Vilas County Plant List of Recommend Draft As of 30/9/2011 Latin Name Common Name Sun/Shade Moisture/Soil Plant Characteristics TREES Abies balsamifera Balsam fir sun/shade mesic to moist grows 80' Acer rubrum Red maple sun/shade dry to moist Acer saccharum Sugar maple Sun/Shade mesic grows to 40' (80') grows 40-60', produces sap for syrup Acer spicatum Mountain maple Sun/Shade dry to mesic multipe stems to 20' Amelanchier laevis Serviceberry sun/part-shade dry to mesic white flowers early spring, great fall color, 6-8' tall Betula alleghanienisis Yellow birch sun/part-shade mesic grows 98' Betula paperifera Paper Birch sun/part-shade dry to mesic grows less than 68' Carpinus caroliniana Blue-beech part-shade/shade dry to mesic grows to 40' , nice fall color Larix laricinia Tamarack sun dry to wet grows 40'-80' - acid Picea glauca White spruce sun/part-shade dry to moist grows 50-60' evergreen Pinus resinosa Red Pine sun dry grows 50'-80' Pinus strobus Eastern White Pine sun dry grows 80'-110' Ostrya virginiana Ironwood part-shade/shade mesic to moist Prunus pensylvanica Pin Cherry sun dry Prunus serotina Black cherry Sun/Shade dry to mesic Prunus virginiana Chokecherry sun/part-shade dry Quercus ellipsoidalis Northern Pin Oak sun/part-shade dry grows 55' grows to 30', red berries and white flowers grows 80'-100', white flowers, black cherries grows to 25', white flowers, fruit, good fall color grows to 68', flowers are dark redish,brown Quercus macrocarpa Burr oak sun/part-shade dry to floodplain grows to 98' Quercus rubra Red Oak sun/part-shade dry to mesic grows up to 98' Salix bebbiana Beaked willow sun moist to wet grows 8' to 20', multi stemmed Salix discolor Pussywillow sun/part-shade moist to wet 6'-15' tall, early fuzzy buds Salix lucida Shining willow sun moist to wet grows to 25' Sorbus americana American mountain-ash sun Shores Sorbus decora Mountain Ash sun Shores Grows to 40' less common Grows to 20-30', white flowers, scarlet berries Thuja occidentalis Eastern White Cedar sun to shade dry to wet grows up 40'-50' Tilia americana Basswood sun/part-shade mesic grows to 130' Tsuga canadensis Eastern Hemlock part-shade/shade mesic grows up 60'-70' SHRUBS Upland species Dry soils - unless otherwise indicated Amelanchier arborea Downy serviceberry sun dry grows upto 25' Amelanchier sanguinea Round leaved serviceberry sun dry grows to 20' Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Kinnickinnick sun/part-shade 2"-6" tall, trailing habit, flowers are dry or moist - sandy, acidic soils whiteish to pink, red-berries Aronia melanocarpa Black Chokeberry sun/part-shade dry to mesic flowers are white to pink Ceonothus americanus New Jersey tea sun/part-shade dry to mesic Comptonia peregrina sun/part-shade dry - sandy Cornus alternifolia Sweet-fern Alternate-leaved (pagoda) dogwood sun/shade mesic-moist Cornus racemosa Grey dogwood sun/part-shade mesic to moist Cornus rugosa Round-leaved dogwood part-shade/shade dry to mesic Corylus americana American Hazelnut sun/shade dry to mesic Corylus cornuta Beaked Hazelnut sun/shade dry to mesic 1-3' tall, white flowers June - Aug 2 - 3' tall, great scent, likes more sterile soils 10'-20 tall, white flowers, blue berries 6-15' tall, white flowers & fruit with red stems 3'-10' tall, white flowers, light blue berries up to 10' tall, decorative fruit, good wildlife shrub up to 10' tall, decorative fruit, good wildlife shrub Crateagus chrysocarpa Fireberry hawthorn sun/part-shade mesic to moist Diervilla lonicera Northern Bush Honeysuckle sun/shade dry Dirca palustris Leatherwood partshade/shade mesic to moist Ilex verticillata Winterberry sun/part-shade dry to moist grows to 20' 1-3' tall, flowers are yellow to red, good fall color 2-6' tall, yellowish flowers in spring, cultivatable? wet -dry, 6 - 10' tall, may have red berries Juniperus communis Juniperus horizontalis Common juniper Trailing juniper sun sun dry (sandy) dry (sandy) 1-4' tall, low, creeping evergreen <1' tall, prostrate, evergreen Lonicera canadensis American Bush Honeysuckle sun/shade dry to mesic 2-3' tall, pale yellow spring flowers Lonicera hirsuta Hairy honeysuckle part sun/shade dry to mesic vine, yellow flowers Lonicera villosa Mountain fly honeysuckle sun/shade moist 3'-4' tall, yellow flowers dry to mesic 6'-10 tall, White flowers, reddish fruit capsules Physocarpus opulifolius Ninebark sun/shade 12'-18' tall, good fall color to 6' tall, white flowers, fruit, fall color 12'-18' tall, good fall color 3'-4' tall, white to pink flowers Prunus americana American plum sun/part-shade mesic to moist Prunus pumilla (susquehanae) Sand cherry sun dry Rhus hirta (R. typhina) Staghorn Sumac sun/part-shade dry Rosa blanda Smooth Rose sun/part-shade dry to mesic Rosa carolina Pasture Rose sun dry to mesic Rubus allegheniensis Common blackberry sun/part-shade dry to mesic Rubus ideaus Red raspberry sun/part-shade dry to mesic Rubus parviflorus Thimbleberry part-shade mesic, disturbed Salix humilis Prairie willow sun dry Sheppardia canadensis Buffalo berry sun/part-shade dry to wet Sibbaldiopsis tridentata Three -toothed cinquefoil sun/part-shade dry (rocky) Vaccinium angustifolium Low-bush Blueberry sun dry Vaccinium myrtilloides Velvet-leaf Blueberry sun dry to wet Viburnum acerifolium Maple-leaved Viburnum sun/shade dry-mesic Viburnum lentago Nannyberry part-shade/shade mesic-moist Viburnum rafinesquianum Downy arrow-wood part-shade/shade dry to mesic 2-3' tall, yellow flowers, red berries, nitrogen fixer, Great Lakes <1' tall, prostrate, White flowers in spring, Red leaves in fall, 8"-20" tall, great fall color, good wildlife plant 8"-20" tall, great fall color, good wildlife plant 3-6' tall, great fall color, good wildlife plant 8-10' tall, great fall color & black berries 6'-12' tall, great fall colors, blue berries Wetland species Wet soils - within several feet of OHW depending on bank slope. Alnus incana ssp. rugosa Alder sun/shade moist to wet up to 30' tall, brown catkins Alnus viridis subsp. crispa Green alder sun/shade moist to wet up to 12', sandy soils Chamaedaphne calyculata Leathleaf sun/part-shade mosit to wet Cornus stolonifera (C. sericea) Red Osier Dogwood sun/shade moist to wet 1-3' tall, acid, wet soils. 