UNCW Valid Undergraduate Degree Programs Valid Degree(s) Valid Major(s) Valid Concentration(s)

UNCW Valid Undergraduate Degree Programs
The following degree programs are valid for the current catalog.
Valid Degree(s)
Valid Major(s)
College of Arts & Sciences - AS
Valid Concentration(s)
Anthropology - ANT
Bachelor of Arts - BA
Anthropology - ANT
Non-degree - ND
Anthropology - ANT
Social Studies Licensure - SS
Art/Art History - ART
Bachelor of Arts - BA
Art History - AHST
Studio Art - ASTU
Non-degree - ND
Art - ART
Biology & Marine Biology - BIO
Bachelor of Arts - BA
Bachelor of Science - BS
Biology - BIO
Secondary Science Licensure - TSC
Pre-Biology - PBOL
Secondary Science Licensure - TSC
Biology - BIO
Biology Terrestrial - TER
Secondary Science Licensure - TSC
Marine Biology - MBY
Marine Conservation Option - MCO
Secondary Science Licensure - TSC
Pre-Biology - PBOL
Biology Terrestrial - TER
Secondary Science Licensure - TSC
Pre-Marine Biology - PMBY
Marine Conservation Option - MCO
Secondary Science Licensure - TSC
Non-degree - ND
Biology - BIO
Pre-Biology - PBOL
Chemistry & Biochemistry - CHEM
Bachelor of Arts - BA
Chemistry - CHM
Secondary Science Licensure - TSC
Teacher Licensure - TC
Bachelor of Science - BS
Chemistry - CHM
Biochemistry Option - BCHM
General Option - GEN
Secondary Science Licensure - TSC
Teacher Licensure - TC
Non-degree - ND
Chemistry - CHM
Communication Studies - COM
Bachelor of Arts - BA
Communication Studies - COM
Pre-Communication Studies - PCOM
Non-degree - ND
Communication Studies - COM
Pre-Communication Studies - PCOM
Computer Science - CSC
Bachelor of Science - BS
Computer Science - CSC
Biology - BIO
Business - BUS
Chemistry - CHM
Digital Arts - DA
Engineering Option - EGN
Report run: 10-06-2015
Valid Degree(s)
Valid Major(s)
Valid Concentration(s)
Bachelor of Science - BS
Computer Science - CSC
Geospatial Technologies - CGIS
Neuroscience - NEU
Statistics - STT
Systems Option - SYS
Non-degree - ND
Computer Science - CSC
Pre-Computer Science - PCSC
Creative Writing - CRW
Bachelor of Fine Arts - BFA
Creative Writing - CRW
Pre-Creative Writing - PCRW
Certificate - CERT
Certificate-Publishing - CPB
Non-degree - ND
Creative Writing - CRW
Pre-Creative Writing - PCRW
English - ENGL
Bachelor of Arts - BA
English - ENG
Literary Studies Option - LSO
Professional Writing Option - PWO
Teacher Licensure - TC
Certificate - CERT
Certificate-Prof Writing - CPW
Non-degree - ND
Certificate-Prof Writing - CPW
English - ENG
Environmental Studies - EVS
Bachelor of Arts - BA
Environmental Studies - EVS
Bachelor of Science - BS
Environmental Sciences - ENV
Biology - BIO
Engineering Option - EGN
Environmental Conservation Opt - ECO
Physics - PHY
Non-degree - ND
Environmental Sciences - ENV
Environmental Studies - EVS
Film Studies - FST
Bachelor of Arts - BA
Film Studies - FST
Critical Studies - FSC
Production - FSP
Pre-Film Studies - PFST
Non-degree - ND
Film Studies - FST
Pre-Film Studies - PFST
Geography & Geology - GAG
Bachelor of Arts - BA
Geography - GGY
Applied - GAPL
Human - GHUM
Physical - GPHY
Bachelor of Science - BS
Geoscience - GEO
Secondary Science Licensure - TSC
Geology - GLY
Geology Academic - ACA
Geology Professional - PFS
Oceanography - OCN
Non-degree - ND
Certificate-Geo Info Science - GIS
Geography - GGY
Geoscience - GEO
Report run: 10-06-2015
Valid Degree(s)
Valid Major(s)
Non-degree - ND
Oceanography - OCN
Valid Concentration(s)
History - HST
