Graduating Senior Survey 2013 Table 1: 2013 Response rates for Graduating Senior Survey by Major College or School CAS CAS CAS Department Anthropology Art and Art History Art and Art History Major with distinct CIP codes ANT Invited Responded Response Rate 21 6 29% AHST 6 1 17% ASTU 15 4 27% CAS Biology and Marine Biology BIO 89 11 12% CAS Biology and Marine Biology MBY 57 14 25% CHM 31 4 13% COM CSC CRW ENG 112 19 38 61 13 2 3 14 12% 11% 8% 23% ENV 40 7 18% EVS 14 4 29% FST 55 7 13% SPN 7 2 29% GGY 8 3 38% GLY 5 1 20% HST 19 5 26% CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS Chemistry and Biochemistry Comm Studies Computer Sci Creative Writ English Environmental Studies Environmental Studies Film Studies Foreign Lang & Lit Geology and Geography Geology and Geography History UNCW Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Graduating Senior Survey 2013 CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS/WCE CAS/WCE CAS/WCE CAS/WCE CAS/WCE CAS/WCE Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics Music Music Music Phil & Rel Physics & Phys Ocean Psychology Public and Int Affairs Sociology and Criminology Sociology and Criminology Theater English Foreign Lang & Lit Foreign Lang & Lit History Mathematics and Statistics Sociology and Criminology CHAHS/SHA HAHS HS CHAHS/SHA HAHS HS CHAHS/SHA HAHS HS MAT 15 3 20% STT 3 1 33% MUE MUS PRF PAR 2 7 3 7 0 2 1 2 0% 29% 33% 29% PHY 8 2 25% PSY 154 31 20% PLS 37 9 24% CMJ/CRJ 62 14 23% SOC 17 3 18% THR ENG-TC 11 10 1 0 9% 0% FRH-TC 2 1 50% SPN-TC 4 2 50% HST-SS 7 1 14% MAT-TC 12 5 42% SOC-SS 1 0 0% ATR 13 2 15% CHE 24 6 25% PED 1 0 0% UNCW Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Graduating Senior Survey 2013 CHAHS/SHA HS CHAHS/SHA HS CHAHS/SHA HS CHAHS/SHA HS HAHS PEDT 9 1 11% HAHS EXS 34 5 15% HAHS REC 22 4 18% HAHS RT 20 2 10% CHAHS/SON Nursing CLR 16 6 38% CHAHS/SON Nursing NSG/RNSG 84 20 24% SWK 56 5 9% BSB 355 44 12% ECN 3 0 0% CHAHS/SSW Social Work K Business CSB Administration Economics and CSB Finance WCE Early Child and Special Ed EYC 7 0 0% WCE Early Child and Special Ed SED-ADT 11 1 9% WCE Early Child and Special Ed SED-GCT 18 6 33% EEL 104 24 23% EMG 18 3 17% 1754 308 18% WCE WCE Elem, Mid Level, & Literacy Ed Elem, Mid Level, & Literacy Ed Total UNCW Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Graduating Senior Survey 2013 TABLE 2: Section A, Faculty Contributions - Please rate your overall satisfaction with instructors in your major department on each of the following: (1= Very Dissatisfied, 2= Dissatisfied, 3= Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied, 4= Satisfied, 5= Very Satisfied) 2013 Item Unit N Mean Std. Dev. Arts & Sciences 177 4.36 0.719 School of Business 44 4.11 0.689 School of Education 33 4.45 0.506 1.Their ability to motivate School of Health & Applied Human Sciences 20 4.05 0.686 me to do my best School of Nursing 26 4.31 0.471 0.447 School of Social Work 5 4.80 0.679 UNCW 305 4.32 Arts & Sciences 177 4.30 0.687 School of Business 44 4.32 0.708 2. How carefully they School of Education 34 4.44 0.786 explain the expectations of School of Health & Applied Human Sciences 20 4.10 0.553 student performance in the School of Nursing 26 4.27 0.604 course School of Social Work 5 4.80 0.447 UNCW 306 4.31 0.686 Arts & Sciences 178 4.37 0.636 School of Business 44 4.27 0.624 School of Education 33 4.33 0.816 3. How well they explain School of Health & Applied Human Sciences 20 4.20 0.410 course material School