University Of North Carolina Wilmington CENTER FOR MARINE SCIENCE CMS Internal Advisory Committee Agenda – September 20, 2006 Items for Discussion: Role of IAC Membership of IAC Strategic Plan Additional Topics as Desired Confirm Next IAC Meeting Date Center for Marine Science Office of the Director ________________________________________________________________________ 5600 MARVIN K. MOSS LANE, WILMINGTON, NC 28409 (910) 962-2300/962-2405 INTERNET; BADEND@UNCWIL.EDU University Of North Carolina Wilmington CENTER FOR MARINE SCIENCE CMS Internal Advisory Committee Summary – September 20, 2006 – Page 1 Members Present: Lou Abrams (CMS/Resident) Brooks Avery (CMS/Non-Resident) Dan Baden (CMS/Director) Chris Dumas (CMS/Non-Resident) Jack Hall (Environmental Studies/Chair) Richard Laws (Earth Sciences/Chair) Curt Moyer (Physics/Chair) Joe Pawlik (CMS/Resident) Martin Posey (Biology & Marine Biology/Chair) James Reeves (Chemistry/Chair) Ron Sizemore (CMS/Associate Director) Joan Willey (CMS/Associate Director) Members not Present: None. Ex Officio Members Present: Dennis Ihnat (Recorder) Ex Officio Members Not Present: Dr. Hosier (Provost) Dr. Cordle (Dean, College of Arts & Sciences) Hilda Maness (Development) Jim Merritt (CMS/Director Emeritus) Visitors: None Discussion Item: Role of IAC and Membership of IAC(Dan Baden) Introduced new members and identified returning members and their affiliation. See Handout for 2006/2007 IAC Roster. Reviewed Role of IAC as published in CMS Handbook. Provided copy of extract from CMS Strategic Plan that describes role of IAC. See Handout. University Of North Carolina Wilmington CENTER FOR MARINE SCIENCE CMS Internal Advisory Committee Summary – September 20, 2006 – Page 2 Discussion Item: Strategic Plan (Dan Baden & Dennis Ihnat) CMS Strategic Plan was updated in 2002 Built on previous Strategic Plans for the former Center for Marine Science Research First Strategic Plan as new Center for Marine Science Six Global Goals identified Research, Education, Outreach, Administration, Technology Transfer and Development. Technology Transfer and Development Goals were not developed in 2002 Update, although there has been action in these two areas during the past 5 years. Many of the items on the Plan have been accomplished, some abandoned, some are pending further action Strategic Plan Update needed for 2007 Very limited response to request to Marine Science Faculty for input to review status of current Plan Reviewed process used to develop previous Plan IAC will need to guide process of developing next Plan. Additional Topics not on Agenda: Discussion Item: Replacement of James Merritt (Dan Baden) See handout (“Replacement of James Merritt as Associate Director: Statement of Modified Approach”) Formation of CRISP: Center Research Investigators for Strategic Planning Richard Laws will lead CRISP. Members include Dan Baden, Lynn Leonard, Jeff Wright, Martin Posey, Joan Willey, and John Morrison. University Of North Carolina Wilmington CENTER FOR MARINE SCIENCE CMS Internal Advisory Committee Summary – September 20, 2006 – Page 3 Discussion of need to engage on the State level (including within the UNC system). CRISP formed to provide this connection. Many members of CRISP already serve in these roles. Jimmy Reeves commented that Erskine Bowles is high on breaking down barriers with the Community College program Ron Sizemore stated that there will be internships provided through the UNCW Marine Biotech Program Richard Laws commented that CORMP was planning to provide two internships for Cape Fear Community College Marine Tech Program Martin Posey commented that UNCW has formal cooperative agreements (2+2 programs) with the aquaculture programs at Brunswick Community College and Carteret Community College and we have representatives on the advisory boards for each of these programs Discussion Item: UNCW Follow-up to Marine Science Task Force (Dan Baden) See handout for copy of memorandum from Russ Lea and Leslie Boney re: Marine Sciences Task Force Follow-up Items See handout for copy of UNCW response to Marine Sciences Task Force Follow-up Items memo Drafted by group of CMS Marine Science Researchers (this group has been tapped to form CRISP) Positive Response from Russ Lea Ron Baird may lead two State-wide committees Discussion of role of DUNCOC as coordinating mechanism for NC Marine Sciences Discussion Item: CMS Pilot Project Program (Dan Baden) Funds have been identified to reinstate the program this year (approx $300K) Program will fund investigators and equipment University Of North Carolina Wilmington CENTER FOR MARINE SCIENCE CMS Internal Advisory Committee Summary – September 20, 2006 – Page 4 Discussion Item: Academic Programs (Joan Willey) 14 new students in MSMS program Good coverage of different disciplines Have become more competitive with other University programs, such as U of Miami Jim Merritt Fellowship was helpful (good response from qualified applicants) Poster Program Program last AY was effective Good training for students in prep for participation in conferences and symposia Working toward more faculty involvement Discussion ensued about expanding poster program to all first-year grad students involved in marine sciences (not just MSMS) Chris Dumas suggested identifying funds to increase incentive for students (such as $1,000 total for three prizes of $500, $300 and $200) Joan’s committee will take as action item Discussion Item: CMS Meeting Calendar (Dan Baden) A new Public Folder has been created in MS Outlook to help us all keep track of meetings in which UNCW CMS marine science faculty and/or staff should be present as our (UNCW CMS) representative. See Handout for instructions and sample calendar. Discussion Item: Director Emeritus Status Discussion ensued about the status of Jim Merritt as Director Emeritus. A motion was made to take the necessary steps to have Jim Merritt officially appointed as Director Emeritus of CMS. The motion passed unanimously. Dan Baden will take for action. University Of North Carolina Wilmington CENTER FOR MARINE SCIENCE CMS Internal Advisory Committee Summary – September 20, 2006 – Page 5 Discussion Item: NC Sea Grant Director (Dan Baden) Discussion ensued about the status an academic appointment for the new NC Sea Grant Director, Mike Voiland During search process, UNCW offered to give academic appointment to the new director. He has chosen to seek appointment in the UNCW Environmental Studies Department as the closest fit to his areas of expertise and interest. Plans are to offer an appointment to the UNCW Environmental Studies Department as an Associate Professor, on short track to tenure. Purpose: forge closer ties with NC Sea Grant Next IAC Meeting: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 Copies of Handouts Follow: 2006/2007 IAC Membership Roster Description of IAC from CMS Strategic Plan Replacement of James Merritt as Associate Director: Statement of Modified Approach Copy of memorandum from Russ Lea and Leslie Boney re: Marine Sciences Task Force Follow-up Items Copy of UNCW response to Marine Sciences Task Force Follow-up Items memo CMS Meeting Calendar