Integrating micro-databases for statistical purposes Paula Menezes & Luís d’Aguiar Porto, 20|22 June 2013 KEEPING STATISTICS RELEVANT Overburdening of respondents Costs to the Bank and to the respondents Lengthy preparation time Ad hoc surveys are not the answer Integrating Micro-databases for Statistical Purposes Porto, 20|22 June 2013 2 1 MICRO-DATA Other databases BoP/IIP Database Integrating Micro-databases for Statistical Purposes Central Balance Sheet Database Central Credit Register ENHANCED STATISTICAL OUTPUT BI Platform Securities Statistics Integrated System Porto, 20|22 June 2013 3 STRATEGY FOR ACHIEVING A DW – INCREMENTAL APPROACH Integrating Micro-databases for Statistical Purposes Porto, 20|22 June 2013 4 2 STRATEGY FOR ACHIEVING A DW – INCREMENTAL APPROACH Integrating Micro-databases for Statistical Purposes Porto, 20|22 June 2013 5 STRATEGY FOR ACHIEVING A DW – INCREMENTAL APPROACH Integrating Micro-databases for Statistical Purposes Porto, 20|22 June 2013 6 3 STRATEGY FOR ACHIEVING A DW – INCREMENTAL APPROACH Integrating Micro-databases for Statistical Purposes Porto, 20|22 June 2013 7 STRATEGY FOR ACHIEVING A DW – INCREMENTAL APPROACH Integrating Micro-databases for Statistical Purposes Porto, 20|22 June 2013 8 4 STRATEGY FOR ACHIEVING A DW – INCREMENTAL APPROACH Integrating Micro-databases for Statistical Purposes Porto, 20|22 June 2013 9 STRATEGY FOR ACHIEVING A DW – INCREMENTAL APPROACH Integrating Micro-databases for Statistical Purposes Porto, 20|22 June 2013 10 5 From direct data integration ... ... to integration via a central repository of coherent and consistent information. Integrating Micro-databases for Statistical Purposes Porto, 20|22 June 2013 11 INTEGRATING MICRO-DATABASES Deriving variables Practical and Methodological Problems Integrating Micro-databases for Statistical Purposes Adjusting for measurement errors and missing data Harmonising populations, reference periods, variables and classifications Porto, 20|22 June 2013 12 6 USING MICRO-DATABASES FOR STATISTICAL PURPOSES Integrating Micro-databases for Statistical Purposes Porto, 20|22 June 2013 13 WHAT TO EXPECT FROM MICRO-DATABASES INTEGRATION ? Potentially improving or validating existing data sources Carrying out research using composite micro-data covering a wider range of variables for a larger number of units than available from any single data source Compiling new or enhanced statistics Integrating Micro-databases for Statistical Purposes Producing more disaggregated information for measures where some information currently exists Potentially reducing respondent burden Porto, 20|22 June 2013 14 7 SOME KEY SUCCESS FACTORS IDENTIFIED Governance model Mix of flexible solutions Links across domains Metadata Common IT platform Integrating Micro-databases for Statistical Purposes Porto, 20|22 June 2013 15 IN SPITE OF ALL THE DIFFICULTIES, THE STATISTICS DEPARTMENT HAS BEEN ABLE TO: Secure the conditions for data integration Keep on exploiting and reusing microdata Integrating Micro-databases for Statistical Purposes Launch new statistical products Deepen data sharing by implementing operational solutions compatible with a more long-term and strategic vision Porto, 20|22 June 2013 16 8 NATIONAL FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS - FINANCIAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, BY INSTITUTIONAL SECTOR AND INSTRUMENT, 2012 Non-Financial Corporations A GOAL SSIS CCR SSIS FEASIBLE CURRENCY AND DEPOSITS Financial Corporations L A L General Government A Households + NPISH L A Rest of the World L A L 38.908 0 44.499 317.955 19.160 13.566 153.183 0 144.725 68.953 2.619 44.450 133.594 42.019 9.038 106.601 26.072 -4 105.294 83.551 LOANS 32.014 176.347 295.939 18.618 5.805 85.317 28.530 150.946 121.608 52.669 SHARES AND OTHER EQUITY 49.528 173.806 41.210 96.342 37.955 0 102.762 0 104.546 65.852 2.741 3.966 462 60.232 19 0 61.235 0 203 462 30.241 37.082 23.185 18.203 11.173 6.713 14.958 13.865 13.632 17.327 SECURITIES OTHER THAN SHARES INSURANCE TECHNICAL RESERVES OTHER ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AND PAYABLE CBSD Integrating Micro-databases for Statistical Purposes BSI FEASIBLE BOP/IIP Porto, 20|22 June 2013 17 DIFFICULTIES MASTERED ARE OPPORTUNITIES WON. Winston Churchill THE FUTURE DEPENDS ON WHAT WE DO IN THE PRESENT. Mahatma Gandhi Integrating Micro-databases for Statistical Purposes Porto, 20|22 June 2013 18 9 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Paula Menezes Head of Section, Methodological Development, Statistics Department 10