edited by Alenoush Saroyan and Cheryl Amundsen (CD)
Review of Educational Research v. 67 no. 3 1997 [single issue shelved with (ED PHIL & THEO)
Revitalizing Teaching Through Faculty Development : New Directions for Teaching and Learning
Number 15 . (September 1983).
Paul A. Lacey (Editor). (FAC DEV)
Revolutionary Strategy for the Knowledge Age. (1997).
Donald M. Morris. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Role of Laboratory Teaching in Chemistry. (1978).
Conference held at the South Australian Institute of Technology February 8-10, 1978. (SCI ED)
Role of Laboratory Teaching in Chemistry. (1978).
[keynote addresses of a conference held at the South Australian Institute of Technology February
8-10, 1978]. (SCI ED)
Role of Laboratory Teaching in Chemistry : Bibliography Series B1-78. (1978).
[South Australian Institute of Technology]. (SCI ED)
The Routledge Doctoral Supervisor’s Companion: Supporting effective research in Education and Social
Sciences. (2010).
Edited by Melanie Walker and Pat Thomson (HERA)
The Routledge International Handbook of Higher Education. (2009).
Edited by Malcolm Tight, Ka Ho Mok, Jeroen Huisman, Christopher C. Morphew (FAC DEV)
Scholarship Assessed : Evaluation of the Professoriate. (1997).
Charles E. Glassick, Mary Taylor Huber, Gene I. Maeroff. (SCHOL & PORT)
Scholarship Reconsidered : Priorities of the Professoriate. (1990).
Ernest L. Boyer. (SCHOL & PORT)
Scholarship Reconsidered : Priorities of the Professoriate, A Special Report. (1990).
Ernest L. Boyer. (SCHOL & PORT)
Scholarship Revisited : Perspectives on the Scholarship of Teaching
Carolin Kreber Editor (SCHOL & PORT)
New Directions for Teaching and Learning Number 86 (2nd copy in Journals)
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Edited by Rowena Murray (TSI)
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education : Contributions of Research Universities.
Edited by William E. Becker and Moya L. Andrews (SCHOL & PORT)
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Reconsidered: Institutional Integration and Impact. (2011).
Pat Hutchings, Mary Taylor Huber, Anthony Ciccone (SCHOL & PORT)
Science and Mathematics Education in the General Secondary School in the Soviet Union. (1986).
S.I. Demidova (SCI ED)
Science Education and Social Needs. (1984).
A Symposium held at the 20th General Assembly of the International Council of Scientific Unions,
Ottawa, Canada, September 26th 1984. (SCI ED)
Science Education in Canadian Schools. (1984?).
Graham W.F. Orpwood, Jean-Pascal Souque (Summary of Background Study ; 52). (SCI ED)
Science Education in Global Perspective : Lessons from Five Countries. (1985).
Margrete Siebert Klein, F. James Rutherford. (SCI ED)
Science Education in the Computer Age : Applications, Resources, Standards. (n.d.).
E.J. Wood. (SCI ED)
Science Education in the United States : Issues, Crises and Priorities. (1991).
S.K. Majumdar (ed.). (SCI ED)
Science in Social Issues : Implications for Teaching. (1980).
Glen S. Aikenhead. (SCI ED)
Scientific Literacy : Towards Balance in Setting Goals for School Science Programs. (1983).
Douglas A. Roberts. (SCI ED)
Sentipensante Pedagogy (Sensing/Thinking): Education for Wholeness, Social Justice and Liberation.
Laura I. Rendon (TIPF)
Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness. (1977).
Robert K. Greenleaf. (FAC DEV)
Service Learning: A Guide to Planning, Implementing, and Assessing Student Projects. (2006)
Second Edition
Sally Berman. (ATE)
Service-Learning Guide & Journal: Higher Education Edition. (2004).
Robert Max Schoenfeld. (ATE)
Service-Learning and the Liberal Arts. 2009).
Edited by Craig A. Rimmerman. (ATE)
Service-Learning in Higher Education. (2005).
Edited by Dan W. Butin. (ATE)
Service-Learning in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices. (1996).
Barbara Jacoby and Associates. (ATE)
The Seven Decisions when Teaching Students. (1981).
Donald Bligh, David Jaques, D. Warren Piper. (FAC DEV)
Silences in Teaching and Learning .(2008).
Edicted by Betsy Warland (TSI)
The Skillful Teacher : On Technique, Trust, and Responsiveness in the Classroom. (1990). 2 copies
Stephen D. Brookfield (TSI)
Skills and Knowledge Profile. (1999) (2)
Karen Lior, D’Arcy Martin (PLAR)
Skills and Knowledge Profile : Coach’s Manual. (1999).
Karen Lior, D’Arcy Martin (PLAR)
Small Group Instruction in Higher Education: Lessons from the Past, Visions of the Future. (2003).
James L. Cooper, Pamela Robinson, & David Ball, Editors (TSI)
The Sociology Student Writer’s Manual. (1998).
William A. Johnson, Jr., Richard P. Rettig, Gregory M. Scott, Stephen M. Garrison (RFYS)
Sphinx and the Rainbow : Brain, Mind and Future Vision. (1983).
David Loye. (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
Stand Up and Talk to 1000 People (And Enjoy It!) (1997)
Marion Witz (TSI)
Stories From the Road: Memories of Home Economics Extension at the University of Saskatchewan
1913-1980. (2010).
Edited by Gwenna Moss (HERA)
Straight Shooting : What’s Wrong with America and How to Fix It. (1989).
John Silber. (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
The Stranger’s Long Neck: How to Deliver What Your Customers Really Want Online. (2010).
Gerry McGovern (TEL)
Strategies for Active Teaching and Learning in University Classrooms. (1986). (missing April 2005)
Steven F. Schomberg (ed.). (TSI)
Strengthening the Teaching Assistant Faculty. (1985)
John D.W. Andrews, Editor. (TAs)
New Directions for Teaching and Learning Number 22
Structural Knowledge: Techniques for Representing, Conveying, and Acquiring Structural Knowledge .
David H. Jonassen, Katherine Beissner, Michael Yacci (TSI)
Student Engagement Techniques : A Handbook for College Faculty. (2010)
Elizabeth F. Barkley (TSI)
Student Evaluation of Courses and Instruction Using the Instructor Designed Questionnaire (IDQ) System
with the CITL Catalog. (1992).
Bente Roed, Dan Precht. (EVAL)
Student Evaluation of Instruction : Research Implications and Potential Application. (1997).
Paul Galbraith. (EVAL)
Student Learning Communities, Faculty Learning Communities, & Faculty Development. (2006).
Nancy Simpson & Jean Layne (FAC DEV)
Students Rating Teaching : How Student Feedback Can Inform Your Teaching. (1998). 2 copies
Mark L. Lawall. (EVAL)
Student Ratings of Instruction : Issues for Improving Practice (1993).
Michael Thaell, Jennifer Franklin Editors (EVAL)
Number 43 of New Directions for Learning (another copy in Journals)
Student Self-Evaluation : Fostering Reflective Learning. (1993).
Jean MacGregor Editor (ST. ASSESS)
New Directions for Teaching and Learning Number 55 (2nd copy in Journals)
Students Speak: Lives Transformed by Teachers. (2010). 5 copies
Collected by the Executive Council of 3M Fellows to Celebrate the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of
the 3M National Teaching Fellowship. (TIPF)
Student Stanpoints About Access Programs in Higher Education . (2006).
Dana B. Lundell, Jeanne L. Higbee, Irene M. Dduranczyk, Emily Goff, Editors (RFYS)
Studies in Graduate and Professional Student Development: Defining the Field. (2008).
Laura L.B. Border, Editor. (TAs)
Studying Service-Learning: Innovations in Education Research Methodology. (2003).
Edited by Shelly H. Billig and Alan S. Waterman. (ATE)
Successful Research Supervision: Advising Students Doing Research. (2012).
Anne Lee (HERA)
Successful Beginnings for College Teaching: Engaging your students from the first day. (2001).
Angela Provitera McGlynn. (TSI)
Successful Science and Engineering Teaching: Theoretical and Learning Perspectives. (2008).
Calvin S. Kalman (SCI ED)
Successful Use of Teaching Portfolios. (1993).
Peter Seldin and Associates. (SCHOL & PORT)
Taking Stock: Research on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. (2010).
Edited by Julia Christensen and Joy Mighty (FAC DEV)
Teacher Training Workshops in Education for Health Personnel : Summary of a Fifteen Year Personal
Experience. (1985).
J.J. Guilbert. (SCI ED)
The Teaching Assistant Training Handbook : How to Prepare TAs for Their Responsibilities. (2001). 2
Loreto R. Prieto & Steven A. Meyers, editors. (TAs)
Teaching Large Classes: Tools and Strategies: Tools and Strategies. Volume 19 (1998).
Elisa Carbone. (LGE.CLSES)
Teaching and Learning at York : A Guide for Teaching Assistants and Course Directors. (1989-90).
York University (TAs)
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. (1972). (2nd ed.).
Ruth Beard. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Teaching and Learning in Medicine (journal)
Vol. 2 no. 1 – vol. 3 no. 4 1990-1991. [shelved with (SCI ED)]
Teaching and Learning in the College Classroom : a review of the research literature. (1986).
Wibert J. McKeachie, Paul R. Pintrich, Yi-Guang Lin, David A.F. Smith. (TSI)
Teaching as Community Property: Essays on Higher Education . (2004).
Lee S. Shulman . (FAC DEV)
Teaching as a Creative Activity. (1990).
International Society for Exploring Teaching Alternatives, the twentieth annual conference of
ISETA October 11-13, 1990. (FAC DEV)
Teaching as a Subversive Activity. (1969).
Neil Postman, Charles Weingartner. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Teaching as Though Students’ Mattered : New Directions for Teaching and Learning Number 21 . (1985).
Joseph Katz (Editor) (ST. ASSESS)
Teaching the Art of Inquiry. (2001).
Bob Hudspith, Herb Jenkins (TSI)
Teaching Assistant Orientation : Training Manual. (1997).
Queen’s University Instructional Development Center. (TAs)
Teaching at Its Best: A Research-Based Resource for College Instructors. (2003).
Linda B. Nilson (TSI)
Teaching at Its Best: A Research-Based Resource for College Instructors: Third Edition. (2010).
Linda B. Nilson (TSI)
Teaching the Basic Medical Sciences : Human Biology. (1974).
John Z. Bowers, Elizabeth F. Purcell (eds.). (SCI ED)
Teaching at the University of Manitoba : A Handbook. (1993).
Beverly J. Cameron, Editor. (TAs)
Teaching College Freshmen . (1991).
Bette LaSere Erickson, Dian Weltnr Strommer. (TSI)
Teaching Diversity: Challenges and Complexities, Identities, and Integrity . (2003)
Edited by William M. Timpson, Sylvia Sara Canetto, Evelinn Borrayo, Raymond Yang (DIV)
Teaching Dossier. (1996).
Thomas H. MacRae. (SCHOL & PORT)
The Teaching Dossier : A Guide to its Preparation and Use. (1986). (rev. ed.)
Bruce M. Shore, Stephen F. Foster, Christopher K. Knapper, Gilles G. Nadeau, Neill Neill &
Victor Sim. (SCHOL & PORT)
Teaching for Critical Thinking : Green Guide No. 6. (2006). (2 copies)
Geraldine Van Gyn, Carole Ford and Associates (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
Teaching for Diversity. (1992)
Laura L.B. Border, Nancy Van Note Chism Editors (DIV)
New Directions for Teaching and Learning Number 49(2nd copy in Journals)
Teaching for Justice: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Peace Studies. (1999).
