Freshman Orientation 2016 Information for Engineering 2+2 Transfer Students

Freshman Orientation 2016
Information for Engineering 2+2 Transfer Students
Welcome to UNCW! The following is a list of recommended courses to take in the fall semester if you are interested in
pursuing the Engineering 2+2 Transfer Program in partnership with NC State University or a 3+2 double major program.
Please register for them in the order shown and be sure to read the notes that follow. After registration, feel free to call or
email Dr. Reamer (contact information provided below) if you have any questions about your schedule. Please make sure
you are familiar with the NC State College of Engineering transfer admission requirements:
The 2+2 curricula on this webpage are also helpful resources while registering:
Course Number & Title
MAT 161: Calculus/Analytical Geometry I
CHM 101: General Chemistry I
EGN 101: Introduction to Engineering
ENG 100 or 101: College Writing & Reading I
UNI 101: Freshman Seminar
Total credit hours:
Credit Hours
See ‘Math Placement’ below
See ‘Engineering 101 Full?’ below
See ‘English 100/101Full?’ below
UNCW required course
Math Placement
The results of your math placement test will determine which mathematics course you are eligible to take unless you took
AP Calculus. If you did not place into MAT 161 (Calculus I), take MAT 111 or 112 as designated by your placement score.
Please do not take MAT 115 OR MAT 151. If you passed the Calculus AB exam (scored a 3, 4, or 5), you should enroll in
MAT 162 (Calculus II), if you passed the Calculus BC exam (scored a 3, 4, or 5), you should enroll in MAT 261 (Calculus
III). If you do not feel prepared to advance to MAT 162 or MAT 261, you can audit the lower-level course for a grade or
contact the Registrar to deny the AP credit. If you have not yet received your AP scores, please discuss your situation
with the engineering advisor.
Engineering 101 Full?
If Engineering (EGN 101) is full and you are truly interested in pursuing the 2+2 program, please request an override to
enroll from the engineering advisor. If you are interested in a 3+2 program, this course is optional.
English 100/101 Full?
If ENG 100 or ENG 101 is full (either will transfer to NC State), you can take the course in the spring semester. Take a
general education course from the list provided below instead.
UNCW University Studies Requirements & NC State General Education Program Requirements
See for full information. Since 2+2 students
will likely transfer, meeting the UNCW University Studies requirements is not necessary. NC State has similar
requirements and taking equivalent courses at UNCW that will transfer to NC State to fulfill their requirements is
paramount. However, it is wise to take courses that meet both the UNCW University Studies requirements and NC State’s
requirements in case you decide to remain at UNCW. The following courses meet the requirements of both institutions
and are organized according to the University Studies sections (note, a few of these courses may not be offered in the
I. B. Lifetime Wellness
II. A. Aesthetic, Interpretive, & Literary Perspectives
II. B. Historical & Philosophical Perspectives
II. D. Human Institutions & Behaviors
II. F. Living in a Global Society
PED 101
ARH 201, ENG 110, ENG 211, ENG 212, ENG 223,
ENG 224, ENG 225, ENG 226, ENG 230, ENG 232,
ENG 233, MUS 115, THR 121
HST 101, HST 102, HST 103, HST 105, HST 106, PAR
101, PAR 115, PAR 201, PAR 215, PAR 230, PAR 235,
PAR 236
ANT 207, ECN 221, PLS 101, PLS 202, PSY 105, SOC
105, SOC 215
ANT 208, BIO 150, PLS 111
Other courses may transfer, so please ask the engineering advisor about courses you are interested in taking. If you have
AP credit for humanities/social science courses, please consult the engineering advisor.
Foreign Language Requirements
If you earned a “C” or better in two consecutive years of the same language in high school, then NC State would consider
your foreign language proficiency “met.” Please do not register for a foreign language course in the fall semester as a 2+2
student. If you are interested in a 3+2 program, please speak to the engineering advisor.
Contact Information
Dr. Amy Reamer, Program Director & Academic Advisor | King Hall 205A | 910-962-4075 |