MUS$394$–$Study$Abroad$in$Music!!Spring$2012" Choral"Music"Workshop"–"1"semester"hour" Associated"Travel:"St."Pölten,"Austria" February"4"–"12,"2012" Undergraduate Catalogue Descriptions: MUS 294. Departmental Study Abroad (1-6) Sophomore-level designation for non-catalogue courses offered by a department abroad. Department attaches its prefix to the number and lists the course(s) in the coming semester's schedule of classes. May be repeated under different subtitles. MUS 394. Departmental Study Abroad (1-6) Junior-level designation for non-catalogue courses offered by a department abroad. Department attaches its prefix to the number and lists the course (s) in the coming semester’s schedule of classes. May be repeated under different subtitles. " Instructor:"Dr."Joe"Hickman,"CAB"1060"""e!mail:"" Telephone:"Studio—910"962!3588;"cell"phone—910"233!7161" " Qualifications$of$Instructor$ Dr."Hickman"has"traveled"in"Europe"many"times"and"is"conversant"in"the"German" language"and"aware"of"opportunities,"etc."in"the"Vienna"area."This"year"will"be"his" fourth"time"attending"this"conference"and"he"is"very"familiar"with"the"procedures" and"opportunities"of"the"program"(as"well"as"practical"needs"of"travelers"in"St." Pölten,"Vienna"and"en"route)." " Goals$and$Objectives$of$Class"" These"include"successful"participation"at"a"professional!level"conference"in"Choral" Music."The"primary"conductor"is"Professor"Erwin"Ortner"(conductor"of"the"Arnold" Schoenberg"Chorus,"Kapelmeister"of"Imperial"Court"of"Vienna,"and"Professor"of" Music"at"Universität"für"Musik"und"Darstellende"Kunst"Wien)."Other"faculty" members"include"professional"singers"from"around"Europe"and"choral"professionals" from"Graz,"Linz,"and"Salzburg." " Rehearsals,"etc."in"Austria"are"to"be"held"in"German,"though"there"are"many"in" attendance"who"will"gladly"help"the"American"students"understand"points"made"by" the"conductors.""Private"lessons"will"be"available"in"English." " Ultimately,"the"objective"of"the"class"is"to"offer"the"student"the"opportunity"to"make" music"on"the"very"highest"level"possible"and"to"interact"with"faculty"and"students" from"around"the"world."Development"of"German"language"communication"skills"is"a" by!product"of"the"immersion"experienced"in"the"sessions,"but"not"primary"to"the" goals"and"objectives"of"the"class." " PreFconference$meetings$ " There"will"be"2!3"group"sessions"that"will"focus"on"travel"preparations,"basic" German"language"skills,"and"the"preparation"of"the"major"work"under"consideration" at"the"conference"(Bruckner,"Mass"in"d"minor)."In"addition,"each"student"is"expected" to"meet"with"me"2!3"times"to"review"material"they"plan"to"work"on"with"the"voice" instructors."This"can"be"repertoire"from"UNCW"voice"lessons"or"other"selections"of" your"choosing"(subject"to"my"approval)." " At"the"conference,"students"are"expected"to"attend"all"large"chorus"rehearsals"and"all" performances"of"any"group"of"which"you"are"a"member"(there"are"two"Chamber" Choirs"that"present"several"times)."When"the"event"is"entirely"spoken"(lecture"or" liturgy),"attendance"is"optional."When"any"music"is"presented,"attendance"is"strongly" recommended."When"a"group"to"which"belong"is"performing,"attendance"is"required." " The"course"will"conclude"when"we"return"to"Wilmington"on"February"12.""Each" registered"student"is"expected"to"present"a"brief"report"on"your"experience"at"the"St." Pölten"conference."This"and"your"participation"will"be"evaluated"to"arrive"at"a"grade" for"the"class."Pre!conference"meeting"participation,"conference"activity" participation,"and"the"report"will"be"averaged"to"arrive"at"a"final"grade." Registered students are responsible not only for thorough musical preparation, but also must register through the Office of International Programs and pay all fees associated with the conference, including housing, meals, and registration. Students will pay for and arrange for their own airfare. It is recommended to fly to Munich and take the train from Munich to St. Pölten. For those selected to be part of the class, instructions will be given as to when to go online to purchase super saver train tickets from Austrian Railways. As with super-saver airfare, these tickets are offered for a limited amount of time and represent a significant savings over the usual train ticket. Part of the experience is that of communicating through language and through music and, through this communication, gaining an appreciation for the relationship of our culture and art with that of Europe. If time permits, the group will have the opportunity to attend performances in Vienna, including performances at the opera house and/or Musikverein (concert hall). Text and Materials: The textbook for this course is the music the ensemble is performing. Because of the need for preliminary preparation, each participant needs to have a copy of the Bruckner Mass in d minor. A limited number of copies are available to borrow from the UNCW Choral Library on a first come, first served basis. Firm plans and registration both in MUS 394 and with OIP are pre-requisite to borrowing this music. At the conference, you will be issued (and asked to pay for) a folder of music that typically includes a chorus part for the Mass. Each student must obtain a valid passport for travel and is responsible