of Nursing 25 4.24 0.523 School of Social Work 5 4.80 0.447 UNCW 305 4.34 0.634 UNCW Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Graduating Senior Survey 2013 TABLE 2: Section A, Faculty Contributions - Please rate your overall satisfaction with instructors in your major department on each of the following: (1= Very Dissatisfied, 2= Dissatisfied, 3= Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied, 4= Satisfied, 5= Very Satisfied) 2013 Item Unit N Mean Std. Dev. Arts & Sciences 178 4.39 0.699 School of Business 43 4.30 0.773 34 4.53 0.563 4. The extent to which they School of Education School of Health & Applied Human Sciences 20 4.20 0.696 encourage class School of Nursing 26 4.42 0.504 discussion School of Social Work 5 5.00 0.000 UNCW 306 4.40 0.680 Arts & Sciences 177 4.27 0.792 School of Business 43 4.30 0.638 5. How effectively they use School of Education 34 4.53 0.615 instructional technology in School of Health & Applied Human Sciences 20 4.05 0.686 teaching and learning School of Nursing 26 4.46 0.647 activities School of Social Work 5 4.60 0.548 UNCW 305 4.30 0.735 Arts & Sciences 178 4.14 0.786 School of Business 44 3.89 0.895 School of Education 32 4.25 0.842 6. How quickly they 20 3.80 1.056 provide feedback on my School of Health & Applied Human Sciences School of Nursing 26 3.88 0.766 work School of Social Work 5 4.00 1.000 UNCW 305 4.07 0.834 UNCW Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Graduating Senior Survey 2013 TABLE 2: Section A, Faculty Contributions - Please rate your overall satisfaction with instructors in your major department on each of the following: (1= Very Dissatisfied, 2= Dissatisfied, 3= Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied, 4= Satisfied, 5= Very Satisfied) 2013 Item Unit N Mean Std. Dev. Arts & Sciences 178 4.23 0.822 School of Business 43 4.02 0.886 School of Education 34 4.44 0.705 7. The helpfulness of their School of Health & Applied Human Sciences 20 4.15 0.813 feedback on my work School of Nursing 26 4.27 0.724 School of Social Work 5 4.40 0.894 UNCW 306 4.23 0.813 Arts & Sciences 177 4.54 0.612 School of Business 44 4.48 0.505 School of Education 34 4.56 0.660 8. Overall Satisfaction with School of Health & Applied Human Sciences 20 4.25 0.639 instructors in your major School of Nursing 26 4.54 0.508 School of Social Work 5 5.00 0.000 UNCW 306 4.52 0.596 UNCW Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Graduating Senior Survey 2013 TABLE 3: Section B1: Help Outside the Classroom - Academic Advising in Your Major Based on the last two years on this campus, how satisfied are you with each of the following? (1= Very Dissatisfied, 2= Dissatisfied, 3= Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied, 4= Satisfied, 5= Very Satisfied, "Don't know/not applicable" excluded from mean calculations) 2013 Item Unit N Mean Std. Dev. Arts & Sciences 174 3.68 1.285 School of Business 42 3.62 1.209 34 4.38 1.129 College of Education a. Advisor spending School of Health & Applied Human Sciences 20 4.30 0.657 sufficient time with me School of Nursing 26 3.81 1.167 5 4.40 0.548 School of Social Work UNCW Arts & Sciences b. Advisor providing School of Business accurate information College of Education School of Health & Applied Human Sciences about degree School of Nursing requirements and course sequencing School of Social Work UNCW Arts & Sciences School of Business c. Advisor's knowledge College of Education about campus policies School of