Agenda Item 9-A Action Item To: Chairman Milde and the VRE Operations Board From: Doug Allen Date: September 19, 2014 Re: Referral of Preliminary FY 2016 VRE Operating and Capital Budget to the Commissions Recommendation: The VRE Operations Board is being asked to authorize the Chief Executive Officer to refer the Preliminary FY 2016 VRE Operating and Capital Budget to the Commissions for their consideration, so that the Commissions, in turn, can refer these recommendations to the jurisdictions for their review and comment. Background: In accordance with the VRE Master Agreement, which outlines the process for annual budget approval, the preliminary FY 2016 VRE Operating and Capital Budget are attached for review. The Budget Key Issues considered by the Operations Board in July are also provided as an attachment. During the FY 2016 budget year, VRE will operate 32 daily revenue trains (including a full year of the additional Fredericksburg line train), complete the order for the fourteen additional railcars, implement Positive Train Control (PTC), begin the first year of the new Amtrak contract, begin the first years of the new train operations and maintenance of equipment contracts, and continue safety and customer service outreach programs. Staff will also continue development of the 2040 System Plan projects. Since July, VRE staff has met monthly with the CAO Taskforce to discuss jurisdictional budget issues and concerns and to review current VRE budget projections. The most significant issue this year is the reduction in State Operating funds. In FY 2015, staff projected state revenues of $10.3 million, based on estimations from the TSDAC implementation. The actual award was $9.0 million, with further reductions possible after the CTB meets in September. Based on this, the projected amount of State operating funds is budgeted at $8.7 million, a decrease of $1.6 million from the budget approved in FY 2015. Discussion: The FY 2016 preliminary budget totals $123.0 million. Assuming no change to fares or subsidy, the budget reflects $3.9 million of costs which are currently unfunded. As in the past, VRE will submit a balanced budget to the jurisdictions in the beginning of December for evaluation prior to submission to the Operations Board later that month. Both revenue and expenses are still under review and these projections are expected to change considerably over the next several months. The assumptions used in preparing the preliminary draft are as follows: 1. Federal formula funding is based on an estimation of what VRE will receive under the new Section 5337, State of Good Repair formula funding. Current projections are based on the latest information available and is in line with the amount projected in the Six Year Financial Forecast from the FY 2015 Budget, which represents a decrease of $6.6 million from the amount received in FY 2015. Congress approved a short term extension to the current transportation authorization through May 2015. All indications are the full reauthorization will provide less funding for VRE’s FY 2016 than was provided in FY 2015. 2. Fare revenue is budgeted at $37.3 million with no fare increase. Ridership is estimated at 19,600 ADR with service at the current level of 34 daily trains (32 revenue trains); with a full year of the Fredericksburg line train. Average daily ridership in FY 2014 was 18,119. Staff continues to monitor the impact of the reduced federal transit benefit on VRE ridership and revenue. The last increase to fare revenue was 4% in FY 2014. 3. In FY 2015, a Fredericksburg line train was budgeted for nine months. In FY 2016, the train is budgeted for the remaining three months. The assumption is that current legacy cars will be available to start the service, with new railcars to be put in service in FY 2017. The current cost for this train for the additional three months is cost-neutral, as the FY 2015 budget had funding for leased railcars which was not spent and covers the cost of the additional three months of service. 4. Commonwealth formula funding for operations of $9.0 million was received in FY 2015. As noted above, the State may further revise the FY 2015 SYIP and the award may be less. In light of this, operating funds are reduced to $8.7 million in FY 2016. 5. Commonwealth capital funding is currently projected at a match rate of either 16% of the total costs, if federal funding is available at the 80% match rate or one of the three funding tiers of 68%, 34% or 17% of gross project costs, regardless of the amounts of federal funding assigned to the project. The most significant state capital funding request is for the purchase of nine expansion rail cars, which is based on first tier state funding of 68% or $16.1 million. Since the remaining projects have an 80% federal match, state funding is estimated at 16%, with the minimum local contribution of 4%. Additionally, the fiscal cliff after FY 2018 remains an issue. Staff will continue to monitor the situation. 