[YOUR NAME] [date]

[Name and address of copyright owner indicated in copyright notice]
Re: Request for Permission To Use Copyrighted Material
I am writing to request permission to use a work [or, portion of a work] in my school
production project. It is my understanding that you or your company own(s) the copyright to
the work I wish to use. Below is a description of the work and my intended use:
[title of work] by [author, editor, photographer, etc.] which was copyrighted
(published) in _____ . [If we are talking about a photograph where the name of the
photographer is not apparent, describe exactly where it appears. If we have an extra copy of
the photo and cannot describe it any other way, send the extra copy. There must be no
uncertainty about what we have been given permission to duplicate.]
The exact material to be used from the work is [list exact page/paragraph numbers,
text, photograph, film clip, and the context if possible – they’ll want to know if it is a favorable
or critical treatment – and how much of the content is to be used]. The material will be used
and displayed in the following format: (e.g., photocopies, typeset, digitized, film, video, etc.)
The copies will be used (describe how they will be used for [ describe
project/production – don’t hide the ball, disclose possible commercial distribution of production
if that is a possibility.]
Thank you for considering this request. We would be grateful if you would respond by
completing the attached form and mailing it to me at:
[address] Wilmington, NC ______.
If you need further information or have additional questions, you can contact me at (910)
___-_____ or by email at _________________.