3'-10' tall, white flowers, good fall and spring color 0.5'-4' tall, white to pink flowers 2'-7' tall, thorns, white flowers, black berries up to 6' tall, decorative fruit, good wildlife shrub 18"-40" tall, large, soft leaves, 3'-10' tall, clone forming Decodon verticillatus Water-willow sun wet, semi-aquatic 1'-9' tall, pink flowers, nice fall color 10' tall, achitectural shape, great leaf color, red berries 1.5-3' tall, acid, wet soils 2 -3' tall, great leaf scent 1.5'-3' tall, black berry - inedible 3 - 7' tall, pink flowers, red hips trailing in acid habitat Ilex mucronata Ledum groenlandicum Myrica gale Rhamnus alnifolia Rosa palustris Rubus hispidus Mountain Holly Labrador tea Sweet Gale Alder-leaf Buckthorn Swamp Rose Swamp dewberry sun/shade sun to shade sun/shade sun/shade sun sun/part-shade moist to wet moist to wet wet moist to wet moist to wet moist Rubus pubescens Dwarf red raspberry part-shade/shade mesic-moist Salix petiolaris Meadow willow sun moist Sambucus canadensis Sambucus racemosa subsp. pubens (S. pubens) Black Elderberry sun/part-shade mesic to moist Red-berried Elder shade mesic to moist 3'-15' tall, white flowers, black edible berries 6'-12' tall, white flowers edible red berries Spirea alba White meadow sweet sun mesic to wet grows 3-4' tall, flowers are white Spirea tomentosa Steeplebush sun moist to wet grows 2'-3.5' tall, flowers are pink acidic, 6"-20" tall, white flowers to 13' tall FORBS Upland Dry soils - unless otherwise indicated Achillea millefolium Yarrow sun dry Actea pachypoda Doll's eyes part-shade/shade mesic - richer Actea rubra Red baneberry part-shade/shade mesic - more broeal Allium stellatum Prairie onion sun dry Allium tricoccum Wild leeks part-shade/shade mesic to moist - rich Anaphilis margaritacea Anemone americana (Hepatic americana) Pearly Everlasting sun dry 8"-40" tall, flat-topped inflorescence of small white flowers 1.5' to 3' tall, white flowers, white berries 1.5' to 3' tall, white flowers, red berries 1-2' tall, Pink flower heads, July Sept 4-12" tall, edilble onion, possibly weedy 1'-3' tall, flowers are white with yellowish disk in the middle Round-lobed hepatica part-shade/shade dry to mesic 2"-6" tall, blue/pink to white flowers, Anemone canandensis Canada anemone sun/part-shade mesic 1'-3' tall, white flowers 2"-8" tall, white flowers fading to pink leaves form low ground cover, white/pink flowers 4"-16" tall leaves form low ground cover, white/pink flowers 4"-16" tall 8"-32" tall, small pink, sweet smelling flowers, good fall color Anemone quincquifolia Wood anemone sun/shade dry to mesic Antennaria neglecta Pussytoes sun dry Antennaria plantaginifolia Plantain pussytoes sun dry Apocynum androsaimifolium Spreading dogbane sun dry Aquilegia canadensis Columbine sun/shade dry to mesic RG Aralia nudicaulis Sarsasparilla part-shade/shade dry to mesic RG Aralia racemosa Spikenard part-shade/shade mesic, rich woods Arisaema triphyllum Jack-in-the-pulpit part-shade/shade mesic to moist - rich Asclepias syriaca Common milkweed sun/part-shade dry to mesic RG Asclepias tuberosa Aster ciliolatus Butterfly weed Lindley's aster sun sun/shade dry to mesic RG dry to mesic RG 3'-7' tall, white flower, purple berries 1-3' tall, dramatic leaves and spathes 3'-6' tall, pink to cream flower monarch butterfly food 1-3' tall, orange flowers July - Sept, not in Vilas Co 0.5' to 4' tall, blue flowers Aster cordifolius Heart-leaved aster sun/shade dry to mesic RG 1/2'-4' tall, blue to purple flowers Aster laevis Smooth Aster sun/part-shade dry to mesic RG 1'-3' tall, blue to purple flowers Aster lateriflourus Calico aster sun/shade dry to moist RG 1'-2.5' tall, many white flowers Aster macrophylus Big leaved aster sun/shade dry to mesic RG 1'-3' tall, pale blue flowers Aster novae-angliae New England aster sun/part-shade mesic to moist Aster pilosus Frost aster sun Astragalus canadensis Canada Milk-vetch sun/shade dry dry to mesic, not Northern Highlands 3-5' tall, purple to pink flowers in fall 1'-4' tall, widely-branched clusters of white flowers Calystegia spithamaea Low Bindweed sun/part-shade dry 3"-20" tall, white to pink flowers Campanula rotundifolia Harebell sun/part-shade dry 4"-20" tall, blue flowers Cardamine concatenata Cut-leaved toothwort part-shade/shade mesic 8"-16" tall, white spring flowers Cardamine diphylla Broad-leaved toothwort part-shade/shade mesic Chimaphila umbellata Pipsissewa part-shade/shade dry 8"-16" tall, white spring flowers 4"-12" tall, white/pink flowers, dark green leaves Claytonia virginica Spring beauty part-shade/shade mesic 3"-6" tall, pink spring ephemeral 1'-3' tall, red & yellow flowers 8"-20" tall, white flowers, black berries 