UNCW UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2011-2012 CATALOGUE B.S. Statistics (STT) College: Arts & Sciences DEGREE REQUIREMENTS Course requirements for all UNCW degrees include: (1) University Studies, (2) specific major requirements, and (3) sufficient elective hours for a combined total of a minimum of 124 hours. (1) UNIVERSITY STUDIES See University Studies sheet and/or information on the web at http://www.uncw.edu/uc/basic/basic.html (2) MAJOR REQUIREMENTS - STT (Minimum 45 or 47 hours) Core Courses: (27 or 29 hours) _____+MAT 161 and 162 or +MAT 151 and 152 _____+STT 215 _____ STT 305 _____ STT 315 _____ STT 350 _____ STT 411 _____ STT 412 _____ STT 490 or STT 498 Calculus with Analytical Geometry (4, 4) Prerequisite: MAT 112 or 115 or equivalent Basic Calculus with Applications (3, 3) Prerequisite for 151: MAT 111 or 115 or equivalent preparation in algebra; Prerequisite for 152: MAT 112 or 115 or the equivalent preparation in algebra and trigonometry Intro to Statistics (3) Prereq: Satisfactory performance on the UNCW math test or MAT 105 Statistical Programming (3) Prerequisite: STT 215 or equivalent (Meets Computer Competency Requirement) Probability and Statistics (3) Prerequisites: STT 215 and MAT 152 or 162 Survey Sampling (3) Prerequisite: An introductory statistic course from any department (511) Design of Experiments and Analysis of Variance (3) Prereq: Any elementary STT course (512) Applied Regression and Correlation (3) Prerequisite: Any elementary STT course Case Studies in Statistical Consulting (3) Prerequisites: At least 9 hrs of STT courses numbered 300 or higher and consent of instructor Internship in Statistics (3) Prerequisites: Overall GPA of at least 2.50, GPA in STT courses at least 2.80, and at least 9 hrs of STT courses numbered 300 or higher (Meets Oral Communication Competency and Applied Learning Requirements) Elective Courses: (18 hours) _____ STT_____ Choose two of the following courses: STT 420, 425, 430, 435, 465, 475 _____ STT_____ _____ STT_____ Choose 12 hours of collateral coursework in a substantive area of statistical or mathematical _____ STT _____ theory or application, approved by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. These courses _____ STT _____ may come from different disciplines and some must contain mathematical or statistical content. _____ STT _____ NOTE: Students interested in the degree program in STT are encouraged to begin their MAT sequence with MAT 151 or 161. Initial placement is based on high school background and the MAT Placement Test. Students not prepared for MAT 151 or 161 should begin with MAT 115 or 111-112, as appropriate. An overall average of “C” (2.00) or better is required for all 300-400 level STT courses counted toward the major. + May also be used to satisfy University Studies requirements (3) ELECTIVES _____ Elective hours to equal a minimum of 124 hours Requirements to declare STT: Completion of 24 hours For further information, see the MAT website: http://www.uncw.edu/math and http://uncw.edu/catalogue/undergraduate%201112/Undergraduate%20Catalogue%20Master%20Word.pdf#page=149. 5/4/11 MATHEMATICS and STATISTICS COURSES MAT 101-102 MAT 105 MAT 111 MAT 112 MAT 115 MAT 141-142 MAT 151-152 MAT 161-162 MAT 243 MAT 261 MAT 275 MAT 311 MAT 321 MAT 325 MAT 335 MAT 336 MAT 337 MAT 345 MAT 346 MAT 361 MAT 365 MAT 367 MAT 375 MAT 395 MAT 411-412 MAT 415 MAT 418-419 MAT 421 MAT 425 MAT 435 MAT 436 MAT 451 MAT 457 MAT 463 MAT 465 MAT 471 MAT 475 MAT 481 MAT 491 MAT 495 MAT 498 MAT 499 Mathematics for Liberal Arts: A Contemporary-Classical Approach (3-3) Math Study Skills and Algebra Review (1) Prerequisite: Performance on the UNCW Math Placement Test College Algebra (3) Prerequisite: Satisfactory performance on the UNCW Math Placement Test Trigonometry (3) Prerequisite: MAT 111 or satisfactory performance on the UNCW Math Placement Test Precalculus (3) Prerequisite: Satisfactory performance in the UNCW Math Placement Test Concepts of Mathematics (3-3) Prerequisite: Performance in the UNCW Math Placement Test or MAT 105 Basic Calculus with Applications (3-3) Prerequisites: MAT 111 or 115 for 151; MAT 112 or 115 and 151 for 152 Calculus with Analytic Geometry (4-4) Prerequisite: MAT 112 or 115 or equivalent preparation Concepts and Applications of