Date: 1/19/2016 Field Experience/Tutoring Requirements - Spring 2016 Course Course Title Instructor Hours Requirements Type F EDN Middle Sch Prog & Roney, Kathleen 10 * Total field experience hours: One full school day – Learning Walk 318001 Pract * Description: UNCW student will choose one date from a list of available options to visit a middle school for the entire school day. UNCW student should report to the main office and pick up a hypothetical middle school student schedule, including lunch, class changes, enhancements, etc. The student should follow the schedule exactly like a middle school student. The purpose of this assignment is to gain insight into a day in the life of a middle grades school from the perspective of the learner. It is not an in-depth case study of any particular student. The UNCW teacher candidate will follow the hypothetical middle grades student schedule and, as nearly as possible, live the school day as a middle school learner, recording events and impressions. F EDN 319 Meet Needs Sp (002, Students In Elem 003, 800) Schnorr Goodnight, Crystalyn 10 * Type of classroom: Inclusive general education (not special education), that includes children with and without disabilities. * Description: For field experience, a minimum of ten (10) hours of participation and observation in an inclusive general education (not special education) classroom, which includes children with and without disabilities, in an elementary school setting is required in this course. Requirements include ONE HOUR of direct observation using data collection strategies discussed in the course. For the other NINE (9) hours, students are expected to interact with individual students or groups in instructional or social activities as directed by the teacher. Students are instructed to keep a daily log of observations, interactions, etc. while participating in the classroom. Students will collect data and examine the instructional environment, classroom and behavior management techniques, and individual learning characteristics as they relate to learners with special needs. Experiencing and understanding the school's Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) or Response to Intervention (RTI) model is expected. * Field Experience Hours: If you are also enrolled in the EDNL 331 lab, you will complete your field experience hours for this course in conjunction with your lab hours. If you are not enrolled in the EDNL 331 field experience lab, this course will require 10 hours of field experience. Page 1 of 19 Date: 1/19/2016 Course Course Title Type F EDN Meet Needs Sp 319001 Students In Elem Instructor Hours Lanunziata, Louis 10 Requirements * Type of classroom: Inclusive general education (not special education), that includes children with and without disabilities. * Description: Requirements include ONE HOUR of direct observation. For the other NINE hours, students are expected to interact with individual students or groups in instructional or social activities as directed by the teacher. Students are instructed to keep a daily log of observations, interactions, etc. while participating in the classroom. Students will collect data and examine the instructional environment, classroom and behavior management techniques, learning styles, and individual learning characteristics as they relate to learners with special needs. Experiencing and understanding the school's "PROBLEM SOLVING MODEL" is expected. * Field Experience Hours: If you are also enrolled in the EDNL 331 lab, you will complete your field experience hours for this course in conjunction with your lab hours. If you are not enrolled in the EDNL 331 field experience lab, this course will require 10 hours of field experience. F EDN 320001 Diverse Learners Hilburn, Jeremy 10 * Description: Students will work with diverse learners in the local community through W.I.R.E. or Communities in Schools. Specific details and expectations will be provided by the course instructor. F EDN 325 Geometry, (001, Measurement & 002, 003) Data Hargrove, Tracy, Higgins, Heidi, and Guggenheimer, Margaret n/a * Description: Students will engage in planning, teaching, and reflection of math instruction in an elementary classroom. They will have numerous opportunities to observe, work with students, assist with teaching and assessment, and teach a variety of lessons using what they are learning in their math methods classes. Specific expectations (hours, assignments, types of lessons) will be clearly communicated to students in the course syllabus and will be thoroughly discussed in class. Any questions or concerns may be directed to the individual instructor. NOTE: For EDNL 332, students will spend one full week in their assigned schools (hours will be announced in class) followed by 6 Mondays (7:30am-3:30pm). For EDNL 333, students will spend 2 full weeks (7:30am-3:30pm) in their assigned school. Field experience hours for the courses will be completed within this block schedule. Page 2 of 19 Date: 1/19/2016 Course Course Title Type F EDN 330 Teaching Diverse (001, Learners (K-6 002, 003) Instructor Wasserberg, Martin and Kyriacopoulos, Konstantine Hours n/a Requirements * Description: Students will engage in planning, teaching, and reflection of instruction for diverse learners in an elementary classroom. They will have numerous opportunities to observe, work with students, assist with teaching and assessment, and teach a variety of lessons using what they are learning in their teaching diverse learners class. Specific expectations (hours, assignments, types of lessons) will be clearly communicated to students in the course syllabus and will be thoroughly discussed in class. Any questions or concerns may be directed to the individual instructor. NOTE: For EDNL 332, students will spend one full week in their assigned schools (hours