6. For the FY 2015 budget, DRPT allowed VRE to apply for multiyear agreements for track access fee reimbursement. For FY 2016, reimbursements are currently being estimated at a level similar to FY 2015, with an 84% combined rate for both federal STP funds allocated through the state and a state capital match. 7. For FY 2016 capital needs have been identified and prioritized and funding sources and methods have been considered within the available federal formula funds and existing CMAQ applications. The multi-year CIP will also include needed unfunded projects as well. The largest capital expense is completing the order of 14 expansion railcars with federal and state assistance in the amount of $23.6 million. An annual capital reserve contribution of $3 million is recommended. The last call for projects for NVTA funding covered awards to be made for both FY 2015 and FY 2016, so no additional projects will be listed for FY 2016 beyond those already submitted for funding. 8. Contract increases in access fee expenses of 4% will occur for CSX. Norfolk Southern and Amtrak contract increases are based on changes to the AAR, a nationally published index of railroad costs. Currently, Norfolk Southern and Amtrak increases are budgeted at 5%. The bulk of the Keolis contract costs increase by the annual change to the CPI. 9. Fuel expenses of $5.7 million are budgeted based on a per gallon cost of $3.50. Because the cost of fuel also impacts the fuel tax revenue which many of the jurisdictions use as the source of funding for the VRE subsidy, a revised fuel tax projection for the PRTC jurisdictions will be prepared in the fall. 10. VRE staff recommends adding five FTE employees to various departments. As VRE has grown in size and complexity and as external regulatory and performance requirements have increased, staff resources have not kept pace. The additional recommended positions are as follows: • • • • • Budget and Finance – Financial Analyst Procurement and Contract Administration – Senior Contract Specialist Communication and Information Technology – Senior Manager of IT Safety and Security – Security Specialist Program Development – Project Planner More detail on these positions will be provided as part of the presentation at the Board meeting. The preliminary cost of the five positions is $585k. The budget also includes funds for the rental of supplementary office space. An additional three FTE employees are recommended in Equipment Operations to replace current contract positions. This change will be cost neutral. • • • Manager of Warehouse and Inventory Inventory Control Administrator Inventory Control Specialist The major significant changes in the FY 2016 proposed budget compared to the adopted FY 2015 budget are as follows, including those issues discussed in more detail above: Revenue: • $400k increase in Fare Revenue due to a combination of projected level ridership on current trains and the addition of a full year of the Fredericksburg line train • $4.6M decrease in Other Sources. Budget includes $945k of one-time funds from the FY 2014 surplus for the local match for the nine railcars. • $3.6 million decrease in federal and state subsidies. Total budget of $33.8 million is broken out as follows: o $8.5 million decrease in federal and $5.5 million increase in state subsidies for capital projects, including Rolling Stock (nine railcars), Facilities Infrastructure, Equipment Storage, second platform for Lorton, HEP Overhauls, and Equipment Life Cycle Maintenance • Program. The large increase in State funding is directly related to the acquisition of the nine railcars, as noted above o $1.6 million decrease in the state operating subsidy to reflect a slight decrease to the FY 2015 award of $9.0 million o $519k increase in the state and $707k increase in the federal subsidy for access fees due primarily to the additional three months of the Fredericksburg line train and AAR/CPI increases o $240k decrease in State Step-Up ticket assistance (no further grant funds available) $1.2 million decrease in use of reserves. $2.0 million was budgeted in FY 2015 for potential mobilization costs associated with the operations and maintenance contract. In FY 2016 funding, reserves from prior years are used for $840k of one-time operating expenses. Operating and capital expenses: • $1.9 million decrease in combined costs for insurance/contribution to reserve/mobilization based on the overall increase to the size of the budget between the two budget years offset by the deleted mobilization costs • $445k decrease in Passenger Support Services (PSS) as the department has been merged with Operations and Communications, which has a $436k increase • $633k increase in Program Development due to implementation of the System Plan • $622k increase in Facilities Maintenance due to the addition of the Spotsylvania station, contractual cost increases, and additional office space costs in Alexandria • $139k net decrease to the Equipment Operations budget. Repairs and Maintenance increased by $775k due to the ongoing license fees and other operating costs associated with the required implementation of Positive