Bachelor of Arts - BA
History - HST
Non-degree - ND
History - HST
Social Studies Licensure - SS
Interdisciplinary - IDS
Bachelor of Science - BS
Information Technology - INFO
Non-degree - ND
Information Technology - INFO
International Studies - INT
Bachelor of Arts - BA
International Studies - INS
Africa - AFR
Art & Literature - ALC
Asia - ASIC
Environment - ENVC
Europe - EUC
Globalization - GLC
Latin America - LAC
Middle East - MDC
Non-degree - ND
International Studies - INS
Mathematics & Statistics - MATH
Bachelor of Arts - BA
Mathematics - MAT
Teacher Licensure - TC
Bachelor of Science - BS
Mathematics - MAT
Applied - APL
Mathematics - MAT
Operations Research - OPR
Statistics - STT
Non-degree - ND
Mathematics - MAT
Music - MUS
Bachelor of Arts - BA
Music - MUS
General Option - GEN
Instrumental - INSL
Jazz & Commercial Music - JAZZ
Jazz - JZZ
Music Entrepreneurship - MENT
Music Technology - MUST
Vocal - VOCL
Pre-Music - PMUS
Bachelor of Music - BM
Music Education - MUE
Piano and Guitar - PGU
String - STR
Vocal - VOC
Wind and Percussion - WPE
Pre-Music - PMUS
Non-degree - ND
Music - MUS
Pre-Music - PMUS
Philosophy & Religion - PAR
Bachelor of Arts - BA
Philosophy and Religion - PAR
Philosophy - PHI
Religion - REL
Non-degree - ND
Report run: 10-06-2015
Philosophy and Religion - PAR
Valid Degree(s)
Valid Major(s)
Valid Concentration(s)
Physics/Physical Oceanography - PHY
Bachelor of Arts - BA
Physics - PHY
Environmental Sciences - ENV
General Option - GEN
Secondary Science Licensure - TSC
Bachelor of Science - BS
Physics - PHY
Engineering Option - EGN
General Option - GEN
Physical Oceanography - PHO
Non-degree - ND
Physics - PHY
Psychology - PSY
Bachelor of Arts - BA
Pre-Psychology - PPSY
Psychology - PSY
Non-degree - ND
Pre-Psychology - PPSY
Psychology - PSY
Public & International Affairs - PIA
Bachelor of Arts - BA
Political Science - PLS
Non-degree - ND
Political Science - PLS
Social Studies Licensure - SS
Sociology & Criminology - SOC
Bachelor of Arts - BA
Criminology - CRM
Criminal Justice - CJ
Criminology - CRM
Public Criminology - PCRM
Sociology - SOC
General Option - GEN
Public Sociology - PBS
Social Studies Licensure - SS
Non-degree - ND
Criminology - CRM
Sociology - SOC
Theatre - THR
Bachelor of Arts - BA
Theatre - THR
Customized Option (Theatre) - TCUO
Theatre Design and Technology - TDT
Theatre Performance - TPRF
Non-degree - ND
Theatre - THR
World Languages & Cultures - WLC
Bachelor of Arts - BA
French - FRH
Teacher Licensure - TC
German - GER
Spanish - SPN
Non-degree - ND
Teacher Licensure - TC
French - FRH
German - GER
Spanish - SPN
College of Arts & Science -Ext - XA
Sociology & Criminology - SOC
Bachelor of Arts - BA
Criminology - XCRM
Criminal Justice - CJ
Criminology - CRM
Public Criminology - PCRM
Non-degree - ND
Report run: 10-06-2015
Criminology - XCRM
Valid Degree(s)
School of Business - BA
Valid Major(s)
Valid Concentration(s)
Business Administration - BSB
Accountancy - ACG
Business Administration - BUS
Bachelor of Science - BS
Economics - ECN
Entrepreneurship & Bus Develop - EBD
Finance - FIN
General Option - GEN
Human Resources Mgmt - HRM
Information Systems - MIS
International Business - INT
Management & Leadership - MLD
Marketing - MKT
Marketing Professional Selling - MKTP
Marketing Strategy - MKTS
Operations Management - POM
Pre-Business Administration - PBSB
Accountancy - ACG
Economics - ECN
Entrepreneurship & Bus Develop - EBD
Finance - FIN
