Volunteer Management A Guide to Success Melody Prevatte, Ed.D. QENO ED Roundtable


Volunteer Management

A Guide to Success

Melody Prevatte, Ed.D.

QENO ED Roundtable

Wilmington, NC ~ March 31, 2011

Goals of the workshop

Introduce you to general content regarding volunteer management.

Suggest adding volunteer resources in program planning.

Does this look familiar?

Volunteers can …

Reasons for Volunteering

Why Do Individuals Give of Their

Time and Talents?!

“The key motivating factors for volunteers today have not changed: knowing they are needed and valued, personal commitment to serve the interest of community through responsible citizenship, and self satisfaction in meeting needs that will affect the future.”

NC Commission on Volunteerism & Community Service, p. 2

Reasons for Volunteering

Other reasons for volunteering may not be so altruistic.

Community service to avoid jail time

Enhance one’s resume

Satisfy a school project

“Get a foot in the door for a real job”

These experiences may lead individuals into sharing a lifetime of talents with their communities.

In the beginning … there are job descriptions!

Benefits of Job Descriptions

Marketing tool for recruitment

Guide for screening volunteers

Basis for supervision & evaluation

Clarify responsibilities

Assist staff and volunteers to understand how the position relates to the mission of the organization

Lessons Learned

Follow up with the volunteer on a frequent basis after placement. This will ensure the position is meeting the needs of the volunteer. If there is a problem, remove the volunteer discretely.


The reason volunteers give most often for leaving an organization is that they receive no supervision.

No one told them what to do or if they were doing the job correctly.

~ NC Commission on Volunteerism & Community Service


It is easier to

KEEP a volunteer than to FIND one!


Not all volunteers like or need public recognition.

Before publicizing a volunteer’s name and accomplishment, be sure to get permission!


It’s much easier to collect data along the way as compared to trying to retrieve data.


As with all programs and activities, there are risks involved. The volunteer and the organization need to be protected.

To Learn More…

Basics in Volunteer Management

What is it?

Trends & Forecasts





Risk Management

Additional Resources

Professional development

North Carolina Association for Volunteer Administration http://www.ncava.net/

Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration http://www.cvacert.org/

Legal issues and risk management

A Legal Handbook for Nonprofit Corporation Volunteers: http://www.iciclesoftware.com/VLH7/

Volunteer Protection Act: http://www.rowlettcitizencorps.org/Forms/Liability%20Laws.pdf

Immunity From Civil Liability (North Carolina) http://www.ncleg.net/Sessions/2005/Bills/House/HTML/H1297v6.html











DMINISTRATION http://www.ijova.org/

Trends and Issues Shaping Volunteerism

 http://www.energizeinc.com/

 http://www.volunteertoday.com/internetresources.html


State and national resources

North Carolina Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service http://www.volunteernc.org/

Cooperation for National & Community Service http://www.cns.gov/

USA Freedom Corps http://www.usafreedomcorps.gov/content/for_orgs/overview/index.asp

United We Serve http://www.serve.gov/

North Carolina Association for Volunteer Administration http://www.ncava.net/

NC State recognition opportunities http://www.governor.state.nc.us/PublicService/certificates.aspx

Tools and resources on a variety of management issues

NC Center for Nonprofits http://www.ncnonprofits.org/

Independent Sector http://www.independentsector.org/

Points of Light Institute http://www.pointsoflight.org

Hands On Network http://www.handsonnetwork.org/

Service Leader http://www.serviceleader.org

Staff Screening Toolkit http://nationalserviceresources.org/filemanager/download/ProgramMgmt/Staff_Screen_tool.pdf

Tools for training for volunteer and service programs http://nationalserviceresources.org/

Tools for Board Development http://www.managementhelp.org/boards/boards.htm

Template for job description http://www.envision.ca/voljobdesc/example_form.asp

Volunteer insurance http://www.cimaworld.com/htdocs/volunteers.cfm

Internet Resources http://www.VolunteerToday.com

Free Shared Resources http://www.oursharedresources.com/


“ Handbook of volunteer management ”

(n.d.). Office of the Governor: NC

Commission on Volunteerism and

Community Service. Raleigh, NC.

Independent Sector available at http://www.independentsector.org/

Vineyard, S. (1991). Secrets of motivation. Heritage Arts/VMSystems.

Questions & Comments?

Melody Prevatte, Ed.D.

Southeastern Community College

910-642-7141 x 294 mprevatte@sccnc.edu