Kathleen Maas Weigert and Robin J. Crews, editors. (FAC DEV)
Teaching for Quality Learning at University: Second Edition. (2003).
John Biggs (TSI)
Teaching for the Two-Sided Mind : a Guide to Right Brain/Left Brain Education. (1983).
Linda VerLee Williams. (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
Teaching Improvement Practices : Successful Strategies for Higher Education. (1995).
W. Alan Wright and Associates. (TSI)
Teaching in Practice : How Professionals Can Work Effectively with Clients Patients, and Colleagues.
(1995). 2 copies
Andy Farquharson. (TSI)
Teaching Large Classes. (1998).
Allan J. Gedalof. (LGE.CLSES)
Teaching Large Classes: Tools and Strategies. Volume 19. (1998).
Elisa Carbone. (LGE.CLSES)
Teaching More Students (journal)
[see Teaching Large Classes (LGE.CLSES) for listing of issue titles]
Teaching on Solid Ground Using Scholarship to Improve Practice. (1996)
Robert J. Menges, Maryellen Weimer and Associates (SCHOL & PORT)
The Teaching Portfolio : A Practical Guide to Improved Performance and Promotional/Tenure Decisions.
Peter Seldin. (SCHOL & PORT)
The Teaching Portfolio : Capturing the Scholarship in Teaching. (1991). (2nd ed.)
Russell Edgerton, Patricia Hutchings & Kathleen Quinlan. (SCHOL & PORT)
Teaching Resource Manual for Graduate Teaching Assistants. (1991).
M. Anne Naeth (University Teaching Services, University of Alberta). (TAs)
Teaching Students to Think Critically. (1986).
Chet Meyers (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
Teaching Techniques : a Handbook for Health Professionals. (1980).
Richard P. Foley, Jonathan Smilansky. (SCI ED)
Teaching Thinking. (1976).
Edward deBono. (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
Teaching Thinking Skills : Theory and Practice. (1987).
Joan Boykoff Baron, Robert J. Sternberg, editors (TSI)
Teaching Tips : A Guidebook for the Beginning College Teacher, 8th & 9th editions
Wilbert J. McKeachie. (TSI)
Teaching for Understanding at University: Deep Approaches and Distinctive Ways of Thinking . (2009).
Noel Entwistle (TSI)
Teaching Unprepared Students: Strategies for Promoting Success and Retention in Higher Education.
Kathleen F. Gabriel. (TSI)
Teaching What You Don’t Know . (2009)
Therese Huston (TSI)
Teaching With Cases. (1981).
James A. Erskine, Michiel R. Leenders, Louise A. Mauffette-Leenders. (TSI)
Teaching with Classroom Response Systems: Creating Active Learning Environments. (clickers) (2009)
Derek Bruff (TEL)
Teaching With Your Mouth Shut . (2000)
Donald L. Finkel (TSI)
The Testing and Grading of Students . (1977).
Ohmer Milton and John W. Edgerly (ST. ASSESS)
Teaching With Integrity : the ethics of higher education practice. (2004).
Bruce Macfarlane. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Teaching With Style : A Practical Guide to Enhancing Learning by Understanding Teaching & Learning
Anthony F. Grasha. (TSI)
There is No Gene for Good Teaching : a Handbook on Lecturing for Medical Teachers. (1982).
Neal A. Whitman. (SCI ED)
Thinking with the Whole Brain : an Integrative Teaching/Learning Model (K-8). (1986).
Jane Kita Cooke, Mildred Haipt. (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
The Three “R’s” of the Eighties : Reduction, Reallocation and Retrenchment . (1989).
Kenneth P. Mortimer and Michael L. Tierney. (FAC DEV)
Threshold Concepts and Transformational Learning: Educational Futures: Rethinking Theory and
Practice. (2010) . Volume 42
Jan H.F. Meyer, Ray Land and Caroline Baillie. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Threshold Concepts within the Disciplines: Educational Futures: Rethinking Theory and Practice. (2008).
Volume 16
Ray Land, Jan H.F. Meyer and Jan Smith. (ED PHIL & THEO)
To Improve the Academy : Resources for Faculty, Instructional, and Organizational Development
Devorah Lieberman, Editor, Catherin Wehlburg, Associate Editor. (FAC DEV)
To Know As We Are Known : Education as a Spiritual Journey. 1993).
Parker J. Palmer. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Tomorrow’s Doctors : Recommendations on Undergraduate Medical Education. (1993).
Education Committee of the General Medical Council. (SCI ED)
Tools for Thought : How to Understand and Apply the Latest Scientific Techniques of Problem Solving.
C. H. Waddington. (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
Tools for Teaching.(1993). 2 copies
Barbara Gross Davis (TSI)
The Tour of Five Commonwealth Countries : a Report and Science Education Through Self-Reliance : a
Model and a Proposal. (1983).
K.V. Sane. (SCI ED)
Transforming Higher Education : A Vision for Learning in the 21st Century. (1995).
Michael G. Dolence & Donald M. Norris. (FAC DEV)
Transforming a University: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Practice. (2007).
Edited by Angela Brew and Judyth Sachs. (SCHOL & PORT)
Treaty Elders of Saskatchewan: Our Dream is that Our Peoples Will One Day Be Clearly Recognized as
Nations. (2008) (2 copies)
Harold Cardinal & Walter Hildebrandt (DIV)
The Triarchic Mind : a New Theory of Human Intelligence. (1988).
Robert J. Sternberg. (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
The Turtle Hypodermic of Sickenpods : Liberal Studies in the Corporate Age. (2000). 2 copies
David Solway. (ED PHIL & THEO)
The Tutorial Process. (1988).
Howard S. Barrows. (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
The Two-Cultures of Pedagogy : Teaching and Learning in the Natural Sciences and the Humanities.
(Teaching-Learning Issues; no. 75) [shelved with (SCI ED)].
Tyrannical Machines : a report on educational practices gone wrong and our best hopes for setting them
right. (1990). (2 copies)
Lynne V. Cheney. (TSI)
Tyranny of Testing. (1962, 1964).
Banesh Hoffmann. (ST. ASSESS)
Unicorns are Real : a Right-Brained Approach to Learning. (1982).
Barbara Meister Vitale. (TSI)
Universal Student Ratings of Instruction Using the Instructor Designed Questionnaire (IDQ) System with
the GFC Catalog. (1994).
Bente Roed, Dan Precht. (EVAL)
The University in Ruins. (1996).
Bill Readings . (ED PHIL & THEO)
University-Level Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition : Building Capacity for Institutional
Response. (2000).
Angie Wong (PLAR)
University Teaching: A Guide for Graduate Students . (1984).
Edited by Leo M. Lambert, Stacey Lane Tice and Patricia H. Featherstone . (TAs)
University Teaching: A Guide for Graduate Students . (1996).
Edited by Leo M. Lambert, Stacey Lane Tice and Patricia H. Featherstone . (TAs)
University Teaching and Learning : an Instructional Resource Guide for Graduate Student Teachers at the
University of Saskatchewan. (n.d.)
Instructional Development Program, Extension Division, University of Saskatchewan. (TAs)
University Teaching and Learning : An Instructional Resource Guide for Teaching Assistants at Dalhousie
University,. (1993, 1994). (2nd, 3rd eds.)
W. Alan Wright & Eileen M. Herteis, Editors. (TAs)
Unleashing the Power of Perpetual Learning. (1997).
Donald M. Norris & Theodore R. Malloch. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Up the University : Re-creating Higher Education in America
Robert & Jon Solomon
Using Consultants to Improve Teaching. (1999).
Christopher Knapper, Sergio Piccinin Editors (TSI)
New Directions for Teaching and Learning Number 79(2nd copy in Journals)
Valuing Our People : The Report of the Advisory Committee on the Workforce of the Future. (1997).
Government of Canada (PLAR)
Valuing Our People : Summary Report Workforce of the Future. (1997).
Government of Canada (PLAR)
Voices from the Classroom : Reflections on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. (2001).
Edited by Janice Newton, Jerry Ginsburg, Jan Rehner, Pat Rogers, Susan Sbrizzi and John
Spencer (TSI)
Voices of Experience: Reflections from a Harvard Teaching Seminar. (2001).
Edited by Mary-Ann Wilkelmes & James Wilkinson. (TIPF)
What the Best College Teachers Do. (2004).
Ken Bain (TSI)
What is Scientific Thinking : a Discussion Paper. (1982).
Hugh Munby. (SCI ED)
What We Really Value : Beyond Rubrics in Teaching and Assessing Writing. (2003).
Bob Brood (EVAL)
When Students Have Power : Negotiating Authority in a Critical Pedagogy. (1996). 2 copies
Ira Shor. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Where’s the Learning in Service-Learning? (199).
Janet Eyler and Dwight E. Giles, Jr. (ATE)
Why I Teach. (2009).
Edited by Mike McManus (TIPF)
Whole-Brain Thinking : Working from Both Sides of the Brain to Achieve Peak Job Performance. (1984).
Jacquelyn Wonder, Priscilla Donovan. (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
Wise Women : Reflections of Teachers at Midlife. (2000)
Phyllis R. Freeman and Jan Zlotnik Schmidt, editors. (DIV)
Women as Learners : The Significance of Gender in Adult Learning (2000)
Elisabeth Hayes, Daniele D. Flannery with Ann K Brooks, Elizabeth J. Tisdell and
Jane Hugo. (ED PHIL & THEO)
Women, Work and Social Rights : Canada in Historical and Comparative Perspective. (2000).
Cecilia M. Benoit. (DIV)
The Work of Writing : Insights and Strategies for Academics and Professionals. (2001)
Elizabeth Rankin. (FAC DEV)
World Trends in Science Education. (1980).
Charles P. McFadden (ed.). (SCI ED)
Write at the Start : A Guide to Using Writing in Freshman Seminars. (1993).
Lea Masiello. (TSI)
Writing Instructional Objectives for Teaching and Assessment Seventh Edition. (2004).
Norman E. Gronlund. (TSI)
Writing a Print-Based Module. (August 1998).
Educational Technology Professional Development Program. (CD)
You Can Be A Successful Teacher of Adults : NAPCAE’s Authoritative Sourcebook and Information
Guide. (1974).
Philip D. Langerman, editor (TSI)
Your Expanding Intelligence . (2007).
Jill Wilks, M.Ed. (RFYS)
Change : The Magazine for Higher Learning
November/December 2002, January/February 2003, May/June 2003, July/August 2003,
September/October 2003, November/December 2003, January/February 2004
The College Quarterly .
Holdings : vol. 1 no. 1- vol. 3 no. 3 (1993-1996, non current)
Higher Education Research & Development
Holdings : vol. 11 no 1 & 2, vol. 12 no. 1 & 2, vol. 13 no. 1 & 2, vol. 14 no. 1 & 2, vol. 15 no. 1 &
2, vol. 16 no. 1 & 3, vol. 17 no. 1-3, vol. 18 no. 1-3, vol. 19 no. 1-3, vol. 20 no. 1-3, vol. 21 no. 2
& 3, vol. 22 no. 1 & 2
The International Journal for Academic Development.
Holdings : vol. 1, 2 (1996 , 1997), vol. 3 no. 1 (2 copies) & 2 (2 copies), vol. 4 no. 1 & 2,
vol. 5 no. 1- current (2000- current)
Issues & Inquiry in College Learning and Teaching
Holdings : vol. 15 no 3 (spring/summer 1992), vol. 16 no.1 (fall 1992), vol. 16 no. 3 vol. 16 no. 2
(winter 1993), (spring/summer 1993)
The Journal of Staff, Program & Organization Development.
