1 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT WILMINGTON SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK SWK 396: Pre-Field Seminar Spring 2016 Section 002, Monday 8:00 - 8:50am (Room MC 1031) INSTRUCTOR: MAIL: PHONE: OFFICE: OFFICE HOURS: Angie Vandenberg, MSW, LCSW vandenberga@uncw.edu (preferred communication) 910-962-2585 McNeill Hall 3054 Mondays 9am-11am, Tuesdays 2pm-3pm, or by appointment Course Catalogue Description Prerequisites: SWK 235, SWK 240, SWK 320; co-requisites: SWK 321, SWK 341. Explore professional expectations of field education, including ethical standards of the NASW Code of Ethics. Preparation of a resume, identification of the student’s learning style, and exploration of diverse agencies and fields of practice to secure a field placement of interest. Course Description The pre-field seminar is a weekly one-hour seminar that is designed to prepare you for entering BSW social work field education. This seminar will assist in identifying the client populations and placement opportunities that are of interest to you, provide you with opportunities to meet numerous field instructors from a variety of fields of practice, and prepare you for interviewing for your field placement selection. In addition there will be a review of some of the potential employment options for beginning BSW social workers. The seminar is also designed to help acquaint you with field faculty so that you will feel comfortable asking questions or discussing concerns that you might have in beginning social work field practice. The seminar is grounded in experiential learning, marking the beginning of the educational journey of field education, which is often referenced as the “capstone” of social work education. Course Objectives Upon completion of this social work pre-field seminar, the student will have knowledge, skills, and values which will prepare the student for field practice. The student should be able to: 1. Identify fields of social work practice suitable for BSW generalist social work practice. BSW Program Goals 1, 4, & 6. CSWE Core Competencies 2.1.1, 2.1.3, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, & 2.1.5. Pre-field Assignments: attendance at field fairs, agency assessments, & critique 2 articles regarding specific fields of practice. 2 2. Articulate the essential elements and prepare a professional resume suitable for field interviews and employment. BSW Program Goals 4 & 11. CSWE Core Competencies 2.1.1 & 2.1.3. Pre-field Assignments: resume, BSW Field Application, & personal interview. 3. Articulate the critical elements for professional field interviews. BSW Program Goals 1, 2, 4 & 11. CSWE Core Competencies 2.1.1, 2.1.2,.2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2.1.9 & 2.1.10. Pre-field Assignments: reading reflections, class participation, & final exam. 4. Recognize different learning and conflict styles and their relevance for successful social work practice. BSW Program Goals 3 & 4. CSWE Core Competencies 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2.1.7, & 2.1.10. Pre-field Assignments: learning style inventory, conflict style inventory, class participation, reading reflections & final reflection paper. 5. Assess agency settings and practice focus for suitability for field placement to meet student’s learning needs. BSW Program Goals 1, 2, 5 & 6. CSWE Core Competencies 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2.1.5, 2.1.6, 2.1.7, 2.1.8, 2.1.9 & 2.1.10. Prefield Assignments: learning style inventory, conflict style inventory, personal interview, agency assessment, reading reflections, class participation & final reflection paper. 6. Develop an appreciation for the importance of self-awareness for beginning professional social work practice. BSW Program Goals 1 & 2. CSWE Core Competencies 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2.1.7 & 2.1.10. Pre-field Assignments: learning style inventory, conflict style inventory, BSW Field Application, personal interview & class participation. 7. Articulate areas of personal concern that could impact one’s ability to successfully engage in field practice. BSW Program Goals 1, 2, & 5. CSWE Core Competencies 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2.1.7 & 2.1.9. Pre-field Assignments: personal interview, BSW Field Application & final reflection paper. 8. Develop an appreciation for flexibility and guidance/supervision when engaging in placement selection and field practice. BSW Program Goals 1 & 10. CSWE Core Competencies 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.7, & 2.1.10. Pre-field Assignments: agency assessment, field fairs, class participation & final reflection paper. 9. Create a climate of respect that fosters discussion of learning needs and expectations among peers and colleagues. BSW Program Goals 3, 4, 5, 9 & 10. CSWE Core Competencies 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4 & 2.1.10. Pre-field Assignments: field fairs, reading reflections & class participation. 10. Engage in respectful discussion of different perceptions of practice, within the classroom. BSW Program Goals 1, 3, 9 & 10. CSWE Core Competencies 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2.1.5, & 2.1.9. Pre-field Assignments: conflict style inventory & class participation. 