Health & Applied Human Sciences School of Nursing and procedures School of Social Work UNCW UNCW Office of Institutional Research and Assessment 301 174 42 34 20 26 5 3.82 3.82 3.79 4.21 4.20 3.96 4.40 1.229 1.193 1.200 1.250 0.834 1.113 0.548 301 174 42 32 20 26 5 3.90 3.98 3.86 4.22 4.30 4.19 4.20 1.169 1.133 1.221 1.237 0.657 1.234 0.837 299 4.03 1.136 Graduating Senior Survey 2013 TABLE 3: Section B1: Help Outside the Classroom - Academic Advising in Your Major Based on the last two years on this campus, how satisfied are you with each of the following? (1= Very Dissatisfied, 2= Dissatisfied, 3= Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied, 4= Satisfied, 5= Very Satisfied, "Don't know/not applicable" excluded from mean calculations) 2013 Item Unit N Mean Std. Dev. Arts & Sciences 174 3.99 1.345 School of Business 42 3.95 1.497 d. Advisor's knowledge College of Education 34 4.21 1.200 about post-graduation School of Health & Applied Human Sciences 20 4.20 1.240 educational options School of Nursing 26 4.15 1.287 (e.g., graduate school) School of Social Work 5 4.00 1.000 UNCW 301 4.04 1.329 Arts & Sciences 174 3.87 1.442 School of Business 42 3.79 1.570 e. Advisor's knowledge College of Education 34 4.24 1.130 20 4.35 1.348 about post-graduation School of Health & Applied Human Sciences School of Nursing 26 4.04 1.371 employment options School of Social Work 5 4.00 1.000 UNCW 301 3.95 1.411 Arts & Sciences 173 3.64 1.266 School of Business 42 3.62 1.229 College of Education 34 4.29 1.194 f. Academic advising School of Health & Applied Human Sciences 20 4.10 0.718 services overall School of Nursing 26 3.88 1.143 School of Social Work 5 4.40 0.548 UNCW UNCW Office of Institutional Research and Assessment 300 3.78 1.221 Graduating Senior Survey 2013 TABLE 4: Section C1, Knowledge, Skills, and Personal Development - To what extent do you think your college education contributed to your knowledge, skills, and personal development in the following areas? (1=Not at all, 2=Very little, 3=Somewhat, 4=Very much, "Don't know" excluded from calculations of means) 2013 Item Unit N Mean Std. Dev. Arts & Sciences 178 3.47 0.706 School of Business 44 3.27 0.899 College of Education 34 3.29 0.760 School of Health & Applied Human Sciences 20 3.30 0.571 a. Writing effectively School of Nursing 26 3.54 0.582 School of Social Work 4.00 0.000 5 0.725 UNCW 3.42 307 Arts & Sciences 178 3.41 0.763 School of Business 44 3.59 0.693 34 3.41 0.783 b. Speaking effectively (i.e., to College of Education School of Health & Applied Human Sciences 20 3.50 0.513 large and small groups and School of Nursing 26 3.12 1.071 making presentations) School of Social Work 4.00 0.000 5 UNCW 3.44 0.754 307 Arts & Sciences 177 3.42 0.696 School of Business 44 3.27 0.660 College of Education 34 3.35 0.691 School of Health & Applied Human Sciences 20 3.35 0.587 c. Listening attentively School of Nursing 26 3.12 1.211 School of Social Work 5 4.00 0.000 UNCW 3.41 0.701 306 Arts & Sciences 177 3.52 0.666 School of Business 44 3.39 0.618 College of Education 34 3.47 0.662 d. Comprehending written and School of Health & Applied Human Sciences 20 3.65 0.489 oral information School of Nursing 26 3.50 0.707 School of Social Work 4.00 0.000 5 UNCW 3.51 0.649 306 UNCW Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Graduating Senior Survey 2013 TABLE 4: Section C1, Knowledge, Skills, and Personal Development - To what extent do you think your college education