General Option - GEN
Human Resources Mgmt - HRM
Information Systems - MIS
International Business - INT
Management & Leadership - MLD
Marketing - MKT
Marketing Professional Selling - MKTP
Marketing Strategy - MKTS
Operations Management - POM
Non-degree - ND
Business Administration - BSB
Pre-Business Administration - PBSB
Economics & Finance - EF
Bachelor of Arts - BA
Economics - ECN
Pre-Economics - PECN
School of Business -Ext - XB
Business Administration - BUS
Bachelor of Science - BS
Non-degree - ND
Business Administration - XBSB
General Option - GEN
Pre-Business Administration - XPBS
General Option - GEN
Business Administration - XBSB
Pre-Business Administration - XPBS
College of Education - ED
Early,Elem, Middl,Literac,Spcl - EMLS
Bachelor of Arts - BA
Education of Young Children - EYC
Elementary Education - EEL
Report run: 10-06-2015
Anthropology - EANT
Valid Degree(s)
Valid Major(s)
Valid Concentration(s)
Bachelor of Arts - BA
Elementary Education - EEL
Art - EART
Behavioral Studies - EBST
Biology - EBIO
Chemistry - ECHM
Community Hlth - ECHE
Early Childhood Education - EEYC
English - EENG
English as a Second Language - EESL
Environmental Studies - EEVS
Fine Arts - EFNA
French - EFRH
Geography - EGGY
Geology - EGLY
History - EHST
International Studies - EINT
Language Arts - ELGA
Literature Studies - ELST
Marine Biology - EMBY
Math and Technology - EMTC
Mathematics - EMAT
Music - EMUS
Philosophy - EPHI
Political Science - EPLS
Psychology - EPSY
Religion - EREL
Sci Hum & Society - ESHS
Science and Health - ESCI
Social Studies - ESST
Sociology - ESOC
Spanish - ESPN
Theatre - ETHR
Middle Grades Education - EMG
Bio - Lang Arts (EMG) - EBI1
Bio - Math (EMG) - EBI2
Bio - Social Studies (EMG) - EBI4
Chm - Lang. Arts (EMG) - ECH1
Chm - Math (EMG) - ECH2
Chm - Social Studies (EMG) - ECH4
Eng - Math (EMG) - EEN2
Eng - Science (EMG) - EEN3
Eng - Social Studies (EMG) - EEN4
Evs - Lang. Arts (EMG) - EEV1
Evs - Math (EMG) - EEV2
Evs - Social Studies (EMG) - EEV4
Ggy - Lang. Arts (EMG) - EGG1
Ggy - Math (EMG) - EGG2
Report run: 10-06-2015
Valid Degree(s)
Valid Major(s)
Valid Concentration(s)
Bachelor of Arts - BA
Middle Grades Education - EMG
Ggy - Social Studies (EMG) - EGG4
Gly - Lang. Arts (EMG) - EGL1
Gly - Math (EMG) - EGL2
Gly - Social Studies (EMG) - EGL4
Hst - Lang. Arts (EMG) - EHS1
Hst - Math (EMG) - EHS2
Hst - Science (EMG) - EHS3
Lang Arts/Math (EMG) - EM43
Lang Arts/Science (EMG) - EM41
Lang Arts/Soc Studies (EMG) - EM42
Math - Lang. Arts (EMG) - EMA1
Math - Science (EMG) - EMA3
Math - Social Studies (EMG) - EMA4
Math/Lang Arts (EMG) - EM34
Math/Science (EMG) - EM31
Math/Soc Studies (EMG) - EM32
Pls - Lang. Arts (EMG) - EPL1
Pls - Math (EMG) - EPL2
Pls - Science (EMG) - EPL3
Science/Lang Arts (EMG) - EM14
Science/Math (EMG) - EM13
Science/Soc Studies (EMG) - EM12
Soc - Lang. Arts (EMG) - ESO1
Soc - Math (EMG) - ESO2
Soc - Science (EMG) - ESO3
Soc Studies - Lang. Arts (EMG) - ESS1
Soc Studies/Lang Arts (EMG) - EM24
Soc Studies/Math (EMG) - EM23
Soc Studies/Science (EMG) - EM21
Social Studies - Math (EMG) - ESS2
Social Studies - Science (EMG) - ESS3
Pre-Educ of Young Children - PEYC
Pre-Elementary - PEEL
Pre-Middle Grades - PEMG
Pre-Special Education - PSED
Special Education - SED
Adapted Curriculum Track - ADC
General Curriculum Track - GCT
Education - EDN
Non-degree - ND
Certification - CERT
Education - EDN
Education of Young Children - EYC
Elementary Education - EEL