will be announced in class) followed by 6 Mondays (7:30am-3:30pm). For EDNL 333, students will spend 2 full weeks (7:30am-3:30pm) in their assigned school. Field experience hours for the courses will be completed within this block schedule. F EDN 330800 Teaching Diverse Learners (K-6 Wasserberg, Martin 10 * Description: Students will engage in planning, teaching, and reflection of instruction for diverse learners in an elementary classroom. They will have numerous opportunities to observe, work with students, assist with teaching and assessment, and teach a variety of lessons using what they are learning in their teaching diverse learners class. Specific expectations (hours, assignments, types of lessons) will be clearly communicated to students in the course syllabus and will be thoroughly discussed in class. Any questions or concerns may be directed to the individual instructor. * Field Experience Hours: If you are also enrolled in a lab course (EDNL 331, 332, or 333), you will complete your field experience hours for this course in conjunction with your lab hours. If you are not enrolled in a field experience lab, this course will require 10 hours of field experience. F EDN 334 Soc St Curr/Inst (K- Ward, Cara and (001, 6) Crawford, 002, 003) Elizabeth n/a * Description: Students will engage in planning, teaching, and reflection of social studies instruction in an elementary classroom. They will have numerous opportunities to observe, work with students, assist with teaching and assessment, and teach a variety of lessons using what they are learning in their social studies methods classes. Specific expectations (hours, assignments, types of lessons) will be clearly communicated to students in the course syllabus and will be thoroughly discussed in class. Any questions or concerns may be directed to the individual instructor. NOTE: For EDNL 332, students will spend one full week in their assigned schools (hours will be announced in class) followed by 6 Mondays (7:30am-3:30pm). For EDNL 333, students will spend 2 full weeks (7:30am-3:30pm) in their assigned school. Field experience hours for the courses will be completed within this block schedule. Page 3 of 19 Date: 1/19/2016 Course Course Title Instructor Type F EDN 334 Soc St Curr/Inst (K- Crawford, (005, 6) Elizabeth 800) Hours Requirements 10 * Description: Students will engage in planning, teaching, and reflection of social studies instruction in an elementary classroom. They will have numerous opportunities to observe, work with students, assist with teaching and assessment, and teach a variety of lessons using what they are learning in their social studies methods classes. Specific expectations (hours, assignments, types of lessons) will be clearly communicated to students in the course syllabus and will be thoroughly discussed in class. Any questions or concerns may be directed to the individual instructor. * Field Experience Hours: If you are also enrolled in a lab course (EDNL 331, 332, or 333), you will complete your field experience hours for this course in conjunction with your lab hours. If you are not enrolled in a field experience lab, this course will require 10 hours of field experience. F EDN 336 The Teaching of (001, Science (K-6) 002, 003) Sikma, Lynn and Zinner, Gerald n/a * Description: Students will engage in planning, teaching, and reflection of science instruction in an elementary classroom. They will have numerous opportunities to observe, work with students, assist with teaching and assessment, and teach a variety of lessons using what they are learning in their science methods classes. Specific expectations (hours, assignments, types of lessons) will be clearly communicated to students in the course syllabus and will be thoroughly discussed in class. Any questions or concerns may be directed to the individual instructor. NOTE: For EDNL 332, students will spend one full week in their assigned schools (hours will be announced in class) followed by 6 Mondays (7:30am-3:30pm). For EDNL 333, students will spend 2 full weeks (7:30am-3:30pm) in their assigned school. Field experience hours for the courses will be completed within this block schedule. Page 4 of 19 Date: 1/19/2016 Course Course Title Type F EDN 336 The Teaching of (005, Science (K-6) 800) Instructor Taylor, Amy Hours Requirements 10 * Type of classroom: general elementary (science instruction) * Lessons observed: 3 hours (minimum) * Lessons designed and implemented: 2 (minimum) * Description: Students will engage in planning, teaching, and reflection of science instruction in an elementary classroom. They will have numerous opportunities to observe, work with students, assist with teaching and assessment, and teach a variety of lessons using what they are learning in their science methods classes. Specific expectations (hours, assignments, types of lessons) will be clearly communicated to students in the course syllabus and will be thoroughly discussed in class. Any questions or concerns may be directed to the individual instructor. * Field Experience Hours: If you are also enrolled in a lab course (EDNL 331, 332, or 333), you will complete your field experience hours for this course in conjunction with your lab hours. If you are not enrolled in a field experience lab, this course will require 10 hours of field experience. F EDN 348 Tchg Comm. Arts (001, (K-6) 002, 003) Jurich, Charles, Schlichting, Kathleen, and Bramley, Georgene n/a * Description: Students will engage in planning, teaching, and reflection of communication arts instruction in an elementary classroom. They will have numerous opportunities to observe, work with students, assist with teaching and assessment, and teach a variety of lessons using what they are learning in their communication arts methods classes. Specific expectations (hours, assignments, types of lessons) will