Summary of Fund Accounting Framework

Summary of Fund Accounting Framework
The University utilizes a fund accounting framework whereby resources are classified for accounting and reporting
purposes into funds in accordance with specified activities or objectives. Inter-fund transfers are used when
resources residing within one fund are utilized to fund activities or assets that should, by their nature, be recorded
in another fund.
General Fund: is unrestricted and accounts for the University’s program delivery, service and administrative
activities. This fund is further classified as Operating and Ancillary.
The Operating Fund accounts for the University’s functions of instruction (including academic support services),
administrative services, plant maintenance and other activities that support teaching, research and service. A
sample of key revenues and expenses for this fund is provided below.
Grants & contracts
Student fees
Gifts, grants and bequests
Sales of services and products
Income from investors
Miscellaneous income
Employee benefits
Operational supplies and expenses
Cost of goods sold
Maintenance, rental and renovations
Scholarships, bursaries and awards
The Ancillary Fund provides goods and services to the University community which is supplementary to the
functions of instruction, research and service and is expected to operate on at least a breakeven basis (e.g.
bookstore, residences, parking, third party utility sales and real estate development). A sample of key revenue and
expenses include:
Sales of services and products
Real estate income
Miscellaneous Income
Employee benefits
Operational supplies and expenses
Cost of goods sold
Maintenance, rental and renovations
The Restricted Fund carries restrictions on the use of resources for particular defined purposes. This fund is
further classified as Capital, Research and Student Financial Aid.
The Capital Fund accounts for the acquisition of capital assets, major renovations and improvements to capital
assets. Key revenues and expenses include:
Grants & contracts
Gifts, grants and bequests
Operational supplies and expenses
Decommissioning costs
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The Research Fund accounts for direct research activities. Key revenue and expenses include:
Grants & contracts
Gifts, grants and bequests
Income from investments
Miscellaneous income
Employee benefits
Operational supplies and expenses
Maintenance, rental and renovations
Scholarships, bursaries and awards
The Student Financial Aid accounts for various forms of financial aid provided to students. Key revenue and
expenses include:
Grants & contracts
Gifts, grants and bequests
Income from investments
Employee benefits
Scholarships, bursaries and awards
The Endowment Fund accounts for resources received with the stipulation that the original contribution not be
spent. The fund also consists of a portion of the investment income earned on these funds that is required by
donors and the Board of Governors to be added to the fund to offset the eroding effect of inflation. The amount
recapitalized each year will vary from year to year with variability in annual investment returns, but over time it is
intended that the recapitalized amount will offset the cumulative effect of inflation.
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