1'-3' tall, cream colored racemes Clintonia borealis Blue-bead Lily part-shade/shade dry to mesic 6"-12" tall, yellow/green flowers, blue berries Cornus canadensis Bunchberry part-shade/shade dry to mesic 2"-8" tall, white flowers, red berries dry to mesic 1-2' tall, with pink & yellow flowers all season, annual/biennial but will seed around for years in open sites Corydalis aurea Golden corydalis sun/part-shade Corydalis sempervirens Dicentra canadensis Pale corydalis Squirrel corn sun/part-shade part-shade/shade dry to mesic mesic 1-2' tall, with yellow flowers all season, annual/biennial but will seed around for years in open sites 4"12" white spring ephemeral Dicentra cucullaria Dutchman's britches part-shade/shade mesic 4"12" white spring ephemeral Epilobum angustifolium Fireweed sun dry to mesic Erythronium americanum Trout Lily part-shade/shade dry-mesic to mesic Eupatorium perfolatum Common Boneset part-shade/shade dry to mesic, but good soils RG Eupatorium rugosum White snakeroot sun/shade dry to mesic, but good soils RG 2'-6' tall, pink to purple flowers, 4'-8' tall, mottled leaves, yellow flowers 3'-4' tall, flowers are white disk shaped 1'-3' tall, white flowers in late summer Euphorbia corollata Flowering spruge sun dry 12"-40" tall, white bracts Euthamia graminifolia Grass-leaved Goldenrod sun upland and lake edge RG 1'-4' tall, flat-topped yellow clusters Fragaria vesca Wild Strawberry sun/shade dry to mesic 4"-6" tall, white flowers Fragaria virginiana Wild Strawberry sun/shade dry to mesic Galium boreale Northern bedstraw part-shade/shade dry to mesic 4"-6" tall, white flowers Drooping 6"-40" tall, white to creamy flowers Gaultheria procumbens Wintergreen part-shade/shade dry to mesic Gentiana andrewisii Bottle gentian sun/part-shade dry to mesic RG Geranium maculatum Wild geranium sun/shade dry mesic to mesic Geum triflorum Helianthus strumosus Prairie smoke Woodland sunflower sun sun/part-shade dry to mesic dry to mesic 12"-28" tall, pink to purple flowers upto 1' tall, pinkish flowers early spring 2'-6' tall, yellow flowers Heliopsis helianthoides Ox-eye sunflower sun/part-shade dry to mesic 2'-5' tall, yellow flowers 4"-8" tall, white flowers, red berries 1'-3' tall, white to blue unopend flowers basal rosette, with non-descript flowers Heuchera richardsonii Richardson's alumroot sun/shade dry to wet Hieracium kalmii or H. umbellatum Northern hawkweed sun/part-shade dry Houstonia longifolia Long-leaved bluets sun dry Krigia biflora False dandelion sun/part-shade dry to mesic Liatris aspera Rough blazing star sun dry Liatris ligulistylus Showy blazing star sun dry to moist Linnaea borealis Twinflower partshade/shade dry to moist, acid Lithospermum caroliniense Hairy puccon sun/part-shade dry Lobelia inflata Indian tobacco sun/part-shade dry to mesic RG Lupinus perennis Wild lupine sun/part-shade dry Lysimachia quadrifolia Whorled loosestife part-sun dry to moist creeping ground cover, pink flowers 1-2' tall, bright yellow flowers in May - June 1'-3' tall, white to blue flowers disturbed sites 8"-24" tall, blue to white flowers, early summer 1'-3' tall, yellow flowers from leaf axils part-shade/shade dry to mesic 4"-6" tall, white flowers, red berries sun/part-shade dry to mesic 16"-32" tall, white flowers sun/part-shade dry to moist 8"-24" tall, white flowers 4"-12" tall, white flowers, evergreen Canada Mayflower Maianthemum canadense Maianthemum racemosum (Smilacina False Solomon's-seal racemosum Maianthemum stellatum (Smilacina Starry false Solomon's-seal stellatum) Mitchella repens Partridge berry part-shade/shade dry Mitella diphylla Bishop's cap part-shade/shade dry to mesic, rich Monarda fistulosa Wild Bergamot sun/part-shade dry to moist Oenothera biennis Evening primrose sun/part-shade dry to moist Oxalis montana Mountain wood-sorrel part-shade/shade mesic to moist - rich Oxalis stricta Common yellow oxalis sun/part-shade dry to moist - weedy Pedicularis canadensis Wood-betony, louse-wort part-shade/shade dry to mesic 6"-2' tall, yellow flowers <1' tall, blue to white flowers june Aug 8"-32" tall, yellow to orange flowers 1'-3' tall, pink flowers late summer fall 1'-3' tall, pink flowers late summer fall 4"-16" tall, delicate white flowers 2'-4' tall, pale purple to pink flowers 2-6' tall, yellow flower, biennial/perennial, weedy 3"-7" tall, flowers white with pink 5"-25" tall, yellow flowers 4-16" tall, yellow flowers, spring & fall color Phlox pilosa Polygala paucifolia Prairie phlox Gay-wings sun/part-shade part-shade/shade dry dry to mesic Polygala polygama Purple milkwort sun dry 1-2' tall, Pink flowers in May-June 3"-6" tall, rose-purple flowers 4"-10" tall, rose-purple to white flowers Polygonatum biflorum Giant Solomon's-seal sun/part-shade dry to mesic 1'-3' tall, white bell-like flowers Polygonatum pubescens Hairy Solomon's-seal part-shade/shade dry to mesic 20"-36" tall, white bell flowers Prenanthes alba Rattlesnake root part-shade/shade dry 1.5'-5' tall, pink to cream flowers Pyrola elliptica Large-leaved shin-leaf part-shade/shade dry 6"-12" tall, white flowers Rudbeckia hirta Black-eyed Susan sun/part-shade dry to moist 1'-3' tall, yellow/brown flowers Rudbeckia laciniata Cut-leaved coneflower sun/part-shade dry to moist 2-10' tall Sanguinaria canadensis Bloodroot part-shade/shade dry to mesic - rich Sisyrinchium montanum Mountain blue-eyed grass sun dry to moist Solidago canadensis Canada goldenrod sun/part-shade dry to mesic Solidago