Substrate specificity screening of four plastid Haloacid Dehydrogenase phosphatases in Arabidopsis thaliana Hannah +Institute * Raszka , Na + Sa , Dr. Sanja + Roje of Biological Chemistry, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99163 *Department of Biology, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma WA 98447 HAD-like phosphatases which found in bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes are predicted small molecule phosphatases. The HAD-like phosphatases from E. coli, were previously investigated and shown to have broad or narrow substrate specificities to sugar phosphates, phosphorylated glycolytic intermediates, nucleotide phosphates, and phosphorylated cofactors. However the function of plant HAD-like phosphatases is still uninvestigated. This prompted an investigation into the substrate specificity of four Arabidopsis thaliana HAD phosphatases (At5g45170, At4g25840, At4g39970, and At3g48420) located in the plastid. Materials and Methods At3g48420 At4g39970 At4g25840 At5g45170 Proteins At5g45170, At4g25840, At3g48420, At4g39970 were overexpressed in E. coli clones with a polyhistidine tag. Crude protein extracts were ran through Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography with a HiTrap IMAC HP Column to isolate the target protein. After purification, the concentration of the enzymes was determined by Bradford assay against a BSA standard. The substrate specificity was tested by spectrophotometrically measuring the formation of free-phosphate using BIOMOL Green assay (Enzo Life Sciences, Plymouth Meeting, PA). Substrates were phosphorylated cofactors (NADP, FMN, PLP), nucleoside phosphates (ATP, GTP, CTP, UTP, ADP, AMP, XMP, IMP), phosphorylated sugars (fructose-1,6-bisphosphate, glucose-1-phosphate, glucose-6phosphate) and other phosphorylated molecules (TSPP, PG2 and PG3). Specific activity for each substrate was calculated (Table 1). At4g39970 At3g48420 A A B B At4g25840 B A A 0.160 1.27 0.351 1.03 FMN 0.400 nd nd 7.17 NADP 1.74 0.413 nd 1.13 ATP 16.3 nd nd 0.815 GTP nd nd nd nd CTP 2.32 0.413 0.398 0.777 UTP 7.57 2.58 nd 14.9 ADP 5.73 nd 1.90 2.80 AMP nd nd 0.0566 0.153 XMP 0.768 0.748 0.776 3.53 IMP nd 0.268 0.147 0.0510 TSPP 30.4 0.603 nd 2.57 PG2 3.40 0.4.75 0.776 8.38 PG3 Fructose-1,6bisphosphate Glucose-1phosphate Glucose-6phosphate nd 0.167 nd 0.573 0.118 0.100 0.0611 nd nd 0.145 0.140 nd 0.394 0.000223 nd 0.484 Table 1: Specific activity (nmol/mg/min) of each enzyme substrate pair At5g45170 B Fig 1: SDS-PAGE gel protein gel purification. At4g39970 A: Crude extract, B: Purified protein 34.6 kDa. At3g48420 A: Crude extract, B: Purified protein 34.2 kDa. At4g25840 A: Purified protein 33.1 kDa, B: Crude extract. At5g45170 A: Purified protein 40.7 kDa, B: Crude extract PLP Results and Discussion All four Arabidopsis thaliana plastid HAD phosphatases show a high degree of variability in the substrates they work on. In general, the enzymes tend to have the lowest specific activity for the phosphorylated sugars while they have higher activity for the neucleosides and the phosphorylated organic acids. However, there is a great deal of variability of specific activity within each substrate group. For future investigation, it is predicted that these four phosphatases might play a role in the riboflavin biosynthetic pathway. This is to be investigated next. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation to Dr. Sanja Roje under grant number NSF MCB-1052492