contributed to your knowledge, skills, and personal development in the following areas? (1=Not at all, 2=Very little, 3=Somewhat, 4=Very much, "Don't know" excluded from calculations of means) 2013 Item Unit N Mean Std. Dev. Arts & Sciences 177 2.91 0.931 School of Business 44 3.14 0.824 College of Education 34 3.26 0.790 20 2.95 0.999 e. Using mathematical skills School of Health & Applied Human Sciences School of Nursing 26 3.00 0.980 School of Social Work 3.00 1.581 5 UNCW 3.03 0.905 306 Arts & Sciences 178 3.33 0.849 School of Business 44 3.18 0.896 College of Education 34 3.44 0.786 f. Applying scientific methods of School of Health & Applied Human Sciences 20 2.80 1.152 inquiry School of Nursing 26 3.50 0.583 School of Social Work 5 2.80 1.304 UNCW 3.33 0.839 307 Arts & Sciences 177 3.57 0.628 School of Business 44 3.73 0.544 College of Education 34 3.53 0.748 School of Health & Applied Human Sciences 20 3.05 0.887 g. Applying analytic skills School of Nursing 26 3.50 0.583 School of Social Work 3.20 1.304 5 UNCW 3.56 0.646 306 Arts & Sciences 178 3.60 0.633 School of Business 44 3.68 0.601 College of Education 33 3.55 0.711 20 3.50 0.513 h. Using critical thinking skills School of Health & Applied Human Sciences School of Nursing 26 3.62 0.496 School of Social Work 3.80 0.447 5 UNCW 306 3.60 0.615 UNCW Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Graduating Senior Survey 2013 TABLE 4: Section C1, Knowledge, Skills, and Personal Development - To what extent do you think your college education contributed to your knowledge, skills, and personal development in the following areas? (1=Not at all, 2=Very little, 3=Somewhat, 4=Very much, "Don't know" excluded from calculations of means) 2013 Item Unit N Mean Std. Dev. Arts & Sciences 177 3.48 0.692 School of Business 44 3.41 0.787 College of Education 34 3.59 0.609 i. Using technologies School of Health & Applied Human Sciences 19 3.26 0.991 appropriate to my discipline School of Nursing 26 3.54 0.508 School of Social Work 5 3.40 0.894 UNCW 305 3.49 0.684 Arts & Sciences 178 3.32 0.892 School of Business 44 3.68 0.639 College of Education 34 3.56 0.613 19 3.68 0.478 j. Developing leadership skills School of Health & Applied Human Sciences School of Nursing 25 3.36 0.810 School of Social Work 5 3.80 0.447 UNCW 305 3.43 0.809 Arts & Sciences 178 3.38 0.795 School of Business 44 3.70 0.509 College of Education 34 3.50 0.707 k. Working effectively as part of School of Health & Applied Human Sciences 20 3.60 0.503 a team School of Nursing 26 3.58 0.578 School of Social Work 5 3.80 0.447 UNCW 307 3.48 0.720 Arts & Sciences 176 3.65 0.685 School of Business 44 3.68 0.639 l. Experiencing personal growth College of Education 34 3.76 0.496 (e.g., self-discipline, School of Health & Applied Human Sciences 20 3.85 0.366 responsibility, self-awareness, School of Nursing 25 3.56 0.712 etc.) School of Social Work 5 3.80 0.447 UNCW 304 3.67 0.642 UNCW Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Graduating Senior Survey 2013 TABLE 4: Section C1, Knowledge, Skills, and Personal Development - To what extent do you think your college education contributed to your knowledge, skills, and personal development in the following areas? (1=Not at all, 2=Very little, 3=Somewhat, 4=Very much, "Don't know" excluded from calculations of means) 2013 Item Unit N Mean Std. Dev. Arts & Sciences 177 3.35 0.942 School of Business 44 3.41 0.897 College of Education 34 3.38 0.817 m. Ability to work with