be clearly communicated to students in the course syllabus and will be thoroughly discussed in class. Any questions or concerns may be directed to the individual instructor. NOTE: For EDNL 332, students will spend one full week in their assigned schools (hours will be announced in class) followed by 6 Mondays (7:30am-3:30pm). For EDNL 333, students will spend 2 full weeks (7:30am-3:30pm) in their assigned school. Field experience hours for the courses will be completed within this block schedule. Page 5 of 19 Date: 1/19/2016 Course Course Title Type F EDN Tchg Comm. Arts 348800 (K-6) Instructor Hours Requirements Walker, Bradford 10 * Description: Students will engage in planning, teaching, and reflection of communication arts instruction in an elementary classroom. They will have numerous opportunities to observe, work with students, assist with teaching and assessment, and teach a variety of lessons using what they are learning in their communication arts methods classes. Specific expectations (hours, assignments, types of lessons) will be clearly communicated to students in the course syllabus and will be thoroughly discussed in class. Any questions or concerns may be directed to the individual instructor. * Field Experience Hours: If you are also enrolled in a lab course (EDNL 331, 332, or 333), you will complete your field experience hours for this course in conjunction with your lab hours. If you are not enrolled in a field experience lab, this course will require 10 hours of field experience. T EDN 352001 Dev Read & Writing Mid Grades Konrady, Holly 15 * Description: Ed Lab Tutoring: 12 hours of tutoring with a middle grades learner. UNCW students have individual concentration areas (math, language arts, social studies, science, physical education and health, or special education) and will apply literacy strategies in specific content area(s) to the tutoring sessions. UNCW students will use strategies to assess prior knowledge, implement vocabulary strategies, organize information, increase comprehension, extend study skills, develop writing competence, and help students critically evaluate text. With support and approval of faculty and Ed Lab staff, UNCW students will design and implement lesson plans to benefit the student. Observed School Experience: Students will be assigned to a middle grades classroom with a teaching group to match specific content area of the UNCW students. UNCW students will observe the class they will teach in and with the teacher’s guidance, design and implement a lesson plan to benefit the students in the particular class. The plan will include a chosen text related to an assigned objective to fit what is being taught in the classroom. UNCW students will use strategies to assess prior knowledge, implement vocabulary strategies, organize information, increase comprehension, extend study skills, develop writing competence, and help students critically evaluate text. As the students share the teaching of the lesson equally, they will be observed by the course professor as they teach. Page 6 of 19 Date: 1/19/2016 Course Course Title Type F EDN 414 Integrating the (004, Arts 006, 007) Instructor Weppler, Ronnie, Liao, Christine Hours Requirements 10 * Type of classroom: general elementary (integrated instruction) * Lessons observed: Strongly encouraged to observe at least an art class and a music class. Please email your school site coordinator to request assistance in setting up the art and music observations. (3 hours) * Lessons designed and implemented: 1 (minimum) * Description: Students will engage in planning, teaching, and reflection of integrating visual arts, music, drama, or dance with another subject in an elementary classroom. They will have numerous opportunities to observe, work with students, assist with teaching and assessment, and teach a variety of lessons using what they are learning in their integrating the arts in the curriculum classes. Specific expectations (hours, assignments, types of lessons) will be clearly communicated to students in the course syllabus and will be thoroughly discussed in class. Any questions or concerns may be directed to the individual instructor . * Field Experience Hours: If you are also enrolled in the EDNL 331 lab, you will complete your field experience hours for this course in conjunction with your lab hours. If you are not enrolled in the EDNL 331 field experience lab, this course will require 10 hours of field experience. F EDN 414 Integrating the (800) Arts Liao, Christine 10 * Type of classroom: general elementary (integrated instruction) * Lessons observed: 3 hours (minimum) * Lessons designed and implemented: 2 (minimum) * Description: Students will engage in planning, teaching, and reflection of integrating visual arts, music, drama, or dance with another subject in an elementary classroom. They will have numerous opportunities to observe, work with students, assist with teaching and assessment, and teach a variety of lessons using what they are learning in their integrating the arts in the curriculum classes. Specific expectations (hours, assignments, types of lessons) will be clearly communicated to students in the course syllabus and will be thoroughly discussed in class. Any questions or concerns may be directed to the individual instructor. * Field Experience Hours: If you are also enrolled in a lab course (EDNL 331, 332, or 333), you will complete your field experience hours for this course in conjunction with your lab hours. If you are not enrolled in a field experience lab, this course will require 10 hours of field experience. Page 7 of 19 Date: 1/19/2016 Course Course Title Type F EDN 417 Second Language (001, Methods 800) Instructor Hours Requirements Pappamihiel, N. 30 * Type of classroom: ESL classroom * Description: The objective of this assignment is that UNCW