SYLLABUS SWK 507- Research in Clinical Practice II

School of Social Work
University of North Carolina Wilmington
SWK 507- Research in Clinical Practice II
Spring, 2016; Monday: 8:00—9:45
Instructor: Reginald York, PhD; 962-7801; 540-5285 (cell);
Catalogue Course Description
SWK 507: Research in clinical practice II: Field research. Design and implementation of research processes in field
Course Description
This is the second of two research courses in the graduate curriculum. It is designed to provide students with an
opportunity to conduct evaluation research, preferably in their field placements. The student will prepare a report on
that experience.
Students planning to enroll in this course (SWK 507) must have successfully completed the first research course
(SWK 506).
Course Objectives
Upon conclusion of SWK 507 students will be able to evaluate social work practice as demonstrated by the ability to:
Present a description of the target behavior being treated in an evaluation study in such a way that::
a. The definition of the target behavior being treated is sufficient to guide the choice of a means of
measuring client progress. [AS 2.1.3]
b. The analysis of the target behavior is sufficient to justify the choice of the intervention being used or to
highlight its limitations. [AS 2.1.3 & AS 2.1.7]
Present a description of the intervention in an evaluation study in such a way that:
a. The evidence on the outcomes of this intervention with the selected target behavior is adequately
presented, when available, or the logical connection of the intervention with the target behavior is
adequately presented. [AS 2.1.3]
b. The description of the intervention is sufficient to provide clear guidance on the replication of this
intervention by others. [AS 2.1.3]
Present a description of the study methodology in such a way that:
a. The description of the study population and sampling methods is sufficient to guide the reader in
assessing the extent that the study results can be generalized to persons not included in the study.
b. The discussion of measurement reveals that the tools used to measure outcome are relevant to the
study objectives and have sufficient credibility (e.g., reliability and validity).
c. The research design is clearly described and the issue of threats to internal validity are adequately
d. Ethical guidelines for the use of human subjects in research are appropriately discussed and applied.
[AS 2.1.2.
e. The study hypotheses, where appropriate, are presented in appropriate format.
Present a description of the study results in such a way that:
a. The statistical measures for testing the study hypotheses, where appropriate, are clearly presented and
are appropriate to the nature of the data being analyzed.
b. The descriptive data on client(s) and outcome are presented in appropriate fashion. (e.g., a chart for
the AB single-subject design, a table for the pretest and posttest scores of clients, etc.).
c. The results of the testing of the hypotheses or study questions are appropriately presented, with clear
indication of whether the hypothesis was supported or how the research question was answered.
Present the conclusions of an evaluative study in such a way that:
a. The conclusions section clearly summarizes the results of the study in regard to the study questions.
b. The conclusions section addresses the most important limitations of the study.
c. The conclusions section addresses the most important implications of the study for social work practice.
Employ a qualitative research method to an issue in social work practice.
Required Text
There is no required text. There are 8 chapters from the following book that will be available to students on
Blackboard: York, R. O., (2009). Evaluating Human Services. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. This book is no longer in print
but you may find a used copy on the internet.
Course format
The class will meet bi-weekly with bi-weekly online classes except for the last part of the course that will be live
Course Grade
The course grade is on a 10 point scale as follows:
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
F = 0-69
There are some required non-graded exercises and oral reports. There are no extra credit assignments. The grade
will be determined by two papers and a single exam.
The course grade will be computed as follows:
Exam grade = 40%
Course paper on problem formulation, methodology, and intervention = 40%
Course paper on data analysis and conclusions = 20%
The exam will be given in two forms. If the student chooses to take both forms, the higher grade will count.
In addition to the above, there are several online class written assignments which will not be given a grade but
satisfactory performance on each assignment is a course requirement. If an unsatisfactory or incomplete assignment
is turned in it will be returned to the student for revision.
General policies
Academic Integrity and Honor Code
All members of the UNCW community are expected to follow the Academic Honor Code.
Please read the UNCW Honor Code carefully (as covered in the UNCW Student Handbook).
Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated in the class. Please be especially
familiar with the UNCW position on plagiarism as outlined in the UNCW Student Handbook.
Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty in which you take someone else’s ideas and
represent them as your own. Adherence to the Academic Honor Code is consistent with
adherence with the NASW Code of Ethics.
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
Students who have a disability and need accommodations should notify the instructor by
the end of the second week of this semester. In order to obtain such accommodations,
the student must officially register with the Office of Disabilities Services located in DePaulo
Hall (962-3746) and the instructor with a letter of accommodation which specifies the
student’s learning needs. Accommodations will be made based on the recommendations of
Disabilities Services, and collaboration with the student, to determine how best to
accommodate the student’s learning concerns.
Violence and Harassment
UNCW practices a zero tolerance policy for any kind of violent or harassing behavior. If you
are experiencing an emergency of this type contact the police at 911 or UNCW CARE at 9622273. Resources for individuals concerned with violent or harassing situation can be located
The UNCW Statement on Diversity in the University Community
As an institution of higher learning, the University of North Carolina Wilmington represents a rich diversity of
human beings among its faculty, staff, and students and is committed to maintaining a campus environment that
values that diversity. Accordingly, the university supports policies, curricula, and co-curricular activities that
encourage understanding of and appreciation for all members of its community and will not tolerate any
harassment or disrespect for persons because of race, gender, age, color, national origin, ethnicity, creed, religion,
disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital status, or relationship to other university
constituents. Diversity Resources .
Religious Observance Policy
North Carolina General Statute 116-11(3a) and UNC policy authorizes a minimum of two excused absences each
academic year for religious observances required by the faith of a student. Students must submit a request for an
excused absence, within SeaNet, seven days prior to the religious observance. The student shall be given the
opportunity to make up any tests or other work missed due to an excused absence for a religious observance
UNCW Student Gender-Based/Sexual Misconduct Policy
UNCW takes all forms of interpersonal violence very seriously. When students disclose
(verbally or in writing) to faculty or staff about sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating
violence and/or stalking against themselves or another student, this information must be
reported to the administration in order to ensure that student’s rights are protected,
appropriate resources are offered, and the need for further investigation is explored to
maintain campus safety. This means that if you tell the instructor about this kind of
misconduct, the disclosure cannot remain confidential and the instructor must share that
information. This is required by federal law and UNCW policy.
The following three confidential resources do not need to report interpersonal violence:
UNCW CARE, the Student Health Center, and the Counseling Center. If you want to speak to
someone in confidence, these resources are available, including CARE’s 24-hour crisis line
(910-512-4821). For more information, please visit
Attendance. Regular class attendance is expected.
Class Schedule; SWK507; Spring, 2016 (York)
Class 1 (Live) 1-11-16
Course introduction
Review of concepts from prior course using an examination.
Checking on status of student projects for the course.
Discussion of the IRB status of student projects.
UNIT 1: An overview of Evaluation Research
Content for Unit 1
Refer to Lesson Plan #1, Evaluation Overview which entails instructions on lectures on You Tube by the
instructor that are accompanied by power point presentations. The power point presentations are in the
Workbook for Evaluation Research Overview, which is available on Blackboard. Included in this lesson
plan is Quiz 1 and Assignment A which is emailed to the instructor.
Instructor will be available this week for individual discussion with students who need help with
the prospectus.
Class 2 (Live)...1-25-16
Discussion of students’ research prospectus; key challenges
Come to class prepared to discuss your prospectus for your paper and raise questions
about what needs to be done and how you can meet your biggest challenges. Each
student is expected to raise at least one question for discussion.
2-1-16...Written Assignment A is due (Prospectus on Course Paper)
Unit 2: Problem Formulation and Description of the Intervention
Content for Unit 2
Use Lesson Plan #2 as your guide.
York, (2009). Evaluating Human Services, Pearson Education. This is the course text.
Chapter 12 (Identifying and Analyzing Target Behavior).