Holdings : vol. 9 no. 1 – vol. 12 no. 4 (1991-1995, non current)
Journal of Studies in International Education.
Holdings : vol. 15 (May 2011)
Journal on Excellence in College Teaching.
Holdings : vol. 1, no. 1, vol. 5, no. 1-2, vol. 6 no. 3. (1990-1995, non current)
The National Teaching and Learning Forum.
Holdings : vol. 1 no. 5 – current; (1992 – current)
New Directions for Teaching and Learning.
Holdings : no. 30, 1987 - current [see also list of separate issue titles below]
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (Scottish Central Institutions Committee for Educational
Holdings : no. 1 – no. 25 (1984-1987)
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education).
Holdings : no. 13, 1993 – current
To Improve the Academy : Resources for Faculty, Instructional, & Organizational Development
Holdings : 1989,vol. 10 (1990), 1991, vol. 11 (1992), vol. 12 (1993),
vol. 13 (1994 [2 copies]), vol. 14 (1995 [2 copies]), vol. 15 (1996 [3 copies]),
vol. 16 (1997), vol. 17 (1998 [2 copies]), vol. 18 (2000)
New Directions for Continuing Education and Adult Continuing Education
Issue Numbers with Titles:
No. 36 Continuing Education in the Year 2000
No. 38 Enhancing Staff Development in Diverse Settings
No. 39 Addressing the Needs of Returning Women
No. 40 Britain: Policy and Practice in Continuing Education
No. 41 Recruiting and Retaining Adult Students
No. 42 Participatory Literacy Education
No. 43 Effective Teaching Styles
No. 44 Fulfilling the Promise of Adult and Continuing Education
No. 45 Applying Adult Development Strategies
No. 47 Education Through Community Organizations
No. 48 Serving Culturally Diverse Populations
New Directions for Community Colleges
No. 102 Organizational Change in the Community College: A Ripple or a Sea Change?
New Directions for Teaching and Learning
Issue Numbers with Titles :
No. 22 Strengthening the Teaching Assistant Faculty
No. 23 Using Research to Improve Teaching
No. 30 Developing Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Abilities
No. 34 Assessing Students’ Learning
No. 35 Knowing and Doing : Learning Through Experience
No. 36 Strengthening Programs for Writing across the Curriculum
No. 38 Promoting Inquiry in Undergraduate Learning
No. 41 Learning Communities : Creating Connections Among Students, Faculty, and Disciplines
No. 42 The Changing Face of College Teaching (2 copies)
No. 43 Student Ratings of Instruction : Issues for Improving Practice
No. 44 Excellent Teaching in a Changing Academy : Essays in Honor of Kenneth Eble (2 copies)
No. 45 College Teaching : From Theory to Practice
No. 46 Classroom Research : Early Lessons from Success
No. 47 Applying the Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education
No. 48 Effective Practices for Improving Teaching
No. 49 Teaching for Diversity
No. 50 Developing New and Junior Faculty
No. 51 Teaching in the Information Age : the Role of Educational Technology
No. 52 Promoting Diversity in College Classrooms : Innovative Responses for the Curriculum,
Faculty, and Institutions
No. 53 Building a Diverse Faculty
No. 54 Preparing Faculty for New Conceptions of Scholarship
No. 55 Developing Senior Faculty as Teachers
No. 56 Student Self-Evaluation : Fostering Reflective Learning
No. 57 Mentoring Revisited : Making an Impact on Individuals and Institutions
No. 58 Interdisciplinary Studies Today
No. 60 Supplemental Instruction : Increasing Achievement and Retention
No. 61 Fostering Success in Quantitative Courses
No. 62 Teaching Through Academic Advising : a Faculty Perspective
No. 63 Understanding Self-Regulated Learning
No. 64 Disciplinary Differences in Teaching and Learning : Implications for Practice
No. 65 Honoring Exemplary Teaching
No. 66 Ethical Dimensions of College and University Teaching : Understanding and Honoring the
Special Relationship Between Teachers and Students
No. 67 Using Active Learning in College Classrooms : a Range of Options for Faculty
No. 68 Bringing Problem-Based Learning to Higher Education : Theory and Practice
No. 76 The Impact of Technology on Faculty Development, Life, and Work
No. 79 Using Consultants to Improve Teaching
No. 86 Scholarship Revisited : Perspectives on the Scholarship of Teaching
No. 88 The Strategic Use of Learning Technologies
No. 111 Scholarship of Multicultural Teaching and Learning
No. 112 Curriculum Development in Higher Education: Faculty –Driven Processes and Practices
(2 copies)
No. 113 Educating Integrated Professionals: Theory and Practice on Preparation for Professoriate
No. 118 Internationalizing the Curriculum in Higher Education
Alphabetical List
Applying the Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education, No. 47
Building a Diverse Faculty, No. 53
The Changing Face of College Teaching, No. 42
Classroom Research : Early Lessons from Success, No. 46
Collaborative Learning : Underlying Processes and Effective Techniques, No. 59
College Teaching : From Theory to Practice, No. 45
Curriculum Development in Higher Education: Faculty –Driven Processes and Practices, No. 112
Curriculum, Faculty, and Institutions, No. 52
Developing New and Junior Faculty, No. 50
Developing Senior Faculty as Teachers, No. 55
Educating Integrated Professionals: Theory and Practice on Preparation for the Professoriate, No.
Effective Practices for Improving Teaching, No. 48
Excellent Teaching in a Changing Academy : Essays in Honor of Kenneth Eble, No. 44
The Impact of Technology on Faculty Development, Life and Work, No. 44
Interdisciplinary Studies Today, No. 58
Internationalizing the Curriculum in Higher Education, No. 118
Learning Communities : Creating Connections Among Students, Faculty, and Disciplines, No. 41
Mentoring Revisited : Making an Impact on Individuals and Institutions, No. 57
Preparing Faculty for the New Conceptions of Scholarship, No. 54
Promoting Diversity in College Classrooms : Innovative Responses for the Curriculum, Faculty,
and Institutions, No. 52
Scholarship of Multicultural Teaching and Learning, No. 111
Scholarship Revisited : Perspectives on the Scholarship of Teaching, No. 86
The Strategic Use of Learning Technologies, No. 88
Student Ratings of Instruction : Issues for Improving Practice, No. 43
Student Self-Evaluation : Fostering Reflective Learning, No. 56
Teaching for Diversity, No. 49
Teaching in the Information Age: The Role of Educational Technology, No. 51
Using Consultants to Improve Teaching, No. 79
Gwenna Moss Materials Available For Loan- Subject List
Last updated: November 21, 2011
Strategies and
Inspiration, Poetry
& Fiction (TIPF)
Teaching Large
Scholarship &
Thinking &
Philosophy &
Prior Learning
Higher Education
for Researchers
and Administrators
Teaching Strategies and Improvement Practices (TSI)
5 Interesting Things To Do In Your Seminars and Tutorials. (1988).
Graham Gibbs, Sue Habeshaw & Trevor Habeshaw
5 Interesting Ways Of Helping Your Students To Study (1989).
Graham Gibbs, Sue Habeshaw & Trevor Habeshaw
5 Interesting Ways To Appraise Your Teaching. (1989).
Graham Gibbs, Sue Habeshaw & Trevor Habeshaw
53 Interesting Things To Do in Your Lectures
Graham Gibbs, Sue Habeshaw & Trevor Habeshaw
53 Interesting Things To Do in Your Seminars & Tutorials (missing April 2005)
Sue Habeshaw, Trevor Habeshaw & Graham Gibbs
53 Interesting Ways of Helping Your Students To Study. (1987).
Trevor Habeshaw, Sue Habeshaw & Graham Gibbs
147 Practical Tips for Teaching Professors. (1990). (2) (1 missing April 2005)
Bob Magnan, Editor
147 Practical Tips for Teaching Sustainability: Connecting the Environment, the Economy and Society.
William M. Timpson, Brian Dunbar, Gailmarie Kimmel, Brett Bruyere, Peter Newman, Hillary
147 Practical Tips for Using Icebreakers with College Students .(2005).
Robert Magnan
253 Ideas for Your Teaching. (1988).
Graham Gibbs, Trevor Habeshaw
Active Learning. (1999).
Beverly J. Cameron
The Adjunct Faculty Handbook: Second Edition. (2011).
Lorri Cooper, Bryan Booth, Editors
The Art of Teaching. (1950, 1977).
Gilbert Highet
Applying the Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education. (1991). (New Directions
for Teaching and Learning No. 47) (second copy)
Better Teaching, More Learning Strategies for Success in Postsecondary Settings (1993)
James R. Davis
The Brainbooster : Your Guide to Rapid Learning & Remembering. (1983).
Robert W. Finkel
Building Learning Teams : The Key to Harnessing The Power of Small Groups in Higher Education.
Larry K. Michaelsen, Robert H. Black
The Canadian Journal of Higher Education, Vol 27, Nos. 2-3 (1997). (shelved with Teaching
Improvement Practices)
Case Studies on Teaching in Higher Education. (1993).
Peter Schwartz, Graham Webb
Centre for Higher Education, Research and Development : Effective Teaching in the College Classroom :
Current Perspectives and Future Directions. The University of Manitoba. Occasional Paper in Higher
Education Number 4.(1993).
C. Ward Struthers, Raymond P. Perry`
The Changing Face of College Teaching. (1990). (New Directions for Teaching and Learning; No. 42)
(second copy)
Charting Your Course : How to Prepare to Teach More Effectively. (1994).
Richard Pregent
Clear Language for the Saskatchewan Government : Clear Language is the bridge that connects people and
Government of Saskatchewan
Classroom Communication : Collected Readings for Effective Discussion and Questioning. (1989). (5
Rose A. Neff & Maryellen Weimer, Editors
Cooperative Learning for Higher Education Faculty. (1998).
Barbara J. Millis, Philip G. Cottell, Jr.
Designing Teaching Improvement Programs. (1979).
Jack Lindquist, Editor
Effective College Teaching : Fresh Insights and Exemplary Practices. (2003).
Edwin G. Ralph (Editor)
Effective Practices for Improving Teaching. (1991). (New Directions for Teaching and Learning; No. 48)
(second copy)
Engaging Ideas: The Professor’s Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in
the Classroom. (2001).
John C. Bean
Engaging Students in Interactive Lectures. (1984?). (6 copies)
R. V. (Ray) Rasmussen (seminar notes)
Essentials Calculus I : Quick Access to the Important Facts and Concepts. (2000).
Staff of Research and Education Association, Dr. M. Fogiel, Director
Essentials of College and University Teaching – A Practical Guide. (2003).
Eleanor Boyle & Harley Rothstein
Essentials of College and University Teaching – A Practical Guide. (2008).
Eleanor Boyle & Harley Rothstein
Excellent Teaching in a Changing Academy : Essays in Honor of Kenneth Eble. (1990). (New Directions
for Teaching and Learning; No. 44) (second copy)
Facilitating Online Learning: Effective Strategies for Moderators. (2000).
George Collison, Bonnie Elbaum, Sarah Haavind, Robert Tinker
Faculty Inventory : Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education. (1989).
The Johnson Foundation
Feedback : Key to Learning (STLHE Green Guide No. 4). (2003)
Sergio Piccinin
From Best Intentions to Best Practices : The First-Year Experience in Canadian Postsecondary Education.
