Distributable Stereo Hearing Test 2014 Tony Ba(u and Bri(any Harwell The Team 3/26/14 IEEE Mee@ng -­‐ James Madison University 2 Congenital Aural Atresia • Area of ear is deformed from birth • Malforma@on of the middle ear • More likely in right ear, and found more in male pa@ents 3/26/14 IEEE Mee@ng -­‐ James Madison University 3 Introduc@on • Need to test pa@ents pre and post surgery • Currently insurance only pays for test 1-­‐month post surgery • Need for more data to improve understanding of surgery implica@ons 3/26/14 IEEE Mee@ng -­‐ James Madison University 4 Broader Impacts • Socially: audiology community benefit from long-­‐term data • Environmentally: reduces energy used for tes@ng • Technically: novel automated hearing test technology • Economically: saves money 3/26/14 IEEE Mee@ng -­‐ James Madison University 5 How Much Money Does Our System Save? Our Package • • • • • • Travel Method 40 pa@ents San Diego to Harrisonburg 40 Packages built Cheapest Shipping method: UPS 5 year @me frame Total Cost: $38,000 • • • • • • • • 2 days traveled 4 people traveling Cost of Gas: $3.50 Cost of a meal: $5 Doctor Fees: $25 Hotel Fees: $100 5 year @me frame Total Cost: $386,000 Total Saved: $350,000 3/26/14 IEEE Mee@ng -­‐ James Madison University 6 Outline of System Hearing Tests Set Up 3/26/14 Login Calibra1on IEEE Mee@ng -­‐ James Madison University • Sound Localiza1on • Speech in Noise 7 System Set Up 1. Lay the mat out on a clean, hard surface as shown: 3/26/14 IEEE Mee@ng -­‐ James Madison University 8 System Set Up 2. Place the hub box and connected components in the black outlined area “HUB”. Plug the box in to Power Supply. 3/26/14 IEEE Mee@ng -­‐ James Madison University 9 System Set Up 3. Separate speakers from each other and plug into the speaker stands. Make sure they are plugged in completely. Any speaker can be connected to any stand 3/26/14 IEEE Mee@ng -­‐ James Madison University 10 System Set Up 4. Connect the plas@c stands to their corresponding numbers 3/26/14 IEEE Mee@ng -­‐ James Madison University 11 System Set Up 5. Place microphone in designated spot on top of hub box 3/26/14 IEEE Mee@ng -­‐ James Madison University 12 System Set Up 6. Place the laptop in the designated box and plug the microphone in to the le` side of the laptop 3/26/14 IEEE Mee@ng -­‐ James Madison University 13 System Set Up 7. Plug the USB from the hub box into the right side of the laptop. The USB marked with a 1 goes on top and the 2 goes on the bo(om 3/26/14 IEEE Mee@ng -­‐ James Madison University 14 System Set Up 8. Turn on the computer and log in • Choose user: XXXX • Password: XXXXX • Wait for the computer to open the program itself. 3/26/14 IEEE Mee@ng -­‐ James Madison University 15 Login to Tes1ng So=ware 3/26/14 IEEE Mee@ng -­‐ James Madison University 16 Calibra1on of Background Noise • Measures and records background levels 3/26/14 IEEE Mee@ng -­‐ James Madison University 17 Calibra1on of Speaker Levels • Measures and records speaker levels when a click from each speaker is played 3/26/14 IEEE Mee@ng -­‐ James Madison University 18 Hearing Tests • Sound Localiza@on • Speech in Noise 3/26/14 IEEE Mee@ng -­‐ James Madison University 19 Hearing Test 1 -­‐ Sound Localiza1on Person 3/26/14 IEEE Mee@ng -­‐ James Madison University 20 Hearing Test 1 -­‐ Sound Localiza1on 3/26/14 IEEE Mee@ng -­‐ James Madison University 21 Hearing Test 2 – Speech In Noise • How do people dis@nguish speech from noise? – Head Shadow Effect • Your head blocks the speech from noise • Helps your brain block out noise and focus on speech • What about unilateral listeners? – If noise is toward ‘bad’ ear, easier – If noise is toward ‘good’ ear, more difficult • How do people learn to process extra input a`er undergoing correc@ve surgery that gives them bilateral hearing for the first @me? 3/26/14 IEEE Mee@ng -­‐ James Madison University 22 Hearing Test 2 – Speech in Noise Least head shadow effect Most head shadow effect Person 3/26/14 IEEE Mee@ng -­‐ James Madison University 23 Hearing Test 2 – Speech in Noise 3/26/14 IEEE Mee@ng -­‐ James Madison University 24 Current Status and Future Work • Sent prototype to UVA for in-­‐clinic data collec@on • Develop improvements to hardware and so`ware – Hardware: improve speaker stands – So`ware: video and audio monitoring • Send improved prototype to pa@ents’ homes • Collect longitudinal data that can be used to further audiology research! 3/26/14 IEEE Mee@ng -­‐ James Madison University 25 Ques@ons? 3/26/14 IEEE Mee@ng -­‐ James Madison University 26 Acknowledgements • James Madison University – Engineering Department • 4-­‐VA Grant • Dr. Nagel, Dr. Gray, Dr. Kesser 3/26/14 IEEE Mee@ng -­‐ James Madison University 27