Pre-Certification - PCRT
Elementary Education - EEL
Middle Grades Education - EMG
Special Education - SED
Report run: 10-06-2015
Valid Degree(s)
College of Education -Ext - XE
Valid Major(s)
Valid Concentration(s)
Early,Elem, Middl,Literac,Spcl - EMLS
Bachelor of Arts - BA
Education of Young Children - XEYC
Elementary Education - XEEL
Anthropology - EANT
Art - EART
Behavioral Studies - EBST
Biology - EBIO
Chemistry - ECHM
Community Hlth - ECHE
Early Childhood Education - EEYC
English - EENG
English as a Second Language - EESL
Environmental Studies - EEVS
Fine Arts - EFNA
French - EFRH
Geography - EGGY
Geology - EGLY
History - EHST
International Studies - EINT
Language Arts - ELGA
Literature Studies - ELST
Marine Biology - EMBY
Math and Technology - EMTC
Mathematics - EMAT
Music - EMUS
Philosophy - EPHI
Political Science - EPLS
Psychology - EPSY
Religion - EREL
Sci Hum & Society - ESHS
Science and Health - ESCI
Social Studies - ESST
Sociology - ESOC
Spanish - ESPN
Theatre - ETHR
Middle Grades Education - XEMG
Bio - Lang Arts (EMG) - EBI1
Bio - Math (EMG) - EBI2
Bio - Social Studies (EMG) - EBI4
Chm - Lang. Arts (EMG) - ECH1
Chm - Math (EMG) - ECH2
Chm - Social Studies (EMG) - ECH4
Eng - Math (EMG) - EEN2
Eng - Science (EMG) - EEN3
Eng - Social Studies (EMG) - EEN4
Report run: 10-06-2015
Valid Degree(s)
Valid Major(s)
Valid Concentration(s)
Bachelor of Arts - BA
Middle Grades Education - XEMG
Evs - Lang. Arts (EMG) - EEV1
Evs - Math (EMG) - EEV2
Evs - Social Studies (EMG) - EEV4
Ggy - Lang. Arts (EMG) - EGG1
Ggy - Math (EMG) - EGG2
Ggy - Social Studies (EMG) - EGG4
Gly - Lang. Arts (EMG) - EGL1
Gly - Math (EMG) - EGL2
Gly - Social Studies (EMG) - EGL4
Hst - Lang. Arts (EMG) - EHS1
Hst - Math (EMG) - EHS2
Hst - Science (EMG) - EHS3
Math - Lang. Arts (EMG) - EMA1
Math - Science (EMG) - EMA3
Math - Social Studies (EMG) - EMA4
Pls - Lang. Arts (EMG) - EPL1
Pls - Math (EMG) - EPL2
Pls - Science (EMG) - EPL3
Soc - Lang. Arts (EMG) - ESO1
Soc - Math (EMG) - ESO2
Soc - Science (EMG) - ESO3
Soc Studies - Lang. Arts (EMG) - ESS1
Social Studies - Math (EMG) - ESS2
Social Studies - Science (EMG) - ESS3
Pre-Educ for Young Children - XPEC
Pre-Elementary - XPEL
Education - EDN
Non-degree - ND
Certification - XCRT
Education - XEDN
Pre-Certification - XPCR
College of Hlth & Hum Srv - HH
School Hlth & Appl Human Sci - SHAH
Bachelor of Arts - BA
Athletic Training - ATR
Physical Education (Licensure) - PEDT
Anthropology - EANT
Art - EART
Behavioral Studies - EBST
Biology - EBIO
Chemistry - ECHM
Community Hlth - ECHE
English - EENG
English as a Second Language - EESL
Environmental Studies - EEVS
Fine Arts - EFNA
French - EFRH
Report run: 10-06-2015
Valid Degree(s)
Valid Major(s)
Valid Concentration(s)
Bachelor of Arts - BA
Physical Education (Licensure) - PEDT
Geography - EGGY
Geology - EGLY
History - EHST
International Studies - EINT
Language Arts - ELGA
Literature Studies - ELST
Marine Biology - EMBY
Math and Technology - EMTC
Mathematics - EMAT
Music - EMUS
Philosophy - EPHI
Political Science - EPLS
Psychology - EPSY
Religion - EREL
Sci Hum & Society - ESHS
Science and Health - ESCI
Social Studies - ESST
Sociology - ESOC
Spanish - ESPN
Theatre - ETHR
Pre-Athletic Training - PATR
Pre-Recreation Therapy - PRT
Rec/Sport Leadrshp/Tourism Mgt - RST
Public & Non-profit Recreation - PNR
Recreation Sports Leadership - RSL
Tourism Hospitality & Events - THE
Recreation Therapy - RT