Sid Gilbert, Judy Chapman, Peter Dietsche, Paul Grayson & John N. Gardner
Great Session Openers, Closers, and Energizers: Quick Activities for Warming Up Your Audience and
Ending on a High Note. (1998).
Marlene Caroselli
Guide to Effective Teaching for teachers and instructors. (n.d.). (3)
Edited by Teacher Training Section Dronten College of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture &
Fisheries Agriculture Education Division
A Guide for Planning & Implementing Instruction for Adults (1997)
John M. Dirkx, Suzanne M. Prenger
Handbook for College Teaching. (1997).
W. R. Miller, Marie F. Miller
A Handbook for Deterring Plagiarism in Higher Education. (2002).
Jude Carroll
A Handbook for New Practitioners : Professional & Organizational Development in Higher Education.
Emily C. Wadsworth, Editor
A Handbook for Teaching & Learning in Higher Education : Enhancing Academic Practice. (2000). 2
Heather Fry, Steve Ketteridge, Stephanie Marshall
A Handbook for Teaching & Learning in Higher Education : Enhancing Academic Practice. (2009)
Heather Fry, Steve Ketteridge, Stephanie Marshall
A Handbook for Teachers in Universities & Colleges : A Guide to Improving Teaching Methods. (1989).
David Newble, Robert Cannon
Helping Students Learn. (1991).
George Brown
High-Impact Educational Practices: Who They Are, Who Has Access to Them, and Why They Matter.
George D. Kuh
Humor as an Instructional Defibrillator : Evidence-Based Techniques in Teaching and Assessment. (2002).
Ronald A. Berk
Improving College Teaching : Strategies for developing instructional effectiveness. (1991). 2 copies
Maryellen Weimer
Improving Instruction : Issues and Alternatives for Higher Education. (1982).
Charles C. Cole, Jr.
Improving Undergraduate Education in Large Universities. (1989).
Carol H. Pazandak (New Directions for Higher Education; no. 66)
Improving Your Classroom Teaching (1993)
Maryellen Weimer, Volume 1
Inside Teaching : Exploring Teaching Styles. (1990).
Center for Teaching Effectiveness, University of Delaware (program designer’s manual, overhead
Interdisciplinary Studies Today. (1994).
(New Directions for Teaching and Learning; No. 58) (second copy)
Introduction to College Teaching. (1991).
John Ramage
Introduction to Logic: Ninth Edition. (1986)
Irving M. Copi, Carl Cohen
Involvement in Learning : Realizing the Potential of American Higher Education. (1984).
Final Report of the Study Group on the Conditions of Excellence in American Higher Education.
It Works for Us, Collaboratively: Shared Tips for Effective Collaboration. (2006).
Hal Blythe & Charlie Sweet
It Works for Me as a Scholar-Teacher: Shared Tips for the Classroom . (2008).
Hal Blythe & Charlie Sweet
The Joy of Teaching. (2005). 2 copies
Peter Filene
Journal Keeping: How to Use Reflective Writing for Learning, Teaching, Professional Insight, and Positive
Change. (2009).
Dannelle D. Stevens and Joanne Cooper
Learner-Centered Teaching: Five Key Changes to Practice . (2002).
Maryellen Weimer
Learner-Centered Teaching: Putting the Research on Learning into Practice. (2011).
Terry Doyle
Learning, Creating, and Using Knowledge. (1998).
Joseph D. Novak
Learning Through Writing : A Compendium of Assignments and Techniques . (4 copies)
Editors : W. Alan Wright, Eileen M. Herteis, Brad Abernethy
Learning to Listen, Learning to Teach : The Power of Dialogue in Educating Adults . (1994).
Jane Vella
Learning to Teach in Higher Education. (1992). 2 copies
Paul Ramsden
Learning to Teach in Higher Education. (2003)
Paul Ramsden
Lessons from the Cyberspace Classroom : The Realities of Online Teaching. (2001).
Rena M. Palloff, Keith Pratt
Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. (2008).
Chip Heath & Dan Heath
Managing Student Teams. (HERDSA Guide) (2006).
Donella Caspersz, Judy Skene, Madeline Wu
More Quick Hits : Successful Strategies by Award-Winning Teachers. (1998).
Edited by S. Holly Stocking, Eileen T. Bender, Claude H. Cookman, J. Vincent Peterson, & Robert
B. Votaw
Now What? Readings on Surviving (and even enjoying) Your First Experience at College Teaching.
(1988). (2nd ed.).
Joseph Janes, Diane Hauer
On Speaking Well: How to Give a Speech with Style, Substance, and Clarity. (1999)
Peggy Noonan
Peer Review of Teaching : a sourcebook. (1999). (2 copies)
Nancy Van Note Chism
Peer Teaching : To Teach is To Learn Twice. (1988).
Neal A. Whitman
The Plagiarism Handbook : Strategies for Preventing, Detecting, and Dealing With Plagiarism. (2001).
Robert A. Harris
Planning A Professional Curriculum : A Guide to Understanding Program Design. (1989).
Lawrence A. Fisher, Cyril Levene
Postgraduate Study in the Biological Sciences : A Researcher’s Companion. (1993).
Robert J. Beynon
The Power of Concentration. (1981).
Walter G. Oleksy
The Practitioner-Researcher : Developing Theory from Practice. (1999).
Peter Jarvis
Presenting Numbers, Tables, and Charts : One Step Ahead. (2003).
Sally Bigwood and Melissa Spore
Promoting Active Learning : Strategies for the College Classroom. (1993). 2 copies
Chet Meyers & Thomas B. Jones
Professors Are From Mars, Students Are From Snickers : How to Write and Deliver Humor in the
Classroom and in Professional Presentations. (1998).
Ronald A. Berk
Pursuing Instructional Effectiveness in Higher Education : It’s About Time! (2004).
Edwin G. Ralph
Random Thoughts : the Humanity of Teaching. (1995).
Louis Schmier
Reading, Writing and Reasoning : a Guide for Students. (1991).
Gavin J. Fairbairn, Christopher Winch
Readings for Technical Communication. (2008)
Jennifer MacLennan
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. (2008).
Edited by Rowena Murray
Silences in Teaching and Learning . (2008).
Edited by Betsy Warland
The Skillful Teacher : On Technique, Trust, and Responsiveness in the Classroom. (1990). 2 copies
Stephen D. Brookfield
Small Group Instruction in Higher Education: Lessons from the Past, Visions of the Future. (2003).
James L. Cooper, Pamela Robinson & David Ball, Editors
Successful Beginnings for College Teaching: Engaging your students from the first day. (2001).
Angela Provitera McGlynn
Stand Up and Talk to 1000 People (And Enjoy It!) (1997).
Marion Witz
Strategies for Active Teaching and Learning in University Classrooms. (1986). (missing April 2005)
Steven F. Schomberg (ed.)
Structural Knowledge: Techniques for Representing, Conveying, and Acquiring Structural Knowledge .
David H. Jonassen, Katherine Beissner, Michael Yacci
Student Engagement Techniques: A Handbook for College Faculty. (2010)
Elizabeth F. Barkley
Teaching and Learning in the College Classroom : a review of the research literature. (1986).
Wibert J. McKeachie, Paul R. Pintrich, Yi-Guang Lin, David A.F. Smith
Teaching the Art of Inquiry. (2001). 2 copies
Bob Hudspith, Herb Jenkins
Teaching at Its Best: A Research-Based Resource for College Instructors. (2003).
Linda B. Nilson
Teaching at Its Best: A Research-Based Resource for College Instructors Third Edition. (2010).
Linda B. Nilson
Teaching College Freshmen . (1991).
Bette LaSere Erickson, Diane Weltner Strommer
Teaching for Quality Learning at University: Second Edition. (2003).
John Biggs
Teaching Improvement Practices : Successful Strategies for Higher Education. (1995).
W. Alan Wright and Associates
Teaching in Practice : How Professionals Can Work Effectively with Clients Patients, and Colleagues.
(1995). 2 copies
Andy Farquharson
Teaching Tips : A Guidebook for the Beginning College Teacher, 8th & 9th editions. (1986).
Wilbert J. McKeachie.
Teaching Thinking Skills : Theory and Practice. (1987).
Joan Boykoff Baron, Robert J. Sternberg, editors
Teaching Unprepared Students: Strategies for Promoting Success and Retention in Higher Education.
Kathleen F. Gabriel
Teaching With Cases. (1981).
James A. Erskine, Michiel R. Leenders, Louise A. Mauffette-Leenders.
Teaching With Style : A Practical Guide to Enhancing Learning by Understanding Teaching & Learning
Anthony F. Grasha.
Teaching for Understanding at University: Deep Approaches and Distinctive Ways of Thinking. (2009)
Noel Entwistle
Teaching What You Don’t Know. (2009).
Therese Huston
Teaching With Your Mouth Shut. (2000).
Donal L. Finkel
Tools for Teaching. (1993). 2 copies
Barbara Gross Davis
Tyrannical Machines : a report on educational practices gone wrong and our best hopes for setting them
right. (1990). (2 copies)
Lynne V. Cheney
Unicorns are Real : a Right-Brained Approach to Learning. (1982).
Barbara Meister Vitale
Using Consultants to Improve Teaching. (1999). (New Directions for Teaching and Learning; No. 79)
(second copy).
Voices from the Classroom : Reflections on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. (2001).
Janice Newton, Jerry Ginsburg, Jan Rehner, Pat Rogers, Susan Sbrizzi and John Spencer, editors
What the Best College Teachers Do. (2004).
Ken Bain
Write at the Start : A Guide to Using Writing in Freshman Seminars. (1993).
Lea Masiello
Writing Instructional Objectives for Teaching and Assessment. Seventh Edition (2004).
You Can Be A Successful Teacher of Adults : NAPCAE’S Authoritative Sourcebook and Information
Guide. 1974).
Philip D. Langerman, editor
Teaching Evaluation (EVAL)
The Changing Face of College Teaching (1990).
Marilla D. Svinicki, Editor
(New Directions for Teaching and Learning : No. 42) (both copies in journals)
Educational Research. (2011).
James Schreiber, Kimberly Asner-Self
Evaluating Medical School Courses : a User-Centered Handbook. (1984).
Neal A. Whitman, Thomas W. Cockayne.
Evaluating Teaching Effectiveness : A Practical Guide . (1984).
Larry A. Brakamp, Dale C. Brandenburg, John C. Ory
Evaluating Teaching Improvement Programs . (1978).
William R. O’Connell, Jr., L.Richard Meeth
Evaluating Teaching Performance : When Will We Ever Learn to Use What We Know? (Conference
sponsored by Virginia Tidewater Consortium for Higher Education, November 14, 1997). (missing April
Excellent Teaching in a Changing Academy : Essays in Honor of Kenneth Eble. (1990)
Feroza Jussawall Editor
New Directions for Teaching and Learning Number 44 (2 copies in Journals)
Guidelines for the Effective Provision of Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities.
Disability Services for Students, University of Saskatchewan.
Handbook for Developing a Comprehensive Faculty Evaluation System : including Steps in Developing a
Comprehensive Faculty Evaluation System by Raoul A. Arreola Student Rating Selection and
Development Kit by Lawrence M. Aleamoni and Raoul A. Arreola. (1988).
How Am I Teaching : Forms and Activities for Acquiring Instructional Input. (1988).
Maryellen Weimer, Joan L. Parrett & Mary-Margaret Kerns
If Teaching is Important : The Evaluation of Instruction in Higher Education. (1977). 2 copies
Christopher K. Knapper, George L. Geis, Charles E. Pascal, Bruce M. Shore (Editors)
Improving A College/University Teaching Evaluation System : A Comprehensive, Developmental
Curriculum for Faculty & Administrators. (1995).
