Application for Membership

Application for Membership
Name: _________________________________________Year:____________________
Local Address: ___________________________________________________________
Permanent Address: _______________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________ Email: _______________________________
GPA: _______ French GPA: _______
Student ID number: _______________________
French courses taken at UNCW: _____________________________________________
In submitting this application you agree to abide by the Pi Delta Phi motto, code of ethics, and
commit yourself to promoting the values of this honor society: « Je promets de faire tout ce qui
sera en mon pouvoir pour propager la culture française et l’esprit d’entente et de respect en
faveur de nos deux pays. »
Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: _______________
Submit this application along with a signature of referral from a French professor
to the honor society advisor, Eric Tessier, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, 279
Leutze Hall.
Referral: ____________________________________________ Date: _______________