JBED Journal of Building Enclosure Design An official publication of the Building Enclosure Technology and Environment Council (BETEC) of the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) Summer/Fall 2008 The Best of the BEST 1 Conference: Experts Meet in Minneapolis to Discuss Building for Energy Efficiency and Durability at the Crossroads Summer/Fall 2008 1 2 Journal of Building Enclosure Design JBED Published For: NIBS / BETEC 1090 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 700 Washington, DC 20005-4905 Phone: (202) 289-7800 Fax: (202) 289-1092 nibs@nibs.org www.nibs.org Published by: Matrix Group Publishing Please return all undeliverable addresses to: 16516 El Camino Real Suite 413, Houston, TX 77062 Phone: (866) 999-1299 Fax: (866) 244-2544 Contents Features: 11 27 Energy Efficiency and Durability of Buildings at the Crossroads 39 Field Monitoring of the Hygrothermal Performance of a New Class of EIFS Walls 47 Detection of Moisture and Water Intrusion Within Building Envelopes By Means of Infrared Thermographic Inspections President & CEO Jack Andress Senior Publisher Maurice P. LaBorde publisher & director of sales Joe Strazzullo jstrazzullo@matrixgroupinc.net Editor-in-Chief Shannon Lutter shannonl@matrixgroupinc.net Finance/Accounting & Administration Shoshana Weinberg, Pat Andress, Nathan Redekop accounting@matrixgroupinc.net Director of Marketing & Circulation Shoshana Weinberg Sales Manager Neil Gottfred Matrix Group Publishing Account Executives Albert Brydges, Davin Commandeur, Rick Kuzie, Miles Meagher, Ken Percival, Peter Schulz, Vicki Sutton, Declan O’Donovan, Jessica Potter, Bruce Lea, Kevin Harris, Brian Davey, Jim Hamilton Advertising Design James Robinson Layout & Design Travis Bevan ©2008 Matrix Group Publishing. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher. The opinions expressed in JBED are not necessarily those of Matrix Group Publishing. Water Intrusion Field Measurements of Moisture in Building Materials and Assemblies: Pitfalls and Error Assessment 60 47 of PCM-Enhanced 55Use Insulations in the Building Envelope R-Value of 60Real Exterior Insulated Wall Assemblies Real-R PCM-Enhanced Values Insulations 55 Messages: 7 9 Message from NIBS President, David A. Harris Message from BETEC Chairman, Wagdy Anis Industry Updates: 67 72 BEC Corner 70 Buyer’s Guide BETEC/NIBS Membership On the cover: Minneapolis, MN was host to the BEST 1 Conference in 2008. Photo courtesy of Josh Norton. Summer/Fall 2008 5 Message from NIBS in the awards presented to those mentioned above at the opening ceremony, Jacqueline Hardman accepted a posthumous award for BETEC’s Vice Chair, Barry Hardman, for his many years of dedicated service to BETEC and the building community. David A. Harris, FAIA Over the past few years I have watched with pride as BETEC and the Building Enclosure Council have grown under the extraordinary and tireless leadership of Wagdy Anis. Contributions by BETEC and BEC to the positive improvements in building enclosure design and delivery are unsung, but non-theless appreciated, albeit anonymously, by all who benefit from the professional knowledge and dedication of these councils. It is most gratifying to see our industry’s talented professionals work together cooperatively to achieve technical advances none could have achieved individually. The BEST1 Conference held in Minneapolis in June, and featured in this issue, was a collaborative effort of the Building Enclosure Council, BETEC and its supporting sponsors. The success of BEST1 was due to the team work and contributions of the conference committee who planned and organized the event. Rob Kistler, AIA, of The Facade Group, Inc. and Judd Peterson, AIA, of the Judd Allen Group, served ably as co-chairs of the Conference. As leaders of the technical committee, Dr. Donald Onysko and Dr. Mark Bomberg did an exceptional job in reviewing and organizing the many excellent technical papers presented at the conference. Appreciation is due for AIA National, AIA Minnesota, BETEC, BEC Minnesota and BEC-National for their support and contributions. Be sure to pencil in the BEST2 Conference to be held in Portland, Oregon in 2010. Included In this critical time for the facilities industry I urge each of you to join in the many facets of NIBS’ many initiatives to transform our 100 year-old linear and repetitive paperbased building process into one that wisely and efficiently utilizes information and data to virtually design, construct, operate and maintain new and existing buildings with less waste and more efficient use of human and other resources. This will be my last opportunity to address you, the readers of JBED, as NIBS president as I am retiring this year. I am delighted to turn the reins over to my good friend and colleague Henry L. Green, Hon. AIA, who has been selected by the Institute’s Board of Directors as the next President and CEO of the National Institute of Building Sciences. I could not be more pleased with his selection and am confident that Henry will lead NIBS to the next level where it will help to achieve a new array of improvements to the building process and dramatic improvements in the performance of tomorrow’s buildings. I have known and worked with Henry for many years on NIBS’ programs and initiatives of BOCA, International and the International Code Council. He is well known to and highly respected by leaders of the building community and by the NIBS staff. He is an innovative and thoughtful leader with the background, talent and knowledge to reach out to and work with all sectors to help improve our vast industry. As a past NIBS Board chairman and the immediate past chairman of NIBS’ Building Seismic Safety Council he well understands NIBS’ and its programs. Since 1989, Green has been the executive director of the Michigan Bureau of Construction Codes. In that position, he has provided executive management and oversight for construction codes programs in the State of Michigan including the development and implementation of construction codes and standards, building inspection programs, and public education programs. As a volunteer, Green has served as the president of the International Code Council (ICC) and president of one of ICC’s legacy organizations, the Building Officials and Code Administrators, International. His contributions and accomplishments have been widely recognized by numerous awards and honors from a host of building industry organizations. In this critical time for the facilities industry I urge each of you to join in the many facets of NIBS’ many initiatives to transform our 100 year-old linear and repetitive paperbased building process into one that wisely and efficiently utilizes information and data to virtually design, construct, operate and maintain new and existing buildings with less waste and more efficient use of human and other resources. You can help to achieve this transformation by getting involved. You are critical to the success of these essential advances for the future of our industry. So join with your U.S. and international colleagues today by becoming a member of the BETEC, BEC, the buildingSMART Alliance, the High Performance Buildings Council or one of NIBS’ other councils and programs. You will be in very good company! David A. Harris, FAIA President National Institute of Building Sciences Summer/Fall 2008 7 Message from BETEC While I wish we could feature all of the excellent presentations, the essence and spirit of BEST 1 has been captured and is summarized in BETEC’s white paper, Energy Efficiency and Durability of Buildings at the Crossroads (page 27). Its imperative message, that we can no longer conduct “business as usual” in the design of buildings, is a call to action to reduce energy/resource demands by improving the energy efficiency and durability of buildings, due to dwindling global energy supplies and climate change. Wagdy Anis, FAIA, LEED AP Welcome and congratulations to three new BEC Chapters that joined us this year—BEC San Francisco, BEC Wisconsin and BEC South Eastern Michigan (Detroit). We now have 22 BEC Chapters. Information on the Building Enclosure Council and its chapters can be found at www.BEC-National.org. We hope you enjoy this edition, and as always, we welcome your comments and suggestions. The first Building Enclosure Science and Technology Conference (BEST 1), hosted by both AIA Minnesota and BEC Minnesota in June was attended by nearly 250 participants from North America and Europe. I echo Dave Harris’ thanks to the supporting sponsors, hosts, and organizers as well as staff and volunteers who contributed to the success of the conference. As Dave mentioned, plans for BEST2 are underway. A call for abstracts for BEST2 is listed in this issue. Conference information will be posted at www. thebestconference.org. While I wish we could feature all of the excellent presentations, the essence and spirit of BEST 1 has been captured and is summarized in BETEC’s white paper, Energy Efficiency and Durability of Buildings at the Crossroads (page 27). Its imperative message, that we can no longer conduct “business as usual” in the design of buildings, is a call to action to reduce energy/resource demands by improving the energy efficiency and durability of buildings, due to dwindling global energy supplies and climate change. This issue indeed marks a transition at NIBS with Dave Harris’ retirement as president. Our collective good wishes are extended to Dave to enjoy his retirement. He leaves NIBS with a gigantic track record of forging new ground and establishing national initiatives in improving the building process as president of the National Institute of Building Sciences. He has been an avid supporter of BETEC, was instrumental in establishing the May 2004, agreement with the AIA to establish the Building Enclosure Councils (BECs), and in the formation of BEC-DC. Most recently, Dave was a key player in the tripartite memorandum of understanding between NIBS, AIA and the National Building Envelope Council of Canada to collaborate on matters of building enclosure, hold conferences, advance education and the like. Last May, during the BEC breakfast at the AIA Convention in Boston, David Harris, Christine McEntee, AIA’s executive vice-president/CEO, NBEC president Ryan Dalgleish, and I signed the MOU. A hearty welcome to NIBS’ new president, Henry L. Green, Hon. AIA, who brings his stellar building community career of knowledge and experience to the Institute. Wagdy Anis, LEED AP, FAIA, Principal, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. Chairman of BETEC Chairman of the Editorial Board of JBED wanis@wje.com www.wje.com Summer/Fall 2008 9 10 Journal of Building Enclosure Design Feature Field Measurements of Moisture in Building Materials and Assemblies: Pitfalls and Error Assessment By Donald M Onysko, Christopher Schumacher and Peter Garrahan ABSTRACT Moisture meters are becoming ubiquitous in their use on building sites by building inspectors, supervisors, installers of flooring finishes, and other building specialists in their forensic work. The point of their use on construction sites is to enable their users to identify and avoid excessive built-in moisture or to determine why a moisture problem has developed. When things go badly and building scientists are called in to investigate failures moisture meters are essential tools to assist in the early stages of an investigation. The trouble is that many users are novices in their use and in the interpretation of readings provided by a moisture meter. There are several families of tools available to enable practitioners to apprize themselves of the amount of water stored in materials and to judge whether the levels measured pose a risk to the assembly once completed. These tools include handheld resistance-based and capacitance-based moisture meters and others. This paper will provide some of the background to the accuracy of handheld moisture meters and some of the pitfalls in their use and interpretation. Unless they are in the hands of a knowledgeable user, they should not be used solely as the basis for undertaking major remediation works without more detailed investigation. BACKGROUND Increasingly, moisture meters designed for industrial use in the wood industry are being used for field investigation of structures by persons who do not have the experience in their use or an understanding of their limitations. As part of the background in their use, it is important to understand the purpose for which they were developed and the basis for the extensive research that underpins their use. Measurement of the moisture content of lumber has been of prime importance to the wood industry for many years. Lumber producers need to know that their kiln operations achieve the target moisture content for KD lumber—more drying than necessary is costly for the extra energy needed, reduced productivity at the kilns, and increased levels of shrinkage and warp. Also, shipping lumber to distant markets that contains more water than desired (hence shipping weight) cuts into profit margins. Finally, drying (whether by kilns or air drying) is needed to avoid sap stain of wood having high moisture, and to arrest either incipient or new decay from progressing while it is in storage or being shipped. To meet these needs, particularly for wood industries that depend on speedy delivery to markets often across long distances, moisture meters have been developed based on the relationship between the electrical resistance or dielectric properties of wood and its moisture content. From these initial developments, meters have also been developed for other materials and applications, based on the same principles. Research on the factors that influence the resistance or dielectric properties of wood is extensive. Yet, there is a lack of appreciation for the uncertainty of the measurements made. It is one thing to accept a certain degree of variation in lumber that is kiln dried as a shipment. It is another matter to use these meters in the field to interpret whether there is or is likely to be moisture damage. Particularly egregious is the case where a code–imposed limit is required to be met by builders of wood framed buildings and an inspector dogmatically decides that the moisture meter readings above the limit indicate a structure is too “wet” to proceed with. Or, that on the basis of probing a few locations in an existing building, with a fixation on a codeimposed or unofficial understanding of the consequences of moisture retention, a building inspector decides that the envelope is in trouble and must be remediated, often at great cost. The purpose of this paper is to assist those not fully informed in wood moisture measurement and to provide a summary of the factors that influence moisture content readings. We will also discuss how this information should influence the measurement in the field and interpretation of the findings using these types of meters. The paper expands upon discussion and information provided in other guidelines [13]. WHY MEASURE MOISTURE CONTENT? Building codes in the U.S. and Canada, and indeed in many other countries, specify that lumber be dry at the time of installation in buildings. The definition of “dry” lumber in the North American context (as defined by the National Lumber Grades Authority [NLGA]) is wood having a maximum moisture of 19 percent on a dry weight basis. This is a typical moisture content that air-dried lumber can achieve in covered, outdoor storage. This requirement is derived from a long history of scientific research and experience involving good practice by the construction trades. The justification for the 19 percent specification does not seem to be recorded. Summer/Fall 2008 11 Figure 1. DC-resistance moisture meter (on left) and dielectric moisture meter (on right). However, it has long been recognized in the lumber industry that once logs have been sawn into lumber, if drying conditions are poor or the lumber is close-piled, there is opportunity for fungal infection and staining which may degrade its appearance and render it to be less marketable. The following quotation was taken from an early edition of the Wood Handbook (1940 revision) [1] in a discussion of storage of lumber at yards (p 205). “Lumber that has a moisture content higher than 20 percent is likely to become stained or decayed when piled solidly. On the other hand, lumber, even though at a moisture content of less than 20 percent, when not properly protected against the weather is apt to stain or decay.” This was at a time when the majority of wood was air dried and 12 Journal of Building Enclosure Design had become exposed to spores of decay fungi during exposure before sufficient drying. Today, we recognize that while existing decay may continue until the wood is dried below 20 percent, reinfection of kiln dried (normally sterile) wood by decay fungi will not occur unless the moisture content approaches the fiber saturation point (typically 28-30 percent MC) [2]. The 20 percent rule is now considered to provide a “reasonable margin of safety against fungal damage” [3]. In other words, there is a built in safety factor of some unknown amount in that recommendation. Despite those requirements, builders have not always used dry wood. Traditionally, green wood has often been used but construction practices made allowances for sufficient drying to take place of the finished building assemblies. From a forensic point of view, measurement of moisture content of wood and other materials is incidental to the main question having to be answered. For whatever reason questions were raised that required an investigation, the main goal is to decide whether or not there is a potential problem, and to decide what to do about it if there is a problem. The use of moisture meters is an aid to develop some understanding of the condition of a structure without further destructive investigation. Industry drying practices It is useful for persons investigating the health of a building assembly to know a little bit about the nature of the basic material they are dealing with. Most commercial lumber used in construction is from softwoods, i.e., from conifers that do not loose their foliage on a yearly basis. North American softwood lumber producers use large, batchloaded kilns to dry lumber under controlled conditions of temperature, relative humidity, and airflow. Variables such as species, initial moisture content, dimension, and other characteristics, affect drying times. Even after taking all of these variables into consideration, wood remains a complex material to dry. Natural variations in grain pattern, density, and the amount of sapwood/heartwood result in a certain amount of variability in the final moisture content. For these reasons, end users must expect and be prepared to accommodate for a certain amount of variability in the final MC. In fact although the NLGA grading rules specify 19 percent as the required upper limit for average moisture content, there is an allowance for up to 5 percent of the pieces in a charge to be in excess of this level. This is to reflect the variability in the material and the difficulty in drying all pieces to the same final MC. Virtually all kilns in the softwood construction lumber industry are of the heat-and-vent (or conventional) variety. Heat-and-vent dryers used in the drying of dimension lumber are large chambers with forced air circulation systems and controlled temperature and relative humidity systems. Drying schedules may employ maximum temperatures of 180 to 190°F (82 to 88°C) in conventional kilns and up to 240°F (115°C) in high-temperature kilns. These temperatures are sufficient to kill all insects and any other organisms that might be present in the wood. Computerized controls are used in most dry kilns to monitor and control the drying conditions and to collect some data on the moisture content (MC) of the material in the process. There are no practical systems available to accurately measure the moisture content of wood in a dry kiln. Kiln operators have data/tools available to assist in determining the end point for drying, but, for the most part, accurate measurement of MC cannot be conducted until after the wood is removed from the kiln. Moisture content sampling at the planer mill is the point in the process where the most accurate and greatest quantity of information can be gathered. Many of the larger softwood mills employ inline moisture meters to monitor the MC of every piece of lumber processed. If well calibrated and maintained, such instruments can provide average estimates of the MC to within plus or minus one percent of the “true” mean batch MC of most species. Spot checks with handheld moisture meters are also usually conducted at various points in the dressing (surfacing), grading, and packaging process. Mills rely on such information to verify conformance with MC specifications and provide feedback to the dry kiln operator. Summer/Fall 2008 13 Sampling of final MC by the oven-dry method may provide accurate information on an individual board basis but it is impractical for obtaining an accurate picture of the condition of the entire load. These practitioners know their materials, they know their sources, and they understand the drying processes involved. Significant variability can still be found from piece to piece within a kiln charge depending on how the drying actually took place. But these variations gradually reduce in protected lifts of material as moisture gradients decline and diffusion takes place within the stack during subsequent periods of storage and transit. Historic versus current building practices In the past, construction practices were forgiving to both higher initial MC’s and wetting that occurred during the building process. Construction scheduling was slower than today and permitted gradual drying of the standing wood frame structure. Use of lumber subflooring permitted drainage of moisture that impinged on the partially completed structure and prevented ponding of water on floors. Lumber wall sheathing was very permeable to both air and vapor movement and resulted in rapid drying of excess moisture in the wall cavities. Also, low levels of insulation permitted greater heat loss that contributed to more rapid drying after construction. With the application of lath and plaster finish for the interior, a wet process, drying was needed before the final finish plaster coat was applied. This was commonly done after a longer period of time when sufficient drying and building settlement had occurred to allow any shrinkage cracks to be manifest and to be repaired before the final finish coat and paint were applied. These building practices are not now commonly employed in North America. Currently, dry rather than wet practices for interior finishes are used; use of plywood and OSB panels for floor, wall and roof sheathing, and the use of power tools all provide for greater flexibility, ease of assembly, and speed of construction. Faster construction times are encouraged by the costs tied up in purchasing the land, and the labor and materials for construction. In quite recent times, there has been concern about the degree to which construction moisture is being locked in to wood framing at the time of construction. In 1991 CMHC published a report of a study they had commissioned Forintek to undertake to assess this issue across the country [4]. The moisture content of framing in wall studs and plates of over 515 houses under construction were assessed at 10 regional centers and at 4 different seasons of the year. In some parts of the country, S-GRN lumber was used predominately and high moisture levels were measured. When S-DRY lumber was used, moisture contents tended to be lower, but at some sites, even this lumber was found to contain moisture contents above fiber saturation (fiber saturation is considered to be approximately 30 percent). Bottom wall plates had higher moisture contents than wall studs because they were more vulnerable to absorbing rainfall due to their position and less surface area exposed for subsequent drying. This discussion helps define the potential initial moisture conditions that building assemblies may have experienced by the time of construction and from which changes will have taken place prior to investigation by a building inspector or forensic engineer or architect. Consequences of drying IN SITU: shrinkage We have touched on building practices that were used in the past to deal with shrinkage-induced effects related to drying. It is worth pointing out that whether lumber framing conforms or does not conform to the regulation concerning moisture content in the building codes, shrinkage effects still have to be accounted for in construction. The equilibrium moisture content (EMC) finally attained by lumber in the building may be 8 percent or lower depending on its location in the building and the climate. The transverse shrinkage of green lumber as it dries to its end point EMC can be as much as 4.5 percent. Dry lumber meeting code requirements will experience significantly less shrinkage but it still can be expected to shrink in the order of two percent. The consequences of shrinkage are nail popping leading to loss in air tightness (and drywall plaster popping), differential settlement leading to drywall cracks, floor squeaks, and building height settlement leading to potential problems with vertical plumbing stacks. These problems are normally associated with the initial drying-out period as lumber dries to its EMC. Our current building practices can accommodate for these effects. Probably the most important concern is the need for more careful attention to installation of air barriers and vapor barriers. This caution is to alert the reader to one type of change that affects how the heat, air and moisture performance of wood assemblies can be affected. How to judge that excessive moisture may be the cause of or may contribute to problems down the road? To make these judgments it is essential that the person undertaking the investigation knows about the likely behavior of the “system” he/she is investigating. 