students have opportunities to design, implement, and assess instruction for individuals, as well as small and whole groups of EEL students. F EDN 470 ESL Topics for non- Wilkes, Deborah (001, ESL teacher 800) 10 * Description: Students will spend 10 contact hours with an ESL student (or small group). UNCW students will engage in limited observation with most of the contact hours spent tutoring in areas identified by teachers. * Type of classroom: ESL classroom preferred; mainstream content classroom acceptable when necessary F EDN 507 ESL Topics for Non- Wilkes, Deborah (001, ESL 800) 10 * Description: Students will spend 10 contact hours with an ESL student (or small group). UNCW students will engage in limited observation with most of the contact hours spent tutoring in areas identified by teachers. * Type of classroom: ESL classroom preferred; mainstream content classroom acceptable when necessary F EDN 517 Methods for Scnd Pappamihiel, N. (001, Lng Learners 800, 801) 30 * Type of classroom: ESL classroom * Description: The objective of this assignment is that UNCW students have opportunities to design, implement, and assess instruction for individuals, as well as small and whole groups of EEL students. F EDN 595 Special Topics in (003, Education 004, 005) Zinner, Gerald, Taylor, Amy and Hargrove, Tracy n/a * This course is designated for the Elementary MAT cohort. Details for the field experience (i.e. hours, lessons, requirements) will be discussed by the course instructors of the co-requisite classes. F EDNL 200 Field Studies (201, 202, 203, 205, 827, 828) Sanchez, Marta 8 * Description: Students will engage in a total of eight, 1-hour field experiences, some of which will take place in an elementary school and others in specific sites within the Wilmington community. In schools, students will be participant-observers in the classroom and working with small groups, individual students and assisting the teacher in lessons. In the community, students will engage with different organizations and community members. Students will prepare for these experiences during class sessions leading up to the field placement through readings, videos, and writing assignments. The course employs critical frameworks and strengths-based models in working with students, teachers, families, communities, and schools. Page 8 of 19 Date: 1/19/2016 Course Course Title Type F EDNL Field Studies 200206 Field Studies Instructor Hours Requirements Aldrich, Kathryn 8 * Description: Students will engage in a total of eight, 1-hour field experiences in an elementary school. Students will be assigned to a teacher at the school and will work with the teacher to establish a routine. Students will observe and also participate in the classroom assisting the teacher with individual, small group or a large group of students, as the teacher requests. Classroom climate and setting, teaching methods, behavior management, student-teacher interactions, and peer relationships will be observed and discussed in weekly journals. Furr, Dewey 12 * Description: Students will engage in a total of eight visits to a local elementary school with each visit approximately an hour and a half in duration. Students will spend their time in a classroom setting and are expected to be involved in the classroom activity as directed and needed by the teacher. This may include observing, assisting, and supporting whole group, small group, and individual instruction. Students will document their experiences through a series of writing assignments examining different aspects of the school setting. In addition to the school site experience, students will also complete other assignments designed to extend the study of topics presented in the EDN 200 class, including but not limited to the impact of race, gender, socioeconomics, and disabilities in public school settings. F EDNL 200207 F EDNL 300 Elem Programs (201, Field Experience 202) Barber, Elizabeth Kyriacopoulos, Kosta 12 * Visit 2 elementary school classrooms - spend an entire school day in each classroom. * Description: UNCW student should follow students throughout the day. Pay special attention to interactions between students and teachers, as well as those between students and their peers. Assist the teacher in any way he or she may ask (this may include working one-on-one with a student, circulating the room to offer assistance, etc.). Course instructor will provide information on assignments related to this field experience. F EDNL 300800 Weppler, Ronnie 12 * Visit 2 elementary school classrooms - spend an entire school day in each classroom. * Description: UNCW student should follow students throughout the day. Pay special attention to interactions between students and teachers, as well as those between students and their peers. Assist the teacher in any way he or she may ask (this may include working one-on-one with a student, circulating the room to offer assistance, etc.). Course instructor will provide information on assignments related to this field experience. Elem Programs Field Experience Page 9 of 19 Date: 1/19/2016 Course Course Title Type F EDNL 302 Field Exper Early (200, Child Ed 201, 800) Instructor Hours Requirements Larue, Karen 30 *Total field experience hours: 30 hours in early childhood settings working with 3-5-year-old children *Description: Provides students with opportunities for application of concepts through thirty hours of field work with young children and their families in a variety of community settings including public schools, preschools, childcare centers and private homes under the supervision of licensed service providers. 4 hours per week: Includes observation, participation, planning and implementing two small and whole group lessons followed by written and oral reflections T EDNL 322 Math Laboratory (201, 202, 203) Walker, Rebecca 10 * Description: Co-requisite for EDN 322. 