Train Control (PTC). These costs were offset by $821k in savings compared to the FY 2015 budget because the decision was made not to lease rail cars for the additional Fredericksburg line train. An increase of $589k to the Amtrak budget is for mid-day services, pending the outcome of discussions on the new contract. • $1.2 million increase to the Train Operations/Maintenance of Equipment budget, including both the contractual increase based on the change to the CPI, the new maintenance service contract and the addition of the final three months budget for the six car Fredericksburg train • $1.1 million increase in track access (Amtrak, CSX, and NS) due to contractual obligations and the full year cost of the six car Fredericksburg train • $8.2 million decrease in capital projects. Total capital budget is projected at $38.2 million. Projects include: o $6.9 million for facilities infrastructure o $23.6 million for rolling stock – nine railcars o $1.9 million for equipment storage o $2.6 million for equipment life cycle maintenance o $100k for security enhancements o $100k for transit enhancements o $3.0 million for the second year of a recommended annual contribution to the capital reserve FISCAL IMPACT – FY 2016 BUDGET: Additional draft budgets will be formulated during the fall and reviewed with the CAO Budget Task Force resulting in a balanced budget by December 2015. Attached are the following: • • • FY 2016 Key Budget Issues FY 2016 Sources and Use FY 2016 Summary Budget Virginia Railway Express Operations Board Resolution 9A-09-2014 Referral of Preliminary FY 2016 VRE Operating and Capital Budget to the Commissions WHEREAS, the VRE Master Agreement requires the Commissions be presented with a preliminary fiscal year budget for consideration at their respective September meetings prior to the commencement of the subject fiscal year; and, WHEREAS, the VRE Chief Executive Officer has provided the VRE Operations Board with the preliminary FY 2016 Operating and Capital Budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the VRE Operations Board refers the preliminary FY 2016 VRE Operating and Capital Budget to the Commissions for their consideration; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, the VRE Operations Board recommends that the budget be forwarded to the jurisdictions for further formal review and comment; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, VRE staff is directed to consider and address comments by the jurisdictions and to forward a final recommended budget to the VRE Operations Board at the December 2014 meeting for consideration and referral to the Commissions for adoption in January 2015. Approved this 19th day of September 2014 ____________________________ Gary Skinner Secretary _______________________________ Paul Milde Chairman FY 2016 Key Budget Issues The key issues described below apply to the development of the FY 2016 Budget and CIP and to the six-year financial plan, which provides a consolidated financial projection over a multi-year time frame. Key Issue #1: Level of service: Some trains are at or over 100% capacity and the addition of the Spotsylvania station and parking facility will result in increased ridership. An additional Fredericksburg train scheduled to begin service in FY 2015 was added in order to mitigate the overcrowding and the capacity issues at stations further up the line to some extent; the full year cost of this additional service will be included in the FY 2016 operating budget. A plan to purchase 14 expansion railcars was approved by the Operations Board in January 2014. The first five cars were funded in the FY 2015 Budget with the intention of including the remaining nine cars in FY 2016. The additional cars along with related infrastructure improvements to stations and storage yards will allow for the lengthening of existing peak trains and the conversion of a “deadhead” train on the Manassas line to revenue service after FY 2016. Key Issue #2: Maintenance of VRE Assets: Federal formula funds devoted to maintaining transit assets in a “State of Good Repair” are expected to provide the ongoing capital cost of maintaining VRE assets over their life-cycle. The federal priority under MAP-21 of maintaining transit systems in a “State of Good Repair” has been included in the current versions of the next transportation authorization. So long as the formula funding available to VRE continues at the projected level (see information on federal funding below) the funds to adequately maintain equipment and facilities will be available from this source. An asset management strategy for facilities will be completed during FY 2015, which will be used to refine the costs included in the FY 2016 Budget and CIP. In accordance with the already completed asset management strategy for VRE’s rolling stock, construction of the new maintenance facility will be finished during FY 2016 and the costs of the life-cycle maintenance program for equipment will continue to be reflected in the CIP. Key Issue #3: Contract renewal with Amtrak: VRE’s