to purchase an air ticket to the European gateway airport where the tour will begin. Learning Outcomes: • Students will demonstrate the ability to sing with a freely produced tone, supported by the breath and properly resonated. • Students will develop the ability to follow visual and verbal direction from the conductor and be alert to changes needed to adjust to different acoustical environments. • Students will develop fluency in music reading and will learn to find practical solutions for musical problems that arise in rehearsal. • Students will develop ability to communicate with the audience through performance of the music and to express the text so that it can be understood clearly. • Students will develop their creative, critical, and analytical thinking skills through analysis and evaluation of progress made during preparations and multiple performances. • Students will develop their creative, critical, and analytical thinking skills through analysis and evaluation of rehearsals and performances as well as by seeing performances by other groups while in Europe. • Students will recognize the value and richness that cultural, social, and ethnic diversity bring to music and related fine arts. • Students will demonstrate the ability to critically analyze, appreciate, and make cogent subjective judgments about the role of the music in history and the medium of music as a means of interpretation and self-expression. • Students will understand the role of music in society and will learn the skills to help them be active in the arts in the future. Grading: The student grade will be based primarily on attendance and active participation in rehearsals and performances. These are the characteristics of san active participant: • an active participant arrives on time, prepared with music and pencil • an active participant is attentive and makes annotations in their music when asked to do so • an active participant listens attentively when the director is working with other sections or other singers in the group • an active participant demonstrates good singing posture and attention to projecting the dramatic ideas in the texts • an active participant is on time for activities, rehearsals and performances while on tour. In addition there will be a project assignment to document experiences and make a written presentation at the conclusion of the travel. Academic Honor Code "The University of North Carolina at Wilmington is committed to the proposition that the pursuit of truth requires the presence of honesty among all involved. It is therefore this institution’s stated policy that no form of dishonesty among its faculty or students will be tolerated. Although all members of the university community are encouraged to report occurrences of dishonesty, each individual is principally responsible for his or her own honesty." (Above is an excerpt from the "Student Code of Life" in the UNCW Student Handbook. All students are encouraged to read all of section V, "Academic Honor Code" for definitions of plagiarism, bribery, and cheating; and the procedures for reporting and adjudication of any activities involving student dishonesty). University Statement on Academic Expectations "In choosing UNCW, your have become part of our community of scholars. We recognize that the UNCW learning experience is challenging and requires hard work. It also requires a commitment to make time available to do that hard work. The university expects you to make academics your highest priority by dedicating your time and energy to training your mind and acquiring knowledge. Academic success in critical thinking and problem solving prepares you for the changes and challenges you will encounter in the future. Our faculty and academic support resources are readily available as partners in this effort, but the primary responsibility for learning is yours." Disability Accommodation Appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities will be made as specified in federal regulations. If you have a disability and need accommodation, please follow this procedure. First, contact and register with the office of Disability Services in Westside Hall (962-3746). Second, obtain a copy of your accommodation letter, and then make arrangements to speak with me. Financial responsibilities To join this group, each individual must apply to the instructor and establish agreement to be part of the singing group or to have some other role in the functioning of the tour. A $225 deposit, payable to UNCW, and signed application form must be submitted by the deadline announced by Office of International Programs. The application agreement authorizes OIP to bill each student for the balance of the expenses associated with the tour cost, including an international health insurance policy and a modest overhead charge for the services of OIP. Preliminary requirement for registration in MUS 394 Because of the scheduling of the conference (during a week of UNCW classes) you will have to be absent for a week. Prior to registering or making travel plans, you will be expected to sign a document indicating that you have discussed your participation in this program with each instructor and that you fully understand the implication of your being absent in your classes that week.