Proving Their Worth: Putting Your Assessment in Motion BACCHUS General Assembly 2011 Aimee Hourigan, As a result of participating in CROSSSROADS programs and services, students will be able to: 1. Reduce high-risk drinking and drug behaviors and associated consequences, including delaying initiation of use. 2. Demonstrate awareness of protective strategies to reduce risk from drinking 3. Accurately identify normative behaviors about their peers. 4. Participate in the creation of a campus environment that is healthy and respectful of how drinking and drug use impacts fellow students. 5. Effectively deliver programs to target populations, such as fellow college students or high school students. CROSSROADS Peer Educators will: 1. Develop a working knowledge of alcohol & drug effects and protective strategies to reduce risks related to their use 2. Accurately identify and explain campus social norms 3. Effectively deliver programs to target populations 4. Improve problem-solving, public speaking, communication, listening, referral, and conflict resolution skills 5. Reduce their own high-risk drinking behaviors and related consequences CROSSROADS Peer Educators Pre/Post-Training Assessment How many semesters have you worked for CROSSROADS? 1. What are three signs of alcohol poisoning? __ vomiting __ cool skin __ unconscious/unresponsive __ foaming at the mouth __ slow breathing 2. Oxycontin and Vicodin are chemically the same as what street drug? __cocaine 3. Mixing energy drinks and alcohol increases your risk of… (check all that apply) __ dehydration __ vomiting __ alcohol poisoning __meth __ fever __heroin __ none of the above 4. Which of these strategies is most effective in reducing the number of negative consequences? __ eat a full meal before drinking ___ avoid drinking games __ stay with your friends 5. Which of these do NOT increase your risk of a blackout? __ pre-gaming __ drinking games __ drinking 10 drinks in 3 hours __ drinking on an empty stomach 6. How many days after quitting smoking does it take for the nicotine to have fully left your body? __one day __two days __three days 7. What percentage of UNCW students do not drink? __ 10% __ 15% __ 20% __four days __25% __ 30% 8. What percentage of UNCW students have NOT used marijuana in the last month? __35% __50% __75% __85% 9. What percentage of UNCW students support the perimeter smoking policy? __50% __75% __85% __35% 10. According to the Social Ecological Framework, the person, their behavior, and ________ impact each other. __ social norms ___ the environment __ Peer Educators __ their friends 11. Why does space and pace work? 12. Name three campus resources available to students who want to quit smoking. 13. What are three warning signs of addiction? 14. What website is the best resource for information and statistics on any drug? 15. What was the best part of training? From what did you learn the most? 16. What else do you need training? What topics would you like to know more about? CROSSROADS Peer Educators Mid-Year Evaluation Please rate your current level of comfort and experience with these activities or skills, with 1 being very uncomfortable and 5 being very comfortable: ____Public speaking ____Facilitating discussion about alcohol or drug use for student groups ____Planning a program or event ____ Organizational skills ____Talking with someone individually/in a small group about alcohol or drug use ____Working with other students to achieve common goals ____Dealing with disagreements or conflicts with other people ____Managing my time/balancing academics, work, and other priorities ____Discussing the role of media and marketing in college drinking ____Confronting a friend who might have an alcohol or drug addiction ____Advising someone else on how to confront a friend ____Identifying the appropriate campus resource to refer someone ____Understanding someone else’s perspective when their opinion/values are different from mine ____ Being a role model for other students ____ Asking for help when I need it What have you learned from your position this semester? What are your goals for next semester? CROSSROADS Peer Educators End of Year Evaluation (same content questions as the pre/post training evaluation) As a result of my CROSSROADS Peer Educator position, I have increased my skills in… (5 strongly agree 4 agree 3 neither agree nor disagree 2 disagree 1 strongly disagree) Facilitating discussion about alcohol or drug use Identifying the appropriate campus resource to refer Planning a program or event someone Talking with someone individually/in a small group Understanding someone else’s perspective when their about alcohol or drug use opinion/values are different from mine Working with other students to achieve common goals Being a role model for other students (teamwork) Asking for help when I need it Managing my time/balancing academics, work, and Public speaking other priorities Organizational skills Discussing the role of media and marketing in college Creativity drinking Leadership Confronting a friend who might have an alcohol or drug Motivating/inspiring others addiction Problem-solving Advising someone else on how to confront a friend Empathy and active listening Cultural/gender influences and self-awareness As a result of my CROSSROADS Peer Educator position, I have… (5 often 4 sometimes 3 rarely 2 never ) Facilitated discussion with a group of students Had my perspective on an issue challenged Planned a program