people School of Health & Applied Human Sciences 20 3.35 0.875 from diverse backgrounds School of Nursing 25 3.32 0.852 School of Social Work 5 3.20 0.837 UNCW 305 3.36 0.903 Arts & Sciences 178 3.26 1.063 School of Business 44 3.14 1.047 College of Education 34 3.35 0.849 n. Sensitivity to issues School of Health & Applied Human Sciences 20 3.00 1.338 associated with racial equity School of Nursing 26 3.15 1.008 School of Social Work 5 3.80 0.837 UNCW 307 3.28 1.014 Arts & Sciences 178 3.28 1.062 School of Business 44 3.18 1.084 College of Education 34 3.35 0.812 o. Sensitivity to issues School of Health & Applied Human Sciences 20 2.95 1.317 associated with gender equity School of Nursing 26 3.15 1.008 School of Social Work 5 3.80 0.837 UNCW 307 3.30 1.013 UNCW Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Graduating Senior Survey 2013 TABLE 5: Section C2, Knowledge, Skills, and Personal Development - Did your major include a co-op, internship, practicum, student teaching, or other field experience? If so, how would you evaluate this experience in terms of your personal and professional growth? (1=Not at all, 2=Very little, 3=Somewhat, 4=Very much, "Don't know" excluded from calculations of means) 2013 % whose major Unit Std. N Mean* included such Dev. experiences Arts & Sciences 55.6% 98 3.66 0.591 School of Business 36.4% 15 3.40 0.737 College of Education 100.0% 33 3.94 0.242 School of Health & Applied Human Sciences 55.6% 18 3.72 0.575 School of Nursing 88.5% 23 3.70 0.635 School of Social Work 100.0% 5 3.80 0.447 UNCW 63.8% 192 3.70 0.570 * Note: Only respondents who indicated their major included such experiences were asked to evaluate contribution. TABLE 6: Section C3, Knowledge, Skills, and Personal Development - Did you work on a research project with a UNCW faculty member outside of course or program requirements? If so, how would you evaluate this experience to contribute to your personal growth? (1=Not at all, 2=Very little, 3=Somewhat, 4=Very much, "Don't know" excluded from calculations of means) 2013 Unit % who worked on Std. N Mean* such a project Dev. Arts & Sciences 32.2% 55 3.71 0.599 School of Business 14.0% 6 3.50 0.837 College of Education 0.0% 0 na na School of Health & Applied Human Sciences 10.0% 2 4.00 0.000 School of Nursing 15.4% 4 4.00 0.000 School of Social Work 0.0% 0 na na UNCW 22.6% 67 3.72 0.598 * Note: Only respondents who indicated they had worked on such a project were asked to evaluate contribution. UNCW Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Graduating Senior Survey 2013 TABLE 7: Section C4, Knowledge, Skills, and Personal Development - Did you participate in any community service project through UNCW (e.g., through a club, Greek life, or other University-sponsored activity)? If so, to what extent did this experience contribute to your personal and professional growth? (1=Not at all, 2=Very little, 3=Somewhat, 4=Very much, "Don't know" excluded from calculations of means) 2013 Unit Arts & Sciences School of Business College of Education School of Health & Applied Human Sciences School of Nursing School of Social Work UNCW % who had participated 52.8% 83.7% 58.8% 70.0% 53.8% 60.0% 59.2% * Note: Only respondents who indicated they had participated were asked to evaluate contribution. UNCW Office of Institutional Research and Assessment N 93 36 19 14 14 3 179 Mean* 3.33 3.06 3.74 3.71 3.57 3.67 3.37 Std. Dev. 0.757 0.791 0.452 0.469 0.646 0.577 0.734 Graduating Senior