10 hours of one-on-one math tutoring with the same child IN THE UNCW ED LAB. One hour per week is preferred. Planning and instruction will incorporate theory and methods from co-requisite course. Lesson plans and reflections are submitted to the Ed Lab before and after each tutoring session. Learner Growth Plan, summary letter and parent conference will be required. Instructional manipualtives will be used in each session. ** Students enrolled in EDNL 322 Math and EDNL 340 Reading will complete a total of 25 hours of tutoring** T EDNL 322800 Phillips, Deborah 10 * Description: Co-requisite for EDN 322. FOR EXTENSION STUDENTS ONLY: Students who live in or near the Jacksonville area are expected to complete tutoring requirements IN THE EXTENSION ED LAB AT COASTAL CAROLINA COMMUNITY COLLEGE. Students living in other areas will need to receive special permission to complete their requirements UNDER A PARTNERSHIP TEACHER’S SUPERVISION IN A PDS SCHOOL. Math Laboratory Students will complete 10 hours of one-on-one math tutoring with the same child. One hour per week is preferred. Planning and instruction will incorporate theory and methods from co-requisite course. Lesson plans and reflections are submitted to the Ed Lab before and after each tutoring session. Lab requires completion of assignments in BlackBoard and TaskStream. Learner Growth Plan, summary letter and parent conference will be required. Instructional manipulatives will be used each session. **Students enrolled in EDNL 322 Math and EDNL 340 Reading will complete a total of 25 hours of tutoring** Page 10 of 19 Date: 1/19/2016 Course Course Title Type F EDNL 331 Apprentice Field (001, Experience I 004, 800) Instructor Kozloff, Martin, Applefield, James Hours Requirements 40 * Description: Students will be expected to schedule and attend EITHER a weekly four-hour block of time, one day per week, OR 2, two-hour blocks of time weekly with his or her assigned teacher. Minimum time requirements are 10 weeks for a total of 40 hours. * Students should complete all field experience requirements for other courses in the elementary program during these visits. In addition to allowing students to complete requirements for other courses, the purpose of this block of time is to provide the university student with an immersion experience in the elementary school classroom that will allow the student to observe and experience firsthand the expectations, requirements, procedures, and dynamics inherent with classroom teaching. * NOTE: Other course requirements, such as those listed as SED and ESL, may require an additional placement in a separate classroom. Students enrolled in EDNL 322 and EDNL 340 will not count their tutoring hours in these 40 required hours. Tutoring hours must be counted separately. F EDNL 332 Apprentice Field (001, Experience II 002, 003) Hargrove, Tracy, Schlichting, Kathleen, and Sikma, Lynn 72 * Description: Students will spend one full week in an elementary school (hours will be announced in class). Students will then spend 6 consecutive Mondays (7:30am-3:30pm) in their assigned school. During these visits, students will observe and participate in the classroom. F EDNL 332800 Gruber, Connie 40 * Description: Students will observe and participate in the classroom. They will be asked to teach specific content lessons depending on their methods course enrollment. Details for the visits (i.e. days, times) will be communicated to students by the lab instructor. Apprentice Field Experience II * NOTE: Other course requirements, such as those listed as SED and ESL, may require an additional placement in a separate classroom. Students enrolled in EDNL 322 and EDNL 340 will not count their tutoring hours in these 40 required hours. Tutoring hours must be counted separately. F EDNL 333 Field Experience III Hargrove, Tracy, (001, Schlichting, 002, 003) Kathleen, and Sikma, Lynn 80 * Description: Students will spend two weeks in an elementary school full time (7:30am-3:30pm). Students will assume some teaching roles. Page 11 of 19 Date: 1/19/2016 Course Course Title Instructor Type F EDNL Field Experience III Gruber, Connie 333800 Hours 40 Requirements * Description: Students will observe and participate in the classroom. They will be asked to teach specific content lessons depending on their methods course enrollment. Details for the visits (i.e. days, times) will be communicated to students by the lab instructor. * NOTE: Other course requirements, such as those listed as SED and ESL, may require an additional placement in a separate classroom. Students enrolled in EDNL 322 and EDNL 340 will not count their tutoring hours in these 40 required hours. Tutoring hours must be counted separately. T EDNL 340 Reading (201, Laboratory 202, 203) Brinkley, Brian 20 * Description: Co-requisite for EDN 340. 20 hours of one-on-one reading tutoring with the same child IN THE UNCW ED LAB. Two hours per week is preferred. Planning and instruction will incorporate theory and methods from co-requisite course. Lesson plans and reflections are submitted to the Ed Lab before and after each tutoring session. Learner Growth Plan, summary letter and parent conference will be required. Instructional manipualtives will be used in each session. ** Students enrolled in EDNL 322 Math and EDNL 340 Reading will complete a total of 25 hours of tutoring** T EDNL 340800 Phillips, Deborah 20 * Description: Co-requisite for EDN 340. FOR EXTENSION STUDENTS ONLY: Students who live in or near the Jacksonville area are expected to complete tutoring requirements IN THE EXTENSION ED LAB AT COASTAL CAROLINA COMMUNITY COLLEGE. Students living in other areas will need to receive special permission to complete their requirements UNDER A PARTNERSHIP TEACHER’S SUPERVISION IN A PDS SCHOOL. Reading Laboratory Students will