Laurie Richlin, Brenda Manning
Improving Teaching and Courses . (1989).
Paul Ramsden and Agnes Dodds
Interdisciplinary Studies Today. (1994).
Julie Thompson Klein, Willliam G. Doty Editors
New Directions for Teaching and Learning Number 58(1 copy in Journals)
Mentor in a Manual: Climbing the academic ladder to tenure. (2004).
A. Clay Schoenfeld and Robert Magnan Third Edition
Mentoring Revisited : Making an Impact on Individuals and Institutions. (1994). (New Directions for
Teaching and Learning, No. 57) (second copy)
Peer Observation Partnerships in Higher Education. (HERDSA Guide). (2005).
Maureen Bell
Peer of Teaching Review : A Sourcebook. (1999).
Nancy Van Note Chism
Reflective Faculty Evaluation : Enhancing Teaching and Determining Faculty Effectiveness. (1993). (1st
John A. Centra
The Research Methods Knowledge Base: Second Edition (2001).
William M.K. Trohim
Student Evaluation of Courses and Instruction Using the Instructor Designed Questionnaire (IDQ) System
with the CITL Catalog. (1992). 2 copies
Bente Roed, Dan Precht
Student Evaluation of Instruction : Research Implications and Potential Application. (1997).
Paul Galbraith
Student Ratings of Instruction : Issues for Improving Practice. (1990).
(New Directions for Teaching and Learning; no. 43). (2nd copy)
Students Rating Teaching : How Student Feedback Can Inform Your Teaching. (1998). 2 copies
Mark L. Lawall
Teaching Evaluation Handbook. (1993). (2 copies)
Cornell University Office of Instructional Support
Universal Student Ratings of Instruction Using the Instructor Designed Questionnaire (IDQ) System with
the GFC Catalog. (1994).
Bente Roed, Dan Precht
What We Really Value : Beyond Rubrics in Teaching and Assessing Writing. (2003).
Bob Brood
Student Assessment (ST ASSESS)
5 Interesting Ways to Assess Your Students. 1988).
Graham Gibbs, Sue Habeshaw, Trevor Habeshaw
Assessing Critical Skills. (2009).
Jon Mueller
Classroom Assessment Techniques : A Handbook for College Teachers. (1993). (2nd ed.) (3)
Thomas A. Angelo & K. Patricia Cross
Classroom Assessment Techniques : a Handbook for Faculty. (1988).
K. Patricia Cross, Thomas A. Angelo
Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and
Development in Student Affairs. (2009).
Marilee J. Bresciani, Megan Moore Gardner, and Jessica Hickmott
Developing and Using Tests Effectively : A Guide for Faculty. (1992).
Lucy Cheser Jacobs, Clinton I. Chase
Effective Grading : a Tool for Learning and Assessment. (1998).
Barbara E. Walvoord, Virginia Johnson Anderson
A Handbook for Deterring Plagiarism in Higher Education. (2002).
Jude Carroll
Increasing Students’ Learning : A Faculty Guide to Reducing Stress among Students . (1986).
Neal A. Whitman, David C. Spendlove, Claire H. Clark
Introduction to Rubrics : An Assessment Tool to Save Grading Time, Convey Effective Feedback and
Promote Student Learning. (2005).
Danelle D. Stevens and Antonia J. Levi.
Learner-Centered Assessment on College Campuses: Shifting the Focus from Teaching to Learning.
Mary E. Hubba, Jann E. Freed
The New Professor’s Handbook : A Guide to Teaching and Research in Engineering and Science. (1994).
Cliff I. Davidson, Susan A. Ambrose
Student Self-Evaluation : Fostering Reflective Learning. (1993). (New Directions for Teaching and
Learning; No. 56) (second copy)
Teaching as Though Students Mattered : New Directions for Teaching and Learning Number 21 . (1985)
Joseph Katz (Editor)
The Testing and Grading of Students . (1977).
Ohmer Milton and John W. Edgerly
Tyranny of Testing. (1962, 1964).
Banesh Hoffmann
Diversity (DIV)
147 Practical Tips for Teaching Diversity . (2005).
William M. Timpson, Raymond Yang, Evellinn Borrayo, & Silvia Sara Canetto
Aboriginal Education : Fulfilling the Promise. (2000).
Edited by Marlene Brant Castellano, Lynne Davis, and Louise Lahache.
Bridging Cultures: Indigenous and Scientific Ways of Knowing Nature. (2011).
Glen Aikenhead, Herman Michell
Building a Diverse Faculty. (1993). (New Directions for Teaching and Learning; No. 53) (second copy)
Cultural Diversity and Inclusive Teaching : Green Guide No 8. (2007). (2 copies)
Shibao Guo, Zenobia Jamal
Cultural Teachings: First Nations Protocols and Methodologies. (2009).
Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Centre
Diversity & the College Experience. (2009)
Aaron Thompson
Diversity and Complexity in the Classroom : Considerations of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender. (2000?)
Barbara Gross Davis (avail.: http ://
Driving Change Through Diversity and Globalization: Transformative Leadership in the Academy. 2008).
James A. Anderson
Everyday Antiracism: Getting Real About Race in School. (2008).
Edited by Mica Pollock
Gender and University Teaching : A Negotiated Difference. (1991).
Anne Statham, Laurel Richardson, Judith A. Cook.
Getting Culture: Incorporating Diversity Across the Curriculum. (2009).
Edited by Regan A.R. Gurung and Loreto R. Prieto
Global Citizenship in Teaching and Learning: Green Guide No. 12. (2011).
Yael Harlap and Margo Fryer
Helping Students with Learning Difficulties in Medical and Health-Care Education. (1990). (5)
C. R. Cole.
Indigenizing the Academy: Transforming Scholarship and Empowering Communities. (2004).
Edited by Devon Abbott Mihesuah and Angela Cavender Wilson
Indigenous Methodologies: Characteristics, Conversations, and, Contexts. (2009).
Margaret Kovach
Institutional Racism in Higher Education. (2004).
Edited by Ian Law, Deborah Phillips and Laura Turney
The New Buffalo: The Struggle for Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education in Canada. (2006).
Blair Stonechild
Profile of Aboriginal Women in Saskatchewan. (1999).
Saskatchewan Women’s Secretariat.
Promoting Diversity in College Classrooms : Innovative Responses for the Curriculum, Faculty, and
Institutions. (1992). (New Directions for Teaching and Learning; No. 52) (second copy)
Racism in the Canadian University: Demanding Social Justice, Inclusion, and Equity. (2009)
Edited by Frances Henry and Carol Tator
Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision. (2009).
Edited by Marie Battiste
Reshaping the University: Responsibility, Indigenous Epistemes, and the Logic of the Gift. (2007).
Rauna Kuokkanen
Teaching Diversity: Challenges and Complexities, Identities and Integrity. (2003).
Edited by William M. Timpson, Silvia Sara Canetto, Evelinn Borrayo, Raymond Yang
Teaching for Diversity. (1992). (New Directions for Teaching and Learning; No. 49) (second copy)
[also available single issues of various LRP Publications journals on diversity]
Treaty Elders of Saskatchewan (Our Dream Is That Our Peoples Will One Day Be Clearly Recognized As
Harold Cardinal & Walter Hildebrandt
Wise Women : Reflections of Teachers at Midlife. (2000)
Phyllis R. Freeman and Jan Zlotnik Schmidt, editors.
Women, Work and Social Rights : Canada in Historical and Comparative Perspective/ (2000).
Cecilia M. Benoit.
Teaching Large Classes (LGE CLSES)
Engaging Large Classes : Strategies and Techniques for College Faculty. (2002).
Christine A. Stanley, M. Erin Porter Editors
Teaching Large Classes. (1998). (2)
Allan J. Gedalof
Teaching Large Classes: Tools and Strategies. Volume 19 (1998).
Elisa Carbone
Teaching More Students Series, Queen's University
Problems and Strategies, No. 1 (3)
Lecturing with More Students, No. 2 (4)
Discussion with More Students, No.3 (3)
Assessing More Students, No. 4 (2)
Teaching More Students, No. 5 (3)
Course Design for More Students, No. 6 (3)
Scholarship & Portfolios (SCHOL & PORT)
The Academic Portfolio: A Practical Guide to Documenting Teaching, Research, and Service. (2009).
Peter Seldin, J. Elizabeth Miller
Academic writing retreats: A facilitator’s guide. (HERDSA Guide) (2008).
Barbara M. Grant
Assessing and Developing Faculty Performance : Principles and Models. (1977).
Anthony F. Grasha
Campus Use of the Teaching Portfolio : Twenty-Five Profiles. (1993).
Erin Anderson, Editor
Classroom Research : Early Lessons from Success. (1991). (New Directions for Teaching and Learning;
No. 46) (second copy)
Classroom Research : Implementing the Scholarship of Teaching. (1996)
K. Patricia Cross, Mimi Harris Steadman
College Teaching : From Theory to Practice. (1991). (New Directions for Teaching and Learning; No. 45)
(second copy)
Contemporary Social Research Methods: A Text Using MicroCase. (2002) Third Edition
Rodney Stark, Lynne Roberts
Disciplinary Styles in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning : Exploring Common Ground. (2002).
Mary Taylor Huber and Sherwyn P. Morreale, Editors
E-Portfolios: Implications for University Learning and Teaching. (2004).
Angelina T. Wong
Essays on Teaching and Research. (1987).
John M. Hayes
Faculty Evaluation : The Use of Explicit Criteria for Promotion, Retention, and Tenure . (AAHEERIC/Higher Education Report No. 2). (1983).
Neal Whitman, Elaine Weiss
Making the Case for Professional Service. (1995).
Ernest A. Lynton
A MicroCase Workbook for Social Research. (2002).Third Edition
Michael Corbett, Lynne Roberts
Portfolio Design : The Basics. (1999).
The Dalhousie Career Portfolio
Preparing Faculty for the New Conceptions of Scholarship. (1993). (New Directions for Teaching and
Learning; No. 54) (second copy)
Preparing a Teaching Dossier. (1998). 2 copies
Christopher Knapper, Susan Wilcox
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. (2002).
American Psychological Association
Recording Teaching Accomplishment : A Dalhousie Guide to the Teaching Dossier. (1995). (5th ed.) (5
Carol O'Neil & Alan Wright
Renewal of the Teacher Scholar. (1981).
William C. Nelson
Scholarship Assessed : Evaluation of the Professoriate. (1997).
Charles E. Glassick, Mary Taylor Huber, Gene I. Maeroff
Scholarship Reconsidered : Priorities of the Professoriate. (1990)
Ernest L. Boyer
Scholarship Reconsidered : Priorities of the Professoriate, A Special Report. (1990).
Ernest L. Boyer
Scholarship Revisited : Perspectives on the Scholarship of Teaching. (New Directions for Teaching and
Learning; No 86)
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Contributions of Research Universities.
Edited by William E. Becker and Moya L. Andrews
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Reconsidered: Institutional Integration and Impact. (2011).
Pat Hutchings, Mary Taylor Huber, Anthony Ciccone
Successful Use of Teaching Portfolios. (1993).
Peter Seldin and Associates
Teaching Dossier. (1996). (3)
Thomas H. MacRae
The Teaching Dossier : A Guide to its Preparation and Use. (1986). (rev. ed.)
Bruce M. Shore, Stephen F. Foster, Christopher K. Knapper, Gilles G. Nadeau, Neill Neill & Victor
Teaching on Solid Ground Using Scholarship to Improve Practice. (1996)
Robert J. Menges, Maryellen Weimer and Associates
The Teaching Portfolio : A Practical Guide to Improved Performance and Promotional/Tenure Decisions.