Chapter 13 (Describing the Intervention or Program)
Additional materials that you might find useful
The following chapters in Thyer (2010) Handbook of Social Work Research Methods.
(1)..Sowers, Literature Reviews
(2)..Corcoran and Littell, Meta-analyses
(3)..Corcoran and Littell, Systematic Reviews
[These are available on Blackboard]
Tasks: (1)…Complete Written Assignment B
(2)… Take Non-graded Quiz 2 (Target behavior analysis) and Quiz 3 (The intervention)
Class 3 (ONLINE)...2-1-16--Preparation of Written Assignment B
2-6-15: Written Assignment B is due (Problem formulation and intervention description)
Class 4 (live)...2-8-16
Discussion of student assignments on problem formulation and intervention
Unit 3: Study methodology
Use Lesson Plan #3 as your guide
Content for Unit 3
York, (2009). Evaluating Human Services
Chapter 14: Selecting the sample and measuring target behavior.
Chapter 15: Selecting the research design for a single client.
Chapter 16: Selecting a research design for a group of clients.
Tasks: (1) Complete Assignment C (Study methodology)
(2)… Take Non-graded Quiz 4 (issues in study methodology), Quiz 5 (measurement), Quiz 6
(sampling), and Quiz 7 (research designs)
Class 5 (ONLINE)...2-15-16
Preparation of Written Assignment C (Methodology)
2-19-16: Written Assignment C is due (Study methodology)
Class 6 (Live)...2-22-16
[Student reports on study methodology]
Unit 4: Writing the Research Report
There is no lesson plan for this unit of study, nor are there any quizzes. This unit is designed to
help students with their course papers.
Content for Unit 5
York, (2009). Evaluating Human Services
Chapter 17: Writing the Evaluation Report for an Outcome Study.
Tasks: Complete the course paper on behavior analysis, intervention, and methodology.
Class 7 (ONLINE)...2-29-16
Prepare Course Paper #1 (behavior, intervention, and methodology).
Instructor will be available for individual meetings with students.
3-14-16 Course Paper #1 is due (target behavior, intervention, and methodology)
[Papers with a grade lower than 90 may be re-written for a higher grade, except that the highest
grade possible for a re-written paper will be 90]. Late papers will receive a grade no higher than
Unit 5: Data Analysis
Use Lesson Plan #4 as your guide
Content for Unit 5 –Selected chapters in York, Statistical Analysis of Data for Human Service
Evaluation, as noted in the lesson plan.
Task: Take Non-graded Quiz 8(data analysis)
Task: Complete Data Analysis Assignment
Class 8 (live)...3-14-16
Discussion of student papers.
Exercises in data analysis
Class 9 (live)...3-21-16
Continuation of discussion of student papers
Data analysis exercise.
Unit 6: Qualitative research for social work
Class 10 (ONLINE)... 3-28-16
Content for Unit 6
Lesson Plan for Qualitative research
York, (2009). Evaluating Human Services
Chapter 6 (Process evaluation and qualitative research
Chapter 7 (An exercise in content analysis)
Task: Complete the exercise in content analysis in Chapter 7
Complete Assignment D (data analysis) submit to the instructor by 4-3-16
Class 11 (Live)... 4-4-16
Discussion of qualitative research exercise.
Course Exam, Form A will be available on Blackboard on 4-11-16 from 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Unit 7: Issues in Evaluation Research
Content for Unit 7
York, You Tube lecture on using evidence for practice decisions.
Prepare a brief oral report on the use of evidence in your field of practice.
Class 12 (ONLINE)...4-11-16
Prepare the oral report on the use of evidence in your agency.
4-18-16 Course Paper #2 (data analysis and conclusions) is due
Class 13 (Live)...4-18-16
Student oral reports on the use of evidence.
Class 14 (Live)...4-25-16
Course Exam, Form B (optional) will be available on Blackboard on 4-25-16 from 4:00 PM
to 10:00 PM
Student reports on course papers.