SPANISH MAJOR WORKSHEET REQUIREMENTS FOR A B.A. DEGREE IN SPANISH (36 hours) I. 6 Semester hours: SPN 202 203 (or equivalent) Intermediate II Intermediate Reading II. a minimum of 24 semester hours chosen from the following: SPN 305 306 307 308 310 311 312 321 322 323 385 Conversation and Composition (prerequisite: SPN 203 or equivalent) Advanced Grammar (prerequisite: SPN 203 or equivalent) Phonetics (prerequisite: SPN 203 or equivalent) Hispanic Linguistics (prerequisite: SPN 203 and 307 or equivalent) Business Spanish (prerequisite: SPN 203 and 305) Spanish Civilization (prerequisites: SPN 203 and 305) Spanish-American Civilization(prerequisites: SPN 203 and 305) Introduction to Spanish Literature (prerequisites: SPN 203 and 305) Introduction to Spanish-American Literature (prerequisites: SPN 203 and 305) Introduction to U.S. Latino Literature and Culture (prequisites: SPN 203 and 305 or equivalent Introduction to Spanish Cinema III. a minimum of 6 semester hours chosen from the following: SPN 401 405 407 408 411 412 421 422 485 490 491 495 496 498 499 Translation Techniques and Practices (prerequisites: native or near-native command of Written English, SPN 203, SPN 306, and one additional Spanish course at the 300-level or above) Advanced Conversation and Composition (prerequisite: SPN 305 or equivalent) Topics in Spanish Phonetics and Phonology (prerequisite: SPN 307 and 308 or equivalent) Topics in Spanish Linguistics (prerequisite: SPN 307 and 308 or equivalent) Advanced study of Hispanic Linguistics. Topics will focus on the history of the Spanish language, Spanish applied linguistics, and dialectology Topics in Spanish Civilization (prerequisite: SPN 311 or equivalent); variable content; may be repeated under a different subtitle. Topics in Spanish-American Civilization (prerequisite: SPN 312 or equivalent); variable content; may be repeated under a different subtitle. Studies in Spanish Literature (prerequisite: SPN 321 or equivalent); variable content; may be repeated under a different subtitle. Studies in Spanish-American Literature (prerequisite: SPN 322 or equivalent); variable content; may be repeated under a different subtitle. Seminar in Spanish Cinema (prerequisite: A 300-level course in Spanish) Service Learning and Research (prerequisite: SPN 203, 305, junior or senior standing Directed Individual Study (prerequisite: overall GPA of t least 2.00, junior or senior standing, and consent of instructor, department chairperson, and dean) Seminar in Hispanic Studies (prerequisite: SPN 321 or 322 or equivalent); variable content; may be repeated under a different subtitle. Seminar in Hispanic Linguistics (prerequisite: SPN 305, 306, and 307); variable content; may be repeated once under different subtitle Internship in Spanish (prerequisite: junior standing and consent of instructor) Honors Work in Spanish (prerequisite: eligibility for honors program and senior standing) A 400-level course may be substituted for one of the required eight 300-level courses. For requirements for a Major in Spanish for the B.A. degree with Teacher Licensure, see the separate worksheet. All classes, with the exception of SPN 491, 495 and 499 are for 3 hours of credit. SPN 491 and 495 may be taken for 1-3 credits. SPN 499 may be taken for 2-3 credits. [Revised March 2011]