Peter Seldin
The Teaching Portfolio : Capturing the Scholarship in Teaching. (1991). (2nd ed.) (3)
Russell Edgerton, Patricia Hutchings & Kathleen Quinlan
[also available pamphlets on teaching dossiers from other universities e.g. Dalhousie, University of
Alberta, University of British Columbia]
Transforming A University: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Practice. (2007).
Edited by Angela Brew and Judyth Sachs
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (CR THINK & PROB SOL)
(see also Science Education)
The Art of Changing The Brain: Enriching the Practice of Teaching by Exploring the Biology of Learning.
James E. Zull
Attacking Faulty Reasoning: Second Edition. (1987)
T. Edward Damer
The Betrayal of Intellect in Higher Education. (1997).
Mohammed Mujeeb Rahman
Complete Thinker : a Handbook of Techniques for Creative and Critical Problem Solving. (1980).
Barry F. Anderson
The Craft of Teaching. (1988). (2nd edition)
Kenneth E. Eble
Creative Problem Solving: Green Guide No 7. (2006). (3 copies)
Daryl Caswell
Educating the Inquiring Mind : the Challenge for School Science. (1991).
Guy Claxton
Improving Your Reasoning. (1970).
Alex C. Michalos
Information Anxiety. (1989). (1st ed.). (missing April 2005)
Richard Saul Wurman
Learning to Solve Problems : An Instructional Design Group. (2004).
David H. Jonassen.
Learning to Think : Thinking to Learn. (1991). (1st ed.).
Stuart Maclure, Peter Davies (eds.)
Logical Self-Defense. (1983)
R.H. Johnson, J.A. Blair
Open to Question : The Art of Teaching and Learning by Inquiry. (1990).
Walter L. Bateman.
Practice-Based Learning : Problem-Based Learning Applied to Medical Education. (1994).
Howard S. Barrows, M.D.
Prescribing the Life of the Mind : an Essay on the Purpose of the University and the Aims of Liberal
Education, the Competence of Citizens, and the Cultivation of Practical Reason. (1993).
Charles W. Anderson
Problem Solving and Comprehension : a Short Course in Analytic Reasoning. (1979).
Arthur Whimbey, Jack Lochhead.
Sphinx and the Rainbow : Brain, Mind and Future Vision. (1983).
David Loye.
Straight Shooting : What’s Wrong with America and How to Fix It. (1989).
John Silber.
Teaching for Critical Thinking: Green Guide No 6. (2006). (3 copies)
Geraldine Van Gyn, Carole Ford and Associates
Teaching for the Two-Sided Mind : a Guide to Right Brain/Left Brain Education. (1983).
Linda VerLee Williams.
Teaching Students to Think Critically. (1986).
Chet Meyers
Teaching Thinking. (1976).
Edward deBono.
Thinking with the Whole Brain : an Integrative Teaching/Learning Model (K-8). (1986).
Jane Kita Cooke, Mildred Haipt.
Tools for Thought : How to Understand and Apply the Latest Scientific Techniques of Problem Solving.
C. H. Waddington.
The Triarchic Mind : a New Theory of Human Intelligence. (1988).
Robert J. Sternberg
The Tutorial Process. (1988).
Howard S. Barrows.
Whole-Brain Thinking : Working from Both Sides of the Brain to Achieve Peak Job Performance. (1984).
Jacquelyn Wonder, Priscilla Donovan.
Faculty Development (FAC DEV)
Advice for New Faculty Members. (2000). (2)
Robert Boice
Approaches to Research on the Improvement of Postsecondary Teaching and Learning : a Working Paper.
Patricia J. Green, Joan S. Stark.
ASHE Handbook on Teaching and Instructional Resources : an Instructional Resource Handbook for
Courses in the Field of Higher Education. (1987).
John J. Gardiner (ed.)
An Assessment of Faculty Needs for Instructional Development at Queen’s University Faculty of
Medicine. (1995).
Jarold L. Cosby [M.A. thesis University of Saskatchewan]
Being an Academic. (2012).
Joelle Fanghanel
Career Development of the Effective College Teacher. (1971)
Kenneth E. Eble and the Conference on Career Development
Developing New and Junior Faculty. (1992). (New Directions for Teaching and Learning; No. 50) (second
Developing Practitioners : A Handbook of Contextual Supervision. (1998). 2 copies
Edwin G. Ralph
Developing Senior Faculty as Teachers. (1993). (New Directions for Teaching and Learning; No. 55)
(second copy)
Educating Professionals : Responding to new Expectations for Competence and Accountability. (1993).
Lynn Curry, Jon F. Wergin, & Associates
Educating the Reflective Practitioner.(1987).
Donald A. SchÖn
L’Enseignement Superieur etle Developpement du Systeme d’Enseignement dans son Ensemble. (1997).
(Enseignement superieur en Europe. V. 22 no. 3)
The Essential College Professor: A Practical Guide to an Academic Career. (2010).
Jeffrey L. Buller
Exploring Signature Pedagogies: Approached to Teaching Disciplinary Habit of Mind. (2009).
Edited by Regan A.R. Gurung, Nancy L. Chick, and Aeron Haynie
Faculty as a Key Resource : a Review of the Research Literature. (1986).
Robert T. Blackburn,
Faculty Recruitment, Retention, and Fair Employment : Obligations and Opportunities . (1983).
John S. Waggaman
Faculty Vitality and Institutional Productivity : Critical Perspectives for Higher Education . (1985).
Shirley M. Clark, Darrell R. Lewis, Editors
Future Work : Faculty Time in the 21st Century. (1994).
William M. Plater [keynote address : Professional and Organization Development Network in
Higher Education, Portland, Oregon, October 21, 1994].
Good Practice in Postgraduate Supervision : Staff and Educational Development Association. (1999).
Edited by Gina Wisker, Nick Sutcliffe
A Guide to Faculty Development. (2010). Second Edition.
Kay J. Gillespie, Douglas L. Robertson, and Associates
Handbook for Associate Instructors. (1990?).
Office of the College of Arts and Sciences and Office of the Dean of the Faculties, Indiana
University, Bloomington.
A Handbook for Faculty Development. (1977-1981). (vol. 2-3). (2)
William H. Bergquist, Steven R. Phillips.
How to Succeed in Academics. (2010). Second Edition
Linda L. McCabe & Edward R.B. McCabe
Improving a College/University Teaching Evaluation System : a Comprehensive, Developmental
Curriculum for Faculty & Administrators. (1995).
Laurie Richlin, Brenda Manning.
Improving Undergraduate Education Through Faculty Development : an Analysis of Effective Programs
and Practices. (1985).
Kenneth E. Eble, Wilbert J. McKeachie.
In Celebration of Teaching : Reflections of University of Hawaii Professors. (1991).
Center for Teaching Excellence, Office of Faculty Development and Academic Support, University
of Hawaii at Manao.
Incentives for Faculty Vitality : New Directions for Higher Education Number 51 . (1985).
Ralph M. Davis (Editor)
Increasing the Emphasis on Teaching in Ontario Universities. (1994).
Christopher Knapper, Pat Rogers [ paper presented at the Task Force on Resource Allocation,
Ontario Council on University Affairs, Toronto]
The Journal of Faculty Development: Volume 22, Number 3, September 2008
The Journal of Faculty Development: Volume 23, Number 1, January 2009
The Journal of Faculty Development: Volume 23, Number 2, May 2009
The Journal of Faculty Development: Volume 23, Number 3, September 2009
The Journal of Faculty Development: Volume 24, Number 1, January 2010
Leadership and Institutional Renewal : New Directions for Higher Education, No. 49. (1985).
Ralph M. Davis (Editor).
Making Their Own Way: Narratives for Transforming Higher Education to Promote Self-Development.
Marcia B. Baxter Magolda
Motivating Teaching in Higher Education : A Manual for Faculty Development. (1998). 3 copies.
Edwin G. Ralph
Narratives on Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Perspective. (2009).
Edited by Andrea M.A. Mattos
New Faculty Professional Development: Planning an Ideal Program. (2004).
Henryk Marcinkiewicz
On Teaching. (1987).
Mary Ann Shea, editor
The Organizational Context for Teaching and Learning : a Review of the Research Literature. (1986).
Marvin W. Peterson,
Practically Speaking : A Sourcebook for Instructional Consultants in Higher Education. (1997).
Edited by Kathleen T. Brinko & Robert J. Menges
Preparing for Promotion, Tenure, and Review: A Faculty Guide. (2004).
Robert M. Diamond
The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action. (1993).
Donald A. Schön
Research Perspectives in Adult Education. (1994).
Edited by Randy Garrison
Reshaping Faculty Careers. (1981).
W. Todd Furness
Revitalizing Teaching Through Faculty Development : New Directions for Teaching and Learning Number
15 . (1983).
Paul A. Lacey (Editor)
The Routledge International Handbook of Higher Education. (2009).
Edited by Malcolm Tight, Ka Ho Mok, Jeroen Huisman, Christopher C. Morphew
Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness. (1977).
Robert K. Greenleaf.
Seven Decisions when Teaching Students . (1981)
Donald Bligh, David Jaques, D. Warren Piper
Student Learning Communities, Faculty Learning Communities, & Faculty Development. (2006).
Edited byNancy Simpson & Jean Layne
Taking Stock: Research on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. (2010).
Edited by Julia Christensen Hughes and Joy Mighty.
Teaching as Community Property: Essays on Higher Education . (2004).
Lee S. Shulman
Teaching as a Creative Activity. (1990).
International Society for Exploring Teaching Alternatives, the twentieth annual conference of
ISETA October 11-13, 1990.
Teaching for Justice: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Peace Studies. (1999).
Kathleen Maas Weigert and Robin J. Crews, editors.
To Improve the Academy : Resources for Faculty, Instructional, and Organizational Development
Devorah Lieberman, Editor, Catherin Wehlburg, Associate Editor. (2001).
The Three “R’s” of the Eighties : Reduction, Reallocation and Retrenchement . (1979).
Kenneth P.Mortimer and Michael L. Tierney
Transforming Higher Education : A Vision for Learning in the 21st Century. (1995).
Michael G. Dolence & Donald M. Norris
The Work of Writing : Insights and Strategies for Academics and Professionals. (2001).
Elizabeth Rankin
Teaching Assistants (TAs)
First Day to Final Grade: A Graduate Student’s Guide to Teaching . (2006).
Anne Curzan and Lisa Damour
First Day to Final Grade: A Graduate Student’s Guide to Teaching . (2006). 2nd Edition
Anne Curzan and Lisa Damour
Good Practice in Postgraduate Supervision. (1999). (2 copies)
Gina Wisker & Nick Sutcliffe
Good Practice in Postgraduate Supervision. (2005).
Gina Wisker
GSR 989: Introduction to University Teaching . (2007-2008)
Edited by Kim West and Tereigh Ewert-Bauer
The Graduate Assistant Handbook. (1993/94).
University of Southern California
Handbook for Teaching Assistants. (1995).
The Teaching Development Centre, University of Regina.
How to Get a Ph.D. (1987). (missing April 2005)
Estelle M. Phillips, D.S. Pugh.
How to Succeed as a New Teacher : A Handbook for Teaching Assistants . (1978)
Change Magazine Press
Mentor : a Handbook for New Teaching Assistants. (1992). (5th ed.).
Maren Halvorsen (Graduate School and Center for Instructional Development and Research,
University of Washington).
