Help Us Brand NC! Brand North Carolina is seeking the participation of North Carolina’s most knowledgeable stakeholders—North Carolinians—to help develop the first state brand for the State of North Carolina. How can you join in this important and historic effort? C E B A Creative Expression Contest Submit photography, art, or anything that captures “What North Carolina Means to You” for the chance to win $2000! Upload at Brand Ambassador Program Apply to represent your county as a brand ambassador today to help spread the word about this important project! Apply at /s/NCBrandAmbassadors C C C V Case Competition Core Values Survey Register your team today for the chance win $5000 and present your brand strategy live at our state capital! Register at /s/brandNCcasecompregistration Fill out the North Carolina Core Value Survey today to tell us what you believe are North Carolina’s enduring core values! Go to /s/NC_Core_Values More information at: 919-962-3156 ││ │ @BrandNCProject the brand N C project brandNC is hosting a Brand Strategy Case Competition to assemble well reasoned arguments and recommendations that build a business case for a new North Carolina state brand. We invite everyone to participate. The competition is open to anyone -- teams of students, as well as teams of professionals and other individuals who wish to compete. No limit on number of competitors per team. $5,000 First Place Team Prize REGISTRATION Register now! Complete the form at the following link: Register now to participate. SEMI-FINALS A 15 minute video submission and presentation deck (PowerPoint or Prezi) addressing the focus of the contest -create a credible and authentic brand for North Carolina -- for each team is due on April 7th, 2014. IMPORTANT DATES Team Registration Now! Starting March 21st Case Information Sent to Registered Teams April 7th Video and PowerPoint Deck Submissions Due By 9 A.M. April 8th Finalist Teams Announced April 12th Live Finals in Raleigh FINALS Select teams will be invited to the final live round of the competition in Raleigh during the morning of April 12th. A reception for the finalist teams will occur during the afternoon of April 12th following the morning competition. April 12th Winners Announced at Brand Strategy Case Competition Reception in Raleigh PRIZES First place winners will receive $5,000 for the team and a trophy for their organization. The second place team will receive $1,000 and a plaque. All finalist teams that compete will receive certificates to award their contributions. brandNC is commissioned by the North Carolina Department of Commerce and the Office of the Governor to create a brand identity for the State of North Carolina crafted by North Carolinians. Join the challenge! To get involved, visit: or CONTACT phone: 1.919.962.3156 e-mail: web: @BrandNCProject 4520 McColl Building │ Kenan-Flagler Business School │ University of North Carolina │ Chapel Hill, NC │ 27599-3490