Survey 2013 Table 8: Section F2: Graduation and beyond -Please indicate the best description of your primary plans following graduation. (Select one) Type of Plans Count % I am currently seeking, or plan to seek, paid employment I will be going to graduate or professional school full-time next year I have accepted a full-time paid job related to my field of study I will continue in my current paid job I have accepted a part-time paid job I don't know yet I have accepted a full-time paid job, not related to my field of study I will be going to graduate or professional school part-time and working part-time next year I will be entering or continuing military service Internship I will be starting or raising a family Other Miscellaneous I will take more undergraduate courses next year I will be engaged in volunteer activity (e.g., Peace Corps) 136 56 34 17 14 12 10 44.2% 18.2% 11.0% 5.5% 4.5% 3.9% 3.2% 8 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 2.6% 1.6% 1.3% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 0.6% 0.3% Table 9: Section F3: Graduation and beyond - For which of the following reasons has it taken you longer than four years to graduate? (Check as many as apply).* Type of reason I changed majors I lost credits when I transferred to UNCW I took a semester or more off for personal (non-financial) reasons (e.g., medical, family, etc.) The number of hours I spent working for pay I am graduating with more than one major I went part-time for personal (non-financial) reasons (e.g., medical, family, etc.) I could not get the classes I needed Financial reasons My participation in a co-op, internship, practicum, student teaching, etc. I wanted to/was advised to take a lighter course load My participation in a Study Abroad program Student athlete or sports related Miscellaneous Count 32 23 % 45.7% 32.8% 21 17 13 30.0% 24.3% 18.6% 12 10 7 17.1% 14.3% 10.0% 6 8.6% 5 5 3 2 7.1% 7.1% 4.3% 2.9% *Note: Only 70 of 309 respondents were asked this question as a follow-up to saying "yes" it had taken them longer than 4 years to graduate. Respondents could choose as many reasons as they felt applied to them. UNCW Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Graduating Senior Survey 2013 TABLE 10: Section E, Your Conclusions 1-3 2008 2010 Item 1. All things considered, how would you characterize the intellectual environment at UNCW? (1=Very weak, 2=Weak, 3=Strong, 4=Very strong) Unit Arts & Sciences School of Business College of Education School of Health & Applied Human Sciences School of Nursing School of Social Work UNCW* Arts & Sciences School of Business 2a. All things considered, College of Education how would you evaluate the School of Health & Applied Human quality of instruction in your Sciences major? (1=Poor, 2=Fair, School of Nursing 3=Good, 4=Excellent) School of Social Work UNCW* N Mean Std. Dev. N Mean 2012 Std. Dev. N Mean 2013 Std. Dev. N Mean Std. Dev. 434 153 63 3.12 3.17 3.38 0.594 0.535 0.551 342 162 79 3.14 3.21 3.25 0.616 0.584 0.493 132 36 26 3.24 3.06 3.38 0.619 0.532 0.496 175 44 34 3.27 3.36 3.53 0.638 0.613 0.563 35 3.14 0.430 28 2.96 0.331 17 3.12 0.485 20 3.15 0.489 36 3.11 31 3.06 a 3.15 752 434 3.52 153 3.58 63 3.67 0.622 0.629 0.578 0.616 0.581 0.508 47 3.17 19 3.16 a 3.17 677 345 3.60 163 3.64 79 3.66 0.524 0.688 0.583 0.626 0.575 0.528 17 3.29 9 3.11 ab 3.22 237 132 3.61 36 3.58 26 3.69 0.686 0.601 0.592 0.627 0.604 0.618 26 3.54 4 3.25 b 3.33 303 178 3.65 44 3.64 34 3.79 0.508 0.957 