10/31/2013 Motion: As a first step in our efforts to decrease the time to graduation for our PhD program students, the BME faculty approves the new timeline and new processes to enforce that students stick to the timeline as detailed in the document provided to the faculty and dated October 31, 2013. GEC Proposal on Graduation Timeline and Implementation A review of our program by the GEC has determined that the time to graduation for PhD students is longer than desired. As a first step in fixing this problem, we propose to implement a new procedure that places the burden of reaching the first 4 milestones toward graduation firmly on the shoulders of the students, not their advisors. The following proposal clearly states what these milestones are, when they are to be reached, and what the consequences are should the students fail to meet the milestones. Each milestone has a 3 strikes and you're out rule. The first strike is when the student fails to meet the milestone by the time listed in the table. The student will then receive a letter from the GEC informing them that they have missed the deadline and giving them a set time to meet the milestone. The 2nd strike involves them missing the date set in the letter. This triggers a letter to the student calling them in front of the GEC where they will be asked to explain why they have not yet met the milestone. At the conclusion of this hearing, the student will get a new date by which they must meet the milestone based on their personal details. Failing to meet this deadline constitutes the 3rd strike at which point the student is removed from the PhD program and converted to a terminal MS student. a. Proposed timeline Year 1 2 3 FALL Com. Mtng starts (require min of one per year) SPRING POS -due SUMMER Latest time to taking ORAL R21 PROPOSAL must be completed b. Implementation: i. The consensus among GEC members was that GEC should implement the above time line for students. We would like to begin ASAP, by getting the timeline approved by the full faculty, and then notifying all students that we will begin holding them to this time line starting next Fall. Depending on their individual year of study, they will be held to different standards, according to the above plan. ii. POS – If missed, the student will get a letter requiring the student to submit a completed POS in 2 weeks (strike 1). If the student fails to submit the POS in 2 weeks, he/she will get a second letter requesting the student to come to GEC (strike 2). GEC will give the student a final deadline for the 3rd strike. 10/31/2013 iii. 1st Committee meeting – If not reported to Carol/GEC, the student will get a letter from GEC requiring the student to organize a committee in 2 months (strike 1). If the student fails to have a committee meeting in 2 months, he/she will get a second letter requesting the student to come to GEC (strike 2). GEC will give the student a final deadline for the 3rd strike. iv. ORAL Exam – 2nd year is the latest time to take the oral. If the student has not registered to take the oral 1 month prior to the offering of the exam in their 2nd year, they will receive a letter from the GEC informing them that they must take the exam that year. If not, they will be converted to a terminal MS student. If they take the exam that year and fail, they may take the exam again at the end of their 3rd year. A 2nd fail will result in their being converted to a terminal MS student. v. R21 proposal – must be completed by the end of the summer following their 3rd year. If not completed by that time, this constitutes strike 1. A letter will be sent from the GEC stating that strike 1 was received and giving the student 3 months to complete the exam. If the student misses this deadline, they will receive strike 2 and be called in front of the GEC to explain their situation. A new dead line (case specific) will be set for the student to complete the exam. Missing this deadline results in strike 3 and the student being converted to terminal MS status. The policy of only one failed attempt remains in place, regardless of the number of strikes. If the student fails the exam, the GEC representative at the exam will ensure that a deadline of <6 months is set for the student to re-tool and take the exam again. This deadline will be communicated to the GEC by the representative and no new strikes will accrue during this period.