YES! I want to support students at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine through a gift! To support the ‘Class of 2002 Bursary’ I’d like to make: A one-time gift of: $ 1,000 $_______ __Other Amount Or an ongoing pledge of $ ___________over _________years Paid Monthly $200 Paid annually for five years To I’d like to give by: Cheque or money order Visa MasterCard American Express Post-dated cheques (for monthly gifts only) Pre-Authorized Debit (see below) **Cheques made payable to the University of Saskatchewan Donor Information: Name: ______________________________ F First Name __ Middle initial Last name Joint Gift with: ______________________________ __ Address: ______________________________ __ ______________________________ __ Email: ____________________________ Do you wish to keep your gift anonymous: ___ Phone #: ______________ __________________ Please DO NOT publish my name with regard to this gift Please DO NOT publish my name with regard to all gifts Mail to: Attention Jennifer Molloy, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, 52 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, SK, S7N 5B4 Give online now at or phone 1-800-699-1907 (online: please be sure to enter in that your gift is designated to the Western College of Veterinary Medicine and put ‘Class of 2002 Bursary’ in the comments. Over the phone please mention your gift is for the ‘Class of 2002 Bursary’ Credit Card Payment: __ __ __ __/ __ __ __ __/__ __ __ __/__ __ __ __/ Expiry Date_______/_______(month/year) Name as shown on card: _______________________________ Signature: ______________________________ Date: ________________ Is this a corporate credit card? Yes ___ No ___ If yes, name of the company ________________________________ Pre-Authorized Debit Option: If you wish to donate through automatic withdrawals from your bank account, please complete and return a Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) Agreement found on our website at or contact our office at 1-800-699-1907 to have the agreement mailed to you for completion. Thank you for your support! Canada Revenue Agency Charitable Organization Registration NO. 11927 9313 RR0001