complete 20 hours of one-on-one reading tutoring with the same child. Two hours per week is preferred. Planning and instruction will incorporate theory and methods from co-requisite course. Lesson plans and reflections are submitted to the Ed Lab before and after each tutoring session. Lab requires completion of assignments in BlackBoard and TaskStream. Learner Growth Plan, summary letter and parent conference will be required. Instructional manipulatives will be used each session. **Students enrolled in EDNL 322 Math and EDNL 340 Reading will complete a total of 25 hours of tutoring** Page 12 of 19 Date: 1/19/2016 Course Course Title Type F EDNL 450 Field Exper In (200, Infant/Toddler 201, 800) Instructor Aldemir, Jale Hours 30 Requirements * Total field experience hours: 30 hours –in an infant-toddler classroom (2 years and under) * Description: Provides students with opportunities for application of concepts through fieldwork with infants and toddlers and their families in a variety of community settings including childcare facilities, and Early Head Start programs under the supervision of licensed service providers. 3 hours per week: Includes observation, participation, planning and implementing two lessons followed by written and oral reflections. Students will receive two visits from their university supervisor. F HEA 304001 Comp School Health Edu (K-12) Cottrell, Karen 10 * Description: Students will be placed with a local 6-12 PEH teacher. The experience will progress from observing to assisting to teaching. Details will be discussed in class. F LIC 500001 Adv Elem Grades Ed, K-6 Barber, Elizabeth 10 * Type of classroom: Two different regular K-6 education classrooms *Description: In pairs, students will spend 2 school days in elementary classrooms. The purpose is to experience "days in the life" of an elementary teacher. Students will observe, pay close attention to interactions between students and teachers, and assist the teacher in any way asked (this may include working one-on-one with a student, circulating the room to offer assistance, etc.). Students will follow the students or teacher throughout the work day, and may choose to dialogue with educators who may operate from different philosophical stances. Also, students will explore the diversity of the communities within elementary schools today. F LIC 501001 Rsrch Bsd ID & Intgrtd Currclm Crawford, Elizabeth 10 * Type of classroom: Regular K-6 education classroom * Lessons observed: 3 (minimum) * Lessons implemented: 1 (minimum), as many as possible * Description: Students will conduct a minimum of three observations of instructional lessons and reflect upon how thinking routines are implemented. Students will implement 1 or more original lessons reflective of research-based teaching practices learned during the course. Page 13 of 19 Date: 1/19/2016 Course Course Title Type F LIC 518 Advanced Middle (001, Grades Ed 800) Instructor Hours Requirements Roney, Kathleen 10 * Total field experience hours: One full school day – Learning Walk * Description: UNCW student will choose one date from a list of available options to visit a middle school for the entire school day. UNCW student should report to the main office and pick up a hypothetical middle school student schedule, including lunch, class changes, enhancements, etc. The student should follow the schedule exactly like a middle school student. The purpose of this assignment is to gain insight into a day in the life of a middle grades school from the perspective of the learner. It is not an in-depth case study of any particular student. The UNCW teacher candidate will follow the hypothetical middle grades student schedule and, as nearly as possible, live the school day as a middle school learner, recording events and impressions. F LIC 520 (001, 800) Advanced Diverse Hilburn, Jeremy Learners, 6-9 10 * Description: Students will work with diverse learners in the local community through W.I.R.E. or Communities in Schools. Specific details and expectations will be provided by the course instructor. F LIC 522 (001, 002) Adv Mathematics Methods, K-6 Higgins, Heidi 10 * Type of classroom: Regular K-6 classroom (math instruction) * Description: Students will complete classroom observations of math lessons using an assigned protocol that will be shared with the classroom teacher. Students will also participate in small group assessments – short tasks related to number and algebraic reasoning with a small group of students. Tasks can be adjusted to a whole group setting or for one-on-one instruction. The purpose is to see how children respond and for LIC students to see different levels of understanding. In addition, students will plan and teach 2 math lessons. F LIC 522003 Adv Mathematics Methods, K-6 Hargrove, Tracy 10 * Type of classroom: Regular K-6 classroom (math instruction) * Description: Students will complete classroom observations of math lessons using an assigned protocol that will be shared with the classroom teacher. Students will also participate in small group assessments – short tasks related to number and algebraic reasoning with a small group of students. Tasks can be adjusted to a whole group setting or for one-on-one instruction. The purpose is to see how children respond and for LIC students to see different levels of understanding. In addition, students will plan and teach 1-2 math lessons. Page 14 of 19 Date: 1/19/2016 Course Course Title Instructor Type F LIC 534 Adv Social Studies Zinner, Gerald (001, Mthds, K-6 002) Hours Requirements 10 * Type of classroom: K-6 classroom * Lessons observed: Observe 2 Social Studies lessons. A formal, written summary of one lesson must be submitted to the instructor * Lessons implemented: Teach 2 social studies lessons using the UNCW 6-point format. One lesson plan must be reviewed and approved by the