14 Journal of Building Enclosure Design Generally, if the desired moisture is 19 to 20 percent dry weight basis with no more than 5 percent of a shipment in excess of this level, it is considered “dry” because once installed in a building and protected, the MC will gradually decline and dry. It has been a long established practice that this is a safe level at which wood would not promote mold growth and encourage decay. The tolerance on exceeding the limit is to acknowledge the presence of other permitted species in the kiln charge that dried at a different rate. Of course once that lumber is installed in a structure, the rate of drying becomes dependent on the assembly that is quite different from that in a protected close piled lift. How that drying proceeds depends on the environment surrounding the individual pieces which is a function of the building practices during construction and the makeup of the building assembly. With the above sections as introduction, we will now summarize some of the factors that influence the accuracy of the estimate of moisture content that will be obtained using commercial moisture meters in a field inspection setting. Our primary emphasis will be on resistance based meters, but both they and dielectric based meters are tools that serious investigators will need to use, often at the same location. DC-RESISTANCE BASED METERS Essentially, DC-resistance based meters are ohm meters that have a scale or output calibrated for some reference species of wood. The reference species used by many manufacturers in North America is Douglas-fir, using a relationship that was obtained by the USDA Forest Products Laboratory (James 1963). This was most likely old growth Douglas-fir and the relationships developed would be specific to that material. Initially, moisture meters produced were calibrated for that species only. When used to measure the moisture content of other species, a correction was required. Extensive calibration studies were undertaken for numerous species to enable an industry standard resistance based moisture meter to be used throughout the industry and tables were published to allow these Douglasfir calibrated, DC-resistance meters to be used by lumber producers [5, 6]. Since then extensive research has been done to allow the use of these meters down to a wood temperature of -4°F (-20°C) and lower. This was necessary since significant errors were found for frozen wood [7]. Data from many studies have been recast into one correction equation for various species and wood temperatures from -20 to 120 °F (-29°C to 48.8°C) [8]. Meters are now available that allow individual species and wood temperatures to be selected. These meters have been programmed to automatically compensate for species and temperature effect. The relationships programmed into the meters are, in most cases, based on the various research papers listed in the bibliography. Those having the capability of selecting for specific species and temperature, and that have been properly calibrated using appropriate sampling techniques, are more likely to give readings that are closer to the mean moisture content of the wood than others. Electrical circuits in wood When good contact is made between the pins of a DCresistance meter and a piece of wood, a path is provided for current to flow between the two pins. In the equivalent electronic circuit of Figure 2, wood, as a dielectric, can be represented as a simple parallel circuit including a resistance and a capacitor. In this idealized circuit, when current is first turned on, electrons flow through the wood as idealized as a resistor and charge begins to accumulate in the capacitor. As charge continues to build the apparent resistivity drifts. This analogy hides the complexity of actual current and ionic flow in this natural dielectric material [15]. The movement of free ions is slower than that of electrons and they move toward one or other of the pins and the current flow diminishes with time as they accumulate at the interface between the pin surface and the wood. This mechanism explains the low conductivity (e.g. high apparent resistance) of wood and the fact that the resistance increases with temperature [9]. When no charge is present the ions tend to diffuse randomly, however in the presence of an electric field ions move towards and accumulate around the electrodes, causing the material to become polarized. While this phenomenon has little effect on short, one-time measurements made with hand-held analog MC meters, it can have significant effect on longer, continuous measurements or periodic in-situ measurements using such instruments. Digital commercial MC meters are designed to take the measurements over a very short fixed period of time and at a low applied voltage to minimize polarization. Periodic in-situ measurements will be discussed later in this paper. Use of handheld meters—4 or 2 pins and orientation The pins should be inserted parallel to the grain and in a region away from defects such as knots, pitch pockets, or decay. When interpreting measurements in material containing a moisture gradient, insulated pins should be used. These are specially coated with a non-conducting material and shaped to resist abrasion when being driven in. The tips are not insulated and the MC reading taken is relevant to the wood in the region and depth to which the pins have been driven. For thinner materials, and where moisture gradients are not likely, non-insulated pins are typically used. Use of non-insulated pins provides one an idea of the upper level of moisture present, not the average if that is of interest, or of the moisture content in a particular veneer in plywood. For measuring moisture content of product having veneers, 4 pin tools are useful because one does not need to be concerned about the grain direction of the particular veneer being probed. Figure 2. The equivalent circuit. Summer/Fall 2008 15 In-situ measurements In-situ measurements can be made by driving pairs of pins with lead wires into select locations. The moisture content at these locations can be measured by connecting the leads to the pins of a handheld meter as illustrated in Figure 3. In this case a pair of 3/4 inch (19 mm) stainless steel pins has been used as the in-situ electrodes. All but the tip and a band under the head have been coated with ceramic engine paint and cured in an industrial oven to provide an abrasion resistant, non-conductive (i.e. insulating) finish. Once the pins are installed the exposed solder joints are coated with insulating electrical tape to prevent the possibility of current flow through wet adjacent materials such as insulation. A thermistor can be installed in parallel to the moisture pins to allow for temperature calibration where necessary. In-situ measurements can be useful whenever periodic measurements must be made at the same location or wherever it will be difficult, too costly or too destructive to get to the measurement location at the time that the measurements are to be made. Using this approach, one can monitor the drying of construction moisture or moisture introduced by a wetting event. It can be used to permit periodic moisture content checks in problem areas after repairs. Issues that influence DC-resistance based measurements Species effects and temperature effects An extensive series of studies at the Eastern and Western Forest Products labs in Canada (now FPInnovations) and the USDA Forest Products Laboratory over many decades have led to a fairly reliable formulation to make corrections for meters that are calibrated or designed for Douglas-fir and used at a setting appropriate for that species. This has been based on very extensive research over many decades in both the U.S. and Canada. Species is one factor that is known to have an impact on DC-resistance meter readings. Although specific gravity varies between species, the species effect on DC-resistance is also related to differences in the chemical (extractive) composition of the wood. In order to apply a species correction requires some knowledge of the species being tested. People in the wood industry know the trees they are machining and can even differentiate between individual species within a family of conifers. For example, some spruces can only be identified by examining both the wood and the bark of the tree. This has a direct bearing on the accuracy of estimating the moisture of lumber. At a sawmill site it is relatively easy to identify which species is being tested. In other circumstances there is much less certainty by persons outside of the wood producing industry. If species cannot be determined with certainty, the user must bear this in mind when considering the potential accuracy of readings that are obtained. For any given moisture content, the apparent resistance of wood is dependent on the temperature of the wood - the higher the temperature the lower the resistance. Temperature corrections were first developed at the USDA by James [9] using 73°F (23.8°C) as the reference temperature. However several research studies have shown that this relationship makes corrections that severely over estimates the moisture content for wood at low temperatures, particularly for frozen wood. On the basis of extensive studies a relationship was provided that enabled DC-resistance meters to be used more reliably over a wide wood temperature range. The single formula accounting for the effect of both species and wood temperature developed was [8]: [ MC = R + 0.567 - 0.0260T + 0.000051T2 0.881(1.0056)T MC = corrected meter reading R = meter reading T = wood temperature ºC a and b = species correction coefficients (calibration at 22.8ºC) While this relationship appears to be ungainly, it can be set up in a spreadsheet to provide corrections even on the job site. At least one manufacturer has incorporated this relationship in electronic based moisture meters that allow selecting for a specific species by code and temperature, and correctly interpreting the displayed reading. Species correction coefficients for a range of commercial species and species groupings (hybrids) are provided in Table 1. Manufacturers supply meters for many areas of the world and for many different applications. Therefore, it is common to find meters that are pre-programmed with different correction factors than those described above. The references and material listed above are relevant to Canadian conditions. When sourcing or utilizing any moisture meter the user must be careful to get information on how the meter has been Figure 3. In-situ pins connected to moisture meter using leads (on left) and close-up of thermistor and insulated pins (on right). 16 Journal of Building Enclosure Design ] 1 -b a calibrated and what “on-board” calibrations are available for use outside of its base line condition. An example of the range of true moisture content for different species and species groups is shown in Figure 4 (see page 18). For accurate measurement and interpretation, the temperature should be measured with a separate instrument by inserting a probe into the hole created by driving the moisture meter pins into the wood. The influence of temperature on the uncorrected meter reading is shown in Figure 5 (see page 18). Use of a typical handheld temperature gauge for this purpose is shown in Figure 6 (see page 18). Moisture gradients In most applications in the field, moisture is seldom distributed uniformly. In studs, wall plates or floor joists, particularly in the exterior envelope where the greatest environmental differentials between inside and outside exist, there will be moisture movement. Consequently, it is necessary to assume that there are moisture gradients. For lumber that is drying uniformly from all four faces and from a high MC level, depending on the rate of drying, the Table 1: Species correction factors for resistance type moisture meters calibrated for Douglas-fir based on USDA data for that species {from [10]} Species a-coefficient b-coefficient Sitka Spruce 0.853 0.398 Eastern Hemlock Norway Spruce Western White Spruce Eastern White Spruce Black Spruce Red Spruce Red Pine Eastern White Pine Western White Pine Ponderosa Pine Lodgepole Pine Jack Pine Alpine Fir Balsam Fir Western Red Cedar Eastern Yellow Cedar Trembling Aspen 0.904 0.702 0.828 0.702 0.820 0.723 0.730 0.821 0.969 0.849 0.835 0.749 1.070 0.900 1.019 0.922 0.910 -0.051 approximate average value is at about 1/5th to 1/6th of thickness when measured on the middle of the wide face. Under mild drying conditions (say air drying) or a piece of under initial uniform moisture, the distribution is assumed to be parabolic as shown in Figure 7 (see page 19). The higher the rate of drying, the higher the moisture gradient. In other words, the face of the lumber piece dries to a very low MC relative to the core. Of course, if there has been subsequent wetting, the shell of the piece of lumber will be wetter than the core and a reverse distribution may be found. This alone may be of great assistance in understanding the circumstances leading to the distribution of moisture found in the assemblies being investigated. Also, as the lumber acclimatizes in storage or in a building structure, the high gradients expected immediately after kiln drying will no longer exist. Instead, gradients specific to the environment actually experienced will predominate. It is thus necessary to understand the circumstances possible for the assembly being investigated and the likely history of the wood in the framing when measurements are being done. In field applications, it is important to consider the location of the lumber being probed and its function. For example, a wall stud is usually subject to a temperature differential across its depth (in the thickness of the wall). It may be exposed to air in the cavity on both faces, but not to air on the edges, especially the outside edge. When using a DC-resistance (pin) meter it is possible to insert the insulated pins to different depths to observe the change in moisture with depth. 0.818 -0.621 0.818 -0.378 -0.024 0.793 0.556 -0.391 0.233 -0.545 0.467 -2.950 0.350 -0.455 -0.751 2.750 Hybrid Coefficients Western Hem-Fir 0.838 0.693 Northern Alberta Pine 0.792 -0.039 Douglas Fir 0.838 Spruce (Canadian Maritimes) 0.792 Northern Alberta Fir 0.985 0.139 -1.300 0.693 Summer/Fall 2008 17 Figure 4. Figure showing the correction to meter readings for a range of species at a calibration temperature of 22.8°C. Figure 5. Showing the effect of temperature on meter readings for an example species (Douglas-fir). Figure 6. Hand-held digital thermometer fitted with thermocouple probe to measure internal wood temperature. Touching the pins to the surface of the wood will give a reading that reflects the EMC of the wood under environmental conditions in that vicinity. You need to penetrate the exposed layers of wood cells to get to the material that accurately reflects moisture content in the piece near the surface. As you probe deeper, you will get an idea of that gradient. Conventional symmetrical drying normally leads to a parabolic gradient (as shown in Figure 7 as a dotted line) and the mean MC will be found at a depth of about 1/5th to 1/6th of the thickness of the lumber if insulated pins are used. For a 1.5 inch piece of lumber (38 mm), that depth is about 0.25 to 0.3 inches (6 to 7.6 mm). Not all cases involve symmetrical drying. For example the bottom plate of a wall may have sat in a pool of water during early construction. And because of contact with the subfloor will have dried very slowly from that contact plane. The gradient may well show greater and greater MC with depth from the top face down to its bottom. To determine if wetting has taken place, several readings should be taken. For a symmetrical distribution at least two readings should be taken. If only the edge of the lumber is accessible it is suggested that the two readings be taken at 6 and 25 mm depth and averaged. Also, if only the edge is accessible, readings can be taken at different vertical positions from the bottom to the top face. This allows 18 Journal of Building Enclosure Design taken to determine if a wet pocket is responsible for the high reading. Small wet pockets are not a concern as they will eventually dissipate into the rest of the board and dry out. Wet pockets may be found when lumber is initially dried, but by the time the lumber ends up in a finished structure, the moisture gradients will be significantly reduced. In practice, deleterious effects have not been found by including wet pockets in lumber supplied; it is usually only a matter of time before the local wet pockets dry to the similar condition of normal wood. High temperature Kiln Dried Wood Normal maximum kiln drying temperatures range up to 160°F (71°C) for a significant portion of the kiln schedule. Very high temperatures cause a change in the basic structure of the wood which results in a change in its resistivity. However, investigations into the effect of high temperature drying, with temperature ranging up to 212°F (100°C) or higher for a significant portion of the kiln schedule have not been found to have a significant effect [11]. Figure 7. Two possible moisture gradients, after kiln drying (dotted line), after rewetting (solid line). us to simulate readings that would have been taken at different depths if the wide face had been accessible. Wet pockets Very briefly, certain species are prone to a condition referred to as “wet pockets”. These prevent the establishment of a normal moisture gradient in lumber. The main softwood species used for construction that are affected are balsam fir and subalpine fir in the Spruce-Pine-Fir group, and hemlock that is part of the Douglas Fir-Hemlock marketing group. The problem is due to a bacterial infection in the living tree which does not affect wood strength or its color but does affect its liquid and vapor permeability. The permeability is reduced to the point where, wet pocket zones in a board may take 3 or 4 times as long to dry as normal wood. The infection is usually not widespread in a tree and therefore typically affects only portions of a board. After a normal drying cycle of a kiln charge, it is possible to find localized areas in a board cross-section that may have MC’s as high as 30 to 50 percent MC while the rest of the wood is well below the target MC, see Figure 8. If a high moisture reading is obtained using a resistance based meter, at least 3 or 4 additional readings along the member in question should Moisture content of treated lumber CCA treated wood Copper Chrome Arsenate (CCA) treated wood has been the most commonly available pressure-treated wood used in construction. This wood is dried and then pressure treated in a water-borne solution of chemical. Consequently, the presence of an S-DRY stamp on pressure treated lumber is not indicative of the moisture content after treatment. The material is stored Figure 8. Typical wet pocket in cross-section of a board from a species such as balsam fir or western hemlock. Summer/Fall 2008 19 at ambient temperatures or heated for a short time and the chemical becomes fixed to the fiber in the wood and protects the treated portions from decay. The treatment adds water to the wood, but this is not normally considered to be a problem for exterior uses. For use in a building, kiln drying after treatment (KDAT) should be specified. The moisture content of CCA-treated wood, when used in more severe conditions in the building envelope can be evaluated using the same procedures as for untreated wood. CCA-C treatment has been reported to be less conductive than for salt treatments. The error for treated southern yellow pine was about 2 percent MC in the range 12 percent to 25 percent [14]. ACQ and CA treated wood Alkaline copper quat (ACQ) and copper azole (CA) have largely replaced CCA treated wood for exterior and other locations. They contain more copper than CCA, and are more corrosive to unprotected fasteners. They require use of hot dipped galvanized fasteners and connectors (or stainless steel). No information is currently available on the potential effect that these treatments have on the moisture content readings by either resistance based or dielectric based moisture meters. Sodium Borate (SBX) treated wood Sodium borate treated lumber and sheathing has recently been introduced into the market in Canada and the U.S. This is also a water-borne treatment, but it is intended only for applications protected from rain. All borate treated wood should be specified as KDAT. The treatment will also prevent decay and be instrumental in reducing the risk of mould growth. A recent study available to the authors has shown that the resistance based meter reading was 2 percent to 4 percent higher over a 12 to 30 percent MC range for treatments intended for controlling native termites, and from 2 to 8 percent higher over that range for higher retention treatments intended to control Formosan termites. The apparent resistivity is strongly sensitive to the treatment level and species, and until that data is published in its entirety it is necessary to temper any readings taken on borate treated lumber or panel products, recognizing that measured moisture values can be considerable higher than actual moisture values as shown in Figure 9. Fire-retardant-treated wood Fire-retardant-treated or FRT wood is produced by either coating or pressure treating with chemicals. The majority of fire-retardant-treated wood used in construction is strictly surface coated. The interior of surface-coated wood is essentially unaffected and therefore the method of moisture measurement is unchanged from that for untreated wood. It is important to ensure that insulated pins in good condition are used to avoid any electrical contact with the fire retardant. In pressure-treated material, the presence of fire retardant within the wood will affect its resistivity and therefore a separate correction factor is required. At present, there is insufficient information to suggest how to interpret moisture meter readings in this situation. If moisture content data on such material is required, cutting small samples for an oven-dry determination is recommended. In conclusion, while accurate estimation of moisture content is difficult in wood having some types of treatments, it should be noted that some of those treatments are done to protect 20 Journal of Building Enclosure Design Figure 9. Approximate relationship between oven dried moisture and moisture meter readings for borate treated Western White Spruce at room temperature at different treatment levels. the material in high MC conditions and that, despite measuring higher moisture than recommended for normal wood (even after correction for changes in resistivity), there is no justification for assuming that the treated portion of the structure is at risk. This does not mean that other portions of the structure are not affected by the source of that moisture. Moisture measurement in other wood products Oriented Strand Board [OSB] OSB panels are produced by laying up parallel and cross mats of wood strands having a wafer-like appearance. The adhesive used is either applied in powder form or sprayed in liquid form as the strands are tumbled in a large drum prior to lay-up in mats. Lower density aspen and poplar are preferred for this product because these strands can more easily be made to conform to each other under heat and pressure. However higher density species such as southern yellow pine have also been used successfully. The high temperatures and pressures used also result in some densification of the material. Industrial wax is applied to the wafers to allow better uniform adhesion of powdered adhesives to the wafer surfaces. This also imparts some water repellency to the finished product. Due to the densification and the addition of wax and adhesive, the bulk density of OSB is higher than that of wood or plywood. The moisture content (dry weight basis) is about three to four percent lower than for solid wood of the same species at the same conditions. Limited testing was conducted at Forintek to develop a correction factor for OSB. Existing temperature correction data for solid wood was used to develop corrections at other temperatures. Correlation coefficients for use with the previously noted equation in this paper were developed [a= 0.838, b=0.693]. It should be noted however that there is considerable variety in sources of supply and species used for this widely used product and these results only provide a rough guide for the correction that should be applied. Finally, it should be noted that the calculation of bulk moisture content includes the weight of adhesive and industrial wax that is still retained after manufacture. The moisture content of the wood fibers would be somewhat higher, closer to that achieved by unprocessed wood. The addition of, say, 3 percent moisture to the corrected bulk moisture content is one way to account for these issues and to provide an estimate of the moisture actually experienced by the wood fibers in these products. Plywood Plywood panels are laid up with parallel and cross-ply layers of veneers that are rotary peeled from logs. After drying, sorting and grading, liquid beads of adhesive are deposited on each sheet or width of veneer on their way to the lay-up station. The pressure and temperature used by the presses in the production of plywood are lower than those used for production of OSB resulting in less densification. The adhesive forms a mostly discontinuous thin film that alters the liquid permeability of the product somewhat. The moisture reading obtained with a resistance-type meter is based on the most conductive path of the veneer into which the pins have been inserted. At high moisture levels, because of the possibility of liquid paths in the more open structure of veneers compared with solid wood (caused by lathe checks), somewhat higher than average readings may be obtained. Because of the added mass of adhesive and slight densification, the bulk density of plywood is higher than wood from which it was derived. Consequently, at specific environmental conditions, the equilibrium moisture content of plywood based on bulk density will be about 2 percent less (dry weight basis) than would be achieved by the parent material based on oven drying determinations. More accurate readings can be obtained if care is taken to insert the pins from a resistance-type meter into the same layer of veneer. Grain direction has a small effect and it is advisable to take the average of parallel and cross readings. The species of veneers used in the core may not be the same as that used on the faces. Consequently one is limited to using species and temperature corrections based on broad species groupings such as are provided in Table 1. Over the fiber saturation of plywood, the errors in estimation of moisture content are far larger than in solid wood. In part this is because of moisture gradients, and the makeup of the material. Accuracy of estimation of moisture content using DC-resistance based moisture meters There are limits to the accuracy with which the moisture content can be measured by any electrical means. All handheld electrical meters (DC-resistance and dielectric) are not considered to be reliable for measuring moisture content above the fiber saturation point (25 to 30 percent). Given the discussion in earlier sections dealing with a) species effects, b) temperature effects, and c) moisture gradients, an appropriate question to pose is what accuracy can be achieved when you think you know everything you need to know. The following example will try to answer that question. In the study of moisture content of framing in houses under construction, field inspectors selected cutoffs, or cut pieces from longer lengths of framing lumber used for walls on buildings sites in 10 population centers across Canada [4]. The pieces were from 2 x 4 studs usually, and cut to be at least 1.9 inches (50 mm) long. They were bagged and shipped to the Forintek Laboratory in Ottawa for analysis. They were pinned at two depths (shell and core, at 0.37 to 0.98 inches (9.5mm to 25mm) into the edge of each piece), oven dried to determine their mean moisture content, and the species were identified. The meter readings were adjusted for species and temperature for comparison with the oven dried values. Nine species were identified, although individual species could not be identified within the spruce genus on examination of the wood alone and these were grouped together. A comparison between the estimated and the oven-dried MC values for the spruces is shown in Figure 10 below. The regression of samples having less than 30 percent MC had an R2 = 0.927, and a root mean square error of 1.52 percent MC. This implies that with the best of information (excluding specific species in the group) the estimate of possible error over the range, roughly 10 to 30 percent MC, the true mean moisture content is within 1.5 percent MC of the correct value roughly 68 percent of the time. Over 30 percent MC (over fiber saturation) the scatter is considerable, although there were only 40 specimens in that region. Estimating the average MC at high levels of moisture is dubious—all one can say is that the wood is wet. It was noted that when the pine and fir samples were added (N=391), for the 10 to 30 percent range, R2=0.835 and the RMSE was 2.4 percent MC. The estimate of error in moisture content above 30 percent was in the order of 8 to10 percent MC. Of course, better results will be obtained if specific species can be identified. Key points on the use of DC-resistance based moisture meters: • Care must be taken to ensue that moisture readings are obtained from sound, clear wood and special precautions should be taken with species that are prone to wet pockets to not presume general wide spread moisture on the basis of readings in one locale. • Proper pinning depth is important to ensure a good estimate Figure 10. Comparison between oven-dried MC and meter-adjusted measurements for 264 spruce samples from building sites across Canada. Summer/Fall 2008 21 of average MC. Of course, due to expected moisture gradients these should be evaluated as the gradient may provide information as to the source of wetting. • Moisture meters can provide good estimates of the actual moisture content of wood provided that moisture levels are under fiber saturation (about 30 percent) and the species can be identified and the temperature at the pinning location is known. • Moisture gradients must be investigated to help in determining the source of wetting if possible, and to assess if drying to safe levels would occur without intervention, or if more destructive investigation is warranted. • Meters can be used on composite products such as plywood and OSB. But much less information is available about the variability of readings taken. In part this is due to the complexity of the materials and partly due to scarcity of the data. normal calibration assumes the lumber has a typical parabolic moisture gradient and that the average moisture content is the property of interest. This may not always be the case. Some meters are available that generate two selectable electric fields, one—typical for assessing the average moisture of lumber, and another—generates a weaker field to assess the moisture of the near surface material in lumber. Effectively this is an attempt to assess gradients. We do not have experience with these meters as yet. Most of these meters are heavily influenced by surface moisture content. A moisture gradient involving either a very wet or very dry surface will cause MC estimates to be over or underestimated respectively. As with DC-resistance meters, the limitations of dielectric moisture measuring technology should not be considered as a reason to not take advantage of this technique. Indeed, meters combining both functions have come on the market in recognition of both the limitations and the capabilities of each type of instrument. CAPACITANCE BASED MOISTURE METERS While most of this paper has concentrated on the use of DCresistance type moisture meters, this is not meant to minimize the potential for the use of meters based on dielectric properties of wood. As noted earlier, some mills employ dielectric based meters on line for all lumber produced, and with proper calibration accounting for the species and the moisture gradients typically present at the manufacturing stage, estimates of moisture content can be made within +/- 2 percent of true levels [12]. For on site investigations, the value of a dielectric type meter lies in the ability to use it as a scanning device to detect locations where higher than expected moisture contents may be detected. It is a nondestructive contact instrument in contrast to the DC-resistance based moisture meters that must insert pins into the material being assessed. By setting the threshold value of a dielectric based meter in a location that is not expected to be “wet”, one can then scan the surface of a wall to locate areas that may be of greater interest to investigate carefully. By attaching the meter to an extendible pole, upper walls and ceilings can also be quickly examined. In reality, based on this description, a dielectric meter is an essential tool for pre-screening and the DC-resistance based meter is essential for obtaining, to the extent that is possible, a good estimate of the moisture content of the material being assessed and the distribution of that moisture within the material. Dielectric meter readings are affected by the temperature of the wood but the correction is less than half of that required for resistance based meters [12]. For pre-screening purposes, it would not be necessary to attempt corrections. Things such as meter application pressure, surface condition of the wood, and the presence of knots do have a minor impact on meter readings. If, however, the intent is to use this meter to pre-screen material the effect of these variables can be neglected. The main variable which must be accounted for is specific gravity. Since specific gravity varies between species this is usually referred to as a species correction. Specific gravity can be determined through a laboratory test but for most applications a species average from the Wood Handbook (1) is sufficient. Many meters of this type have the ability to be adjusted for the specific gravity of the material. The prime drawback to the use of a dielectric meter is that its GENERAL PROCEDURE FOR ON SITE INVESTIGATION To assess the general moisture content of a stud in a wall, two sampling locations with a moisture meter are recommended. Readings taken at a level of about 11.8 inches (300 mm) and at mid height, approximately (47.2 mm), should give a fairly good estimate of the basic moisture content of the vertical members in that elevation of the building, at that storey level see Figure 11. Interior wall studs are more likely to be representative of the lumber