flexicaulis Zigzag goldenrod part-shade/shade dry to mesic Solidago gigantea Giant goldenrod sun/part-shade dry to moist 3"-6" tall, white spring ephemeral 4"-20"tall, grass-like with blue flowers 1'-3' tall, colonial plant with yellow flowers 8"-48" tall, late summer yellow flowers 1'-7' tall, late summer - fall, yellow flowers Solidago hispida Hairy goldenrod sun/part-shade dry 4-40" tall, July- Oct, yellow flowers Soidago juncea Early goldenrod sun/part-shade dry Solidago nemoralis Grey goldenrod sun dry to mesic 1'-3' tall, yellow, summer flowers 1' to 1.5' tall, yellow flowers, grey stems Solidago speciosa Showy goldenrod sun dry to mesic 1-3', multi-stemmed, yellow flowers Thalictrum dioicum Early meadow-rue part shade/shade dry to moist 1-2' tall, non-descript flowers Tradescantia ohioensis Trientalis borealis Spiderwort Starflower sun/part-shade part-shade/shade dry to wet dry to mesic Trillium cernuum Nodding trillium shade mesic to wet 1-3' tall, blue flowers May - July grows 4"-8" flowers are white grows 4"-8" flowers are white & nodding Trillium grandiflorum Great white trillium part-shade/shade dry to mesic - rich 8"-16" tall, white spring flowers Uvularia grandiflora Large-flowered bellwort part-shade/shade dry to mesic - rich 8"-20" tall, yellow spring flowers Uvularia sessilifolia Sessile bellwort part-shade/shade dry to mesic - rich 4"-12" tall, cream spring flowers Verbena stricta Viola adunca Hoary vervain Hook-spur violet sun sun/shade dry to mesic dry to mesic Viola canadensis Tall white violet sun/shade dry to mesic 1-3' tall, blue spikes July - Sept. grows 3"-6" flowers are violet grows 8"-16" flowers are white with purple at the bottom and lower pedals with purple strips Viola labridorica Alpine violet sun/shade dry to mesic grows 1-8" tall, flowers are blue Viola pedata Bird's-foot violet sun/part-shade dry 4" tall, blue flowers, divided leaves Viola pubescens Yellow violet part-shade/shade dry - rich Waldsteinia fragarioides Barrren strawberry sun/shade dry to mesic 4"-18" tall, yellow flowers 4"-6" tall, yellow flower, nice fall color Lake edge Wet soils - within several feet of OHW depending on bank slope. Acorus americanus Sweet flag sun moist to wet Asclepias incarnata Marsh milkweed sun mesic to moist Aster boreale Northern bog aster sun/part-shade moist to wet Up to 4' tall, brown spadix grows up to 5' flowers are deep pink to red 6" to 36" tall, white to pale blue flowers Aster lanceolatus Panicled aster sun/shade mesic to moist 2'-5' tall, white to pale blue flowers Aster puniceus Purple Stem Aster sun/shade moist to wet Aster umbellatus Flat-topped aster sun/shade mesic to moist 1'-4' tall, blue to purple flowers 1' to 5' tall, flat-topped head of white flowers Bidens cernuus Nodding Bur-marigold sun mesic to moist grows 4"- 40", flowers are yellow Bidens coronatus Tall swamp marigold sun moist to wet grows 6"- 60", flowers are yellow Caltha palustris Marsh Marigold sun/shade moist to wet 8"-24" tall, yellow spring blooms Chelone glabra White Turtlehead sun/shade moist to wet 2-3' tall, white to yelowish flowers Cicuta maculata Comarum palustre (Potentilla palustre) Common water-hemlock sun moist to wet Marsh Cinqufoil sun/part-shade moist to wet use with caution - raingardens sprawling 1'-2' tall, purple to red flowers Coptis trifolia Gold-thread part-shade/shade mesic to moist, acid goundcover Eupatorium maculatum Euthamia graminifolia Joe-pye weed Grass-leaved goldenrod sun/shade sun mesic to moist mesic to moist Euthamia tenuitolia Slender goldentop sun wet sand Geum rivale Water Avens sun/shade mesic to moist Gratiola aurea Golden hedge hyssop sun moist to wet 2'-7' tall, pink to purple flower clusters grows 1'-4' flowers are yellow 12-40" tall, stalked yellow infloresences 1'-2' tall, purple and pale yellow flowers 4"-12" tall, bright yellow to white flowers Helenium autumnale Sneezeweed sun moist to wet 2-5' tall, yellow flowers Helianthus giganteus Swamp sunflower sun/part-shade moist to wet 3-10' tall, yellow flowers Heracleum lanatum American cow parsnip sun/part-shade mesic to moist, rich soils 3'-10' tall, white umbels Hypericum pyrimidatum Great St. John's-wort sun/part-shade mesic to moist Iris versicolor Blue Flag Iris sun/shade moist to wet 2'-5' tall, yellow flowers 2'-3' tall, blue/purple flowers, accent leaves Impatiens capensis Jewelweed sun/shade mesic to moist 2'-4' tall, orange flowers -annul Lilium michiganense Michigan lily sun/part-shade moist to wet 3'-6' tall, orange flowers Lobelia siphilitica Great blue lobelia sun/part-shade moist to wet 1'-4' tall, blue to flowers Lycopus americanus Am. Water horehound sun/shade moist to wet 4"-40" tall, white flowers Lycopus uniflorus Northern water horehound sun/shade moist to wet 4"-40" tall, white flowers Lysimachia ciliata Fringed loosestrife sun/shade moist to wet Lysimachia terrestris Swamp-candles sun/part-shade wet Lysimachia thyrsiflora Tufted loosestrife sun moist to wet 10"-50" tall, yellow flowers 16"-32" tall, raceme of yellow flowers 1'-2.5' tall, yellow clusters in leaf axils Mentha arvensis Wild mint sun moist to wet 4"-32" tall, white to pink flowers Mimulus ringens Monkey flower sun moist to wet Packera aurea (Senicio aurea) Golden ragwort sun/part-shade moist to wet Ranunculus hispidus Swamp buttercup sun/shade mesic to moist 6"-40" tall, pink to blue flowers 6"-30" tall, yellow flowers, 6"-36" tall, yellow flowers Ratibida pinnata Yellow coneflower sun dry to