instructor * Description: During the 10 hours of field experience for LIC 534, students should explore the social studies teaching strategies implemented in their field placement and reflect on them in light of what we are learning in our methods course. Students should formally observe and report on 2 social studies lessons and teach 2 social studies lessons using the UNCW 6-point format. F LIC 536 (001, 002) Adv Science Methods, K-6 Taylor, Amy 10 * Type of classroom: K-6 classroom * Lessons observed: Observe 2 science lessons * Lessons implemented: Teach 2 science lessons using the 5 E inquiry model. * Description: During the 10 hours of field experience for LIC 536, students should explore the science teaching strategies implemented in their field placement and reflect on them in light of what we are learning in our methods course. Students should formally observe 2 science lessons and teach 2 science lessons using the 5 E inquiry model lesson format. T LIC 552 (001, 800) Literacy Integration 6-9 Ousley-Exum, Denise 15 * Description: 15 hours of tutoring with a middle grades learner. UNCW students have individual concentration areas (math, language arts, social studies, or science) and will apply literacy strategies in specific content area(s) to the tutoring sessions. UNCW students will use strategies to assess prior knowledge, implement vocabulary strategies, organize information, increase comprehension, extend study skills, develop writing competence, and help students critically evaluate text. With support and approval of faculty and Ed Lab staff, UNCW students will design and implement lesson plans to benefit the student. F MUSL 373200 Field Exp Rack, John Instrumental Music 12 * Description: Students will visit a middle school and a high school music room for at least six 1-hour visits in each. Students will observe, teach and reflect. Guidelines will be provided in class. F MUSL 377200 Field Exper in Choral Music Hickman, Joe 12 * Description: Students will visit a music classroom for at least 12 hours. Students will observe and teach lessons. Details will be discussed in class. F PED 386 Healthful Living (001, Elem I 200) Weber, Jordan 30 * Description: Students will be placed with a local K-5 PEH teacher. The experience will progress from observing to assisting to teaching. Details will be discussed in class. Page 15 of 19 Date: 1/19/2016 Course Course Title Instructor Type F PED 415 Adapted Physical Weber, Jordan (200, Activity 201, 202, 203) F SEC Practicum Block II Smith, Robert 320001 Hours Requirements 30 *Description: Students will participate in an on-campus practicum throughout the semester. Details for this field experience will be discussed in class. 25 * Description: The Secondary Block 2 Field Experience is a 10-week experience designed to 1) provide students with tutoring experiences working with individual students and small groups of students and 2) opportunities to observe, assist and teach mini lessons. F SEC 511001 ESL Concepts for Sec Teachers Pappamihiel, N. 10 * Description: Students will spend 10 contact hours with an ESL student (or small group). UNCW students will engage in limited observation with most of the contact hours spent tutoring in areas identified by teachers. * Type of classroom: Mainstream content classroom preferred; ESL classroom acceptable when necessary F SED 250 (001, 002) Intro To Special Education Jones, Allison and Schnorr Goodnight, Crystalyn 6 * Guest Speakers from 4-5 agencies servicing students and adults with disabilities; students will volunteer with AT LEAST TWO agencies outside of class time. F SED 260001 Children & Brophy, Alicia Adolescents w/LD 15 * Type of classroom: Self-contained or inclusion classroom with students with LD * Description: Required activities include observation, reviewing history of the child, working with one student labeled LD, and teaching the child individually or in groups. F SED 352001 Behavioral Development 12 * Type of classroom: Special Education (i.e. resource room or O.C.S. high school classroom) *Description: Students will collect data on classroom and individual student variables regarding social behaviors and develop a behavior change plan for at least two different behaviors. Students may also develop a ten lesson unit on social skills designed for a large group, small group, or individual student and will develop an FBA or BIP plan (real or hypothetical) for a student in the program. Students are encouraged to teach and interact with students as much as possible under teacher supervision. Lanunziata, Louis Page 16 of 19 Date: 1/19/2016 Course Course Title Type F SED Secondary 354001 Transition F SED 362001 Tchg Stu W/Soc,Emtnl,Beh Prob Instructor Hours Requirements Jones, Allison 15 * Type of classroom: High school class focusing on the NC Future Ready Occupational Course of Study (FR-OCS) * Description: The UNCW student will work with a student with a high-incidence disability in the FROCS by becoming familiar with the student’s disability, the student’s strengths and needs, and his or her IEP goals and objectives. Based on this information, the UNCW student will develop and teach a skill that the student needs to be successful in post-secondary education, employment, or independent living. Using the same student data, the UNCW student will also create a transition plan based on the high school student’s interests, preferences, and needs. Lanunziata, Louis 20 * Type of classroom: IBS or BED – elementary, middle, or high school preferred. High school OCS or any other SPED program with students exhibiting behavioral, emotional, or social skill deficits can be used ONLY IF AN IBS/BED PLACEMENT IS NOT AVAILABLE AND if students are allowed to teach five lessons. *Lessons taught: 5 * Description: Students must observe, examine, and participate in a public school setting