current five-year contract with Amtrak expires at the end of FY 2015. Discussions have begun on the new contract with Amtrak which will be reflected in the FY 2016 operating budget and CIP. The new contract will incorporate the requirements of the Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act (PRIIA) for the calculation of access fees. (This change will actually be implemented in October 2014 for the last year of the current contract). The cost of mid-day storage at Ivy City will be part of the negotiation of the new contract. In addition, funding for the development of alternative storage sites for VRE equipment will be incorporated into the FY 2016 Budget and CIP and the six-year financial plan. Key Issue #4: Capital improvements to support the VRE System Plan: Capital improvements needed to meet the expected demand for VRE service and to increase railroad infrastructure capacity in the VRE service territory require the identification and commitment of funds beyond those currently available to VRE. During FY 2014 the Operations Board and Commissions endorsed the VRE System Plan, which provides for the logical, incremental expansion of VRE infrastructure and service. The improvements needed for Phase 1 of the Plan were linked to the CIP for the period FY 2015 through FY 2020. Although funding was identified for a number of these improvements, many other projects were left unfunded. In addition, the creation of a schedule for the construction of a third mainline track in the CSX territory may increase the need for additional funding sources within the six-year CIP currently under development. This issue will be addressed in more detail at a Capital Committee meeting in September. A financial planning effort related to the VRE System Plan will be included in this discussion. NVTA regional funding is available on a discretionary basis for certain VRE capital projects, but only for those located within the NVTA jurisdictions, which has created an imbalance of funding sources within VRE. Key Issue #5: Capital reserve: VRE needs to develop a target level for the capital reserve. For the last several years, VRE has maintained a capital reserve in order to take advantage of discretionary state and federal grants that require a local match; to fund smaller capital projects and/or those for which grant funds are unavailable; and to benefit from the cost efficiencies of early advancement of certain projects. Prior to FY 2015, the capital reserve was funded solely through surplus funds at year-end and proceeds from the sale of older rolling stock. The FY 2015 budget and six-year forecast included an annual contribution from current revenue of $3 million in order to provide a larger and more stable source of funds for the current purposes and to provide funding to advance complex system investments beyond Phase 1 of the System Plan. The $3 million annual contribution level was pegged, in part, to the additional funds available from the retirement of the outstanding taxexempt bonds, with the understanding that a target level for the capital reserve would be developed based on the further refinement of the System Plan. Key Issue #6: VRE staffing and office space: VRE needs the staff resources necessary to operate and administer the commuter rail system safely, efficiently and in compliance with all federal and state requirements. Since inception, the administration and oversight of the commuter rail system has been accomplished by a relatively small permanent staff, supplemented at times with assistance on a contract or temporary basis. As the system itself has grown and developed, along with internal and external requirements, the staff level has not kept pace. As a result, the FY 2016 budget is expected to include the need for additional staff resources, along with the need for additional office space since the current offices in Alexandria are fully utilized. Early implementation of some of the proposals may be requested at budget adoption in December. Key Issue #7: Jurisdictional subsidy: The VRE service must be supported within the confines of jurisdictional budget constraints. Subsidy increases or decreases in FY 2016 and future years will be evaluated based on system requirements, changes to state and federal funding levels and the jurisdiction’s ability to contribute using fuel tax revenue or other sources of funding. The FY 2015 six-year financial forecast projected a subsidy increase for FY 2016. However, VRE will work with jurisdictional staff on formulating future subsidy levels and will make every effort to identify alternative sources of funding. Key Issue #8: Fare increases: An appropriate balance is needed between the levels of service necessary to meet customer needs and competitive pricing for that service. VRE has had two fare increases in the last five fiscal years (FY 2013 and FY 2014). These have been necessary to maintain the level of service without being excessive in cost to the rider. Fare increases will be evaluated as the budget process continues, with consideration given to market