Behavioral Health - BHLT
Geriatrics - GRTC
Pediatrics - PEDI
Physical Rehabilitation - PHRE
Bachelor of Science - BS
Exercise Science - EXS
Pre-Exercise Science - PEXS
Public Health Studies - PHS
Community Health Ed - CHE
Global Health - GLBH
Pre-Clinical - PCLN
Non-degree - ND
Athletic Training - ATR
Exercise Science - EXS
Physical Education (Licensure) - PEDT
Rec/Sport Leadrshp/Tourism Mgt - RST
School of Nursing - SNSG
Bachelor of Science - BS
Nursing - NSG
Pre-Nursing - PNSG
Non-degree - ND
Nursing - NSG
Pre-Nursing - PNSG
Report run: 10-06-2015
Valid Degree(s)
Valid Major(s)
School of Social Work - SSWK
Bachelor of Social Work - BSW
Pre-Social Work - PSWK
Social Work - SWK
Non-degree - ND
Pre-Social Work - PSWK
Social Work - SWK
College of Hlth & Hum Srv -Ext - XH
School of Nursing - SNSG
Bachelor of Science - BS
Clinical Research - XCLR
Nursing (RN to BS) - XRNS
Pre-Clinical Research - XPCL
Pre-Nursing - XPRN
Non-degree - ND
Clinical Research - XCLR
Nursing (RN to BS) - XRNS
Pre-Clinical Research - XPCL
Pre-Nursing - XPNS
Pre-Nursing - XPRN
School of Social Work - SSWK
Bachelor of Social Work - BSW
Pre-Social Work - XPSW
Social Work - XSWK
Non-degree - ND
Pre-Social Work - XPSW
Social Work - XSWK
UNC Exchange - UX
UNC Exchange - UNCX
Non Degree UNC Exchg - UNCX
UNC Exchange - UNCX
University College - UC
University College - UCOL
Bachelor of Arts - BA
Clg Arts & Sciences (Arts) - 1UCA
Clg Arts & Sciences (Sciences) - 1UCS
UC-Accountancy - 1BAC
UC-Anthropology - 1AAN
UC-Art History - 1AAR
UC-Art Studio - 1AST
UC-Athletic Training - 1AAT
UC-Biology - 1ABI
UC-Chemistry - 1ACH
UC-Clinical Research - 1ACR
UC-Communication Studies - 1ACO
UC-Computer Science - 1ACS
UC-Creative Writing - 1ACW
UC-Criminology - 1ACM
UC-Economics - 1BEC
UC-Elementary Education - 1EEL
UC-Engineering - 1AEG
Report run: 10-06-2015
Valid Concentration(s)
Valid Degree(s)
Valid Major(s)
Bachelor of Arts - BA
UC-English - 1AEN
UC-Entrepreneurship & Bus Dev - 1BEB
UC-Environmental Science - 1AES
UC-Environmental Studies - 1AEV
UC-Exercise Science - 1HEX
UC-Film Studies - 1AFS
UC-Finance - 1BFI
UC-French - 1AFR
UC-Geography - 1AGG
UC-Geosciences - 1AGE
UC-German - 1AGR
UC-History - 1AHS
UC-Human Resources Mgmt - 1BHR
UC-Information Systems - 1BIS
UC-Information Technology - 1AIF
UC-International Option - 1BIB
UC-International Studies - 1AIS
UC-Management & Leadership - 1BML
UC-Marine Biology - 1AMB
UC-Marketing - 1BMK
UC-Math - 1AMA
UC-Middle Grades Ed - 1EMG
UC-Music - 1AMU
UC-Music Education - 1AME
UC-Music Performance - 1AMP
UC-Nursing - 1NNS
UC-Oceanography - 1AOC
UC-Operations Managemetn - 1BOP
UC-Philosophy and Religion - 1APR
UC-Physical Education - 1APE
UC-Physics - 1APY
UC-Political Science - 1APL
UC-Psychology - 1APS
UC-Public Health Studies - 1HPH
UC-Rec Sp Lead & Tourism Mgmt - 1ARS
UC-Recreation Therapy - 1ART
UC-Social Work - 1ASW
UC-Sociology - 1ASO
UC-Spanish - 1ASP
UC-Special Education - 1ESP
UC-Statistics - 1ASD
UC-Theater - 1ATH
UC-Transition - Business - 1UCB
UC-Transition - Continuing - 1UCT
UC-Transition - Education - 1UCE
Report run: 10-06-2015
Valid Concentration(s)
Valid Degree(s)
Valid Major(s)
Bachelor of Arts - BA
UC-Transition - Nursing - 1UCN
UC-Transition -Arts & Sciences - 1UCC
UC-Transition-Hlth & Human Srv - 1UCH
UC-Undecided - 1AUN
UC-Young Children - 1EYC
Non-degree - ND
Isaac Bear Early College - IBEC
University College - UCOL
Report run: 10-06-2015
Valid Concentration(s)