UNCW UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2008-2009 CATALOGUE B. A. Spanish (SPN) (Teacher Licensure Option) College: Arts & Sciences DEGREE REQUIREMENTS Course requirements for all UNCW degrees include: (1) Basic Studies, (2) specific major requirements, and (3) sufficient elective hours for a combined total of a minimum of 124 hours. (1) BASIC STUDIES (45 semester hours) See Basic Studies sheet and/or information on the WEB at http://www.uncw.edu/uc/basic/basic.html, and see "NOTE" below. (2) MAJOR REQUIREMENTS - SPN (Minimum 36 hours) Check when complete: _____ +SPN 202 _____ SPN 203 _____ SPN 305. Intermediate Spanish (3) Prerequisite: SPN 201 or appropriate department placement test score Intermediate Spanish: Reading (3) Prerequisite: SPN 202 or equivalent Conversation and Composition (3) Prerequisite: SPN 202 or equivalent (Meets Computer _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Advanced Grammar (3) Prerequisite: SPN 202 or equivalent Phonetics (3) Prerequisite: SPN 202 or equivalent Hispanic Linguistics (3) Prerequisite: SPN 307 or equivalent Spanish Civilization (3) Prerequisite: SPN 202 and 203 or equivalent Spanish-American Civilization (3) Prerequisite: SPN 202 and 203 or equivalent Introduction to Spanish Literature (3) Prerequisite: SPN 202 and 203 or equivalent Introduction to Spanish-American Literature (3) Prerequisite: SPN 202 and 203 or equivalent Competency and Oral Competency Requirement) SPN 306. SPN 307. SPN 308. SPN 311. SPN 312. SPN 321. SPN 322. _____ SPN 4___ _____ SPN 4___ EDUCATION _____ *EDN 200 _____ EDN 203 _____ EDN 301 _____ EDN 303 _____ EDN 321 _____ EDN 356 _____ EDN 402. _____ EDN 407 _____ EDN 408 _____ EDN 409 _____ +PSY 223 Choose at least 6 hours at the 400 level; no more than 3 hrs of SPN 491 and 498 credit combined may count toward the major requirements Teacher, School and Society (3) EDNL 200. Field Studies (1) Psychological Foundations of Teaching (3) Instructional Design and Evaluation (3) Instructional Technology (3) (Meets Computer Competency Requirement) Meeting Needs of Special Students in High Schools (2) Reading in the Secondary School (3) Prerequisite: EDN 301 Classroom Management in Secondary Schools (1) Corequisite: EDN 409 Theory and Practice in Teaching Foreign Languages (K-12) (3) Lab. (1) Instructional Seminar (2) Corequisite: EDN 409 Practicum (12) Life Span Human Development (3) Prerequisite: PSY 105 NOTE: HST 101 and 102 are recommended and will meet Basic Studies requirements. A “C-” or better grade is required in each course counted toward the major, and a “C” (2.00) or better average for all courses counted toward the major is required. Students must also meet the GPA and additional admission requirements for the Watson School of Education. Teacher Licensure for Spanish (K-12): Students planning to enter the Teacher Education program should take EDN 200, EDN 203, and PSY 223 in their third and/or fourth semester. Students must also satisfy the professional education requirements listed under the Watson School of Education. For information on the Teacher Education Program admissions criteria and the courses required for licensure in NC, see the Watson School of Education section in the catalogue or the Watson School of EDN WEB site: http://www.uncw.edu/catalogue/wse.htm#CURRICULAR STUDIES. Students planning to pursue licensure should apply to the Watson School of Education as soon as admissions requirements are met (typically in the sophomore year), and plan their programs in regular consultation with their advisors. Teacher Certification requirements are established at the state level and may be changed by the state at any time. \ + May also be used to satisfy Basic Studies requirements (3) ELECTIVES _____ Elective hours to equal a minimum of 124 hours Requirements to declare SPN: Completion of 24 hours For further information see the FLL website: http://www.uncw.edu/fll and http:www.uncw.edu/Catalogue/documents/0809_OnlineUndergradCatalogue.pdf#page=377 See also Watson School of EDN site: http://www.uncw.edu/ed 08/25/08 SPANISH COURSES SPN 101-102. SPN 120. Introductory Spanish I & II (3-3) Fundamentals of Spanish (3) Prerequisite: Two years of high school Spanish or appropriate department placement test score SPN 201-202. Intermediate Spanish I & II (3-3) Prerequisite: SPN 102, 120 or equivalent or appropriate department placement test score SPN 203. Intermediate Spanish : Reading (3) Prerequisite/corequisite: SPN 202 or equivalent SPN 206. Spanish in the Media (3) Prerequisite/ corequisite: SPN 202 or placement by testing SPN 209. Spanish Literature in Translation: Topics (3) SPN 210. Spanish-American Literature in Translation: Topics (3) SPN 211. Spain Today (3) SPN 212. Latin America Today (3) SPN 294. Spanish Study Abroad I (3-6) SPN 304. Business Spanish (3) Prerequisite: SPN 202 or equivalent SPN 305. Conversation and Composition (3) Prerequisite: SPN 202 or equivalent SPN 306. Advanced Grammar (3) Prerequisite: SPN 202 or equivalent SPN 307. Phonetics (3) Prerequisite: SPN 202 or equivalent SPN 308. Hispanic Linguistics (3) Prerequisite: SPN 307 or equivalent SPN 309. Tecnologias de la Informacion (3) Prerequisite: SPN 305 SPN 311. Spanish Civilization (3) Prerequisite: SPN 202 and 203 or equivalent SPN 312. Spanish-American Civilization (3) Prerequisite: SPN 202 and 203 or equivalent SPN 321. Introduction to Spanish Literature (3) Prerequisite: SPN 202 and 203 or equivalent SPN 322. Introduction to Spanish-American Literature (3) Prerequisite: SPN 202 and 203 or equivalent SPN 385. (FST 388) Introduction to Spanish Cinema (3) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor SPN 394. Spanish Study Abroad II (3-6) SPN 401. (501) Translation Techniques and Practices (3) Prerequisite: Native or near-native command of written ENG; SPN 203, 306 and one additional SPN course at 300 level or above SPN 405. (505) Advanced Conversation and Composition (3) Prerequisite: SPN 305 or equivalent SPN 407. (507) Topics in Spanish Phonetics and Phonology (3) Prerequisite: SPN 307 and 308 or equivalent SPN 408. (508) Topics in Spanish Linguistics (3) Prerequisite: SPN 307 and 308 or equivalent SPN 411. Topics in Spanish Civilization (3) Prerequisite: SPN 311 or equivalent SPN 412. Topics in Spanish-American Civilization (3) Prerequisite: SPN 312 or equivalent SPN 421. Studies in Spanish Literature (3) Prerequisite: SPN 321 or equivalent SPN 422. Studies in Spanish-American Literature (3) Prerequisite: SPN 322 or equivalent SPN 485. (FST 485) Seminar in Spanish Cinema (3) Prerequisite: A 300-level course in Spanish SPN 491. Directed Individual Study (1-3) Prerequisite: Overall gpa of at least 2.00, junior or senior standing, and consent of instructor, department chair and dean SPN 494. Spanish Study Abroad III (3-6) SPN 495. Seminar in Hispanic Studies (1-3) Prerequisite: SPN 321 or 322 or equivalent SPN 498. Internship in Spanish (3 or 6) Prerequisite: Junior standing and consent of instructor SPN 499. Honors Work in Spanish (2-3) Prerequisite: Eligibility for honors program and senior standing 08/25/08