as it was delivered to the site and then dried somewhat in place. These are usually only enclosed with gypsum wallboard and are not subjected to significant temperature gradients. As a result, drying is readily permitted and the moisture content of interior studs is less critical to durability. Exterior wall studs and plates are the more critical elements to evaluate, since they are generally more exposed to the weather and are constructed to be resistant to moisture flow. The bottom plates are likely to be the wettest of the framing lumber in the building and should be checked more rigorously. These pieces should be checked for core and shell moisture content and at several points along their length. Headers, rim joists, built up columns or other assemblies with a large mass of wood are slow to dry when wetted. Boards in areas where drying is 22 Journal of Building Enclosure Design Figure 11. Suggested approximate locations for meter measurements to obtain average moisture contents in studs and wall plates. [13] inhibited by impermeable flashing or peel and stick membrane, should also be checked. It is unlikely that high moisture conditions in interior wall framing at time of installation will lead to conditions that encourage decay. These walls generally dry rapidly because there are few or no barriers to inhibit vapor transmission. The major consequence of tolerating higher moisture levels in the interior load bearing members is that more settlement and shrinkage of the interior will take place relative to the exterior shell of the building. This is not expected to be a significant effect although the total shrinkage of the whole building must be accounted for in the design of the plumbing and sewage distribution system. If the intent of the measurements is to assess whether it is acceptable to proceed with the construction, it is recommended that a minimum of 4 studs be evaluated in each exterior wall elevation. As far as the number of storeys that should be assessed, in most cases (from our experience) the bottom storey will be the wettest even though it will have been constructed first. A small amount of ad hoc evaluation may be helpful to determine where attention should be focused with regard to detailed MC measurements in the building. In summary, when it is found that higher than desirable moisture levels have been detected, adequate sampling is required to provide a solid basis for a decision to delay construction or undertake some additional measures. It is recommended that, for the studs in any particular wall with moisture readings at two depths at each location, measured at two heights, and for four studs in the wall, a total of 16 readings be obtained. The same level of sampling should be done for the bottom wall plates. This should give the builder and assessor sufficient information to form an opinion on the degree of additional drying that may be required before proceeding. The builder and assessor can only make decisions of this nature, at the time of inspection. It may well be decided that significant portions of the framing can be closed in and to only leave unfinished those sections which require longer natural or induced drying. Interpretation of MC measurements in the field The issue of high moisture content in construction lumber is not new. Wood frame construction, as practiced for almost two centuries now, has always had to incorporate measures to mitigate the effect of moisture. Given the variability in climatic conditions across North America and the large seasonal changes experienced in northern climates, it is difficult to put forward a general rule on what degree of wetness might be tolerable over time. Judgment is needed, particularly with respect to the type of construction, the scheduling and degree of protection provided. Some factors that builders and inspectors may consider when they encounter framing that exceeds code requirements are discussed below. Species identification The average person will not be able to recognize the species of a piece of lumber. Generally, wood anatomists can, with the help of a magnifying glass, a penknife, and an examination of a large enough piece with grain deviations and knots. Even then some particular genus of spruce, for example, may not be possible to identify without seeing the bark of the tree as well. Where does this is leave the building inspector or forensic specialist? First of all, the grade stamps help identify the marketing group, and in some cases the specific species being marketed. For example SPF signifies the spruce-pine-fir group which includes up to 4 species of spruce, and an assortment of pines and firs. When more specific or individual species are marketed alone this makes the task easier. Even so, this may take some doing if grade stamps are not visible even if a portion of a wall or assembly is exposed. In the event that nothing is known about the material in the wall, looking at some other portion of the house say the basement, where there may be partitions and some exposed wood, may reveal what some of the material was graded as. A shipment for floor joists would not be a good indication as to the species group used in wall assemblies simply because they come from larger trees and may well have originated from another manufacturer/supplier. Also, sometimes knowing the regional construction practices and sources of supply can help pin things down. On the whole, stud grade material is often used in constructing walls and, as they are relatively over designed, there is less benefit from and interest in marketing specific species. On the other hand, framing lumber of the same size which is used in higher stress applications such as roof trusses and wood I-joists may well be sorted by species or at least be more predominant in one species. Accredited grade stamps for Canadian lumber are to be found on the Canadian Lumber Standards (CLS) Accreditation Board web site (Membership Information), and corresponding grade stamps for lumber produced and graded in the U.S. are located on the American Lumber Standards Committee, Inc. web site (Accredited Agency List). In a critical investigation, particularly one in which some destructive examination has been done to reveal the underlying structure, grading agency inspectors can be called in to examine and more accurately identify the species of lumber used in a particular structure. Climatic factors The climatic conditions are extremely important. Conditions in most of the country will often favor the maintenance of or promote drying toward an acceptable moisture level. Unfortunately, because unfavorable conditions - either being too wet, or too humid, or too cold can occur in all locations, the builder must exercise caution. The weather conditions in some areas are so unpredictable that protected construction is the only way to lower the risk of delays. Undertaking construction practices that minimize the risk is another part of the solution. For example, using exterior insulation changes the thermal gradients and results in warmer stud cavities. With judicious consideration of vapor resistance of materials making up the wall, it is possible for excess moisture to dry to the interior. Type of wall system Some completed wall systems are more amenable to drying than others. Partially completed walls will be more amenable to drying and this should be taken advantage of when possible. Summer/Fall 2008 23 Many wall systems built in colder climates are built with a vapor barrier located over the interior surface of the framing, just behind the interior gypsum board lining. Therefore the majority of drying of moisture after the installation of the vapor barrier can only take place toward the exterior. Advantage should be taken of all conditions that could provide drying to the interior before the vapor barrier is installed. The polyethylene vapor barrier also serves to protect the gypsum board from moisture in the wall. The paper faces are particularly vulnerable to supporting mould growth when exposed to high humidity. Drainage capability behind the main weather barrier and the choice of materials used affects the ability of a wall to dry out. This must be left to the builders and designers to consider for each type of system they employ. Orientation The orientation of walls affects their drying rate. North facing walls and walls that are shaded from the sun by other buildings can be expected to dry more slowly. These walls are of particular concern and may have to be treated differently compared with east, west or south facing walls that receive more solar energy. In other areas, walls more exposed to wind-driven rain may require special consideration. The builder and inspectors must also keep in mind that loading of exterior cladding by rainwater can contribute to, or reduce the ability of the backup wall to dry out. Stucco cladding is a wet process and, until it has set, cured and been finished; it may reduce the ability of the inner wall to dry to the outside. A solar driven moisture wave front toward the interior of the wall is not unusual, but the effect can be minimized by use of a ventilated cavity. Sequencing of construction in addition to location and orientation is critical when assessing the moisture content that can be safely retained in the framing. Indoor climate It is not expected that interior conditions in northern climates will have much effect on exterior wall performance when a vapor retarder is installed and an air barrier system is used to minimize air movement. However, if these construction details are not properly addressed, the moisture content of the lumber framing becomes more critical. The level of seasonal moisture storage may be safe for a building with a lesser initial moisture content. Should the initial moisture content be high at time of closing, the addition of further moisture might prevent drying in a timely fashion. Air conditioning in the summer can do much to reverse the flow of moisture in a wall. Here, it almost goes without saying, its makeup and design will affect the tolerance of the wall to these conditions. Key points on the factors that influence interpretation of field measurements • Bottom plates are likely to be the wettest of the framing lumber in the building and should be checked more rigorously. • For vertical members, meter readings should be taken at various heights and depths to assess average MC and moisture distribution. • There is no hard and fast rule to recommend an upper limit of moisture content in construction materials in the standing frame to prevent deterioration because so many factors are involved. • The local climatic conditions, particularly wind-driven rain, can affect the likelihood of drying in a reasonable timeframe. • The type of wall, its materials and design, ultimately affect the decision as to what must be done in cases where excess moisture exists. • The orientation of walls in relation to solar gain, and in relation of the prevailing direction of wind-driven rain, plays a major role and should be accounted for in design and predictions on time required before closing. • The indoor environment and whether or not it is air-conditioned must also be considered. SUMMARY With regard to the use of DC-resistance based meters: • DC-resistance based moisture meters can provide good estimates of the actual moisture content of wood when both the temperature and the species are known. • Moisture gradients can also be readily assessed using resistance-based moisture meters equipped with insulated pins. • DC-resistance meters are the most practical and versatile for detailed testing of construction lumber that is in place. • DC-resistance meter readings must be corrected for the effect of wood temperature and species, in order to get the most accurate predictions of MC. • Typically they only provide reliable results up to fiber saturation, say 30 percent. 24 Journal of Building Enclosure Design • Proper pinning depth or readings taken at various depths is important to ensure a good estimate of the average MC for the cross-section. • Care must be taken to ensure that reading are obtained from sound, clear wood and special precautions taken when dealing with species prone to wet pockets. • For solid wood treated with some preservatives or fire-retardants there is an effect on the meter readings. However there is limited information available on how to apply corrections to those readings. With respect to the use of dielectric based moisture meters: • Dielectric meters are useful for scanning or pre-screening areas where more moisture exists and are a useful survey tool in conjunction with DC-resistance meters. • Specific gravity of the material being scanned is the prime factor influencing the meter readings. • The effect of temperature of the wood is less than half of that effect for DC-resistance based meters. • Moisture gradients cannot be assessed accurately using dielectric meters. • Both types of meters can be used on composite products such as Plywood and OSB. • Little is known on how much effect preservatives or fire retardants have on dielectric moisture meter readings. Finally, with respect to the interpretation of the severity of moisture readings found: • The 19 to 20 percent code limit is only a guide for lumber producers for drying wood so that it can be used in construction with low risk of mould growth. Further drying is expected in place. This was based on experience and construction practices that extend back to the 1800s. • The grading rules specify a 19 to 20 percent MC limit for drying but allow up to 5 percent of a load of lumber to be over that value. This tolerance for “off spec” pieces acknowledges that there is variability in MC from piece to piece in the kiln charge due to drying conditions and natural variability in the material. Additionally, there are high moisture gradients in the lumber right after kiln drying that may partly equalize in storage. • Construction that uses wood framing having high moisture content needs to involve practices that maximize drying of the structure and should involve monitoring of moisture content at critical locations in the structure. • Monitoring the moisture content of building materials is an emerging need in construction. Accuracy is perhaps less important than identifying when a problem exists. • Having both DC-resistance and dielectric meters available to inspectors is an effective way of screening for moisture problems. Probably also needed is a temperature meter and RH meter. Flexibility in the capability of tools is very desirable. Donald Onysko works for DMO Associates in Ottawa, Ontario. Christopher Schumacher works for Building Science Corporation in Waterloo, Ontario. Peter Garrahan, works for FPInnovations, Forintek Division, in Ottawa, Ontario. References [1] Wood Handbook: Basic Information on Wood as a Material of Construction with Data for its Use in Design and Specifications. Prepared by the Forest Products Laboratory, Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, [Slightly Revised 1940], Washington, DC. [2] Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material. 1999. Forest Products Society Madison WI. [3] Zabel, R.A. and J.J. Morrell. Wood Microbiology: Decay and its Prevention. Academic Press. San Diego CA. [4] Garrahan, P. J. Meil and D.M. Onysko. 1991. Moisture in Framing Lumber: Field Measurement, Acceptability and Use Surveys. Forintek Canada Corp. report for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation [5] Bramhall, G. and M. Salamon. 1978. Combined speciestemperature correction tables for moisture meters. Info. Report VPX-103 (revised), Forestry Directive, Environment Canada, Western Forest Products Laboratory. [6] Cech, M. Y. and F. Pfaff. 1975. Moisture content correction tables for resistance-type moisture meters. Report 7. Dept. of Environment. Can. For. Serv. [7] Mackay, J.F.G . 1984. Assessment of accuracy of species-temperature correction tables for resistance-type moisture meters. Forintek Canada Corp. Vancouver, B.C. [8] Pfaff, F and P. Garrahan. 1986, New temperature correction factors for the portable resistance-type moisture meter. Technical Note. Forest Products Journal. 36(3):28-30. [9] James , W.L. 1963. Electric moisture meters for wood. USDA Forest Service. Forest Products Laboratory. Res. Note FPL-08, Madison, WI. [10]Garrahan P. 1988. Moisture Meter Correction Factors. Forintek Canada Corp. Proceedings of a seminar on “In-grade testing of structural lumber”, held at USDA Forest Products Laboratory, Madison WI. [11]Garrahan P. 1987. Moisture Meter Correction Factors for High Temperature Dimension Lumber. Forintek Canada Corp. report to the Canadian Forestry Service. [12]Garrahan P, and V. Lavoie. 2005. 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Summer/Fall 2008 25 Feature Energy Efficiency and Durability of Buildings at the Crossroads BACKGROUND A few years ago, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) agreed to work together to organize Building Enclosure Councils (BECs) in cities across the United States in an effort to encourage the exchange of technical information and know-how on the best practices of building enclosure design. As a result of that agreement, BECs, organized as committees of state or local components of the AIA, now exist in 21 U.S. cities. Further, a memorandum of understanding with the Canadian National BEC, executed at the 2008 AIA convention in Boston, provides for Canadian collaboration in the information exchange effort. The first Building Enclosure Science and Technology (BEST 1) conference was hosted by BEC and AIA Minneapolis in June 2008. The conference, with the theme of “Energy Efficiency and Durability of Buildings at the Crossroads,” provided a wakeup call about both the deficiencies and the creative opportunities that lie ahead for the building design community in responding to a changing world in which buildings play a significant role in the use of energy (as well its impact on U.S. security, the balance of payments and the viability of the U.S. economy). This paper is an outcome of BEST1, and it reflects the perceived need for the Building Enclosure Technology and Environment Council (BETEC) of NIBS to outline the current state of affairs. It is one thing to specify that buildings achieve certain efficiencies; it is quite another matter for that outcome to become a reality. This is where practitioners come in as they are the “doers” that make things happen. It is expected that through the BEC network a greater awareness of the technological successes achieved and lessons learned from failures in building system design can impact future designs and convert design intent into reality. INTRODUCTION The building industry is at a crossroads and the question is, where do we go from here? The “green” train has left the station but the tracks are still being built. At the far end there is an AIA commitment to achieving a 2030 carbon neutral future (and improvement in the existing building stock). At the beginning, just outside the station, there is a lot of good will but also a realization that the majority of existing highly inefficient buildings will be with us well beyond 2030. There is a chasm that must be bridged if that goal is to be achieved and there is confusion on how to accelerate the process of renewal. All generally agree with the United Nations report that states: The good news is we have got a huge source of alternative energy all around us. It is called energy conservation, and it is the lowest cost new source of energy that we have at hand. . . . Clearly saving energy is like finding it. Past successful programs for advanced building design reveal that only “a systems approach” will achieve energy-saving goals in the future. We are past selling magic new materials and miraculous one-issue solutions. Every building, old or new, needs to be treated as an organism in which every component is a piece of the puzzle. Quick-fix efforts devoted to only one or even several components in the building enclosure, at best, probably will not achieve sufficient energy savings and may actually cause other problems. Whether one changes only one component or rehabilitates the whole building, effective approaches require advice from experienced practitioners of all types. The green value of actions is determined by the resulting building performance, not by the perception that an action is green. Although the process for assessing the success of energy-saving approaches is essentially the same for houses as for large office buildings, the need for mock-up and commissioning tests and the involvement of the full design team in review of energysaving elements is emphasized for large office buildings. This paper describes both the current status of building enclosure design and how large potential energy savings can Summer/Fall 2008 27 be achieved through the integrated design of new buildings and the rehabilitation of existing buildings. Included are comments concerning the interrelationship of energy efficiency, building durability, and the quality of the indoor environment. The construction community is at a crossroads and the stakes are high for making the right choices. The operation of buildings is recognized as a major component of energy use in North America. Building science has addressed this concern by making great progress in our understanding of concepts central to energy performance of buildings. We can now offer a breadth of proven approaches along with products developed by industry to meet high performance requirements. At the same time, our vision of buildings has ceased to be valid. In order to move forward, we need a new vision that will improve building energy efficiency, extend the building lifecycle, and improve economic competitiveness by putting savings from energy efficiency to more productive uses. This vision cannot be achieved without broad acceptance by the entire construction community including building owners, investors, and financiers, as well as designers, engineers and constructors. To set the stage, the following topics will be addressed briefly: • Our carbon footprint—the scope of current building energy use; • Past changes in design practices and use of energy; • The current approach to design of the opaque portion of building enclosures; • Fenestration and its potential for minimizing or maximizing solar gains; • Rehabilitation of existing buildings; and • New building design. OUR CARBON FOOTPRINT Whether or not one agrees with the direct link between CO2 increases in the atmosphere and global climate change, our carbon footprint is a convenient measure of how we use energy generated from combustion of fossil fuels. Because we depend on other countries as sources of much of our fuel, energy security is another priority, which has even greater precedence in the minds of some. Use of noncombustion energy sources such as wind and solar power can lower our total carbon footprint, but are only effective when 28 Journal of Building Enclosure Design combined with substantial increases in energy performance of buildings. Reported statistics concerning carbon footprints vary because some researchers include the embodied energy in materials and transportation whereas others consider only the part that relates to the energy use of the physical building and its occupancy. One author claims that the average carbon footprint per person in the United States is 33 lb/day, in California is 18 lb/day, and in the city of Los Angeles is 8.5 lb/day. These numbers are examples that demonstrate how much the carbon footprint can reflect both climate and occupancy. Most of the carbon dioxide produced in buildings (3050 percent) results from the use of energy for space heating and cooling, for appliances (up to 20 percent), and for water heating and lights (10 percent each). The total CO2 emissions from buildings, transportation, and industry in the United States are currently estimated to be the same level as those of China. What about energy sources? Coal is plentiful in the United States, but coal consumption results in emissions levels two to three times higher than those produced by other fuels. Carbon capture and sequestration can reduce carbon dioxide by 70 percent making coal a potential major transitional energy source (including its transformation into liquid fuel), but these measures require heavy investments and are not yet proven at a scale that would begin to address the emissions envisioned in the future. Wind harvesting can be used only in limited locations and only in conjunction with other base load energy sources. Photovoltaic (PV) energy, although still expensive, has a bright future but it requires improvements in the electric grid and significantly reduced costs. The current electric grid has a low efficiency. A future economy involving a large number of plug-in cars and thousands of PV installations would require a smart distributed grid. This brief overview of energy sources illustrates the dilemma. Many proposed “energy solutions” result in equal or greater carbon emissions (coal, coal to liquid, tar sands). It is also evident that efforts to achieve energy security and potential man-induced climate change are coupled and proposed solutions will need to have a positive impact on both. If supported effectively, such solutions could create a win-win situation for market-driven technologies. Thinking that changes in the supply side of energy—involving any mix of coal, nuclear, ethanol from corn, oil sands, coal to liquid transformation, or even hydrogen— will fill our future energy needs may lead us to an expensive dead end. Pushing one technological solution is a traditional way of increasing the energy supply without considering the demand side. We need to realize that the potential for reducing building energy use is widely underestimated and is the key to reducing overall energy demand. In effect, by pursuing an aggressive energy efficiency campaign dealing with both new and existing buildings, it may be possible to reduce the demand side to a level at which many expensive alternative energy sources will not be needed. If we consider the passive energy savings measures available today to rehabilitate old buildings as well as those energy efficiency measures now available for new buildings, the picture is optimistic. However, if alternate energy supplies are to be sufficient to meet the nation’s growing needs, we need to initiate broad programs for the “energy upgrading” of most of our existing buildings and enact high energy efficiency standards for new buildings. The figure on page 29, developed with poetic license, represents the potential impact of several supply side perspectives compared with one massive demand side option. While the media talk glibly about the use of renewable energy, they do not realize that this approach requires very efficient use of all energy from all sources. Renewable energy sources still represent only a drop in the bucket given the gross inefficiency of today’s buildings. The construction and operation of buildings consumes 40 percent of the total energy used in the United States whereas the transportation sector uses only about two-thirds of the energy used by buildings (or 27 percent of total energy). Buildings also consume 68 percent of all electricity, which results in the production of 750 million tons of CO2 (i.e., 38 percent of total U.S. production of carbon dioxide and 49 percent of U.S. production of SO2). Average energy use by commercial buildings in 1990 was 315 kWh /m2 but it has declined steadily since that time, reaching 250 kWh/m2 in 2002. Note, however, that this was equivalent to the energy use of commercial buildings in 1920—in other words, a masonry building without insulation built nearly 100 years ago consumed as much energy as a shiny, glass-clad building constructed today! This, of course, says nothing about the increase in energy-consuming functions of modern buildings. In contemporary office buildings, the office equipment and computers use 10 percent of total energy but lighting uses 28 percent. A layman, who accepts that in 1920 people also used lights (and probably less efficiently than now) and who understands that we now employ improved thermal insulation, thermal mass, air barriers and many other energy saving measures, understandably would be puzzled as to why we do not use much less energy than in the 1920s. This is the energy situation in which we find ourselves. Some have proposed societal goals aimed at achieving carbon neutral new construction by 2030, but to see how this can be accomplished, we need to understand the changes in building construction that took place in the past 60 years. REVIEW OF CHANGES IN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AND THE ROLE OF BUILDING SCIENCE Some changes that have occurred in residential construction are described below followed by identification of the corresponding changes in the construction of commercial and institutional buildings. Control of heat, air, and moisture movement in residential walls Prior to the 1930s, walls often were not insulated even though roofing felt was used as sheathing paper, walls were very leaky, but the use of building paper weather barriers, as distinct from roofing materials, soon became the rule. The building paper was placed on the external side of the wall sheathing to impede the movement of air and intrusion of rain behind the cladding while permitting some moisture to permeate to the outdoors. To improve thermal comfort, wall cavities were filled with insulation—first using wood chips and other available natural materials, sometimes stabilized with lime, then shredded newsprint, and eventually mineral fiber and fiberglass batts. Meanwhile, scientists observed that the presence of thermal insulation in the wood frame cavity lowered the temperature on the outer side of the cavity, leading to a higher potential for vapor condensation that, in turn, was found to be detrimental to the durability of the wall and the siding. Vapor barriers were introduced to reduce the flux of vapor coming from the warmer indoor environment and to alleviate condensation problems. A practical unit of permeance describing a typical and acceptable level of vapor flow retardation was introduced and named 1 perm (57 ng/m2 s Pa). Effectively, the 1930’s-built house featured a paper-based water-resistive barrier (WRB) capable of changing from a water vapor retarder when dry to a breather when wet because the paper acted as a smart water vapor retarder that changed its vapor permeability with moisture