DRAFT Procurement Card (P-Card) Approval Process for Institutional Approvers F

Procurement Card (P-Card) Approval Process for
Institutional Approvers
November 2014
1. PCard statement
received by
2. PCard
received by
3. Review
4. Is PCard
5. Correct and complete
PCard statement package
The purpose of this document is to capture the steps involved in the approval process by
institutional approvers for the P-Card process at the university.
Tri-Agency regulations require that any expenditure that is to be charged to a Tri-Agency fund must
go through an independent review before the expense can be charged. The university has
implemented an institutional approver function for Tri-Agency related transactions.
Process Narratives
PCard Holder Submits PCard Statement
• Each month, Cardholder must prepare and submit the purchases of the month with
supporting documents and receipts, description of purchases, which is called P-Card
statement by using P-Card Reconciliation System
1. PCard Statement Received by Institutional Approver
If yes go to step 3. If no, go to step 2.
2. PCard Statement Received by Payment Services
• After the 3rd Friday of each month, PCard statements must be sent to Payment Services,
regardless of approval status. Institutional Approvers are require to follow up with the
Cardholders later and forward the additional information to Payment Services
• For statements that are sent to Payment Services directly, one of the Controller’s Office
institutional approvers will perform the approval at Payment Services as indicated in step
3. Payment Services monitors the level of this activity and ensures the approvals process
is performed on those statements that are not late.
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Late submissions will result in the transactions being moved by a journal voucher to a
clearing account for Tri-Agency related expenses thus stopping an unapproved
transaction from being posted.
Payment Services reviews the PCard statements. If there is information that is incorrect
or incomplete, the card holder and/or the Institutional Approver is contacted. This
information is placed on the statement when received by Payment Services. For
supporting documentation that is not attached, the card holder is contacted by email. It is
important to note that the PCard Statement Package remains with Payment Services.
Please see the PCard Process Document for further details.
3. Review by Institutional Approvers
• Institutional Approvers will receive the PCard summary report from Payment Services
which help to keep track the statements should be submitted for the month
• The Institutional Approvers will ensure all these Tri-Agencies expense(s) on the PCard
statements follow the university’s policies and procedures and Tri-Agencies financial
administrative guidelines
 Supporting documentation and justification:
 Receipt and credit card transaction slip from the supplier
 A priced packing slip which shows the cost of the items
 Invoice indicating "Credit Card Payment"
 Copies of credit card transaction records sent directly from the Bank (if not
provided by the supplier)
 Courier statements
 Invoice faxed from company (company fax number appears on top of
 Order forms, or a copy of the form used to pay memberships, magazine
subscriptions, registrations fees and similar items
 Grant holders are required to provide appropriate justifications to
Institutional Approvers in regarding of the purchases
 Appropriate authorization:
 Verify the PCard statement was signed by the PCard holder and was
approved by the Financial Manager, Manager, Dean or Department Head
as per PCard guidelines
 If the cardholder is not a grant holder, the Tri-Agency related expenditures
must have an authorization from the grant holder or an approved delegate.
A delegate must be assigned by the grant holders by completing a DOSA.
The DOSA would be checked using SharePoint.
 If the grant holder is not available to sign the PCard statement, an email
from the grant holder is allowed.
 Inappropriate use of P-Card:
 Personal use
 Split Purchases are not allowed. This is common for purchases costing
over $5000 that are split into multiple transactions
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 All codes must be used correctly
 Ensure the funds are available and valid
 Email to grant holders by Institutional Approvers to notify if funds are in
an over expended position
4. Is PCard Statement Approved?
If yes, PCard statement package is forwarded to Payment Services for processing If no, see
step 3.
5. Correct and complete PCard statement Package
• Correct the PCard statement for coding and amounts on the statement. For items that are
missing, the grant holder (in most cases) is contacted and asked to supply the necessary
information by email. As an example, where the authorization from a grant holder is
needed, staple the email from the grant holder that authorizes the purchase.
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