serving students with behavioral, social, or emotional problems. Students will write a report dealing with behavior change techniques or therapies used in the treatment of the population, program and instructional elements, and a private, confidential notebook including IEP reviews, brief summaries of student backgrounds, record of observations, and record of the UNCW student’s teaching of new behaviors, including at least 5 lesson plans. The first 3 to 5 hours should be observation. Students should volunteer their services to the teacher and should interact and participate in the program as much as possible. UNCW students are at all times under the supervision of the teacher and should closely follow his or her directions. Any and all teachings, interventions, or interactions should be carefully planned in advance with the teacher and approved before implementation by the professor. Students may team teach with the teacher and lead at least five lessons on their own (with permission from the teacher). Page 17 of 19 Date: 1/19/2016 Course Course Title Instructor Type F SED Com & Lang: Dev & Mechling, Linda 367001 Interven Hours Requirements 15 * Description: Students will visit their assigned classroom for one, 1-hour visit each week. Sessions must be on the same day and time each week. Students will select a student from their field placement who primarily uses non-symbolic communication. Students will: a) Observe three different activities with the target student b) Conduct an ABC analysis based on non-symbolic communication c) Write a report Students will develop a communication chart for students in the field placement to include communication targets and objectives. Based on one child, and one communication target from the chart above, students will write an instructional program to teach communication based on the principles of naturalistic teaching. Program will be implemented during field placement hours. F SED 370001 Assessment Proc Special Ed Brophy, Alicia 15 * Classroom Type: Educational Laboratory at UNCW and Good Shepherd Center * Description: Students will spend a maximum of 10 hours with an assigned tutee, observing; administering a formal test battery and informal assessment; preparing and teaching a diagnostic lesson; and writing a letter to the parents of the student being tutored. Additionally, students will spend from 5-6 hours in a community field-experience setting (Good Shepherd Center) working with children and their families. F SED 372001 Program Development In Spec Ed Jones, Allison 15 *Type of classroom: K-12, self-contained, resource, or inclusive setting *Description: The UNCW student will observe teaching in the classroom, conduct an assessment(s), and develop and teach one academic or functional life skills lesson to a small group of students with disabilities. In addition, the UNCW student will write a Clinical Teaching Report based on reflections of his or her teaching experiences. Then, the UNCW student will choose one student from this placement as a case study for the purpose of analyzing assessment data to develop an IEP. F SED 374001 App Behavior Analysis-Tchrs Collins, Terri 20 * Description: Students will observe in a classroom for students with disabilities at the elementary or middle school level (students may be in a general education setting or special education classroom). Students will be required to conduct 8 different types of observations to practice recording student behavior within the educational environment. Students will also record 5 days of student behavior, create and implement a behavior intervention plan, and report the results of the behavior plan. F SED 375001 Collab Strategies Spec Ed Collins, Terri 10 *Description: Students should spend a minimum of 10 hours in a school observing and participating in collaborative team meetings relevant for educators of students with special needs and from diverse cultures. (e.g. RTI meetings, IEP meetings, staff meetings, SPED meetings, staff collaboration, etc.) Page 18 of 19 Date: 1/19/2016 Course Course Title Type F SEDL Functional 365201 Academics Lab F SEDL 369 Tech Math Spec (201, Needs Lab 202) Instructor Hours Requirements Mechling, Linda 35 * Description: Students will complete two, 1-hour visits to their assigned classroom each week. Sessions must be on the same days and times each week. Students will write and implement a minimum of five (5) instructional programs from the following subject areas to teach a student within the lab placement: a) Sight word reading b) Math c) Money d) Writing (fine motor) e) Spelling or general concepts Students will create a multi-media program according to teach one of the above skills. Credit will be given for creating a CD for the classroom teacher and target student to use. Collins, Terri 10 * Type of classroom: K-5 students in the UNCW Ed Lab. * Lessons taught: 10, 1 hour one-on-one sessions in the Ed Lab. * Description: UNCW students will tutor and instruct a student in math in the Ed Lab. Students will use principles of direct instruction to teach skills such as basic facts, place value, counting, problem solving, decimals, fractions, measurement, money, and or time. Students will be required to submit lesson plans based on Common Core Standards prior to each lesson taught. For one of the lessons, UNCW students will be required to incorporate technology as part of the lesson. UNCW students will also be responsible for conducting a curriculum-based measurement project with the identified student as part of data-based instructional decision making. At the end of the semester, the UNCW student will meet with Ed Lab student's parent(s) to discuss the student’s progress. NOTE: Lab hours also include classroom sessions addressing lesson planning, instructional practices, and training in curriculum based measurement. Page 19 of 19