3 Course Materials Required Texts Vandenberg, A. (2015-2016). UNCW social work field education manual. Wilmington, NC: Unpublished Manuscript. (please note that the version on the UNCW School of Social Work Web Page does not include the appendices) www.uncw.edu/swk/pdf/Field/BSW Grobman, L. (2002). The field placement survival guide. Harrisburg, PA: White Hat Communications. NASW Code of ethics. (2008). Washington, DC: NASW Press (available on the NASW web site: http://www.naswdc.org/) *Other reading assignments will be posted on Blackboard. Philosophy of Teaching and Learning / Method of Instruction: I believe in having an open and engaged classroom where students learn not only through lectures, but class discussion, role plays, and guest speakers. It is important to me that students feel what they are learning in the classroom can be put into practice. Methods to Successfully Course Objectives/ Learning Outcomes: The primary learning format is the engagement in interactive learning, which includes discussion of the assigned readings and classroom activities. Seminar sessions are based on the expectation that all readings assigned for that seminar topic have been completed prior to seminar. In addition, each student is encouraged to share personal experiences and/or perceptions that will enhance seminar discussion. The seminar is built upon a philosophy of shared leadership, which requires students contribute to the discussion and the foster inclusion of seminar participants. Therefore, students are expected to attend seminar to facilitate learning and the acquisition of skills in professional communication. Finally, all assignments are due on the designated due date (see schedule of assignments); inability to meet a designated due date requires negotiation with the instructor prior to the due date. Course Policies Academic Integrity All members of UNCW's community are expected to follow the academic Honor Code. Please read the UNCW Honor Code carefully (as covered in the UNCW Student Handbook). Academic dishonesty in any form will NOT be tolerated. Please be especially familiar with UNCW's position on plagiarism as outlined in the UNCW Student Handbook. Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty in which one takes someone else's ideas and represents them as his/her own. Some examples of plagiarism include: · You write about someone else's work in your paper and do not give credit for 4 · · it; authors must be referenced. You give a presentation and use someone else's ideas and do not state the source of these ideas. You use facts from your text or another reference material and do not reference the material. Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Students who have a disability and need accommodations should notify the instructor by the end of the second week of this semester. In order to obtain such accommodations, the student must officially register with the Office of Disabilities Services located in DePaulo Hall (962-3746) and the instructor with a letter of accommodation which specifies the student’s learning needs. Accommodations will be made based on the recommendations of Disabilities Services, and collaboration with the student, to determine how best to accommodate the student’s learning concerns. Learning Assistance Any student wishing to have accommodations to enhance learning is encouraged to work through the University Office of Disability Services. Please contact that office to gain access to special resources and services. In addition, the Learning Center is available to assist all students with writing skills, including APA formatting. In addition, the Randall Library has numerous resources, including a librarian designated to work with the School of Social Work, John Osinski. Please contact him with questions and concerns about accessing library resources. Violence and Harassment UNCW practices a zero tolerance policy for any kind of violent or harassing behavior. If you are experiencing an emergency of this type contact the police at 911 or UNCW CARE at 910-962-2273. Resources for individuals concerned with violent or harassing situation can be located at http://www.uncw.edu/wsrc/crisis.html. The UNCW Statement on Diversity in the University Community As an institution of higher learning, the University of North Carolina Wilmington represents a rich diversity of human beings among its faculty, staff, and students and is committed to maintaining a campus environment that values that diversity. Accordingly, the university supports policies, curricula, and co-curricular activities that encourage understanding of and appreciation for all members of its community and will not tolerate any harassment or disrespect for persons because of race, gender, age, color, national origin, ethnicity, creed, religion, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital status, or relationship to other university constituents. Diversity Resources . Campus Respect Compact 5 UNCW is committed to a civil community, characterized by mutual respect. Individuals wanting more information about the Respect Compact can contact the Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion. Attendance Students are expected to attend each scheduled class meeting and to be prepared. Attendance includes not only being present, but being on time and staying for the duration of the course. Attendance will be taken each class session. Students may miss up to two class sessions without penalty. If the student misses three or more times, their final grade will be deducted by five points per absence. . Ethics and Confidentiality The NASW Code of Ethics is intended to serve as a guide to the everyday professional conduct of social workers. You are expected to be familiar with its contents. The Code can be found online at: http://www.socialworkers.org/pubs/code/code.asp. The importance of confidentiality cannot be overstated. In written assignments, as well as oral discussions and presentations, guidelines regarding confidentiality (as expressed in the NASW Code of Ethics) are to be strictly observed. Religious Observance Policy North Carolina General Statute 116-11(3a) and UNC policy authorizes a minimum of two excused absences each academic year for religious observances required by the faith of a student. Students must submit a request for an excused absence, within SeaNet, seven days prior to the religious observance. The student shall be given the opportunity to make up any tests or other work missed due to an excused absence for a religious observance UNCW Student Gender-Based/Sexual Misconduct Policy UNCW takes all forms of interpersonal violence very seriously. When students disclose (verbally or in writing) to faculty or staff about sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence and/or stalking against themselves or another student, this information must be reported to the administration in order to ensure that student’s rights are protected, appropriate resources are offered, and the need for further investigation is explored to maintain campus safety. This means that if you tell the instructor about this kind of misconduct, the disclosure cannot remain confidential and the instructor must share that information. This is required by federal law and UNCW policy. The following three confidential resources do not need to report interpersonal violence: UNCW CARE, the Student Health Center, and the Counseling Center. If you want to speak to someone in confidence, these resources are available, including CARE’s 24-hour crisis line (910-512-4821). For more information, please visit www.uncw.edu/sexualmisconduct or www.uncw.edu/care. 6 Use of Personal Electronics The use of electronic equipment is permitted in class when used in a respectful manner (i.e.: to take notes, assist with looking up course material). However, should use of such equipment be perceived as disrespectful, disruptive, or interfering in the learning for other students, as well as the instructor, students will be asked to discontinue use. Completion of Course Assignments All assignments, whether graded or not, must be completed to receive credit for this professional seminar. Each student will be expected to complete the following assignments with due dates indicated in the schedule of assignments. Due Dates All papers/assignments must be turned in on the scheduled due date at the beginning of class. If you turn in your assignment late, your grade will be deducted 10 points for each day it is late. If an extenuating circumstance occurs, please let the instructor know prior to class. Course Assignments Each student is expected to attend seminar and engage in respectful discussion. Students are also expected to engage in self-reflection to identify their personal learning styles as well as personal experiences that may influence personal perspectives in working with different at-risk client populations. In addition, each student is expected to interview community social workers and service providers to identify potential placements with supervisory styles, that are compatible with the student’s learning needs, as well as client populations that are of interest. A final letter grade based on 100% of completed course assignments and exams will be given at the completion of the course. No +/-grades are given in the course. Grades are based on a 10-point scale, with no exceptions: **A final grade that is less than a C requires a student to repeat the course before going into field. A A 93103 90-92 Assignments B+ B B- 87-89 83-86 80-82 C C- 77-79 73-76 70-72 % Of Seminar Grade Non-graded Opportunities Professional Resume C+ NA D+ D D- 67-69 63-66 60-62 F 59 and below Record your grade below 7 Application to Field NA Personal Interview NA Attendance at Field Fairs NA Graded Opportunities Agency Interviews & Assessment (2) 25 % Class led discussion/participation 25 % Final Reflection Paper 25 % Pre-Field Readiness Exam 25% Total 100 % Descriptions of Course Assignments Professional Resume (Not graded, but must complete to receive course credit) Each student is required to create a one-page resume in order to learn to professionally present her/his educational and work experience. Students are encouraged to consult with a counselor at the Career Center before turning in their resumes. This assignment is not graded, but is required for successful