wet - RG 1.5'-4' tall, yellow flowers Rudbeckia laciniata Cut-leaved coneflower sun/part-shade moist 2'-10' tall, yellow flowers Scutellaria galericulata Marsh skullcap sun moist to wet grows 6"-32" flowers are blue with white marks Scutellaria lateriflora Mad dog skullcap sun moist to wet grows 12"-28" flowers are blue Solidago uliginosa Northern bog goldenrod sun/part-shade moist to wet 1-5' tall, yellow flowers Stachys palustris Woundwort sun/shade moist to wet 8"-40" tall, pink flowers Stachys tenuifolia Smooth hedge-nettle part-shade/shade moist to wet 8"-40" tall, pink flowers Thalictrum dasycarpum Triadenum virginicum (Hypericum virginicum) Purple meadow-rue sun/part-shade moist to wet 3-5' tall, greenish-white lowers Marsh St. John's-wort sun wet 12"-18" tall, pinkish flower Verbena hastata Blue vervain sun mesic to mosit 1.5-5' tall, blue flowers Veronicastrum virginicum Culver's-root sun/shade dry to wet - RG 3'-6' tall, white flowers Viola blanda Sweet white violet shade moist to wet - under conifers Creeping, flowers white with brown Viola cucullata Marsh violet shade moist to wet 4" tall, blue flowers in spring Viola lanceolata Bog white violet sun/part-shade moist to wet 4" tall, white flowers Viola macloskeyi subsp. pallens White violet part-shade/shade wet 4" tall, white flowers Viola sororia Wood violet part-shade/shade moist to wet 4" tall, blue flowers, State Flower Zizia aurea Golden Alexanders sun/shade moist to wet 1'-2' tall, Yellow umbels dry to wet grows 3-8' red fall color GRASSES/SEDGES Upland Dry soils - unless otherwise indicated Andropogon gerardii Big bluestem sun Carex arctata Drooping woodland sedge part-shade/shade Carex intumescens Shining sedge part-shade/shade moist to wet grows 2'-3' Cerex pensylvanica Penn Sedge sun/shade dry to mesic grows 1-2' Danthonia spicata Poverty oat grass sun dry grows 1-2' Elymus canadensis Canada Wild Rye sun dry to wet grows 2'-3' Elymus hystrix Bottlebrush grass part-shade/shade dry to mesic grows 2'-4' Juncus tenuis Path rush sun/shade dry to moist grows to 1' Luzula multiflora Common wood rush sun/shade grows 1-2' grows 1-2' Oryzopsis asperfolia Rough-leaved rice cut-grass sun/shade dry 1'-2' tall, evergreen bunchgrass Oryzopsis pungens Mountain rice grass sun/part shade dry upto 1" Panicum virgatum Switch Grass sun/shade Poa alsodes Grove blugrass part shade/shade Brachyelytrum erectum Bearded Shorthusk part-shade/shade grows 1-2' Schizachne purpurascens False Melic part-shade/shade grows 1-2' Schizachyrium scoparium Little bluestem sun dry to mesic grows 2'-3' , reddish fall color Lake edge Wet soils - within several feet of OHW depending on bank slope. Calamagrostis canadensis Blue-joint grass sun/part shade moist to wet grows 2'-3' Carex comosa Bristly sedge sun/part shade moist to wet grows 2'-3' Carex crinita Fringed sedge sun/part shade Carex hystricina Bottlebrush sedge sun/part shade moist to wet grows 1'-3' Carex lacustrus Lake sedge sun/part shade wet - can be clonal grows 2'-3' Carex stipata Common fox sedge sun/part shade moist to wet grows 2'-3' Carex vulpinoidea Fox sedge sun/part shade moist to wet grows 2'-3' pioneer species Glyceria canadensis Rattlesnake manna grass sun/part-shade moist to wet grows 2'-3' Hierochloe hirta subsp. artica Sweet grass sun mesic to moist grows 1'-2' Juncus effusus Common rush sun/part shade moist to wet grows greater than 40" Juncus pelocarpus Brown-fruited rush sun moist to wet grows 1-2' Scirpus atrovirens Dark-green bulrush sun wet - early successional 2'-5' tall - likes disturbance Scirpus cyperinus Wool grass sun/part-shade wet 3-4' tall, green Emergent and Floating In lakebed Acorus americanus Soft-stem bulrush sun Water < 20", silty soils grows up to 6' flower is yellowish brown Alisma triviale Northern Water-plantain sun muddy soils grows 4"-40" flowers are white Dulichium arundinaceum Three-way sedge sun wet, water < 3' grows 1-2' Eleocharis palustris Common spike-rush sun wet, water <6' grows 1-2' Leersia oryzoides Rice cut grass sun wet grows 2'-3' Nuphar lutea ssp. variegata Pond lily sun wet, water <7' floating leaves, yellow flowers Nymphaea odorata White water lily sun wet, water <7' floating leaves, white flowers grows 2'-3' mesic to moist growns 1'-2' grows 2'-3' Polygonum amphibium Water smartweed sun wet, water <7' grows up to 1'-5' flower is pink to red Pontedaria cordata Pickerelweed sun wet mud, water < 40" grows 1'- 3 1/2' flowers are blue Sagittaria latifolia Broad-leaved Arrowhead sun wet mud grows 6"-48" flowers are white Schoenoplectus acutus Hard-stem bulrush sun wet mud, water < 40" grows up to 4-5' Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Soft-stem bulrush sun wet, water < 6.5' grows up to 3'-10' Sparganium americanum Typha latifolia American bur-reed Broad-leaved cat-tail sun sun wet mud mesic to wet 1'-3.5' tall, 3-9' tall, semi-aquatic FERNS, FERN-ALLIES Note planting habitat! Adiantum pedatum Maidenhair fern part-shade/shade mesic - rich 1'-2' tall Atherium felix-femina Lady fern part-shade/shade mesic to moist 1'-2' tall Dryopteris carthusiana Wood Fern part-shade/shade dry to mesic - rich 1'-2' tall Dryopteris intermedia wood fern part-shade/shade dry to mesic - rich 1'-2' tall Equisetum arvense Common horsetail sun dry yo moist 1'-2' tall Equisetum fluviatile Water horestail sun moist to wet 1'-2' tall Equisetum hymale Common scouring rush sun moist to wet 1'-2' tall Equisetum sylvaticum Woodland horsetail