content. However, this WRB did not eliminate the airflow through the wall. The air flow helped to dry the moisture that condensed on the cold side of the thermal insulation. There was also the large moisture buffer capability of sheathing planks, wood frame, and insulation. Interior finishes were largely wet applied plaster. Finally, the pace of construction was slow enough to allow the building to dry and settle before the final coat of plaster was applied. Following World War II, wood boards were replaced by plywood panels in wall sheathing. During the 1970s waferboard, and subsequently oriented strand board (OSB), came to dominate the sheathing market. The use of paper-faced gypsum panels for the interior finish also emerged during this evolution to reduce construction time. Incidentally, use of “drywall” reduced the construction moisture load and the use of panel sheathing materials minimized air infiltration. The use of interior polyethylene vapor retarders continued this trend but also inhibited the ability of walls to dry to the interior, and moisture tolerance declined. Despite this use of materials that were progressively more susceptible to moisture, these materials performed adequately when properly used. Nevertheless, to perform adequately, drying capability to the outside was critical in this situation. More recent increases in levels of thermal insulation have further reduced the drying capability of walls such that deficiencies, such as leaks at windows or cladding penetrations, may now result more easily in moisture-originated damage. Recent acceptance of the concept of drain screen walls that allow rain water to be drained from the space behind the cladding has the potential to cause severe problems. When water is delivered behind the cladding (and often behind the exterior thermal insulation), a portion of it is retained on the drainage medium, both the surfaces of the cavity and the joints of panels. Despite the perceived ability of these walls to drain down to the flashing, water will evaporate and be redirected by reverse thermal gradients to the inside of the wall. To avoid this, one can use a WRB with high resistance to water vapor but this, in turn, will further reduce the drying ability from the inner wall. In summary, the following major changes in wall design that reduce the moisture tolerance of residential walls dramatically have taken place over the past 60 years: Summer/Fall 2008 29 • Increased levels of thermal insulation; • Increased level of water vapor resistance; • Increased air tightness of the walls; • Reduced ability of walls to dry; • Reduced moisture buffering capability; • Introduction of more moisture sensitive materials; and • Allowing drainage from the wallwindow interface to enter behind the cladding and exterior insulation. can only be done if there is equal attention is paid to indoor environmental and HVAC considerations. Like the R2000 program in Canada, the Energy Star program of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Energy Efficiency Building Retrofit Program, a project of the Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI), are good examples of programs designed to reduce energy consumption in new and existing buildings by specifying performance requirements. The beginning of high-performance housing in North America Prior to the 1970s when energy security became an issue, society was not very concerned about whole building performance. The oil supply crises in the early 1970s, however, forced society-wide discussion of longterm global energy security and supply and stimulated the introduction of energy conserving housing programs in Canada and the United States. These programs, in turn, affected the construction of conventional homes. Airtight building enclosures were needed which, in turn, required mechanical ventilation. Highefficiency heating devices were introduced that modified air flow patterns in buildings or eliminated the need for chimneys and this raised a new concern—the need for an air redistribution system within the house. At that point, interaction of the building enclosure with the heating, ventilation and air redistribution system in the occupied space became part of the builder’s design framework and phrases such as “building as a system” were used to describe the approach taken. In summary, today we have the technology to achieve reliable design of building enclosures to control heat, air, and moisture transport but we also realize that this Changing the scale—commercial, institutional and other large buildings While residential building designs can be suitably replicated in similar climatic zones, large buildings are often unique designs. There are great functional differences between different building uses— office buildings, warehouses, laboratories, hospitals, etc—and their energy use reflects that diversity. However, the heat, air, and moisture transport physics remain the same for all structures. Air flows (infiltration and exfiltration) are important to both energy efficiency and building durability. The specific aspect of air flow that relates to energy and durability is the moisture-carrying capability of air, which is much more significant than water vapor diffusion. Air movement also can drive rain penetration. Air movement occurs when there is connectivity between areas with different air pressures. There are many causes for air pressure differences (e.g., wind creating pressure on one side of a building and suction on the other side of the building). Pressures due to stack effect arise from temperature differences between indoor and outdoor spaces as well as within a building itself. 30 Journal of Building Enclosure Design The use of mechanical equipment such as local exhaust fans in bathrooms, kitchen fans, and heating and cooling equipment also can create pressure differences. Air carries outdoor pollutants as well as those generated within the building enclosure. Mold spores from basements and attics and those growing on paper-clad drywall on the interior of walls can be carried into the living spaces. Consider one example: a typical office building might use a ceiling return plenum for air distribution systems. Steel stud exterior walls have internal interconnected cavities and the drywall finish typically ends at the level of the plenum. This condition provides uncontrolled connectivity between those wall cavities and the ceiling space. In other words, many commercial buildings are designed with unlimited possibilities for air flow from any indoor space to any other space. In effect, an airtight building enclosure is needed for the following reasons: • To reduce the amount of uncontrolled air flow through building cavities and its possible effects on the hygrothermal performance of the enclosure and, especially to reduce the risk of excess moisture being deposited in the construction. • To reduce the amount of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), particulates, and mold spores carried from the outdoors or from construction materials into the indoor space. • To reduce the amount of heating and cooling required by unconditioned air entry. The need for air pressure control in buildings As long as buildings were leaky and poorly insulated, the effect of HVAC systems on induced air pressure and on the durability of the enclosure was not significant. There was no need to understand air movements in the building other than to know that they provided a necessary supply of fresh air. This is not the situation today. Now we require well-insulated, airtight buildings in which the indoor environment contributes to livability. The key to achieving these goals is to appreciate that air pressure fields have an important effect on the performance of building enclosures; therefore, understanding air movements in buildings is a necessity. Air For technical people, every green building—indeed every building—must address many different aspects of performance such as energy efficiency durability and build-ability, health and comfort of occupants (indoor environment), fire resistance, acoustics and affordability. This is not necessarily in agreement with public perception. pressure differences, however small and difficult to measure, must be determined to establish the performance of the building as a system. This is probably one of the key reasons for a fundamental revision to many assumptions that have developed over the years. Air transport control is now recognized as the least understood issue in the design of building enclosures. While the need for air tightness is now well recognized, achieving it in practice is still a challenge. Rain penetration and the influence of air penetration remain the most important issues to be handled in building enclosure design. Air barrier systems are required for the proper performance of building enclosures in all climates. Ensuring continuity of the air barrier plane over 100 percent of the exterior surface is a key requirement for air flow control by the building enclosure. Air barrier continuity must be checked both during the design review and (by commissioning) during construction. WHERE ARE WE TODAY WITH THE OPAQUE PART OF THE BUILDING ENCLOSURE? For a building to be truly sustainable, the designers must address many different aspects of performance such as energy efficiency, durability, constructability, health and comfort of occupants (indoor environment), fire resistance, acoustics, and affordability. This statement, however, does not necessarily reflect public perceptions regarding sustainable design. In a 2007 survey, 41 percent of all respondents defined a “green building” as one with a specified percentage of green materials and 46 percent stated that “green buildings” must follow criteria established by a national program. There is also a general perception that a “green building” will also be energy efficient. While the term “green buildings” has become a buzzword for environmentally driven impulses, a definition is needed for performing a cost-benefit analysis. To avoid ambiguity in the use of words like “green” or “sustainable,” the term “high-performance building” is preferred as it is defined in the Energy Policy Act of 2005 as follows: The term “high performance building” means a building that integrates and optimizes all major high-performance building attributes, including energy efficiency, durability, life cycle performance, and occupant productivity. A consequence of this definition is that the concept of “green materials” must be expanded to recognize the importance of “high performance assemblies.” For example, a bitumen-based self-adhering flashing would not meet the public perception of a “green material.” However, when properly applied, bitumen flashing tapes are key components in durable, airtight assemblies. Evaluation of systems, not materials It is important to place emphasis on the performance of the building and built assemblies instead of merely on the materials used in those assemblies even though dealing with materials is easier. Building codes and standards always ascribe a specific function to a specific material because this is the only way that a prescriptive code can work. Water resistive barriers (WRBs), water vapor retarders, air barriers, thermal barriers (fire), and rain-screens are all items in which functions and materials are mentally coupled; however, a material (e.g., closed-cell spray foam) also can function as insulation, a rain-screen, a WRB, a water vapor retarder, and an air barrier. The outcome of an architectural design is modified by interactions between different materials and the trades involved in installing them in an assembly. Architectural design and construction are holistic processes that involve highly specialized Summer/Fall 2008 31 We are past selling magic new materials and miraculous one-issue solutions. Every building, old or new, needs to be treated as a system in which every component is a piece of the puzzle. Quick fix efforts for one or more components in the building envelope, at best, may not achieve enough, and at worst, may cause damage. This requires advice from experienced practitioners of all types. people from multiple disciplines, and an important issue is how they collaborate during this process. This aspect of design is so important that we stress the importance of mock-up evaluation and ongoing commissioning as separate activities in the construction process. This is to ensure that the design concept is constructible and that all the building trades learn how they must collaborate to achieve the intent of the design. So far we have established that the future belongs to high-performance buildings. Let us now review the critical components of the matrix called, for simplicity, the “HighPerformance Value” of a building. Key components of “high performance value” during the design and construction of buildings The key components of “High Performance Value” during the design and construction of buildings include: 1. Designing for durability. 2. Designing for energy efficiency and efficient use of materials in terms of: a. Separating ventilation/air distribution and heating/cooling systems. b.Using instantaneous or integrated hot water systems. c. Increasing the use of day lighting technologies and controls. d. Improving the indoor environment 32 Journal of Building Enclosure Design (with view to occupant health and productivity). e. Achieving design flexibility (i.e., lower costs associated with space reconfigurations). f.Re-using of materials in building enclosure systems. g. Designing from cradle to grave (i.e., considering whether the existing components can be used in nextgeneration buildings). 3. Designing to be efficient enough to justify economic use of renewable resources in terms of: a. Developing better tools for building enclosure performance evaluation. b. Improving control over inter-zonal and interstitial air flows. 4.Laboratory or field testing of mockups of building enclosures for commercial buildings. 5.Using the commissioning process as a part of the design and construction process (from design intent through the construction period and including some post occupancy tests) by: a. Conducting a trouble shooting study of design drawings as the first step in commissioning. b. Testing air flows during construction. c. Testing air quality of occupied space after occupancy. d. Verifying predicted energy performance parameters against actual building data. Number one in the high-performance value matrix is the issue of durability (longterm performance). If one extends the service life of a building by, for example, 20 percent over that of typical construction, one reduces life-cycle costs. In this process, the direct savings of replacement and energy can provide multiple benefits to owners. The second critical consideration is to increase all possible passive energy efficiency measures that lead to energy savings before progressing to active measures that address energy utilization. Passive measures often are neglected even though they offer the most value for the invested money. These measures include: 1. Simple building shape and mass placement that respects the climate (saves capital and energy); 2. Increased air tightness (cost little, saves lots); 3. Increased insulation values and reduced thermal bridging (costs but saves energy); and 4. Improved windows (increases capital cost but saves operating cost) or reduced window area (saves capital and operating costs but may limit daylight). Economical solutions that can be applied to the supply side of the energy equation include use of: 1. Free pre-cooling with air distribution systems. 2. Solar air preconditioning. 3. Geothermal preconditioning. 4. Solar hot water (often third party financed—leased). More complex technical measures that can be employed include: 1.Radiant cooling. 2.Heat and energy recovery ventilators. 3. Diagnostics for malfunctioning systems or components in service. 4. Dedicated ventilation air systems. 5. Brushless DC motors. 6. Small centrifugal compressors. 7. Micro-channel heat exchangers. While these examples highlight some of the current solutions used in highperformance buildings, they also shine a spotlight on the bigger picture of progress needed. With a high level of thermal insulation in the enclosure and better windows, we would eliminate the need for perimeter heating. High-performance building enclosures also can change the HVAC and lighting systems needed—that is, they can dramatically reduce thermal loads, and encourage the use of distributed HVAC systems while also reducing electric lighting demand by effectively using daylighting. There also is a trend toward use of multifunctional building enclosures. Dynamic envelopes can be used to pre-heat or pre-cool indoor air and, by using filters and dehumidifiers, these enclosures can modify the indoor environment. Advances in glass and window technology permit the use of increased daylighting. With reduced thermal loads, several technologies previously discarded in research are becoming more economically viable. Coming back as significant improvements to the technology mix are use of the effects of thermal mass and phase change materials even though they are climate-dependent. FENESTRATION IMPACTS ON BUILDING ENERGY CONSUMPTION It is estimated that windows account for about 10 percent of total building energy use. The traditional view of the high negative energy impact of windows in buildings contrasts with the impressive progress in window technology and systems that has taken place in recent years. Vision of window research—moving windows from energy losers to energy suppliers To achieve the goal of making windows energy suppliers in cold climates one, must reduce the overall U value (increase the R-value and improve the thermal performance) enough that the solar gain can exceed the heat loss. This implies that windows with a high R-value and a moderate solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) should be used in cold climates. In hot climates, the energy flows are dominated by solar gain which is highly variable depending upon climate, latitude, season, and orientation, and needs vary— i.e., cooling load controls vs. daylight admittance and view vs. glare control. Thus, in hot climates as well as in mixed climates, static control needs to be replaced by dynamic control of solar gain. This approach should drive design strategies and technology for the near term. In the more distant future, windows should become even greater net energy suppliers by becoming more fully integrated with photovoltaic capabilities. Highly insulated window systems will employ such technologies as aerogels, vacuum glazing, low-E coatings, gas fill, and improved thermally resistive frames. Dynamic solar control may include conventional dynamic solar shading systems such as roller shades or blinds or can involve operation of a glazing layer with a reversible optical switch from high to low transmission. Suitable technologies include active electrochromic glazing (requires wiring) or passive thermochromic (reacting to glass temperature), photochromic (reacting to sunlight intensity), etc. Field tests with prototype electrochromic windows were started in 1999 and these technologies are now commercially available. The 2030 “ideal” window is expected to have an R10 insulating value and variable solar control and, in most climates, will provide a net winter energy gain and 80 percent saving in cooling. In today’s residential market, 95 percent of the windows sold are double-glazed and more than 50 percent have a low-E coating. Obviously this represents substantial progress from 1973 when single pane windows dominated sales with double glazing capturing only a small market share. The simple comparison shown in the images on page 31 stresses the fact that today’s cost-effective technology involving low emissivity coatings and gas fill is already an acceptable solution when the window to wall ratio is a reasonable percentage of the whole; however, it is not acceptable to build buildings with R-2 exteriors that are all glass! Nevertheless, we are dealing with a moving target—with improved thermal insulation in walls, today’s windows will again have a larger impact, but the continuing progress in window technology ensures that there will be viable solutions for the future. Research currently is addressing further reductions in heat transfer through glazing systems, low conductance spacers, and insulated frame systems and better methods for installing windows in walls. Facade performance needs Conventional means of energy reduction include modest sized windows with double glazing, spectrally selective glass, manually operated interior shading, and dimming lighting controls. Daylighting control systems must be integrated with the building enclosure, electric lighting, and HVAC controls. These integrated façade solutions have several functions—spectral control of transmitted radiation to reduce cooling loads and dynamic control of intensity and direction of solar radiation to further improve visual comfort and capture daylight savings. These control systems must consider comfort and satisfaction of occupants as these issues are related to human performance in the work environment. The economics of building occupancy indicates that the cost of maintenance, taxes, and energy is about 3 percent and rent is about 10 percent; the remaining 87 percent is the cost related to occupant salaries or productivity. The issues involved here are that advanced façades with lighting controls and smart shading devices that can provide control of glare, thermal comfort, and excellent energy efficiency. Optimizing the design of such systems can be challenging. The designer needs a range of building design tools that must: Summer/Fall 2008 33 • Allow integration strategies to be explored. • Allow facade performance to be optimized. • Make lighting tradeoffs between HVAC and the façade. • Explore commissioning and operational issues. To this end, the designer has available a series of tools for characterizing and optimizing the properties of window systems that include the Window 5 software suite which includes IGDB (spectral glass data sources), OPTICS (window glass) and THERM (window frame), CGDB (complex glazing data base), and WINDOW (whole window). Other building design simulation tools include ENERGY PLUS and RADIANCE, COMFEN (whole building commercial), and RESFEN (whole building residential). ENERGY SAVINGS THROUGH REHABILITATION OF EXISTING BUILDINGS AND IN THE DESIGN OF NEW BUILDINGS In this section, we highlight potential energy savings in the rehabilitation of 34 Journal of Building Enclosure Design existing buildings and key elements in the design process of new buildings. Energy saving opportunities in existing buildings The rehabilitation process can be started with lighting. Energy use for lighting averages 12 percent of the total in residential occupancies and 28 percent in commercial buildings. Given the relatively small cost of fixtures, this may be the first item on the retrofit list. The next priority is the control of air flows. This will require that air barrier systems be installed in all new and existing buildings. There are many possible solutions such as: 1. An inexpensive but temporary solution that involves sealing all penetrations for AC, pipes, and ducts and placing two or three coats of lime-cement stucco or other trowel grade air barrier material on all leaky masonry block surfaces. 2. A more costly but more effective solution involves adding continuous exterior insulation integrated with an air barrier and possibly also improved windows. The design community has learned from past weatherization programs that single actions (e.g., adding attic insulation, replacing windows, or even sealing of some holes in the building enclosure), while important, do not have a high impact and can lead to other problems if not holistically considered. The logical conclusion is that both a holistic approach and professional insight are necessary for these programs to be effective. The effective existing and emerging housing retrofit programs involve inspections by independent experts to assess the condition of a building, its equipment, and its airtightness. On that basis, a range of improvements of increasing complexity and cost are suggested that, if employed in part or fully, can be eligible for cost rebates to help offset the cost of the inspection/analysis and part of the cost of implementing the recommendations. Programs of this nature are proving to be effective because the advice provided is informed and the costs are partially recovered. Energy saving opportunities during design of new buildings The key message of this white paper is that every building is a system of interconnected assemblies and components and, thus, every change in aspect will affect other aspects of building performance as well. How does one evaluate the effect of those changes? Marshall McLuhan was quoted as saying: “Our Age of Anxiety is in great part the result of trying to do today’s job with yesterday tools.” Architects and designers often do not have adequate tools for evaluating longterm performance of buildings. There nevertheless is one powerful tool that makes up for the lack of many artificial tools—the collective brain of a design team. We need to use it from the beginning to the end of the construction process. We postulate that a conceptual design should include: 1. A plan for design review that includes trouble shooting by experts in heat, air, and moisture control of buildings. 2. The inclusion of key elements in mock-up lab and field testing. 3. Design intent for all systems included in the commissioning plan. Mock-up testing and commissioning are likely to be done by an external agency. The proposal from such an agency or testing lab defining all details of the proposed work should be reviewed by the full design team before it is approved. Particular attention should be placed on commissioning during the construction phase. To better understand the benefits of the commissioning process, please consult one of the many recent publications on this topic (e.g., NIBS Guideline 3-2006, Exterior Enclosure Technical Requirements for the Commissioning Process). Experience indicates that the building enclosure specialist (a nonstructural, technical professional whose job it is to work with different teams to find missing enclosure interface detail drawings, specify additional tests on test assemblies, etc.) who was employed by some architecture firms in the 1970s brought the expertise that we are now highlighting to these firms. Whether this function is internal or external is a moot point; we stress only the need for including such expertise during both the design and construction processes. CONCLUSIONS The construction industry must build on the strength of existing knowledge of building science. Building enclosures— their energy efficiency, durability and the indoor environment—are today at a cross-roads. On one hand, a large amount of knowledge and expertise is available; on the other hand, old approaches are not as valid as they once were. It is time to create a new vision because the stakes are high. We need this new vision to improve our energy efficiency, maintain energy security, and sustain the economy. Savings can be put back to more productive uses even though it will take time to realize full return on investment. Yet, this vision cannot be achieved without a mobilization and education of our society. Unless major public/private initiatives are developed, the strategy based on retrofitting existing buildings will not work. As was the case during World War II, we need society’s bond to win a 21st Century war—but this one is to save the planet. We support launching and sustaining large-scale, long-term national programs that blend policy, economics, and technology in public/private partnerships. We support making energy performance visible by displaying performance, using devices that monitor energy use from buildings to grid. We support extensive participation of the media in unleashing public imagination in the support of different programs. Effectively, our proposal can be summarized as: Think big, start small, and act now with the focus on how. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This white paper was written by BETEC Board members Drs. Mark Bomberg and Donald Onysko based on plenary presentations by Drs. Stephen Selkowitz, Joseph Lstiburek, and John Straube and other papers presented at the BEST 1 conference in June 2008. Comments generated in discussions with numerous reviewers also have been incorporated. The BETEC Board also gratefully acknowledges discussions with Dr. Selkowitz and the kindness of the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory that allowed reproduction of the illustrations used in this paper. This white paper was approved by the BETEC Board for publication on August 25, 2008. Comments or questions should be directed to BETEC Chairman Wagdy Anis, FAIA: wanis@wje.com. Summer/Fall 2008 35 36 Journal of Building Enclosure Design Summer/Fall 2008 37 38 Journal of Building Enclosure Design Feature Field Monitoring of the Hygrothermal Performance of a New Class of EIFS Walls By Achilles Karagiozis and John Edgar Abstract The development of new construction materials can be an expensive and risky proposition. This is particularly true if the material is to be used as a barrier to air movement and bulk water entry into the building envelope. How does a manufacturer ensure that a material will work in all climates without risking deterioration of the wall? Building test facilities in each climate zone and monitoring them over a multi-year period is not practical and would, in any case, only confirm performance during those years. A more economical and thorough approach is required to evaluate performance in a wide range of climates for an extended time period. Research on walls with various cladding materials is being conducted at the Natural Exposure Test (NET) Facility located in Hollywood, SC. ORNL is monitoring the performance of fifteen panels of EIFS, stucco, brick and other materials. The results of continuous hourly monitoring are being compiled for subsequent comparison with the results of computer simulations. A vast amount of hygrothermal performance data has been generated. This paper is the first in a series and will concentrate on the description of the research program that was undertaken, and to show some limited field data gathered during the first year. Experimental results for two panels, one having a brick veneer cladding and one having an EIFS, were selected for illustration as they represent a typical range of performance data that has been obtained for further hygrothermal analysis. Introduction Prior to 1996, Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) had become popular as an exterior building envelope cladding system in the residential and commercial construction market in North America [1]. Since 1996, the commercial construction sector has continued to experience rapid growth; however, residential construction dropped as the EIFS cladding system, as being built at the time, became associated with certain water intrusion problems. Nissen [10] presented a summary of serious moisture problems in barrier EIFS-clad walls in New Hanover County, including the city of Wilmington, NC. Moisture problems ranging from high moisture content in the exterior sheathing to wood rot in some houses were observed. Many of the 3200 EIFS-clad homes in that area needed some remedial repair. Most of the water intrusion issues were traced to flashing details and the penetration of water into the wall systems at window joints [6, 8]. The installation of code mandated sub-sill window flashing was not practiced by builders nor was diverter flashing used at roof/wall intersections. Investigations showed that approximately 45 percent of the damage occurred below the corners of windows and 35 percent below missing roof flashing. Problems of water intrusion were not unique to EIFS but the adverse publicity was focused on the system. The issue of water penetration was limited to interface locations, not within the field of the wall. Typically, small amounts of penetrating water could dry through the wall assembly but problems developed if there chronic wetting and moisture did not dry out quickly enough [8]. Questions were also raised about the effect of interior vapor control strategy. At the time, an interior vapor barrier was mandated by code. Another major finding was that the windows installed in these homes were not appropriate for the climate zone. These two reasons, in combination with the flashing issues, were the prime reasons for the failed performance observed in Wilmington, NC. Although the problems with water intrusion appeared to be universal with all cladding materials, only EIFS was studied quantitatively. Information on other claddings in NC is mostly anecdotal. During this time period (1996 to 2001), a large number of papers appeared that sometimes added more confusion to the general literature. Many of the articles published were primarily generated by opinions and not basic building science. Early versions of MOIST (M1), MATCH (M2) and WUFI (W) were valuable in studies of moisture transport but were lacking material property data, surface transport coefficients, conservation of mass and energy, and ability to account for wind-driven rain (M1 & M2) and water penetration. A number of scientific breakthroughs in the understanding of the transport of heat, air and moisture through a building enclosure became available from the International Energy Agency Annex 24 on Heat, Air and Moisture Transfer through New and Retrofitted Envelope Parts. Simpler versions of these models, such as WUFI, have now (since 2001) become available to the general public. The hygrothermal tools and data that would have assisted the analysis of moisture-induced failures were not available prior to 2001. Of course, it is not possible to predict system behaviour of improperly constructed wall systems even at this time simply because of the lack of detailed knowledge about specific faults. In 2003, the Department of Energy (DOE) requested that Oak Ridge National Laboratory address the performance issues associated with exterior foam insulation. The perception of problems related to the use of exterior foam insulation (EIFS) led to a substantial reduction in construction built using EIFS. Summer/Fall 2008 39 This reduced the potential energy savings in new and renovation residential construction. To meet the Zero Energy Building (ZEB) objectives laid out by the DOE Building America program, one cost effective option was to use EIFS wall systems. A strategic research plan was developed and proposed to EIFS Industry Members Association (EIMA) to partner with ORNL to investigate the performance of EIF wall systems. At the same time, ORNL would integrate some newer concepts arising from their previous research on moistureengineered EIFS walls. These innovations included, water drained systems using a fluid-applied water resistive barrier, and EIF systems designed with vented or ventilated drainage cavities. The research project was conducted in two phases. Below is a brief description of each phase of the research project. RESEARCH STEPS A number of steps are involved in the research for Phase I and II. Figure 1 provides an overview of the main tasks that are required to achieve productive end results. Figure 1. Research Approach for the EIMA/DOE/ORNL Project. Phase I of the research program Phase I, a 15-month field research project initiated in January 2005, was conducted to characterize the moisture and • To validate the moisture and thermal performance of thermal performance of various configurations of exterior cladding a new class of EIF wall systems. systems (EIFS, brick, stucco, concrete block, and cementitious fiber • To quantify the performance of new EIFS and other wall board siding). systems that employ other types of exterior cladding. The primary goals of the Phase I study were: • To develop high quality data to calibrate a hygrothermal (moisture and temperature) computer model with the unique features of EIFS to permit applying the model to all climatic regions. The hygrothermal research investigation included the impact of innovative EIFS features, specifically the application of fluid-applied moisture control membranes, smart vapor retarder systems (bi-directional membranes), and the impact of exterior cladding venting, as well as the overall thermal and moisture performance of EIFS. Phase 1 study approach: In keeping with the DOE’s directive of promoting a whole-building approach to building design, operation and maintenance, the research project considered the building envelope in its entirety, rather than studying isolated materials or component systems. The research approach is summarized below: • Characterize the moisture and thermal performance properties of critical construction materials and subsystems used in exterior wall systems. • Conduct field testing on a variety of exterior wall systems to determine their thermal and moisture response to the local weather condition over the course of 15 months. Develop performance information useful to the design methodology that will permit architects and engineers to optimize energy efficiency. Figure 2. Natural Exposure Test (NET) Facility in Hollywood, SC. To achieve these goals, a special building was designed 40 Journal of Building Enclosure Design and constructed at Hollywood, SC, a Zone 3, mixed climate location, on near the Atlantic coast, south of Charleston Figure 2. A flexible design was implemented to allow the change of wall panels with ease, to compartmentalize the building into two zones, and to allow control of the interior conditions. In Phase I, a total number of 15 wall assemblies were integrated into one side of the building (south-eastern exposure). In this way, all of the assemblies would be exposed to similar weather conditions. Building orientation and placement of the exterior walltest panels were determined after careful consideration of historical weather patterns in that location, including the prevailing direction of wind driven rain. The primary focus of this project was on the wall assemblies that employed various EIFS configurations, particularly EIFS with drainage systems. Table 1 lists the configurations for the 15 wall panels. Other cladding assemblies were also included to provide additional information for validating the computer model that represented widely different characteristics. These were selected based on the construction typical to the region. As noted previously, other cladding assemblies, existing and yet to be developed, will be able to be studied using computer modeling when verified by this kind of research. Each of the wall panels contained a variety of sensors that recorded temperature, relative humidity, and moisture content. Table 1. Configuration of the Exterior Wall Assemblies Investigated During Phase I. Panel / System EPS Attachment Panel 1 EIFS 1 ½” Flat Ribbon & Dab Panel 2 EIFS Panel 3 EIFS Panel 4 EIFS Panel 5 EIFS Panel 6 EIFS Panel 7 EIFS CMU Vapor Barrier Note 1 Plywood 2 x 4@16” Liquid Plywood 2 x 4@16” 1 ½” Flat Notched Trowel Vertical Ribbons Vertical Ribbons Liquid Plywood 2 x 4@16” Vertical Ribbons Liquid Plywood 2 x 4@16” Vertical Ribbons Liquid Plywood None Grooved EPS Plywood Grooved EPS House wrap 18 ga @16” R-11 Unfaced Plywood 2 x 4@16” Mat House wrap House wrap OSB 2 x 4@16” R-11 Unfaced 6 mil Poly R-11 Unfaced None 1 ½” Flat 4” Flat 1 ½” Flat 1 ½” Panel 10 EIFS Ventilated 1 ½” Flat 1 ½” Flat Notched Trowel Notched Trowel Mech. Fastened Mech. Fastened Mech. Fastened Adhesive Notched Trowel None R-11 Unfaced Yes R-11 Unfaced Mem-brane Cavity empty None R-11 Unfaced None R-11 Unfaced None Lath Liquid Plywood 2 x 4@16” Notched Trowel Vertical Ribbons Liquid 18 ga @16” R-11 Unfaced None 3.4 Metal Lath 2-Layers Grade D 60 Minute ASTM C1177 Gyp. Board OSB 2 x 4@16” R-11 Unfaced None 1-Layers Grade D 60 Minute (behind foam) OSB 2 x 4@16 R-11 Unfaced None OSB 2 x 4@16” None 1-Layers Grade D 60 Minute OSB 2 x 4@16” R-11 Unfaced 1 Coat PCP 1”flat Paint – later Woven Wire Plaster Base date 1 x 20 ga. Note 2 None Brick ties 1” flat 2 x 4@16” R-11 Unfaced Adhesive 3 Coat PCP None Mech. Fastened Note 2 Panel 15 Cementitious Fiberboard Siding None Insulation Liquid 1 ½” Flat Panel 14 Brick None Framing Vertical Ribbons Panel 9 EIFS Panel 13 (Stucco) Sheathing Notched Trowel 1 ½” Panel 12 (Stucco) Weather Barrier 1 ½” Flat Panel 8 EIFS Panel 11 EIFS Commercial Drainage / Air Space Mech. Fastened Air Cavity 1” 1-Layers Grade D 60 Minute None Typical Interior Finishing – ½” drywall, primed and painted (1 coat acrylic paint). Note 1 – Finished with furred (1x2 treated lumber) ½” drywall, primed and painted (1 coat acrylic paint). Note 2 - Painted white initially, plywood = ½”, OSB = ½”, lath = G 60. R-11 Unfaced None Summer/Fall 2008 41 Figure 4. Relative Humidity Instrumentation Layout for EIFS Panel 5 and Brick Panel 14. Figure 3. Field Testing Wall Dimensions for All Cladding Systems. Hygrothermal issues still not fully understood or quantified. Some panels included heat flux sensors. All sensors collected data on an hourly basis and transmitted it to the ORNL Building Thermal Envelope Systems & Materials Energy Division Research facility in Oak Ridge, TN for analysis. A total of 15 months of data were collected from January 1, 42 Journal of Building Enclosure Design 2005 through March 30, 2006. The panel test area arrangement is shown in Figure 3. The research investigated the hygric performances of each wall assembly. The field data and the hygrothermal model derived from it are particularly useful not only in developing guidelines for the use of EIFS but also in demonstrating the moisture and temperature control performance of EIFS as compared with other types of exterior claddings. Ultimately, the validation of computer modeling would extend the value of the data to all cladding assemblies. At this time, data is lacking on several aspects of the hygrothermal performance of many wall systems, including EIFS. This is true for several climatic effects, such as rainwater penetration, solar radiation, night sky radiation, and the influence of wind speed and site/wall orientation on both the convective and mass transfer coefficients. The response of various wall assemblies to exterior and interior hygric loading is complex and represents a large effort to undertake properly. The findings of Phase I (not reported here) go some way towards providing the necessary data. Earlier, some claims have been made that adding exterior insulation (EPS) reduces the drying performance of wall systems. For the Charleston region, the claim was not found to be supported. Other claims have yet to be tested. Phase II affords an opportunity to address some of these questions. Phase II of the research program Although the scope of the project was limited to fifteen panels, the second phase of the project took a more complete approach to gathering as much data as possible with specific attention to the following issues. Newer exterior-cavity vented EIFS had been shown, in Phase I, to enhance the performance of conventional EIFS walls; still not investigated, however, is whether there is a degradation of their thermal performance as a result of air exchange in the drainage space. Scientific and code committees have posited that by introducing a vented air cavity between the insulation and water resistive barrier the effectiveness of the exterior insulation might be negated to some degree by cold air entering the drainage cavity. In Phase II, heat flux sensors for both the south-east and north-west orientations were added to measure the thermal consequences of cavity ventilation. The question of hygrothermal performance in EIFS walls due to the effects of orientation (for example, a wall facing north vs. one facing south) has also been raised. This issue was found to be critical for the performance of stucco walls, where it directly affects both hygric loading and the accompanying drying potential. The orientation question becomes more complicated for both stucco and brick when coupled with the effects of absorptive cladding and solar driven moisture. It was not understood if the same factors would affect a low mass, relatively non-absorptive cladding like EIFS. Phase II afforded an opportunity to research and quantify this effect for EIFS. Table 2. Configuration of the Exterior Wall Assemblies Investigated During Phase II. Panel / Orientation / Heat Flux Sensor (HFS )/ System EPS Attachment Drainage / Air Space Weather Barrier Sheathing Framing Insulation Vapor Barrier Liquid Plywood Plywood R-11 Unfaced None Liquid 2x 4@16” Liquid Plywood Panel 1 Not used for the EIMA – ORNL Research Panel 2, SE, EIFS 1 ½” Flat Panel 3, SE With Flaw, HFS EIFS Panel 4, SE EIFS 1 ½” Flat 1 ½” Flat Notched Trowel Notched Trowel Notched Trowel Vertical Ribbons Vertical Ribbons Vertical Ribbons 2x 4@16” 2x 4@16” R-11 Unfaced R-11 Unfaced None 6-mil Poly Panel 5, SE, HFS EIFS 4” Flat Notched Trowel Vertical Ribbons Liquid Plywood 2x 4@16” Panel 6, SE, HFS EIFS 1 ½” Flat Notched Trowel Vertical Ribbons Liquid Plywood Liquid Plywood 18ga@16” R-11 Unfaced Mat OSB Liquid Plywood 2x 4@16” R-11 Unfaced None 2 Layers Grade D 60 Minute OSB 2x 4@16” R-11 Unfaced None Panel 7, SE With Flaw, HFS EIFS Panel 9, SE, HFS EIFS Panel 10, SE Ventilated, HFS 1 ½” 1 ½” Flat Notched Trowel Mech. Fastened Vertical Ribbons Mech. Fastened Adhesive Panel 11 1 ½” Flat Metal Lath Not used for the EIMA – ORNL Research Panel 12, 3 Coat Portland Cement Plaster (Stucco) SE, HFS None Mech. Fastened Note 2 3.4 Metal Lath 2x 4@16” 2x 4@16” None in stud None cavity R-11 Unfaced R-11 Unfaced None 6-mil Poly None Panel 13 Not used for the EIMA – ORNL Research None Brick ties Air Cavity 1” 1 Layer Grade D 60 Minute OSB 2x 4@16” R-11 Unfaced None Panel 15, SE, HFS Brick None Brick ties Air Cavity 1” OSB 2x 4@16” R-11 Unfaced None Panel 16, NW EIFS 1 ½” Flat Notched Trowel Vertical Ribbons 1 Layer Grade D 60 Minute Liquid Plywood Liquid Plywood 2x 4@16” R-11 Unfaced Panel 18, NW, With Flaw, HFS EIFS 1 ½” Flat Notched Trowel Vertical Ribbons Liquid Plywood 2x 4@16” R-11 Unfaced None Panels 19 to 25 Not used for the EIMA – ORNL Research Panel 26, NW, Ventilated, HFS EIFS 1 ½” Flat Plywood 2x 4@16” R-11 Unfaced None Panel 14, SE, HFS Brick With Flaw Panel 17, NW, HFS EIFS 1 ½” Flat Notched Trowel Adhesive Vertical Ribbons Metal Lath Liquid 2x 4@16” R-11 Unfaced None Typical Interior Finishing – ½” drywall, primed and painted (1 coat acrylic paint) Note 1 – Finished with furred ½” drywall, primed and painted (1 coat acrylic paint) Note 2 – Painted white initially, Plywood = ½”, OSB = ½”. Lath = G 60 Summer/Fall 2008 43 Another unknown was the impact of incidental water penetrating the exterior EIFS lamina, the first line of defense. Currently, some literature suggests that even if very small amounts of water are allowed to pass through the exterior foam, catastrophic failure may occur. The proposed ASHRAE SPC 160P modeling standard recommends that 1 percent of water that impacts the wall surface be injected onto the exterior surface of the water-resistive barrier to simulate a leak. A systematic moisture engineering research effort is being implemented in Phase II to provide data to address performance of wall systems associated with water penetration. Finally, but not least, a limited hygrothermal property database exists for EIFS materials. This hampers designers, who cannot conduct an analysis of the performance of EIFS in different climates with sufficient accuracy. In Phase II, an extensive testing program is being carried out to obtain data on the moisture performance of various materials used in Phase I and II of this research study. Phase II study approach: Phase II used the same research approach and protocol as Phase I. The Phase II research approach is summarized below. • Continue the development of accurate hygrothermal property characterizations of the critical construction materials. • Conduct field testing to expose a series of innovative Figure 5. Monthly Average Relative Humidity Distribution in EIFS Wall. Figure 6. Monthly Average Relative Humidity Distribution in Brick Wall System. 44 Journal of Building Enclosure Design wall systems (trowel applied water-resistive barriers) to real environmental conditions. • Conduct field testing to expose a series of innovative wall systems with additional water penetration loading by directing water into the wall. • Develop performance information to be used in the formulation of design guidelines, which will provide options for energy efficiency, while addressing heat, air and moisture transport (Phase I and II). Phase II includes both newly constructed wall panels and some original 20 month old Phase I panels. The total number of panels remained at fifteen. The description of each panel monitored in Phase II is provided in Table 2. The emphasis of DOE and ORNL participation throughout Phase II has been on the development of quality temporal (time-dependent) data for the calibration of the ORNL hygrothermal models. Instrumentation layout The same number of sensors was used for each wall system in both Phase I and Phase II, with the exception of the heat flux sensors (used only in Phase II) that were added to a number of panels. In each of the Phase II panels, the wall system included 17 thermistors, 6 relative humidity sensors, and 8 moisture content sensors. In Figure 4 the sensors locations are noted for two different wall assemblies. The same sensor arrangement is found in all three types of Figure 7. Cooling period positive heat fluxes into interior space weather station. wall assemblies, the only difference being in the positioning of the RH sensors in the brick and EIFS cladding see Figure 4. The sensors in the stucco panels were positioned in the same way as in the brick panel. Hygrothermal results This paper provides some results for two panels—an EIFS and a brick assembly, evaluated during Phase I of the study. It is beyond the scope of this paper to present all the findings for even a single wall; a comprehensive report of the study will be published. The relative humidity was measured in six locations in each of the two walls. The results are shown in Figures 6 and 7. The averaged monthly relative humidities are plotted for each wall. Results are plotted for all six sensors for a period of 1.4 years, starting in January 1 2005. Sensors RH_1 and RH_2 are located in the exterior cladding, RH_3 is located in the exterior side of the sheathing board, while sensors RH_4 and RH_5 are located on the interior side of the sheathing board, top and bottom, and the last sensor, RH_6 is located at the outer face of the gypsum board. For the EIFS wall, RH_1 is located in the exterior EIFS lamina, while RH_2 is located at the interface between the inner face of the foam and the vaporpermeable, trowel applied weather resistive barrier. For the brick wall, sensor RH_1 is imbedded in the mortar joint half thickness of the brick, while RH_2 is located on the building paper. In Figure 5, a clear yearly cycle is exhibited, showing the decoupling of the thermal and moisture performance due to the presence of the exterior foam insulation. The sensors bounding the exterior sheathing board show very low relative humidities that have not exceeded 68 percent at any period of the year RH_1 and RH_2 show close agreement with the exterior environment, with a condensation period present in RH_2 during late August and the beginning of September. However, as this occurs in the vicinity of the air gap close to the interior side of the foam, no damage is expected to occur. In Figure 6, the inner portions of the wall system (i.e. the wood framing and sheathing) are coupled to the brick exterior. As expected, very high relative humidities were found in sensor RH_3 (imbedded in the exterior sheathing board). For at least 7 months of the year, the average monthly relative humidity at that sensor exceeded 80 percent. According to the proposed ASHRAE 160P such hygric conditions can cause mold damage to a material. Indeed, even on the interior side of the sheathing board, the readings for one month (December) showed average monthly relative humidity exceeding 80 percent. It is evident that this brick wall arrangement is not performing satisfactorily for the climatic conditions present in the Charleston region. The cooling heat fluxes into the interior of the building are shown for Wall 5 (EIFS) and Wall 14 (brick) in Figure 8. The average cooling season values are plotted for each wall. A heat flux sensor was located at the exterior side of the gypsum board. The measured heat fluxes from the brick wall are approximately 2.6 times higher than those measured in Wall 5. This represents a substantial savings in energy required to cool the space insulated with exterior foam vs. fibreglass batts in the wall cavity. To a lesser yearly degree the opposite effect occurred during the winter months. The brick stored energy and conducted it inwards reducing the heating load. It should be pointed out that the EIFS wall has a higher nominal R-value and that better performance should be expected. It is interesting however, that the ratio of the R-values is approximately 1.4 times.A dedicated weather station was deployed at the NET Facility where the exterior temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and orientation, solar insulation normal to wall, horizontal rainfall, and wind-driven rain were continuously monitored. Summer/Fall 2008 45 Conclusion This is the first study that has monitored the heat and moisture performance of a wide range of EIFS wall systems. The test program described provides the scope of the effort expended thus far. The detailed findings will be published in due course and will illustrate how well the performance can be modeled. The inclusion of several other different cladding systems allows the side by side performance comparison for the specific climate of the test facility. This side by side wall heat and moisture performance provides a sound foundation for generating quantitative building science knowledge. An enormous amount of information has been generated that will become available for hygrothermal modeling validation analysis. It is planned that after the MOISTURE-EXPERT model has been validated, additional analysis will provide performance assessment of these wall systems for other locations in the USA. Many different systems were monitored during the 2.5-year period of the DOE/ORNL/EIMA study. While not reported here, the drained EIFS walls were found to perform as well as or better than other cladding systems during all parts of the year. The field analysis performed in the Charleston region has the potential to provide wall performance answers to a number of issues of interest in hot and humid climates. In Phase III, we expect to extend this investigation to a number of other regions of the USA, using advanced hygrothermal modeling. Achilles Karagiozis, PhD., is a distinguished research and development staff member of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, in Oak Ridge, TN. John Edgar is a Technical Manager, Building Science at Sto Corp., in Atlanta, GA. The authors of this paper would like to extend sincere thank to Mr. Stephan Klamke, EIMA Director, Bill Preston from Dryvit Inc, and Andre Desjarlais, Phil Childs and Jerry Atchely from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Florian Antretter from the Fraunhofer Institute in Building Physics. Finally with out the financial support from the Department of Energy (Program Manager: Marc LaFrance) this project would not have been possible. REFERENCES [1] Thomas R.G. 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Contribution to “Performance of Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings VIII”, Dec. 2-7 2001, Clearwater Beach, Florida. [20]Karagiozis, A. and Hadjisophocleous G. “Wind-Driven Rain on High-Rise Buildings”, Thermal Performance of Exterior Envelopes of Buildings VI, Clearwater Beach, Florida, 4-8 Dec. 1995. [21]Hens, H. and Janssens A., “Inquiry on HAMCAT CODES”, International Energy Agency, Heat, Air and Moisture Transfer in Insulated Envelope Parts, Report Annex 24, Task 1, Modelling, 1993. [22] Building Science Forum, “Exterior Walls: Understanding the Problems”, National Research Council Canada,1983. 