completion of the course, as the resume will be shared with prospective field instructors to secure a field placement. Note that professional resumes require resume paper, which can be purchased at any local office supply store. Application to Field (Not graded, but must complete to receive course credit) Each student will complete an application for admission to field education. This application explores learning interests as well as special learning needs, including identification of developmental experiences that might impact one’s ability to engage in practice with specific client populations. An application form will be provided with seminar discussion to enhance successful completion of the form. The completed field application should be submitted on the due date identified in the schedule of assignments, but must be submitted no later than the date of the personal interview with the faculty liaison. (See BSW Social Work Field Education Manual for full description of the field admission criteria.) Personal Interview (Not graded, but must complete to receive course credit) Each student is required to participate in a personal interview with her/his prefield instructor to review the field application and assist the student in selecting 8 field options that will best meet student learning interests and needs. The student should dress professionally for this meeting and treat it as practice interview. A sign-up sheet will be provided in class to schedule individual appointment times. Field Fair: To afford opportunity to meet potential field instructors, a field fair will be held. Attendance is mandatory. If you have a class or are scheduled to work at this time, please speak with your professor or employer about being excused for that day; it is encouraged you do this in a timely fashion. Students find this field fair to be beneficial in expanding placement interests, dispelling misconceptions about particular agencies or populations served, as well as identifying field instructors who stimulate student learning interests. Agency Interviews and Assessments (2) 25 % Each student is required to visit potential agencies to interview for a field placement and learn about the agency. Students will be encouraged to shadow a social worker, if possible, in addition to the interview. Through these experiences, students will aim to gain insight into the supervisory style and expectations as well as the agency’s mission, services, client population, and work climate. This information will assist in careful selection of a field education match. To assist in the evaluation and review process, a designated form will be completed for each agency visit. Students are expected to take an approved copy of the professional resume to the agency visit for review by the respective field instructors. Class led discussion/participation 25 % Each student will be responsible for the assigned course readings found in your syllabus. Assigned readings will come from the required text, BSW Field Manual, or are available on electronic reserve through the UNCW Library. Students are asked to facilitate discussion of the assigned reading(s) once during the semester. Students will have the opportunity to sign up for their reading on the first day of class. In addition, facilitators of the class discussion are asked to submit on a word document their “talking points” for class discussion. Each student will turn in 3 pertinent issues/points that you identified in the reading (ideas you found interesting, concepts that challenge your thinking, recommendations that you support, ideas that you want to dispute, etc.) as well as 3 questions that you would like to bring up in the seminar to facilitate discussion. Student must turn in their discussion summary the day of their facilitation. Final Reflection Paper 25 % Each student is required to write a short paper (3-4 pages) that reflects on her/his readiness for the field placement experience. The following headings/sections should be included: 1. Strengths. In this section, students are asked to identify strengths they will bring to the field placement experience. Elaboration of how these strengths will be useful in practice should be explored. 2. Biases and Assumptions. In this section, students are asked to identify the biases they bring with them to the field placement experience. Articulation of 9 these things, from a non-judgmental place, will be helpful in acknowledging and working to grow in these areas. 3. Ethics and Values. In his section, students are asked to identify the particular social work values as well as ethical principles and standards that seem most compatible with one’s personal style or beliefs while also identifying those that might be most challenging in practice. 