PDS Site Coordinator Meeting Somer Lewis, PDS Director

PDS Site Coordinator
Somer Lewis, PDS Director
910-962-7244 (w)
 Welcome
 Site Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities
 Professional Learning Days
 Internship and Field Experience Requirements
 The Collaborative Portal
 Other Issues and Questions
Office of Teacher
Education and
Ann Potts,
Associate Dean for
Teacher Education and
Experiences Office
Cindy Wiseman,
PET Director
Stephanie Glowa,
Field Experience
Logan Sidbury,
Internship and
Licensure Coordinator
Development System
Somer Lewis,
PDS Director
Education Laboratory
Brian Brinkley,
Ed Lab Director
Becky Walker,
Ed Lab Lecturer
Site Coordinators
 Site Coordinator Agreement and Payment
 Portal, Profile, and W-9 tax forms
 Site Coordinator Roles & Responsibilities
 School-University Liaison
Placements and Professional Growth
 Site Seminar Facilitation and Reporting
 Recommend Partnership Teachers and Hosts for
Field Experiences with Principal Approval
Field Experiences
 Placement Process
 Spring 2016 Dates:
 Field Placements, February 5th (SCs will receive a few
days prior and be directed to make classroom placements
in the Portal)
 Deadline for Initial Contact, February 12th
 Class visits and additional placements forthcoming
 Deadline to Complete Spring Experience, April 20th
 General Expectations (dress code, classroom
interaction, etc.)
 Field Experience Evaluations and Host Certificates
 Fall 2016 Interns, contact in February/March
Internship Requirements
 At least 30 consecutive days of full time teaching
 Coaching Plans (at least 8-10)
 Emphasis on Coaching Process and Feedback
 Coaching Attestation in Portal (April 22nd)
 Early Release Process (April 18th)
 Last day of Internship (April 22nd)
 Site Seminar Reports (April 27th)
 Intervention Form
 Final Evaluations (university supervisor & intern)
Partnership Teachers
 Field Experience Host vs. Internship Partnership
 Partnership Teacher Roles and Responsibilities
 http://www.uncw.edu/ed/pds/orientation.html
 Portal Agreement and Payment
 Process for Recommending New Partnership Teachers
 Partnership Teacher Orientation and Refresher
Workshop Requirements
 Emphasis on Cognitive Coaching
Site Seminars
 Informational/Collaborative site seminars are designed
to share information about school processes, school
culture, and/or general classroom procedures (e.g.
seminars on school procedures and/or policies). If
professional development allows limited time for
discussion and collaboration, it should be considered an
informational site seminar. Discussion should stem from a
common issue and have relevance to all participants. The
focus should be on informing future practice.
 Reflective site seminars are designed expressly for school
personnel and interns to come together to exchange ideas
and discuss professional issues, allowing participants to
practice the collegiality that is implicit in the PDS model. If
the professional development allows time for collaboration
and discussion, then it could be used as a reflective site
Site Seminar Requirements
Program Area
Number of Required Seminars (Each seminar is
approximately 1 hour)
Early Childhood
3-4 (at least two reflective)
Middle Grades
Special Education
4 (at least two reflective)
All Other Program Areas (PE, Music, Interns will follow the seminar schedule of the school at
& Foreign Language)
which they intern (e.g. PE interns in an elementary school
will attend 3-4 site seminars).
*If an intern is the only intern at a school, s/he is not required to attend any site
*The Middle Grades program has suggested the following for their seminars:
one with the principal, one with school counselors, and one with the school
nurse. Middle Grades MATs do not have to participate in site seminars.
Collaborative Portal
 Update Profile Annually
 PDS Partner Tab
 Teacher
 Site Coordinator
 School Planning
 Events
 Feedback
Professional Learning Day and
Partnership Teacher Celebration
 Professional Learning Day March 15th (SEC and MG) and
March 17th (Elementary)
 Spring Site Coordinators and Partnership Teachers
 Building in opportunities for advanced coaching,
partnership teacher conversations, etc.
 8:30 AM-3:00 PM
 Pre-registration generally is emailed about 3-4 weeks in
advance. Teachers will have two weeks to register.
 Interns sub as professional courtesy
 Partnership Teacher Celebration
 Wednesday, April 27th, 5:00-7:00pm, EB 162
Other Items and Questions
 International Experiences
 Other Issues
 Questions
Thank you!
 Thank you for your work with our students!
 PDS Office Contact Information:
Somer Lewis
PDS Director
Candace Blanke
Administrative Associate
PDS Site Coordinators
FROM: Somer Lewis, PDS Director
DATE: January 5, 2015
Site Coordinator Roles, Responsibilities and Stipend for 2015-2016
We are excited to have you as an extended faculty member of the Watson College of Education serving in the
important role of Site Coordinator. At the beginning of each year we want to affirm your participation and
commitment to the role and responsibilities of Site Coordinator. Please review this letter and provide your
signature below as an indicator of your agreement to the payment scale and responsibilities outlined.
Once you have completed this document, please be sure to update your home address under “Update
Profile” in the online Collaborative Portal so that payment can be mailed accordingly.