factors, system funding needs, commuter benefit levels, comparison to relevant indices, and a preference for biennial increases. The FY 2015 six-year financial forecast projected a fare increase for FY 2016. In the event a fare increase is warranted, staff will attempt to hold the increase to 5% or less. 84,802,020 Total Expenses (Subtotal) *Other source is from the FY14 surplus TOTAL CMAQ Summary CMAQ Capital Project Summary Capital Reserve Contribution Security Enhancements Transit Enhancements Rolling Stock (Nine Railcars)* Equipment Storage Life Cycle Maintenance Facilities Infrastructure 123,003,020 0 0 0 38,201,000 6,945,000 0 0 23,625,000 1,881,000 2,550,000 0 100,000 100,000 0 3,000,000 7,402,870 Non-Operating Summary Capital Projects: 688,000 1,931,357 110,442 4,673,071 77,399,150 USES OF FUNDS 34 trains Operating Reserve Debt Svc (Gallery IV) (11 Cabcars) Debt Svc 60 Railcars (Local) Debt Svc 60 Railcars (Fed/State/Local) Non-Operating Expenses: Operating Expenses LEVEL OF SERVICE FOR FY16 37,300,000 0 0 37,300,000 0 37,300,000 FARE INCOME FY15 subsidy surplus (deficit) 20,000 0 0 20,000 0 20,000 INTEREST 165,000 0 0 165,000 0 165,000 MISC 19,600 average daily riders 16,428,800 (3,931,409) 20,360,209 0 0 0 3,463,040 277,800 0 0 0 75,240 102,000 0 4,000 4,000 0 3,000,000 16,897,169 1,062,619 688,000 77,254 110,442 186,923 15,834,550 LOCAL SUBSIDY 1,785,000 0 945,000 0 945,000 840,000 8,700,000 0 0 8,700,000 0 8,700,000 22,144,968 0 0 0 17,917,160 1,111,200 0 0 16,065,000 300,960 408,000 0 16,000 16,000 0 4,227,808 Program 1,931,357 16,690,000 110,442 4,673,071 300,000 350,000 24,054,870 38,201,000 62,255,870 10,848,500 0 0 10,848,500 5337 5307 5337 Funding 5337 SSTP/State 21,679,342 0 0 0 15,875,800 5,556,000 0 0 6,615,000 1,504,800 2,040,000 0 80,000 80,000 5,803,542 5,283,542 3,738,457 520,000 5307/5337 747,691 0 10,848,500 STATE STP 1,545,086 1,056,708 6,390,000 3,340,000 6,960,000 16,690,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,875,800 32,527,842 Federal Amt 1,545,086 10,848,500 3,738,457 240,000 280,000 OTHER |----------------FEDERAL------------------| Amtrak NS CSX Total 309,017 3,171,100 STATE CAPITAL Soft Capital Projects Debt Service 11 Cabcars Access lease funding Local only Debt Service 60 Railcars Fed/State/Lo Debt Service 60 Railcars Grant & Project Management Grant & Project Management Subtotal Capital Projects/Earmarks Federal Cap Program 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OTHER OTHER STATE SOURCES SOURCES OPERATING 840,000 16,690,000 16,690,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS |-----------------STATE -----------------| Total Access Fees Leases FY16 Sources and Use 0 0 State Amt 309,017 3,171,100 747,691 4,227,808 17,917,160 22,144,968 123,003,020 - 38,201,000 6,945,000 0 0 23,625,000 1,881,000 2,550,000 0 100,000 100,000 0 3,000,000 84,802,020 7,402,870 688,000 1,931,357 110,442 4,673,071 77,399,150 TOTAL FY16 Summary Proposed Budget GL Account FY15 Operating FY15 Capital FY16 Operating FY16 Capital Changes % Chg Revenue: Fare Revenue Miscellaneous Revenue Jurisdictional Subsidy Other Sources Federal/State Subsidy Operating/Capital Reserves Interest Income 36,900,000 165,000 12,305,000 30,194,301 2,000,000 15,300 Total Revenue 81,579,601 4,123,800 5,508,800 36,777,400 - 46,410,000 37,300,000 165,000 12,965,760 29,579,851 840,000 20,000 80,870,611 3,463,040 945,000 33,792,960 - 38,201,000 400,000 (4,563,800) (3,598,890) (1,160,000) 4,700 1% 0% 0% -83% -5% -58% 31% (8,917,990) Operating/Non-Operating Expenses: Insurance/Reserve/Mobilization Executive Management Passenger Support Services Chief of Staff/Public Affairs Marketing Program Development Operations and Communications Budget and Finance Communication and Information Technology Engineering and Construction Facilities Maintenance Procurement Equipment Operations Safety, Security, and Emergency Preparedness PRTC NVTC Train Operations/Maintenance of Equipment Amtrak Amtrak Access Fees Norfolk Southern Access Fees CSX Access Fees 8,136,152 887,000 445,100 441,000 450,000 950,125 1,611,250 2,808,500 1,159,500 844,500 3,695,000 353,500 11,836,250 586,300 104,000 80,000 20,241,112 4,582,942 6,000,000 3,210,000 6,392,500 Total Operating/Non-Operating Expenses 74,814,731 6,224,000 1,070,000 565,000 426,200 1,583,000 2,047,250 3,116,000 1,537,000 723,800 4,316,900 459,000 11,697,500 830,500 104,000 80,000 21,395,000 5,172,000 6,390,000 3,340,000 6,960,000 - CIP Expenditures Debt Service/Allowance for Doubtful Accts 6,764,870 Total CIP and Other Expenditures 6,764,870 46,410,000 81,579,601 46,410,000 Grand Total Expenses Difference by Fund Total Difference 78,037,150 46,410,000 - - 38,201,000 (8,209,000) - 6,764,870 38,201,000 (8,209,000) 84,802,020 38,201,000 (4,986,581) 6,764,870 - (1,912,152) 183,000 (445,100) 124,000 (23,800) 632,875 436,000 307,500 377,500 (120,700) 621,900 105,500 (138,750) 244,200 1,153,888 589,058 390,000 130,000 567,500 3,222,419 (3,931,409) (3,931,409) (3,931,409) (3,931,409) -24% 21% -100% 28% -5% 67% 27% 11% 33% -14% 17% 30% -1% 42% 0% 0% 6% 13% 6% 4% 9%