Welcome to Honors 110: Honors Interdisciplinary First-Year Seminar

Welcome to Honors 110: Honors Interdisciplinary First-Year Seminar
Fall 2015 Seminar Sections
Dr. Diane Dodd (What is science? LH 254A / Rebecca Flaughter, Mentor, rnf3178@uncw.edu);
Dr. Kim Sawrey (Peace Psychology, BR 164/Allison Manley, Mentor, amm4729@uncw.edu);
Dr. Kate Bruce (Animal Einsteins – or Not?, RL 2007/ Mallory Munden, Mentor, mpm7201@uncw.edu);
Dr. Bill Atwill (Explorations of Place in Art and Literature, LH 104/ Holly McGrory, Mentor, hm8567@uncw.edu);
Dr. Jennifer Horan (The Politics of Human Trafficking, BR 103/ Madeleine Cutrone, Mentor, mrc3903@uncw.edu);
Dr. John Myers (Studying the History of Art, LH 138/ Sean Owens, Mentor, sdo4237@uncw.edu);
Ms. Michelle Britt (The Circus of Community, LH 136/ Tara Baran, Mentor, tjb7881@uncw.edu);
Lucy Keller, Mentor-At-Large (llk2661@uncw.edu)
The purpose of the Honors First-Year Seminar is not only to explore the campus, but also to delve into the nature of
the university and what the “life of the mind” is about. How will a liberal arts education change you and affect your
future? This is also a chance to learn about how a seminar operates, to research a topic in depth, and to explore how
you will get the most from your years here. The class is designed to introduce honors students to the college
experience by direct involvement in scholarship, service and leadership activities. This class format includes guest
speakers, workshops/ field experiences, collaborative learning and independent scholarship. There is an emphasis on
discussion and there are required student projects.
Class meets from at 12:30 to 1:45 Tuesday and Thursday. Some days we will meet together in Lumina Theater
and some days in your seminar rooms.
Dates and Topics/Locations:
August 25
September 1
September 8
September 15
September 22
September 29
October 6
October 13
Your Seminar Room
Your Seminar Room
Your Seminar room
Workshop room as assigned
Your Seminar Room
Your Seminar Room
Your Seminar Room
Fall Break – Lyceum!
October 20
October 27
November 3
November 17
November 24
December 1
Your Seminar Room
Your Seminar Room
Your Seminar Room
Your Seminar Room
Your Seminar Room
Your Seminar Room
Your Seminar Room
August 20
August 22
August 27
September 3
September 10
September 17
September 24
October 1
October 8
October 15
October 22
October 29
November 5
November 12
November 19
November 26
December 3
December 6
December 10
Your Seminar Room
Honors Beach Sweep
Your Seminar Room
Your Seminar Room
Lumina Theater – Chancellor Sartarelli
Workshop room as assigned
Your Seminar Room
Your Seminar Room
Your Seminar Room
Your Seminar Room
Spring Honors Classes Showcase – 6 pm
Your Seminar Room
Your Seminar Room
Your Seminar Room (Schweitzer 1 TBA)
Lumina Theater: Study Abroad
Your Seminar Room (Schweitzer 2 TBA)
Thanksgiving HOLIDAY
Reading Day
Final holiday gathering 12:30PM –
Burney Center – attendance required!
Final exam period – final assignments due.
ASSIGNMENT: Go to the HON 110 website at www.uncw.edu/honors
Read the description of what seminars are. Prepare at least one typed question or comment about the reading for
class discussion in your seminars and bring it to class on Tuesday.
Try out Blackboard. Review the syllabus for your section. Think about signing up for workshops.
Prepare a 3 slide (max!) PowerPoint about yourself--- one that will introduce you to your instructor, mentor, and
classmates. We will start viewing these on Aug 25. Instructions at
Finish reading or review Jessica Alexander’s Chasing Chaos
Meet a Professor and Large Group Sessions:
We have invited professors to talk with you about their views of learning, the university, and “the
life of the mind”. These feature question and answer sessions.
Chancellor Jose Sartarelli will meet with you in September. This is a great chance to meet our
new chancellor and learn about his vision for UNCW.
Ms. Kara Pike, International Programs, will talk with you about being a global citizen and
opportunities for study abroad, along with faculty and students who have studied abroad or led
groups abroad.
Every year, our Albert Schweitzer Honors Scholar addresses the HON 110 class in November.
Learn more about the award and Schweitzer in seminar.
Workshop Descriptions: Readings will be announced in small groups. You will each attend two.
Workshops will be held Sept 15 and 17.
A. UNCW Learning Center: Tough Choices: The Ethics of Leadership. (Mr. Mike Ruwe – DH 1017)
B. Resumes and Cover Letters: Learning how to present yourself to potential employers is very
important. Guidance on how to develop a professional portfolio. Offered by Career Services.(Ms.
Sarah Crockett – BR 164)
C. Writing Workshop: Offered by the Writing Center, this workshop introduces you to professional
college level writing standards and provides guidance on expectations for your Honors thesis project.
(Mr. Will Wilkinson – BR 103)
D. Civically engaged Leadership: Offered by the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement, this
workshop discusses what it means to be engaged in your community and what knowledge, skills and
personal interests combine to bring leadership through service. (Ms. Jaime Russell – LH 136)
E. Managing Stress in the First Semester: UNCW Counseling Center staff present a workshop on the
first semester balancing act. (Dr. Becca McConn – LH 138)
F. Diversity/Equality Issues: Meet with the leaders of the campus diversity program and learn what
UNCW’s diversity initiatives are about. (Ms. Kimberly McLaughlin-Smith – LH 104)
G. Focus on Fulbright and National Fellowships: Meet with faculty who mentor students through the
process of competing for Fulbright and other National Fellowships. This session will offer for tips on
how to begin to prepare. These are international fellowships for research or teaching the year after
graduation. (Dr. Raymond Burt – LH 254A)
H. Preparing for Undergraduate Research: Meet with CSURF (Center for Support of Undergraduate
Research and Fellowships) grad assistants to learn about undergraduate research opportunities at
UNCW. How can you begin this year? (Dr. Kate Bruce and CSURF grad students – RL 2007)
Understanding Library Databases: How can you be a more effective user of library search engines
and even Google? This workshop will start you on the path to finding the right resources to support
your academic work. (Ms. Lisa Coats – RL 1022)
Cultural and Service Requirements:
All freshmen honors scholars are required to participate in and react to at least 4 hours of volunteer
service activities through UNCW or in the Wilmington area (2 different types). All freshmen honors
scholars are required to participate in and react to at least 3 different cultural activities at UNCW or in the
Wilmington area during the fall semester and at least 2 different cultural activities during the spring
semester. Your seminar instructors have specifics on these requirements.
Have a great semester!