0.617 0.586 0.532 0.410 3.46 0.561 3.45 0.605 36 2.97 31 3.52 a 3.52 752 0.809 1.014 0.675 26 3.69 5 3.60 b 3.65 307 0.471 0.894 0.559 Arts & Sciences School of Business 2b. All things considered, College of Education how would you evaluate the School of Health & Applied Human quality of instruction Sciences overall? (1=Poor, 2=Fair, School of Nursing 3=Good, 4=Excellent) School of Social Work UNCW 435 153 63 3.24 3.11 3.38 0.596 0.622 0.496 175 44 34 3.23 3.39 3.50 0.707 0.655 0.564 17 3.18 0.529 20 3.35 0.587 0.682 0.697 0.609 17 8 236 3.47 3.38 3.25 0.624 0.518 3.40 3.00 3.25 0.577 0.707 3.45 3.36 3.60 0.617 0.617 0.493 132 35 26 3.51 3.40 3.69 0.586 0.648 0.651 0.549 25 5 303 Arts & Sciences 3. All things considered, School of Business how would you evaluate the College of Education overall education that you School of Health & Applied Human are receiving at UNCW? Sciences (1=Poor, 2=Fair, 3=Good, School of Nursing School of Social Work 4=Excellent) UNCW 178 44 34 3.54 3.39 3.74 0.670 0.639 0.655 0.448 3.22 0.577 17 3.47 0.624 20 3.50 0.513 36 3.39 0.549 48 3.38 0.672 17 3.59 0.507 25 31 3.35 0.661 19 3.42 0.769 9 3.44 0.726 5 752 3.44 0.608 681 3.43 0.619 237 3.51 0.628 306 * Overall means with different superscript letters on this question were significantly different across years using Scheffe post hoc analysis at (p<.05). 3.68 3.40 3.55 0.476 0.894 UNCW Office of Institutional Research and Assessment 35 28 3.46 0.637 0.845 0.626 0.623 48 3.25 19 3.68 ab 3.59 682 3.26 3.20 3.48 0.581 0.589 0.592 340 158 74 35 3.29 0.739 36 31 753 3.14 3.29 3.27 434 153 63 35 17 3.59 0.870 0.812 0.749 0.629 17 3.18 9 3.44 ab 3.58 238 3.25 3.13 3.30 0.609 0.626 0.516 131 36 26 27 3.11 0.506 0.798 0.739 0.607 47 17 663 3.28 3.12 3.22 3.43 3.46 3.62 0.609 0.618 0.551 345 162 80 3.31 0.631 27 20 0.611 TABLE 11: Section B2-4: Help Outside the Classroom - Library Services, Information Technology, Career Services Based on the last two years on this campus, how satisfied are you with each of the following? (1= Very Dissatisfied, 2= Dissatisfied, 3= Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied, 4= Satisfied, 5= Very Satisfied, "Don't know/not applicable" excluded from mean calculations) 2013 Unit Item N Mean Std. Dev. a. Helpfulness of Staff 299 4.28 0.945 b. Space for individual Student Work 299 3.51 1.275 c. Space for group work 299 3.43 1.313 d. Training/ instruction for using library and information resources 299 4.03 1.062 2. Library e. Access to databases and resources 300 4.18 0.845 Services f. Access to online library resources 299 4.24 0.842 g. Hours of operation 299 4.13 0.969 h. Effectiveness of library resources and services in improving my learning 299 4.10 0.843 experience 297 4.01 0.854 i. Library services overall a. Training on the technology I need to use 301 4.08 1.102 b. Assistance from the helpdesk in solving my technology problems 299 4.25 1.072 c. Hours of operations for university computer labs 300 4.28 1.103 3. Information d. Availability of equipment and software in university computer labs to 300 4.18 1.200 Technology meet my needs e. Availability of wireless access on campus 299 3.87 1.143 f. Online course management system(s) used in my classes (e.g., 297 3.95 0.943 Blackboard) g. Effectiveness of Information technology in improving my learning 299 3.98 0.901 300 3.99 0.797 experience h. Information technology services overall a. Helpfulness of staff 245 4.27 1.103 b. Information on internships, co-ops, and