46 Journal of Building Enclosure Design Feature Detection of Moisture and Water Intrusion Within Building Envelopes By Means of Infrared Thermographic Inspections By Antonio Colantonio, Public Works and Government Services Canada ABSTRACT Infrared thermographic imagers have been used in the building industry since the 1980s, mainly for building envelope and heat loss analysis. Infrared imagers have developed significantly over the past 15 years and are now vital tools to determine performance characteristics of walls and roofs for both energy and structural integrity. With interior health issues coming to the forefront—such as mold issues—the infrared imager has again become a vital diagnostic tool. Although infrared imagers do not detect presence of mold, they can be used to detect presence of moisture by means of variances in heat transfer brought on by conductance of water and phase change heat loss or gain. The infrared camera can be readily utilized to detect the extent of moisture intrusion in building structures in a much faster and convenient way than conventional moisture detection devices. When commissioning new building envelopes, or carrying out building condition inspections of existing building envelopes, it is imperative to differentiate the source of the moisture accumulation between interior or exterior sources since the recommendation for remedial action may a considerably. Moisture detection methodologies for interior and exterior inspections vary and equipment specifications are different for both types of inspections. The physical mechanisms that produce moisture patterning in infrared wavelengths are different for both interior and exterior inspections. Ensuring optimal inspection conditions is paramount in order to obtain accurate inspection results. This paper discusses the various types of thermal patterns created by surface penetration of water versus those patterns created by air leakage from the building interior in cold winter conditions. Moisture detection methodologies for interior inspections are discussed and the importance of timing is stressed regarding detection of moisture within assemblies by non-destructive means. INTRODUCTION Exterior wall assemblies used in medium and high rise buildings can be classified into four generic types of wall types: 1) masonry, 2) architectural pre-cast, 3) metal and glass curtain wall, 4) insulated steel assemblies. For low rise and residential buildings there is an additional type of generic wall assembly: 5) wood and steel frame. Within these generic types of assemblies there is considerable variation in the type of cladding, insulation and assembly configuration of components required for control of moisture and air migration. Much of the variation is dependent on architectural aesthetics but these all need to address environmental factors imposed by local weather conditions throughout the year. In both extremely cold and hot humid climates, the control of water and water vapor through the building envelope is critical to the durability and long-term performance of enclosure assemblies. Vapor retarders are used to control vapor diffusion. Air barriers, either as single components or as a group of components are used to control air movement from the exterior through to the interior. Air movement can transport 10 to 100 times more moisture through unintentional openings in the air barrier assemblies than vapor diffusion through the leakiest vapor barrier or retarder. Detection of openings that facilitate moisture migration is critical to the control of vapor flow and moisture accumulation in exterior assemblies. Figure 1. Moisture within insulation under one ply sheet membrane roof assembly as seen from exterior. Figure 2. Moisture within insulation seen from the interior of a building. Figures courtesy of Paul Frisk, FLIR Systems Canada. TYPES OF WALL ASSEMBLIES Exterior wall assemblies can be designed as either a) face seal or b) cavity wall. Within face seal assemblies there are both low mass or high mass type walls. Low mass walls consist of generally insulated stud walls (either load or non load-bearing) with solar, wind, rain and vapor controlling exterior cladding. High mass walls consist of solid masonry walls (either insulated or uninsulated). These high mass walls can either be load-bearing or enclose an integral steel or concrete structural frame. Summer/Fall 2008 47 Face seal assemblies rely on one plane (either interior or exterior surfaces) for the purpose of stopping water, vapor and air migration into and though the wall. If and when there are breaches in these air and water vapor impermeable surfaces, the degree to which water can be evacuated is dependent on the drainage planes and permeability of the materials within the wall assembly and the cladding. Cavity wall assemblies are more varied. They include traditional non-ventilated masonry wall assemblies as well as modern rain screen and pressure equalized rain screen type wall designs. These latter exterior enclosures come in numerous forms of generic wall types as mentioned earlier. Cavity walls rely on the exterior cladding to provide the water penetration protection along with through wall flashings to drain potential moisture to the exterior. These types of walls may or may not have a separate vapor barrier material for control of vapor diffusion. These types of walls rely on a series of materials to provide an air tightness or air barrier plane. In cold climates, air barrier materials are located either on the interior side of the wall or the interior side of the insulation within the wall. The air barrier assembly is hidden from view when located within the wall making inspection and repair difficult after construction. (In warm climates, the air vapor barrier assembly is generally placed on the exterior side of the insulation layer.) The cladding materials in rain screen and pressure equalized rain screen assemblies are designed to vent and drain excess water that has penetrated the cladding materials. The air space between the cladding and the insulation or air barrier assembly is used as a capillary break between the cladding and the back up wall. When breaches in the air barrier assembly occur in cavity walls, ventilation/weep holes in the cladding provide an easy route for migration of air through to the exterior or from the exterior into the building interior. There is no certainty that cladding vent holes will be close to the breach in the air barrier assembly. Variability of location and size of air barrier openings result in variable air flow patterns within and through the wall assembly. In extremely cold or hot humid climates, airflow transports moisture from either the interior or exterior into the wall assembly. This is a primary cause for mold formation and premature wall deterioration. The use of infrared thermography for detection of openings in air barrier assemblies can be carried out by means of pressurization or depressurization of building interiors prior to and during infrared thermographic inspections. A resultant by-product of this type of inspection methodology is the accumulation of moisture within the wall assemblies as a result of increased pressurization. Thermal patterns generated by building pressurization produce 48 Journal of Building Enclosure Design information on the location and possible severity of the air barrier opening but in many situations, are accompanied by residual moisture accumulation in various building materials adjacent to air barrier breaches. TYPES OF ROOF ASSEMBLIES Sloped roof assemblies Roofs can be classified into sloped and low sloped assemblies. Sloped assemblies are generally associates with residential buildings with vented attics. Air leakage is detectable in sloped roof assemblies at soffit joints or around roof projections provided that there is a temperature differential between interior and exterior of at least 10ºF (5ºC) and a pressure differential of at least 5 Pa. Infrared imagers cannot be used to determine presence of moisture within these assemblies from exterior inspections. The resultant effect of roof leaks in sloped roofs is best detected by interior inspections on insulated ceiling assemblies saturated with rain or melt water. Since moisture is detected by means of conductive heat loss variances (the result of differences in the thermal conductance of the dry roof material and the moisture laden materials), these patterns are most obvious when temperature differentials between interior and exterior are greater than 18ºF (10ºC). Alternatively, if moisture finds its way into the interior gypsum board or plaster, evaporative cooling may be detected during the drying out stage of the roof leak. This option only exists when there has been wetting and drying is occurring within absorptive materials. Low-sloped roof assemblies Low-sloped roofs can be classified into conventional and inverted roof membrane assemblies. Conventional assemblies are where the roof membrane is located on the exterior of the assembly. Inverted roof assemblies place the roof membrane underneath the insulation. The roof insulation in inverted assemblies is generally non-water permeable and retains much of it insulation properties during wet conditions. Even though we could see moisture within surface materials of inverted roof assemblies, there is no way to detect possible roof membrane defects since these are hidden from view and the presence of ponding water within the insulation or ballast materials does not relate to membrane failures. Infrared thermography can only be used to detect moisture within absorptive insulation underneath roof membranes in conventional type assemblies. Within conventional roof assemblies there are built-up roofs (BUR) and single ply membrane assemblies. BUR’s consist of either three- or four-ply asphalt impregnated felts or two-ply modified bitumen roof membranes. Single-ply membrane assemblies are made up of three types of membranes (thermosets, thermoplastics and modified bitumens) that are either mechanically fastened to the roof substrate or ballasted. Infrared thermography can be used to detect the presence of moisture within the insulation layer found underneath the roof membrane in these roofs. Two types of methodologies are used; a) transient method using solar heat gain during day time and inspecting transient conditions during and immediately after dusk, b) static method employed four to eight hours after sunset when heat flow is near steady state conditions and surface temperatures variances between dry and wet insulation is a function of primarily conductive heat loss. The first is exclusively carried out from the exterior while the second type can be carried out both from the exterior or the interior. The static method requires a minimum of 18ºF (10ºC) temperature differential if the inspection is carried out from the exterior. The roof membrane is required to be dry and free of snow cover so as to ensure full inspection coverage. Exterior inspections with outside ambient temperatures lower than 41ºF (5ºC) produce variable results and are not recommended. If inspections are carried out from the interior, the temperature of the rain water should be at least 10ºF (5ºC) cooler than interior ambient. The transient methodology is primarily used in the industry due to its greater effectiveness. The degree of success is affected by such variables as the thickness of ballast, the reflectivity of the roof membrane or ballast, the temperature differential between interior and exterior, wind speed during exterior inspection, the absorptiveness of the insulation with the roof assembly, and the amount of solar heat gain throughout the day of inspection. All these factors play a role in the detection of moisture within roof insulation and determination of the specific locations of membrane failure a tricky activity. Inspections with wind condition greater than 10 kph produce variable results and are not recommended. Under ideal conditions, the window of opportunity to detect moisture within the roof assembly is generally about two to three hours after sunset. Unfavorable site conditions reduce this time frame or eliminate it completely. If suitable environmental factors are not present and standard inspection methodologies are not adhered to, false negative results will be achieved. Temperature resolution is not a critical technical requirement for the transient methodology since the temperature variance between dry and wet insulation is generally in the 4ºF to 7ºF (2ºC to 4ºC) range. In the static methodology, temperature variance between dry and wet insulation is generally in the 0.4ºF to 2ºF (0.2ºC to 1ºC) range for surface temperatures. Most low-cost thermal imagers today come with this level of temperature resolution and are acceptable for use in both methodologies. Better temperature resolution allows for better detection of possible moisture in unfavorable conditions. The difficulty of analysis of data from unfavorable inspection conditions is that many other non consequential thermal signatures also become apparent and need to be evaluated and discounted. These types of thermal signatures include uneven ballast, heavy flood coats, reflective roof surfaces, multiple roof felt layers and membranes, reflected energies from adjacent protrusions and wall surfaces, variable emissivity conditions due to dirt built up. Detection of moisture within built-up roofs can be carried out by either walking over the roof assembly, surveying from higher adjacent roofs, or by fixed wing airplanes or helicopters. All are acceptable methodologies when suitable inspection conditions are present and appropriate infrared imagers are used. Small roofs may be easier and more cost-effective to inspect by simple walk though using inexpensive 10K to 20K pixel imagers. Large roofs with vantage points from other adjacent roofs make hand-held inspections cost effective if employing 80K pixel imagers with better spatial resolution capabilities. For very large low-sloped roofs, or for many roofs in one geographical location or campus, aerial inspection is the quickest and most efficient means of collecting data on BUR moisture intrusion. Dedicated high spatial resolution imagers (300K pixel or higher) are required to obtain suitable spot size resolution to define moisture patterning and roof features. Focus and high speed vibration are issues that need to be addressed in data collection from aerial fixed-wing or helicopter inspections for both fixed mounted and handheld imagers. EXTERIOR INSPECTIONS Moisture patterning as a result of rain water In cold climates, commissioning building envelope inspections are not always carried out in sub-zero temperatures. Exterior ambient temperatures between 34°F and 50°F (1°C and 10°C) are conditions often experienced by thermographers testing buildings for air leakage faults. During these conditions, rainfall may occur prior to actual inspections. The type of rainfall and intensity, along with wind conditions often result in variable wetting patterns on building claddings. Both type of cladding, and assembly, influences the variability of wetting patterns on walls. Non-porous cladding materials shed water and do not retain rainwater thus do not show variable effects of rainwater on their surface temperatures after a rainfall. Porous materials show greater variable temperature effects as a result of moisture accumulation. Lightweight porous materials (wood and stucco) again show greater thermal variances due to rainwater penetration than high mass type porous material such as stone. Rainwater patterns generally affect cladding materials thus thermal patterns are a result of the reduced thermal resistance of the cladding materials. In cold climates the most significant durability issue is the potential for freeze/thaw damage to the cladding materials at areas where saturation occurs. In locations where rainwater penetration gets through the cladding, other materials such as weather barriers and sheathing often protect entry into the insulation layers and structure. In some conditions, where penetration does occur into these materials, infrared thermography is able to locate these problem areas when temperature gradients greater than 18°F (10°C) exist through the building exterior envelope. Figure 3. Neutral Building Pressure (0 Pa), To = -8ºC, No precipitation or snowfall for at least 7 days prior to inspection. Arrows point to suspected moisture accumulation within the limestone cladding due to rain and melt water throughout winter. Summer/Fall 2008 49 Rainwater penetration patterns are generally associated with the top section of walls and most likely around parapet walls. Most buildings only experience rainwater penetration at top floors unless located in areas with a high driving rain index, or during hurricanes or tornados. Other areas where rainwater penetration may occur are at sloped or protruding walls or drainage planes from upper wall sections. Windowsills and parapets are examples of such drainage features. Sloped relief details in stone masonry walls are another example of such conditions Figure 3. Moisture patterning as a result of melt water In winter months, solar gain and thaw conditions result in melt water runoff from roofs, sloped projections and other architectural features. In these situations, masonry and other porous cladding materials are affected by the accumulation of surface moisture. These patterns are visible through infrared thermography as a result of conductive heat flow and are more pronounced as the temperature differential between interior and exterior increases. Melt water patterns are affected by solar heat gain and often dry out on the surface but interstitial moisture remains throughout the winter months. Moisture accumulation due to melt water may often not be visible due to surface drying aided by solar heat gain but subsurface cladding moisture is detectable through the use of infrared thermography. The significance of this moisture is that it can result in increased freeze/thaw potential of the mortar holding masonry together and in some situations results in premature rusting of metal reinforcing and ties within the masonry. Sloped areas on stone and masonry walls are areas that attract melt water throughout the winter months. Often these areas are also characterized by staining and dirt build-up created by the surface water accumulation and adhesion. Moisture patterning as a result of ground water Solid masonry walls with stone foundations without ground protection are susceptible to ground water absorption. Ground water wicks its way up the wall at the ground floor of the building through capillarity. Reduced thermal resistance values occur at the stone walls immediately above the ground during the heating season. This moisture may result in mortar deterioration throughout the wall thickness and be susceptible to freeze thaw on the outer sections. Infrared inspection of these walls can detect moisture accumulation by means of increased conductivity and surface temperatures. Thermal patterns are not mottled as in other types of assemblies but rather consistently warmer throughout the lower sections of the first floor adjacent to the grade around the building. In general, surface temperature variations between the first floor walls and the rest of the building can only be discerned at exterior ambient temperatures below 23°F to -4°F (-5°C to -20°C). Inspections carried out during higher temperatures require more sensitive infrared equipment to discern surface temperature variations due to ground water absorption. This type of thermal pattern is not always apparent since it is rather homogeneous in nature rather than mottled and variable. AIR LEAKAGE TESTING AND RESULTANT MOISTURE PATTERNING Negative building pressures and ambient temperatures Figures 5 and 6 demonstrate the amount of moisture accumulation that can occur within masonry cladding as a result of stack effect brought on by low winter exterior ambient temperatures. Both images taken during negative building pressures are void of air exfiltration patterns but Figure 5, taken at a lower ambient temperature 12°F (-11°C), displays greater amount of moisture accumulation within the masonry cladding at the top of the building than Figure 5 taken at temperatures approximately 18°F (10°C) higher. The only other variable in this image is significantly increased negative pressure in the higher temperature situation that could have resulted in slightly modifying existing moisture patterns. The increased negative pressure combined with the time prior to inspections that this condition existed may have reduced the amount of moisture within the wall cladding. In addition, due to reduced exterior ambient temperatures, stack effect would have been reduced for the period prior to capture of image in Figure 5, thus reducing the amount of moisture especially at the top of the building envelope. Positive building pressures and ambient temperatures The thermal images in Figures 7 and 8 demonstrate the amount of moisture accumulation that can occur within masonry cladding as a result of stack effect brought on by reduced exterior ambient temperatures. Both images, taken during positive building pressures, display thermal patterns created by air exfiltration patterns in addition to previously accumulated moisture patterns due to stack pressures. These air leakage patterns overpower the moisture induced thermal patterns in both exterior ambient temperature conditions. The image taken at the lower ambient temperature illustrates greater amount of moisture accumulation within the masonry cladding than the image taken at temperatures of approximately 10°C higher. This is consistent with the thermal patterns produced during the negative building pressure inspections. The only other variable in this image is slightly increased positive pressure in the higher temperature situation that could have resulted in the slight modification of existing moisture patterns. Figure 4. Ground floor of solid masonry wall assembly illustrates warmer surface temperatures due to rising damp from ground water in foundation wall. 50 Journal of Building Enclosure Design Moisture patterns resulting from direct and diffuse leakage The thermal images seen in Figures 9 to 12 demonstrate the variances between moisture patterns created by both direct and diffuse air leakage. These images also illustrate the variations during both positive and negative pressure conditions during inspections. Moisture patterning is most visible during negative building pressure inspections since air leakage patterns do not overpower those created by moisture within the cladding or insulation. If conducting inspections within an hour or so after initializing negative building pressure, then moisture patterning created by normal operating conditions become most visible in the infrared. Moisture patterning appears to be more apparent in areas where diffuse air leakage occurs through the exterior walls, rather than at areas where direct air leakage occurs during these inspections. One possible explanation for this phenomenon is that in diffuse air leakage conditions, moisture has a greater potential to get trapped into porous materials rather than in situations where direct air leakage occurs from the interior to the exterior. What has been generally observed is that moisture accumulation around areas of direct airflow paths occur at the peripheral areas of the openings and not immediately at their locations. Again heat and air flow from the exfiltrating air generally will not allow for moisture retention at the immediate opening but rather some distance around the openings where there Figure 5. Negative Building Pressure (-140 Pa), To = 0ºC. Figure 6. Negative Building Pressure (-8 Pa), To = -11ºC. Figure 7. Positive Building Pressure (+40 Pa), To = 0ºC. Figure 8. Positive Building Pressure (+25 Pa), To = -11ºC. is less air flow to move the moisture further out of the cladding materials. In very cold conditions (-22°F/-30°C and lower), visual signs of hoar frosting is visible at these problem areas. Pre-existing moisture patterning does not seem to be affected to any degree during positive pressure inspections other than to make them less apparent due to the much warmer surface temperatures created by the exfiltrating air at openings within the air barrier assembly. Positive building pressure inspections will result in additional moisture deposition within the wall assembly and thus create additional areas of moisture accumulation within the wall area that may not be present during normal operating conditions of the building. Both significant pressure (between 50 to 150 Pa) and considerable duration (greater than four hours of positive pressure) are required before additional moisture patterning is visible due to positive building pressure conditions in building with average to above average leaky air barrier assemblies. When looking at buildings during cold weather conditions, variations in the thermal signatures created by naturally occurring conditions will take considerable time to be modified and in some conditions, may not be modified at all. In Figures 9 to 12 the masonry areas around the vent located in the central section of the third floor appears warm in the negative pressure inspections, even through negative pressures were imposed for more than 2 hours prior to each inspection. Exterior ambient temperature seems to have little effect on the dissipation of stored heat and moisture within the masonry around these locations. In these conditions, greater time is required under negative building pressure to eliminate the stored heat from air leakage within the masonry cladding. Duration of high building pressure and moisture accumulation. The thermal images in Figures 13 and 14 were taken on subsequent mornings. Figure 14 illustrates positive pressure imagery produced 24 hours prior to the negative pressure imagery in Figure 13. The arrows at the parapet walls of this 24-story building identify the moisture accumulation within the brick cladding as a direct result of positive building pressure imposed on the building for test purposes. The moisture patterns were not present prior to the positive building pressure being induced into the building and did not appear until after four hours of positive building pressure. Figure 13 illustrates the thermal imagery from the same area of this building while being subjected to negative building pressure the following evening. Note that the thermal patterns due to air leakage are absent from this image as are the patterns created by the moisture accumulation within the brick cladding at the upper sections of the elevation from earlier in the day. The thermal bridging patterns are still evident. This image indicates that moisture accumulation, as with heat build-up due to excessive air leakage, given a full 24-hour time period, will dissipate when the driving force of the heat and moisture accumulation within the cladding is not present. As seen in Figure 14, leakage areas were random in various section of the building and were not wide spread, but the sustained abnormal positive building pressure during testing did result in additional moisture migration from the building into the masonry cladding. This is a common occurrence in both solid as well as cavity wall assemblies. In cavity wall assemblies, moisture migration often travels from the source of the air barrier opening up to the top sections of the wall cavity due to convection cycles and thus moisture patterns appear more Summer/Fall 2008 51 pronounced at the top section of wall cavities and building elevations. Another factor that contributes to the increased build-up of moisture accumulation at top sections of buildings is the increased stack effect pressures generally found at these elevations during winter months. MOISTURE PATTERNING AND PHASE CHANGE Exterior inspections (freeze thaw cycles) Phase change of moisture within porous cladding materials from a liquid to a solid occurs at temperatures slightly below freezing. Phase change from a solid to a liquid occurs when temperatures increase above freezing. In the phase change from a solid to a liquid, an endothermic reaction, melting ice within the wall is visible through reduced surface temperatures. Phase change from a liquid to a solid is an exothermic reaction and is visible through increased surface temperatures. These phenomenon occur independent of either positive or negative pressures. The accompanying thermal images in Figures 15 to 16 illustrate the endothermic effects of melting ice within the building cladding. Figure 9. Negative Building Pressure (-140 Pa), To = 0ºC. Figure 10. Positive Building Pressure (+40 Pa), To = -0ºC. Figure 11. Negative Building Pressure (-140 Pa), To = -11º. Figure 12. Positive Building Pressure (+40 Pa), To = -11ºC. Figure 13. Negative Building Pressure (-60 Pa), To = -7ºC, maintained for a duration of 4 hours prior to inspection. Figure 14. Positive Building Pressure (80 Pa), To = -7ºC, maintained for a duration of 5 hours prior to inspection. 52 Journal of Building Enclosure Design The dark areas on the fourth floor masonry cladding illustrate the distinctive endothermic pattern generated by the phase change of melting ice within the masonry. It appears reasonably consistent during both the negative and positive inspections during the same evening. The cold areas above the window heads on the third and fourth floor windows are typical of air leakage into the building during negative building pressure conditions. The moisture patterning in the wall due to accumulated moisture over the winter months appears warm around the floor slabs and is present during both the negative and positive pressure inspections. During the positive building inspection, these moisture patterns appear to be overpowered by the thermal patterns created by the air leakage through the walls from the building interior. Both images were taken during same evening, four hours between the two settings. Due to the lower exterior ambient temperatures, phase change phenomenon is not visible at low outside temperatures. Moisture accumulation is visible during both inspections, but more during positive building pressure inspections than slightly negative pressure inspections. Interior inspections (evaporative cooling) Phase change of moisture from a solid to a liquid and from a liquid to a gas requires energy. This is considered an endothermic reaction. The energy for these phase changes is absorbed from the building materials holding this moisture. It takes five times more energy for water to change to vapor than for ice to change to water. Thus, evaporation of moisture within surface materials results in a considerably greater cooling of surfaces than solid ice melting to a liquid. This is one of the principle reasons that detection of moisture through evaporative cooling is easier to spot than melting of moisture within porous claddings. The amount of surface cooling is directly proportional to the rate of evaporation and the amount of moisture within the assembly. These factors are temperature dependent (both interior and exterior temperatures), vapor pressure dependent and time dependent. Phase changes going from a gas to a liquid or from a liquid to a solid are considered exothermic reactions in that they release energy to the adjacent building materials which hold moisture. Therefore condensation of water vapor or freezing of water within porous building materials produce warmer surface patterns. Condensation will generate a greater thermal signature that freezing of water within porous materials. In winter inspections, it is possible to generate both heat signatures due to condensation of interior warm moist air and cooling patterns due to ice melting within porous cladding. Thermal patterns due to evaporative cooling from interior inspections vary according to the cause of the moisture accumulation within the wall, ceiling or floor assembly. The sources of moisture include but are not limited to: a) rain and/or melt water intrusion, b) condensation due to air leakage, c) water from plumbing and sprinkler systems, d) occupant activities (kitchens, washrooms, wet preparation areas, slop sinks), e) cleaning activities within buildings, f) fire and flood damage and, g) building materials drying out during construction stages (concrete, drywall, masonry). The duration of wetness along with appropriate temperatures results in either material damage or more problematic, development of mold. Evaporative drying of interstitial moisture within exterior wall assemblies can occur either to the interior or exterior or combinations of both depending on the environmental conditions at the time of inspection and the vapor transmissivity of materials on either side of the embedded moisture. Evaporative drying to the exterior is generally very difficult to see from interior inspections but not impossible. The easiest moisture to detect occurs from evaporative drying of interior surface materials. The presence of moisture within exterior wall assemblies during cold winter months will result in colder interior surface temperatures of exterior walls than the temperatures created by evaporative cooling on interior surfaces. During warm summer months, intensity of evaporative cooling thermal patterns may be reduced due to conductive through-wall heat gain. Moisture detection Figure 15. Negative Building Pressure (-140 Pa), To = 0ºC. Figure 16. Positive Building Pressure (+40 Pa), To = 0ºC. Both images taken during same evening, four-hour time span between the two images. on interior partitions, floors and ceilings is generally easy to detect due to more static base surface temperatures resulting from stable interior ambient conditions. Variable exterior ambient conditions do not interfere with evaporative cooling thermal patterns on interior surfaces. The insurance industry uses infrared thermography to determine when walls are completely dry after floods. Visual inspections cannot always be relied on and moisture meters do not provide a complete picture of potential wet areas. The use of infrared thermography allows for non destructive evaluation of the potential causes and sources of the moisture. The tool is generally used in combination with moisture meters to validate acceptable amounts of moisture at a specific location. The issue of limit state moisture detection (with all environmental factors being equal) is subject to both spatial and thermal resolutions of infrared equipment used. Shorter distances to target surfaces address spatial resolution limitations of infrared equipment. Thermal resolution limitations of equipment cannot be compensated for during inspection methodologies for moisture detection. Most medium to low cost imagers provide at least 100 mK thermal resolution. This is generally good enough to see signs of evaporative cooling during initial wetting and drying phase. When trying to determine complete dryness, imagers with considerably better thermal resolution (30 to 50 mK) provide much better limit state