Temporary Importation Bond (TIB) Form

Temporary Importation Bond (TIB) Form
For Goods Qualifying under the Scientific or Exploratory Expeditions Remission Order
The University of Saskatchewan intends to import the following goods under the “Scientific or Exploratory
Expeditions Remission Order.
1. Purpose
2. Collaborative institutions / facilities names, addresses and contact information
3. Principle researcher / project coordinator names, addresses and contact information
4. Length of time goods will be in Canada
5. List of goods to be imported, their values and serial numbers (if applicable). The country of
origin (manufacture) must be stated for each item.
(Attach a list if additional space is required)
6. City / location where goods will be used and/or stored
7. Arrival date into Canada
8. Method of shipping, name of carrier and party responsible for freight charges and insurance
while the goods are in transit
9. Port of entry
10. Party responsible for damage to equipment while on site and who assumes liability for injury
as a result of using the equipment
11. University of Saskatchewan contact name, address, email, phone and fax numbers
Updated September 2012