The Ph.D. Trap. (1987).
Wilfred Cude.
Preparing Future Faculty. (1994).
A National Program of the Association of American Colleges and Universities and The Council of
Graduate Schools, Fall 1994.
Preparing the Professoriate of tomorrow to Teach: selected readings in TA training. (1991).
Edited by Jody D. Nyquist, Robert D. Abbott, Donald H. Wulff, Jo Spraque.
Regulations Governing Graduate Assistantships. (1992).
University of Alberta.
Resource Guide for Teaching and Marking Assistants in History. (1992). (3 copies)
Published by the Graduate Students’ Committee of the Canadian Historical Association
Resource Manual for Graduate Teaching Assistants at the University of Victoria. (n.d.).
Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Victoria.
Strengthening the Teaching Assistant Faculty. (1985)
John D.W. Andrews, Editor.
New Directions for Teaching and Learning Number 22
Studies in Graduate and Professional Student Development: Defining the Field. (2008).
Laura L.B. Border, Editor
The Teaching Assistant Training Handbook : How to Prepare TAs for Their Responsibilities. (2001). 2
Loreto R. Prieto & Steven A. Meyers
Teaching and Learning at York : A Guide for Teaching Assistants and Course Directors. (1989-90).
York University
Teaching Assistant Orientation : Training Manual. (1997). (3 copies)
Queen’s University Instructional Development Center.
Teaching at the University of Manitoba : A Handbook. (1993). (2)
Beverly J. Cameron, Editor
Teaching at the University of Manitoba : A Handbook. (1997).
Beverly J. Cameron, Editor
Teaching Resource Manual for Graduate Teaching Assistants. (1991).
M. Anne Naeth (University Teaching Services, University of Alberta).
University Teaching: A Guide for Graduate Students . (1996). 2 copies
Edited by Leo M. Lambert, Stacey Lane Tice and Patricia H. Featherstone
University Teaching and Learning : an Instructional Resource Guide for Graduate Student Teachers at the
University of Saskatchewan. (n.d.)
Instructional Development Program, Extension Division, University of Saskatchewan.
University Teaching and Learning : An Instructional Resource Guide for Teaching Assistants at Dalhousie
University,. (1993, 1994). (2nd, 3rd eds.)
W. Alan Wright & Eileen M. Herteis, Editors
Educational Philosophy & Theory (ED PHIL & THEO)
Basic Teachings of the Great Philosophers. (1962).
S.E. Frost, Jr., PhD.
Beyond the Ivory Tower: Social Responsibilities of the Modern University. (1982).
Derek Bok
Bringing Learning to Life : The Learning Revolution, the Economy and the Individual. (1995).
Edited by David C.A. Bradshaw.
The Closing of the American Mind : How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the
Souls of Today’s Students. (1987).
Allan Bloom.
Cognitive Process Instruction : Research on Teaching Thinking Skills. (1979).
Jack Lochhead, John Clement.
The Connoisseur’s Guide to the Mind : How We Think, How We Learn & What It Means To Be
Intelligent. (1991).
Roger C. Shank
Contemporary Theories of Learning: Learning Theorists . . . in their own words. (2009).
Knud Illeris
Continuing Higher Education Review [vol. 61 spring, 1997 shelved with Educational Theory]
The Courage To Teach : Exploring The Inner Landscape of a Teacher’s Life. (1998).
Parker J. Palmer
The Courage to Teach Guide for Reflection and Renewal : 10th Anniversary Edition
Parker J. Palmer with Megan Scribner
Education Without Compromise : from Chaos to Coherence in Higher Education. (1990).
William D. Schaefer.
Engaging the Six Cultures of the Academy: Revised and Expanded Edition of The Four Cultures of the
Academy. (2008)
William H. Berquist, Kenneth Pawlak
Ethical Principles in University Teaching. (1996). (28 copies)
Harry Murray, Eilen Gillese, Madeline Lennon, Paul Mercer, Marilyn Robinson, all 3M Fellows.
The Fourth Revolution : Instructional Technology in Higher Education. (1972).
A Report and Recommendations by The Carnegie Commission on Higher Education.
Freedom to Learn. (1969).
Carl R. Rogers.
The Great Brain Robbery : Canada’s Universities on the Road to Ruin. (1984).
David J. Bercuson, Robert Bothwell, J. L. Granatstein.
Habits of Mind : an Introduction to the Philosophy of Education. (1989). (1st ed.).
Antonio T. de Nicolas.
Higher Education Research & Development. Volume 16 Number 2 (1997)
Elaine Martin and Peter Ling, editors
Higher Learning. (1986).
Derek Bok
How Children Fail. (1964).
John Holt.
How to Study in College. (1974). (2nd ed.)
Walter Pauk.
How to Study in College. (1974). (3rd ed.)
How We Learn. (1975).
Lee Edson.
Humanism Betrayed: Theory, Ideology, and Culture in the Contemporary University. (2001).
Graham Good.
The Idea of the University: a Reexamination. (1992).
Jaroslav Pelikan
I’m the Teacher, You’re the Student: A Semester in the University Classroom. (2005).
Patrick Allit.
Insult to Intelligence: the Bureaucratic Invasion of Our Classrooms. (1986).
Frank Smith.
Integrity in the College Curriculum: a Report to the Academic Community. (1985). (2)
The Findings and Recommendations of the Project on Redefining the Meaning and Purpose of
Baccalaureat Degrees, Association of American Colleges.
Learning for Tomorrow: the Role of the Future in Education. (1974).
Alvin Toffler (ed.)
Learning How to Learn. (1984).
Joseph D. Novak, D. Bob Gowin.
Learning in Adulthood: A Comprehensive Guide. (1991)
Sharan B. Merriam, Rosemary S. Caffarella.
Learning Styles: Implications for Improving Educational Practices. (1987).
Charles S. Claxton, Patricia H. Murrell.
Learning: Systems, Models, and Theories. (1976). (2nd ed.).
William S. Sahakian.
Learning with Cases, fourth edition (1997).
Louise A. Mauffette-Leenders, James A. Erskine, Michiel R. Leenders
Living in a Learning Society : Life-Histories, Identities and Education. (1996).
Ari Antikainen,
Love the Questions: University Education and Enlightenment. (2009).
Ian Angus
Making Sense of Adult Learning. (2004).
Dorothy MacKeracher
Making Sense of Teaching. (1993). (Missing April 2005)
Sally Brown, Donald McIntyre.
The Moral Collapse of the University : Professionalism, Purity, and Alienation. (1990). 2 copies
Bruce Wilshire.
No Place to Learn : Why Universities Aren’t Working. (2002).
Tom Pocklington and Allan Tupper
On Teaching. (1976).
Herbert R. Kohl.
Parkinson’s Law : or the Pursuit of Progress. (1957).
C. Northcote Parkinson.
Peak Learning : a Master Course in Learning How to Learn. (1991).
Ronald Gross.
Phenomenology in Higher Education. (1997). (Missing April 2005)
Special Issue Higher Education Research & Development v. 16 no. 2
Review of Educational Research v. 67 no. 3 1997 [single issue shelved with Educational Theory]
Revolutionary Strategy for the Knowledge Age. (1997).
Donald M. Morris
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. (1972). (2nd ed.).
Ruth Beard.
Teaching as a Subversive Activity. (1969).
Neil Postman, Charles Weingartner.
Teaching with Integrity : the ethics of higher education practice. (2004).
Bruce Macfarlane
Threshold Concepts and Transformational Learning: Educational Futures: Rethinking Theory and Practice.
Jan H.F. Meyer, Ray Land and Caroline Baillie
Threshold Concepts within the Disciplines: Educational Futures: Rethinking Theory and Practice. (2008).
Ray Land, Jan. H. Meyer and Jan Smith
To Know As We Are Known : Education as a Spiritual Journey. (1993).
Parker J. Palmer
The Turtle Hypodermic of Sickenpods : Liberal Studies in the Corporate Age. (2000). 3 copies
David Solway
University in Ruins. (1986).
Bill Readings
Unleashing the Power of Perpetual Learning. (1997).
Donald M. Norris & Theodore R. Malloch
When Students Have Power : Negotiating Authority in a Critical Pedagogy. (1996). 2 copies
Ira Shor
Women as Learners : The Significance of Gender in Adult Learning. (2000)
Elisabeth Hayes, Daniele D. Flannery, with Ann K. Brooks, Elizabeth J. Tisdell and Jane M. Hugo
Science Education (SCI ED)
Advances in Physiology Education (journal)
[vol. 1 no. 1, vol. 4 no. 1, vol. 5 no. 1, vol. 6 no. 1 – shelved with Science Education]
Alternatives to the Lecture in Chemistry. (1974).
L.J. Haynes (ed.).
America’s Academic Future. (1992).
A Report of the Presidential Young Investigator Colloquium on U.S. Engineering, Mathematics,
and Science Education for the Year 2010 and Beyond.
Anatomy of a Scientific Discovery. (1988).
Jeff Goldberg.
Biochemical Education. (1981).
Charles F. A. Bryce.
Chemical Education in the Seventies. (1980). (1st ed.).
A. Kornhauser, C.N.R. Rao, D.J. Waddington (eds.).
Chemical Eduction Research and Its Implications for Teaching. (1982).
Proceedings of a symposium at the University of Aston in Birmingham on 31 March-1 April, 1982.
China’s Changing Environment for Science. (1985).
Report of a trip by members of the AAAS Board of Directors 31 August-16 September, 1985.
The Continuing Crisis in Science Education : the AAAS Responds. (1986).
A Report to the Board of Directors of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
An Engineer’s View of Science Education. (1981).
Donald A. George.
Essentials of Problem-Based Learning. (1989).
H.J. Walton, M.B. Matthews.
Ethics of Teaching and Scientific Research. (1977).
Sidney Hook, Paul Kurtz, Miro Todorovich (eds.)
Flexner : 75 Years Later : a Current Commentary on Medical Education. (1987).
Charles Vevier (ed.).
Genetically-Based Biologic Technologies. (1984).
William V. Mayer, Joseph D. McInerney.
Guide to the Development of Skills in Problem Based Learning and Clinical (Diagnostic) Reasoning.
H.S. Barrows, R.M. Tamblyn.
Handbook of College Science Teaching. (2006).
Joel J. Mintzes and William H. Leonard, Editors
A Handbook for Group Discussion Leaders : Alternatives to Lecturing Medical Students to Death. (1983).
Neal A. Whitman, Thomas L. Schwenk.
Health Professions Education for the Future : Schools in Service to the Nation. (1993).
Pew Health Professions Commission.
How to Design a Problem-Based Curriculum for the Preclinical Years. (1985).
Howard S. Barrows.
How to Learn and Teach in Medical School : a Learner-Centered Approach. (1994).
Mark E. Quirk.
Investigating the Life Sciences : an Introduction to the Philosophy of Science. (1986). (1st ed.).
G.M.N. Verschuuren.
The Kindly Dr. Guillotin: and Other Essays on Science and Life. (1997).
Harold J. Morowitz
Macroscole : a Holistic Approach to Science Teaching. (1982).
Marcel Risi.
The Medical Teacher. (1982).
Kenneth R. Cox, Christine E. Ewan.
A Potpourri of Physics Teaching Ideas. (1986?).
Donna A. Berry (ed.)
Practical Biochemistry in the Medical Course. (1969).
E.D. Wills (ed.).
Problem-Based Learning in Health Sciences Education. (1979).
Howard S. Barrows, Robyn M. Tamblyn.
The Public Understanding of Science (1985).
Report of a Royal Society ad hoc Group endorsed by the Council of the Royal Society.
