Research Participation for Students Under the Age of 18

Research Participation for Students Under the Age of 18
If you are under the age of 18 (a “minor”) and currently enrolled in a
Psychology course, you may be able to gain educational
experience about the psychological research process and earn
credits for your classes by participating in Psychology studies.
 Talk to your instructor about whether his or her class permits
research participation for credit. If it does, then see the
Responsibilities section of the Research Participation FAQ
for more information about how to get signed up.
 As a minor, you are eligible to sign up for any study unless
the phrase “no minors” is placed in the eligibility
requirements for that study in the sign-up system or on any
other recruitment materials. You are prohibited from
participating in “no minors” studies and will not receive any
credit for doing so.
 Note that, when you show up to participate at your
scheduled time, it is your responsibility to identify yourself as
a minor prior to participation in the study.
Please direct any questions about your rights and
responsibilities as a minor to your instructor or to the
Psychology research administrator at 