part-shade/shade moist Matteuccia strupteroperis Ostrich Fern sun/part shade mesic to moist 1'-2' tall 2'-3' tall, Vaselike shape, fertile fronds overwinter Onoclea sensibilis Sensitive fern sun/shade mesic to moist 1'-2' tall, good texture, Osmunda cinnamonea Cinnamon Fern part-shade/shade mesic to moist 2'-4' tall Osmunda claytonia Interrupted Fern part-shade/shade mesic to moist 2'-3' tall Osmunda regalis Royal Fern part-shade/shade moist to wet 2'-3' tall VINES Note planting habitat! Clematis occidentalis Purple clematis part-shade/shade dry to mesic vining, spring purple flowers Clematis virginiana Virgin's bower sun/part-shade dry to mesic Lathyrus palustris Marsh pea sun/part-shade moist to wet vining, white flowers - pollinator climbing 1'-4' long, puple & white pea flower Lathyrus ochroleucus Cream pea-vine sun/part-shade dry Lathyrus venosus Forest pea sun/part-shade dry to wet 1'-3' tall, cream/ yellow flowers climbing 2'-3' long, purple to red flowers Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia creeper sun/shade dry to moist Parthenocissus vitacea Woodbine sun/shade dry to moist Vicia americana American vetch sun/shade dry to mesic woody vine, dark berries, fall color woody vine, dark berries, fall color vining, purple flowers Vitis riparia Riverbank grape part-shade/shade moist to wet woody vine, dark berries, Revised May - 2012 Recommended Lakeshore Species Wisconsin Herbarium Link Balsam fir Available From Nurseries Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Ground cover or accent plant Form Filler TREES Filler TREES will spread over time TREES accent accent - will spread over time TREES accent TREES accent TREES Filler TREES Filler TREES Filler TREES accent TREES accent TREES Ironwood Hansons Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Filler TREES Pin Cherry Hansons accent TREES accent TREES Filler TREES Filler TREES Filler TREES Red maple Sugar maple Mountain maple Serviceberry Yellow Birch Paper Birch Blue-beech Tamarack White spruce Red Pine Eastern White Pine Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Black Cherry Chokecherry Northern Pin Oak Burr oak Hansons Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Hansons, Northwoods Nursery TREES Red oak Beaked willow Pussy willow Shining willow American mountain-ash Mountain Ash Eastern White Cedar Basswood Eastern Hemlock Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Hansons, Northwoods Nursery accent TREES Filler TREES Filler TREES Filler TREES accent TREES Accent TREES Filler TREES accent TREES Filler TREES Downy serviceberry accent Upland shrub species Round leaved serviceberry accent Upland shrub species Ground cover Upland shrub species Accent Upland shrub species Kinnickinnick Black Chokeberry Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Hansons, Northwoods Nursery New Jersey tea Sweetfern Alternate-leaved dogwood Grey dogwood Round-leaved dogwood American Hazelnut Beaked Hazelnut Fireberry hawthorn Northern Bush Honeysuckle filler Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Leatherwood Winterberry Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Clonal Upland shrub species accent Upland shrub species filler Upland shrub species accent Upland shrub species Clonal Upland shrub species Clonal Upland shrub species accent Upland shrub species Accent Upland shrub species Accent Upland/seepy Ground cover Upland shrub species Common juniper Trailing juniper Ground cover Ground cover American Bush Honeysuckle Hairy honeysuckle Mountain fly honeysuckle filler Upland shrub species Vine Vine filler Vine accent Upland shrub species Ninebark Hansons, Northwoods Nursery American plum Hansons filler Upland shrub species filler Upland shrub species Sand cherry Staghorn Sumac Smooth rose Hansons Clonal Upland shrub species Hansons Clonal Upland shrub species Pasture Rose Hansons Clonal Upland shrub species Common Blackberry Clonal Upland shrub species Red raspberry Thimbleberry Prairie willow Clonal Upland shrub species Clonal Upland shrub species filler Upland shrub species accent - not native to Vilas Co. filler - not native to Vilas Co. Buffalo berry Three -toothed cinquefoil Low-bush Blueberry Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Velevet-leaf Blueberry Maple-leaved Viburnum Nannyberry Downy arrow-wood Alder Green alder Leatherleaf Red osier dogwood Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Hansons, Northwoods Nursery Hansons Hansons, Northwoods Nursery filler Upland shrub species filler Upland shrub species Accent RG Upland shrub species Accent RG Upland shrub species Accent RG Upland shrub species Filler Wetland shrub species Accent Wetland shrub species Filler Wetland shrub species Accent RG Wetland shrub species Water-willow Clonal, sub-shrub Lake edge forbs Accent Filler Accent Accent Filler Ground cover Wetland shrub species Wetland shrub species Wetland shrub species Wetland shrub species Wetland shrub species Wetland shrub species Ground cover Wetland shrub species Accent RG Wetland shrub species Mountain Holly Leatherwood Sweet gale Alder-leaf buckthorn Swamp rose Swamp dewberry Hansons Dwarf red raspberry Meadow willow Hansons Black Elderberry Hansons Accent Wetland shrub species Red-berried Elder Hansons Accent Wetland shrub species White meadow sweet Hansons Accent RG Wetland shrub species Steeplebush Hansons Accent RG Wetland shrub species Accent RG Upland forbs Hansons Hansons Yarrow Doll's eyes Hansons Accent Upland