Regulation of Recombinant DNA Research : a Trinational Study. (1983).
Howard Eddy.
Research Monographs in Higher Education Series. Number 3 : The Canadian University in the TwentyFirst Century. (1996).
Rodney A. Clifton, Alexander D. Gregor, and Lance W. Roberts.
Role of Laboratory Teaching in Chemistry. (1978).
Conference held at the South Australian Institute of Technology February 8-10, 1978.
Role of Laboratory Teaching in Chemistry. (1978).
[keynote addresses of a conference held at the South Australian Institute of Technology February 810, 1978].
Role of Laboratory Teaching in Chemistry : Bibliography Series B1-78. (1978).
[South Australian Institute of Technology].
Science and Mathematics Education in the General Secondary School in the Soviet Union. (1986).
S.I. Demidova
Science Education and Social Needs. (1984).
A Symposium held at the 20th General Assembly of the International Council of Scientific Unions,
Ottawa, Canada, September 26th 1984.
Science Education in Canadian Schools. (1984?).
Graham W.F. Orpwood, Jean-Pascal Souque (Summary of Background Study ; 52)
Science Education in Global Perspective : Lessons from Five Countries. (1985).
Margrete Siebert Klein, F. James Rutherford.
Science Education in the Computer Age : Applications, Resources, Standards. (n.d.).
E.J. Wood.
Science Education in the United States : Issues, Crises and Priorities. (1991).
S.K. Majumdar (ed.).
Science in Social Issues : Implications for Teaching. (1980).
Glen S. Aikenhead.
Scientific Literacy : Towards Balance in Setting Goals for School Science Programs. (1983).
Douglas A. Roberts.
Successful Science and Engineering Teaching: Theoretical and Learning Perspectives (Innovation and
Change in Professional Education 3. (2008).
Calvin S. Kalman
Teacher Training Workshops in Education for Health Personnel : Summary of a Fifteen Year Personal
Experience. (1985).
J.J. Guilbert.
Teaching and Learning in Medicine (journal)
Vol. 2 no. 1 – vol. 3 no. 4 1990-1991. [shelved with Science Education]
Teaching Techniques : a Handbook for Health Professionals. (1980).
Richard P. Foley, Jonathan Smilansky.
Teaching the Basic Medical Sciences : Human Biology. (1974).
John Z. Bowers, Elizabeth F. Purcell (eds.).
There is No Gene for Good Teaching : a Handbook on Lecturing for Medical Teachers. (1982).
Neal A. Whitman.
Tomorrow’s Doctors : Recommendations on Undergraduate Medical Education. (1993).
Education Committee of the General Medical Council.
The Tour of Five Commonwealth Countries : a Report and Science Education Through Self-Reliance : a
Model and a Proposal. (1983).
K.V. Sane.
The Two-Cultures of Pedagogy : Teaching and Learning in the Natural Sciences and the Humanities.
(Teaching-Learning Issues; no. 75) [shelved with Science Education].
What is Scientific Thinking : a Discussion Paper. (1982).
Hugh Munby.
World Trends in Science Education. (1980).
Charles P. McFadden (ed.)
Technology Enhanced Learning
147 Practical Tips for Teaching Online Groups: Essentials of Web-Based Education . (2000).
Donald E. Hanna, Michelle Glowacki-Dudka & Simone Conceição-Runlee.
Australian Journal of Educational Technology : Volume 19, Number 1. (2003).
Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education and the Australian Society for
Educational Technology
A Case Study of Student LED Online Discussions in a Graduate Level Course (2003)
Mary Elizabeth Dykes
Dollars, Distance, and Online Education : The New Economics of College Teaching and Learning. (2000)
Martin J. Finkelstein, Carol Frances, Frank I. Jewett, and Bernard W. Scholz.
Essential Elements: Prepare, Design, and Teach Your Online Course . (2002).
Bonnie Elbaum, Cynthia McIntyre, Alese Smith
Journal of Distance Education, Canadian Association for Distance Education
Vol. 17, No 1 (Spring 2002).
Meaningful Learning With Technology. (2008, 2003, 1999).
David Jonassen, Jane Howland, Rose M. Marra, David Crismond.
Meeting at the Crossroads, Ascilite 2001, Conference Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the
Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education. (2001).
Editors : Gregor Kennedy, Mike Keppell, Carmel McNaught, Tom Petrovic
Meeting at the Crossroads, Ascilite 2001, Short Paper Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the
Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education. (2001).
Editors : Gregor Kennedy, Mike Keppell, Carmel McNaught, Tom Petrovic
On the Internet : Thinking in Action. (2001).
Hubert L. Dreyfus.
Oversold & Overused : Computers in the Classroom. (2001).
Larry Cuban.
PowerPoint 2000 Introduction Windows Student Manual (2000) (6 copies). (2 missing April 2005)
Michael Hazard, Lori J. Minnehan
The Stranger’s Long Neck: How to Deliver What Your Customers Really Want Online. (2010).
Gerry McGovern
Teaching with Classroom Response Systems (Clickers) (2009).
Derek Bruff
Prior Learning Assessment
Assessment and Recognition of Experiential Learning in Higher Education : Impact of Government Policy,
Institutional Innovation, and Information Technology. (2000).
Sabbatical Research Report, University of Saskatchewan, Angelina Wong
Building Capacity for PLAR in Saskatchewan, Symposium on Friday October 29 & 30th, Centennial
Auditorium, presented by the University of Regina & Saskatchewan, 2 binders of information
Guide to Enhancing Employability Through Transferable Skills. (1999).
The Dalhousie Career Portfolio, Dalhousie University with HRD Canada
Guide to Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition at SIAST. (2000)
SIAST Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Committee
Learning has no Boundaries . . . PLAR as a Tool for Transition. (1999).
Canadian Labour Force Development Board, Third National Forum on Prior Learning Assessment
and Recognition
PLAR : Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition. (2)
University of Saskatchewan
Prior Learning Assessment : A Guide for University Faculty and Administrators. (1996).
Angelina Wong
Prior Learning Assessment Recognition (1999)
Angie Wong
Skills and Knowledge Profile. (1999) (2)
Karen Lior, D’Arcy Martin
Skills and Knowledge Profile : Coach’s Copy (1999) (2)
Karen Lior, D’Arcy Martin
University-Level Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition : Building Capacity for Institutional
Response. (2000).
Angie Wong
Valuing Our People : The Report of the Advisory Committee on the Workforce of the Future. (1997).
Government of Canada
Valuing Our People : Summary Report : Workforce of the Future. (1997)
Government of Canada
Teaching Inspiration, Poetry and Fiction (TIPF)
Great Quotes to Inspire Great Teachers. (2002)
Noah benShea
The Heart of Higher Education: A Call to Renewal Transforming the Academy through Collegial
Conversations. (2010)
Parker J. Palmer & Arthur Zajonc
Laugh, Learn, Think : Volume 2.
Ed Marken
Lives of Moral Leadership: Men and Women Who Have Made a Difference. (2001).
Robert Coles
The Lover’s Progress : Poems After William Hogarth. (2001).
David Solway
Making a Difference: A Celebration of the 3M Teaching Fellowship. (2005). 4 copies
Edited by Marilyn Lerch
The Missing Professor: An Academic Mystery. (2006).
Thomas B. Jones
Sentipensante Pedagogy (Sensing/Thinking): Education for Wholeness, Social Justice andLiberation.
Laura I. Rendonb
Students Speak: Lives Transformed by Teachers. (2010) 5 copies
Collected by the Executive Council of 3M Fellows to Celebrate the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of
the 3M National Teaching Fellowship
Voices of Experience: Reflections from a Harvard Teaching Seminar (2001).
Edited by Mary-Ann Winkelmes and James Wilkinson
What The Best College Teachers Do. (2004).
Ken Bain
Why I Teach. (2009)
Edited by Mike McManus
Higher Education for Researchers and Administrators (HERA)
Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses. (2011).
Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa
Employment Opportunity : Outlook, Reason, and Reality. (2000).
Alan L. Moss, Donald G. Yale
Heading a Department : Green Guide No. 09. (1989).
Ingrid Moses, Ernest Roe
How Administrators Can Improve Teaching. (1990).
Peter Seldin and Associates
National Academy for the Integration of Research and Teaching and Learning: Annual Report 2007.
National Academy for the Integration of Research and Teaching and Learning
National Academy for the Integration of Research and Teaching and Learning: Bologna: Qualification
Recognition and Staff Mobility (Proceedings of the 1st and 2nd Symposia in the NAIRTL Bologna Series.
Edited by Dr. Norma Ryan and Jennifer Murphy
National Academy for the Integration of Research and Teaching and Learning: Emerging Issues II (The
Changing Roles and Identities of Teachers and Learners in Higher Education. (2008).
Edited by Bettie Higgs and Marion McCarthy
Postgraduate Study in the Biological Sciences : A Researcher’s Companion. (1993).
Robert J. Beynon
The Practitioner-Researcher : Developing Theory from Practice. (1999).
Peter Jarvis
The research matrix: An approach to supervision of higher degree research. (HERDSA Guide) (2008).
Robyn Smyth & T.W. Maxwell
Resources For Your Students (RFYS)
The Sociology Student Writer’s Manual. (1998).
William A. Johnson, Jr., Richard P. Rettig, Gregory M. Scott, Stephen M. Garrison
Student Standpoints About Access Programs in Higher Education : The Centre for Research on
Developmental Education and Urban Literacy
Editors – Dana B. Lundell, Jeann L.Higbee, Irene M. Duranczyk, Emily Goff
Your Expanding Intelligence. (2007).
Jill Wilks, M.Ed.
Course Design (CD)
Best Practices for Internationalizing the Curriculum (1997). (3 copies)
Tom Walley, Lin Langley, Linda Villarreal, Douglas College.
Designing and Assessing Courses and Curricula: A Practical Guide. Third Edition. (2008). 2 copies
Robert M. Diamond
Distance Education: Adapting Your Course . (June 2000)
Educational Technology Professional Development Program
A Practical Handbook for Educators; Designing Learning Opportunities. (1966). 1 copy in Library
Liesel Knaack
Rethinking Teaching in Higher Education: From a Course Design Workshop to a Faculty Development
Framework. (2004)
Edited by Alenoush Saroyan and Cheryl Amundsen
Writing A Print-Based Module. (August 1998)
Educational Technology Professional Development Program
Alternate Teaching Environments (ATE)
Citizenship Across the Curriculum. (2010).
Edited by Michael B. Smith, Rebecca S. Nowacek, and Jeffrey L. Bernstein
The Future of Service-Learning: New Solutions for Sustaining and Improving Practice. (2009).
Edited by Jean R. Strait and Marybeth Lima
Guide to Service-Learning Colleges & Universities. (2009).
Student Horizons, Inc.
Making The Transition to E-Learning: Strategies and Issues. (2007).
Mark Bullen & Diane Janes
Service-Learning in Higher Educations. (2005).
Edited by Dan. W. Butin
Service-Learning in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices. (1996).
Barbara Jacoby and Associates
Service-Learning and the Liberal Arts. (2009).
Edited by Craig A. Rimmerman
Service-Learning Guide & Journal. (2004).
Robert Max Schoenfeld
Service-Learning: a Guide to Planning, Implementing and Assessing Student Projects: Second Edition.
Sally Berman
Studying Service-Learning: Innovations in Education Research Methodology. (2003).
Edited Shelly H. Billig, Alan S. Waterman
Where’s the Learning in Service-Learning? (1999).
Janet Eyler and Swight E. Giles, Jr.