information. For this reason, it is recommended that interior moisture detection be carried out with imagers with at least 50 mK thermal resolution. SUMMARY Moisture within low-sloped roof assemblies is detectable by transient or near steady state heat flow methodologies. The window of opportunity for transient condition testing is two hours after sunset following a sunny day. Near steady state condition testing can be carried out from both the interior and exterior providing that there is a sufficient temperature differential to produce a thermal signature and surfaces are unobstructed and easily viewable. Aerial infrared inspections are recommended for large or multiple roofs areas or locations, but walk-on inspections are cost effective for small roof inspections. Spatial resolution becomes an issue when large distances to target object surfaces are encountered. Thermal resolution is less of an issue since moisture effects for transient testing generally produce temperature differences between the 4ºF to 7°F (2°C to 4°C) range. Moisture patterning due to rainwater and melt water penetration of the building cladding is visible if the cladding is porous and absorbs moisture and there is a thermal gradient through the wall to distinguish dry from wet cladding. This is generally a transient condition and requires inspection after sunset to carry out comparative analysis of patterns from all elevations of the building. Rainwater generally is detected at upper sections of buildings most susceptible to penetration due to wind forces. Melt water patterns are visible at projections and interior corners where ice and snow build up occur in winter months. Moisture patterning due to ground water absorption in solid masonry buildings generally display as homogeneous higher surface temperatures at the base of the building just above grade. It requires a thermal gradient through the building enclosure of at least 50°F (30°C) to be visible. Moisture patterns within masonry cladding created by air leakage from interior sources due to stack effect are most prominent at upper sections of building during sub-zero winter months. Summer/Fall 2008 53 These patterns are more visible in negative building pressure conditions rather than positive building pressure conditions provided that negative building pressure test conditions do not exist for greater than a 24-hour time period. In conditions where normally occurring exfiltration results in localized increased cladding temperatures and resultant moisture accumulation, a time duration of greater than 24-hours would be needed to eliminate the effect of that normal heat loss pattern. Thus most negative building pressure exterior building inspections often still see these thermal patterns in conjunction with their resultant moisture accumulation. When conducting exterior large building infrared thermographic inspections during cold winter months, it is advised to conduct the negative building pressure inspection prior to the positive building inspection if both are planned for one evening’s work. If the work is spread out over a number of days, then either inspection can be carried out first since the resultant moisture accumulation from internal sources will be allowed to dissipate due to solar gain and natural diffusion of moisture to outdoors through the cladding material. Phase change of moisture (freeze/thaw cycles) within porous cladding materials is visible only during exterior ambient temperature conditions between 32°F and 23°F (0°C and -5°C) when moisture within the cladding is most susceptible to phase change. Positive and negative building pressure conditions do not affect the formation and detection of moisture within the process of phase change. The thermal pattern will show up as either much colder or much warmer than adjacent surface areas depending if moisture is freezing to a solid state or thawing to a liquid state. Moisture is detectable during interior inspections by means of evaporative cooling. The amount of surface cooling is directly proportional to the rate of evaporation and the amount of moisture within the assembly. These factors are temperature dependent (both interior and exterior temperatures), vapor pressure dependent and time dependent. Non-vapor transmissive coatings will affect the rate of drying and thus the intensity of the thermal signature. Imagers with better thermal resolution (50 mK or better) are recommended for this type of moisture detection work. REFERENCES Colantonio, Antonio and Desroches, Garry: “Thermal patterns on solid masonry and cavity walls as a result of positive and negative building pressures”, pp 176 – 187; Proc. Thermosense XXVII; SPIE Vol. 5782, March 2005. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to thank the Panel for Energy Research and Development (PERD) for their continued funding of field research in the detection of moisture within masonry structures and infrared thermography commissioning methodologies leading to reduction of energy utilization within buildings. He also wishes to acknowledge the assistance of Garry Desroches from PWGSC, Western Region for the capture and data processing of many of the thermal images illustrated within the paper. PORTLAND, OREGON CALL FOR PAPERS THEME: A new design paradigm for energy efficient buildings The energy economy of the globe is about to be restructured in recognition of the unsustainability of the increasing demand for oil and the drive for replacement sources and modes of energy supply. The building sector of the economy currently draws upon 40% of total energy use and is responsible for almost half (48%) of all Green House Gas emissions annually. This has come about from a time when energy costs were never expected to have a lasting impact on the national economy. The new design paradigm will need to apply all of the ingenuity that the design professions can muster to affect the demand side for energy use in buildings. This must be done for both new buildings and the host of existing buildings. It is not enough to only make more efficient use of energy; we must also improve the durability of buildings and provide the air quality and livability that is required for a healthy and productive population. The connectivity among the myriad of decisions that are made by the developers, owners, design professionals, manufacturers and the trades has to be recognized in order to achieve a successful end result. This conference encourages all who are involved in the research, design and construction of new buildings and the renovation of existing infrastructure to put forth their very best efforts to achieve high performance buildings that significantly contribute to achieving the restructuring needed. CallforPapers7x4ad.indd 1 54 Journal of Building Enclosure Design APRIL 12-14, 2010 The areas for consideration: • Energy efficiency and durability • Fenestration and lighting • Moisture effects • Control of indoor environment • Innovative materials and systems Important dates: Deadline for abstracts: Jan 15, 2009 Abstract Notification: Feb 28, 2009 Papers Due: Aug 15, 2009 LIST OF POSSIBLE TOPICS: www.thebestconference.org SUBMIT ABSTRACTS TO: www.thebestconference.org/call INFORMATION CONTACT: Patricia Cichowski at NIBS pcichowski@nibs.org 10/8/2008 11:29:47 AM Feature Use of PCM-Enhanced Insulations in the Building Envelope By Jan Kosny, PhD and David W. Yarbrough, PhD, PE, Oak Ridge National Laboratory ABSTRACT A phase change material (PCM) alters the heat flow across the building envelope by absorbing and releasing heat in response to cycling ambient temperatures. The benefit of a PCM is reduction in heating and cooling loads and in many cases a shift in peak-load demands and the time of day of the peak load. Ambient or interior temperature cycling past the phase change temperature range is necessary for the PCM to function. The design of a PCM application requires selection of material, identification of PCM location and bounding thermal resistances, and specification of the amount of PCM to be used. PCM can be distributed in an insulation or building material or packaged for localized application. This paper describes small-scale laboratory testing, large-scale laboratory testing, and field studies undertaken to evaluate the energy savings potential for PCM in the building envelope. INTRODUCTION A PCM with a phase change temperature near the temperature of the conditioned space results in a small temperature difference between the PCM and the interior air during the phase change. The heat flow in or out of the conditioned space depends on the thermal resistance between the PCM and the interior air. A reduction in the temperature difference translates to a reduction of heat flow. Heat retained by the PCM is returned to the ambient during the “discharge” part of the diurnal cycle. This discharge is controlled by the thermal resistance between the PCM and the inside air and the level of thermal resistance between the PCM and the outside. The design of a PCM application must address these factors. Energy and thermal comfort benefits of conventional massive walls, floors, or slabs, have been well known for centuries. PCM-enhanced building materials have been utilized for at least 40 years as lightweight alternatives for conventional massive systems. Many PCMs have been considered for building applications, including inorganic salt hydrates, organic fatty acids and eutectic mixtures, fatty alcohols, neopentyl glycol, and paraffinic hydrocarbons. In the US, there were several moderately successful attempts in the 1970s and 1980s to use different types of organic and inorganic PCMs to reduce peak loads and heating and cooling energy consumption (Balcomb 1983). Previous investigations focused on impregnating concrete, gypsum, or ceramic masonry with salt hydrates or paraffinic hydrocarbons. Most of these studies found that PCMs improved building energy performance by reducing peak-hour cooling loads and by shifting peak-demand time. In past studies, non-encapsulated paraffinic hydrocarbons generally performed well (Tomlinson et al. 1992), but they sometimes compromised the fire resistance of the building envelope. Kissock et al. (1998) reported that wallboard including a paraffin mixture made up mostly of n-octadecane, which has a mean melting temperature of 75°F (24ºC) and a latent heat of fusion of 65 Btu/lb, “was easy to handle and did not possess a waxy or slick surface. It scored and fractured in a manner similar to regular wallboard. Its unpainted color changed from white to gray. The drywall with PCM required no special surface preparation for painting.” In addition, Salyer and Sircar (1989) reported that during tests of 4×8 ft sheets of wallboard with PCM, there was insignificant loss of PCM after three months of exposure to continuously cycled 100°F (38ºC) air. The ability of PCMs to reduce peak loads is also well documented. For example, Zhang, et al. (2005) found peak cooling load reductions of 35 to 40 percent in side-by-side testing of conditioned small houses with and without paraffinic PCM inside the walls. Similarly, Kissock et al. (1998) measured peak temperature reductions of up to 50ºF (10°C) in sideby-side testing of unconditioned experimental houses with and without paraffinic Figure 1. Small-scale test of a localized PCM showing heat flux (Btu/ft2·hr). Summer/Fall 2008 55 PCM wallboard. Kosny (2006) reported that PCM-enhanced cellulose insulation can reduce wall-generated peak-hour cooling loads by about 40 percent . Small-scale laboratory tests The use of a heat-flow meter appartaus to study transient heat flow has been discussed (Kosny et al. 2007) and (Alderman 2007). Both distributed and localized PCM applications have been evaluated by comparing insulation with PCM and insulation without PCM subjected to the same thermal cycling. Figure 1 is an example of transient heat flux data that show the difference between an insulation containing a localized PCM and the same insulation without PCM. The area between the curves is a measure of the reduction of heat flow to the cold side of the test. The overall saving requires an additional step of determining how much of the heat contained in the PCM is returned to the ambinet during the “discharge” part of the cycle. The time required to “charge” the PCM shown by the horizontal part of the curve for the material with PCM is controlled by the amount of PCM and the level of thermal resistance between the PCM and the elevated temperature. In this example there was thermal resistance of 9 ft2∙h∙°F/Btu (R 9) between the PCM and the warm side of the test specimen and 5 ft2∙h∙°F/Btu (R 5) between the PCM and the cold side of the specimen. The time scale starts with the specimen at constant temperature and no heat flow across the boundaries. Figure 2 summarizes data obtained with a heat-flow meter and insulation containing distributed PCM. The results in Figure 2 illustrates how the performance depends on the amount of PCM present. A 70 percent reduction in cumulative heat flow is shown for the test specimen with 30 wt. percent PCM. This overall savings depends on the efficiency with which the heat absorbed by the PCM can be discharged to the ambient. Large-scale laboratory testing of walls containing insulation with distributed pcm During 2002-2004 PCM-enhanced fiber insulations were tested for their effectiveness as wall-cavity insulation. 56 Journal of Building Enclosure Design Figure 2. Small-scale determination of the effect of increasing PCM loading. Figure 3. Heat flux measured during a dynamic hot-box measurement in a 2x6 wood-frame wall containing PCM-enhanced cellulose insulation. Small amounts of different cellulose– PCM blends were made using a pilotscale production line (Kosny 2006). In this project, microencapsulated paraffinic PCM was used. The PCM microcapsules were between 2 and 20 micrometers in diameter with melting point 78.5°F (25.8ËšC). This PCM is produced with the use of a microencapsulation technology that holds wax droplets inside hard acrylic shells. Since production of cellulose insulation includes the addition of dry chemicals, the addition of a dry PCM component does not require significant changes in the manufacturing or packaging processes. A series of steady-state heat flow apparatus thermal conductivity measurements were conducted on the two- inch thick samples of PCM-enhanced cellulose insulation. These tests showed that the addition of up to 30 percent of the microencapsulated PCM does not increase the thermal conductivity of the cellulose insulation (Kosny 2006). A nominal 8×8 ft wood-frame wall specimen was used for transient hot-box testing of a PCM–cellulose blend. The test wall was constructed with 2×6 in. wood framing installed 16-in. OC. Three wall cavities were insulated with cellulose insulation with density 2.6 lb/ft3. Three remaining wall cavities were insulated with a cellulose–PCM blend at a density of 2.6 lb/ft3 containing 22 wt percent PCM. It is estimated that about 38 lb of PCM-enhanced cellulose insulation (containing 8 lb of PCM) was used for this experiment. At the beginning of the hot-box measurement, temperatures on both surfaces of the specimen were stabilized at about 65°F (18.3ËšC) on the cold side and 72°F (22ËšC) on the warm side. The temperature of the warm side was rapidly increased to 110°F (43.3ËšC). After about 120 hours, the hot-box heaters were turned down and the temperature of the warm side of the wall was reduced by natural cooling to 65°F (18.3ËšC). Figure 3 shows the heat fluxes for both sides of the wall recorded during the rapid warmup period. It took 15 hours to charge the PCM material in the wall. Heat fluxes on both sides of the wall were measured and compared. For three five-hour time intervals, heat fluxes were integrated for each surface. Comparisons of measured heat flow rates on the wall surface, which was opposite the thermal excitation, enabled an estimate of the potential thermal load reduction generated by the PCM. In reality, most daily thermal excitations generated by solar irradiance are no longer than five hours (peak-hour time). Heat flux was measured during the first five hours after the thermal ramp. The PCM-enhanced cellulose material reduced the total heat flow through the wall by over 40 percent . The load reduction for the entire 15 hours of the PCM charging time was close to 20 percent . Surface temperatures on the PCM part of the test wall specimen were approximately 2°F (16.6ËšC) lower during the time of the thermal ramp (cooling effect). Field testing of insulation with PCM Two small-scale field tests were performed on 2×6 in. wood-frame walls insulated with PCM-enhanced cellulose Figure 4. Comparison of surface heat fluxes recorded during field experiment which took place during a sunny week in April. Summer/Fall 2008 57 insulation. Test walls were located in Oak Ridge, TN and Charleston, SC. In both cases, PCM walls were located next to identical wood-frame walls containing cellulose insulation with no PCM. To estimate the effect of direct solar radiation, the walls tested in Oak Ridge faced south and the walls tested in Charleston faced northwest. Figure 4 shows heat fluxes recorded in Tennessee on test walls during a sunny week in late April 2006. Exterior surface temperatures on the Oak Ridge walls were cycling between 120°F (48.8ËšC) during the days and 55°F (12.7ËšC) during most nights. Field test data demonstrated that the PCM wall was more thermally stable than the conventional wall. Significantly lower heat fluxes were observed in the PCM wall: peak-hour heat flux was reduced by at least 30 percent compared with the conventional wall without PCM. In addition, a shift of about two h in the peak-hour load was observed in the PCM wall. Analysis of the temperatures in the tested walls showed that the PCM was going through full charging and discharging processes during the 24-h time period. Recorded temperature profiles in Figure 5 show that the PCM thermally stabilized the core of the wall as a result of its heat storage capacity. Temperature peaks were notably shifted inside the PCM wall. Significantly lower temperatures were observed during the night in the wall cavities where no PCM was used. The conventional wall (with no PCM) was warming up and cooling down more quickly than the wall with PCM. Figure 5. Temperature profiles inside the wall cavities of the south-facing test walls (no-PCM wall located on the east side, PCM wall located on the west side), during a sunny week in late April in Oak Ridge, TN. Analysis of the PCM discharge time: dynamic tests of the residential attac containing PCM-enhanced PCM One of the most important design criteria for building assemblies containing PCM is the charging and discharging times, which has to be less than 24 hours. If PCM is not fully discharged before the start of the next cycle, then the full thermal storage potential will not be available. In order to investigate the total chargingdischarging times for a full-scale attic assembly, dynamic hot-box experiments were performed in the residential attic module shown in Figure 6. The attic module was tested under periodic temperature changes in the Large Scale Climate Simulator (LSCS) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Two concentrations of microencapsulated PCM were tested (5 percent and 20 percent by weight). The main focus of the attic tests was discharging time of the PCM, since dynamic hot-box testing of the wall had already proved the good thermal performance of the PCMenhanced cellulose insulation. Charging is not a problem in attics because of the intensive fluctuaFigure 6. Test attic module used for testing of PCM-enhanced cellulose. tions of the attic air 58 Journal of Building Enclosure Design temperature during sunny days (a rapid increase in temperature caused by the sun). However, the attic cooling process is significantly slower. In a well-designed PCM application, 100 percent of the PCM material should be able to fully discharge before the beginning of the next cycle. During the dynamic lSCS tests, the model of a residential attic was subjected to periodic changes of temperature [65°F (18.3ºC) for about 16 hours, rapid temperature ramp to 120ºF (48.8ºC) and exposure to 120ºF (48.8ºC) for about 4 hours, followed by natural cooling back to 65°F (18.3ºC)]. An array of thermocouples installed at one inch intervals was used to monitor the temperature distribution across the attic insulation. One of the interesting findings from the analysis of temperature data was that only layers of insulation located higher than four inches from the bottom of the attic were involved in the phase change process. An analysis of the temperature profiles demonstrated charging and discharging of the PCM (similar to those presented in Figure 3 for PCM wall) even in attic insulation containing only five percent PCM. It took about six to eight hours to fully discharge the energy stored in these layers. No forced ventilation was needed to discharge the PCM. CONCLUSION Several applications of PCM-enhanced building insulations have been tested and analyzed over the past four years. Two forms of PCM application were considered: dispersed PCM in cellulose wall insulation, and PCM application with fiberous insulations as a part of an attic insulation system. 1.Laboratory-scale testing has demonstrated the potential for energy savings with PCMs. 2. A dynamic hot-box test that included a 40°F (2.2ËšC) thermal ramp, performed on a 2×6 wood frame wall, demonstrated about 40 percent reduction of the surface heat flow as a result of the use of PCM. This finding was confirmed by the field tests. 3. A dynamic hot-box test performed on the attic containing PCM-enhanced cellulose insulation proved that PCM can be fully discharged without the use of additional forced ventilation of the attic. Jan Kosny is a research engineer in the Building Technology Center at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Dr. Kosny has been an active researcher in the field of building science for 25 years. His areas of interest include materials, mathematical modeling, and development of advanced building systems. David Yarbrough is a member of the research staff of the Building Technology Center at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and a Principal at R&D Services, Inc. Dr. Yarbrough has been active in thermal insulation research for over 25 years. References Alderman, R. J. and D. W. Yarbrough 2008, “Use of Phase-Change Materials to Enhance the Thremal Performance of Building Insulations”, Thermal Conductivity 29 , John R. Koehig and Heng Ban, Editors, DEStech Publications, Inc. pp 129-136. Balcomb, J.D., R.W. Jones, C.E. Kosiewicz, G.S. Lazarus, R.D. McFarland, W.O. Wray. 1983. Passive Solar Design Handbook. ISBN 0-89553-124-0. American Solar Energy Society, Inc. Kissock, J. Kelly, J. Michael Hannig, Thomas I. 1998. “Testing and simulation of phase change wallboard for thermal storage in buildings.” Proceedings of 1998 International Solar Energy Conference, Albuquerque, June 14–17. J.M. Morehouse and R.E.Hogan, Eds. ASME. Kosny J., Yarbrough D., Wilkes K ., Leuthold D., Syad A. 2006. “ PCM-Enhanced Cellulose Insulation – Thermal Mass in Lightweight Natural Fibers” 2006 ECOSTOCK Conference, IEA, DOE, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, June 2006. Kosny J., D. W. Yarbrough, T. Petrie and S.A. Mohiuddin 2008 “Performance of Thermal Insulations Containing Microencapsulated Phase Change Material” pp 109-119. Salyer, I., and A. Sircar. 1989. “Development of PCM wallboard for heating and cooling of residential buildings.” Thermal Energy Storage Research Activities Review. U.S. Department of Energy, New Orleans, March 15–17. Tomlinson, J., C. Jotshi, and D. Goswami. 1992. “Solar thermal energy storage in phase change materials.” Proceedings of Solar ‘92: The American Solar Energy Society Annual Conference, Cocoa Beach, FL, June 15–18. Zhang, Meng, M.A. Medina, and Jennifer King. 2005. “Development of a thermally enhanced frame wall with phase-change materials for on-peak air conditioning demand reduction and energy savings in residential buildings.” International Journal of Energy Research. 29(9):795–809. Summer/Fall 2008 59 Feature Real R-Value of Exterior Insulated Wall Assemblies By Mark Lawton, P.Eng., Patrick Roppel, P.Eng., David Fookes, P.Eng., Anik Teasdale St Hilaire, PhD., and Daniel Schoonhoven ABSTRACT The recent drive towards sustainable building construction has placed new emphasis on the provision of durable wall assemblies that provide a high effective resistance to heat flow (R-Value). The authors’ practice focuses on large multiresidential, commercial and institutional buildings constructed of concrete, steel, masonry and glazing systems. In these types of buildings, and particularly in the temperate climate of British Columbia’s Lower Mainland, thermal performance has not historically been treated as a high priority item. Now, however, the requirements of sustainability programs such as LEED are requiring architects to design wall systems that provide high levels of thermal resistance. Architects are often shocked at the difference between effective R-value of a proposed opaque wall assembly and the nominal R-value of installed insulation materials. The difference is a result of the thermal bridges associated with structural elements and connections that pass through the building thermal envelope. The authors have undertaken analyses, using the modeling program THERM, to numerically evaluate the effective thermal resistance of some typical wall assemblies used in high-rise residential buildings. We evaluated the impact of slab edge detailing and a variety of secondary structural elements needed to support the cladding. We have developed a method of presenting the information in a manner that architects can practically use to determine actual insulation thicknesses required to obtain the overall walls’ desired thermal performance. 60 Journal of Building Enclosure Design INTRODUCTION A number of factors are causing architects to place more attention on the overall, effective thermal resistance of opaque wall assemblies used in non-combustible buildings. Clients are demanding that more attention be paid to sustainability and energy conservation either directly by specification, or by participation in programs such as LEED. Energy conservation requirements are typically defined by reference to standards such as ASHRAE 90.1 or Canada’s National Energy Code for Buildings. These standards have both prescriptive and performance based compliance paths. Both require knowledge of the effective thermal resistance of opaque enclosure assemblies. A major challenge in non-combustible buildings is that wall assemblies often have highly conductive structural elements passing through the thermal insulation so that the overall or effective thermal resistance of opaque wall assemblies can be much less than the nominal R-value of the installed thermal insulation. With the complex, three-dimensional heat flow paths in these “commercial” wall assemblies, calculating the effective thermal resistance is a difficult process that requires tools such as 2D or 3D heat flow computer simulation programs. Application of such tools is beyond the capability of most architectural offices. The challenge is such that in most jurisdictions where compliance with ASHRAE 90.1 is required by code, bylaw or specification, the impact of thermal bridges created by cladding attachment has historically been ignored. This is now changing. The importance of thermal bridges related to cladding attachment in common wall assembles is becoming increasingly recognized (Peer 2007), and there are even initiatives to better define actual thermal performance of wall assemblies by test. The authors were directly confronted with the issues on a major residential project in Vancouver, Canada where they acted as the building envelope professionals undertaking design and construction review of the enclosure systems. The project encompassed a total of 15 buildings; typically 5 to 13 storys designed by six different architects. The development has high sustainability requirements including compliance with LEED Gold. Complicating matters was the fact that the project has to be complete by an immovable date so that iterative design cycling had to be minimized. The mechanical engineer for the project carried out initial energy use modeling and defined thermal performance requirements for the enclosure assemblies. The provided requirements were: Each of the architects turned to the authors firm to help them design wall systems Roof Walls Shading U value R W/m2/oC value coefficient (BTU/ft2/ oF) .238 (.0440) .379 (.067) 15 0.47 (.0827) 12 Windows 2.335 (.411) Floors 24 2.4 0.69 Table 1: Thermal Resistances assumed by Modeling. For further reading on thermal bridging in relation to wall thermal performance: Study on heat transfer of light steelframed composite walls in cold areas. Cui, Yong-Qi (School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology); Wang, ZhaoJun; Zhang, Su-Mei. Source: Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), v 14, n SUPPL., January, 2007, p 63-66 Thermal Insulation and Thermal Bridge of Steel-Framed Walls. Suda, Noriyuki (technical Development Bur); Uno, Nobuyoshi; Shimizu, Jun; Kanno, Ryoichi; Sugita, Koji. Source: Nippon Steel Technical Report, n 79, Jan, 1999, p 35-40 that met these performance requirements in addition to all the other performance, constructability and budget restraints imposed in the design process. Many of the architects were surprised to learn that the wall systems that they had used in previous high-rise residential construction fell far short of the defined thermal resistance requirement, primarily because of the influence of thermal bridges. They obviously had questions about whether they could simply modify the types of assemblies that they had experience with by, for example, adding insulation or whether that had to make a dramatic departure from their initial design assumptions and if so, to what? In an effort to assist architects, the authors undertook a program of modeling typical systems with THERM and created a method of transmitting results in a manner that aided the decision making process of the architects. TYPICAL WALL SYSTEMS Most regions develop “locally typical” methods of constructing high-rise residential buildings. What is locally typical depends on climate, the cost and availability of components and assemblies and what the local design and construction community is comfortable with and finds cost