forbs Red baneberry Hansons Accent Upland forbs Prairie onion accent Upland forbs Wild leeks Hansons Filler Upland forbs Pearlyeverlasting Hansons Ground cover Upland forbs Accent, evergreen Upland forbs Ground cover Upland forbs Round-lobed hepatica Canada anemone Hansons Wood anemone Hansons Ground cover Upland forbs Pussytoes Hansons Ground cover Upland forbs Plantain pussytoes Hansons Ground cover Upland forbs Spreading dogbane Columbine Accent Upland forbs Hansons Accent Upland forbs Sarsasparilla Hansons Accent Upland forbs Accent Upland forbs Spikenard Jack-in-the-pulpit Hansons Accent Upland forbs Common milkweed Hansons Accent RG Upland forbs Butterfly weed Accent Rg Accent RG Lindley's aster Heart-leaved aster Smooth aster Calico aster Big-leaved aster Upland forbs Upland forbs Hansons Accent RG Upland forbs Hansons Accent RG Upland forbs Hansons Accent RG Upland forbs Hansons Ground cover Accent RG - not native to Vilas Co. Upland forbs New England aster Upland forbs Frost aster Hansons Filler Upland forbs Canada milk-vetch Calystegia Harebell Cut-leaved toothwort Broad-leaved toothwort Hansons Accent Upland forbs Ground cover RG Upland forbs Accent Upland forbs Spring ephemeral Upland forbs Spring ephemeral Upland forbs Pipsissewa Accent Upland forbs Spring beauty Spring ephemeral Upland forbs Hansons Blue-bead liy Bunchberry Hansons Accent Upland forbs Ground cover Upland forbs Upland forbs Golden corydalis annual Upland forbs Pale corydalis annual Spring ephemeral Upland forbs Squirrel corn Dutchman's britches Fireweed Hansons Accent Upland forbs Hansons Accent Upland forbs Trout Lily Hansons Accent Upland forbs Common boneset Hansons Accent RG Upland forbs White snakeroot Hansons Upland forbs Flowering spurge Hansons Accent RG Filler - not native to Vilas Co. Grass-leaved goldenrod Wild strawberry Wild strawberry Hansons Accent RG Upland forbs Ground cover Upland forbs Hansons Ground cover Upland forbs Northern bedstraw Hansons Upland forbs Wintergreen Hansons Filler Ground cover subshrub Accent RG - not native to Vilas Co. Upland forbs Hansons Accent RG accent - not native to Vilas Co. Accent RG Hansons Accent RG Upland forbs Bottle gentian Wild geranium Hansons Prairie smoke Woodland sunflower Ox-eye sunflower Upland forbs Upland forbs Upland forbs Upland forbs Upland forbs Richardson's alumroot Hansons Northern hawkweed Long-leaved bluets False dandelion Rough blazing star Hansons Showy blazing star Hansons Twinflower Hairy puccon Indian tobacco Accent RG - not native to Vilas Co. Accent. Also H. scabrum accent - not native to Vilas Co. Upland forbs Upland forbs Upland forbs Accent RG Accent RG - not native to Vilas Co. Accent RG - not native to Vilas Co. Upland forbs Ground Cover accent - not native to Vilas Co. Upland forbs Upland forbs Upland forbs Upland forbs Wild lupine Hansons Accent RG annual Upland forbs Accent RG not native to Vilas Co. Upland forbs Whorled Loosestrife Hansons Accent RG Upland forbs Canada mayflower Hansons Ground cover Upland forbs False Solomon's-seal Hansons Accent Upland forbs Starry false Solomon's-seal Hansons Accent Upland forbs Partridge berry Hansons Ground cover Upland forbs Bishop's cap Hansons Accent Upland forbs Wild Bergamot Hansons Filler RG Upland forbs Filler Upland forbs Filler RG Upland forbs Filler RG Upland forbs Accent Upland forbs Evening primrose Mountain wood-sorrel Common yellow oxalis Wood betony Hansons Prairie phlox Accent Spring ephemeral Gay-wings Purple milkwort Giant Solomon's-seal Hariry Solomon's-seal Rattlesnake root Large-leaved shin-leaf Hansons Hansons Upland forbs Upland forbs Accent Upland forbs Accent Upland forbs Accent Upland forbs Accent Upland forbs Dry shade Upland forbs Black-eyed susan Cut-leaved coneflower Hansons Accent - good seeder Upland forbs Hansons Accent RG Bloodroot Hansons Mountain blue-eyed grass Hansons Accent Upland forbs Filler RG not native to Vilas Co. Upland forbs Canada goldenrod Hansons Filler RG Upland forbs Zigzag goldenrod Hansons Filler RG Upland forbs Giant goldenrod Hansons Clonal RG Upland forbs Hairy goldenrod Hansons Accent Upland forbs Early goldenrod Hansons Accent Upland forbs Grey Goldenrod Hansons Accent Upland forbs Showy goldenrod Early meadow-rue Hansons Accent Upland forbs Hansons Accent Upland forbs Accent RG not native to Vilas Co. Upland forbs Accent Upland forbs Spiderwort Starflower Nodding trillium Great white trillium Large-flowered bellowrt Sessile bellwort Hansons Upland forbs Spring ephemeral Upland forbs Hansons Spring ephemeral Upland forbs Hansons Spring ephemeral Upland forbs Spring ephemeral Upland forbs Hoary vervain Accent Accent Upland forbs Upland forbs Filler Upland forbs Hansons Filler RG Upland forbs Bird's-foot violet Yellow violet Hansons Filler RG Upland forbs Hansons Filler Upland forbs Barren strawberry Hansons Ground cover Upland forbs Sweet flag Hansons Accent - Biolog Lake edge forbs Marsh milkweed Hansons Accent - Biolog - RG Lake edge forbs Northern bog aster Accent - Biolog Lake edge forbs Panicled aster Accent - Biolog Lake edge forbs Hook-spur violet Tall white violet Alpine violet Purple stem aster Hansons Accent - Biolog - RG Lake edge forbs Flat-topped aster Hansons Accent - Biolog - RG Lake edge forbs Nodding bur-marigold Annual accent Lake edge forbs Tall swamp marigold Annual accent Lake edge forbs Marsh marigold Hansons Accent - Biolog Lake edge forbs White Turtlehead Common water-hemlock Hansons Accent - Biolog - RG Lake edge forbs Hansons Filler - Biolog - RG Lake edge forbs Marsh cinquefoil Gold-thread Hansons Accent - Biolog Lake edge forbs Ground cover Lake edge forbs Joe-pye weed Grass-leaved goldenrod Hansons Hansons Slender goldentop Accent - Biolog - RG Filler - Biolog - RG Lake edge forbs Lake edge forbs Filler - Biolog Lake edge forbs Water avens Hansons Filler - Biolog Lake edge forbs Golden hedge hyssop Hansons semi-aqautic, accent Lake edge forbs Sneezeweed Hansons Accent - Biolog - RG Raingarden Swamp sunflower Hansons Accent - Biolog - RG Lake edge forbs Accent - Biolog - RG Lake edge forbs American cow parsnip Great St. John's-wort Hansons Accent - Biolog - RG Lake edge forbs Blue Flag Iris Jewelweed Hansons Accent - Biolog - RG Lake edge forbs Great blue lobelia Am. Water horehound Northern water horehound Fringed loosestrife Hansons Accent, annual Lake edge forbs Accent - not native to Vilas Co. Raingarden Accent - not native to Vilas Co. Raingarden Hansons Filler - Biolog Lake edge forbs Hansons Filler - Biolog Lake edge forbs Hansons Accent - Biolog Lake edge forbs Swamp-candles Hansons Accent - Biolog Lake edge forbs Tufted loosestrife Accent - Biolog Lake edge forbs Wild mint Filler - Biolog - RG Lake edge forbs Michigan lily Monkey flower Golden ragwort Swamp buttercup Hansons Accent - Biolog Lake edge forbs Hansons Accent - Biolog Lake edge forbs Hansons Filler - Biolog Lake edge forbs Yellow coneflower Hansons Accent - Biolog - RG Lake edge forbs Cut-leaved coneflower Hansons Accent - Biolog - RG Lake edge forbs March skullcap Mad dog skullcap Northern Bog goldenrod Woundwort Smooth hedge-nettle Purple meadow-rue Hansons Filler - Biolog Lake edge forbs Filler - Biolog Lake edge forbs Hansons Accent - Biolog Lake edge forbs Hansons Filler - RG Lake edge forbs Hansons Filler - RG Lake edge forbs Hansons Filler - RG Lake edge forbs Marsh St. John's-wort Blue vervain Hansons Accent - Biolog Lake edge forbs Hansons Culver's-root Hansons Accent RG Lake edge forbs Accent - not native to Vilas Co. Raingarden Sweet white violet Marsh violet Bog white violet White violet Hansons Filler Lake edge forbs Filler Lake edge forbs Filler Lake edge forbs Hansons Filler Lake edge forbs Wood violet Hansons Golden Alexanders Hansons Filler Lake edge forbs Accent - not native to Vilas Co. Raingarden Big bluestem Drooping woodland sedge Shining sedge Penn sedge Poverty oats Canada wild rye Bottlebrush grass Path rush Common wood rush Accent - not native to Vilas Co. Upland graminoids Hansons Accent Upland graminoids Hansons RG Upland graminoids Hansons Groundcover Upland graminoids Hansons Filler Upland graminoids Hansons Accent RG Upland graminoids Hansons Accent Upland graminoids Hansons RG Upland graminoids Filler Upland graminoids Rough-leaved rice cut-grass Mountain Rice grass Switch Grass Grove bluegrass Bearded Shorthusk False Melic Hansons Little bluestem Hansons accent Upland graminoids Accent - not native to Vilas Co. Upland graminoids Blue Joint Grass Bristly sedge Fringed sedge Bottlebrush sedge Lake sedge Common fox sedge Fox sedge Rattlesnake manna grass Sweet grass Common rush Brown-fruited rush Dark-green bulrush Hansons Biolog - RG Lake edge graminoids Hansons Biolog Lake edge graminoids Hansons Biolog Lake edge graminoids Hansons Biolog Lake edge graminoids Hansons Biolog Lake edge graminoids Hansons Biolog Lake edge graminoids Hansons Biolog Lake edge graminoids Hansons Biolog Lake edge graminoids Hansons Biolog - RG Lake edge graminoids Hansons Biolog - RG Lake edge graminoids Hansons Biolog - RG Lake edge graminoids Hansons Biolog Lake edge graminoids Wool grass Hansons Biolog Lake edge graminoids Soft-stem bulrush Northern Water-plantain Three-way sedge Common spike-rush Rice cut grass Pond lily White water lily Hansons Biolog Emergent and Floating Filler Emergent and Floating Hansons Filler Emergent and Floating Hansons Filler Emergent and Floating Biolog Emergent and Floating Filler Emergent and Floating Filler Emergent and Floating Hansons Accent Upland graminoids Accent Upland graminoids Accent Upland graminoids Filler Upland graminoids accent Upland graminoids Water smartweed Pickerelweed Broad-leaved Arrowhead Hard-stem bulrush Hansons Soft-stem bulrush American bur-reed Broad-leaved cat-tail Maidenhair fern Lady fern Wood Fern Wood Fern Common horsetail Water horsetail Common scouring rush Woodland horsetail Ostrich Fern Sensitive fern Cinnamon Fern Interrupted Fern Royal Fern Filler Emergent and Floating Filler Emergent and Floating Filler Emergent and Floating Filler Emergent and Floating Hansons Filler Emergent and Floating Hansons Filler Filler Emergent and Floating Emergent and Floating Hansons Filler FERNS, FERN-ALLIES Hansons Filler FERNS, FERN-ALLIES Filler FERNS, FERN-ALLIES Filler - evergreen Filler - early successional FERNS, FERN-ALLIES Filler FERNS, FERN-ALLIES Filler FERNS, FERN-ALLIES Hansons Hansons Hansons Hansons FERNS, FERN-ALLIES Filler Accent FERNS, FERN-ALLIES Hansons Spreads well FERNS, FERN-ALLIES Hansons Accent FERNS, FERN-ALLIES Hansons Accent FERNS, FERN-ALLIES Hansons Accent FERNS, FERN-ALLIES Hansons Accent Vine Hansons Accent pollinators Vine Marsh pea Cream pea-vine Accent - Biolog Vine Accent Upland forbs Forest pea Accent - Biolog - RG Vine Purple clematis Virgin's bower Virginia creeper Hansons Accent Virginia creeper American vetch Riverbank grape Hansons Accent RG Vine Accent - RG Vine Wildlife food Vine Hansons