or event Contributed to creating a healthy campus environment Answered a friend’s question about a drug Taken a leadership role in a group project Spoken with someone about their own or a friend’s Have more confidence speaking in class substance use Had opportunities to learn leadership skills Made a referral to a campus resource Had opportunities to practice ethical decision making Dealt with disagreements or conflicts with other people What have you learned as a result of your CROSSROADS position? What has been the biggest challenge of your CROSSROADS position? What advice would you give to new peer educators? Anything else you want us to know? Senior Exit Interviews What have you learned as a result of your CROSSROADS position? What have you learned about working with other people in this position? What have you learned about yourself as a result of your CROSSROADS position? Do you think you’ve been effective as a peer educator? How do you know? Tell me about a time when you know you had an impact on someone else or the campus. Tell me about a time when you faced an ethical dilemma as a result of your CROSSROADS position. What has been the biggest challenge of your CROSSROADS position? How has your drinking/partying behavior changed since you started this position? What advice would you give to new peer educators? Do you think you were provided adequate resources to be successful (training, supervision, financial support, etc)? What additional resources could we offer? Anything else you want us to know? Behavior Assessment 1. Think back over the last 2 weeks. How many times did you have 5 or more alcoholic drinks at a sitting? None Once Twice 3 to 5 times 6-9 times 10 or more times 2. How many drinks do you have on average when you go out/party/socialize with other students? •0 • 1-2 •3 •4 •5 • 6-7 • 8-9 • 10-14 • 15 or more 3. During the last 30 days, on how many days did you consume alcohol? 4. During the last 30 days, on how many days did you use marijuana? 0 • 1-3 • 4-6 • 7-10 • • • • • 11-15 • • 16-20 • • 21-30 30+ • • • • 5. During the LAST 30 DAYS, please indicate how often you have experienced the following due to your drinking or drug use (mark one for each line) None Once Twice 3-5 Times 6-9 Times 10+ Times a.) Had a hangover • • • • • • b.) Got into an argument or fight • • • • • • c.) Got nauseated or vomited • • • • • • d.) Driven a car while under the influence e.) Missed a class f.) Had a memory loss g.) Said or did something I later regretted h.) Tried unsuccessfully to stop using i.) Seriously thought about suicide j.) Been hurt or injured k.) Had unplanned sex l.) Failed to use safe sex practice m.) Played drinking games 6. During the last year, when you socialized/went out /partied, how often did you … Never Rarely Sometimes a.)Choose not to drink alcohol • • • b.)Alternate non-alcoholic with alcoholic beverages • • • c.)Determine, in advance, not to exceed a set number of drinks • • • d.) Watch out for friends who may have had too much alcohol • • • e.)Use a designated driver • • • f.)Eat a full meal before drinking • • • g.)Keep track of how many drinks you were having • • • h.)Pace your drinks to 1 or fewer drinks per hour • • • i.) Rode with a driver who had been drinking • • • j.)Avoid drinking games • • • k.) Calculate your Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) • • • l.) Mix alcohol and energy drinks (Red Bull & Vodka, Sparks, etc) • • • Usually • • • • • • • • • • • • Always • • • • • • • • • • • • UNI “He Drinks, She Drinks” Rubric 2011 Presenter: Facilitation skills o o o o o o Body language o o o o Non-judgmental approach o o Date: Poor Asks yes/no questions Asks questions that are too long or too complicated Doesn’t wait for class to think/answer Doesn’t repeat students’ answers Speaks too quietly Reads from outline o o o o o o Frowns, sighs, does not o seem interested Stands behind table or o podium o Looks at outline while students are answering Talks or sends texts during video Shows strong reactions to audience Laughs or makes fun o o o Content Knowledge o o o o Compliments Suggestions Provides inaccurate information Does not ask for help when needed Looks at notes constantly Seems nervous or hesitant about knowledge o o o Class time: Good Asks open-ended questions Gives class time to think/answer Re-phrases questions as needed Repeats students’ answers Maintains audience’s attention Explains content (signs/symptoms, protective strategies, etc) Observer: o o o o o Smiles, nods, seems interested Stands close to the class Looks at students when they talk o Shows appropriate facial expressions Allows students to finish thoughts and express opinions Responds positively to all comments o Provides accurate information Says “I don’t know” when appropriate Answers most typical questions without looking at notes o o o o o o Great Summarizes answers Makes connections to other students’ answers, video, previous discussion, etc Asks relevant follow up questions Asks follow-up questions which generate additional responses from audience Engages audience by asking questions to explain content Demonstrates “good” behaviors and… Shows enthusiasm for the discussion and CROSSROADS Shows confidence, seems at ease in front of audience Uses inclusive language (nondrinkers, partner) Provides reasoned response or explanation Focuses on positive or accurate statements from students Seems confident in knowledge Seems comfortable responding to unusual questions