effective. In Vancouver, typical high-rise residential buildings can be said to have the following characteristics: • They are concrete-framed. • Exposed slab edges including projecting balconies and “eyebrows” are common. • They use a high percentage of glazing, particularly to the “view” directions of north (mountains) and west (ocean). • Glazing is often “window-wall”, a one storey high glazing system with vision and opaque sections and frames that rest on each slab but have a bypass that covers the slabs to give an appearance similar to curtainwall. • Opaque walls include: • Mass concrete walls with interior insulation and an elastomeric coating. • Steel stud backup walls with rainscreen cladding of some sort (historically, insulation was confined to the stud cavity, more recently having some or all the insulation outboard of the exterior sheathing is common practice). • Masonry veneer over steel stud or poured concrete back walls are increasingly used as architectural accents. • Roofs are typically protected membrane roofs on concrete slabs. For the specific project being discussed, the wall systems being proposed by the architects could generally be classified into two basic types, as follows: • Masonry clad walls supported by shelf angles at each slab and masonry ties on 24″ x 16″ centers to steel stud backup walls. On steel stud walls, a membrane adhered to the exterior sheathing acts as the air barrier, vapor barrier and interior moisture barriers. The primary insulation is placed outside the membrane and there may or may not be additional insulation placed in the stud cavity. • “Rainscreen” cladding systems made from metal panels, fritted glass, cement board, or terra cotta supported on z-girts back to the studs of the back up wall. Again a membrane adhered to the exterior sheathing acts as the air barrier, vapor barrier and interior moisture barriers. The primary insulation is placed outside the membrane and there may or may Figure 1. Exposed slab edge. Figure 2. Shelf angle bolted to slab. Figure 3. Shelf angle on brackets. Summer/Fall 2008 61 Figure 4. Vertical z-girts. Figure 5. Thermally Broken Vertical z-girts. Figure 6. Vertical and horizontal z-girts. not be additional insulation placed in the stud cavity. There can be significant variation in the pattern of framing that passes through the exterior insulation depending on the cladding system. The above wall systems readily transfer to other regions of North America. Analysis of the effect on thermal performance of the type of alternate cladding attachment and slab edge configuration was the primary function of our work. All cases were modeled with both 3 ½″ and 5 ½″ 18 gauge steel stud framing, and for both insulated and non-insulated frame cavities. Exterior insulation was modeled in a range of thicknesses and for several different insulation types. For each of the above cases, modeling was also carried out to determine the effective R-value of regions near concrete slabs. These R-values were lower than that of the surrounding wall due to the thermal bridging effect of the concrete slab. Modeled slab data was averaged into the appropriate R-value tables, with the assumption of 8ft ceilings. The effects of different slab edge details on overall wall R-value may be seen in Tables 2 and 3. Important assumptions made in the modeling procedure include the following: • Exclusion of exterior rainscreen cladding / masonry, due to the complex 3-D nature of convection and ventilation through the air gap between exterior insulation and cladding. Note that it is the different connection details of exterior claddings that significantly influence envelope thermal performance, and not so much the cladding itself, either masonry or rainscreen. The contribution of either masonry or rainscreen cladding to envelope thermal performance is not greatly significant. • Use of a 2-D model, when actual heat MODELING METHODS Analysis was carried out using the thermal modeling computer program THERM, developed and maintained by Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory. Modeling was completed for a number of different steel stud wall systems and cladding support scenarios. Specific cases that were modeled included: Brick veneer: • With brick bearing on slabs Figure 1. • With brick bearing on ¼ thick shelf angles bolted to slabs Figure 2. • With brick bearing on ¼ thick shelf angles mounted on 3x ¼ steel brackets spaced at 24. Rainscreen cladding: • With vertical z-girts on 16 centers, Figure 4. • With horizontal z-girts on 24 centers. • With thermally broken vertical z-girts on 16 centers, Figure 5. • With vertical z-girts mounted on horizontal z-girts and two layers of insulation, Figure 6. 62 Journal of Building Enclosure Design Figure 7. Chart 1. Summer/Fall 2008 63 Table 2: Summary of Effective Thermal Resistances for Walls and Slab Regions (Exterior Insulation Only, No Insulation in Frame Cavity) (Based on a 2.65m Slab-to-Slab Height Exposed Concrete Slab or Balcony Type of Thermal Bridging at Slab Nominal Wall R-Value Insulation Thickness (Inches) 33.1 7.0 5.9 5.0 4.2 28.9 24.7 20.5 16.3 12.1 7.9 5.8 Exterior Insulation Placed Outboard of Slab 3.7 EXPS 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 3.4 2.5 1.7 2.5 0.4 0.0 Spray foam Vert. Girts Hor. Girts 4.9 7.8 9.9 3.5 6.9 8.7 4.2 2.8 2.1 1.4 2.1 0.4 0.0 7.4 6.3 5.7 5.1 5.7 3.4 2.6 9.4 7.9 7 6 7 3.8 2.6 7.0 5.9 4.9 10.6 13.4 24.7 5.0 4.2 3.5 9.1 11.5 28.9 20.5 16.3 12.1 7.9 5.8 6.0 4.0 3.0 2.0` 1.0 0,5 0.0 5.0 3.4 2.5 1.7 0.8 0.4 0.0 4.2 2.8 2.1 1.4 0.7 0.4 0.0 10 8.2 7.3 6.3 4.8 3.8 2.6 Vert. & Hor. Girts 2” x 1/16” Brick Ties 11.1 12.1 11.1 9.4 8.5 7.6 6.4 33.1 3.7 ¼” thick shelf angle bolted to slab Mineral Wool Effective Wall R-Value for Various Cladding Attachments (hr·ft2·°F/Btu) 12.1 10.2 9 7.8 6.4 4.8 3.8 2.6 12.6 10.3 9 7.5 5.4 4.2 2.6 31.1 7.0 5.9 4.9 16.8 24.7 5.0 4.2 3.5 13.5 28.9 20.5 16.3 12.1 7.9 5.8 3.7 6.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 flow is in three dimensions. This approximation was necessary due to the 2-D limitation of the software used (THERM). As a result of the use of a 2-D model, R-values reported for wall sections containing a combination of materials represent an approximation of the actual heat flow path and thermal resistance. • Steady-state model (ignores thermal mass). • Exclusion of membranes, vapor barriers, etc. from the model due to their negligible thermal resistances. 64 Journal of Building Enclosure Design 5.0 3.4 2.5 1.7 0.8 0.4 0.0 4.2 2.8 2.1 1.4 0.7 0.4 0.0 For those interested in the modeling process used, email shannonl@matrixgroupinc.net to receive a detailed appendix on modeling procedures, boundary conditions used, calculations and observations. INformation transfer method We have worked on a variety of ways of summarizing results of multiple simulation results. We have even created a simple program which allows the user to select architectural design features and 15.2 11.6 9.7 7.7 5.3 4.1 2.6 outputs the overall effective R-value of the assembly. The program utilizes a database of modeled data (from THERM) and selects the appropriate data for the input information. The additional thermal bridging effects of slabs and corner assemblies are also accounted for by the program. The user can also input glazing information (thermal resistance and surface area) if it is desired to include window area in the calculation of effective R-value. A screenshot of the program is shown in Figure 7. Most of our architectural clients, however, are not particularly interested in the relative effectiveness of specific details. Their critical questions are much more fundamental. They think in systems, materials and dimensions. For them we have developed a tabular method of presenting results. Modeled output is recorded in tables, presented as the effective R-value actually reached for a particular nominal R-value (or thickness of insulation). An architect can select the appropriate table, depending on wall construction and slab details, select the R-value closest to that required by specification or otherwise, and look across the table to see the necessary insulation thickness for common insulation types and cladding systems. Alternatively, if the design type and thickness of exterior insulation is known, the effective R-value of the assembly for each cladding support style can be read off, as is shown by the arrows in the sample table below. Table 2 and Table 3 summarize modeling results for masonry and stud supported cladding systems that consider insulation material and thickness, cladding support system and slab edge treatment. Table 2 presents results for cases where all insulation is installed outboard of the stud cavity and Table 3 assumes that there is an additional 5.5 inches of batt insulation (nominal R20) in a 5.5” stud cavity. These tables clearly show the huge impact thermal bridges have on effective thermal resistance. The impacts may be obvious to those familiar with three dimensional heat transfers but are not so obvious to others. Some notable observations include: • When there are major thermal bridges such as non-thermally broken z-girts, the effectiveness of insulation is remarkably low to start with, and decreases with the depth of insulation installed. This is explainable by noting that when high heat flow paths exist, reducing the heat flow of parallel paths will have limited benefit. • Many building science specialists recommend having all insulation installed outboard of the stud cavity to help keep the structural elements warm and dry. To many practitioners it seems a waste not to add cheap insulation in the stud cavity. Comparing Table 4 with Table 3 shows how limited the thermal benefit of stud cavity insulation can be. • It is interesting that masonry cladding alternatives can have superior thermal performance to common rainscreen panel claddings. This is due, not to their actual thermal properties, but to the nature of their attachment to the building with intermittently spaced brick ties, rather than by continuous sheet steel components. • The thermal performance of rainscreen panel claddings is strongly dependant on the nature of the structural attachment. The use of attachments that provide significant reductions in thermal bridging such as thermally broken vertical zgirts or combined horizontal and vertical z-girts, provide large improvements in the effective thermal resistances of wall assemblies. Clearly there needs to be more attention paid to using cladding support systems that reduce thermal bridging. Peer commented on several systems that could be fabricated or were available in Europe. One approach to minimizing thermal bridging is to use attachment methods that minimize the cross sectional area of metal that passes through the insulation. Another approach is to thermally break the structural components passing through the insulation. Summary and conclusions The modeling completed in this study has established values for the effective thermal resistances of common wall systems, and quantified the benefits associated with reducing the amount of thermal bridging elements passing through a building thermal envelope. This modeling is hardly innovative. However the presentation of results in a tabular format have proven to be useful to our architectural clients on the referenced project and several subsequent ones It is anticipated that the tables discussed above will prove a useful aid to architects in meeting design requirements for thermal performance. References ASHRAE. 2005. 2005 ASHRAE Handbook – Fundamentals, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and AirConditioning Engineers, Inc. 2005. ASHRAE. 2004. ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA. Standard 90.1-2004, Energy standard for buildings except low-rise residential buildings. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. ISSN 1041-2336. National Research Council of Canada 1995 Canadian National Energy Code for Buildings. Peer, L.B.B. 2007 Practical Use of Thermal Breaks in Cladding Support Systems Buildings X Conference, Clearwater Beach, Florida December 2007. Summer/Fall 2008 65 Table 3: Summary of Effective Thermal Resistances for Walls and Slab Regions (Exterior Insulation + 5.5” Batt Insulation in 5.5” Frame Cavity) (Based on a 2.65m Slab-to-Slab Height) Exposed Concrete Slab or Balcony Type of Thermal Bridging at Slab Nominal Wall R-Value Insulation Thickness (Inches) 33.1 7.0 5.9 5.0 4.2 28.9 24.7 20.5 16.3 12.1 7.9 5.8 Exterior Insulation Placed Outboard of Slab 3.7 EXPS 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 3.4 2.5 1.7 2.5 0.4 0.0 Spray foam Vert. Girts Hor. Girts 4.9 7.8 9.9 3.5 6.9 8.7 4.2 2.8 2.1 1.4 2.1 0.4 0.0 7.4 6.3 5.7 5.1 5.7 3.4 2.6 9.4 7.9 7 6 7 3.8 2.6 33.1 7.0 5.9 4.9 10.6 13.4 24.7 5.0 4.2 3.5 9.1 11.5 28.9 20.5 16.3 12.1 7.9 5.8 3.7 ¼” thick shelf angle bolted to slab Mineral Wool Effective Wall R-Value for Various Cladding Attachments (hr·ft2·°F/Btu) 6.0 4.0 3.0 2.0` 1.0 0,5 0.0 5.0 3.4 2.5 1.7 0.8 0.4 0.0 4.2 2.8 2.1 1.4 0.7 0.4 0.0 10 8.2 7.3 6.3 4.8 3.8 2.6 Vert. & Hor. Girts 2” x 1/16” Brick Ties 11.1 12.1 11.1 9.4 8.5 7.6 6.4 12.1 10.2 9 7.8 6.4 4.8 3.8 2.6 12.6 10.3 9 7.5 5.4 4.2 2.6 31.1 7.0 5.9 4.9 16.8 24.7 5.0 4.2 3.5 13.5 28.9 20.5 16.3 12.1 7.9 5.8 3.7 66 Journal of Building Enclosure Design 6.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 5.0 3.4 2.5 1.7 0.8 0.4 0.0 4.2 2.8 2.1 1.4 0.7 0.4 0.0 15.2 11.6 9.7 7.7 5.3 4.1 2.6 Industry Update BEC Corner BOSTON By Jonathan Baron, AIA, Spagnolo Gisness & Associates, Inc. The Boston-BEC continues to meet monthly (except for August and December) for one and a half to two hours at the BSA headquarters in Boston’s Financial District. Recent presentations have included a review of the jury process for the first BEC-Boston Award for the Most Innovative Building Enclosure, Cellulose Insulation by Betsy Petit of Building Science Corporation, Fall Protection by Brent LaPorte of Pro-Bel Enterprises, Ltd., and Sound Transmission through the Building Envelope, by Jeff Fullerton of Acentech, Inc. We typically have 20 to 30 attendees at our meetings, and there is always spirited discussion with the presenters. The BEC sponsored a number of events at Build Boston, in November 2007, including a presentation of the first BECBoston Award for the Most Innovative Building Enclosure. Members of the jury reviewed the winning project, 60 Oxford Street at Harvard University, and members of the project team described the project and the sensitive treatment of the building enclosure. Upcoming meetings will focus on the effects of structural movement on building enclosures and the interrelationship of ASHRAE 90.1 and enclosures. More information about our current initiatives as well as future and past meetings can be found at our website www.bec-boston.org. MARYLAND By H. Michael Hill, AIA, Torti Gallas and Partners, Inc, Fiona Aldous, Wiss Janney Elstner Associates Inc, and Paul E. Totten, PE, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc. Following successful and well attended programs featuring Understanding Garden Roofs and Selling Them to clients; Curtain wall Fabrication and Cladding of 1101 New York Avenue; Wind Information for Ballasted Roofing Systems; What is Window Wall?; Stone Cladding Design Considerations: An Overview; and Double Skin Facades, the DC-BEC ended the year 2007 with a “town hall meeting” to introduce the new co-chairs and brainstorm the needs and expectations of our local BEC community. David A. Harris, FAIA, President of NIBS addressed the group with accolades to Tim Taylor and Bob Tarasovich for their devotion to sustaining the council with interesting and relevant monthly programs since our beginning in February 2005. Harris applauded us for continuing the effort of providing a means by which the DC, NoVA and MD building envelope community with interest in the enclosure and related building science can discuss and obtain information. A format of quarterly themes will be explored, with the first series of 2008 addressing “Unnatural Forces” on the building enclosure. Presentations will explore the relationships and issues associated with the building enclosure and fire, sound and blast. Although these events do naturally occur, their existence beyond the natural poses unique challenges to the designer to mitigate and control. The January 2008 topic of fire was presented by Dr. Jonathan Barnett and included discussion on fire and smoke controls for atria, as well as design considerations for phased occupancy. Meetings for the first quarter will continue to convene at Gensler’s office on the first Wednesday of each month at 4pm. MINNESOTA By Judd Peterson, AIA, BEC-Minnesota Co-chair and Jodelle Senger, AIA, LEED AP, BEC-Minnesota Co-chair The BEC-Minnesota is preparing for the BEST 1 Symposium which will be held in Minneapolis, MI on June 10-12, 2008. Topics and speakers have been selected. We are now in the process of securing sponsorships from national and regional companies that have a strong interest in the building enclosure. We hope that everyone will be able to attend and participate in this historic event. We also hope that the valuable information that is learned from this conference can lead to advancements in both energy efficiency and durability of the building exterior. Please visit the conference website to find out more about this exciting event, www.thebestconference.org. Our local BEC continues to grow as we invite interesting experts to speak at our monthly meetings. Recent speakers and topics have included John Edgar of Sto Corporation: recommended application systems for EIFS stucco; Steve Pedracine of Minnesota Lath and Plaster: Residential Code Changes for stucco installations; and Al Gerhke of American Hydrotech: design and installation of a green roof. BECMinnesota also hosted a seminar at our local AIA Convention in October 2007. Michael Petermann of Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associate of New York and Ed Gerns of the WJEA Chicago office presented “Are Our Building Facades Safe?” that addressed building facade inspection ordinances. Since we received such interest in the topic, we continued the discussion at our November 2007 meeting, inviting the leaders of BOMA so we could hear their thoughts on the benefits and challenges of enforcing inspections. BEC-Minnesota has decided to survey key building owners to try to find a way to better protect the Summer/Fall 2008 67 68 Journal of Building Enclosure Design public without negatively impacting the building owner. We are looking for to what 2008 has to offer. PORTLAND By David C. Young, PE, RDH Building Sciences Inc. After venue hopping each month for the past year, the Portland-BEC Chapter is happy to announce that our monthly meetings are now being held at the new Portland Center for Architecture, office of the AIA. We wish to thank all the companies that provided space for our meetings over the past year and additionally, thank all presenters and attendees for being flexible with the changing venues. The new AIA Center for Architecture building is a testament to green design. The existing single story building was renovated as an example of carbon neutral construction techniques. The building calculates to be 83 percent below the current ASHRAE CO2 emissions. The facility will be used as an educational center for both the design community and the community at large for environmentally responsible design. The space suits our needs perfectly and we look forward to the upcoming seminars we have planned this year. The new year is appropriately starting out with green topics such as passive solar design and day-lighting. Seminar topics later in the year will focus on roofing and seismic considerations for brick veneer cladding. We are also planning a flashing rodeo this summer after witnessing the success of the Charleston, SC event. Summer/Fall 2008 69 Buyer’s Guide Air and Vapor Barrier Hohmann and Barnard Inc............................. 12,13 Engineered Curtain Wall and Window Wall Old Castle Glass............................................. 36,37 Architects The Marshall Group.....................................14 Engineers Sutton Kennerly & Associates..................................................... 69 Architectural Glass Old Castle Glass............................................. 36,37 Architectural Windows Old Castle Glass............................................. 36,37 Associations Air Barrier Association of America .................................................. 8 National Fenestration Rating Council.............................................. 10 Indoor Air Quality Association................................................... 2 BEC – New York Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP................... 69 Below Grade Water, Insect and Containment Barrier Polyguard........................................................ 4 Building Enclosure Construction Consulting International................................................. 34 Building Enclosure Consultants The Façade Group LLC................................. 17 Building Safety International Code Council............................ 62 Building Sciences and Restoration Consultants Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd........................................ 59 Commercial Insulation Thermafiber Inc.............................................. 3 Consulting, Commissioning, Engineering, Testing, Certification and Inspections Architectural Testing...................................... OBC Diagnostic Tools The Energy Conservatory.............................. 73 70 Journal of Building Enclosure Design Entrance Systems Space Parts Old Castle Glass............................................. 36,37 Exterior Sheathing National Gypsum Company...................................................... 75 Glass Association The Glass Association.................................... 74 Insulation Manufacturer Demilec USA.................................................. 35 Jag Architectural Judd Allen Group............................................ 68 Masonry Morter Net USA Ltd...................................... 56 Mineral Wool Insulation Roxul Inc......................................................... 6 Rainscreen stuco Assembly Stuc-O-Flex.................................................... 26 Structural Engineering Design and Consulting Simpson Gumpertz & Heger.......................... 65 Structural Engineering Design and Consulting WJE................................................................. 42 Structural Engineers Thornton Tomasetti....................................... 19 Technical and Educational Consultants SpecGuy......................................................... 48 Water Intrusion Test Equipment and Training The RM Group............................................... 24 Water Proofing STO Corporation........................................... 38 Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings XI International Conference Call for Papers & Workshops Abstracts Due May 11, 2009 The eleventh international conference on Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings XI will be held December 5–9, 2010. This conference will present two tracks: PRINCIPLES – Devoted to Research PRACTICES – Focusing on Practical Applications and Case Studies You are invited to submit an abstract for presentation in either the Principles (research) or Practices (practical applications) track. Special topic Workshops will be presented before or after the conference. A written paper will be required for all presentations in the Principles track. Papers are encouraged for all presentations, but not required for the Practices track. ABSTRACT SUBMISSION Please submit an abstract, not to exceed 250 words, by May 11, 2009 to: Pat Love Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1 Bethel Valley Road P.O. Box 2008, Building 3156 Oak Ridge, TN 37831–6067 Phone: 865-574-4346 Fax: 865-574-9331 Email: lovepm@ornl.gov Suggested Paper and Presentation Topics Dates to Remember Building Retrofit Building Sustainability–Green Buildings Commissioning and Test Procedure Development Daylighting Design Tools Disaster Design for Hurricanes & Earthquakes Durability and Service Life Dynamic Envelope Performance (Mass) Envelopes: Walls, Roofs, Attics, and Foundations Factory-built Housing Fenestration Indoor Environment Insulation Air Barriers and Vapor Retarders Integrated Envelopes Moisture Issues Monitoring, Modeling, and Simulation Passive Solar Design Standards, Codes, and Guidelines Weatherization Whole-building Efficiency Zero Energy Buildings ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! May 11, 2009 Abstracts due to lovepm@ornl.gov July 20, 2009 Notification of abstract acceptance to Authors January 15, 2010 Authors submit completed manuscripts to Session Chairs for peer review March 29, 2010 Peer review comments sent to Authors. At this time, Authors are encouraged to provide updated research data, with the concurrence of the Session Chair. June 18, 2010 Final draft of papers and updated abstracts are due to Session Chairs August 31, 2010 Papers returned to Authors with ASHRAE’s editing September 17, 2010 All papers must be returned in final form to ASHRAE for publication December 5–9, 2010 Conference dates For more information, please visit our web site at: www.ornl.gov/sci/buildings/2010/index.shtm Summer/Fall 2008 71 Membership JOIN BETEC Building Enclosure Technology and Environment Council 1090 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 700 | Washington, DC 20005-4905 Tel: (202) 289-7800 | Fax: (202) 289-1092 | www.nibs.org/BETEC To become a member of the Building Enclosure Technology and Environment Council, please complete and return the following application form: Name: ______________________________________________ Title: ___________________________________________________ Company: ______________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________ State: _________________ ZIP Code: _________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________________ Fax: ________________________________________________ E-Mail Address: __________________________________________ MEMBERSHIP CATEGORY: c Individual Member - $100 cCorporate Member - $250 (optional alternate member) RESEARCH COORDINATING COMMITTEES: I will participate on the following Research Coordinating Committees (RCC’s): c Heat Air and Moisture c Fenestration c Membranes c Materials and Resources c Existing Building Enclosures DUES PAYMENT: c Check or Money Order enclosed payable to BETEC c Education c Window Security Rating and Certification System OPERATIONAL COMMITTEES: I will participate on the following Operational Committees (OC’s): c Technology Transfer c National Program Plan cPlease bill my Credit Card: c AMEX c MC c Network for the Advancement of Building Science ALTERNATE MEMBER INFORMATION (corporate members only): Alternate Name:_________________ Alternate Title:_ _________________ Alternate’s RCC’s and OC’s:_ ______ ______________________________ c VISA Account No. ___________________________________________________ Exp. Date _________________________ Cardholder’s Name _____________________________________________ Billing Address ________________________________________________ City __________________________________________ State _____________ ZIP ___________________________ Signature ______________________________________________________ Date _____________________________ JOIN NIBS National Institute of Building Sciences 1090 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 700 | Washington, DC 20005-4905 Tel: (202) 289-7800 | Fax: (202) 289-1092 | www.nibs.org Membership Application Membership in the National Institute of Building Sciences is open to all interested parties as provided in the enabling legislation. Individuals are eligible to become either public interest or industry sector members. Organizations that wish to support the Institute in achieving its objectives may become sustaining or contributing organization. Name ______________________________________________ Title ___________________________________________________ Company ______________________________________________ Addres _____________________________________________ City ______________________________________________ State _________________ ZIP Code _________________________ Telephone ______________________________________________ Fax ________________________________________________ Nature of Business/interest areas: _________________________________________________________________________________ c INDUSTRY SECTOR MEMBER: Open to any individual in the following categories: Building construction; labor organizations; home builders; building or construction contractors; producers, distributors or manufacturers of building products; trade and professional associations; organizations engaged in real estate, insurance or finance; research and testing of building products; and code and standard organizations. ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION: $150 c PUBLIC INTEREST SECTOR MEMBER: Open to any individual in the following categories: Federal, state and local government, consumer organizations, nonprofit research and educational organizations, the media, architects, professional engineers or other design professionals, and retirees. ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION: $75 c SUSTAINING ORGANIZATION: Open to organizations in the public interest or industry sectors desiring to provide additional support for and participation with the Institute to achieve the goals and objectives. Sustaining organizations may designate up to five individuals from their organization to be Institute Members. ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION: $1000 Annual Contribution $ __________________________ c Payment Enclosed c Bill Me c Charge to my MC/VISA/AMEX: Account No. __________________________________________ Exp. Date_______________ Name on Card _____________________________________________ Billing Address _________________________________________________________________ The National Institute of Building Sciences is a nonprofit organization with an Internal Revenue Service Classification of 501(c)(3) tax exempt status. Contributions to all 501(c)(3) organizations are tax deductible by corporations and individuals as charitable donations for federal income tax purposes. Signature ____________________________________________ Date ___________________________ Summer/Fall 2008 75 76 Journal of Building Enclosure Design