Site Coordinator Role and Responsibilities
Site Coordinators function as liaisons between the Watson College of Education PDS partnership and the
school site. They are the first line of communication between the PDS partners at the site and the WCE. They
work proactively to promote the benefits of the partnership for all partners and assist in developing the
professional growth of both the student interns and the teachers at their site. They serve as professional role
models by consistently demonstrating excellence in teaching, leadership, and collegiality. The list below
includes an outline of Site Coordinator responsibilities:
Collaborate with their school principals, using the “Criteria for Identifying Partnership Teachers”
found in the Collaborative Portal (under School Planning) to recommend new teachers who are
eligible to host student interns.
Distribute communications and materials connected to the partnership in a timely manner
(Field/Internship placement information, upcoming events, Partnership Teacher Certificates, etc.).
They serve as school-university liaisons and communicate with their school personnel, the WCE
Director of Professional Experiences and Field Experiences Coordinator to make placements at the
school site.
Complete the online 10 hour Cognitive Coaching Module for Partnership Teachers- one time only. An
email will be shared with your login information and directions for accessing the training if you have
not done so.
Attend one face-to-face or online meeting each year (if facilitating placements). The purpose of this
meeting is to discuss yearly program updates, concerns, and other processes associated with your role as
Site Coordinator. A list of meeting dates as well as a registration form can be found using this link to the
PDS website: http://www.uncw.edu/ed/pds/events.html
Plan, structure, and lead site seminars (informational/collaborative & reflective) between and among
student interns, partnership teachers, university supervisors and others involved in the partnership
school efforts. A list of required site seminars for program areas can be found on our
website: http://www.uncw.edu/ed/pds/sitecordinfo.html. A list of recommended topics can be found in
the Collaborative Portal.
Record their school’s participation in the site seminars using an electronic form which can be found in
our Collaborative Portal. Directions for completing the new electronic form are included in the Portal
and will be emailed separately. You can update this form throughout each semester, as seminars
Participate in Professional Learning Days and the Partnership Teacher Celebration during each
semester their school site hosts student interns.
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Site Coordinator Payment Scale
1-4 field experience students
5-9 field experience students
10 -20 field experience students
21 or more field experience students
1 intern
2-3 interns*
4-6 interns*
7-10 interns*
More than 10 interns*
2015-2016 Payment**
*The number of interns includes Foreign Language, Music and Physical Education only if they attend your site
seminars. Any intern(s) who attend their required site seminars with another site coordinator at a different site
should not be counted by you. **Note: Total payment is determined after Field Experience placements
have been made.
Site coordinator payment for interns is dependent upon the completion and submission of the required PDS
Site Seminars Survey form accessed through the Collaborative Portal. Payment will not be made to site
coordinators submitting this form late because the semester budget will be closed and monies will not be
available for late payment. In addition, Site Coordinators must update their home address under “Profile” in
the Collaborative Portal so that payment can be mailed accordingly.
If you have any questions regarding the information above, please do not hesitate to contact the PDS Office using the
contact information below.
Somer Lewis, PDS Director
910-962-7244, lewiss@uncw.edu
Candace Blanke, PDS Administrative Associate
910-962-4173, blankec@uncw.edu
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WCE Categories of Professional Dispositions
1. Commitment to Personal and Professional Qualities
o Integrity (honesty, ethics and character)
o Caring
o Tolerance
o Critical thinking and problem solving
o Creativity and innovation
o Consideration and thoughtfulness
o Language appropriate to context and audience
o Attendance, punctuality and responsiveness
o Professional attire and appearance
2. Commitment as a Learner
o Engages actively in class
o Completes assignments to the best of one’s ability
o Takes responsibility for one’s learning by showing initiative in responding to assignments, projects and class
activities both as a learner and a teacher
o Accepts feedback readily and is receptive to new ideas
o Gives thoughtful consideration to different viewpoints
o Contributes ideas and demonstrates initiative when working in groups and teams, comes to classes and
meetings prepared
o Collaborates with peers, colleagues and other teachers to create a professional learning community
3. Commitment as an Educator to the Success of all Students
o Reflects about one’s own cultural identity and experiences
o Examines and seeks to overcome biases and stereotypes
o Shows respect for and sensitivity to students’ varied perspectives and cultures
o Takes responsibility for all students’ learning and holds high expectations for all students
o Establishes an environment that is inviting, respectful, supportive and inclusive
o Works collaboratively with the families and significant adults in the lives of their students
o Chooses methods and materials that engage students to raise academic achievement of all learners and
strives to eliminate achievement gaps
4. Commitment to Professional Leadership 1
o Involves families and the community in the classroom and the school
o Participates in initiatives to improve public education, including professional associations, community
service, boards, panels, agencies or special projects
o Advocates for positive change in policies and practices affecting student learning and lives
o Seeks solutions to overcome social, political, cultural, economic, physical and cognitive barriers that may
prevent effective family and community involvement in the education of their students
Candidates will show evidence of some aspects of Category 4 during our preparation programs. The intent is to show the
continuum of commitment and professional behaviors that will grow beyond our programs. This category will be assessed by
candidates’ demonstrating their connections across the classroom, school, and community and society.
