Tips for Successful Travel Travel Web page II. Travel Processes Travel Encumbrances

Tips for Successful Travel
Travel Web page
Please visit the UNCW travel web page at as it contains useful
information and links to travel administrative policies and procedures.
II. Travel Processes
Travel Encumbrances
• Only enter the items that you wish to encumber
• Do not enter an encumbrance for a pre-paid item (registration fee and airfare) as E-Travel
will create the encumbrance
• Please list an alternate preparer on each authorization
• Encumbrances are only to be used for UNCW employees that are on the university
• If you have questions, please contact the travel office.
• All items including pre-paids (registration fees and airfare) must be encumbered
Check Requests
• Please print out the check request that contains the voucher number and budget authority
approval and attach supporting documentation: the original documentation along with a
copy to accompany the check to be sent to the vendor.
• When determining the date the check is to be printed in accounts payable, confirm the
deadline and back date a week. This method will give you the date the check should be
printed and mailed to the vendor.
• When selecting the payment date, please allow at least 3 working days for the travel
office to process and complete.
The same as E-Travel except no voucher number will print on the check request.
• Please print out the check request that contains the voucher number and attach the
supporting documentation (receipts, etc.). Please tape small receipts and supporting
documentation to an 81/2” x 11” sheet of paper using transparent tape as we are imaging
our documentation in accounts payable.
• When you have selected the option to call the traveler to pick up, please understand that
accounts payable will contact you when the check is available.
• Remind the traveler to keep all receipts as we cannot reimburse expenses without
• In unusual circumstances such as hotel expenses where the lodging is paid by more than
one traveler, please provide explanation and separate receipts for each traveler.
Blanket Travel
• When processing blanket travel authorizations for next fiscal year, remember that each
university employee should have only one blanket authorization; the same applies to
departmental blankets.
Please remember that only the employee whose name the blanket is in should be reimbursed
within that blanket.
Please remember to only reimburse non-university employees inclusive of students in the
departmental blanket.
Blanket authorizations are not encumbered.
When creating the reimbursement check request, please select “Final” if no other expenses
will be processed against that particular trip. Selecting “Final” will only close out the
reimbursement not the blanket authorization.
Please list an alternate preparer and include that same alternate preparer on each
reimbursement processed within that blanket authorization.
When processing blanket travel authorizations for next fiscal year, remember that each
university employee should have only one blanket authorization.
Please remember that only the employee whose name the blanket is in should be reimbursed
within that blanket.
Blanket authorizations are not encumbered.
III. Travel Tips
Object codes
Please select the appropriate object code based on the destination of the travel.
American Express
UNCW offers a Corporate American Express card to faculty and staff grade 65 or higher. The
application is attached. Please print and complete the application and forward to the Comptroller’s
office for processing.
Internet Purchases
• The travel accounting department will accept the following items as supporting
documentation for internet travel purchases.
• An express check out receipt for lodging.
• A credit card statement, preferably the original but will accept a copy or an on-line statement.
• A bank statement showing the charge or an online copy of the charge transaction that shows
the cardholder’s name.
• The on-line booking receipt and confirmation.
• If you purchase an airfare/lodging package, please provide supporting documentation of the
price breakdown.
Foreign Travel
• As foreign travel requires a vice chancellor’s approval, all pre-paids must be routed with the
travel authorization.
• E-Travel uses the lodging field to determine if the travel authorization is for foreign travel,
the city and the country field must be completed.
• Foreign Travel includes Hawaii and Alaska.
All foreign travel involving UNCW faculty, staff, students or non-university employees
representing UNCW needs to be approved by the appropriate divisional vice chancellor.
FX Converter web site
The Travel office uses the following web site when converting foreign currency to US dollars:
Please feel free to use this website when processing your foreign travel documents.
NEW Foreign travel should always be routed as a whole package. Foreign travel must be
approved by Academic Affairs and Sponsored Programs if it is a grant project and
routing as a separate package will delay the approval process. You must also have
approval from the PI/budget authority prior to making arrangements to insure that your
travel is allowable under the account being charged.
Personal Vehicle Reimbursement Rate
In order to be reimbursed at the $0.375 per mile, justification of non-availability of a motor fleet vehicle
must be attached. For more information, please see the clarification to the mileage rate change located on
the travel web page. If you have any questions regarding motor fleet, please contact Pat Barker ext. 3591.
North Carolina Sales Tax Exemption
When an employee purchases services (food, lodging, miscellaneous items) directly, the sales tax
exemption does not apply.
Maximum Amounts
DO NOT input a maximum reimbursement amount in your travel authorization unless your budget
authority has given you a specific amount for your travel. If you input an amount and your actual
reimbursement is over the maximum amount, your check request will only generate the maximum
amount given even though you have input all your expenses. In the event you have input a maximum
amount, first you need to update the maximum amount and proceed as usual.
To avoid any problems with registrations, prepaid lodging, etc., you should check with conference
contact personnel to insure your check as arrived.
Combining personal travel with business travel
When air travel is involved, you must provide Accounting with an air itinerary and cost of
the business travel dates along with the actual travel dates so that Accounting can compare
the costs in the event the traveler owes the University for any Portion of the air ticket.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the Travel Office Staff:
Laura Gore (gorel AT uncw DOT edu) ext. 7504
Jan Limpert (limpertj AT uncw DOT edu) ext. 3149