4. Limitations, Challenges, and Concerns. In this section, students are asked to identify any particular their limitations, challenges they expect, and concerns they may have about the field placement experience. The paper is not graded on student readiness; rather it will be graded on the student’s ability to engage in candid reflection and the ability to write in an articulate, organized, professional manner, including ways the personal learning style preference and conflict style will hinder or enhance placement is essential for this assignment. APA format is required (including 1-inch margins, times-newroman font, and a title page); recall APA formatting necessitates an introduction and a conclusion. A rubric, accounting for both completeness and quality, will be provided prior to the due date. Field Readiness Exam 25 % There will be a field readiness exam given to determine your knowledge and readiness for placement. This exam will test your knowledge of course material. Material will be taken from the text, reading assignments posted on Blackboard, and materials presented by the instructor in lecture. Course Timeline 1/11/16 Overview of seminar · get acquainted · scale readiness for field · course expectations · SIGN UP FOR CLASS LED DISCUSSIONS · DISTRIBUTE BSW FIELD APPLICATION 1/18/16 MLK-NO CLASS!!!! 1/25/16 ******** Field Placement: Roles & Responsibilities · identify the field education team · CSWE standards · service learning vs. field education vs. apprenticeship · collaboration in the learning process · scale readiness for field placement · 10 Readings: Vandenberg, A. (2015-2016) BSW Field Education Manual Field Education Overview, 5-7 Field Roles and Responsibilities, 8-15 Application to the Field, 19-23 Grobman, L. Survival guide Preface, 19 Chapter 9, The Learning Agreement: A Roadmap ******** 1/27/16 2/1/16 Field Fair, 9:30am-11:30am, McNeill Multipurpose Room 1051 ******** **Guest Speaker from Career Center: Sarah Crockett Preparing for field interviews and Resumes · telephone and etiquette · professional attire · selecting agencies for field interview · representing UNCW and the social work profession · specific agency requirements (criminal background check, etc.) Readings: Vandenberg, A. (2015-2016) Process for selecting field placements. BSW Field Education Manual,16-18 Grobman, L. Survival guide. Chapter 8, 10 Tips for a successful field placement ******** No Class – Meet for Pre-field interviews **BRING YOUR RESUME and FIELD APPLICATION TO YOUR INTERVIEW 2/8/16 2/15/16 ******** · · Learning Style Inventory identify your preferred learning style identify strengths and limitations of each style Reading: Cournoyer, B. & Stanley, M. (2002) The social work portfolio. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole, 14-26. 11 2/22/16 *********** · · Conflict Style identify your preferred conflict management style review strengths and limitations of each style Reading: Kruk, E. (1998) Meditation and conflict resolution in social work and the human services: Issues, debates, and trends. Meditation and conflict resolution in social work and the human services. Chicago: Nelson-Hall Publishers, 1-17. 2/29/16 *********** · · · Characteristics for a good field placement match student self-awareness of learning employment at placement setting population served vs. field instructor's style of supervision Readings: Grobman, L. Survival guide Chapter 1, The road to practicum: I want a great one Chapter 2, Choosing a field placement-Wisely! Chapter 3, A paid practicum Chapter 4, Can I do my practicum where I work? *********** 3/7/16 Spring Break – No Class 3/14/16 Making the most of your placement · field education requirements · flexibility · professional supervision · mid-term and end-of-semester evaluations · liability insurance *********** Readings: Vandenberg, A.(2015-2016) Field education requirements. BSW Field Education Manual, 24-29 Rothman, J. (2000) Professional demeanor and comportment. Stepping out into field. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 16-23. Rothman, J. (2000) Responsibilities. Stepping out into the field. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 24-32. Grobman, L. Survival guide 12 Chapter 21: Preparing for supervision DUE: 1st AGENCY ASSESSMENT 3/21/16 ******** Guest Speaker: Lauren Williams, Pheonix Employment Ministry Topic: “Professionalism at your Internship” 3/28/16 ******** Flexibility and unplanned change · change in field placements · termination from placement · · change in field seminar loss of field instructor Readings: Vandenberg, A.(2015-2016) Field education concerns/issues. BSW Field Education Manual, 30-32 Grobman, L. Survival guide: Chapter 18: When the change agent experiences unplanned change Chapter 20: My practicum – why do I hate it so? DUE: 2nd AGENCY ASSESSMENT 4/4/16 ******** Self-care and safety · · · · Vicarious trauma Safety Self-care Preventing burn-out Readings: Grobman, L. Survival guide · · · · Chapter 7: Listen up! Chapter 17: Vicarious trauma in field placements Chapter 15: Concerns in the field Chapter 16: Be careful, it's a jungle out there. Horejsi, C. & Garthwait, C. (1999) Personal safety. The social work practicum. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 38-63. 13 4/11/16 Values & ethics · · NASW Code of Ethics Ethical dilemmas Readings: Grobman, L. Survival guide. Chapter 30: Facing ethical dilemmas in the field Chapter 31: Ethics: Issues for interns 4/18/16 4/25/16 Chapter 32: Promoting social justice within the practicum ******** Pre-Field Readiness Exam ******** Reflection · · · Summer contact information Liability insurance Scaling placement readiness DUE: FINAL REFLECTION PAPER