Discrete Mathematics (3) Prerequisites: MAT 142 and MAT 151 or MAT 161 Multivariate Calculus (4) Prerequisite: MAT 162 Axiomatic Systems (3) Prerequisite: MAT 152 or 161 Intermediate Analysis (3) Prerequisites: MAT 261 and 275 Number Theory and Its Applications (3) Prerequisite: MAT 275 or CSC 133 (CSC 325) Numerical Algorithms (3) Prerequisite: CSC 112 or 121 and MAT 162 Linear Algebra and Matrices (3) Prerequisite: MAT 162 Abstract Algebra (3) Prerequisite: MAT 275 or consent of instructor Applied Abstract Algebra (3) Prerequisites: MAT 335 and 336 Modern College Geometry (3) Prerequisite: MAT 275 or consent of instructor Historical Development of Mathematics (3) Corequisite: MAT 275 or consent of instructor Differential Equations (3) Prerequisite: MAT 261 Vector Calculus (3) Prerequisites: MAT 261 and 335 Principles in Applied Mathematics (3) Prerequisite: MAT 261; MAT 335 recommended Combinatorics (3) Prerequisite: MAT 275 or CSC 133 Problem Solving in Mathematics (1) Prerequisite: MAT 261 (511-512) Real Analysis (3-3) Prerequisite: MAT 311 and 335 (515) Introduction to Complex Variables (3) Prerequisites: MAT 311 and 367 or 411 (518-519) Applied Analytical Methods (3-3) Prerequisites: MAT 361 and 367 (521) Number Theory I (3) Prerequisite: MAT 336 (525) Numerical Analysis (3) Prerequisites: MAT 325, 335, and 361 (535) Linear Programming (3) Prerequisites: CSC 112 or 121 and MAT 335 (536) Discrete Optimization (3) Prerequisite: MAT 435 (551) Topology I (3) Prerequisites: MAT 275 and 336 (557) Differential Geometry (3) Prerequisite: MAT 365 or 411 (563) Ordinary Differential Equations (3) Prerequisites: MAT 335 and 361 (565; STT 465/565) Applied Probability (3) Prerequisites: MAT 261 and STT 315 Projects in Mathematical Modeling (3) Prerequisite: MAT 361 or 435 or MAT/STT 465 Topics in Mathematics (3) Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing and consent of instructor (581) Introduction to Mathematical Logic (3) Prerequisites: MAT 275 and 336 Directed Individual Study (1-3) Prerequisites: See Undergraduate Catalogue Seminar in Mathematics (3) Prerequisite: 9 semester hours of MAT courses at the 300-400 level Internship in Mathematics (1-3) Prerequisite: See Undergraduate Catalogue Honors Work in Mathematics (2-3) Prerequisite: Eligibility for honors program STT 210 STT 215 STT 305 STT 315 STT 350 STT 411 STT 412 STT 420 STT 425 STT 430 STT 435 STT 440 STT 465 STT 466-467 STT 475 STT 490 Introduction to Statistics with Applications in the Health Sciences (3) Prerequisite: MAT 111 Introduction to Statistics (3) Prerequisite: Performance in the UNCW Math Placement Test or MAT 105 Statistical Programming (3) Prerequisite: STT 215 or equivalent Probability and Statistics (3) Prerequisites: STT 215 and MAT 152 or 162 Survey Sampling (3) Prerequisite: An introductory statistics course from any department (511) Design of Experiments and Analysis of Variance (3) Prerequisite: Any elementary statistics course (512) Applied Regression and Correlation (3) Prerequisite: Any elementary statistics course (520) Biostatistical Analysis (3) Prerequisite: STT 305 or consent of instructor (525) Categorical Data Analysis (3) Prerequisite: STT 305 or consent of instructor (530) Introduction to Non-Parametric Statistics (3) Prerequisites: STT 215 and 3 hrs of STT at the 300 level (535) Applied Multivariate Analysis (3) Prerequisites: STT 315, 411 and 412 (540) Linear Models and Regression Analysis (3) Prerequisites: MAT 261, 335 and STT 315 (565; MAT 465/565) Applied Probability (3) Prerequisites: MAT 261 and STT 315 (566-567) Mathematical Statistics (3-3) Prerequisites: MAT 261 and STT 315 Topics in Statistics (3) Prerequisite: Senior standing or consent of instructor Case Studies in Statistical Consulting (3) Prerequisite: At least 9 hours in STT courses numbered 300 or higher and consent of instructor Directed Individual Study (1-3) Prerequisite: Overall GPA of at least 2.00, at least a 3.00 average on all MAT and STT courses taken, junior or senior standing, and consent of instructor, department chair, and dean Internship in Statistics (3) Prerequisite: Overall GPA of at least 2.50, GPA in STT of 2.8, and at least 9 hrs of STT 300 or higher 5/4/11 Honors Work in Statistics (2-3) Prerequisite: Eligibility for honors program STT 491 STT 498 STT 499