other career-related experiences 245 4.03 1.103 c. Access to employment opportunities (e.g., career fairs, interviews, job 4. Career listings, etc.) 245 3.94 1.109 Services d. Help in preparing for interviews, resumes, etc. 246 4.17 1.082 e. Availability of career resources online 246 4.04 0.968 245 4.04 0.920 f. Career services overall Graduating Senior Survey 2013 TABLE 12: Sections D1 and D2, Other Offices That Serve You - Based on the last two years on this campus, how would you evaluate each of the following? (1=Very Dissatisfied, 2=Dissatisfied, 3=Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 4=Satisfied, 5= Very Satisfied, "No experience to judge" excluded from calculations of means) 2013 Item N Mean Std. Dev. 1. Service Area 302 4.10 0.971 a. Registrar Office 2. Staff Responsiveness 302 4.21 0.980 b. Financial Aid: 1. Service Area 302 4.26 1.286 Application/Award Process 2. Staff Responsiveness 301 4.38 1.323 302 4.37 1.226 c. Financial Aid: Disbursement 1. Service Area Process 301 4.48 1.313 2. Staff Responsiveness 1. Service Area 301 4.14 1.261 d. Dining Services 2. Staff Responsiveness 302 4.38 1.157 1. Service Area 302 4.18 1.337 e. Health Services 2. Staff Responsiveness 300 4.36 1.231 301 4.93 1.374 1. Service Area f. Counseling (personal, interpersonal, or psychological) 2. Staff Responsiveness 301 4.96 1.377 g. Cashier/Student Accounts/ 1. Service Area 300 4.22 1.175 Billing Office 2. Staff Responsiveness 302 4.36 1.203 1. Service Area 302 4.52 1.467 h. Housing and Residence Life 2. Staff Responsiveness 302 4.58 1.418 1. Service Area 302 3.94 1.063 i. Bookstore 2. Staff Responsiveness 301 4.12 1.011 1. Service Area 301 3.70 1.635 j. Campus recreation 300 4.33 1.227 2. Staff Responsiveness 301 4.55 1.466 1. Service Area k. On-campus shuttle/transportation services 2. Staff Responsiveness 301 4.70 1.262 302 3.06 1.522 1. Service Area l. Parking 301 3.63 1.594 2. Staff Responsiveness 302 4.59 1.28 1. Service Area m. Campus Police Department 299 4.52 1.312 2. Staff responsiveness UNCW Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Graduating Senior Survey 2013 TABLE 13: Section C3, Knowledge, Skills, and Personal Growth - 5a/5b: While school was in session this academic year, about how many hours per week have you spent working for pay? Working off Range of hours Working on campus campus per week Count % Count % 0 38.8% 221 72.0% 119 1-5 11 16 5.2% 3.6% 6-10 20 30 9.8% 6.5% 11-5 24 26 8.5% 7.8% 16-20 21 40 13.0% 6.8% 21-25 1 29 9.4% 0.3% 26-30 6 18 5.9% 2.0% more than 30 3 29 9.4% 1.0% Total 307 100.0% 307 100.0% Item TABLE 11: Section E, Your Conclusions 4-5 2013 No Not Sure Unit Count % Count Yes % % Count Arts & Sciences 9 5.1% 14 7.9% 155 87.1% School of Business College of Education 0 0.0% 4 9.1% 40 90.9% 0 0.0% 1 2.9% 33 97.1% 0 0.0% 1 5.0% 19 95.0% 1 3.8% 1 3.8% 24 92.3% 4. Would you recommend UNCW School of Health & Applied Human to a friend Sciences considering college? School of Nursing School of Social Work 0 0.0% 2 40.0% 3 60.0% UNCW 10 3.3% 23 7.5% 274 89.3% Arts & Sciences 15 8.4% 26 14.6% 137 77.0% 4 9.1% 9 20.5% 31 70.5% 1 2.9% 0 0.0% 33 97.1% 1 5.0% 4 20.0% 15 75.0% 1 3.8% 1 3.8% 24 92.3% 0 0.0% 0 0% 5 100.0% 22 7.2% 40 13.0% 245 79.8% School of Business College of Education 5. If you could start over again, would School of Health & you still choose to Applied Human Sciences attend UNCW? School of Nursing School of Social Work UNCW UNCW Office of Institutional Research and Assessment