WCE Professional Dispositions for Teacher Candidates
Over the last several years, state and national organizations have developed new expectations of teachers.
Embedded in the North Carolina and InTASC standards for teachers (and many of the curricular
recommendations from professional associations) are assumptions that teachers are both caring and
competent. From these new expectations the Watson College of Education (WCE) developed
dispositional1 expectations for teachers with four main categories to guide teacher candidate development.
These categories promote a new, broader understanding of teacher professionalism. From personal and
professional qualities, commitment as a learner, to success for all learners to teacher leadership,
professionalism is defined by commitment, responsibility, caring and action on behalf of all students.
The WCE dispositions incorporate the professional standards as described in the Code of Ethics for North
Carolina Educators and the Code of Professional Practice and Conduct for North Carolina Educators.
Students should refer to these Standards for a more detailed description.
Through coursework and field experiences, the teacher candidates in WCE have opportunities to develop
the following dispositions (e.g. reflects about one’s own cultural identity and experiences, takes
responsibility for all students’ learning).
Program Dispositions serve three purposes:
1) inform candidates of dispositional expectations
2) help students identify areas for further development, and
3) assist faculty in candidate assessment
Professional Dispositions: Statement of Responsibility
My signature below verifies that I have read the Watson College of Education Professional Dispositions
and recognize the importance of meeting these expectations. My performance on these dispositions must
meet or exceed program expectations. I understand that failure to demonstrate appropriate dispositions
will result in an intervention plan and/or result in dismissal from the Watson College of Education.
Candidate’s Printed Name
Candidate’s Signature
NCATE’s definition of dispositions: “Professional attitudes, values, and beliefs demonstrated through both verbal
and non-verbal behaviors as educators interact with students, families, colleagues, and communities. These
positive behaviors support student learning and development.”
Failure to meet these terms and conditions may result in termination from the
Watson College of Education internship.
University Supervisor
Partnership Teacher
Teacher Intern
Please forward a copy to the Director of Professional Experiences.
Revised Spring 2013
Directions for Accessing Collaborative Portal
The WCE Collaborative Portal will serve as the “go-to site” to retrieve all information, materials, and tools you will need
to perform tasks efficiently and effectively relating to your PDS role as site coordinator. If you have any questions, please
do not hesitate to contact our office.
Video Tutorials:
WCE Collaborative Portal link:
Steps to access the WCE Collaborative Portal and Update Information:
• Enter your Login information (Use the “Forgot your password or user name” feature if you have misplaced this
information. Note: You will need to enter your professional email to use this feature. Your email in your record
in our WCE Database must match the email that you enter. If you receive a message indicating that it cannot
find a match, please contact Jessica Rivenbark, rivenbarkj@uncw.edu
• Use the Update Profile tab on the Main Menu of the Welcome Screen to update your information.
o Change Profile – name, address, contact information, professional vitae, classroom information (Note:
Please review your previous entries to be sure that you entered your information correctly. On the
Professional Vitae screen, select the level at which you initially (select one) received your teaching
certificate. When done, click “Next” at the bottom of the screen. You must click on “Select” next to each
school affiliation to navigate to the screen that will allow you to enter information about your
classroom. Be sure to select the current term. As you progress down the list of questions, others may
appear based on your previous response.
• When you are done, submit your profile, an email will automatically be generated to you confirming the
completion of the application.
Steps to Access the WCE Collaborative Portal and List of Active Partnership Teachers:
• Follow the steps above to access the WCE Collaborative Portal
• At the Welcome Screen, click on the PDS Partners tab on the Main Menu
• Click on the School Planning tab and select “Display PDS Teachers at School”
• The screen will display list of PDS Teachers at your school
• Follow the instructions provided on the screen to inform us of any changes
Steps to access Site Seminars Survey Form and Information:
• Follow the steps above to access the WCE Collaborative Portal
• Click PDS Partners on the Main Menu
• Click the Site Coordinator tab
• Click Site Seminars. If this is the first time you are accessing the electronic form, you will simply use the
dropdown menus that appear to input the Semester, Organization, etc. If you have already added a site seminar,
you will simply add to the spreadsheet that already appears by clicking the Add button.
Watson College of Education Collaborative Portal
A Guide for Site Coordinators
Home Screen:
• UNCW Contacts
• Quick Links
• Portal News and Updates
Update name, address, and contact info
Please update annually to remain an active Partnership Teacher
View all interns that have been placed with you
View all field experience students that have been placed with you
View Teacher Intern Preparation Materials
Complete your Coaching Plan Attestation Letter at the end of each semester
Complete your site seminar form after each seminar is offered
Coaching Connections newsletter archives
View all interns that have been placed at your school
View all field experience students that have been placed at your school
View all PDS teachers at your school (and make changes for those that have left, retired…etc.)
View any Principal Interns at your school
Submit teacher names interested in hosting interns/field experience students
Criteria for identification of a Partnership Teacher
View all PDS Events you have attended
Submit any thoughts, questions, and feedback
Please let me know if you have any questions about the WCE Portal or its features!
Jessica Rivenbark