Little Cardinals Volleyball Camp When: Where: Cost: Grades 1st – 3rd Grades 4th-­‐6th June 13th – 16th Eudora High School $35 ($15 for additional sibling) 9:00 – 10:15 am 10:30 – 11:45 am (Please sign up your child for their 2016-­‐2017 grade level) Join the Eudora High School Coaching Staff along with present high school players, as they instruct campers on volleyball fundamentals. Ranging from passing, setting, serving, hitting and teamwork in a fun, positive learning environment. Email Coach Cleveland for questions: **Please Note: Register by May 30th to receive t-­‐shirt at camp. Registration @ Door may delay t-­‐shirt delivery. Name: ____________________________________________________________________ 2016-­‐2017 Grade: ___________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________ Parent / Guardian: ______________________________________________________ T-­‐Shirt Size: YS YM YL S M L XL WAIVER OF LIABILITY FORM This form must be signed by every participant’s parent / legal guardian before they are permitted to participate. I hereby discharge, waive and release EHS Coaches, Staff & USD 491, the owners of the facility which injury or damage to myself and my child may occur by virtue of, or arising out of, or in connection with any participation and any of the activities of the Lady Cardinal Volleyball Camp. By executing the document, I hereby acknowledge that volleyball is a sport in which serious injury and/or death may be possible outcome of participation or attendance, and I hereby assume, and/or assume on behalf of my child may be exposed. I ACHNOWLEDGE, THAT I HAVE READ AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THIS RELEASE OF LIABILITY WAIVER FORM AND SIGN IT WILLINGLY. Parent / Guardian ________________________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________ Please sign and make checks payable to Mallorie Cleveland Send registration & payment to: Mallorie Cleveland 903 Maple Eudora, KS 66025 785-­‐979-­‐5682