! w o ly N ne: p p A dli a e d Fall 15th! June Stay Tuned & In Touch Brudney Named One of PAR’s Most Influen al Authors The 1983 ar cle, “Toward a Defini on of the Coproduc on Concept,” by Jeffrey Brudney, Be y and Dan Cameron Family Dis nguished Professor of Innova on in the Non‐Profit Sector, UNCW Public and Interna onal Affairs, has been selected as one of the 75 most influen al ar cles to appear in the Public Administra on Review (PAR) since its incep on in 1940. UPCOMING EVENTS Capstone Presenta ons & Awards May 1, 2014, 6:00‐8:30pm CIS Building 1008, UNCW MPA Gradua on Brunch May 10, 2014, 9:30‐11am Azalea Coast Room (FUU) UNCW Campus Contact us or follow us using our email address, website, email lists, and/or social media accounts: mpa@uncw.edu www.uncw.edu/mpa Facebook.com/UNCWMPA Twi er: @UNCWMPA LinkedIn: UNCW Master of Public Administra on mpaalum@lists.uncw.edu mpajobs@lists.uncw.edu Below: Faculty, students, alumni, and board members gather at the February 2014 NCCCMA mee ng in Durham NC. SPRING 2014 MPA STUDENT ENROLLMENT Ac ve Students = 72 Current Enrollment = 61 (including 3 non‐degree) 62% Female (n=38) 38% Male (n= 23) 11.5% racial minority (n=7) 64% part‐ me (< 9 credit hours) 36% full‐ me (9+ credit hours) Concentra ons Coastal Management = 2 Environmental Policy & Mgt = 4 Marine Policy = 1 Nonprofit Management = 18 Public Management = 27 Urban & Regional Planning = 4 Public Policy Analysis = 5 Expected Spring Grads = 22 Expected Summer Grads = 2