UNCW UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2007-2008 CATALOGUE B. S. Physics (PHY) College: Arts & Sciences DEGREE REQUIREMENTS Course requirements for all UNCW degrees include: (1) Basic Studies, (2) specific major requirements, and (3) sufficient elective hours for a combined total of a minimum of 124 hours. (1) BASIC STUDIES (45 semester hours) See Basic Studies sheet and/or information on the WEB at http://www.uncw.edu/uc/basicstudies.htm (2) MAJOR REQUIREMENTS - PHY (Minimum 66 hours) Check when complete: _____*+PHY 201 _____*+PHY 202 _____ PHY 300 _____*PHY 311 _____ PHY 321 _____ PHY 322 _____*PHY 335 _____ PHY 400 _____ PHY 411 _____ PHY 412 _____ PHY 444 _____ PHY 455 _____ PHY 495 _____*+CHM 101 _____*+CHM 102 _____+MAT 161 _____+MAT 162 _____ MAT 261 _____ MAT 335 _____ MAT 361 General Physics (4) Corequisite: MAT 161 General Physics (4) Prerequisite: PHY 201 Corequisite MAT 162 Analog Circuits (2) Prerequisite: PHY 202 Mathematical Physics (4) Prerequisite: PHY 202 Classical Dynamics (3) Prerequisite: PHY 202 Corequisite: PHY 311 or MAT 361 Classical Dynamics (3) Prerequisite: PHY 321 Modern Physics (4) Prerequisite: PHY 202 Advanced Laboratory (2) (Meets Computer Competency Requirement) Electricity and Magnetism (3) Prerequisite: PHY 202 and corequisite: MAT 261 Electricity and Magnetism (3) Prerequisite: PHY 411 Quantum Theory (4) Prerequisite: PHY 335 and corequisite MAT 361 Thermal Physics (3) Prerequisite: PHY 335 or consent of instructor Physics Seminar (1) Prerequisite: Consent of instructor (Meets Oral Communication Competency Requirement) General Chemistry (4) General Chemistry (4) Prerequisite: CHM 101 Calculus with Analytical Geometry (4) Prerequisite: MAT 112 or 115 or placement Calculus with Analytical Geometry (4) Prerequisite: MAT 161 Multivariate Calculus (4) Prerequisite: MAT 162 Linear Algebra and Matrices (3) Prerequisite: MAT 162 Differential Equations (3) Prerequisite: MAT 261 A grade of “C-” or better is required in each physics course and a “C” (2.00) average on all courses taken in physics. *These courses either include a lab or require a corequisite lab +May also be used to satisfy Basic Studies requirements (3) ELECTIVES _____ Elective hours to equal a minimum of 124 hours Requirements to declare PHY: Completion of 24 hours For further information see the PHY WEB site: http://www.uncw.edu/phy 10/04/07 PHYSICS COURSES PHY 101-102. PHY 103. PHY 105. PHY 111. PHY 201-202. PHY 211-212. PHY 225. PHY 260. PHY 300. PHY 311-312. PHY 321-322. PHY 335. PHY 400. PHY 411-412. PHY 415. PHY 420. PHY 425. PHY 435. PHY 444. PHY 445. PHY 455. PHY 475. PHY 490. PHY 491. PHY 495. PHY 498. PHY 499. Elementary College Physics (4-4) Corequisite: MAT 111 Great Ideas in Physics (3) Introductory Physics (4) Naked-eye Astronomy and Archaeoastronomy (3) General Physics (4-4) Corequisite: MAT 161-162 Electric Circuits (4-4) Corequisite: MAT 161 Electronics (3) Prerequisite: Consent of instructor Introduction to Astronomy (3) Analog Circuits (2) Prerequisite: PHY 202 Mathematical Physics (4-4) Prerequisite: PHY 202 Classical Dynamics (3-3) Prerequisite: PHY 202. Corequisite: PHY 311 or MAT 361 Modern Physics (4) Prerequisite: PHY 202 Advanced Laboratory (2) Prerequisite: PHY 300 Electricity and Magnetism (3-3) Prerequisite: PHY 202 and corequisite: MAT 261 Solid State Physics (3) Prerequisite: PHY 335 (EVS 420) (GLY 420) Global Climate Change (3) Prerequisites: PHY 102, CHM 102, MAT 162 Atomic and Molecular Physics (3) Prerequisite: PHY 444 Nuclear Physics (3) Prerequisite: PHY 335 or consent of instructor Quantum Theory (4) Prerequisite: PHY 335 and corequisite: MAT 361 Optics (3) Prerequisite: PHY 202 and MAT 261 Thermal Physics (3) Prerequisite: PHY 335 or consent of instructor (575) Physical Oceanography (3) Prerequisite: MAT 152 and PHY 102 Special Topics in Physics (1-3) Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing Directed Individual Study (1-3) Prerequisite: Overall GPA of at least 2.00, junior or senior standing, and consent of instructor, department chair and dean Physics Seminar (1) Prerequisite: Consent of instructor Internship in Physics (1-3) Prerequisite: Overall GPA of at least 2.5 and a GPA in physics of at least 2.80 Honors Work in Physics (2-3) Prerequisite: Eligibility for honors program and senior standing 10/04/07